DBBT – Digital Broadcasting and Broadband Technologies ...

| | | |Application Form |

| | | |Selection: 2015 |

| | | | |

| | | |KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good |

| | | |practices – |

| | | |Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education |

| | | | |

Call for Proposal EAC/A04/2014

Implementation of the study program - Digital Broadcasting and Broadband Technologies (Master studies) / DBBT-MS


(To be attached to the eForm)

Version 1 – 1.10.2014

PART D - Quality of the project team and the cooperation arrangements

D.1. Organisations and activities

This part must be completed separately by each organisation participating in the project (applicant and partners).

|Partner number ☒ | |P1 |

|Organisation name & acronym |University of Pristina (UPKM) |

|D.1.1 - Aims and activities of the organisation |

|Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the area |

|covered by the project (limit 2000 characters). |

|University of Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica is a higher education institution founded in 1969. University has today more than 10.000 students |

|and 800 teachers and assistants and 350 non-teaching staff. Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTS) is one of 10 faculties at the University. It is |

|established by merging 4 technical faculties: Faculty for Electrical, Faculty of Mechanical, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Faculty of Mining.|

|FTS offers 8 different accredited study programs in the field of technical and technological sciences: architecture, civil engineering, |

|electrical and computer engineering, engineering of environmental protection and safety at work, mechanical engineering, mining engineering and |

|industrial engineering. Academic studies are based on Bologna education process and carried out at three levels: bachelor (3 and 4years, 180 and|

|240 ECTS credit points), master (1 and 2 years, 60 and 120 ECTS credit points) and PhD (3 years – 180 ECTS credit points). Faculty laboratories |

|are carriers in the performance of practical exercises and scientific research work. Studies of electrical engineering and computer engineering |

|are divided into: Department of Power engineering, Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, and the Department of Computing and |

|Informatics. Departments are specialised in the following areas: digital signal processing, multimedia systems and applications, digital image |

|processing, mobile communications, data protection, software engineering and network technology. FTS develop cooperation relationships with |

|scientific institutions and companies in Kosovo* and local region. In order to improve the education and scientific research, FTS through |

|regional and international projects develops scientific cooperation with European universities in related scientific fields. One of the FTS |

|priorities (in accordance with the objectives of the EU) is innovation at study program for the efficient implementation, realization and |

|maintenance of Broadcast and Broadband technology in Kosovo* and the region. |

|Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project (limit 1000 characters). |

|The main role of University of Pristina (UPKM) - Faculty of Technical Sciences in the project is project coordination: project management, |

|financial management, coordination among partners and it is also the target user of development of study program for master studies (1 year, 60 |

|ECTS credit points) in the field of Broadcast and Broadband Technologies (DBBT). After the graduation in master studies, students should have |

|both: theoretical and practical knowledge that can be immediately applicable in the labour market – this profile of experts doesn’t exist so far|

|in Kosovo*. In order to achieve readiness for producing experts in the field of DBBT, our organisation has to establish the laboratories, with |

|the necessary hardware and software infrastructure for the analysis of transmission and processing of multimedia signals in broadband and |

|broadcast systems;and multimedia digital HDTV studio with the necessary equipment for the implementation of digital multimedia services. During |

|the implementation of the study program will be organised exchanging of experiences and knowledge with EU partners. UPKM will coordinate the |

|participation of students and teachers in the project. |

|D.1.2 - Operational capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project |

|Please add lines as necessary. |

|Name of staff member |Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related |

| |to the domain of the project. |

|Nebojša Arsić |Full Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Technical Sciences. He has significant experience in scientific |

| |and pedagogical work. Actively participates in national and international research, development and |

| |educational projects. Participated in number of national and international scientific and professional |

| |conferences and publishes results of research work in scientific journals. Fields of his research include |

| |renewable energies, distant energy generation and supply, energy efficiency, decentralisation of energy |

| |networks. He is a member in several national and international professional organisations, advisory bodies|

| |and scientific committees. |

|Mile Petrović |Mile Petrovic is full professor at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering at |

| |Faculty of Technical Sciences in Kosovska Mitrovica. He graduated in Electrical Engineering at the |

| |University of Pristina, M.Sc at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Ph.D. at Faculty of Electrical |

| |Engineering in Pristina. He has extensive experience in digital broadcasting systems and multimedia |

| |applications, network digital TV and radio services, implementation of new technology (EPG, HbbTV, DVB-T2 |

| |Lite services ...), Mobile Technology and digital image processing. He was technical director of Radio |

| |Television Pristina, Head of the Department of telecommunications, a member of the Senate of the |

| |University of Pristina. He is also member of SMTP (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) |

| |settled in Los Angeles, USA from 1996. He is the author of over 100 scientific peer - reviewed papers, |

| |initiator of a number of international Tempus projects in the country and certified patents. He has |

| |participated in scientific research projects, as well as, in projects for the modernisation and enhancing |

| |quality of higher education. He is author of many textbooks and scientific articles in the field of mobile|

| |radio and telecommunication networks. He is also member of the technical program committee and reviewer |

| |for several international journals and symposia. Detailed list of publication can be viewed on following |

| |links: |

| |

| |u1EvzP0ewaTK9PMxnGUKpMJAYm3phaEHK8VfHFFLhZQne-NphLlJzPFOCQm1hvastBtDRyPEmn7L5Na-JxbQ8c2NZ6vgTvOD4FV6ADzGpS|

| |vaeGCyA40NIfjZJBsqQn2dCINcfyDfbP1Q |

|Siniša Ilić |Sinisa Ilic is Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Sciences at Faculty of Technical Sciences|

| |in Kosovska Mitrovica. He received PhD in 2007. He worked in both: Television and Radio broadcasting |

| |services and he has over 20 research papers in digital signal and image processing. His main occupation in|

| |last decade was implementation of information systems and large databases in state institutions in Serbia |

| |and Moldova. He participated in Tempus and National scientific projects. Selected publications are: |

| |S.S.Ilic, P. Spalevic, "Using Wavelet Packets for Selectivity Estimation", The Computer Journal, |

| |doi:10.1093/comjnl/bxs038 |

| |S.Ilic, M. Petrovic, B. Jaksic, P. Spalevic, Lj. Lazic, M. Milosevic, "Experimental analysis of picture |

| |quality after compression by different methods", Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, R. 89 NR 11/2013, pp. 190-194|

|Petar Spalević |Petar Spalevic is Associate Professor at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications at Faculty |

| |of Technical Sciences in Kosovska Mitrovica. He graduated basic studies at the University of Pristina, and|

| |Master and Ph.D. degree in the University of Nis. Professor Spalevic is author or co-author of over 200 |

| |papers (50 with impact factor) in the field of digital and optical telecommunication and wireless |

| |broadband and broadcast transmission systems. He has participated in several international and national |

| |projects in the field of ICT. |

| |Selected publications: |

| |P. Spalević, S. Panić, Ć. Dolićanin, M. Stefanović, A. Mosić, SSC Diversiity Receiver over Correlated α-μ |

| |Fading Channels in the Presence of co-channel interference, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and|

| |Networking, ISSN: 1687-1472; Vol. 2010, Article ID 142392, 7 pages, doi:10.1155/2010/142392, 2010. |

| |P. Spalević, M. Stefanović, S. Panić, B. Milošević, Z. Trajčevski, The co-channel interference effect on |

| |average error rates in Hoyt fading channels, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques-Serie Electrotechnique|

| |et Energetique, ISSN: 0035-4066, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 305-313, 2011. |

|Branimir Jakšić |Branimir Jaksic works as a teaching assistant at Department of Electronics and Telecommunications at |

| |Faculty of Technical Sciences in Kosovska Mitrovica. After the master degree in University of Pristina in |

| |2009, Jaksic started Ph.D. studies at University of Nis at department of telecommunication. In area of |

| |digital broadband and broadcast systems he published over the 40 research papers in different journals and|

| |conferences. His area of interest include digital television (DVB-T, DVB-S, DVB-C, DVB-H, IPTV), |

| |interactive multimedia applications and wireless broadband and broadcast transmission systems. |

| |Selected publications: |

| |M. Petrović, B. Jakšić, P. Spalević, I. Milošević, Lj. Lazić, The development of digital satellite |

| |television in countries of the former Yugoslavia, Tehnički vjesnik - Technical Gazette, Vol. 21, No. 4, |

| |pp. 881-887, August 2014, ISSN 1330-3651 |

| |B. S. Jaksic, B. Gara, M. B. Petrovic, P. Lj. Spalevic and I. M. Milosevic, Analysis of the Effects of |

| |Front and Back Lights in Chroma Key Effects During Implementation in Virtual TV Studio, International |

| |Journal Of Computers and Communacations - NAUN, Issue 3, Volume 7, 2013, pp. 90-97, ISSN: 2074-1294 |

|Partner number ☒ | |P2 |

|Organisation name & acronym |Higher Technical Professional School in Zvečan (HTPSZ) |

|D.1.1 - Aims and activities of the organisation |

|Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the area |

|covered by the project (limit 2000 characters). |

|Higher Technical School of Professional Studies Zvečan is a state school founded in 1961, with a long tradition in education of technical |

|personnel, as well as with developed transnational cooperation with similar institutions in the region. As such, it is an example in which the |

|school promotes practical knowledge, and students confirm and develop their skills, creativity, creative and analytical thinking, build their |

|personality and become great experts. Our school fosters knowledge, science, perseverance and responsibility necessary. We merged and harmonized|

|our tradition and modern European and global trends in education. Throughout the school a thousands of students has passed, who are learning to |

|become skilled professionals ready for all kinds of professional challenges. Our goal is to maintain and improve the status of the leading high |

|school vocational studies in this field in the Balkans. As evidence of the success of the quality of the license of the Ministry of Education of|

|the Republic of Serbia. We constantly strive to improve our teaching; we want to become even better for our students to acquire modern |

|knowledge, for new students to join with satisfaction; for former students to stay in touch with us and constantly improve their knowledge. |

|There are five study programmes in vocational studies (180 ECST): |

|Energetic |

|Management in Electrical Engineering |

|Engineering Informatics |

|Production Management |

|Fire Protection |

|Also there are three study programmes in specialist studies (180+60 ECST) |

|Energetics |

|Production Management |

|Fire Protection |

|The School is proud of having a long record of engagement with industry, communities and external research partners. In order to further boost |

|our engagement with industry and society we are launching this year program for Master studies as well as new vocational study program in the |

|field of socio-humanistic sciences. |

|Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project (limit 1000 characters). |

|We are one of the Partner Countries higher education institutions in the project titled (project acronym: DBBT-MS); EU Programme: ERASMUS +; |

|Call: 2015 (EAC/A04/2014). Action: KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of Good Practices/Capacity Building in the Field of Higher |

|Education. |

|We will participate as Partner Country HEI in the implementation and development of innovative Master study programme on “Digital Systems”. |

|D.1.2 - Operational capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project |

|Please add lines as necessary. |

|Name of staff member |Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related |

| |to the domain of the project. |

|Milan Mišić |Education: MA in Mechanical Engineering, PhD in Mechanical Engineering |

| |Positions: Professor; Director of HTPSZ. |

| |Research experience: Specialized in Automatic Control Systems. Participated in many national and |

| |international conferences and journals. Published papers in journals that are referred to Digital Object |

| |Identifier (DOI), the journal of national importance as well as work that are referred to the Web of |

| |Science (SCI). Co-author of two monographs: “The stability of control systems in the finite time interval”|

| |and “Linear singular systems with pure time delay (stability, robustness, stabilization ...)”. |

| |Organizational skills: Management skills gained as school director in period from 2006. Possess adequate |

| |experience in accreditation and re-accreditation processes of vocational and specialist studies. Gained |

| |experience and skill will be essential in process of creation and accreditation of new Master program. |

| |Introduced with project cycle management and able to coordinate a project or single area within. |

|Zorica Bogićević |Education: MA in Electrical Engineering. Currently working on PhD thesis in Electrical Engineering. |

