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------------+FADE IN:


Aerial view of Columbus west of Scioto river and then slowly pans over rooftops.


Aerial view top of state office building slowly pan over to Nationwide Arena and Huntington Park.


An aerial view of The Ohio State University Oval then slowly panning over to the Ohio State Football Stadium.


Aerial view of Franklin Park and the Conservatory.


Aerial view of the I-71 and I-70 intersection. Then follow the I-70 corridor slowly going over the neighborhoods of the eastside out to Brice road and Scarborough blvd.


SUPER: 1999



The car lot is not busy. 4 or 5 SALESMAN are standing on the sidewalk out front, when a CUSTOMER’S car pulls up in front of them.


JEFFERSON D. THOMAS, a thirty something salesman who looks like a million bucks confidently approaches the tower.

SCOTT JOHNSON. A late twenties sales manager whose 10 percent talent and 90 percent ambition is sitting behind the sales tower with 2 other SALES MANAGERS.


It’s Scotty baby. What up playboy?


What up playboy? What is my star player doing at my tower with no worksheet in hand and no customer at his desk?


Chill baby. Damn! The day is young and remember I got a delivery at 5 and one at 7 baby. Both are already done deals. I got to bounce for now heading to that thing with wifey remember.


Hell no I don’t remember. Just like I don’t remember seeing those two deliveries in the appointment book. Or this thing with wifey either. Oh but I forgot you don’t like to write things in there like everybody else.


See that’s why you get the big bucks baby! You’re right. I can’t be like these other fools. Or my numbers would be like there’s. Then I wouldn’t be your star player dog. Any who, I would love to stay and chat with you gentlemen but if I’m late for this I’ll be late getting back and I know you don’t want that. Peace I’m out!


There is a row of salesman’s cars all very similar but not identical. Behind this row there are several other rows of personal employee cars.

Jeff walks up to a company car a corolla and hops in.


No way can I meet this kid in a generic corolla. I sure hope the owner of the lot down the street hasn’t noticed the vette I got parked over there and ratted me out.

Jeff pulls out the car lot drives two stores down to the strip mall where the Kroger’s is and pulls up to a brand new corvette with no stickers in the window and a dealer tag already on it. He parks the corolla and jumps out looks around and goes over to the corvette and jumps in.


Thank God for sunny days and convertibles.

Jeff pulls a cd out of his suit jacket pops it in the deck. As the record lifetimes start to play out the stereo you see the convertible top start to open as he turns up the stereo and roars off.


I can’t believe this is the same kid who I laughed off just 4 years ago at Yvonne’s Uncle’s funeral. Telling me he was going to be a rapper, and could I help him out. I wish I hadn’t laughed at him so hard but how was I to know this skinny kid would grow up to have so much talent.


A) Jeff pulls out of the strip mall in the suburbs.

B) Enters the freeway and heads toward the city.

C) He pulls into the parking lot of Christopher’s apartment.



The parking lot is not empty and near one of the buildings on the side is a group of several young men teenagers really smoking a blunt. An OLDER MAN walks up to them and CHRISTOPHER J. ROBERTS gives him a nod and then walks around the side of the building with him while the others don’t seem to notice. A few minutes later the man walks out and heads another direction while CHRISTOPHER walks back up to his friends.

CHRISTOPHER J. ROBERTS. Who is a tall very slim typical teenager at first glance. Who we soon will learn is anything but that? A.K.A. SOCRATES


(Says to the boys in the group)

Look at my nugget in this tight ass whip.


Who’s that?


That’s my cousins Dad. Man let me see what this nigga wants.

As Christopher walks up to the car he hears his cd coming out the speakers.


I wondered if you ever listen to that. This ride is retarded. I’m feeling this.


Yeah its sweet isn’t it? I see you hanging out with the fellows you got a second? Can you ride? I want to holler at you about something.


How long we going to be unc? I gotta go to work in about an hour.


It won’t take long you got 15 maybe 20 minutes?


That’s cool. Hold up let me tell these fools I’ll be right back.

Christopher lets his boys know what’s up and then comes back and gets in the car with Jeff.


Yeah so what’s up? Dam mitt this is sweet.

They back out of the parking lot as Jeff turns up Chris’s cd so his boys can hear it. And then head on down the street.


Well you said you wondered if I listened to this yet and I got to tell you this is all I’ve played for the last 3 weeks. I wanted to make sure I didn’t like it just because your my family. And more importantly I wanted to see if I could get tired of hearing it. I do hear 2 main character’s on here is this your whole crew.


Naw there’s really a total of 4 of us who make up 2 separate groups. My groups THE REALLEST EMPIRE and the other group is THE VGODZ.


The music sounds original though are you guys making your own beats?


Naw we use whoever but most of this one was done in MARIO’S studio. Damn unc you sure got a lot of questions for some body who wanted to holler at me. What’s up what’s good with you fam?

As they pull up to the light they notice a couple of GIRLS in the car beside them eye ballin the convertible. Jeff turns up the music. They start to smile and nod there heads to the beat. The light changes and the Girls turn to the right while Jeff and Chris go straight.


You right, well let me tell you what I’m about. You remember when you was small and I was in that Rap group. We did pretty well but we couldn’t get to the next level. You know I never looked at that as I failed or nothing, I just looked at it as a learning experience. So I could use it if I ever met a group that had the potential to go all the way. And after listening to your cd I really think you guys have the potential to be that group. Have you guys ever thought about getting a Manager?


What do we need a manager for we can make our own music. What can a Manager do for us?


That’s a good question. Here’s what I would like to do. Is see if you would go back to your crew and see if we can set up a meeting. That way I can meet them and explain exactly what I think I can do to for you guys. Here’s my numbers, home, cell, and office. You can call me anytime day or night and let me know if and where we can meet. Cool?

There back in front of Chris’s street so Jeff pulls into the apartment and does not say anything else until he parks back in front of Chris’s boys and waits for him to hop out when Chris finally says.


Alright I’ll see if they feeling this. I’m Out.


The house is a single family cape code in a working class neighborhood. Nothing fancy just a nice house in a quiet neighborhood on a tree lined street.

Jeff is pulling up to the house and parks the cars in the driveway but does’nt get out right away. His wife is inside and hears the loud music and comes out front to see what’s going on

YVONNE M. THOMAS thirty something house wife and full time student. She may be small in stature but can hold her own in a house full of men.


(Shaking her head as she comes out the front door)

I thought that was you out here even though I hoped it was just a teenager going by blasting his music. Then I remembered I married the oldest living teenager.


You mean you remembered I’ll never grow old cause this man won’t let me. Baby I just can’t stop listening to this cd.


Where are you coming from you’re home kind of early.


I slipped out of work early. I wanted to catch you before you went to school. I don’t know if you’ll want to here what I got to talk about but I can’t get it out my system.


Well let me see if I can guess. You want a see if you can be a part of Christopher’s group.


How did you know that?


How long I been married to you negro? Plus Shelley called me last week wanting to know why my husband was pulling off with her son and then asking me when did we get a new corvette. All I could tell her was ain’t no telling what that mans up too let alone driving but I hope it’s not what I think it is. But I can already tell by the look on your face. What makes you want to go through this again? Why do you think this will be any different?


I don’t know baby. All I know is this kids different and there music is nothing like I’ve ever heard here in Columbus before. Anyway nothings nothin yet I’m still waiting on Chris to call me back.


The church is packed to the rafters. The PREACHER in the


Is brining the word and is punctuated by AMENS from the congregation and a LADY saying IT”S ALRIGHT at the exact right moments. The PREACHER comes from around the pulpit and walks down the steps into the congregation.


The doors to the church or open as the CHOIR sings and the DEACONS take there place we ask that all movement be limited to those who are seeking Christ.


As the choir stands to sing you see Yvonne is in the alto section.


She stares at him in the tenor section and smiles.


(Whispers the words to her)

Thank you for loving me.


Yvonne wipes a tear of joy from her face.


(Whispers the words to him)

I love you so much.


I know there is someone here today who is sick and tired of being sick and tired. Won’t you come? I know there is someone here today who is sick of struggling. Won’t you come?



You who are weary and heavy laden Oh Come! Come. Oh come!

A YOUNG MAN gets up and comes down to the preacher and gives him a hug while he’s crying. The CONGREGATION starts to clap as another YOUNG MAN leading a LITTLE GIRL down to the preacher next.


(Still singing)

You who are weary and heavy laden Oh Come! Come to him. Come to Him.


Church say amen.




There a group of sales man standing out front in what’s known as a circle jerk- a bunch of salesman just waiting for a customer to pull up- when a customer pulls up. Jeff sees them but recognizes the owner’s son.


(Says to one of the new ROOKIE SALESMAN)

That looks like a good one go get am killer.


Hey thanks man I owe you one.

At this point the rookie goes over to the OWNERS SON sticks his hand out to shake it. But the owner’ son just brushes him off and walks right by him over to Jeff is standing.


Hey Jeff how you doing sir. Where do we get these rookies from?


I don’t know but I couldn’t resist telling him to sell you a car.


I figured as much. Hey rookie you just watch and learn from ole Jeff here. Hey is my Dad in there?


Oh yeah he’s in his office.

PA SYSTEM . Jeff Thomas you have a call on line 101. Jeff Thomas you have a call on line 101


Jeff picks up phone.



Thanks for calling Davison Chevrolet. This is Jeff how may I help you.


(Hysterically laughing)

Damn you sound super white on the phone this is Christos. What’s poppin unc?


That’s my business voice boy. You know a brother got to be bilingual to make it in this man’s world. What up? You get a chance to talk to your crew yet.


That’s why I’m calling can you meet us at the studio Saturday they at least want to hear what you talking about and see what you about. 8pm cool. The address is 145 north high street right across from the city center over the drug store.



I got it. I look forward to meeting every body.



Jeff walks up to the door and hits the buzzer for the studio. Waits then hears the door buzz and voice saying “it’s open third floor door g”. He opens the door and bounces up the stairs.


The interior of this building looks like a homeless shelter the stairs are very steep and the décor looks early 20th century. The sign on the door of 3g says the Beat Lab Studios.Jeff hits another buzzer on the door and hears a hidden intercom click on and say “its open come on in”.


Jeff walks in and can not believe the interior of this place the lounge is very rich almost industrial loft décor with a desk and modernist couch and chairs. On the coffe table are industry publications like Producer magazine, Billboard and Electronic Music.

He sits down and picks up one of the magazines when Chris and MARIO the producer come out of a closed door.


What’s poppin unc? This is Mario. The owner and one of the dopest producers in the city.


(While shaking his hand)

How you doing sir its nice to meet you.

MARIO is an early twenty something producer who is very afro centric.


It’s nice to meet you.


I see you right on time. My peoples are running late but that’s normal for them.


That’s cool. Man after the walk upstairs I did not expect to see the inside looking like this very impressive. This is really nice Mario.


Thank you. A lot of people have that reaction. But in this hood I can’t have the outside tell what’s on the inside. Let me show you the rest of the place.

When they head through the door into the production room once again Jeff is amazed how nice the studio really is.

A door SLAMS OS, then FOOTSTEPS are coming towards them. In walks.

MARK SIMPSON. A young adult who was born in Jamaica who moved here with his parents when he was 2 years old. A.K.A. MR. FRANKLIN.


What’s up bitches? I just talked to that fool Bishop he just got Charles and should be here any minute now.


This is my uncle I was telling you about. This is Mark also known as that nigga they call Mr. Franklin.


It’s a pleasure to meet you. I been listening to your cd Chris gave me and I still can’t believe this sound was born here in Columbus.


Thanks Chris told me you was feeling it.

In walks CHARLES WHITE and RONALD RAINES with a strong smell of weed all around them that you can’t help but notice.

CHARLES WHITE. Early twenties with a very quick wit. Could be a comedian as easily as he could be a rapper. A.K.A. SIR CHARLES

RONALD RAINES. A very tall teenager who looks like he’s already pushing 30 but acts like he’s in junior high. A.K.A. BISHOP BLACK


Told you niggas we would be here. Damn it ain’t even 9 yet why we here so early?


What up Christo, my nigga Mark. What up Mario?


Yo this is my Uncle I was telling ya’ll about. This is Jeff. Hey Unc this is Sir Charles and Bishop Black.


The Vgodz. It’s good to finally meet ya’ll, I won’t take up to much of your time tonight. Do ya’ll mind if we get started.

CU – WALL CLOCK. 9:05 P.M.


CU – WALL CLOCK 11: 30 P.M


Chris, Charles, Mark, and Ronald are sitting on a long sofa with Mario in a chair to the left. Jeff is standing up with a book in his hands.


If you guys would turn to the second to the last page in the folders I gave you. I want you to see the difference of owning your own record label versus waiting to get signed to a major record label. In my opinion the fact I can not be a traditional manager because of the money situation or lack of contacts we have.



I believe the independent route will be the best way to make an immediate impact on the Columbus market and eventually the U.S. market while putting the majority of the profits in your pockets. Well this is all I have for you tonight please don’t make a decision tonight just take the folder with you and let me or my nephew know what you think by next week. Cool.


Hey Unc can I get a ride with you I need to holler at you about a whip.


Sure you ready?


Yeah let’s bounce. Alright then I’ll bark at ya’ll tomorrow.


Jeff and Chris walk up to a different car then the corvette he last seen him in. This time it’s a Toyota land cruiser.


Damn each time I see you. You’re always in a different whip. I thought you said you didn’t have any money.


Just cause I don’t have money there’s no reason I can’t look like money. That’s the first rule of show business fake it till you make it baby. So what’s on your mind. It’s unlocked.

Jeff and Chris both hop in. When Jeff starts the truck the stereo is already playing The Reallest Empire’s cd. Jeff rolls down all the windows at the same time as he opens the sunroof he pulls out the parking lot and slowly drives around to the front of the building where there’s about 10 people waiting on the bus, As they pull up in front of Beat Lab Studios Mark, Charles, and Ronald are walking out and hear there music pounding! They see it’s coming out of the land cruiser. They also see the people at the bus stop are feeling it. This is the first time they have ever seen total strangers reacting to there music.

