




rjl, SADDLE? If - Or* Does Yonr Old Saddle

Need Repairs? f i Write tor catalor and prices

Planting Restrictions SITTING BULL HAD For Day Or Night ONLY PRIDE LEFT To Be Lifted in 1942

AAA planting restrictions on all crops except sugar beets and wheat

MRS. ANDERSON Wimples, Snoods



TO SURRENDER Orifinal ConshaU Saddles

will be lifted for 1942, J. G. Tass?ll,

1 une* City Saddlery Co.. Miles City, Mont. | Lewis and Clark coiinty committee

man, said.

MISSOULA.--Delegates to the Mon tana grand assembly Of the Order of Eastern Star elected Mrs. Marion An

Wheat acreage allotments are being STARVING INDIANS FORCED TO

derson of Kalispell grandmatron and



made as usual, Tassell said, and sugar beet allotments will be determined later.

Soil-building allowances will be in


The midsummer of 1881 was ex

Ernest L. Marvin o f Billings grand patron.

Other elected officers are Mrs. Ber tha Weiloff of Lewistown, associate

For Sale Or Lease

creased to replace the general allot tremely hot. . The buffalo had depart ment payments in 1942 and the rate ed for the more southern pastures

grand matron; R. M. Hattersley of Conrad, associate grand patron; Mrs.

will be 70 cents per acre for crop land south of the Missouri river. There was

Mrs. Eunice Brown of Missoula, sec


FARM LUMBER immediately available by truck, roueh or planed lumber, quantities,

quality to suit every requirement, forty-eight

in excess of the sum of special allot ments. Rates for non-crop pasture land or rangeland will be the same as under the 1941 program, he said.

little upon which to subsist in a wild, barren and unoccupied territory. Feel ing the pangs of hunger growing more intense, the little band of outlaw hos-

retary; Mrs, Cynthia Plummer of Butte, treasurer; Mrs. Olive May Flaschsenhar of Terry, conductress; Mrs. Nellie Hauberg of Helena, asso

hour delivery, REASONABLE PRICES, In Special crop compliance payments tiles under the leadership of Sitting

quiries stating quantity and quality desired will receive immediate attention. Robt. L.

Rowell, 511 3rd Ave. N,, Great Falls, Mont.

will be announced later as will soil building practice rates. Deductions for

Bull began to murmur. T?iis condi tion became intensified by the com

exceeding special crop allotments will plaints that were being made that


be figured at 10 times the payment nothing was being done to establish

FOR SALE--' `The Oasis." The only confec rate.

the wandering band upon food-bearing

tionery. fountain and lunch room in south i The county committeeman also said land.

and east Libby. On hlway No. 2. corner of Larch opposite sawmill. New 16x30 building,

stucco outside and Celotexed inside: full

tiiat farmers who have stored excess wheat under the 1941 marketing quotas

Hunger drove the colorful and migh ty " painted chief" to a decision. He

basement. Corner lot gives ample space for curb service and lawn service. All new equip ment last year. Inquire of Vernon Crotteau,

may obtain release of their grain by seeding below their 1942 acreage al

was going to give himself up, together wTEh his worn out and straggling fol

Libby, Mont.

lotments. The amount of wheat that lowers that numbered about 200 souls

FOR SALE--MODERN EQUIPPED Bakery in eastern Washington town of 1800; only

may be released will depend upon the amount of the reduction of the 1942

Sitting Bull had been diplomatic in his representations to both the au

bakerv: wholesale, retail: doing $1500 month. 406? retail. Shop must be seen to see possi

bilities. Price $9000 and invoice; terms. If you are looking for a bakery don' t miss this

crop, calculated on the basis of normal yields.

- -------- ?---------

thorities in the Dominion of Canada and the military authority stationed at Fort Keogh, near Miles City. His

opportunity. Ritzville Electric Bakery, Ritz-

ville, Wash.

Offer "Refresher"

surrender was to hinge on the best terms possible that he could secure.

ciate conductress.


The grand assembly will convene next year at Helena, following the Masons' 76th grand lodge in August.