| |Position: Senior Lecturer at HTPSZ. |

| |Research experience: Participated in many international and national conferences. Published papers in |

| |journals that are referred to in Digital Object Identifier (DOI), the journal of national importance as |

| |well as works that are referred to in the Web of Science (SCI); some of most recent are: “Computer |

| |Simulation of Theoretical Model of Electromagnetic Transient Processes in Power Transformers”; “Graphical |

| |zero-sequence cut-offs method of determining of fault to earth in electrical lines”; “Generating Control |

| |Signals In The Electro-Energy Networks Using Passive Elements”… |

| |Organizations skills: project management skills gained working in non-governmental organizations (Agence |

| |pour Coopération Technique et de Développement – ACTED ), as well as in financial sector. Holding a |

| |financial audit licence; familiar with procurement procedures and financial reporting, these skills are |

| |gained working in an international bank (NLB Bank Kosovo). Other leadership skills working in team and |

| |project work in cooperation with the management with other associations. Able to coordinate the projects |

| |or a single area within them. At HTPSZ is engaged in basic and specialist studies on subjects: Basics of |

| |Electrical Engineering, Electrical Machines, Electrical Power Systems and Technical Systems for Power |

| |System Control (SCADA system). In charge for Measurement system for electrical laboratory equipment and |

| |practical exercises at HTPSZ. |

|Danijela Zubac |Education: MA in Management Science. Currently working on PhD thesis in Entrepreneurial Business and |

| |Administration. |

| |Position: Senior Lecturer at HTPSZ. |

| |Research experience: areas of finances, business management, and project cycle management, the writing of |

| |project proposals and project evaluation reports, complex expertise and financial analyses from the field |

| |of the work. Familiar with procurement procedures and financial reporting. Author of number of articles |

| |published in the national and international journals, recent of which are: “Application of balanced |

| |scorecard method to improve the processes in the sector of energetics”; “Energy production and |

| |distribution process improvement using the 5S methodology”; “Operational strategic mapping in the process |

| |of production and distribution of electricity”; “Opportunities and challenges of introducing ERP system |

| |for small and medium enterprises”; |

| |Organizations skills: project management skills gained working in non-governmental organizations |

| |1999-2003, as well as in financial sector 2003-2011. Other leadership skills working in team and project |

| |work in cooperation with the management with other associations. Able to coordinate the projects or a |

| |single area within. This is a way of working, which was also needed in the past working places: NLB Bank, |

| |Agence pour Coopération Technique et de Développement – ACTED; Programmes d'Aide et de Développement |

| |destinés aux Enfants du Monde – PADEM. |

|Partner number ☒ | |P3 |

|Organisation name & acronym |University of Banja Luka (UNIBL) |

|D.1.1 - Aims and activities of the organisation |

|Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the area |

|covered by the project (limit 2000 characters). |

|The University of Banja Luka consists of 16 faculties and has 54 licensed study programs. |

|The Faculty of Electrical Engineering is the oldest faculty at the University. |

|The Faculty offers 3 study programs at the I and II cycle study. Since 2009/10 at the Faculty has been organized the third cycle of studies ICT,|

|in corporation with the University of Paderborn. |

|All of the professors and assistants are involved in research, and their results are presented in magazines, conferences and white papers. The |

|Faculty has quality laboratory equipment, fast Internet connection and modern multimedia classrooms and conference rooms. |

|On the institutional level, contacts with faculties throughout the world are of special importance. The Faculty is a University member of the |

|Object Management Group and the IEEE member at a student’s level. The CISCO Academy has been opened at the Faculty in July 2004. |

|Beside in the field of higher education, the FEE achieves significant results in research. Тhe Faculty successfully performed hundreds of |

|national and international SRD projects. In the past few years, the Faculty annually participated in 3 to 5 international projects, about 10 |

|research projects funded by the relevant ministries, and about 5 to 10 projects with industry. The Faculty participated in two FP6 and FP7 |

|projects. |

|The Faculty has staff capable to organize II cicyle studies in the field of digital broadcasting. Since its establishing, one of the main |

|departments at the Faculty is the Department for telecommunications, which organized teaching in the field of radio and TV techniques. The |

|Faculty educated engineers which managed the production of analog TVs in the Cajavec factory (1966-1995). |

|Most of the engineers who work today in the field of broadcasting, have had graduated at the FEE Banja Luka. Since march 2014, the Institute |

|RT-RK is established at the Faculty, and one of its activities is also а digital broadcasting software support. The Faculty tradition in the |

|field of radio and TV broadcasting is the guarantee that shows how capable we are to contribute in: |

|development of modern II cycle study curricula in the field of digital broadcasting, |

|development of project for laboratories for this filed, |

|engaging competent teaching staff, |

|organization of teaching process, and |

|providing enough number of students who would enroll the II cycle. |

|Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project (limit 1000 characters). |

|The University of Banja Luka is interested in design and implementation of modern master study programme that follows current trends in the |

|region. Also, this is the opportunity to make agreements with business companies for student internship in the area of Digital Broadcasting and |

|Broadband technologies that will have positive impact on the knowledge and experience of graduated students. |

|D.1.2 - Operational capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project |

|Please add lines as necessary. |

|Name of staff member |Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related |

| |to the domain of the project. |

|Branko Dokić |Prof. Dokić gained his B.Sc. 1971, and M.Sc. 1978. in electrical engineering, University of Banja Luka, |

| |Faculty of Electrical Engineering. In 1982 Prof. Dokić gained his Ph.D. in technical sciences, electrical |

| |engineering, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences. |

| |Position: Assistant 1971-1979, Assistant Professor 1979-1985, Associate Professor 1985-1995, and Full |

| |Professor 1995- University of Banja Luka. Subjects: Pulse and Digital Electronics, Power Electronics and |

| |Design of Digital Systems. In period 1987-1989 Dr. Dokić was vice dean of the Faculty of Electrical |

| |Engineering, University of Banja Luka, and from 1991-2000 and 2013- Dean of FEE. 2001-2007 Dr. Dokić was |

| |minister of Communication and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 1982-1989 he was science advisor in |

| |Factory of Electronics “Rudi Čajavec”. Publication: Prof. Dokić published more than 130 papers in the |

| |field of electronic circuits and systems published in international and national journals and symposiums, |

| |6 university books, and 1 monograph in Serbian language and one university book and chapter in |

| |international book in English language. He was leader of 12 national and international projects. Also, |

| |Prof. Dokić is founder and editor in chief of journal “Electronics”, and founder and chair of science |

| |Symposiums INDEL (Industrial Electronics) and ENEF (Energy Efficiency). |

| |As a minister of Communications and Transport, he managed the development of the following projects: |

| |- The telecommunication sector policy (2005), |

| |- The broadcasting sector policy (2006), |

| |- The project of digital radio-TV links in B&H (2006). |

| |From 2007 to 2011 he was a coordinator of the Expert group for digital broadcasting in B&H, the group was |

| |formed by the Council of Ministers of B&H. In that period, the Strategy on the switch-over from analogue |

| |to digital terrestrial broadcasting. |

| |He is the founder of the Institute RT-RK Ltd. Banja Luka, whose owners are the Institute RT-RK Novi Sad |

| |and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering Banja Luka. |

| |The Institute RT-RK Novi Sad is one of four world partners of Google, and it provides digital broadcasting|

| |software support for world’s leading digital TV manufacturers. |


| |2004: Member of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia |

| |2000- present: Member of the Presidency of Association of Power Electronics of Serbia |

| |1991- present: Member of ETRAN Conference Presidency (Electronics, Telecommunications, Computer Sciences, |

| |Automatics, Nuclear Techniques) |

| |1985- present: Member of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers), USA |

| |He is also a program committee member of several regional symposiums in the field of electronics. |

| |Languages: English, Russian use. |

|Branko Blanuša |Associate Prof. Branko Blanuša is with University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. |

| |He received B.Sc. degree from University of Niš in 1996, and M.Sc. and Ph.D. both from University of Banja|

| |Luka in 2002 and 2008 respectively, all in electrical engineering. |

| |Participant in DAAD program “Academic Rebuilding of South-Eastern Europe”, several WUS and Tempus |

| |projects. Scientific fields of interest: Power electronics, Industrial electronics and Microprocessor |

| |based system design. |

| |Publications: More then 40 papers in international conference proceedings and journals, 3 books and 1 |

| |monography. |

| |Languages: English, Use of German. |

| |Program Committee Member of international conferences: Industrial Electronics-INDEL and Symposium on |

| |Information, Communication and Automation Technologies-ICAT. Official reviewer of EPE Journal. |

| |IEEE Member, Power Electronics Society, Industrial Electronics Society and Industrial Application Society.|

|Tatjana Pešić Brdjanin |Associate professor Tatjana Pešić-Brđanin is with University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Electrical |

| |Engineering. She received B.Sc. degree from University of Niš in 1996 and M.Sc. and Ph.D. both from |

| |University of Nis in 2002 and 2005 respectively, all in electrical engineering. From 2007 she is employed |

| |at University of Banja Luka. From 2009 to 1012 she was the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Electrical |

| |Engineering. Current position: Chief of study program Electronics and Telecommunications, Faculty of |

| |Electrical Engineering, University of Banja Luka. Author/Co-author of about 50 papers (some of them |

| |published in: IET Circuits, Devices & Systems (formerly IEE Proceedings Circuits, Devices & Systems, |

| |Solid-State Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided-Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, |

| |Journal of Computational Electronics, Microelectronics Journal) and about 10 studies, scientific-research |

| |and development projects. Her research interests include modelling and simulation of nanoelectronics |

| |devices, high frequency electronics and embedded programmable devices. She has been involved in more than |

| |15 scientific and appellative projects as participant (among them TEMPUS, WUS and HERD projects). She is |

| |the author of two university books. |

|Partner number ☒ | |P4 |

|Organisation name & acronym |University of Bihac (UNBI) |

|D.1.1 - Aims and activities of the organisation |

|Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the area |

|covered by the project (limit 2000 characters). |

|The history of the University of Bihać began in 1997 when it was established. It has seven member units, 6 Faculties (Technical Faculty, Faculty|

|of Pedagogy, Faculty of Law, Biotechnical Faculty, Islamic Faculty of Pedagogy and Faculty of Economy) and School of Health Studies. Total |

|number of students is 4000. Teaching process at UNBI is organized through total 46 study programs, 27 study programs within 1st study cyclus and|

|19 study programs within 2nd study cyclus. At the Technical Faculty there are 5 Departments: Civil Engineering, Mechanical Sciences, Wood |

|processing technology, Electromechanical Sciences, Textile Design and Technologies; the network of institutes and laboratories is wide |

|(Institute for Testing of Materials; Institute for Measuring and Measuring Technology; Institute for Processing Technology, Thermo technology |

|and Hydraulics, IT Institute, Institute for Design and Textile and Garment Testing; Laboratory for production systems; organization of the |

|Laboratory for technology, Laboratory for deformation and machining systems, Laboratory for mechanical testing of materials, Laboratory for |

|testing of construction materials).The Automation and Robotics Laboratory occupies a particularly important place. The Technical Faculty was an |

|initiator and bearer of activities on formation of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Society for Robotics, whose seat is at our institution. This |

|university institution is an organizer of the International Scientific Symposiums on Revitalization and Modernization of Production –RIM, which |

|are regularly held every two years and attended by numerous domestic and foreign scientists and business people. |

|Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project (limit 1000 characters). |

|We expect within this project to create a modern master study program related to digital signal broadcasting, a profession for which market |

|demand is expected to highly rise in close relation to the anticipated digitalization announced for our countries this year, as well as the |

|general need for such a profession. The main role of our University will be to actively collaborate with other institutions in the matter of |

|selecting courses with appropriate content in accordance with market demand. This study would aim to presenting the particular needs of today's |

|high-tech companies, as well as some very concrete ways in which Technical Faculty could also contribute in developing the future engineers' |

|nontechnical skills and competencies, as demanded by modern high-tech projects. |