As the three of them walk up to the land cruiser ONE OF THE GIRLS AT BUS STOP says to SECOND GIRL AT BUS STOP.


Damn that beat is bumpin who is that.


I don’t know it must be new but them nigga’s can flow


What up mommy ya’ll feeling that. This my niggas right here and that’s there new record.


You lying that’s not them. (She then notices Chris and Mark are saying every word right on time. She starts smiling. ) Are you for real that’s them.


Who yaw? Where ya’ll from? Ya’ll from here.


The Reallest Empire. I’m Mr. Franklin this my nigga Socrates.


(while leaning out the window)

What’s poppin baby? Stay tuned you’ll be buying it soon. I’m out lets roll unc.

Jeff hits the horn and the gas as they speed off.


Damn unc did you see that they was feeling it damn!


I’m trying to tell you this ain’t no joke baby.

Chris pull’s a blunt out of his backpack and lights it up and takes a long toke and starts coughing. While he’s coughing he hands the blunt over to Jeff.


Naw I’m straight dog.


What you mean you straight when I was little I used to see all ya’ll smoking weed And getting crushed at our house.


Yeah you right. I used to smoke anything I could put a flame to. By the way we might as well get this out front now. Before you make a decision if you want to work with me or not you need to know I used to be on that shit pretty bad.


What shit you talking bout.


Talking bout that white girl you know the rock man. And it wasn’t no joke to get off it either. In fact it took me a while to figure it out, but I really couldn’t get off it. At least not by myself anyway. I was about to lose my house when I broke down and told my Dad everything. Well kind of everything at least the part about me being behind on my mortgage payments and there was no way I could come up with $2,700.00 dollars to fix it.I couldn’t believe it but he gave me 3 months worth of mortgage payments to get caught up.


That’s what’s up he showed you love.

There turning on to the freeway ramp going under the sign that says I-670 to airport.


Yeah he did. Then the next day I told Yvonne I was going around the corner to get a money order and ran into One of the DOPE BOYS I owed money too. All I owed him was $100.00 dollars I had forgotten about. Since I had the $2,700.00 on me that my Dad had gave me plus $250.00 in my pockect I already had. I said to him my bat man I know you don’t believe it but I straight forgot. Here’s your bread.



The carry out store is all but empty. An elderly LADY and a teenage GIRL are walking down one aisle.


An older MAN is at the register with his back turned restocking the cigarette shelf. He looks over his shoulder when he fills someone looking at him.


How you doing sir I just want –

When Jeff felt the tap on his shoulder he turned around to see who it was and remembered instantly when he seen the DOPE BOY standing behind him.



Wait a minute sir I’ll be right back. What up fam how you been let me holla at you out side for a minute.


(in a low whisper)

Fuck that fam shit bitch you forget me nigga. I’m right behind you.


The parking lot is still empty. Basically the only cars in the lot are Jeff’s 300zx and the DOPE BOYS impala . As soon as they get around to the side of Jeff’s car he reaches in his pockect while saying.


Man I don’t know why you coming at me all hard in shit you know I ain’t never fucked you over no money. I just forgot here’s that dollar so we all good now or what.


Yeah it’s all good. Nothing personal just business fam but you know I got that fire on me.


Naw I’m straight on that. I got to take care of some business today.


Well I tell you what just so you know it’s no hard feeling’s I’m a give you this little sample with my new pager number since you my nigga and all. Hit me later if you feelin me.


All right my nigga good looking out.

Jeff gets in his car and stares at the package while the DOPE BOY goes over to his car and says to the GIRL inside.


Soon as I seen that nigga’s car I knew it was gonna be a good day.


We still going to the mall ain’t we.


You’s a stupid bitch. Hell no I got to go re-up before that nigga calls back.




Man long story short I made it home 3 days later no money left crying and shit how I fucked up. Yvonne had grabed my sons and left me a note saying she’s sick of this shit. She said I only had one chance to see her and to call her at this number. She had said she was sick of me a couple a months before that and had started going to church and praying all the time. All I knew was she was finally off my back and she seemed to put up with my shit better. So I call the number and don’t you know it was this associate pastor dude at her church. He knew who I was since I had been there before but he basically told me if I wanted to save my marriage, and my life and house here’s the only way he knew how.



Damn I know you wasn’t ready for that shit.


You got that right. But when you sitting in a half empty house that you about to lose I had nothing left to do but listen. So after he prayed for me and talked my ear off he told me if I wanted it here’s what he had to offer and he would go to bat for me. And you know what he told me the answer was? I’ll tell you, he said the only one who could save me now was Jesus and if I was ready to surrender to his will here’s what you do.


Jesus. Are you serious man.


Yes I’m serious and by the grace of God I was able to save my marriage. Get off drugs, save my house. Regain the trust of my wife. And get my old self back.



So little brother I ain’t perfect, and I was beyond messed up so I can’t judge anybody else but I’m so straight now on any type of drug or alcohol . Also I wanted to be the one to tell you about my past before you heard it from any one else and before you decided if you want to work with me or not.

There pulling off the freeway going under sign that says Cassidy Ave Airport.


Man that’s heavy but I’m glad you came at me correct. You know The way I growed up with my side of the family I can’t stand that crack shit or understand how ya’ll ever got started on that shit. I’ve never even sold that shit.


Word I thought for sure you did. You always have the latest gear on and I know this studio time ain’t free. And I know your Moms don’t work.


Yeah but what you don’t know is I made $40,000.00 on my job last year. But I do sell weed I just don’t fuck with that white girl. I’m strictly gateway.


$40,000.00 grand how the hell you make 40k you ain’t even 18 yet. Or are you?


I just turned 19 last month. And where I work at they pay a bunch of kids $8.00 an hour just for answering some phone calls people make to cancel this charge my company put on there credit card’s with a number to call.



But they said if you talk them in to keeping the service you get bonuses. So I started talking people in to keeping them shits. I’m a hustler baby.


Damn, by the way what did you want to talk about.


Oh yeah, I almost forgot I need a car but I ain’t got no credit yet and I don’t want a punk ass buy here pay here car. My mom said if you want to be my manager see if he can get you a car loan since every body else keeps telling you it can’t be done.


You got pay stubs to prove that $40,000 grand.


Hell yeah, my Mom’s said I need to always save my paystubs since I’m so young.


Shoot then lets go get you a car. I’ll call you first thing tomorrow before I go to work. I’m out.


Chris pulls up to his parking lot in a new car even though it’s a year old it might as well be brand new to him. He gets out the car and goes around to the rear of his apartment like he’s going in the back but he walks past his apartment and goes over to the next building and taps on the back window of NIKKIE’S apartment. After tapping on it three more times NIKKIE finally comes to the window. And lifts the window up and says.

NICOLE AVERY. A 27 year old who room mates with her mother. She could pass for a cheerleader in high school. Although she’s a single Mother with a seven year old son and is dating Christopher.


You lucky I’m even talking to you. I only seen you once since you got that car.


All baby let me jump in there you know I had to work all week. Why you so loud you trying to wake up your mom and little man. Where’s her car at?


They left about ten o’clock she said she felt like seeing her dad for the weekend and wanted me and Deon to go. I don’t know why I stayed here you know how mad I would be if you spent all weekend in that damned studio.


You mean you know how mad you would be if I didn’t give you some of this good……….now take them clothes off and come over here girl.


The scene in front of this restaurant is a typical busy Saturday. There’s 3 or 4 older men Sitting at a table out front just watching the hood. There’s a lot of traffic going up and down the street.

There’s a barber shop next door and a used car lot across the street. The restaurant is owned by Mark’s parents who are native Jamaicans. The name of the restaurant (Jake Dutchie is Jamaican slang for great food). Chris pulls up in his new car which looks different from the last scene we seen it in. It now has tinted windows and chrome wheels on it. He jumps out and heads into the restaurant.


The restaurant is busy with take out orders. There are 4 booths along both walls that sit 4 people each. There are 3 tables down the center aisles and they are all full. Charles, Mark and Ronald are sitting at a booth already eating waiting on Chris.


(While sliding into the booth)

Man I hope your moms learned how to cook I’m hungry than a mother fucker.


I know you aren’t talking shit after eating your moms food. Hey ya’ll I was over there the other day and how the fuck you going burn roman noodles. No wonder you so bony nigga.


That’s fucked up Crisco how she burn roman noodles.

A WAITRESS walks up to take Chris’s order.


How you doing today baby? You ready to Order yet?


I’m okay. Yes. Can I have some curry goat with rice and vegetables? And make sure Mark’s Mom’s ain’t cooking today. Naw I’m just bullshitting tell Mrs Simpson I said Hi.


What would you like to drink?


Can I get a red stripe with that.


Can I get an I.D. with that.


Damn you ain’t trying to get a tip today are you mommie.


That’s what I thought. I’ll be right back with an Ice tea for you baby.

When she turns to walk away all four of them pause to watch the backside of her. But Ronald leans so far out the booth to see, that he almost falls out. He catches his self but with every one laughing The Waitress turns around while laughing and just shakes her head.


Damn can’t a nigga just pick up his napkin with out all the chuckling ass bitches.


The way you eye jerkin that you gwan need that napkin for cleaning something more than your hands.


You nigga’s is silly I thought we was here to talk about this management nigga with all the charts and shit your uncle’s kind of a square dude. Ain’t he dawg. I can’t believe you said he used to be a smoker. Let alone had a rap group. That’s hilarious.


I ain’t gonna lie that is a square mother fucker. But I like that about him. And did ya’ll read any of the shit he gave us he sounds like he wants to turn us into a record label or something.


Naw I ain’t read none of that shit. But he does seem like he really wants to be in your corner Chris. I just know my uncle has already managed real groups that already made it so I’m going with him no matter what ya’ll do.


I’m with my partner on that but other than that he seems like he is willing to put in work. I did read all that shit and dude is on point but you right though Mark he sounds more like he wants to start a record label or something.


We’ll I didn’t read shit. But I been spending some more time with him just to see where his heads at and all he talks about is our music and what us guys are going be and also every body I know said no way can I get a car in my name and he made it happen. And most of my Aunts and Uncle’s went to school with him and said this nigga was always one of the squarest smartest dudes they know.


Here’s what I say we do. I feel two heads are better than one. Who else do we know that is business minded but cool. Like that dude you work with Chris the one who’s got the fat ass house you know the one who be buying all the weed.


Ah you talking about KENNY. You right that is one all about business dude and he did get me right on how to make money on my job. All them other niggas who didn’t listen to him been fired. Like your dumb ass Ronald -

The waitress leans over Chris to sit his food at the table.



And just the other day he was asking me did I ever think about getting serious with my music and shit.


Good so let’s set up another meeting next Saturday if Ken is interested with your uncle and go from there. Cool bet!



Chris is walking down the aisle between a row of cubicles. He is on his way to see KENNETH JOHNSON a supervisor at his job who is very meticulous in his attire and his opinions.


Kenny is at his desk on the phone when Chris knocks at his door. He looks up and waves him in and points at the chair for him to take a seat.


What’s going on Chris? You look kind of serious.


It’s all good one day at a time you already know how I roll. I just wanted to holler at you about a business situation you might be interested in.


A business situation is it anything here at work?


Naw nothing like that it’s all good. You know how you was asking me did I ever think about taking my music career serious and all. Well my uncle approached me the other day about being my crews manager. And we decided we need another opinion from another established business minded individual such as your self.


Let me get this right you just want me to meet this dude and see what I think about him? I got that right.


No not exactly. What I’m saying is I want you to meet him to see what you think and I’m also asking if you, well would you be interested in being a co-manager with him.


Oh hmmmmm well, that is more serious. Man I’d have to really think about that.

A Young Lady walks up to the office door and is about to knock when Kenny gives her a mean look and shoos her off.


That’s would I thought you would say. So before you say anything else today is Monday can you meet with us this Saturday for a meeting with my uncle and the rest of our group and at least here his presentations before you decide. Can you at least give me that then I’ll know if I should be serious about this dude cause I’m going get serious about my music.


You know what since I like your style I can give you that much but no promises or anymore talk on it until I meet your Uncle cool.




Jeff is standing giving a brief recap of the last time he met with Chris and his crew. Kenny has been sitting quietly while looking through the folder Jeff had prepared for him. Mario is not in the room since he is not a part of the groups he has a session going on in the production room with another group.


Let me say this before we finish. When Chris first called me and told me how you guys felt about not having one manager but two I wasn’t sure if that’s something I wanted to do so I did some personal inventory on that.



What I came up with is a list of traits I have that I think will help get you guys in a position to be paid artist. Then I realized some of the things I lack that’s needed to get you in position to be a paid artist. So it really makes more sense to have two on the business side just like in your music you have two personalities that make your sound so tight. Do you guys need time to make a decision or what do you think.


I already know what Chris is going do so I’ll tell you right now if you and Kenny can work together I’m feelin you.


I’m feeling that to my nigga. But if you need to think Kenny that’s cool but I’m ready to get this paper with my Unc.


I came here to night out of respect for Chris since I gave him my word. But at first I thought there was no way I can be involved in some bullshit. Now this meeting has blown all those thoughts away. Let’s get this going man I’m in. What’s the next step.


(As he’s reaching in his brief case)

I’m glad you asked.

Jeff hands every one in the room a mock up of there own cd already in a jewel case with a cover that looks kind of rough but still official. Mark looks at his


and starts to smile. Jeff then hands each one of them a flyer that he has made up with the announcement of THE REALLEST RECORDS presents Record release party summer jam with Columbus’ own THE REALLEST EMPIRE and special Guest the VGODZ. Chris looks at the


In his hands and has a sort of puzzled look on his face.