Appointive officers introduced, by Mrs. Anderson included Mrs. Anna Leedham of Glasgow, chap' ain; Mrs. Palma Coon of Billings, marshal; Mrs. Mabel Brekke, Hardin, organist; Mrs. Thelma Lenard of Chinook, Adah; Mrs. Bertha Morgan of Opheim, Ruth; Mrs. Irene C,, Arsland of Forsyth, Esther; Mrs. Martha O. Pemberton of Livings ton, Martha; Mrs Iva Orr of Dillon, Electra; Mrs. Serene Swanson of Whitefish, warder, and Mrs. Mordena McKain of Eureka, sentinel.

Wimples and snoods are evident in all the early fall millinery col lections. CBS Actress Bonnie Don

FOR SALE--20-ROOM HOTEL, Upauty Shop A "refresher" course in nutrition will

in connection. Doing capacity business. Re modeled last fall. $4.000, less for cash. Located







Would Not Surrender Early in November, 1880, Sitting Bull

In best grain and cattle county in eastern uates in the state at Montana State had returned from his exile in south

RusselVs Friend Taken by Death

ahue wears Erik's Scotch plaid pompadour model with a back drape which may be left hanging

Montana. See operator, Ranch, Archer, Mont.



Eggen's college Aug. 27 to 29 and the work ern Canada. Scott Evarts and Lieu will be given under the sponsorship tenant Clark had been sent up north

MYSTIC BEAUTY SALON, c o m p l e t e l y equipped for two operators. Beautifully

furnished. Established for ten years. Includes furnished apt. Reasonable cash price. Address

of the Montana nutrition committee, announces Dr. Gladys Branegan, dean of the household and industrial arts

to interview him with reference to his coming in and giving himself and his band up. Upon their return to Fort

Feme Slaughter, Deadwood, S. Dak.

at the college and chairman of the Keogh, Lieutenant Clark reported that

Ben R. Roberts, 78, son of the first sheriff of what is now Lewis and Clark county and intimate friend of Mon tana's late cowboy artist, Charlie Rus sell, died at Helena following a long illness.

loose or tucked in your coat collar. Wimples, incidentally, will be a blessing to the wearers on cold wintry days. Notice her matching envelope bag, a style trend favored by many this year.

FOR SALE--Tourist camp. Fifteen cabins, state committee.

he was unable to negotiate any terms

filling station on good corner. Rent well

of surrender. Sitting Bull, said that

year around. $3,000 will handle. Other busi ness. Owner John Pehrson, Box 892, Chinook, Mont.

FOR SALE--Building 50 x 70 Ft. Two store rooms. Six two and three room apartments

The coldest town on the British isles is Braemer, which has an average year ly temperature of 11.3 degrees below zero.

military officer, displayed hostility to the whites approaching his camp and positively refused to surrender on the American side of the line. He had just

in best town in northern Montana. Income

come down from the north where he

$250 per month. Price $7,000. P. T. Metzner, Browning, Mont.

MEAT MARKET in Missoula. Good business and location. Very easy terms. Illness rea

son for selling. Box 190G-W, Great Falls. Mont.



had been given rations by the Cana dian mounted police headquarters, and felt that he could make a better bar gain.

It was February of 1881 that Major

Lustrous stone marten is used

in this versatile jacket worn by

lovely Ona Munson, star of Co

lumbia network's "Big Town"

series. Notice the tuxedo type of

closing with the lower part of the

front panels serving as pockets. A

jacket like this is equally effective

over afternoon frocks or with your

most devastating formaL


Funeral services were held at Hel


News Briefs He had lived in Montana for the last

77 years, coming with his family to Virginia City when only a year old.

Roberts, who conducted a harness and saddelry business at Helena, and

From the Treasure State

at Cascade for many years, struck an

acquaintance with Russell in the early HELENA.--The United States treas 1880s. Russell lived with Roberts from, ury accounts office and the state office time to time for many years and was of the division of disbursements, both married at the Roberts' home in Cas originally in Butte, are now located

Wanted to Buy $1000 CASH buys complete bakery equipment incl. high speed mixer worth $4,000. F. W. Breakey, Devils Lake, N. D.

FOR SALE OR LEASE--Night club building. Fine location. Call at or write 2205 Hilda,

Missoula, Montana.

FOR SALE: Up-to-date beauty shop: good business; good location. For information

write Conrad Beauty Shop, Conrad, Mont.