|D.1.2 - Operational capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project |

|Please add lines as necessary. |

|Name of staff member |Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related |

| |to the domain of the project. |

|Refik Šahinović |Rector of the University of Bihać. |

| |Full-time professor at the Biotechnical faculty, University of Bihać. |

| |So far published 117 scientific and professional papers, and participated in 22 scientific projects. |

| |Some of the projects include: |

| |“Strategic Management of Higher Education Institutions Based on Integrated Quality Assurance System |

| |(SHEQA)” |

| |“Centers for Curricula Modernization and Lifelong Learning” |

| |“Embedding Quality Assurance in Doctoral Education (EQUADE)” |

| |“Benchmarking as a tool for improvement of higher education performance (BIHTEK)“ |

| | “EU standards for accreditation of study programs on BH” |

| |Skills: English and Russian language, efficient computer skills |

|Alma Bosnić |2005 – Expert Adviser for International Relations |

| |performs correspondence with domestic and foreign universities, institutions responsible for |

| |international, cultural, educational and scientific cooperation, |

| |working on initiating and fostering inter-university cooperation in the country and abroad |

| |preparation of international agreements on cooperation, |

| |proposes to the Rector and Vice rector expert solutions related to international projects |

| |participation in project design, |

| |advisory and administrative assistance in the participation in projects(technical and administrative |

| |assistance in projects, reseracher, preparation of documentation for audit, evaluation of project work) |

| |monitoring of projects, |

| |participation in national and international seminars, conferences and congresses related to the |

| |development and implementation of projects |

| |proficient in English and German |

|Nermina Badić |2007 - 2014 – Interuniversity Cooperation Officer (IRO) |

| |2014 – 2015 - Expert Adviser for Public Relations |

| |2015 - Expert Adviser for Academic and Student Affairs |

| |From 2012 year I am an active member of Tempus project “Benchmarking as a tool for improvement of higher |

| |education institution performance 2012-2015”, also I am a main coordinator at our University for |

| |international exchange program “Mevlana ” (which was started by Higher Education Council of Republic of |

| |Turkey), and up to now we have some praiseworthily results in the field of students and academic staff |

| |exchange. |

| |Proficient in Bosnian, Turkish and English. |

|Alma Oračević |Assistant at the Electronics, Electrical and Telecommunication networks at the Technical Faculty of the |

| |University of Bihac. More than five years of university assistant experience, with strong analytical |

| |skills and a broad range of computer expertise and dozen published papers at several international |

| |conferences . |

| |2010 got enrolled at postgraduate doctoral studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing |

| |(FER) in Zagreb |

| |went to Ankara Gazi University made experimental research for my PhD thesis in Wireless Sensor Networks |

| |and Data Mining Laboratory |

| |Computer skills: MS Project, Excel, Word; AutoPlan; Applix Word, Graphics, Spreadsheet; PowerPoint, Lotus |

| |Notes, Dreamweaver and SAP (MM, SD), SunOS. Familiar with HTML and SQL database queries. |

| |Fluent in English, conversational in French and Turkish |

|Atif Hodžić |In the period 2001 - 2006 was a Minister of Economy of Una Sana Canton |

| |PhD thesis titled "Mathematical modeling and optimization of drying process in wood processing" -defended |

| |on July 8, 2010 at the University of Bihac, Technical Faculty and so gained the title of doctor of |

| |technical sciences in the field of wood processing technologies. |

| |published many papers at national and international Conferences, issued a University book; participated in|

| |many national and international projects |

| |Since December 15, 2010-Dean of Technical Faculty (UNBI). |

| |Fluent in German |

|Partner number ☒ | |P5 |

|Organisation name & acronym |The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies (VISER) |

|D.1.1 - Aims and activities of the organisation |

|Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the area |

|covered by the project (limit 2000 characters). |

|The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies, VISER, is the public higher education institution with more then 2500 |

|students attending courses in seven different specializations at the first level of higher education and 5 different specializations at the |

|second level of higher education of applied studies. The School has particularly long tradition, as well as, well known reputation in the filed |

|of applied studies in Telecommunications, Audio and Video Technologies and Computer Engineering. It is equipped with 24 different laboratories |

|among which stand out Modern radiotone studio and HDTV studio. The basic and specialized professional studies are tailored to industry needs and|

|labour market demands. The constant modernization of study programmes curricula is underway motivated by changes in industry, technology and |

|labour market. The School has been active in a number of projects concerned with modernization of study programs, in particular it was the |

|coordinator of very successful project in the field of digital television and multimedia “Innovation and Implementation of the Curriculum |

|Vocational Studies in the Field of Digital Television and Multimedia” (Project 517022-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-RS-TEMPUS- JPCR) and is currently project |

|partner in the project “Development of higher education and society by creating a collaborative environment in the field of arts and media |

|through regional student partnership in production of audio/video content”( Project 544108-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-RS-TEMPUS-JPHES ). |

|Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project (limit 1000 characters). |

|Through TEMPUS curriculum innovation project “Innovation and Implementation of the Curriculum Vocational Studies in the Field of Digital |

|Television and Multimedia” VISER has established very successful one year specialized study programme Multimedia and Digital Television. This |

|programme has been made specific and yet it has been designed in such a way that it can be modularly upgraded and expanded. Only recently the |

|Master of applied studies degree has been introduced by the Educational law in Republic of Serbia. The role of VISER in this project will be to |

|pass on experience with specialized studies to other partners and to further build on the specialized study programme and create Module Digital |

|Broadcasting Technologies within Master programme of applied studies. The Module will be a modern combination of new technologies, bringing |

|together, Telecommunications, Audio and Video Technologies and Computer Engineering. |

|D.1.2 - Operational capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project |

|Please add lines as necessary. |

|Name of staff member |Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related |

| |to the domain of the project. |

|Sonja Krstić |Sonja Krstić is a PhD Professor and Head of the Audio and Video Technologies (AVT) and Multimedia |

| |Technologies and Digital television (MTDTV) Study Programmes at School of Electrical and Computer |

| |Engineering in Belgrade. |

| |As an experienced Educator and a recognized Expert in the Fields of Acoustics and Audio–Engineering with a|

| |high level of professional expertise and experience in international projects Dr. Krsticć is a valuable |

| |asset in project planning and execution. |

| | |

| | |

|Amela Zeković |Dipl. Ing. Amela Zekovic received her B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering (Telecommunications |

| |department) from School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia in 2008. She is |

| |currently working toward her Ph.D. degree in School of Electrical Engineering module for |

| |Telecommunications, University of Belgrade, Serbia. She is in final stage of her Ph.D. studies in the |

| |field of traffic characterization in communications systems of 3D video signal. Her research interests |

| |include: Communication Systems, Video Mobile Systems, Complex Systems, and Signal Processing. |

| |She is an author of several nationally and internationally published papers in the field of video |

| |characterization, traffic in communications systems and education. List of references can be found at: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Ivana Milošević |Ivana Milošević, Ph.D. is with the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science as a lecturer. |

| |Her research and scientific work are directed to the field of telecommunications, television broadcast, |

| |and multimedia applications, network digital TV and radio services. She is currently involved in projects |

| |of Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. She is the author of over 50 scientific |

| |peer - reviewed papers, implemented patent, manuals for practical assignments in the field of |

| |telecommunications, multimedia and digital broadcasting. Detailed list of published papers can be viewed |

| |on following links: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Slavica Marinković |Slavica Marinković, PhD, is the Professor and Head of Electronics and Telecommunications |

| |Department at VISER. She has overall ten years of experience in the higher education system and over ten |

| |years of experience and expertise in research in telecommunications, in particular, physical layer |

| |optimization, error control coding techniques, multiuser and MIMO systems, and joint source and channel |

| |coding. As a head of department she has participated in analysis, planning, implementation and management |

| |of the development of the Study program and accreditation process. She has participated in scientific |

| |research projects, as well as, in projects for the modernization and enhancing quality of higher |

| |education. Detailed list of publication can be viewed on following links: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Partner number ☒ | |P6 |

|Organisation name & acronym |Singidunum University (SINGI) |

|D.1.1 - Aims and activities of the organisation |

|Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the area |

|covered by the project (limit 2000 characters). |

|Even though it was founded in 1999, Singidunum University has managed to become one of the Serbia’s most innovative educational institutions. It|

|was the first private university in the country to be awarded accreditation for the realization of bachelor’s, master’s and PhD degree |

|programmes in three scientific-research fields: social sciences and humanities, technical sciences and natural sciences and mathematics. |

|One of the most important features of the University is high-quality of education at all study levels, coupled with the continuous |

|implementation of modern teaching methods and technological innovations. We put special emphasis on the study programmes that require and |

|support ICT implementation (Electrical Engineering and Computing, Advanced Cryptosystems, ICT, Informatics and Computing, Engineering |

|Management). |

|There are currently around 10 000 students enrolled at Singidunum University. Lectures are conducted within 17,000 meters of good quality |

|premises equipped with necessary computer and internet infrastructure. It disposes of 16 amphitheaters, 20 lecture halls and 9 computer rooms. |

|Lectures are held by over 400 eminent professors from the country and abroad. |

|Apart from knowledge and skills acquired at the Singidunum University, our students have the opportunity to obtain some hands-on experience by |

|doing professional internships throughout their undergraduate studies. Namely, the University has established fruitful cooperation with over 550|

|reputable companies and institutions worldwide in which our students may work in the future as well as extensive cooperation with 45 renowned |

|universities in the country and beyond. It places special emphasis on promoting close links between science and high quality education. In order|

|to further expand its international reputation, the University is also conducting undergraduate studies via distance learning platform. |

|Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project (limit 1000 characters). |

|The basic role of Singidunum University is to design a master study programme in the field of modern broadcasting technologies. It should |

|emphasize that development and further improvement of telecommunication systems or building of a new system requires careful planning, testing |

|of technical, economic and general social consequences. Therefore, this master programme must include all aspects of the application of modern |

|broadcasting technologies. It aims to prepare recent graduates for operating successfully in the given filed and provide guidance needed for |

|pursuing a successful research career. It should also be suitable for past graduates of Internet and communications related courses who may have|

|certain work experience and wish to enhance their current knowledge. This study programme should enable students to acquire and develop both |

|theoretical and analytical skills. |

|D.1.2 - Operational capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project |

|Please add lines as necessary. |

|Name of staff member |Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related |

| |to the domain of the project. |

|Mladen Veinović |He obtained his B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in 1986, 1990 and 1996 respectively, all from the Faculty |

| |of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia. As of 1987, professor Veinovic was employed at |

| |the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, Belgrade, holding first the position of |

| |the researcher up to the head of Department for the development of special purpose devices in |

| |telecommunication systems. In 2005 professor Veinovic starts working at Singidunum University, where he |

| |held the position of vice dean and dean of the Faculty of Informatics and Computing; whereas currently he |

| |is the vice-rector of the University. The research field of professor Veinovic is currently engaged in are|

| |data security, computer networks, data bases, digital signal processing. He is the author of many |

| |scientific articles in the field of security in telecommunication systems. |

|Miroslav L. Dukić |He obtained his E.E. diploma in the field of telecommunications in 1981. He was the head of the leading |

| |project engineer in several tenths of mobile radio, networks, satellite, radar and broadcasting systems. |

| |Beside others, professor Dukić and his project team have been working on the problem of digitizing |

| |national TV system and produced the feasibility study and techno-economic analysis of national DVB-T2 TV |

| |system, designed and took part in the realization of the CDMA radio network of Serbia, WiMAX network in |

| |Montenegro, core of Telenor GSM/UMTS mobile network, several hundred of technical control of different |

| |telecommunications projects, etc. He was employed at School of Electrical Engineering from 1973-2014 and |

| |now is employed at Singidunum University as a full professor. The research field of professor Dukic is |

| |currently engaged in the area of wireless communication systems. He is the author of many textbooks and |

| |scientific articles in the field of wireless communication systems. |

|Bratislav Milovanović |He obtained his B.Sc. degree from the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš in 1972. At the|