As you can see there’s no date on the flyer yet but we should be able to get ready to announce this within the next month so we’ll have a month to advertise before June so we can launch the label by the summer.


Hold up Unc doesn’t all this cost money and where is it coming from.


That’s the question of the night right there. When, where, and how’s the money for all this going come from.


(With a big smile on his face)

From the music baby, from the music………………


A) Jeff opening up a box of cd’s and passing them out to Chris, Mark, and Kenny.

B) Chris selling cd’s out his trunk in front of the liquor store.

C) Jeff selling a cd to a family that just bought a car from him.

D) Mark behind the counter at his family’s restaurant bending down to pull a cd out of the glass case for a CUSTOMER’s TEENAGE DAUGHTER.

E) Jeff and Chris passing out flyers in front of a nightclub.

F) Jeff passing out whole boxes of cd’s at a time to Chris, Mark, and Kenny.



There’s a line of people out front when Chris and Mark pull up. Jeff and Kenny are at the front door looking out the door. Charles and Ronald are right behind Chris and Mark and can’t believe there are no spots out front. Jeff walks out front and waves them around back.


I got two spots reserved for ya’ll out back.


Kenny opens up the back door and watches the boys pull up.


The Reallest Records is live and mother fucking in effect. Did ya’ll see that crowd out front.


Hell yeah it’s going down. It looks like club ice or something how did we get this kind of crowd in Columbus on a Tuesday.


I ain’t going lie ya’ll promoted the shit out of this shit. And my uncle ain’t doing shit. In fact he swore we couldn’t get it poppin like this in Columbus. He called me the other day saying he hearing about this shit in Miami with all the internet buzz dammit ya’ll doing it.

Jeff is walkin out the back door right as Charles was speaking.


What’s this ya’ll crap VGODZ is Reallest records too. Are we family are what?


Hey you know what bump your uncle man. These nigga’s right here Jeff and Kenny these nigga’s are my manager.


You right my nigga. Seeing is believing and you nigga’s got me believing. Where do we sign at?


Ain’t nothing to sign. Chris and Mark already put ya’lls name on the paper work they knew you would wake up sooner or later. Ya’ll need to kill on this show tonight though. It’s showtime.


The club is packed. Security is on point. DJ ALL THAT has the crowd rocking the bar is stacked and the dance floor is crowded. A few of columbus’s own celebrities are in the house MIX MASTER ICE, TASH FROM THE ALCOHOLICS, BIZZY BONE, and a well started rumor by Jeff and Kenny has a lot of people believing even BOW WOW is supposed to come through. Jeff walks on the stage as the lights dim on the dance floor. And a spotlight highlights his face at the microphone.


Ladies and gentleman the moment you have waited for. The Reallest Records presents Columbus’s own. The Reallest Empire featuring Socrates and Mr. Franklin. With special guest The Vgodz featuring Sir Charles and Bishop Black.

The crowd roars as Socrates and Mr Franklin come out with the song Rock This blasting.



This house is a half double with one side of the house boarded up in fact every other house in this neighborhood is boarded up or has broke out widows. The street is busy with kids playing even though most of the lawns are more dirt than grass. Most of the adults on the street are sitting on porches and it almost looks like a party if it wasn’t 1pm in the afternoon. There is a lot of graffiti on any thing that is over 2 feet tall. Jeff comes around the corner in a convertible bmw 325i with his music bumpin the new record “MY NIGGA” by the vgodz off there soon to be released first cd.

As he pulls up to the curb RICHARD WASHINGTON is coming out the house while lighting a blunt. There’s no patio furniture on the porch but everything is made out of milk crates except for the sofa that is pretty worn.

RICHARD WASHINGTON a single dad and childhood friend of Jeff Thomas who is raising two girls. Very hood even though he grew up in suburbs. A.K.A. DJ ALL THAT.


My Nigga that show was off the hook what are you doing here I thought you said you had to work in the morning.


I am at work. I told my boss I had to go show this car to a client. I didn’t tell him you was the client who ain’t buying shit. That motherfucker’s sweet ain’t it.


Whew ……… yes it is so what’s up what’s next for ya’ll nigga’s.


That’s why I’m here I need to get some shows lined up but it can’t be like last night. I mean that crowd was sweet but 80% of it was north end and a lot of that was family and friends I need to see what it do on the east side. What’s up with the little nig’s you working with.


Soon as I finish this spliff we can go up and listen to some of my new shit. You still not smoking.


Yeah I’m still holding on. But I ain’t going lie it ain’t going be easy if the only place I can get us booked is in bars and clubs. Last night was the first time in a long time I thought about getting a little shot just because the whole scene had a nigga reminiscing of when we was rocking the Mike you feel me.


For real though Yvonne hollered at me last night that she was a little worried about that her self. Each time you went to the bar I was wondering if that’s pop or not.


See that’s messed up she swears she knows when I’m going mess up before I do. That’s just some bullshit though.


That ain’t bullshit nigga you lucky she stayed wit your stank ass. Most women wouldn’t put up with half the shit you put her through. So she got a right to wonder hell you ain’t even been clean but barely a year. Anyway fuck all that. I’m doing a showcase of my groups at the Can I Bar in 3 weeks you want me to put you on or what.


I’m saying yes. But you know how I do it let me run it by them first. Let me go hear them beats man I gotta get my ass back to work.


Ken is still at his office and is pumped from the night before he see’s Chris walking up and rushes the client off the phone. Chris walks in and drops down on one of the chairs.


I got to tell you man that was I don’t know what to say I knew it was going be big but we promoted that like people in Columbus ain’t use to seeing it.


Man was you feeling that. How’d I do. I mean how’d we do? I mean how’d it look nigga damn?


How’d it look? It looked like real stars we’re on the stage to me. I can really see this happening now. I mean I sorta believed it before. But your uncle has a passion I just ain’t used to matching. He’s so in your corner he pumps me up. Then to actually see it that was real man.

Christopher’s phone rings he lifts his finger up to Kenny as he answers it.


Jefferson T. What’s poppin Unc.




What up Christo where you at.


Sitting here with Kenny going over the show from last night just getting his perspective.


Good that saves me a second call. I was going call him next. The show was tight but we gotta keep it moving. You ready for your next show. DJ All That said he’ll slide you guys in his showcase 3 weeks from friday as special guest you guys cool with that.


Hell yeah but let me run it by Mark and the rest of them nigga’s and I’ll hit you back a.s.a.p. cool.

PA SYSTEM Jeff Thomas call Scott at line 102. Jeff Thomas call Scot at line 102.


Cool bet tell Kenny I’ll hit him later with the details. I’m out I just got paged by this fool here at work. I’ll hit you later.



Scott is at his desk on the phone when he see Jeff walking towards his office. As he’s hanging up the phone he waves at Jeff to come on in.


Man this is messed up close that door for me please.

Jeff gets up goes over the door shuts it and as he’s about to sit down.


What’s with all the drama this feels like I’m not going like to this conversation. What’s on your mind boss.


Man I’ve done all I can do the G.M. wants to let you go and told me to handle it today or I can go with you. I told you man you got to get focused either sell cars or be a music producer or whatever the fuck it is you been doing. Your numbers keep sliding and there saying you’re more interested in selling cds instead of cars.


Hold up dawg. You ain’t got to go through all this. I ain’t trippin but I ain’t mad at you either. Truth be told I need the money but I damn sure don’t need this job I can get a job anywhere. Maybe this a blessing just send me my check and I’m ghost.


Yvonne is at the table doing home work.

A key rattles at the DOOR(OS) she hears FOOTSTEPS coming towards her.


Hey baby it’s just me.


Hey baby what are you doing here you just left a couple of hours ago. What’s wrong.

Jeff walks into the dining room and sits at the table with Yvonne.


I’m glad you’re sitting down I just got fired.

Yvonne just sits her pencil down looks out the window first. While Jeff is just sitting there not saying anything waiting for her to speak. To his surprise she takes hold of his hand.


You know as well as I do if you had your way you would have quit that job a long time ago. Now don’t get me wrong we do need some income and we’re going to need it quick. I want and need you to be happy though. So I love you and support you no matter what you decide to do and I also feel like this time with your music it is different. So you need to do this and do it right.



I got your back and I’m in your corner. With our savings you can I mean we can give it our all for you to make it happen.


(While standing up and holding Yvonne)

I don’t know what I did to deserve you but damn I love you so much. We gone be alright baby, we going be all right.


Christopher and Nikky are siting on the steps out front with Chris sitting in between Nikky’s legs while she braids his hair.


Why you so quiet tonite?


I’m just thinking about all that’s going on right now it seems like the stakes are getting higher. My uncle called just before you came over and told me he got fired today.


He got fired? Is it because all the time he puts on your music.


I know it is but this nigga acts like it was the best thing that could of happened to him. Man It seems like he believe’s in this more than my niggas do. And these the niggas who I been making music with all this time. All I know is I got to go hard right now. I had people say they in my corner before but not like this nigga he don’t say it he just does it. You know all the cd’s we selling.


Yeah I still don’t know how ya’ll pay for that with the little bit of money ya’ll been puttin up.


That’s just it Unc makes those cd’s his self on his computer he says as long as we’re getting the sound on the street it’s better for word of mouth, and since we can’t afford advertising and a street team this gets are sound out there and are buzz up. I mean nigga’s is starting to call me asking how did We get signed and can we put them on like they thinking we some big label or something all ready.


Already, well how many cd’s have ya’ll sold you only been selling them a couple of months now haven’t you.


That’s what I’m telling you Jeff said we almost at 3000 cd’s sold already. Can you believe that.


Damn that’s really good I know my girl was saying the other day that Chris and them are doing it but I had no idea. Well I kind of think I got some good news too for you.


What’s that baby?


I hope you think it’s good news I’m pregnant.


(Chris stands up and turns around)

What you mean you hope I think it’s good. That’s the best thing I ever heard in my life. You know that means we got to get a place together now I got to be with my kids I can’t be no sorry ass nigga.


For real are you for real. You ain’t even going think about it.


What’s there to think about you carrying my seed mommy I love you boo. I’m a get with my Uncle and see if he’ll help me find a place and we can do this now. Your Moms can stay here so she’s straight. But me, you and Deon we got to get our own shit.


All the cars are out front and Chris pulls up and notices on the street is


And thinks to himself that’s a good thing to see these guys together on there own. Chris walks up to the front door and looks in through the screen door and yells.


Hey any body home?


Hey baby come on in. Jeff’s up stairs with Kenny you can go on up.

Chris comes in and walks up the stairs to Jeff’s office and looks at the new sign on the door


He stares at the sign and starts to smile when the door opens.


What up duck? Well what do you think?


That’s hard as hell. I’m feeling that. What up Mr. Johnson.


Just going over some things and chillin nothing serious. Whats up with you are you guys going be ready for that show it’s only 3 weeks away.


No doubt no doubt I’m going slice it. I’m glad ya’ll both together though. Nikky’s pregnant man I’m going be a father.


That’s awesome congratulations.


Pregnant whew! That’s kind of big you ready for that what you going do with your music man that’s serious.


What you mean what am I going do. I’m a handle my business that’s what I’m going do. As far as the music go I’m ready to go harder than ever shit that’s what I’m a do.


That’s my boy good answer you’re going be a helluva a Dad I know it man I could see the way you handle stuff at your house since you was 12 you’ll be fine. You and Nikky going get married.


Slow down unc. Take it easy I ain’t ready for all that I mean I love her and that’s why I came over can you help me find an apartment.


See that’s all I was saying. I know you’ll handle your business I’m just saying when you in a family, man women start tripping and shit.


Sure I can help but not to day. In the mean time start thinking house instead of apartment.


He’s right on that. With a house instead of you having to pay taxes like you did this year. Next year with a kid and a house in your name you’ll be getting back a fat refund check instead.


Not if I have any thing to do with it. I want to see this music blow up so much, that you make so much money you still got to pay taxes. But you’ll be able to afford it.


Okay I’ll see you tomorrow than I got to bounce. I’m getting with Mark and the Vgodz to hit the studio.


Mario is at the mix board and the music is pounding. Chris is in the booth laying down vocals for “I’m in it for life”

Mark walks in and Mario doesn’t even here him. Chris see him though but keeps a straight face Mark takes off his back pack and pulls his gun out then sticks it to the back of Mario’s head.


Damn nigga you wouldn’t know what hit you until you woke up in heaven I was able to sneak up and put my chrome on you and you ain’t here shit. You easy pickins cuz you getting soft.


I guess so Chris ain’t give me no warning either you got me man you got me. Now put that thing away.


Charles just called me. He said dumb ass Ronald went to jail this morning.

Chris was walking out the booth right when Mark was saying that.


Damn that’s messed up what happened. You know that nigga be doing some grimy shit. Was he on that carryout store stick up kid shit.


Naw it’s way worse than that. Charles said he was robbing banks and some one seen him on the news and snitched him out. His Moms thinks it was his Uncle who lives with them cause all of sudden he got money. Either that or he was helping him with the robberies.


She’s sure right about that. His uncle is a broke ass nigga. So damn what’s Charles going do does that mean the Vgodz are through.


He don’t even know yet he said give him a call later. What ya’ll get done so far you finish that solo joint yet.


We just finished it check this out.


The Thomas family reunion is in full swing there is at least 200 people there.


A) A bunch of kids playing football.

B) Some young adults playing band mitten

C) 3 middle aged men having a grill off.

D) 4 senior ladies in rocking chairs talking.

E) A cabin shelter with picnic tables of families eating.


At one of the long picnic tables we have Jeff and Yvonne with his very conservative father ROBERT THOMAS and his stepmother CATHERINE THOMAS who is only 5 years older Than Jeff. It’s obvious there not only rich but wealthy. Also at the table is Jeff’s AUNT’S, UNCLE’S, and COUSINS who are all either doctors, lawyers, elected officials or college professor’s.