WANTED TO BUY--A belt pulley power take off to fit a Caterpillar D-4 tractor. See or

write Henry Lindvig, W atford Star Rte., Willlston, No. Dak.

Guido Ilges, who had defeated Chief Gall on Poplar creek and had sent him with his band to Fort Buford, went in pursuit of the wily medicine man of the Sioux. His retreat again across the line prevented any contact. The major returned to Fort Buford and thence to Fort Keogh where he made his report.

for any other purpose. Hunger gnawed at his vitals. His people were weak from lack of sufficient food. The things for which he once grasped had receded far from him. He found himself championing a lost cause.

There was no hope that he could regain his former position as the lead


Roberts' widow, the former Leda Vivian Gorham, at present visiting in Port Orchard, Wash., is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gor ham. Her father for many years con ducted stock ranches near Virginia City, Helena and Cascade.



GREAT FALLS.--Cascade county does a business of more than $3,500,000 anuually, the annual report of County Clerk Charles Regan to the state examiner shows. The report re veals that total payments during the last fiscal year were $3,515,690.78 as

MODERN HOTEL in southeastern Idaho. D o ing thriving business. Owner wishes to re

tire. Write Box 603, Malad, Idaho!

FOR SALE--Good plumbing business in town of 2,000 pop, Box 1906-L, Great Falls, Mont.


SALE--5,000 A. (50 farms) irrigated, full water rights, water this year $1.80 A. Heart of

melon, cantaloupe, cucumber district, alfalfa, wheat, corn, anything. 1 to 5 miles county seat, 10 ml. Rocky Ford. No mtg. Some 40, 80 A. tracts, low as $65 A. 306i cash, bal. 5%.

FOUND--Best market in twenty years for scrap steam boilers, scrap cast iron and

steel. Write or wire M. Gordon & Co., 631 East Aluminum St., Butte, Mont.

W A N T E O --ROB ROY (Continental Ivory) China. Anyone having any of this pattern

to sell--please write to Box 1886, Cut Bank, Mont.

CASH for unusual old buttons. Send samples or write Mrs. V. E. Stealy, Marshall, Mich.

RABBIT HIDES--We pay highest prices. Harry Turk, 528 4th St., Bremerton, Wash.

Sitting Bull saw no improvement in the condition of himself and his fol lowers, who remained loyal to him, and became dissatisfied with the method of dispensing rations to him. When the snows of winter had given way to the warmer days of spring, he felt the urge to depart and again found him self south of the dominion line. It was remarked in Qu' Appelle, in early July, that Sitting Bull and his camp

er of a great confederation of hostile Indians. Whatever promise came with the rising of the sun in the morning faded with the descent of the stellar orb behind the western hills in the warm glow of eventide. Look where he would, he found nothing but deso lation. Gazing in contemplation at his people he saw that the fighting spirit and power hqd gone from them. Hun ger drove him to make a final decision. He would surrender and give himself

Other survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Charles L. Sheridan of Helena, wife of the chief of Montana's highway patrol, and two sons, Gorham Roberts of Helena and V. Kimp Roberts of Port Orchard, Wash.

light on the circumstances of that Chief's willingness to come in.

Major Brotherton, he said in a dis patch to his paper, has desired to keep

compared with revenues of $3,581,996.34.

HELENA.--The Montana liquor con trol board announced as a permanent policy elimination of the brokerage system for purchase of any products distributed through the state monopoly system. Board members said the March 14 elimination of the broker age system was undertaken on more or less of an experimental basis.

Renfrow Farms, Canon City, Colo.

265 ACRES, a leaf mold soil and clay sub soil. Lies beautifully surrounded by lakes.


had been gone from there for some time. His camp had been reduced to a very weak fighting power. His band

and his people up to the authority of the white man. But he would have one more parley with the Canadian

vague rumors of Sitting Bull's move ments with which his name has been associated, out of the dispatches as

HAVRE.--A train carrying 28 cars loaded with armored trucks, trucks carrying transformers and what ap

Good sturdy set of buildings. Owner dis abled. Sell cheap with or no equipment. Write L. Box 127, Llndstrom, Minn.

OWNER must sacrifice 4 good Gallatin Val ley Irrigated and dry land ranches. Running

water in 3 houses. Write owner, 521 South Willson, Bozeman, Mont., for details.