| |same faculty, he earned his M.Sc. in 1975 and Ph.D. degree in 1979. in the field of telecommunications. He|

| |is the author of 5 student's textbooks and supervisor of 15 doctoral dissertations. In 1989, together with|

| |the group of his associates, he joined the Chair for Telecommunication and successfully introduced a great|

| |number of new subjects and formed a Telecommunication program. From 1994 to 2000 and again from 2004 to |

| |2011 he was Head of the Chair for Telecommunication. From 2014. He is full professor at Technical Faculty |

| |of Singidunum University in Belgrade. Prof. Milovanović was and is the head or the leading project |

| |engineer in several tenths of satelite, cable and broadcasting systems. He was also the project leader in |

| |the field of microwave technique, wireless communications and modeling and design. |

|Milan Milosavljević |Prof. Milan Milosavljević, PhD, published over 350 bibliographical units. Head of permanent expert working|

| |group for information security in Ministry of defense. Founder of first accredited undergraduate, master |

| |and PhD programs in the field of Information security in this part of Europe. Head of all scientific |

| |research programs of Institute for Applied Mathematics and Electronics, responsible for design and |

| |assessment of all government information security systems in former Yugoslavia. The research field of |

| |professor Milosavljevic is information security, cryptanalysis, pattern recognition, signal processing, |

| |speech, processing and coding, neutral networks, discrete optimization, artificial intelligence, machine |

| |learning, robust parameter estimation. He is the author of many textbooks and scientific articles in the |

| |field of data security, artificial intelligence and digital signal processing. |

|Dejan Vujić |Assistant Prof. Dejan Vujic, PhD, was and is the head or the leading project engineer in several tenths of|

| |mobile radio, networks, satellite, radar and broadcasting systems. Beside others, dr Vujić has been |

| |working on the problem of digitizing national TV system and he is coauthor of the Feasibility study and |

| |techno-economic analysis of national DVB-T2 TV system, designed and took part in the realization of the |

| |CDMA radio network of Serbia, WiMAX network in Montenegro, core of Telenor GSM/UMTS mobile network, |

| |technical control of different telecommunications projects, etc. He is the author of many textbooks and |

| |scientific articles in the field of mobile radio and telecommunication networks. |

|Marina M. Marjanović |She obtained PhD diploma in the field of telecommunications in Politechnical University of Madrid. She was|

| |project manager (software development, testing and team management), Air Traffic Management (Madrid, |

| |Spain) where she was leader of development engeneering jobs. Training clients with international structure|

| |to work with radar (Indonesia, China, Turkey, Tunisia, Libya, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Ukraine) |

| |in courses in the factory. |

|Partner number ☒ | |P7 |

|Organisation name & acronym |VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava (VSB-TUO) |

|D.1.1 - Aims and activities of the organisation |

|Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the area |

|covered by the project (limit 2000 characters). |

|About institution |

|VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava was founded in 1849, and has since grown into a modern institution of higher learning, offering the |

|highest levels of education in technical branches of study, based on the interconnection of science, research, education, and the creative |

|activity that binds and enhances them. |

|VŠB-TUO is the fourth largest university in Czech Republic with over 20,000 students studying in bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree |

|programs in seven faculties and two all-University study programmes. VŠB-TUO was awarded the prestigious ECTS Label, a mark of the quality of |

|implementation of the credit system in bachelor and master study programmes according to European standards. This label ensures that our |

|administration of international students has undergone rigorous examination by an agency of the European Commission in order to receive this |

|Label. Our University cooperates with educational and research institutions worldwide. |

| |

|About Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |

|With its more than 3,200 students, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is one of the largest faculties within the VSB - |

|Technical University of Ostrava. Cooperation with other academic, commercial and state institutions is relatively wide and it is interconnected |

|with the teaching and specialized work of the teachers and students mainly in master and doctoral degree programs. The Faculty closely |

|cooperates with the Moravian-Silesian Region and the Statutory City of Ostrava, in the field of information and communication technologies, and |

|the Faculty is the leader of IT Cluster The Faculty has succeeded in obtaining grants for large and interesting research and development |

|projects. A number of the applied research projects, solving problems in individual electrical engineering and information technology fields of |

|study, is dominated by IT4lnnovations - the Centre of Excellence and the regional research Centre ENET. |

| |

|Study Programme related to the title of the project |

|The Master’s programme of Information and Communication Technology includes four branches of study: Computer Science and Technology, Mobile |

|Technology, Telecommunication Technology, and Computational Mathematics. Apart from the knowledge which ensures very good chances of employment |

|in practice, the students are also educated in the relevant theoretical areas. The graduates can continue their studies in doctoral programmes. |

| |

|Mobile Technology (2612T059) |

|The graduate of Mobile Technology branch gains an experience in the field of information and communication technologies with a focus on the |

|mobile networks. He can design, operate, modify and optimize mobile wireless networks, he has knowledge of mobile networks, radio technology and|

|software designing of applications for mobile devices. The graduates of Mobile Technology branch are sought by specialists in the market for |

|their universal knowledge in the field of modern communication technologies. |

|List of equipment in study branch: Spectral analysers (Rohde&Schwarz), RF generators (Rohde&Schwarz), DVB-T/T2/C/S/S2 Analysers (Sefram), Vector|

|analysers, Antenna analysers MFJ, TEMS analyser GSM/UMTS/LTE, SDR receiver Winradio, PXI, USRP (National Instruments and Ettus Research), Base |

|stations GSM/UMTS (Nokia-Siemens, Huawei). |

|Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project (limit 1000 characters). |

|Our institution will play a key role in the proposed project and provide an assistance in the process of establishing the new study programme in|

|the field of mobile technology. The study branch ”Mobile Technology” has been accredited since 2004 in our Faculty of Electrical Engineering and|

|Computer Science. We provide many courses closely related to the intent of the new study programme such as the Radio networks, Networks |

|modelling, Wave propagation and antennas, Radiocommunications Engineering. |

|When dealing with problems, the graduates of our study branch ”Mobile Technology” can communicate with people, e.g. with other team members or |

|with customers when specifying the tasks and handing over products. They can manage a problem-solving team, define the targets, determine |

|strategies, choose alternative solutions, present and defend their opinions and chosen solutions, bear responsibility for their decisions and |

|the work of the team, educate and themselves in the given branch. All these skills we will trasnfer to the new study programme which is included|

|in the intent of this proposal. |

|D.1.2 - Operational capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project |

|Please add lines as necessary. |

|Name of staff member |Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related |

| |to the domain of the project. |

|Miroslav Vozňák |Doc. Ing. Miroslav Vozňák, Ph.D. (born in 1971) is a Study Branch Guarantor (Mobile Technology) at FEECS |

| |VSB-Technical University of Ostrava. He is a member of doctoral branch committee “Telecommunication |

| |Technology” at Czech Technical University in Prague, vice-chair of doctoral branch committee |

| |“Communication Technology” at VŠB-TUO, a member of the scientific board of faculty FEECS of VSB-TUO, a |

| |member of IEEE and several editorial boards of scientific journals. According to the scientific database|

| |Scopus (Elsevier), his h-index=9 and about one hundred his results are indexed in Scopus (cca half in |

| |journals). |

| |Selected publications: |

| |Voznak, M., Rozhon, J. Influence of atmospheric parameters on speech quality in GSM/UMTS (2012) |

| |International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 6 (4), pp. 575-582. |

| |Kominek, J., Voznak, M., Zidek, J. Automatic loss adjustment for CDMA2000 and 1xEV-do standard for |

| |downlink and uplink (2014) Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 12, pp. 301-306. |

|Jan Žídek |Doc. Ing. Jan Žídek, CSc. (born in 1958) is a vice-dean for development and collaboration with industry at|

| |FEECS VŠB-TUOand guarantor of educational courses such as Virtual Instrumentation II, Measurement in |

| |Telecommunication systems, Conceptual Design and Development of Innovative Products. |

| |Selected publications: |

| |Martinek, R., Zidek, J., Tomala, K. BER Measurement in Software Defined Radio Systems (2013) Przeglad |

| |Elektrotechniczny, 89 (2 B), pp. 205-210. |

|Marek Dvorský |Ing. Marek Dvorský, Ph.D. is a vice-chair of department, Dept. of Telecommunications, he delivered PhD |

| |thesis in 2009 with title "Optimization of the Radiation Pattern of Two Vertical Antennas System (2009)" |

| |and he is guarantor of the educational course Radiocommunications Engineering II (RT II) in Master Degree.|

| |Selected publications: |

| |Dohnalek, P., Dvorsky, M., Gajdos, P., Michalek, L., Sebesta, R., Voznak, M. A signal strength fluctuation|

| |prediction model based on the random forest algorithm (2014) Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika, 20 (5), pp. |

| |123-126. |

| |[2] Dvorsky, M., Michalek, L., Tomis, M., Medula, R. The limitation of primary signals entering DVB-T |

| |on-channel-repeater working in SFN network (2013) Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 11 |

| |(6), pp. 461-467. |

| |[5] Bures, M., Dvorsky, M. Software designed 64-QAM demodulator of OFDM signal implemented into FPGA |

| |elements (2012) 2012 35th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, TSP 2012 -|

| |Proceedings, art. no. 6256279, pp. 186-189. |

|Partner number ☒ | |P8 |

|Organisation name & acronym |University of Ljubljana (UL) |

|D.1.1 - Aims and activities of the organisation |

|Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the area |

|covered by the project (limit 2000 characters). |

|Based on its rich tradition and academic excellence, the University of Ljubljana practices basic, applied and development research in science, |

|arts and interdisciplinary fields, resulting in outstanding worldwide-known academic achievements and world-class research of both |

|students and University staff. Specifically, the University is committed to highly-focused basic and applied research sciences in the fields of |

|Electrical Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, Telecommunications, Computer and Information Science and Multimedia. |

|Laboratory for Telecommunications (LTFE) at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (UL) is a propulsive research team with more than 40 employees|

|and an impressive base of external associates and industrial partners. The laboratory is highly committed to the research, development pilot |

|integration and trials in areas of multimedia applications development on all platforms, multimedia production and broadcasting of audio-visual |

|content, Digital TV applications and services, ICT-based healthcare applications and services, Internet of Things (IoT), and User-Centred Design|

|and Human-Computer Interaction. |

|It has considerable experience with research programs and projects of the European |

|Commission (FP7, FI-PPP, CIP) and other national and international funding bodies (SEE, Tempus, Erasmus+, PHARE, COST, IFIP, IEICE, RIPE NCC, |

|Ministry of Defence, Slovenian Technology Agency, etc.). |

|The results of their work and research are published in highly ranked SCI journals and protected with patents, and embodied in several |

|industrial solutions and applications. |

|The Laboratory for Telecommunications has close relations to telecommunications industry, |

|which includes vendors, service providers, content providers and network operators. Current research and/or development projects conducted in |

|collaboration with the industry include fields of interactive digital TV (HBBTV), interactive multimedia applications on smart phones and |

|tablets, IP and wireless networks, NGN / IMS services and architectures, e-learning, fixed-to-mobile applications, and broadband access |

|networks. Recent development achievements include implementation of the first HBBTV DVB-T application in Slovenia, implementation of a smart |

|Phone+tablet application for Live TV and radio, design and implementation of a VoIP solution on smart phones, pilot satellite toll-collection|

|system implementation, which included design of overall architecture, a mobile unit and data control center information processing system, |

|design and implementation of a products and software equipment to support intelligent environment. |

|Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project (limit 1000 characters). |

|Capacity building: |

|-        training (lectures and workshop) from the field of digital TV, covering the following topics: |

|Digital TV applications overview |

|Interactive TV standards and Application execution environments |

|Development of smart TV apps |

|Application delivery over Internet |

|Application delivery over DVB-T |

|Home connectivity of user devices with smartTVs |

|-        training (lectures and workshop) from the field of interactive multimedia technologies, covering the following topics: |