So Yvonne, Jeff was telling me you’ll be graduating next month. What are you getting your bachelors in again?


Social work and actually it’s my associate’s degree. I’m so excited that all my credits will transfer to Capital university. And with that program I can get my Bachelors and Masters in the next 2 years.


Oh really. Well that associates is still better than the degree Jeff received oh wait a minute that’s right you dropped out and never went back to finish school right son.




Naw its all good Catherine. I’m through worrying about Pops and what he thinks. As long my wife is happy it’s all good.

Every body at the table went silent during this exchange then breathed a sigh of relief when Jeff laughed it off.


So Jeff how are things going over at Chevrolet I figured you would own that dealership by now.


Things are going great over at the dealership although I don’t own it yet. As a matter of fact they actually fired me just last week.

Robert drops his fork and once again the table goes quiet.


You have got to be kidding me. You just lost another job. Well I guess you’ll be calling soon enough for another hand out I bet you’ll give a damn what I think then.


Robert! That’s enough out of you.


I’m sorry to hear that so what are your plans now?


Well that’s the good news. I consider loosing that job a blessing in disguise. I actually started managing two rap groups one is my nephew on Yvonne’s side and his partner. I know it sounds crazy but if you here these guys you’ll see what I mean.

Now Catherine drops her fork and Robert just gets up and leaves the table. While the rest of the family well some start laughing, some just shake there heads.


Jeff is leaning on his old buick lesabre while Chris is leaning on his new car.


Damn where the hell is Mark at.


Relax Unc he’ll be here. He just called and said he was turning on Cleveland ave at Hudson.

Right then they hear some one bangin one of the realest records cd’s and see Mark coming around the corner in a


Mark pulls up behind them and jumps out.


Man that whip is nasty.


Now you see why I was running late my Moms got me and my brother new TL’s for his birthday. Ain’t that some shit? Ya’ll niggas ready?


Yeah nigga we waiting on you. That whip is tight though. What color is baby bro’s.


You know how Mom is. She got us the same color so it would’nt be no shit. We following each other I got some other shit to do after this.


Cool just follow me I’m getting on 71 at 11th ave.

They all get in there cars and back out the lot with Mark behind Jeff and Chris behind Mark.


A) The 3 cars pull on to Cleveland Avenue.

B) The 3 cars enter the freeway at 11th Avenue and I- 71.

C) JEFF looks in rearview mirror and sees them pull over.



While Jeff is looking at them in the mirror wondering why have they stopped. He hears his



Jeff answers his phone.

JEFF Mark what the hell are ya’ll stopping for.

MARK Man where the fuck are we going?

JEFF DJ All THAT’s club on Main St. and Lilley Ave. Whats up.

MARK All hell no you got us going on the eastside and I got all this red on. You didn’t tell us that shit. I thought Chris said this shit was at THE GROOVE SHACK. Hell I didn’t know about all this.

JEFF Hell man just pull over at spring street I’ll meet ya’ll at that Cadillac dealer right off the freeway.

MARK Cool let me call Chris.


Jeff, Chris and Mark all pull up and jump out there cars.

CHRIS Damn unc you didn’t tell me where this spot was at.

JEFF I told you it was at the Can I BAR. I know I didn’t say it was at the GROOVE SHACK. What’s the big deal?

MARK The big deal is we’re north side nigga’s and you got us going on the east side dressed like north side niggas.

JEFF Damn man you got a remember I’m 20 years older than ya’ll. We didn’t have to worry about that kind of stuff. We just wanted to party and go where ever the pussy was. Damn it let me call Richard’s ass.

Jeff dials DJ ALL THAT’S number.


Jeff is in the parking lot while DJ ALL THAT is at the turntables working.

DJ ALL THAT What up nigga?

JEFF It’s all good how much time I got before we on.

DJ ALL THAT You got time. I don’t need ya’ll for about an hour.


JEFF Sweet we’ll be there.

Jeff hangs up the phone.

JEFF It’s all good lets go change we got an hour. In the future we represent one color that’s green. We got to sell eastside, north side, south side, and the Westside it’s Reallest records world wide baby. You feel me.


This place is nothing like Skully’s night club. The BAR is full with an older serious drinking crowd. But the DANCE FLOOR is mostly women but they look more like STRIPPERS and HOES there’s a few obvious pimps standing around trying to get chose and most of the east side boys are at the POOL TABLE in the back shooting dice.

Jeff walks in with Chris and Mark and heads straight for the dj booth.

JEFF What up my nigga I see you got um about to strip out there on the dance floor.

DJ ALL THAT East side baby these nigga’s out here ain’t for all that dancing just the bitches be dancing. I aint mad at um either long as they ain’t shooting. What up Socrates, I see ya, Mr Franklin in this bitch. Ya’ll ready to do this.

MARK No doubt no doubt good looking out Rich.

CHRIS Yeah good looking out Rich. It’s cool if I sell cd’s ain’t it.

DJ ALL THAT That’s what up. I wish I had a nigga like you on my team these niggas sell dope all day and act like they can’t sell there own music. That’s why you going make it little homie. I’m a put 2 acts on before ya’ll, so you got time.

Chris hit the crowd and starts sellin. While Mark posted up on the wall.


Jeff walked out back to the patio. He didn’t know there was another bar out here with it’s own crowd. As soon as he sat down the BARTENDER was on him.

BARTENDER What will it be Sir. There’s a special on grey goose tonight. It’s 2 shots for the price of one.

JEFF (VO) Damn that was my drink too. Lord why is no one out here but me.

JEFF I’ll just have a 7up and grapefruit for now.

While the bartender turns around to get his drink Chris comes out.

CHRIS You alright unc you ain’t sneak out here to tap a blunt did ya.

The BARTENDER sits down his drink.

BARTENDER One grapefruit and 7up one dollar Sir.

JEFF Naw dawg but I ain’t going lie. I do miss some things. I tell you what when you get signed that’s the day will smoke a blunt together. Cool.

CHRIS I hear ya man Rich said he’s starting the show after this record I just came out to let you know we got about 20 minutes. I’m going back in.

Chris heads back in as Jeff watches the door close behind him.

BARTENDER Will that be all Sir.

JEFF You know what, let me get one of those grey goose specials what the hell.


When Jeff finished the drink and walked back in Chris and Mark had just walked on stage.

DJ ALL THAT I need ya’ll to show some love for this next act. These my nigga’s from the newest label in town THE REALLEST RECORDS. Coming to the stage The Reallest Empire.

The beat started out nice and THE PEOPLE at the bar started nodding there HEADS. From there it went down hill. Chris’s Mike sounded horrible and Mark forgot his lines and tried to freestyle but ended up talking shit to SEVERAL LADIES in the audience. When Chris switched Mikes he could have got it back but he turned his back on the crowd so only DJ ALL THAT could see him.

LADY IN CROWD This some bullshit who the fuck are these niggas.

2 LADY I don’t know but they need to hurry up and get them off the stage I came to see them Lincoln park boys.

Finally the song ended and Chris and Mark left as fast as possible.

DJ ALL THAT Well now will see what they’re made of. If they wanna make it they should be willing to put in work on there stage show now.

JEFF This about what I expected but I seen some good things along with the bad to. Hey man this needed to happen so I’ll holla at you before the next show. I appreciate it. I’m out.

CU – CLOCK 11:30 PM


Yvonne is asleep in the bed. Jeff tiptoes in. He looks at the Clock

CU - CLOCK 3:00 AM

Shakes his head and then slips in the bed grateful he didn’t wake her up. He glances over his shoulder and takes a look at her again then closes his eyes and breathes a sigh of relief and smiles.


Yvonne’s eyes open as a tear rolls down her face.


Yvonne is at the stove cooking breakfast when Jeff walks in and gives her a kiss.

JEFF Good morning baby you was out like a light when I came in. What time did you go to bed.

YVONNE I don’t know how did it go? What time did you get in?

JEFF It could have went better as far as the performance went but Chris did sell a lot of cd’s so some one on the east side will here us and that’s really all I wanted next up the Westside. Damn that coffee smells good.

Jeff pours a cup of coffee and sits down at the table.

YVONNE So what time did you get in?

JEFF Man I don’t know around 12:30 or one maybe 2 o’clock I mean what’s up. Why do I feel like you drilling me damn what’s up?

YVONNE I’m just wondering what’s up with you. How are you handling going in all these bars. You’ve come a long way and I just want to make sure you’re ok. I just hope if you’re starting to get feelings you’ll let me know.

Jeff walks over to Yvonne at the stove and puts his arms around her.

JEFF I will baby don’t worry I’m okay.



Chris walks into the LOAN OFFICER’S office and is invited to take a seat.

LOAN OFFICER Hello Mr. Roberts thanks for coming in we have some good news for you.

CHRIS I like the sound of this already.

LOAN OFFICER Please have a seat can I get you anything to drink, I believe there’s a fresh pot of coffee in the break room.

CHRIS No thanks. Actually I just want to here what you came up with since you got my hopes all up.

Chris leans forward to look at the paperwork on her desk.

LOAN OFFICER Well let me tell you what I came up with. You have done very well with your first loan and are eligible to refinance your car at a much lower rate. However the reason I wanted to tell you this in person is, I would like to give you a preapproved voucher to consider a mortgage instead of looking for your first apartment I wanted to explain the advantages of owning instead of renting. Congratulations you’re okayed for up to a $90,000.00 home.

CHRIS Wow well lets do this than before ya’ll wake up. Whats the next step.


Chris pulls in the drive way jumps out the car and runs to the door knocks and hears Jeff yell down.

JEFF Come on in I’m upstairs.

Chris runs up stairs to the office.

CHRIS Whats poppin unc you was right I’m buying a house. And guess where its at.

JEFF Congrats that’s what’s up. Where you at.

CHRIS You know that house 3 doors down that was for sale.

JEFF You lying that’s you. That’s perfect have you talked to a bank yet.

CHRIS Nigga have I talked to a bank I was preapproved before I looked I’m moving in Saturday its done.

JEFF That’s how you do it boy don’t talk about it be about it. Shoot we neighbors damn I’m so proud wait until Yvonne hears this I know your Moms can’t believe it.

CHRIS You got that right but she believed it when I pulled up with her and let her stick the key in the door she’s proud of me. Man I got to tell you Unc I just don’t know how to thank you man, I just really appreciate all you do man.

Right then Christopher’s phone rings.

CHRIS Hold up unc it’s Marks ass. What up Nigga?


Mark is in his car riding with Sir Charles and two young ladies.

MARK Change of plans my niggs me and Charles are heading to that festival down at O.U. in Athens. So you can still work on your solo joints with Mario can’t you?

When Mark says that one of the ladies KEISHA starts laughing then reaches over and starts rubbing on him. She looks in the back seat at Sir Charles and her GIRLFRIEND and gives her GIRLFRIEND the be quiet look.

CHRIS Oh yeah I’m a have to. Since we already paid for the session. As a matter of fact Mario was telling me KEISHA and her girlfriends we’re going be there. You know she goes each year since she graduated from there.

MARK Word that Mario’s crazy ain’t no way I let a fine ass bitch like KEISHA go to that freaky ass festival by herself if she was mine.

KEISHA acts like she’s shocked and play slaps Mark while trying to unzip his pants. Mark gives her a mean look and glances back at Sir Charles and her GIRLFRIEND.

CHRIS Alright my nigga tell that bitch ass Charles he better be ready to be the hype man at the west side show tomorrow.

CHARLES Hey he got you on speaker bitch. I know the adlibs and I probably know this niggas words better than he does. Mr Franklins forgetful ass.

CHRIS Alright yall niggas and if you see Marios wife KEISHA try not to milk her and her GIRLFREIND.

KEISHA and her GIRLFRIEND both have to cover there mouths to keep from laughing out loud.

MARK What if I just let her play with my nuts. Hey I’m out bitch. Ghost.


CHRIS I have a funny feeling about that.

JEFF Whats wrong Mark canceled another studio session. I thought you was used to that.

CHRIS Now its worst than that Mark and Charles think I’m as stupid as Mario’s ass.

JEFF What do you mean whats up.

CHRIS Well you might as well know since you’re are manager. Marks fucking Mario’s wife and it’s getting worse. And the last session me and Mario had. Mario said he can’t prove it but he thinks his wife is fucking around on him. And what’s really fucked up he noticed each time she’s out Mark cancels the session we have scheduled if he knows I’m still going to be there.

JEFF Whew that is serious. How do you know Marks fucking her? Do you know this for a fact?

Chris gives his Uncle a look like please.

CHRIS Unc now I know you don’t think I’m as dumb as Mario. First of all I could hear that stupid ass Keisha in the back just now on the phone. Second Keisha liked Mark before Mario’s dumb ass married her right after high school. And third I know Mark’s horny ass.

JEFF Well there’s nothing we can do but hope Mario stays dumb. And in the mean time this is the perfect example of why we need more than one producer and why we need to get the masters from these guys after your projects are done.

CHRIS Fuck it man let me go do this session and hope that nothing crazy pops off. Whats up with Kenny that nigga never comes to the shows. I’m starting to not feel this co management shit you doing all the work Unc.

JEFF I didn’t want to be the one to bring it up but we do need to talk about that fool. Go do your session and will talk about it tomorrow.


Charles house is right in the heart of one of the cities toughest neighborhoods. Any vice you want can be found with in walking distance. The porch has the typical set up for the perfect summer evening in the hood complete with several young men and women drinking 40’s smoking blunts and watching every car that drives by. Chris pulls up with Jeff in the Passenger seat. The tint is so dark on Chris’s car you can tell the group on the porch isn’t shy about letting the car know if you don’t know us you better keep it moving. Chris rolls down his window so they can see who it is. When SNEAKS a childhood friend of Charles and Chris recognizes him he smiles and relaxes the grip on the 45 he keeps in a trash can on the porch.