CHRISTIAN AGENTS (men, women) add in come selling Bibles, Books, Christmas Cards,

Scripture Stationery, Plaques. Fill urgent need. Rewards abundant. Part-time workers invited. Experience unessential. Write today! Bible Institute Colportage Assn., 804m N. Wells St,, Chicago.

was composed largely of old men.

Safe On Canadian Soil At least there was safety and pro tection for Sitting Bull on the Cana dian side of tfhe line. He realized this fact. His appraisal of the battling

mounted police.

Perhaps, as a last resort, some con cession would be made to him, some offer extended whereby he might In a measure secure that more coveted rec ognition that he believed he was en

far as possible, " thinking your readers had surfeit of such news and wished to have him secured in camp here before any further publication on the subject. But several boats having passed down carrying certain wild re

peared to be radio transmitters passed through Havre during the afternoon. The trucks were bound for Seattle from Reardon arsenal, New Jersey, ac cording to guards in charge. One truck was loaded on each flatcar.

Barber Schools IRRIGATED RANCH, Fort Shaw. $3,750.00. $750 down; balance easy terms. Frary and Burlingame, Great Falls, Montana.

CALLED TO LOCKHEED. Must sell 25 acres, Irrigated. Good building, no bonds. Particu

lars write A. F. Black, Post Falls, Idaho.

120-ACRE farm, GO cleared. Modern house. Frank Oliphant, 207 East 5th Ave., Olympia, Wash.

FOR SALE-- 1160-acre ranch, well improved, fenced woven wire. Olaf Ohman, 30 ml.

S. W. Gillette, Wyo.


LEWIS & WALKER, assayers. chemists. 108 N. Wyoming. BUTTE, MONTANA.

WE MAKE STAMPS, rubber, type. HELENA STAMP WORKS, Helena, Montana.


FOR SALE-- Beautiful red Chow and Pek ingese puppies. A. K. C. litter registered.

N. E. Butler, 1003 4th Ave. W., Kalispell, Mont.


100 KINDS OF TREES--at 25 cents each--

HOME STUDY scholarship salesman wanted; exclusive right to Montana. Leads furnished.

Write American School, Box 1906-A, Great Falls, Mont.

NEW SILVER POLISH cloth, cleans instantly. Convincing demonstration means quick

profits. Write today. Ker-Lee, 4507 N. Kllbourn Ave., Chicago.

ONE MONTH FREE TUITION, ' new class starting. Enroll by mail at Special Rates.

Moler's, W. 405 Trent, Spokane, Wash.



READ THIS! Before long you will be looking for some kind of work. Why not do as hundreds of girls all over the state have done-- train for a career that always provides'a good living--the Beauty Profession? Write for our descriptive catalog.

New Class September 2, 1911

McCarroll Beauty School

7 East Granite -- Butte, Montana

strength of his followers brought him no encouragement. It was said of him at this time that since the departure (and subsequent surrender) of the "Kit Fox" band of braves under Low Dog, the Sioux camp had not been in a po sition to do any mischief, and the reason the Sitting Bull camp left for the safety zone across the line was no doubt due to the fact that they were mortally afraid of the Blackfeet, Crow, Assinniboine and Cree war parties. These bands, though small in number, and not considered to be formidable, were at large. The negotiation for their surrender was no easy matter, however, and required a great deal of time and trouble. Major Crozier, knowing that to strip the camp of these (which also Included Sitting Bull's soldiers) would at least break their power for any mischief. He kept constantly at them and at last had the pleasure of starting them for' Fort Bu ford, where tjiey eventually surren dered to the United States authorities.

titled to because of his experience and rank among his own people. It was the the old story. Rations; no recogni tion; no invitation; no concern exer cised whether he remain or depart. If he remained, rations. If he went, he took the entire responsibility. Per haps some one would go with him and his people back to the states and make some representations tfor him in his decision that he would give up.

It was in July, 1881, that a letter written by Jean Louis Legare to Major Brotherton arrived at Fort Buford. According to the record it was written at Wood Mountain valley on July 12. Another reference to the letter indi cates that it was written at a point not far north of Fort Buford. A cor respondent of the Pioneer Press, sta tioned at the fort at the time, made a copy of the letter and inckided the context in a special dispatch to his paper


Chiefs Wanted Presents .

ports. he kindly submits your corres pondent to furnish you with reliable information."

