From Typepad Help

Accepting an Author Invitation


You will receive an email invitation post as an author on the class weblog. The email will be sent from Typepad on behalf of your instructor (so please do not automatically delete it). This email contains a special link for you to follow that leads to the “You’ve been invited to join a TypePad weblog!” page at the TypePad site where you view your invitation.


If you are not an existing TypePad member, register for free guest access by clicking Register for Free. Here you will sign up for your user name and password to log in to TypePad. Enter your information and complete the registration by following through the steps.


After registering, you will then see the Accept Invitation button to accept the invite. After accepting, you will be forwarded automatically to your Weblogs tab. The weblog that you were invited into, and are now a member of, will be listed. You will also receive a registration confirmation email message after signing up for TypePad.

To access the blog from now on, log in with your TypePad user name and password at the TypePad homepage.


Posting TEXT to Your Blog

To write a post, login to Typepad, open your blog and

click the Post tab or use the

Create a Post shortcut link for the weblog on your Weblogs tab.



1. Enter a Title and select a Category (or multiple categories)

2. Enter the text of your post in Post Body section.

3. If your post is long, set the Posting Status to Draft and save your post periodically while composing. When you are finished entering your post, set the Posting Status as Publish Now.


4. Click Save

Including hyperlinks in your post

1. Highlight the text in your post that you wish to link.

2. Click the link button and enter the url in the popup window.


Reviewing your post

Click the View Weblog link/button to view the published version

The blog will open in a new window


Editing your posts

If you wish to edit your posts at any time, click on the Manage or Post tab and select List Posts. Click the title of the post you wish to edit.



If you wish to receive comments on your post be sure to set the Comments Status to Open. SEE Configure > Preferences for Comment settings including approval, authentication, notification.


|To post a comment, go to VIEW mode and click on the Comment link in the|A new window will open and you will be prompted to enter your comment.|

|footer below the post. | |

|[pic] |[pic] |



Uploading an image

1. Click the Insert Image button

2. Browse to find the file on your computer.

TO AVOID COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT, you should only upload your images or images for which you have permission to publish on the web. The instructions below explain how to link to other people’s images and have them display in your blog.

Linking to external image (someone else's) on the web

1. Navigate to the image on the web and copy the url of the image.

2. Return to Typepad and paste the url of the image into the text of your post where you would like the image to display.

3. Click the Edit HTML button (to the left above Post Body)

4. Type the highlighted code to surround the url of the image as in the example below. Your resulting html code should look like this:

5. Add width code to scale down very large images:

6. The align tag can be useful if you wish to center or wrap text:

8. Be sure to cite the original source of the image and include a hyperlink to the original website. Citation formats for electronic sources can be found at

Audio and video: moblogging and vlogging

There are several ways to insert audio and video into your blog:

link to an audio file, upload file, phoning in, and using a web-based audio/video service to record with a webcam.

1. Link to an audio file

You can create a link to the url of an audio or video file just as you would to a web page or image. For example, you may wish to store audio recordings in your IFS Public HTML folder and link to them. [pic]

2. Uploading a file

Another easy way to post audio and video to your blog is to record an audio and video file, save it on your computer and then insert it using the Insert File button


Mac users can use applications such as Audacity, Quicktime, iMovie to record audio and video files. Windows software includes the built in Entertainment Accessory Sound Recorder.

To embed a Quicktime player control bar into your blog, click on Edit HTML link and insert the following code into your post. Change the url of the file to refer to your file either on the Typepad blog server or another server (i.e. your IFS space).

NOTE: also offers a very easy and cheap ($5/5gig/mo) service that allows you to phone in, record from browser and upload existing audio files and displays them with a variety of controller options.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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