SNEAK Socrates what up my nigga you lucky that was your ass.

CHRIS While you think I rolled down the window I already know how you get down. Where Charles at? Tell that nigga we out here.

Sneak tells a GIRL with a porno star body on the porch to go get Charles. When she stands up all the men on the porch stop and look as she rolls her eyes at Sneak.

GIRL ON PORCH What the fuck I look like.

SNEAK Bitch, you look like you betta get your ass on in there what the fucks wrong with you. You know I ain’t playin with you.

She smiles and turns to go in the house. Sneak smacks her on the ass. Chris and Jeff are out the car now and walking up on the porch.

SNEAK See that’s why you can’t give these hoes your best fuck they be thinking you care about they ole trifling asses. Shit you know I don’t love these hoes. What the fucks up Christo this my nigga.

CHRIS Dammit what’s good my nigga I ain’t seen your ass in a couple of years. When they let your ass out. Charles ain’t even tell me you was out.

SNEAK Shit I only been out a couple of months. I heard ya’ll doing big things shows and shit. Charles said you slinging so many cd’s you bout to leave the weed game alone.

CHRIS Yeah man we doing it. Hey this is my uncle slash manager. This is Jeff.

SNEAK What up my nigga? I thought Christo done turned snitch on me. This nigga look more like an attorney slash five o mother fucker.

Every body on the porch starts laughing even Jeff had to laugh.

JEFF Yeah I get that all the time. It’s nice to meet you.

At that time the GIRL is coming out the screen door.

GIRL He was in there sleep. He said for ya’ll to come on in.

Chris and Jeff give Sneak a dap and walk on in the front room. As the screen door is closing.

SNEAK (OS) Damn what the fuck took you so long you jump in bed with his ass. That nigga got to pay for that shit.

Charles is coming down the stairs. Chris and Jeff sit down at opposite ends of the couch.

CHARLES Man you the most on time nigga I ever met. Dammit Jeff this nigga used to never be on time. Can a nigga get 20 minutes, I’ll be right back get something to drink and leave my weed alone Chris. Shit your ass to Jeff you keep hanging with us I’ll have you smoking weed in no time. Nah man I’m just fucking with ya.

SNEAK (OS) Hey Charles DB is back already you want him to come in.

CHARLES Yeah tell that nigga to come in.

The man who walks in turns out to be the same Dope Boy who Jeff use to deal with. Both of them make eye contact at the same time Chris recognizes him.

CHARLES (OS) Hey Dope Boy come on up.

CHRIS What up my nigga I see you still making that money like it ain’t know thing. Hey this my Uncle me and Charles manager.

DOPE BOY Oh yeah. You know this nigga looks kind of familiar. You gotta hear my shit. I like what you doing for these nigga’s. You gotta number.

Chris gets up to go to the bathroom in the other room.

DOPE BOY (In a low whisper) Damn man you disappeared here’s my number in case you wanna holla at me they don’t need to know.

(In a normal voice) Here I come Charles.

Jeff knows he shouldn’t but he takes the number and slips it in his pocket.

JEFF (In a low whisper) Good lookin out my nigga.

Charles comes out the bath room and sits back down on the couch with Jeff.

CHARLES You all right unc I thought this nigga was ready to go or I wouldn,t have brought you over here. You see how this nigga makes his money sellin that work man.

JEFF Yeah I’m cool. And I was kind of figuring that out too. Long as know one sparks up I’ll be alright.

CHRIS Hey Charles hurry the fuck up man.

Charles and Dope Boy are coming down the steps.

CHARLES Hey Chris I’m hurried man let’s go bitches. By the way where’s Mark at?

CHRIS That what I was goinig to tell you in the car. This nigga cancelled on me again.

Dope boy heads out the door before them.

DOPE BOY All right my nigga’s. It was night to meet you sir.

Chris, Jeff and Charles walk out behind him.

CHARLES I’ll be back nigga if my Uncle Shake shows up tell him he better not be here when I get back.

SNEAK All right my nigga.

They walk out and get in Chris’s car. Chris and Jeff get in the front. Charles gets in the back. They start rolling.

CHARLES Man I’m just going say it Keisha’s fucking that nigga Marks brains out he keeps doing dumber and dumber shit. I know that’s where he’s at. And where is the fuck that Kenny at what do we need that nigga for. This Man right here is making all the moves.

CHRIS That’s why we’re riding together we need to make some changes. While nigga’s figure out what they really want to do. I know what I’m doing I’m going hard I ain’t got time for no bullshit. You know all the songs we was going do tonight but I ain’t going ask you to go out like that rapping another nigga lyrics. So we brought the 2 songs me and you did together and your solo joint and mine.

JEFF You good with that Charles I know its short notice and all?

CHARLES Man I ain’t going lie I’m better than good with that. Them my niggas and all but Ronald’s gone. And just like I told Christo the other day me and him started the realest empire long before he knew Mark and I knew Ronald. The only reason we split up was because I moved to phillie for a couple of years with my granny and shit.

JEFF Well that part is settled now all that’s left is this Kenny situation.

CHARLES Shit that’s the easy part fuck Kenny that was Marks idea. Although you the one who gotta work with that nigga Chris. Can he fuck with you on your Job?

CHRIS I really don’t think he would because he gets paid off of what I do to. But honestly I really don’t care I’m selling so many cd’s I made more last week than I did on my check. I feel like it’s time we get the fuck out this city man. All I keep hearing about is Atlanta man that’s whats up.

JEFF Okay than we don’t care about Kenny but ya’ll nigga’s got to make sure Mark is cool with this I for one thinks he still needs to be a part just not as an artist.

CHARLES You Know that’s the way it should be he’s damn sure family and a big part of this whether he’s on the stage or not. As far as Atlanta goes. My cousin said all we got to do is get there on a Wednesday and he’ll get us in THE POOL PALACE DJ TROCK”S his boy.



That’s the nigga who broke all them nigga’s that’s hot right now. The FRANCHISE BOYS, T.I. be in there and them LAFFY TAFFY niggas. My cousin said they video you while you perform and for a little bit of paper he’ll put our shit in play for a month while the video be playing.

CHRIS That shit sounds good to me. What it sound like to you Unc?

JEFF Sounds pretty good to me I got a brother that stays there if we can flop at his house all we need to worry about is gas and food. Let’s set the date I’m with it.

CHRIS What you want to do Charles what about the little wholesale pharmacy shop you got at the crib?

CHARLES That’s what I brought Sneaks ass in for. He can handle it a couple of days if that fool just keep his mind off them bitches.

They are pulling in to the parking lot of BOOMERANGS NIGHT CLUB.


The marquee out front has in lights tonight only INSANE CLOWN POSSE and special guest THE REALLEST EMPIRE. The parking lot is stacked and there is a line of people out the door and around the building.

CHARLES Damn Unc I was not ready for this shit.

CHRIS You wasn’t bullshitin who the fuck are these Insane Clown Posse negroes.

JEFF That’s what I been trying to tell ya’ll it’s a huge world out side of the north end. By the way these are’nt negroes the Insane Clown Posse are three white boys.

CHRIS White Boys are you for real? You’ve got to be kidding me.

JEFF Not only am I for real these niggas are huge and most niggas have never heard of them. Look at that crowd these fools go platinum each album they drop.

CHARLES I tell you what, seeing is believing and I would have not believed this shit if I was’nt here.

They finally make it to the front of the parking lot when the CLUB MANAGER sees Jeff and tells them he has a reserved spot in the back for them so they head around back.

JEFF One other thing so you’re not shocked again these fools wear the full Clown make up on there faces so they look sort of like the rock group KISS in the face and RUN DMC in the clothes.

Right after Jeff said this they are coming around the building when they see the tour bus for Insane Clown Posse with the Mural painted on the side. There are two huge tents up beside the bus one has picnic tables and a long buffet of food and drinks. There are roadies and women everywhere and most of them have on bikinies.

There’s even a temporary pool set up complete with sand and volleyball nets Chris and Charles have a look on there face like they can’t believe it. The CLUB MANAGER is coming out the back door and shows them where to park.

CLUB MANAGER Hey glad you guys could make it early. The band wanted to make sure you guys we’re here early for the beach party pre show bash. They want to meet you guys so they should be waking up in about 20 minutes you can go in for a sound check first in the mean Time.

JEFF Sounds good to me baby. We’re good to go.



The bedroom is very luxurious and richly appointed there are French doors open where you can see the bathroom from the canopy bed. A lot of steam is coming out of the bathroom and you can hear the SHOWER running. Keisha is lost in thought while she seductively washes her breast as she starts to fantasize about the other night with Mark. She leans back on the wall and takes the shower head off and starts to rinse her self off. When she starts to rinse between her legs she begins to work the head around and around then arches her back even more.

Mario comes through the room and walks into the bathroom with just a towel on. He lets the towel fall off and opens the shower door and steps inside.

KESHIA Whew damn you scared the shit out of me.

(She turns her back to him and starts to wash again.)

MARIO You sure have been jumpy lately. I missed you and thought you would like your back washed.

KEISHA Well you could of gave me a warning I was just getting relaxed and had my eyes closed.

MARIO You had your eyes closed where you thinking about me.

(He reaches over to touch her back and she jumps again.)

MARIO Damn baby what’s wrong with you.

KEISHA There’s nothing wrong with me shit can you give me some warning.

MARIO What the fuck you mean warning. Since when the fuck I got to give my wife a warning to get in the shower with her you know what fuck it then.

Mario walks out the shower and slams the shower door.

MARIO I’m going out. Don’t wait up on me.

KEISHA (In a low whisper) Like I ever do.


Socrates and Sir Charles are working the stage. Several of the girls in the audience have jumped on stage and are trying to grab them.


Jeff is openly ordering Martini’s since he could’nt hide it out back. He’s sitting with a group of women when Mario walks up.

MARIO What’s up Jeff I thought you didn’t drink.

JEFF I thought I didn’t either, until I ordered this one. are the boys doing it or what?

MARIO Hell yeah what’s Sir Charles doing up there where’s Mr Franklin at?

JEFF Well Mark has seemed to loose focus lately. So we decided to work Socrates and Sir Charles as two new solo acts what do you think.

MARIO Man they sound great together. Wow so that explains why Mark’s been missing all those studio sessions.

The BARTENDER walks up.

BARTENDER Can I get you anything Sir.

MARIO Yes I’ll have a bass ale.

JEFF Make it two of them and those go on The REALLEST RECORDS tab.

The lights on the


go down as Socrates and Sir Charles finish the set and the crowd goes wild. The ANNOUCER runs on the stage as they walk off.

ANNOUNCER Columbus Ohio lets have another round of applause for The Reallest Empire Columbuses own Socrates and Sir Charles. We got to see if we can get them back again before they blow up so they won’t charge me so much. And Now all you jugaloos out there. It’s the Moment you been waiting for THE INSANE CLOWN POSSEE…………..


Two GIRLS IN BIKINIS are coming out of the tour bus followed by Socrates they turn around and give him one more kiss and the go in another direction.

Jeff is with a different group of groupies when Socrates walks over to them Jeff hands a


To the girl who is sitting beside him.

CHRIS Man this seems like we’re already big time. What’s up with the skama I know I didn’t just see you tap the blunt did I.

JEFF What can I say man you know I’m not a very good liar. Fuck it you only get so many spins around this globe what can I say.

CHRIS I ain’t mad at you I’m just wondering is that all there is. You know I can’t fuck wit you if you start on that Christina again. You was supposed to wait until we got signed. Shit let me tap that it feels like we already signed in this bitch.

JEFF My sentiments exactly. Where’s Charles at?

Chris takes a pull off the blunt and nods his head over to the tour bus.

Three DIFFERENT GIRLS IN BIKINIS one of them topless are coming out the tour bus with a very happy Charles right behind them who is zipping up his pants.

JEFF I see you boys are getting used to this aren’t you.


Chris comes out the front door with a two trash bags over his shoulder. He’s pulling a wagon that has 3 boxes of cd’s and a boom box playing “what’s popin” he walks pass the neighbors who are out doing there yard work 3 doors down to Jeff and Yvonne’s house. Jeff trunk is open to the buick and he is coming out the front door with his suitcase in tow. Chris is turning in to his driveway now with the wagon.

JEFF Am I dreaming I know you’re not dare I say early.

CHRIS We on our way to the ATL baby I know you didn’t think I’d be late for that did you.

They start to load the cd’s into the trunk and then place Jeff’s luggage in next.

JEFF Oh yes I did you late for every thing else I wish the camera was charged up for this I’d have Yvonne film it. You call Sir Charles or did he punk out of the trip like we thought. Where’s your luggage?

CHRIS (Holds up the 2 trash bags) This is my luggage. And yep I called and yep he punked out but don’t even trip my Cousin DEMARLOW has been begging me to come down there so we can do the “What’s Poppin” live together. I’m going slice these niggas.

Yvonne comes walking out the house singing to the song Chris is playing on the boom box.

YVONNE Hey Christopher what song is that that’s nice.

JEFF I know I never heard that. When did you make that?

CHRIS That’s DEMARLOWS song “Whats Poppin” we made it about a year ago. Before he moved to Atlanta.

YVONNE Can we have a word of prayer before ya’ll take off.

JEFF Yeah Baby let’s do that.

The three of them hold hands and bow there heads.

JEFF Good morning Lord This is Jeff and I’m here with Yvonne and our nephew Christopher We want to first say thank you for being who you are and for what you have already done for us in this life. You’re a great God Lord who is greatly to be praised and we are just amazed that you’re mindful of us and what we do. We ask you Lord to bless our trip and help us to be successful in this music business. We thank you for the gifts you have given to each one of us for we know it’s been a blessing that you put us three in each others path to be who each one needs the other to be. Lord I ask you to be a fence around my wife Yvonne when I’m gone and to be a fence around Christopher’s girl Nikky and there family while Chris is gone. Lord we ask you to be a hedge of thorns around me and Chris to keep danger from us and to keep us from doing something stupid that may harm ourselves for all these things Lord we ask you in your precious son Jesus name Amen.