|Display technologies |

|3D display technologies |

|Formats of multimedia content |

|Interfaces for transmition of AV signals |

|User centered design for effective user experience |

|Evaluation of user interfaces |

|Interaction modalities |

|D.1.2 - Operational capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project |

|Please add lines as necessary. |

|Name of staff member |Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related |

| |to the domain of the project. |

|Andrej Kos |Prof. dr. Andrej Kos holds Ph.D. in electrical engineering. His pedagogical work includes lectures in the |

| |fields of telecommunications and multimedia. He participated in core project groups for the establishment|

| |of Slovenian Technology Network ICT as well as Center of Excellence ICT. He participated in the project |

| |group for the initiation of Ljubljana University Incubator and also continues to participate in the key |

| |project group of Technological Design Center. |

|Emilija Stojmenova |Dr. Emilija Stojmenova holds Ph.D. in electrical engineering. Her research work focuses mainly in the |

| |fields of UCD and methodologies for evaluating UX and usability for specific groups of users. She is “WUD |

| |Slovenia” conference chair and IEEE Women in engineering (WIE) Slovenia section chair. She is actively |

| |involved in the Demola Network as the head of RAZ:UM, the Demola Slovenia operator. |

|Matevž Pogačnik |Assist. Prof. dr. Matevž Pogačnik holds Ph.D. in electrical engineering. He heads the multimedia section |

| |of LTFE. His research and scientific work is focused on development of interactive multimedia services for|

| |different devices with a special emphasis on UCD of applications including different interaction |

| |modalities for application control. He is an active member of the IEEE organization. |

|Jože Guna |Dr. Jože Guna, Assistant, graduated in 2002, defended his master’s thesis in 2005 and his Ph. D. thesis in|

| |2014, all at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. His area of research focuses |

| |on Internet technologies, multimedia technologies and IPTV systems with special emphasis on user centered |

| |design, user interaction modalities and designing the user experience, including gamification and flow |

| |aspects. Currently he is involved in a number of projects focusing on the development of intuitive user |

| |interfaces for elderly users of eHealth application and interactive multimedia HBBTV application. He is an|

| |expert in Internet, ICT and IPTV technologies and holds several industrial certificates from CISCO, |

| |Comptia and Apple, including trainer licenses from Cisco and Apple. He is an active member of the IEEE |

| |organization. |

|Aleksander Kovačič |Aleksander Kovačič holds a bachelor’s degree in electro technical engineering. He has extensive experience|

| |in digital TV technologies and multimedia applications development. He is a senior software developer |

| |specialized in iOS and smart TV development (HBBTV) for industrial partners, focusing in VoIP solutions |

| |and AV content delivery. |

|Jasmina Antonijević |Jasmina Antonijević, holds a bachelor’s degree in Translation and Interpretation (English) and Sociology. |

| |She is the project office coordinator at the LTFE. She was actively involved in several projects which aim|

| |is to raise the interest for the study of ICT and engineering among young people and obtained extensive |

| |experience in organization of workshops, conferences, courses and promotional events for youth related to |

| |ICT. |

|Partner number ☒ | |P9 |

|Organisation name & acronym |Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) |

|D.1.1 - Aims and activities of the organisation |

|Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the area |

|covered by the project (limit 2000 characters). |

|UPM is the largest Spanish technological university as well as a renowned European institution. It holds double recognition as a Campus of |

|International Excellence, a distinction that refers to the quality of its research and teaching activity. It is founded in 1971 with total |

|financing today of 328,3 €m. The human resources consist of teaching and research staff (3.092), administration and service staff (2.069) and |

|contracted researchers (166). The campus comprises 23 schools and faculties and 15 research and development centres. The fields of study provide|

|39 undergraduate degrees, 55 university masters’ degrees and 47 PhD programs as well as 91 double degree agreements. There are 36.143 |

|undergraduate, 1731 masters’ degree and 3.520 PhD students as well as national and international mobility (received / sent) 1.597/2.000 and work|

|practice in companies 3.702, university-business chairs 81, and spin offs and start up (created this year / total) 15/144. The intense |

|collaboration with governmental bodies and industry guarantees that research and teaching at the UPM offers real solutions to real-world |

|problems. The dynamism of R&D&I activity at the UPM, together with the transfer of knowledge to society, is among its lines of strategy. These |

|two commitments place it among the Spanish universities with the greatest research activity and first in the capture of external resources in a |

|competitive regime. UPM heads the Spanish Universities’ participation in the 7th European Framework Program with more than 280 projects and more|

|than 80M€ funding. Its support and backing of the business sector is very close. It annually signs around 600 contracts with private businesses.|

|All this shows that UPM is an institution committed to the transfer of knowledge generated through its research and teaching structures to |

|society, and its transformation into advances and technological developments applied to the productive sector. The staff engaged in the project |

|are members of ETSI Telecomunicacion (Superior Technical School of Telecomunications Engineering) in the Laboratory of Integrated Systems |

|Systems. |

|Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project (limit 1000 characters). |

|The role is principally related to the transfer of knowledge in the field of digital television but also in all other project activities like |

|dissemination, management, quality control, etc. |

|D.1.2 - Operational capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project |

|Please add lines as necessary. |

|Name of staff member |Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related |

| |to the domain of the project. |

|Octavio Nieto-Taladriz Garcia |Octavio Nieto-Taladriz Garcia is Full Professor at ETSI Telecomunicacion where he is also Deputy Director |

| |of the Laboratory of Integrated Systems. He has leaded more than 70 R&D projects, both national and |

| |international, and published numerous papers. Particularly, he has contributed to the entrepreneurship |

| |education at university as he created five spin-off companies and he has also contributed to the |

| |university-enterprise cooperation realizing many contracts with leading industry players in Spain. He has |

| |an extensive experience in former Tempus programme where he participated as a partner leader and also as a|

| |project coordinator. |

|Alvaro Araujo Pinto |Alvaro Araujo Pinto achieved the title of Ingeniero de Telecomunicación from the Universidad Politécnica |

| |de Madrid in 2001 and his Ph. D. on 2007 from the same University. Currently he is Assistant Professor in |

| |the Electronic Engineering Department where he carries out both research and teaching activities. He was a|

| |post-doctoral researcher at Berkeley, he has two national patents and he has worked in public projects (14|

| |in different calls PROFIT, TRACTOR, AVANZA, etc.), private company projects (31 projects with Indra S.A, |

| |DGP, EADS, ISDEFE, Spanish Defense Ministry, Recreativos Franco). This research has as result about 14 |

| |journal papers and more than 30 international and national conference papers. |

|Maria del Carmen Torres Blanc |Maria del Carmen Torres Blanc is professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics for Information and |

| |Communication Technologies where she has a long standing career with teaching and research activities. She|

| |has participated in numerous projects and is an author of many publications like e.g. GLMP for automatic |

| |assessment of DFS algorithm learning at ITiCSE'11, An approach to automatic learning assessment based on |

| |the computational theory of perceptions in Expert Systems with Applications 11/2012; etc. Being a |

| |coordinator in charge for the innovation education group GIDA2M at UPM, she will particularly contribute |

| |to innovative learning and teaching methodologies focusing on the use of ICT. |

|Partner number ☒ | |P10 |

|Organisation name & acronym |University of Tartu (UTARTU) |

|D.1.1 - Aims and activities of the organisation |

|Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the area |

|covered by the project (limit 2000 characters). |

|UTARTU is Estonia's leading centre of research and training. It preserves the culture of the Estonian people and spearheads the country's |

|reputation in research and provision of higher education. UTARTU belongs to the top 3% of world's best universities. |

|As Estonia's national university, UTARTU stresses the importance of international co-operation and partnerships with reputable research |

|universities all over the world. The robust research potential of the university is evidenced by the fact that it is the only Baltic university |

|that has been invited to join the Coimbra Group, a prestigious club of renowned research universities. |

|UTARTU includes nine faculties and four colleges. To support and develop the professional competence of its students and academic staff, the |

|university has entered into bilateral co-operation agreements with 64 partner institutions in 23 countries. |

|The University of Tartu was founded in 1632 by the Swedish king Gustavus Adolphus. It was initially called Academia Dorpatensis. |

|Facts: |

|9 faculties and 4 colleges |

|71 bachelor, 87 master and 35 doctoral study programmes |

|16,000 students (including over 1000 international students from 70 countries) |

|More than 1,450 doctoral students and 114 doctoral defences in 2013 (more than a half of all Estonia's doctoral defences) |

|3,800 employees, including 1,800 academic employees (180 professors) |

|69 partner universities in 26 countries |

|Over 34,000 research publications (including 7,500 in the ISI Web of Science) |

|According to information on the ISI Web of Science, the University of Tartu belongs to the top 1% of the world's most-cited universities and |

|research institutions in the fields of Clinical Medicine, Chemistry, Environment/Ecology, Plant and Animal Science, Geosciences, Social Sciences|

|(general), Biology and Biochemistry and Engineering. |

|A total of 20 UT scientist belong to the top 1% of most quoted scientists in the world (read more on UT Science in Numbers). |

|Budget volume of 145.9 million euros. |

|Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project (limit 1000 characters). |

|UTARTU runs relevant study programmes: |

|*Bachelor level: Computer engineering students study for the first semester of substances which give a good knowledge of the natural sciences, |

|mathematics, computer hardware and programming. Strong emphasis is on practical work. Information Technology subjects (object-oriented |

|programming, algorithms and data structures, operating systems, databases, network technology, etc.), the students will acquire skills in the |

|use of software and network programming. Electronic and Computer Engineering materials (electrical circuits, analog and digital electronics, |

|digital logic and signal processing, computer architecture, computer components, embedded systems, microprocessors, etc.), will present the |

|principles of operation of electronic equipment. |

|*Master level: Master’s programme in Robotics and Computer Engineering(fully in English) trains highly qualified roboticists, computer and space|

|engineers. The programme provides broad knowledge in the field of robotics, computer engineering or space technology. Graduates can work in |

|enterprises or research and development centres connected to their field of study. |

|*Doctoral Level: Engineering and Technology PhD programme |

|D.1.2 - Operational capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project |

|Please add lines as necessary. |

|Name of staff member |Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related |

| |to the domain of the project. |

|Gholamreza Anbarjafari |Work Experience: |

| |Sept 2013-to present, University of Tartu Associate Professor of Robotics |

| |Aug 2012- 2013, Cyprus International University (Full Time) |

| |July 2011- July 2012 Lecturer, Hasan Kalyoncu University (Full Time) |

| |July 2009- June2011 Lecturer, Cyprus International University (Full Time) |

| | Research interests: |

| |Robotics, Image processing, Control Theory |

| |Teaching load: 24 ECTS per academic year |

| |Selected publications: |

| |Rufai, Awwal Mohammed; Anbarjafari, Gholamreza; Demirel, Hasan (2014). Lossy image compression using |

| |singular value decomposition and wavelet difference reduction. DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING, 24, 117 - 123. |

| |Anbarjafari, Gholamreza; Demirel, Hasan; Celebi, Erbug (2012). Resolution Enhancement of Images Taken by |

| |Mobile Phone Camera. Electronics world, 118(1910), 30 - 34. |

| |Anbarjafari, Gholamreza; Izadpanahi, Sara; Demirel, Hasan (2012). Video resolution enhancement by using |

| |discrete and stationary wavelet transforms with illumination compensation. Signal, Image and Video |

| |Processing, 1 - 6. |

| |Demirel, Hasan; Anbarjafari, Gholamreza (2010). Satellite Image Resolution Enhancement Using Complex |

| |Wavelet Transform. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 7(1), 123 - 126. |

|Alvo Aabloo |Current position: Prof Institute of Technology, Head of IMS Lab ims.ut.ee |

| | Research interests: computational materials science, smart materials, robotics |

| | Publications are in google scholar. |

|Aivo Reinart |Research area: Digital electronics, Embedded systems, applications in aerosol and enviremental physics. |