The arrival of Sitting Bull at the fort was awaited with interest. The Indians were nearly all on foot. It was the prevailing thought at the fort that Captain Clifford, " who could talk an Indian blind, or swallow a jack-knife for his edification, or ride all over him or around him," would prevail upon him and bring him to the fort suc cessfully unless some unwarranted in terference has turned him from his course."

In connection with the last dramatic gesture extended by Sitting Bull in his decision to surrender and take the medicine of the white man, he dis covered again that while reservations had previously been established for him for residence, and he had left it to wage war against white supremacy in the northwest, he was still con fronted with "rations" for subsistence. His militant career had been brought

BOZEMAN.--Formation of county nutrition committees throughout the state to speed the move for better diet was asked by Dr. M. L. Wilson, di rector of extension for the United States department of agriculture, and chairman of the nutrition advisory committee for the nation, at a meet ing of the Montana nutrition com mittee.

STANFORD.--Harvesting in Judith Basin county is now about completed. The yield ran higher than expected. It is estimated that there will be ap proximately 115,000 acres of spring and winter wheat threshed. Several grow ers in the northern part of the county report 50 bushels to the acre, but some yields where hail struck are running as low as 12. The county average is ex pected to exceed 25 bushels.

SHELBY.--Toole county has pur chased a new site for an airport com prising 800 acres, located four miles

guaranteed to grow--send for our "Junior Trees" list. Dept. 3, Hemingway Tree Farms,

Help Wanted Boyne City, Mich.


WATCH YOUR RYE FOR ERGOT. Write for information, cleaning suggestions, prices.

Universal Laboratories, Dassel, Minnesota.


BE INDEPENDENT. Earn $25 to $50 weekly

at home. Write Rogers, Eox 66, Alhambra, Calif.

Sitting Bull and his followers were " Dear Major," was the salutsition,

safe In Canada. It was probable, It " I am en route with Sitting Bull, Four

was stated 1881, that

during the late spring of the chief medicine man

Horns, in all six chiefs, about 40 fam ilies with 200 people. The Indians wish

would go to Battleford with the in tention of interviewing the lieutenantgovernor. It was said at the time that he had in mind the making of rep

to have some half-breeds come out with provisions. I send a good man with this letter. He will tell you all about it. Can you send them full ra

resentations wherein he would be sat tions to let them know how you feed

to a close with his surrender, but noth ing transpired subsequently that ever crushed the royal bearing, the lofty mien or the feeling of kingly prestige that had carried him to the zenith of his glory and power on June 25, 1876, when he directed the forces of the Indian confederacy on the banks of the Little Big Horn river.

south of Shelby. The site is close to the main highway, adjacent to gas and water lines and is nearly level. An option on the land was secured from J. S. Robinson, owner, June 7, and subsequently was tentatively ap proved by the government according to its specifications before being pur


WOMEN! Chumanie's Triple X X X Period Pills. $2. (3 boxes $5.) No. C. O. D. Chu-

manie Medicine Co., D -ll, New Richmond. O.

GET ACQUAINTED CLUB. Introductions made quickly. All ages, many wealthy. Simpson,

Box 1251, Denver, Colo.

isfied If he could secure a reserve for himself and his people. He` remarked: " Some of my people were there last

them at Buford? I have provisions for two or three days only. Send in a hurry as they may make trouble or

Photos--Finishing MISCELLANEOUS

summer and we .were well treated and I have a good Idea to go myself."

turn back. you a little

Each chief expects from present, such as tobacco,

FOR SALE: 1941 complete rural directory of

Valley county, Montana. Price 50c per copy any place in the U. 8. A list of 1,700 farmers and ranchers. The Glasgow Courier, Glasgow, Montana.

Wheat SPECIAL job lot brand new high grade cir cular heating stoves--wood, and coal and

EIGHT exposure rolls, 127 to 116 size, de

veloped, all pictures enlarged. 25 cents plus one cent tax In coin. Reprints enlarged three cents ea'ch. Aberdeen Film Service, Box 1207, Aberdeen, S. D.