CHRIS Wow that’s the first time I ever heard ya’ll pray. Man that gave me shivers I felt like God was in the middle of it.

YVONNE The bible says wherever 2 or 3 are gathered in his name he will be in the midst of them. Jeff I keep telling you you need to be showing this boy more of that side of you. Instead of the side I keep smelling on you when you sneak in here at night.

Chris starts to laugh and covers his mouth.

JEFF Baby do you want to go there right now before we leave. Now I love you and I told you I’m okay. Alright Baby.

YVONNE Yeah you right alright. Okay I love you to. Chris you keep an Eye on this Man and have fun Baby.

They get in the car and Chris leans out the window.

CHRIS Alright Auntie I will.


A) They back out of the driveway and wave goodbye.

B) They’re driving by Columbus skyline on I-670.

C) They pass under I-71 sign Cincinnati 98 miles.


CHRIS Damn Unc, Auntie she be nailing you. Ya’ll niggas are hilarious. I knew you couldn’t hide that drinking and smoking from her for long.

JEFF Not for long though but why would I want to I’m a grown ass man dog. I’m going to do what I do. But what you got to remember baby boy is they going to do what they do.

CHRIS What you mean by that?

JEFF When you’re young growing up the brothers talk about all the women they got and how they got there girl in check and how there girl would never step on them. What they would do if there girl ever stepped on them.


JEFF (CONT’D) What they fail to realize is what go round comes around. I mean sooner or later they going see what they do if there girl ever steps on them.

CHRIS Shoot I know Nikky better never do that shit on me.

JEFF That’s what I mean when I first met the rest of your crew. We was listening to that one record all 4 of ya’ll was on. I thought that record was dope. What was the name of that again.

CHRIS Blow smoke toke and drive.

JEFF Blow smoke toke and drive. I thought that was the first record I heard from ya’ll I could really hear in the club or the radio. But then I asked ya’ll who produced that.

CHRIS And Mark started tripping since that was his brother in law. We’ll ex brother in law.

JEFF Yeah when I heard the stuff he was saying about I can’t believe he cheated on his sister that marriage is different and real men don’t do that. I was like whoa just keep on living little bro and will see what real men do. You remember that.

CHRIS Of course I do what’s your point.

JEFF 9 months later and whose Mark fucking now.

CHRIS Married mother fucking Keisha wow that’s real talk Unc. So what you saying that you and Auntie have been through that?

JEFF What I’m saying is that marriage is different but not like you young cats think. It ain’t different like people don’t mess up hell they mess up every day. The only thing that’s different is the death till you part piece and the only way you get to that is forgiveness if you want to be forgiven. And yeah we done been through a lot crazier shit than infidelity. I’m an ex crack head and she done walked in and seen me do some shit I know I would have left me for a long time ago. But because of her faith in God and prayer I now have the same faith in God and prayer. And on this side I got to forgive her and be there for her even if she decides to do her own thing. That’s not just real talk that’s what real love is.

CHRIS Man that’s heavy, you be on some real talk man.

They drive along in silence for a minute.

JEFF Play that record you was playing when you came up in front of the house who produced that.

CHRIS That’s another cat you haven’t met my nigga DJ MASSIVE. He should be getting out the jizz-oint real soon too. I can wait to get back in the lab with him.

JEFF I’m glad to hear you got another producer lined up cause when this stuff with Mario’s girl hits the fan it’s going to effect all of ya’ll.

CHRIS I don’t see why I ain’t fucking his girl.

JEFF I know but most of the songs ya’ll did Mark’s on and Mario has your masters so we can’t even get um mastered for real or let a real record company work on them. You got any other producers cause you going need at least 2 that are in your corner to keep it moving.

CHRIS I’m already on it you won’t believe who my other producer is going be.

JEFF Oh yeah who’s that.

CHRIS Our cousin you remember little JAMIE.

JEFF Gayle’s daughter, I ran into Gayle about a year ago and she was telling me then I need to hear what Jamie’s been up to.

CHRIS We’ll you should of heard her cause her music is nasty. I ain’t gonna lie she’s one of the coldest I’ve heard. Next stop I’ll get the beats she made for me we’re supposed to get in the lab as soon as we get back.

They pass under the I-75 sign Knoxville 28 miles

JEFF We need to get gas anyway and take a piss. I want to hear this let’s pull over now.


A) Pass under the I-285 sign to I-85 Atlanta.

B) They go by the King and Queen Towers.

C) They’re on I-85 going by Georgia Tech.

D) They go by the welcome to Buckhead sign.



They pull up front to see where parking is and the DOORMAN walks over to there car as Chris rolls down his window.

DOORMAN Good Afternoon how may I help you.

Jeff leans over Chris so the Doorman can see him.

JEFF I’m looking for parking but I hope I’m at the right place.

DOORMAN Whom are you looking for Sir?

JEFF My brother his name is Henry Thomas.

DOORMAN Oh of course I know Mr. Thomas in fact he said you might be in before his day is finished. Please Mr. Thomas you may stop here. I’ll take care of your car if you go to the front desk they’re expecting you I will have your bags sent up for you.

He opens the door for Chris.

Doorman And your name sir?

CHRIS It’s Christopher. But you can call me Socrates.

DOORMAN Mr. Socrates welcome to Atlanta sir I hope you have a pleasant holiday while you’re here sir.

CHRIS No doubt good looking out B. Hey those glad bags in the trunk is luggage too try not to tear them.

DOORMAN Certainly Mr. Socrates they will be in good hands sir.

Jeff and Chris go to the front desk and receive temporary guest passes and door Keys to his brothers place when they get on the elevator alone and the door closes.

CHRIS Damn what ever the fuck your brother does he’s doing it well. I ain’t never been in no shit like this.

JEFF I haven’t been here in 10 years since when he was still in law school and his last place was smaller than our houses. Big Bro is doing the damn thing.

The elevator stops and when the door opens there a little puzzled instead of a long hall way the elevator opened up to a corner hallway with just 3 doors. They looked at the


Then they looked at the


And see that the door opens with there key. When they walked in all they could do was stand there with there Mouths open. The foyer opened up to a view of Atlanta that was unobstructed with floor to ceiling glass panels that led your eyes out to a deck complete with an infinity pool steps away from a tiki bar right next to a Viking style grill and cabana chairs lined up along some amazing deck space. When you refocused on the apartment you remembered how big it was in here since it literally took up a third oh this 32 floor they we’re on.

CHRIS I don’t know what kind of lawyer your brother is but he gets my vote for pimp of the year. Man a nigga can get used to this shit.

They were standing in front of the window amazed at the view when they heard the door open.

In walks HENRY C THOMAS a very successful trial lawyer who is the older Brother of Jeff C. Thomas.

HENRY Baby Bro what’s up? They told me you just got in.

Jeff turns around when the door opens and is walking to greet his brother.

JEFF What up baby this crib is off the chain Bro damn I’m proud of you. Hey this is my nephew I was telling you about. Henry this is Christopher.

Chris is walking over to Henry.

CHRIS It’s nice to meet you sir. Your crib is amazing.

HENRY It’s nice to meet you young man. So I hear you’re going be the next big thing in the music biz?

CHRIS Oh most definitely or at least I’m willing to put in the work.

HENRY Good good so what’s on the agenda for today? I was hoping to take you boys out to dinner.

JEFF That sounds good, but we wanted to hit the ground running though. We heard Cantrells is the spot to run into some of the hip hop players. How do you get there from here?

HENRY All right let’s do this I’ll drive you to Cantrell’s and we can grab a bite to eat there. That way I can show you some of the main streets from here.

JEFF That’s cool but I think it will better if we follow you. No offense bruh but I don’t see you hanging in the street with us while were selling cd’s.

CHRIS Yeah I can not picture that at all, but I’m sure ready to eat though. Can we bounce.


People are walking up to the restaurant as people are exiting the restaurant.


The lunch time crowd is busy as can be, there are no tables empty. Jeff, Chris and Henry are more focused on eating than conversation.

JEFF So where are the black malls at? Well let me put that another way where is the hood malls at?

HENRY Actually we’re pretty close to the west end mall I think you like the crowd over there. It’s not to far from Moorehouse and Spellman so you gat some of the Black college crowd. Do you still want me to show you how to get to Bankhead before you guys hit the streets?

JEFF Nah his cousin lives here he’ll ride with us to the Pool Palace.

Chris drops twenty dollars on the table and starts to get up.

CHRIS Is that enough for my part I’m going out front to get this money man.

HENRY Hold up no way son. Your monies no good when I’m around. I’ll take care of this.

Chris swoops up the twenty and slides it back in his pocket.

CHRIS You ain’t got to tell me twice. Hey unc don’t forget to call your boy to see if we can get on tonight.

JEFF I already handled it when you was a sleep in the car. He said as long as we’re there by 9:30 we should be able to get on the list they only let 10 acts up a night. You do your thing and he said DJ TROCK will holler at us then.

Chris heads out side and from the window Jeff and Henry can see him go to work immediately stopping folks on the way in and out. To Henry’s surprise he can see people going in there purse’s and pockets to buy cd’s off him.

HENRY Wow where did you find this kid?

JEFF Man he’s part of the family, His Mother Shelly and Yvonne are first cousins. But I really think God had his hand in putting us two together.

HENRY Shelly you mean Shelly Moss that’s his Mother. Damn I haven’t seen her since high school and when I last seen her I didn’t think she was doing so good.

JEFF Yep the same one, small world ain’t it. And she’s doing well I ain’t the only one God delivered from that mess.

HENRY Speaking of doing well, I heard you started drinking again. How you going say you delivered when you starting down that road again?

JEFF (Drops his fork and is visibly upset.) How the hell did you hear that? What the fuck, did Yvonne tell you that?

HENRY Nope Dad told me. He called the house for you one night and I guess Yvonne was upset because you had started coming in late and smelling like alcohol. But why you getting all defensive you lucky she puts up with your mess any way. And how you going talk God one sentence and the next sentence you back to cussing.

JEFF (Takes a deep breath and pauses before he speaks.) You know what you right. First of all I prayed to God to deliver me from crack. Second yes I have had a drink or two when the mood strikes and a couple of joints while we at it but I have no desire to mess with that other crap in any way shape or form. Third as long as I’m paying my bills and taking care of mine I don’t have to explain to anyone.

HENRY You right but what you got to realize is people do love you and are concerned about you especially Yvonne. So I’m not trying to get in your business I’m just looking out for my family. Let’s drop this man I said my peace.

JEFF All right man I feel you. That’s the best thing you said let’s drop it.

They stand up after paying the bill and walk out front.


Chris is sitting in the front passenger seat of a Range Rover. His music is bumpin out the speakers and BRANDON G. REECE is behind the wheel noddin his head.

CHRIS Hey unc come and meet my man here. This is Brandon but he goes by the name BG.

Jeff leans over Chris and shakes Brandon’s hand.

BRANDON G. REECE a local producer, entrepreneur, and associate minister at his church.

BRANDON Hello sir it’s nice to meet you.

JEFF It’s nice to meet you what do you think of the sound?

BRANDON That’s just it I stopped buying cd’s off the streets since they are usually so poorly produced. But the way your nephew approached me with his energy I figured it’s only 5 bucks. So when I put it in and heard this I had to come back and meet this guy.

CHRIS That’s what I was trying to tell you I’m early man they ain’t ready for me.

BRANDON Any way I got to take care of some business this morning. Chris is telling me you guys are going to be at the pool palace tonight I’m going finish listening to this and if the rest is this good I’ll meet you guys there we’ll need to talk.

JEFF Sounds good we need all the friends we can get in Atlanta. You’re going love that so we’ll see you tonight.

BRANDON All right Chris I’ll catch up with you.

CHRIS It’s all good fam you’ll be there I told you I’m early.

Brandon pulls off with the music blasting.

CHRIS Man did you hear that with them crisp ass speakers.

JEFF Who was that guy? I wonder what that was all about.

HENRY Man that was interesting let me hear one of those Cd’s Chris it must be something to this.


There is a line of people out front coming in when


pulls up and TOO SHORT gets out with an entourage.

When he walks past the line several LADIES start to scream so he stops and signs some autographs.


The club is packed they have tables on the dance floor right up to the


The act on the stage is a Guy and a GIRL who we’re starting to loose the crowd when


Walks on stage and starts doing the lean wit it rock wit it snap to there act. The crowd goes nuts.

Jeff and Demarlow are seated at the bar while Chris is walking back and forth in front of them every now and then he yells “I’m early I’m so fucking early”.

JEFF So Demarlow you ready man I know Chris is.

DEMARLOW Sure unc this is beautiful I been waiting to do this song live.

A couple of young ladies are walking by looking at Chris.

CHRIS I,m early I’m going slice this unc I’m early.

FABO from the group D4L is sitting at the bar across from them but he acts like no one can approach them. When Too Short walks in and is shaking hands with everybody.

JEFF I know that’s not Too Short is it?

DEMARLOW I think you’re right.

The act is finishing on stage when


Dj T. Rock notices Too Short has came in and found a seat near the stage.

DJ T. ROCK Come on now show some love for So So Smooth. I know ya’ll was feeling that, What the hell was that a purple yogi bear I aint know if that was Barney or what at first any way they did there thing. We have Hip Hop royalty in the building Pool Palace show some Love for my Nigga Too Short.

The crowd starts to applause.

DJ T. ROCK See that’s how we do it here what up my nigga I know you out just to relax but you got to give us a little something something come on up on the stage my nigga.

Too Short shakes his head and the crowd starts going Too Short Too Short Too Short so when he gets up everyone starts clapping and yellin.

Too Short walks up on stage while the crowd is still yellin and grabs the mike.