| |Teaching load: 24 ECTS per academic year |

| |Current position; Lecturer in computational engineering |

|Partner number ☒ | |P11 |

|Organisation name & acronym |TV Mreža (TVMREZA) |

|D.1.1 - Aims and activities of the organisation |

|Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the area |

|covered by the project (limit 2000 characters). |

|TV Mreža was established in 2009 in Priština and consists of the following: |

|1) TV Mir /Peace/ in Leposavić |

|2) TV Most /Bridge/ in Zvečan |

|3) TV Puls /Pulse/ in Šilovo, Gjilan/Gnjilane municipality |

|4) TV Herc /Hertz/ in Štrpce (regional TV station broadcasting program for viewers in the East, Central and North Kosovo), |

|5) New Press Production in Čaglavica |

|All partners of the TV Mreža are in possession of regular licenses for their work issued by the Independent Media Commission in Priština. |

|Programs of the TV Mreža are available for viewing to most members of the Serb ethnicity communities in Kosovo and other citizens using Serbian |

|language. It is estimated that all members of the TV Mreža together cover more than 80 % of the territory of Kosovo. This includes North |

|Kosovo, where nationally broadcast TV stations have not gained access yet. TV Mreža is "en course" to developing its own and unique TV |

|program, branded as “independent TV Mreža program.” |

|Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project (limit 1000 characters). |

|As an association of 5 TV stations and independent production, the role of TV Mreža is to contribute in designing of new curricula. TV Mreža as |

|the future employer of the students of this profile will gain because high educated human resources will contribute to the process of |

|digitisation that has just began in Kosovo. TV Mreža will have crucial consulting role in proposing the areas in which we do have most needs for|

|better experinced and educated staff members. Also, our company is open for the students' intership. |

|D.1.2 - Operational capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project |

|Please add lines as necessary. |

|Name of staff member |Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related |

| |to the domain of the project. |

|Nenad Milenković |Nenad Milenkovic has significant experince and relevant education related to the goals of the project. |

|Dejan Milenković |Dejan Milenkovic has significant experince and relevant education related to the goals of the project |

|Nenad Radosavljević |Nenad Radosavljevic has significant experince and relevant education related to the goals of the project |

|Bojan Mladenović |Bojan Mladenovic has significant experince and relevant education related to the goals of the project |

|Budimir Ničić |Budimir Nicic has significant experince and relevant education related to the goals of the project |

|Partner number ☒ | |P12 |

|Organisation name & acronym |JP Emisiona tehnika i veze (JPETV) |

|D.1.1 - Aims and activities of the organisation |

|Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the area |

|covered by the project (limit 2000 characters). |

|Key activities of “JP Emisiona tehnika i veze” is broadcasting media network service. Publicc Enterprice Broadcast Network Operator JP ETV, with|

|more then 90 years of radio and more than 50 years of television expirience, provides national TV and radio broadcasting sevices in Serbia for |

|public broadcast services (radio Television of Serbia) and national commercial broadcast service, as well as for most regional and local TV and |

|radio station, with more than 500 transmitters and transposers. JP ETV also has a large expirience in radio transmission especially in analogue |

|ultra short wave (FM), short wave (SW) and medium wave (MW). Main company activities are: Ensuring the operational readiness of broadcast |

|facilities, Relay and transmission of radio and TV programs – public services and national commercial broadcasters, Relay and transmission of |

|radio and TV programs – regional and local broadcasters, Network management capabilities in systems for distribution of broadcast and other |

|telecommunications signals, Providing services to telecommunications operators, Providing services to internet service provider, Planning, |

|building and maintaining of radio and telecommunication equipment. |

|Human resources: 250 employees, more trhen 40% with universuty degrees. |

|Emisiona Tehnika i Veze (JP ETV) is the national broadcasting operator of the Republic of Serbia. ETV’s core business is wireless |

|telecommunications, and the main task is planning, building and maintenance of transmission infrastructure on the territory of Republic of |

|Serbia, providing radio and television broadcasting services to the home radio and TV receivers. Today, ETV operates more than 250 transmission |

|sites. |

|JP ETV was founded by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Serbia,inter alia, to complete the transition proces from analogue to |

|digital transmision. For that purposes, JP ETV establish digital terestrial network for free multiplex, based on DVB-T2 system as standard for |

|digital broadcasting and MPEG-4 version 10 (H.264/AVC) as compression standard, which consists of 208 transmitting location for first multiplex |

|and 89 transmitting sites for second and third mux, and which covering more than 95% of population in each allotment zone for the first MUX, and|

|more than 90% of population in the other two multiplex. |

|Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project (limit 1000 characters). |

|JPETV is TV and Radio broadcasting company that has a lot of expirience in the process of digitising of public TV and Radio services in Serbia. |

|Because we are now facing with the problems in the obtaining the new technologies in digital broadcasting and solving them, we are ready to |

|share the expirience with the new generation of students on new master study programme. Our young experts will also have ability to perform |

|students' intership in our company. |

|D.1.2 - Operational capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project |

|Please add lines as necessary. |

|Name of staff member |Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related |

| |to the domain of the project. |

|Zoran Gaćinović |Zoran Gaćinović, Head of Radio Planning Department, responsible for digital network planning of TV and |

| |radio services, development and implementation of new tehnologies (HbbTV, DVB-T2 Lite services...), |

| |Project Leader in Project „Republic of Serbia teritory Coverage Plan with digital DVB-T2 television |

| |signal, for first three multiplex“,responsible for field strenght measurement of DVB-T2 signal and |

| |coverage analysys. |

|Slađan Stanković |Slađan Stanković, Head of Department of Regional Centers, responsible for low power transmitters and |

| |gap-fillers. Also, Team Leader in the Project of Installation of high and low power transmitters and |

| |gap-fillers and antenna system, in the process of finalization of the transition from analogue to digital |

| |broadcasting. |

|Petar Đekić |Petar Đekić, Head of Network Management and Precessing Department. responsible for microwave, Video |

| |network, DVB-T2 and IP/MPLS network dressing, installation and planning, national and regional headend. |

| |Also responsabile for implementation of EPG and dressing and testing of Pay-TV system on DVB-T2 platform. |

|Partner number ☒ | |P13 |

|Organisation name & acronym |Alternativna televizija (ATV) |

|D.1.1 - Aims and activities of the organisation |

|Please provide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations, size of the organisation, etc.) relating to the area |

|covered by the project (limit 2000 characters). |

|Seventeen years in business and over 110 employees |

|One of the leading broadcasters in the Republic of Srpska and the first in the Banja Luka region |

|The first commercial broadcaster to build own TV home |

|ATV broadcasts 24 hours a day, 30% of programming is ATV produced, which includes the best rated and most influential news and current affairs |

|shows |

|Terrestrial coverage with 1,5 million people in BH and neighboring countries: the Republic of Srpska, north-west of Federation BH, border areas |

|in Croatia and Serbia |

|ATV can be seen also on IPTV (m:tel and BH Telecom), cable operators, satellite (Total TV) and internet (Bosnia TV) |

|Please describe also the role of your organisation in the project (limit 1000 characters). |

|ATV Banja Luka has a lot of expirience in producing multimedia and broadcasting. Thus the role of ATV in this project will be to transfer |

|knowledge and expirience to higher education institutions staff and students. ATV will help in designing the new curricula in the field of |

|digital broadcasting according to the needs in labour market. |

|D.1.2 - Operational capacity: Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project |

|Please add lines as necessary. |

|Name of staff member |Summary of relevant skills and experience, including where relevant a list of recent publications related |

| |to the domain of the project. |

|Dragojlo Kopanja |TV Broadcasting Engineer, 34 years practice; RF technique development and application (VCO, mixers, |

| |modulators, power amplifiers, transmitters, filters, antennas...) |

|Danko Matić |Head of ATV Technical Department since 1998 |

| | |

Please copy and paste tables as necessary

List of Associated Partners

(Where applicable)

These organisations may provide the consortium with facilities or assistance that enhances the quality of work, but they cannot be responsible for core activities of the project (e.g. management, coordination, monitoring, leader of a work group etc.). No financial contribution from the project grant will be allocated to these organisations.

|Ref.nr |Name of organisation |Type of institution |City |Country | |

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Please insert rows as necessary

D.2. Cooperation arrangements, management and communication

This part must only be completed once by the applicant.

D.2.1 - Project management

Please define the organisation of the implementation of the project and the division of tasks between the partners. Please explain the allocation of resources for each activity. Explain also how the tasks are distributed amongst the partners and how project "ownership" is ensured (limit 3000 characters).

|UPKM will undertake activities to ensure sound management of the project and will perform the duties of coordinator of the project. Project |

|will be operationally managed by Project ManagementCommittee (PMC) that will organise and coordinate work in all work packages. For each |

|Working Package the representative of the appropriate institution will take the lead and coordinate the activities and tasks with PMC, hence |

|the PMC will consist of project coordinator and work packages' leaders. Because each WP leader will be representative of different HEI, PMC |

|will consist of representatives of all partner institutions. PMC meetings will be held four times per year. |

|The fulfilment of the defined activities will be monitored and controlled by the Steering Committee (SC). SC will be composed of experienced |

|management representatives, one from each country (both: programme and partner countries). SC meetings will be held twice a year and this body |

|will be responsible for monitoring, controlling and guiding the project activities. |

|Because the due dates, the content and the time period for all tasks, activities and deliverables will be clearly defined it will be easy for |

|the work packages' leaders to manage the project tasks and to inform each other about project progress. By using the communication tools |

|(email, Skype, project web site and others) and by organising periodical meetings, the project control will be established. |

|By controlling the progress of activities, the work package leaders and other participants will provide an early warning system to identify |

|deviations from the work plan and try to establish contingency plans. The day-to-day management will ensure performance of the tasks according |

|to the project plan and thus reducing the risks of deviations from the plan. If some deviations occur the online meetings will be organised in |

|order to handle problems, find solutions and follow up on agreed activities. |

D.2.2 - Cooperation and communication arrangements of the consortium

Please explain the overall project and partnership management making specific reference to the management plan and how decisions will be taken. Please describe how permanent and effective communication and reporting will be ensured as well as the measures put in place for conflict resolution (limit 2000 characters).

|The Project ManagementCommittee(PMC) will operationally manage the execution of the project activities. Members of PMC will be WP leaders and |

|they will coordinate the executions of each WP activities across different institutions. The WP leaders will also be the Heads of local teams -|

|representatives of the each Consortium member who will champion and highlight project objectives and coordinate human resources for the success|

|of the project. |

|The communication will go in two directions: 1) horizontally within the WP from the WP leader to the WP members, and vice versa, from the WP |

|member to WP leader and PMC; and 2) vertically in top-down direction: PMC – Heads of local teams – local team members and in opposite |

|direction: team members – Heads of local teams – PMC. |

|The communication on execution of the tasks within one working package will be coordinated by the WP leader that will manage WP members’ tasks |

|and collect the information on progress of activities and report to the PMC. All members of the project will try to complete the tasks |

|according to the project plan and will inform WP head and local team head about the activities performed, completed and eventual problems. The |

|heads will then inform all PMC members on regular basis officially by emails and by phones or online messengers (Skype, Lync, Viber, etc) if |

|some problems need urgent attention. If some activities will late then the PMC will alarm SC members in order to intervene to appropriate team |

|members. The deliverables will pass control chain: WP leader – PMC – QC – SC. |

|Also, the regular periodic meetings of PMCand SC will be synchronised parallel with study visits in EU partner institutions and when lecturing |

|of EU staff to WB institutions in order to save travelling costs. |

PART E - Project characteristics and relevance

E.1. Why does the consortium wish to undertake this project?