The mounted police authorities of Canada were not particularly im pressed by the presence of Sitting Bull north of the line. True, they gave him rations for his people, but this was not satisfactory. His contacts with the

spirits, etc. I have promised that much, if not more. Send them some thing, even if charged to me. I wish you would. direct every man at the fort not to pay any more attention to Sitting Bull than to any other Indian

wood. Exceedingly low in price. Alaska Junk Co., Spokane, Wash.


Canadian Canadian

Sioux, a matter that the authorities had considered

for the first day and let m e''bring them to the front of your office my

MEN--$1.29 buys $5 pack 100 chrome blue

at one time, did not appear to suit self. If there is anything wrong I will

blades. Spec. C.O.D. offer. Order now. Write T. & C. Brands, Minneapolis, Minn.




the American chieftain. t He wanted notify you at once. They have very

more than association; his ambition was a return to the power and glory

ponies and guns and come from Appelle nearly starved. The In

he once had enjoyed. The Canadian dian I send with my man Ambrose

Some ranchers make their living by raising wheat.

SAVE 50?. -75" --Used parts for all cars.

CARL WEISSMAN & CO., 218 Fourth St. Bo., Great .Falls, Montana.


Sioux were satisfied with their sur roundings and. environment and when

Delasle is one of the best I know. I remain your obedient servant, Jean

They make more money if they r ^ e a better


DIESELS-- 8 KW, A. C. Stover late style, used four months. $850. 4 KW, A. C. Witte, used

seven months. $650. We buy, sell, rent, trade. Porter Electric Co., Inc., 612 Third Avenue South. Minneapolis, Minn.

M. N. A. SEPTEMBER 1, 1941 (1)

For Sale

WILL SELL 17 Purebred Hereford cows. Also yearlings and bull calves. Linus Markuson,

Galata, Mont.



buffalo were not to be procured, they could depend upon the bounty of the government. They were satisfied. 11118 sort of existence did not appeal to Sitting Bull, and when the months of May and June brought propitious weather conditions for travel, and the big game moved south to feed in the Missouri river valley and the plains

Louis Legare."

It was on Thursday night that the courier arrived at Fort Buford. Early on the following morning Major Brotherton started out six army wag ons-with ample supplies and an escort. No officer was placed In charge by reason of Legare's request, although

Issue Truck Rules

ders now, in lots to suit purchaser. R. McAllister, Ranch, Fairfield, Mont. * -----1--------------------------- ------- ---- --


to the south of that stream, sitting Bull took his leave and again crossed

several asked for the privilege companying the caravan.



over from southern Canada.

Hearing, however, that an effort was

A new loose leaf pocket size booklet has been published by the board of railroad ciJmmlssioners covering the laws, rules and regulations governing motor vehicle carriers. By a general order o f Commissioners Paul T. Smith,

G assified


A d vertisin g

Wild Game Scarce It was difficult to subsist upon what the braves could shoot in the way of wild animals. No rations were distrib uted to the leader of the band for their sustenance on 'th e part of the Amer

likely to be made to deflect Sitting Bull from his direct route and take him to Poplar creek, and desiring to avoid the consequent delay of his sub sequent arrival at the fort, Capt. Wal ter Clifford- was ordered to proceed

grade of wheat and have more bushels of it per acre.

Twenty-five pounds of Anaconda Treble Superphosphate applied with a drill to summ;ir fallowed land will give in return a better grade wheat with three to five MORE bushels per acre.

The increased yield pays for the cost of fertil izing and leaves a good profit besides.

Horace F. Casey and Chairman Austin B. Middleton, the board has revised

For Sale

ican authorities. Sitting Bull knew and meet the party and conduct It .to that Chief Gall was on his way to an the fort by the shortest route.

Thousands of wheat growers find it is good

the old rules and regulations and is

American reservation. There were no The correspondent had preceded the

sued new ones pertaining to the safety

other outlaw bands with which he wagons to the Sitting Bull camp. His

o f motor carrier operations and eral provisions concerning them.


NYSTRAND POULTRY CO., cash buy?? of live poultry and eggi. Bhlp any time. 3139

Placer S t , Butte, Mont

could form a contact in opposition to

the constituted military authority or

comment written after his arrival is interesting as tending to throw some

business sense.

at -


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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