The crowd really goes nuts now.

DJ T. ROCK What up my Nigga. You good baby?

TOO SHORT Yeah I’m good baby now that I’m back in the ATL. I just got in and felt like I needed some love from some real niggas so you know I was like take me to the pool palace. Bitch!

The crowd really goes nuts as DJ T Rock starts the beat to freaky tales.

TOO SHORT I feel like free styling any body crazy enough to wanna battle me.

Jeff thought Christopher was standing beside him but no sooner than Too Short got “me” out of his mouth he seen Christopher jump on stage and grab the other open mike.

CHRIS What up my nigga. Socrates on deck. Lets do this. Yo yo what’s poppin Atlanta I’m early ya feel me?

DJ T ROCK That’s what I’m talking about this nigga hungry Too Short you might get chewed up my nigga!

TOO SHORT Naw he going have to take my title. Now run that beat back so I can show this little nigga some beat back.


Mario is sitting on the front porch holding his cell phone. He hears a CAR TIRE SQUELLING around the corner like some one is really driving crazy through the neighborhood. He looks down the street and sees


Slowing down and turning on to there street as she pulls into the driveway she looks frantic and


Notices Mario sitting on the porch as she pulls into the driveway she starts to smile.

Keisha turns off the car and gets out smiling. She doesn’t see Mario slip the


She bends down to give him a kiss on the cheek.

KEISHA What you doing out here I thought you had a session tonight.

MARIO My last session cancelled so I wanted to come home and see what you was doing. I was just getting ready to call you when I realized that you wasn’t home.

Keisha walks in to the house leaving the front door open and the screen door closed. When she gets past Mario he


The look on Mario’s face goes from a smile to a pretty dark place.

KEISHA (OS) I wish I knew that baby I was on my way to my girlfriend’s she wanted me to help roll her hair.


Keisha walks into the kitchen and goes over to the cell phone charging station and notices the cell phone isn’t there. She turns around to go up stairs to look for her phone. Mario is standing right behind her.


MARIO What you looking for this.

Mario smacks her across the face with the cell phone and knocks her to the ground.

MARIO Bitch you think I’m stupid what the fuck is Mark doing texting you I got the room and I’m ready for you.

Mario grabs her by the hair and pulls his fist back like he going to hit her like a man. He stops when she says.

KEISHA Mario no let me explain. I can explain please don’t beat me.

Mario lets go of her hair and drops her to the ground.

MARIO You know what bitch you ain’t got to explain shit just get your shit and get the fuck out. Better yet I’m going out if you know what’s good I won’t find you when I get back.


The crowd is going nuts while Chris is finishing the last of his battle with Too Short.

DJ T ROCK Come on know Pool palace show your love for Too Short and Socrates. Damn where you from again my nigga.

CHRIS I’m an Ohio Player this how we get it in Ohio. I just want to say thank you ATL Too Short for showing me this kind of love ya’ll know how to make a nigga right.

DJ T ROCK That’s how we do it at the Pool Palace where’s the rest of your act I know they ain’t next ya’ll but this is my party. I’m calling Demarlow to the stage. Pool palace give my nigga Socrates and Demarlow an ATL Pool Palace welcome and put your hands together for The Reallest Empire.

As soon as Demarlow grab the mike Socrates nodded to DJ T ROCK and the beat to “Whats Poppin” started.

DEMARLOW (singing) Roll something up and light up some trees take another puff and pass it to me. What’s poppin?

The bass kicked in and the dance floor filled up. Jeff is at the back of the crowd smiling so hard he can’t believe the way the crowd here is feeling his nephew. Brandon walks in and stands beside Jeff.

BRANDON Looks like I’m just in time. Did I miss much Jeff?

Jeff turns to see who this is and recognizes Brandon.

JEFF Hey, yeah you missed him chew up Too Short on the mike. This is awesome I can’t believe this look at this crowd they’re feeling him!

BRANDON I see I’m glad I got here in time. We’ll talk later I’m going to concentrate on the rest of this show and go pay my respects to Too Short.

The song ends and Chris and Demarlow all but float off the stage fellas are giving them high fives and ladies are letting them know there feeling them. Chris spots Jeff and cuts through the crowd to get to him.

JEFF That was amazing. Brandon’s here.

CHRIS How’d I do did you see that. Was I good? Give me the bad points. Who the fuck is Brandon?

JEFF No criticism tonight you guy’s we’re awesome. You know Brandon the dude you sold the cd to at Cantrell’s. He said we got to talk. But I still don’t know what the hell he wants.

CHRIS Well he’s going to have to wait I’m going to grab the cd’s and work the crowd first we got to eat.

JEFF That’s what I’m talking about I got the backpack right here I’m a stay close behind you while you selling these nigga look kinda grimy to me I want you to focus on these hoes and selling.

Brandon was about to grab Jeff and Chris so they could talk but he couldn’t believe his eyes this little guy from nowhere just finished rocking a crowd at the pool palace and was on stage battling one of the living legends from hip hop and he is focused on selling cd’s. So he just watched Chris and his Uncle walk around to every body in the club selling cd’s until there bag was empty.

DJ T ROCK Last call ya’ll. You ain’t got to go home but you got to get the fuck out of here. Peace and please drive and act like ya’ll got some sense on the way out.

The lights came on and Brandon walked over to Chris and Jeff.

BRANDON That was nice I see you about all about the grind. How long ya’ll going be in the A.

JEFF We was planning on leaving tomorrow what’s up?

BRANDON I wanted to see if ya’ll wanted to check out Chuck a Luck’s they have an open mike but it’s more of a local scene a little more upscale.

CHRIS So was ya feeling that?

BRANDON I don’t know what impressed me more the show or watchin some one grind and market there cd’s like that. Most cats make a record and act like they to good to sell it them selves. Lock my number in so we can talk before you get back. I want to help ya’ll any way I can.


It’s early morning Jeff is doing around 95 mph and happy to be passing the Knoxville 13 miles sign. Chris is a sleep when Jeff speeds by


Jeff takes his foot off the gas and looks in


And sees the lights come on instantly.

JEFF Shit so much for making good time.

Jeff pulls over and Chris is still asleep. The Tennessee STATE HIGHWAY PATROL MAN gets out of his car.

Walks up behind Jeffs car while Chris is waking up and stretches. The STATE HIGHWAY PATROL MAN sees the movement by Chris so he pauses and says something into his shoulder radio before coming up to Jeff’s window.

STATE HIGHWAY PATROL MAN Good morning license and registration please.

The patrol man is pointing a flashlight in to the vehicle and looking all through the vehicle. Jeff reaches in the glove box while the patrol man shines the light in there. Jeff hands the patrol man his license and registration.

STATE HIGHWAY PATROL MAN Do you know why I pulled you boys over?

CHRIS Boys! Who the fu –

Jeff lifts his hand up to check Chris. And Chris gives Jeff a crazy look while the officer bends down to see what Chris is going to say.



Naw I don’t know why you pulled us over but “Boy” I bet I sure could guess.

JEFF Uh sir I believe we we’re going just a little over the speed limit. My nephew was a sleep he didn’t wake up until after we stopped sir.

Another highway patrol car is turning around on the meridian and pulls up right behind the other highway patrol car.

STATE HIGHWAY PATROL MAN I’ll be right back.

JEFF What the hell are you doing? Do you know where you’re at? This the south we ain’t in Atlanta no more.

CHRIS Man I ain’t on that scary shit I don’t know who the fuck he’s calling a boy that’s why I can’t stand these devils and shit.

JEFF This ain’t about no scary shit. I was doing damn near a 100 and this son of a bitch is a highway patrol man in tenn a fucking see. We lucky he ain’t got us spread eagled out on the frickin road here. Shoot they killed king in this bitch.

CHRIS I just don’t see no boys in this car. He ain’t got to talk to me like that.

JEFF He ain’t talking to you and that’s the way these hillbillies talk down here they don’t say man like us and you know what I’m sayin they say boy and shit like that. That’s how these good old boys talk. Shit I’m not trying to get my car towed in the middle of Tennessee, good here he comes with a ticket book.

The other highway patrol car turns his lights off and pulls by them and waves at his buddy when he goes by. The first highway patrol man walks back up to Jeff’s window and hands him back his license.

STATE HIGHWAY PATROL MAN You know you we’re doing close to a 100 I got you at 97 on my radar. I’m going right this ticket at 89 anything over 90 mph is an automatic suspension and court appearance in Tennessee and I figure you boys we’re just trying to get home. Sign here and ya’ll have a good day and be safe now ya here.

JEFF Thank you sir I appreciate that. So I can just mail this in right.

STATE HIGHWAY PATROL MAN That’s right instructions and address are on the back ya’ll be safe now.

Jeff pulls off and breathes a sigh of relief. Chris just sort of shakes his head.

JEFF What?

CHRIS I just don’t believe these devils what the hell did he call for back up and shit for only because he seen “boys” in the car.

JEFF I don’t know why he called for back up either but I do know that could and would have went in a different direction if I started arguing with him about it.

CHRIS So you don’t think there’s any racism in America they didn’t pull us over because we’re black.

JEFF Of course there’s racism in America but I don’t believe it’s in every thing that moves and breathes. Could it be just maybe he pulled us over because I was doing 30 miles over the speed limit how can you even see who’s driving when a car goes by that fast. And it was still dark.

CHRIS Damn your ass was flying wasn’t you. Well I still know I don’t trust no punk ass cops.

JEFF I have no love, for the police either. And I understand how you feel about the race tip. I was just as militant when I was your age to but trust me most white people don’t go home and think about my black ass after working all day they got there own bullshit to worry about. Look at you it’s about dollars and whose getting it done. You’re 19 own your own house, business, and car. So what white man told you that you can’t and if they did would you listen.

CHRIS Hell no I can’t understand people who don’t want nothing and are happy with nothing. I’m a get mine.

JEFF And you’re going get a lot more if you don’t blame anybody for what you ain’t got. Especially this music shit. Here’s the way to look at it. When you’re a young man if you don’t believe racism affects you then you don’t have a heart.But If you get to be an old man and you think racism is still what’s affecting you than you don’t have a head.

CHRIS Damn unc you always say some shit don’t you.

JEFF Yeah but saying and doing are two different things. A lot of the stuff I say I know but I didn’t always do. Just a few of the things I’ve said you’ve done and have moved ahead. That’s why I know you’re going make it in this business I just know you’re going make it.

CHRIS Just like that right there I know you say that but when I hear some of this bullshit that gets signed and played and real shit doesn’t get signed. Or if it does no radio ever plays it. I hate to say it unc but staying underground and independent might be the only way to go.

JEFF Just remember what I told you. Chris when you do make it not if you make it but when you make it. It will be because of you and most of the people who started with you won’t be there and they’ll have a lot of reasons but it all comes down to one and that’s being scared of success. Haven’t you noticed the change in commitment since we started selling cd’s?

CHRIS You know I never really put a date on it but now that you say that it does seem different.

JEFF Has anybody said looks like Socrates is making all the money off our music yet?

CHRIS All the time. I’ve had people come up to me and say they like the Vgodz cd beter than The Reallest Empire cd and I say to myself as long as you bought it off of me I hope you like there next one better.

JEFF Or they might have bought it from me. For that matter as long as there talking about it that’s buzz. With out having to pay for advertising and in fact we get paid off of it. I’m telling you a lot of people say they want this but very few will put in work. And that’s why you see a lot of what you call bullshit out there because they put in a lot of serious work and for that alone they deserve respect as far as I’m concerned.

CHRIS There you go again unc ain’t that some shit.



Is opening up and a hand takes out the cd and replaces it with a new one. You see the hand place the other cd on a


The same hand presses down on the cd in the cd label applicator. When the cd pops up you see the hand take the face down cd and place it on the


Now you see Jeff spin in his chair to the next desk with the full spindle of cd’s and sits them down next to a box


Jeff starts to place each fresh disc in a new jewel case and then place each one in to a crate that is stacked on top of full crates of The Reallest Empire cd’s. Jeff is so into this task he did not hear Christopher walk in and drop down on the couch behind him.

JEFF Damn nigga you startled me. What’s up?

CHRIS Some more bullshit that I knew was coming. I called Mario to see when we could finish up my solo project. This nigga basically told me he’s through with me and anything affiliated with The Reallest Records and any thing that was in his studio was his property.

JEFF What’s going on?

CHRIS That’s what I said. So the nigga hanged up on me and when I called back I go straight to voice mail so now I’m heated it’s not enough this nigga talking all reckless and shit. Anyway then I’m on my way over to this nigga’s studio to get my shit so I call Mark to see if he knows what’s up? And Mark goes

JEFF Let me guess Mark says Mario knows I’m fucking Keisha.

CHRIS Bingo!

JEFF Did Mark and Mario come to blows.

CHRIS That would be correct at least no one got killed Mario showed up where Mark was supposed to be meeting Keisha with his pistol. So Mark took it from him and started pistol whipping him right as Keisha was pulling up. So this bitch trys to jump in to help Mario and Mark whips both there asses then tells Keisha he’s tired of the pussy any way and bounces.

JEFF And now Mario is on some ole fuck the realest records shit. I knew this had to happen I just hoped it would happen after your project was finished.

Chris reaches in his jacket and pulls out a new cd case and throws it on the carpet near Jeff.

CHRIS That was the bad news so are you ready for the good news? Throw that in your deck and watch your speakers baby.

Jeff picks up the cd and sticks it in the deck and pushes play. As soon as he hears the intro and the 808 kick in he starts smiling.

JEFF Wow that sounds like a radio joint to me who done that. Is there more where that came from. Who is that?

CHRIS JAMIE our cousin we were chopping it up all morning. She wants to be part of the team.

JEFF You’re kidding if this works out she’ll make us forget about Mario with the quickness.