Please outline the motivation behind your project, clearly identifying the specific needs or problem/s which it intends to solve. Explain how the project proposal fits within the development strategies of the Partner Countries involved and how it addresses the priorities defined at national / regional level. Also explain why this/these problem/s were selected instead of others. In particular, explain how the area of intervention has been explored to guarantee that the project is offering something new compared to the existing situation. Where applicable, explain any synergy with other EU initiatives should be highlighted (limit 5000 characters).

|The project is based on the fact that there is alack of experts in the area of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the Western |

|Balkan countries, especially in broadcast and broadband technologies. |

|The reasonlies in rapidincreasing of the number of Radio and TV stations in transition period of these countries. The lack of the |

|professionalsimpacts on lower quality of multimedia services. A large number of Broadcasting stations in Kosovo*, Serbia and Bosnia and |

|Herzegovina do not respect quality standards for the moving images, sound and multimedia. The main reason is broadcasting of analogue signal. |

|Transfer to the digital broadcasting would solve the problem of multimedia quality. |

|All European and the Western Balkan countries committed to start digital terrestrial broadcasting by June 17th 2015 the latest (by the acts of |

|the Regional Radiocommunication conference in Geneva (RRC-06) organised by International Telecommunication Union (ITU)) and stop with analogue |

|broadcasting of TV signal. Many European countries have already started digital broadcasting and they already have some new digital services |

|parallel to digital TV and Radio. The countries of south-east Europe: Serbia, Montenegro, Romania, Albania and Greece have already started the |

|process of transferring to digital broadcasting, but Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo*have not yet. According to the data of National Agencies|

|for Radiocommunication, 21 TV and 83 Radio stations need to start digital broadcasting in Kosovo* (Independent media commission: |

|kpm-), 43 TV and 141 Radio station in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Communications Regulatory Agency BiH: rak.ba), 319 Radio stations |

|in Serbia (Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services: ratel.rs), 52 Radio stations in Montenegro (Agency for |

|Electronic Media of Montenegro: ), 79 Radio stations in Macedonia (The Agency for electronic communications: aek.mk), and 69 |

|Radio stations in Albania (Authority for electronic communications and postal services: akep.al). One of the reasons why digital |

|broadcasting is not completed is the lack of experts and experience in this area. The number of specialists in WB countries is low compared to |

|the number of Digital services needed. By transferring to the digital broadcasting, the frequency range occupied by analogue broadcasting can |

|be used for: digital TV, Radio, digital services, digital TV for mobiles and other services with multimedia content. Also, some additional |

|broadband technologies can be used in this frequency spectrum. Broadband services (internet TV, 3G and 4G networks for mobile devices) in WB |

|countries are implemented partially and compared to the EU countries in arrears in both: quality and quantity of services. The WB countries |

|that aim to join EU will have to increase quality of broadcast and broadband services according to the standards of EU countries. |

|The goal of the proposed project is implementation of the master study programme that would enable education of the specialists needed for the |

|process of digitising, maintenance of the digital systems and introduction of new broadcast and broadband technologies in line with the needs |

|of enterprises – potential employers. The curriculum of the study programme will be implemented in master studies in Kosovo*, Serbia and Bosnia|

|and Herzegovina. The study programme will be certified (accredited) by National certification bodies for Higher education. The project will |

|cover establishing of the infrastructure (organisational, methodological and technical) for implementation of developed study programmes. The |

|EU programme partners would help with their experience in described area and thus successfully contribute to the implementation of the study |

|programme. Also some Broadcast companies from the partner countries as project partners would help with description of the needs for the |

|expected specialists. |

|The proposed project is in line with Regional Priorities for Joint & Structural Projects (Erasmus+ KA2 – Capacity Building in Higher Education)|

|for the Region 1 (Western Balkan) and is related to the„Improving quality of education and teaching“ and area „Engineering and engineering |

|trades (Telecommunication technologies)“. |

Please describe briefly how your project proposal was prepared (e.g., capitalising on previous experiences, based on achieved outcomes in former projects, following previous cooperation amongst the consortium members, etc.) (limit 1000 characters).

|University of Pristina, temporarily settled in Kosovska Mitrovica – Faculty of Technical Sciencescooperates with local business companies and |

|with universities in the region and the EU. University of Pristina – Faculty of Technical Sciences has prepared this proposal based on: 1) |

|previous cooperation with partners in the area of education and the business and 2) the participation in other projects in the field of |

|Electrical Engineering and Computing. |

If your proposal is based on the results of one or more previous projects / networks, please provide precise references to this / these project(s) / network(s) in the table below.

|Reference number ☒ | |

|Project dates | |Programme or initiative | |

|(year started and completed) | | | |

|Title of the project | |

|Coordinating organisation | |

|Website |http:// |

|Password / login if necessary for website | |

|Please summarise the project outcomes and describe (a) how the new proposal seeks to build on them and, (b) how ownership / copyright issues |

|are to be dealt with (limit 1000 characters). |

| |

Please copy and paste tables as necessary.

E.2. Rationale for the setting-up of the consortium

Please explain why the selected partners are best suited to participate in this European project. Describe innovative and or complementary skills, expertise and competences within the consortium directly relating to the planned project activities. If associated partners are involved, please explain their role in the project and the added value to the consortium (limit 3000 characters).

|The consortium is composed of the programme partners with respect to: |

|- Technical University of Ostrava - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is able to contribute in direction of the balanced |

|education both theoretical and practical, they possess equipment which is very well suited for our intent, such as many analysers in field of |

|radio communications (DVB-T, PXI or USRP). The education will be practically oriented, which is important for understanding and adoption of new|

|knowledge. More than ten years long history of study branch “Mobile Technology“ in VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, results and a |

|reputation of staff provide an essential assumption that their mission and role in project will be successfully fulfilled; |

|- TheUniversity of LJubljana - LTFE team has extensive experience in development and deployment of interactive multimedia applications on a |

|number of interactive platforms (iOS, Android, smart TV (HBBTV), etc.). Additionally, they have equipment for DVB-T broadcasting and studio |

|production, which is being used for project development as well as for teaching purposes. In addition to student training and education, they |

|have extensive experience in industry training and transfer of knowledge to production oriented environments. |

|- ETSI Telecommunication (Superior Technical School of Telecommunication) at UPM has extensive teaching and research facilities in courses on |

|digital television, handling multimedia information as well as TV and HDTV signals, visual static and dynamic information encoding, etc. so it |

|will contribute fully on capacity building of the partnering universities and also on all other project activities due to previous experience |

|in wide range of similar projects. |

|- The Institute of Technology as the part of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of University of Tartu has a lot of experience in digital |

|image and signal processing that proves with a number of scientific papers and the knowledge that can be used in this project especially in the|

|area of efficient transmission of the signal. |

|The partners from the WB countries are composed from two HEIs per country with the interest to design the new modern curriculum which will |

|contribute to the creation of experts in the field of DBBT and one professional enterprise with competencies in broadcasting, multimedia |

|creation and digital TV, availability and suitability for students’ internship and future employers. The presence of partners from business for|

|each partner country gives a great contribution to rich wider project goals – the companies from the labour market will directly be included in|

|design of curricula specifications according to the needs from business and thus they will have greater opportunity to offer job to the future |

|graduated students. |

E.3. European added value

Please describe the benefits of and need for European cooperation. Please describe also why the results cannot be achieved through national, regional or local funding (limit 1000 characters).

|For the project implementation, partners from the EU countries are involvedin order to jointly and successfully develop study programme in the |

|field od DBBT. The partners from EU have the large experience in successful education of students in the field of Information and Communication|

|Technologies where Digital Broadcasting and Broadband Technologies are part of as well. Universities from EU countries have qualified experts, |

|modern laboratories for studying and testing of Digital Broadcasting and Broadband Technologies, and rich experience in implementation of many |

|projects in improving the higher education. The EU countries has successfuly transferred from analogue to digital broadcasting and they are |

|also implementing new digital broadcasting and broadbandservices now. Also, the quality and quantity of these services are on advanced |

|level.Our EU partners have advanced knowledge of interactive multimedia applications on smart phones and tablets,networks modelling and |

|radiocommunications engineering that is today the state of the art. |

E.4. Innovative character

Indicate what the project is offering that is new and what are the main innovating elements (limit 2000 characters).

|The project goal is implementation of the modern master study programme that enable education of the specialists in the field of Digital |

|Broadcasting and Broadband Technology which study profile is in line with the needs of labour market and upcoming transfer from Analogue to |

|Digital Broadcasting in regional partner countries. The graduated students would be capable to apply acquired knowledge in the business in |

|order to speed up digitising of broadcast services. Graduated students will also be capable to implement and maintain modern and improve |

|existing Broadcast and Broadband Communication Systems. In this way, the long-term sustainability would be achieved. In order to students |

|acquire theoretical and practical knowledge to be immediately applied in the business, the laboratory with appropriate hardware and software |

|equipment for analysis and design of broadcasting and broadband systems with digital multimedia HDTV studio and environment for implementation |

|of digital services would be created. The education of the experts would improve existing state in the area of digital technologies |

|(particularly in digitising of Radio and TV and improving of multimedia broadband services) in WB countries in accordance with the principles |

|of EU best practice. The mentioned project objectives would have positive impact on the current situation in the field of digital |

|communications technologies in Kosovo*, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia through the mandatory digitisation of broadcast services according to|

|standards established by competent international organizations and adopted also by the EU. The development of digital communications |

|technologies would be followed by activation of other business entities in the Western Balkans. |

|The activities graduated students will be able to do are: development of the multimedia applications on smart phones and tablets, applications |

|for smart TV, modelling of IP and wireless networks and wave propagation, etc. |

PART F - Quality of the project design and implementation

F.1. Aims and objectives

Please define the concrete aims and objectives of the project and describe the ways in which the situation set out under the previous section (Part E) will be changed (limit 3000 characters).

|The aims and objectives of the project are: introducing the new master study programmes for academic and vocational studies in the field of |

|Digital Broadcasting and Broadband Technologies (DBBT) that will be in the line with needs of business partners from the labour market from the|

|region and in line with modern study programmes from EU countries. The students will be able to apply their knowledge (practical and |

|theoretical) immediately after graduation. |

|In the kick-off meeting the management bodies and WP leaders will be elected and the complete plan of activities with detailed schedule will be|

|presented to all partners. Also, the initial workshops will be organised then. In order to rich the aims and objectives, both teams – from EU |

|and Western Balkan countries will analyse study programmes of counterparts, compare them and with the help of business partners from the labour|

|market define the guidelines for design of new curricula. Also, the representatives of WB countries will through study visits to EU partner |

|HEis and trainings by experienced EU professors gain enough knowledge to design the curricula for new study programmes and start teaching in |

|newly introduced study programme as soon as WB HEIs got accreditation from National accreditation body. The knowledge that students will gain |

|through the studies will not be only theoretical, but also practical because the DBBT laboratory will be set up during the project. Also, the |

|partnership protocol will be signed between HEIs and regional business partners for the students’ internships and among partner HEIs for |

|long-term cooperation on teachers’ and students’ mobility. |

F.2. Project activities and Methodology

Please define the activities proposed and the working methodology (project activities/developments including educational and training content and pedagogical approach) to be used for achieving the objectives, including major milestones, measurable indicators, etc. (limit 6000 characters).

