Andreas Fandl - Universität Graz

Andreas Fandl

Attemsgasse 21/2/10

8010 Graz




Betriebswirtschaftsstudent an der KF Universität Graz


an der

University of Southern Indiana (Evansville) – Fall 2006

über das

International Student Exchange Program (ISEP)

Imagine waking up in a room with a mate from Switzerland, having breakfast with people from China, attending a course held by an American specialist, having lunch with a French girl, playing sports with people from all continents of the world, and having fun with these people again at night.

Some years ago I could just dream of these things. Now, I know that it can be possible because I experienced it.

Studying abroad in the United States of America has always been a very special target which I wanted to accomplish, and last year this dream became real. I was placed in the University of Southern Indiana in Evansville via the ISEP program.

This program has fulfilled all my expectations. Moreover, it was such a great help to organize my semester abroad perfectly. Furthermore, I have to mention that the University of Southern Indiana has such a professional International Program where people are working for students around the clock.

I came to know my university very early, because they sent me all of the important information and details about courses, housing, meal plan, facilities, or free time activities, so I was able to plan my semester carefully in advance.

I started my trip a couple of days earlier than I was supposed to, which was a big advantage for me because I had time to get more important things done.

After some difficulties with my trip to the United States (strict controls, flight delay), I had a great arrival in Evansville. Members of the International Program picked me up at the airport and brought me to where I would be living which was on the International floor of one of the student dormitories.

For me this floor was a perfect way to start the semester because I got to live with people who were in the same situation that I was. I built a special relationship with them from the first day on. Residence Assistants, who live in the dorms also, tend to facilities like computer labs, laundry stations or studying rooms and help students feel comfortable.

The first week is called Orientation Week. New students come to know the International Program, important staff members of the University, and also are told the rules and learn how things work.

On the campus tour, I found that American Universities are not just built up in a very modern style, but was also able to see all of the buildings in the university. This allowed me to discover special facilities on campus like the huge library, all kinds of sports facilities, fitness studio or swimming pool, which are offered to the students for free.

USI (University of Southern Indiana) undertakes everything to make the students’ life as comfortable as possible. Besides taking care of personal problems, a lot of trips and events are organized during our free time.

These things made life so amazing and were very helpful to come to know the American culture and other cultures (Chinese, Arabic or South American) and so I made a lot of friends, dare I say friendships for ever.

During Orientation week, I also took medical tests, which was an advantage because it guaranteed that I was not only in a good physical shape, but also that I would not come in contact with other diseases very easily.

Although I already picked out my favorite courses in Austria, I had to make sure that I was still getting them at my host university.

A very big difference, but great benefit of the American system, is that every student gets an advisor who supports him with his studies. The advisor also helps a student to enroll in his classes so there were no problems of any kind.

My courses at USI which I would fully recommend:

MNGT 341 Human Resource Management

MNGT 445 International Business

PRL 261 Intro Public Relations

THTR 251 Acting

GENS 099 Strategies College Reading

All of these courses helped me a great deal for my studies in Austria, but I was able to take out many things for my private life. Hopefully you perfect your English, which is very important in our business life nowadays.

The ISEP program includes costs for studying, housing and meal plan and thus provides students a perfect possibility to realize their dream of studying abroad. You just have to care for additional expenses like books, study materials, or trips which are offered very cheap, and before going abroad, you will have to make a health security for the case.

Altogether, I recommend the University of Southern Indiana to everybody who would like to study in the United States. It is a wonderful, nice American University at which everything is offered to make life as comfortable as possible.


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