CHRIS Hey that brother from the A Brandon has been talking to me daily since we got back. I’m really feeling him unc.

JEFF Word what’s he talking about.

CHRIS He’s talking about how much damage can I really do here in Columbus and have I thought about moving to the A.

JEFF You know what I really don’t thimk that’s a bad idea. In fact we have to start to think about getting you a real manager.

CHRIS What’s wrong with you being my manager. Plus I don’t think he wants to be a manager.

JEFF I’m always going be in your corner but I’m more like your AAU coach you need someone who is known and respected in the industry. My job was to get you ready for that. I care to much about your career to let my ego get in the way.

CHRIS This is amazing I mean this is almost what BG was saying would be Ideal that I’m ready for the bigs but how would my uncle take it. And you’re more in my corner than worrying about yourself.

JEFF What you think we been working for me? Hell no you got to do this man.

CHRIS Well hears what I told BG we’re going do I want him to be our Atlanta rep and business consultant. And no matter what ya’ll say you’re always going be my manager even if we got to hire a real manager to do the real manager shit. We got a conference call tonight me you and BG cool.

JEFF I like the sound of that I’m cool with that.



JAMIE BOYD a young woman who dresses like a guy who is an amazing producer. A.K.A DJ CASHMERE is sitting on the couch. Hears the DOORBELL.


Jamie answers the door.

JAMIE Whats up cuz I was starting to wonder if you was going make it or not.

Jamie walks back over to the couch and plops down.

CHRIS I’m ready I was on my way over seen a bunch of niggas over at Sammy’s Car wash and shit you know I had to sell these nigga some cd’s.

Chris walks over to a chair and drops down.

JAMIE Moms is not here you got anymore of that skama before we start.

Chris pulls a bag and two white owls out his pocket and throws a white owl to Jamie.

CHRIS I got the fire too. You got to roll your own though you got a steak knife or something.

Jamie gets up and goes into the kitchen and comes back with a steak knife and hands one to Chris.


Lets do this in the studio moms knows I smoke but I got to respect the living room. To the basement man.

They both get up and head down stairs Chris is impressed with the way her lab is set up.

CHRIS I could tell by your sound this place would be official.

JAMIE Sony music paid for this with the check they gave me for the production work I did on that album in brazil.

CHRIS That’s what’s up cuz. So how does it feel to get a check that big doing what you love.

JAMIE The same way it feels like when sell a cd on the street I mean if you can’t do it for that amount you can’t do it for the big amount either. I just feel we about the music not the money. At least that’s what I hear in your music cuz.

They finished rolling there blunts and sparked them up when Jamie push play on her deck.

JAMIE I finished that second one we did check this out.

CHRIS Damn cuz that sounds like fire. That shit is hot.


Jeff and Yvonne are sitting on the couch watching a movie. Jeff fills hears his cell phone sees it’s Chris and answers.

JEFF What up fam?


Christopher is in his Kitchen frying chicken wings, washing dishes, and talking on the phone all at the same time.

CHRIS It’s me unc hold on while I conference this nigga in.


Chris dials Brandon’s number.


Brandon is in his garage washing his car.

BRANDON What up Socrates It’s good to see you’re right on time.

CHRIS Good evening Sir. Hold on BG while I patch my uncle in.

Christopher looks at his phone and clicks Jeff in.


Jeff is walking out to the deck on the back of his house.

JEFF Brandon how you doing brother.

BRANDON Actually I’m very excited. How are you today Mr. Thomas?

JEFF I’m good I’m good. So Chris tells me you have some good news for us. Chris are you still there?

CHRIS Yes Sir unc, I’m just excited that we’re having an actual conference call with my nigga BG in the A.

BRANDON Amen to that I hope this will be the start of a long and prosperous relationship. Did you guys discuss how you feel about me trying to help out in a more official position?

JEFF Well yes sort of see we’re just family and this started simply because I wanted to help my nephew get in the game and not be taken advantage of. So what is it exactly you want to do?

BRANDON I would like to start with what I don’t want to do. I do not want to be in artist management. Or have a position in The Reallest Records. I more or less want to be your eyes and ears on the ground here in Atlanta. More like a business consultant.

JEFF With all the groups in Atlanta why us?

BRANDON That’s a good question. As you know there are a lot of groups that have talent but very few have the work effort this young man has. Plus I’m more interested in finding the next thing that’s new not the same pop that’s out here I think Socrates is that thing.

CHRIS So let me ask you this BG. What’s next how do you do that?

JEFF That is the question. What do we do next?

BRANDON What’s next is exposure. You guys are doing great on a street level. But it’s one cd at a time. We need to hit hundreds and thousands at a time. We do that by internet, radio, analog radio, and web based. You need Bio’s, flyers, electronic press kits, email blast, and a good street team.

JEFF Whoa whoa whoa did Chris tell you we’re broke?

CHRIS Exactly we broker than a motherfucker.

BRANDON I know we’re broke but a lot of this can be done by favor. And a lot can be done by who we know not what we have. I would like to set up a meeting next week if possible with a marketing firm that has been successful introducing new acts to the market. There not cheap but the owner happens to be my wife’s brother. I took the liberty last week of giving him a copie of your cd and he’s very impressed. Can you guys be in Atlanta by next wednsday so we can meet at there office by 10am Thursday.

CHRIS I’m thinking we can definitely be back for that.

JEFF I think you’re right about that nephew. Yes we can be there can you lock this meeting down for sure? What’s this companies name I would like to be able to do a little research on them so we don’t look like complete bumpkins.

BRANDON The name of the company is G.T.M. and no doubt you should check them out before you get here. I’ll email you there website so you can check out there client list and some of there ad campaigns. And yes they have there schedule cleared for next Thursday morning I just had to confirm by tomorrow and it sounds like we just confirmed.

CHRIS Yes sir we definitely confirm that shit. We’ll fellas I think we’re off to a good start but I have to go now. BG I’ll hit you tomorrow, Unc I’ll call you back in a minute I here Nikkie up stairs yelling for me I’m out.



Nikkie is in standing out side the tub but there is water all around her feet. Chris rushes into the bathroom.

CHRIS What’s going on damn you screaming like –

NIKKIE I think little Chris does’nt want to wait another month.

CHRIS Are you serious what do I do?

NIKKIE Help me get dressed and take me to the hospital that’s what you do. I’ll call mommy to come watch Deon and just calm down we’ll be fine.


Jeff and Yvonne are watching tv but Jeff can’t stop talking since he is so excited about the conference call earlier.

JEFF Yeah baby and this dude is talking about press kits, bio’s and electronic pk’s hell I don’t even no what that is.

YVONNE Wow baby that’s really good. I’m so proud of you guys.

JEFF Wow I know it’s not a record deal but this guy is using terms like he really knows what he’s talking about I mean all from us selling a cd to the right guy can you believe it.

The PHONE RINGS Jeff gets up to go into the other room. Yvonne can here him say congratulations and hang up. He comes back in the other room with his car keys.

JEFF That was Christopher Nikky’s getting ready to have her baby they’re on the way to the hospital.

YVONNE Where are you going?

JEFF I feel like celebrating. I’m just going around to the carry out store to grab a six pack and a cigar.

YVONNE Oh baby do you have to. I’m just having a weird feeling about this.

JEFF Don’t start that I’m just going around the corner and I’ll be right back.

Jeff walks out the door and slams it. Yvonne just shakes her head when she hears the KEYS in the door she looks up as Jeff comes back in. Sits down beside Yvonne and lifts her chin up.

JEFF Baby I’m sorry I understand why you feel like that but I’m okay. Now I just had my first conference call with someone who I think is the missing link we need to get to the next level. So just relax and not make such a big deal of me going to the store alright.

Yvonne nods her head and wipes her eyes.

YVONNE Alright baby bring me some cheese puffs.


The store is all but empty except for A YOUNG COUPLE over looking at the magazine rack. A YOUNG MAN is at the counter and nods at Jeff when he comes in. Jeff nods back and goes over to the beer coolers grabs a 6 pack and then stops at the humidor and grabs a cigar. He comes over to the counter and sits them down.

YOUNG MAN Will that be all?

JEFF That should do it. Oh yeah what was the number tonight?

YOUNG MAN 531 and the pick 4 was 5313

JEFF You got to be kidding me that’s my number both of them. I knew this was my lucky day. Whew I left my tickets at home are ya’ll still paying out tonite?

Jeff hands the man a twenty dollar bill.

YOUNG MAN Long as you get back before 11 we’re paying. That’s 11.95 out of twenty. Nine o five is your change.

JEFF Good looking out I’ll be right back. I knew it was my lucky day.

Jeff grabs his change and walks out the front door the last thing he seen when he turned the corner was Dope Boys gun in his face.

DOPE BOY I told you I ain’t the one.

Jeff heard the blast as he threw the bag at Dope Boys face. He felt the burn on his face as every thing went silent. He felt the rip in his hand when he turned to run and throw his hand up at the same time. When he got turned around he felt the sledge hammer hit him in the back shoulder when he ran around the building. He felt the muscle tear in his leg when the bullet hit the back of his thigh. As he was falling down. He could fill the crack of a rib as the next bullet just missed his heart. He bounced off the concrete after the last bullet tore through his stomach right before he hit the ground. That’s all he could remember.

DOPE BOY Punk ass crack head mother fucker. We straight now.

Dope Boy turned around as his BOY who was driving pulled up with his car.

BOY Come on nigga get in this bitch here come five o nigga.

Dope Boy kicked Jeff in the ass and then walked around to the passenger side and jumped in as BOY punched it and chirped off with no lights on a Black car with black windows.

The Young Man at the counter and the YOUNG BOY and YOUNG GIRL came running around the corner right as Dope Boy was pulling off so they did not see who shot Jeff. The YOUNG GIRL started to scream when she seen the Blood.

YOUNG BOY Call 911 he looks like he’s still breathing.

The Young man at the counter ran back into the store and called 911.


Yvonne is pacing back in forth when she hears a knock on the door. She could hear the gun shots since the carry out store is just a street over and when Jeff did’nt answer his cell phone she was already thinking the worse. When she pulled back the curtain on the door and seen the POLICE OFFICER her hands started shaking as she opened the door. She could not speak and just covered her mouth.

POLICE OFFICER Are you Mrs. Thomas? Jeff Thomas’ wife?

Yvonne could not speak she just nodded her head up and down.

POLICE OFFICER I’m afraid I have some bad news mam your husband has been shot and he’s –

Yvonne let out the most blood curdling scream you could imagine. She just started swinging at the POLICE OFFICER hitting him on his chest.

YVONNE No no no no he can’t be dead.

POLICE OFFICER No mam he’s still alive. The ambulance has him and there on there way to the hospital. We did not want you to drive so I’ll wait in the car to take you.


Christopher is behind Nikky with the scrubs and the hat on.

Nikky is in the position with the legs in the stirrups and the DOCTOR is right in front her doing his thing.

DOCTOR That’s it. That’s good just give me one big push.

CHRIS Come on baby just one more that’s it!

You hear the BABY CRY as Nikky just falls back on the bed. The Doctor stands up and Christopher just starts smiling like he can’t stop. The nurse brings the baby over to Nikky and hands him to Her.

NURSE Congratulations on a healthy BABY BOY he’s beautiful.

CHRIS Yes he is Baby I love you so much WHEW.


Yvonne is being question by a DETECTIVE in the waiting room.

DETECTIVE Once again mam I apologize I had to ask you these questions at this time.

Yvonne is about to answer the Detective when one of the DOCTORS comes around the corner and comes towards her. She covers her mouth and has a very scarred look on her face.

DOCTOR Your husband is a very lucky man. We have him stabilized and we’re 80 to 90 percent sure there was no brain damage or to his central nervous system he should recover 100 percent but will know for sure after he comes out of recovery. One of the nurses will come and show you your husband.

YVONNE Praise God. Thank you so much Doctor I just don’t know how to thank you.

DOCTOR I think God has to get all the credit for this one any one of those 6 bullets hit an inch in either direction and this would be a different situation. God Bless you mam.


Nikky is sitting up smiling at Chris while he’s holding his son.

CHRIS I forgot to turn my phone back on let me call Moms and tell her what’s up.

Chris dials his moms number and as soon as he say hey Mom it’s a boy. He gets a scared look on his face hands the baby to Nicky and just falls back in the chair. He drops his head down to his knees and sound like he starting to cry.

NIKKY Chris what’s wrong.

Chris is crying but he lifts his head up and give Nikky the wait a minute with his finger he gets madder and drops his head down and starts crying again.

NIKKY Chris you’re scarring me what is going on.

Chris lifts his head up.

CHRIS Alright Mom I’ll call you back I’ll see if there here. My uncle was shot. Mom said the news said he was shot 6 times and was here. No report yet if he’s alive or not.

NIKKY Oh no Chhris, intensive care is the next floor up go see if you can find Yvonne. He’s alright I know he’s alright baby.


When Chris came around the corner he felt instant relief. He seen Yvonne’s Pastor and a crowd of people who had to be from there church. Since they we’re all dancing and praising God. Yvonne seen him and came over to him and hugged him.

YVONNE He’s alright baby He’s alright.


A long black limousine pulls up to the curb.



Chris is dressed in an all white 3 piece suit sitting in the back. Jeff, BG, and Henry are all dressed in 3 piece black suits.

HENRY You boys ready to do this?

CHRIS You ready unc?

JEFF Hell yes. What about you BG you ready?

BRANDON Yes sir. But let’s have a quick word of prayer first.

They all hold hands and bow there head as BG starts to pray.

When there done praying BG and Henry get out the car first.

JEFF Give me and Chris one minute man Close the door Please.

Henry closes the door after saying “hurry up we can’t be late 2 minutes only”.

Jeff You know I never understood why you didn’t kick me to the curb after my run in with Dope Boy.

CHRIS It’s simple unc we’re family man just like you said we’re family. Lets go sign this deal unc.





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