Question Paper - Cheppers

[Pages:4]Practice Test Webtest



Question Paper

Time: 25 minutes

? Answer all the questions. ? Write all your answers on the separate answer sheet. ? You must not speak to the other candidates. ? You may use your dictionary throughout this test.

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Euro A1 Webset - Reading - QUESTION PAPER

Task One: Short Texts (5 minutes) ? Questions 1-5

You will see some signs.

? Match 1-5 with the signs A-G. ? There is one example and one extra sign. ? Place a X in the appropriate box on your Answer Sheet.

Example: Waste paper basket here. The correct answer is: B.

1. You find a doctor and medical help here. 2. You can buy cheap things here. 3. Be careful, you will soon get to a bridge. 4. You can't drive fast here in the morning and in the afternoon. 5. Road works ahead.








Euro A1 Webset - Reading - QUESTION PAPER

Task Two: Scan Reading (10 minutes) ? Questions 6-15

You will read the information on five rail tickets. ? Read the list of sentences 6-15. ? Find the information in one of the tickets. ? Place a X in the appropriate box on your Answer Sheet.

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Example: With this ticket you can travel from London to Durham. The correct answer is: D.

Information to Find

With this ticket you can travel...

6 ... as much as you want for a month. 7 ... as much as you want for a day. 8 ... only once. 9 ... first class. 10 ... there and back.


11 ... as much as you want on a Saturday and Sunday.

12 ... on the 29th of January. 13 ... only if you book a seat. 14 ... in some zones only. 15 ... with someone else.





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Euro A1 Webset - Reading - QUESTION PAPER

Task Three: Multiple-Choice Reading (10 minutes) ? Questions 16-20

Read Pam's letter to her penfriend, Joanna. ? Choose the best answers to complete the letter. ? Place a X in the appropriate box on your Answer Sheet.

Dear Joanna,

I would like to send you ...... Example...... . My brother, Tom, took it, who of course ......16...... . As you can see it was ......17...... . We don't like television, and we usually ......18...... together in the livingroom. Sometimes we talk or play games, but yesterday we did different things. My Dad ......19...... on the sofa, and cleaning his camera. He also took some photos later in the evening. Tom and Dad are great photographers. That's their hobby. My younger brother, Peter, is playing with his building blocks He wants to be an architect. You can see my Mom coming in the room. She is a good housewife. In the picture she is bringing ......20...... . for us. Dad likes tea, Tom, Peter and I like orange juice. I love reading as you can see. Yesterday I was reading a book about dogs.

Could you send me photos of your family? Pam

Example: a) a photo of my family The correct answer is: A.

b) a photo of my bedroom c) a photo of our house

16 a) is not in the room 17 a) one o'clock 18 a) hold the time 19 a) is watching 20 a) some drinks

b) is not in the picture b) two o'clock b) spend the time b) is standing b) some snacks

c) is in the picture c) three o'clock c) keep the time c) is sitting c) biscuits



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