|The goal of this project is developing curricula for academic and vocational master studies in the field of DBBT. The new curricula will be in |

|line with those used at the world's leading schools in the relevant fields of study and consistent with the Europe 2020 strategy, the Strategic|

|Framework for European Cooperation in Education and Training and the Bologna process. Curricula of academic and vocational master studies will |

|be introduced in order to provide knowledge in the field of DBBT and to educate students for using, designing and developing solutions in the |

|field of DBB technologies. |

|All courses in curricula will be taught using contemporary teaching methods, such as problem based learning, game based learning, case study |

|method, etc. Courses will be organised using blended learning concept – a combination of traditional and e-learning concepts. All course |

|materials and activities will be available to students through a distance learning system. During their studies, students will be involved in |

|practical work and internships in broadcast & broadband companies that participate in the project. |

|In order to students gain theoretical and practical knowledge that can be applied immediately after the graduation, two laboratories will be |

|set up: the laboratory with appropriate hardware and software infrastructure for analysis of broadcasting& broadband technologies and, digital |

|multimedia HDTV studio with appropriate equipment needed for implementation of digital multimedia services. |

|Students will be involved in project implementation at several levels: |

|- on internal meetings in each high education institution students will be informed about the project progress. They will give suggestions and |

|recommendations for all phases of study programme development and implementation |

|- students feedback on introduced study programmes will be one of the main indicators of the project quality |

|- students will be actively involved in promotion of developed study programmes. |

|Since the project involves a number of partners and a number of activities, ensuring smooth execution and coordination of these activities as |

|well as managing all stakeholders are important project management tasks. The basic project management approach is to have an |

|operationalProject Management Committee (PMC) and the Steering Committee (SC). The SC willconsist of staff with significant management |

|experience that will be responsible for monitoring and guiding the project activities. The PMC will consist of representatives of each partner |

|institution and these representatives will be leaders of some work packages. In this way the operational management body – PMC will always |

|manage daily activities and be familiar with the progress of each task. Precise milestones and delivery dates as well as the content of the |

|deliverables are defined in a detailed project plan. Project control will be established, supported by communications tools and an Internet |

|collaboration platform. A self-check mechanism for the work package leaders and other participants will provide an early warning system to |

|identify deviations from the work plan and make it possible to establish contingency plans. The objective of the day-to-day management is to |

|keep the project always closely aligned with the project plan and reduce the risks associated with project activities. Individual effort for |

|administration of the project should stay at a minimum, including the number of meetings necessary to control the project. Phone/online |

|meetings will be used for regular interaction with the research partners and follow up of activities performed on their sites. |

|Project will be coordinated by Project Management Committee (PMC), who will organize and coordinate work in all work packages. PMC meetings |

|will be held four times per year. |

|Work on the project will be monitored and controlled by Steering Committee (SC). Final versions of all project deliverables will be evaluated |

|and accepted by SC, or improved until accepted. SC meetings will be held twice a year. |

|The objective for the decisions making process is to achieve consensus in all relevant issues. The project management will try to prevent all |

|conflicts, sometimes serving as a mediator between parties and help to find a mutual settlement, but in the case when management cannot solve |

|conflicts, the final steps of conflict resolution will be arbitration and/or court case. |

|All activities in the project will be organised through the work packages that represent logical units of work. In the first year of project |

|implementation will be set up methodological bases for curricula development, curriculum for academic and vocational master studies will be |

|developed, methodology for implementation of study programmes will be set up, equipment will be purchased and installed in labs. Second year of|

|project implementation will include activities concerning the introduction of study programmes: accreditation at National Accreditation |

|offices, intensive promotion in high schools and HEIs, training of the teachers and enrolment of students. Third year will consist of |

|activities of teaching and learning within innovated and designed study programmes, as well as evaluation of students’ success and their |

|feedback. Activities concerning dissemination, quality planning and project management will be performed continuously during the project |

|implementation. |

F.3. Budget and cost effectiveness

Please describe the strategy adopted to ensure that the proposed results and objectives will be achieved in the most economical way and on time. Explain the principals of budget allocation amongst partners. Indicate the arrangements adopted for financial management and what co-financing modalities are planned (limit 3000 characters).

|- Individual effort for administration of the project should stay at a minimum, including the number of meetings necessary to control the |

|project, |

|- in order to achieve efficient coordination of project activities, the ICT will be used for communication (email, phone, Skype, Lync, Viber, |

|etc.) whenever possible, |

|- when travelling, activities from several work packages and tasks will be joined (i.e. development activities with project management |

|activities), to avoid multiple travel costs and the cheapest available transport means will be used, whenever possible (buses, low cost |

|airlines, etc.) |

|- the local leaders will be also the leaders of the working packages so the number of management staff will be reduced and thus save the costs |

|- cheap, but efficient methods for dissemination, such as web and social networks, will be used in largest possible extent |

|- the resources for study visits and teachers training will overlap and it will save the costs for travelling, |

|- whenever needed the institution will co-finance the manpower, environment for decent work and other expenses, organisation of the workshops, |

|dissemination etc. |

|Budget will be allocated among partners with respect to their activities and engagement in project implementation. Because of the decision to |

|implement a regional studio for training in FTNKM, financial resources assigned to FTNKM are proportionally higher. Financial management |

|activities will be performed by project coordinator, but will be monitored and controlled by internal financial audit and by Steering |

|Committee. |

F.4. Quality control and Monitoring

Please explain what mechanisms have been put in place for ensuring the quality of the project and how the evaluation will be carried out. Please define the specific quality measures established, as well as the benchmarks and indicators foreseen to verify the outcome of the action. Make sure that the information in this section is consistent with the project Logical Framework Matrix (limit 3000 characters).

|Quality control and Monitoring will be performed in the following way: |

|- The Quality control plan will be developed and approved in the start of the project; |

|- The activities of work packages will result in formal deliverables that are committed in the workplan. The tasks of the project management |

|will be to assure the work on the deliverables respects the timeframes defined; |

|-The technical and editorial review process will be performed before the deliverables are submitted to the Commission; Each deliverable will be|

|drafted by responsible team, sent to the all parties in charge, comments will be collected and deliverable appropriately modified. The |

|pre-final draft deliverable will be submitted to the project management chain: WP leader - PMC - QC for editing; The editing will be done in |

|order to be achieved readability and high quality of the content; The final step will be a Steering committee approval; A last round of changes|

|might be then necessary before the deliverable will be submitted to the European Commission Project Officer and the Reviewers. |

|- Student evaluations will be performed each semester to collect and analyse data about developed study programmes |

|- Innovated and new study programmes will be accredited at National accreditation offices – in this process the “external control” of prepared |

|study programme will be implemented by National accreditation office – the study programme will be certified only if it fulfil national and |

|regional quality standards. |

|- Recognition on national and international level will be achieved through encouraging students’ and teachers’ mobility programmes. |

PART G - Impact, dissemination and exploitation, sustainability

G.1. Expected impact of the project

Please explain who will use these project outputs / products / results and how the consortium will reach them. Describe how the target groups (including participating institutions, stakeholders) will be reached and involved during the life of the project and how the project will benefit the target group at local, regional, national and or European level. Please structure your description according to the different levels of impact and stakeholders (limit 3000 characters).

|The final goal of the project is implementation of the master study programme that will enable education of specialists (experts) needed to be |

|involved in the process of transfer of analogue to digital broadcasting, maintenance of digital systems and introducing of new broadcasting and|

|broadband technologies. After the graduation, students will be able to apply acquired knowledge in the labour market. In this way the process |

|of digitizing the broadcast services will be accelerated. Also, the students graduated on these studies will be able to introduce and maintain |

|modern and to improve existing broadcasting and broadband communication systems. Students will also gain the knowledge needed for development |

|of applications for smart phones, smart TV and to deliver those applications over Internet or DVB-T. |

|In order to students gain theoretical and practical knowledge that can be applied immediately after the graduation, two laboratories will be |

|set up for this study programme: the laboratory with appropriate hardware and software infrastructure for analysis of broadcasting & broadband |

|technologies and, digital multimedia HDTV studio with appropriate equipment needed for implementation of digital multimedia services. |

|Because some local WB broadcasting& broadband companies will be involved in the project as project partners, the initial cooperation with the |

|labour market will be introduced through the model of student internship. The rich experience of EU HEIs in the field of DBBT will be also |

|considered and implemented during the project. |

Please describe how the target groups (including participating institutions, stakeholders) will be reached after the project is finished (limit 3000 characters).

|After the finish of the project, the academic sustainability will be achieved by introducing procedures and recommendations for permanent |

|improvement of developed study programmes. The financial sustainability will be achieved through the award of scholarships to the best students|

|from government and business companies and through including the study programmes in existing government financial programs. Study programmes |

|will be also financed by “own source” resources because some students will have to pay the scholarship by themselves. The planned activity |

|within the project is also signing of the long term cooperation agreements between HEIs and relevant stakeholders like: business companies, |

|state bodies, social associations, NGOs etc. |

|On local and regional level, the graduated students of the new study programme will improve existing state in the field of Digital Technologies|

|(particularly in digitisation of radio and television and in improvement of multimedia broadband services) in the WB countries in line with the|

|EU best practice principles. The results would be visible in the area of Digital communications in Kosovo*, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia |

|through mandatory digitisation of broadcast services according to the standards of international organisations that are also accepted by EU. |

|The development of the digital communication technologies would be followed by activating and some other business companies in the WB |

|countries. |

Overview of short and long term impact indicators

Please add rows as necessary according to indicators

|Short term impact |Target groups/potential |Quantitative indicators |Qualitative indicators |

| |beneficiaries | | |

|Exchanging of knowledge & |WB teaching staff & students |The number of graduated students in | |

|experience | |new generations of digital engineers | |

|Introduction of the modern |Experts in DBBT of WB region | |Accreditation approved |

|study programme | | | |

|Existing of laboratory with |Potential students |The number of enrolled and graduated | |

|high professional equipment in| |students | |

|DBBT | | | |

|Long term impact |Target groups/potential |Quantitative indicators |Qualitative indicators |

| |beneficiaries | | |

|The quality of teaching staff |Scientific community |The number of high impact factor | |

| | |scientific papers in the field of | |

| | |DBBT | |

|Permanent modernisation and |Experts in DBBT of WB region | |Periodical Re-accreditation |

|update of study programme | | | |

|Faster digitisation and |Radio & TV consumers of WB region |Number of digital Radio & TV channels|Quality of Radio & TV signal |

|suspension of analogue | |and services | |

|services | | | |

|Improvement in quality and |People of WB region |Number of mobile applications and | |

|number of digital services | |services | |

|Graduated students with the |Labour market in WB region |The number of new employees in the | |

|knowledge that can be | |field of DBBT | |

|immediately implemented in | | | |

|practice | | | |

G.2. Dissemination and exploitation strategy

Please explain how the dissemination will be organised and how exploitation activities will ensure optimal use of the results within the project's lifetime and after. Explain the roles, responsibilities and target groups (limit 3000 characters).

|Knowledge transfer and dissemination is one of the core activities of the project. There are two aspects of this activity: internal and |

|external. Internal dissemination activities primarily targets internal project resources and teachers and students working for the project |

|member organisations with the aim to transfer knowledge among partners. Workshops, meetings and visits are the main tools used in these |

|activities. External dissemination activities are the standard dissemination activities targeting wider community, local companies and general |

|public with the aim to promote project, its results, and project participants. The main tools of external dissemination are presentations, |

|lectures and demos at workshops, exhibitions and different media channels like Web, TV and newspapers. Some of the dissemination activities |

|will be open to public and will contribute to external dissemination efforts as well. The project deliverables will be available at the project|

|web site. Social networks shall be utilised to the furthest extent possible to spread the information about the project to the experts in the |

|field (using LinkedIn) and to reach student population (using Facebook and Twitter). It is aim of the project to make all project deliverables |

|public. The web site will contain a private area open to all project team members as well where project information and documents including |

|minutes, plans, results and background information can be easily accessed. Effective dissemination will also be achieved by including students |

|in dissemination process. Students trained during the project implementation will present their experiences at meetings, conferences, web site |

|and to enterprises. |

G.3. Sustainability

Explain how the impact of this project will be sustained beyond its lifetime. Please list the outcomes that you consider sustainable and describe the strategy to ensure their long lasting use beyond the project's life - financially, institutionally and policy level. Also explain how the results will be mainstreamed and multiplied in the sector of activity and in the participating institutions. Describe the strategy foreseen to attract co-funding and other forms of support for the project (limit 2000 characters).

|After the completion of the project, developed study programmes will be constantly monitored and improved through the following: |

|- improving courses with respect to technical innovations in the field of broadcasting& broadband technologies; |

|- introducing new software tools in teaching and learning process; |

|- appropriate maintaining of the equipment and purchase of new equipment; |

|- monitoring needs from industry and adjusting study programmes. |

|After the completion of the project, study programmes of academic and vocational master studies will be financed through scholarship. Best |

|students will be awarded with Government scholarships. Through improving cooperation with enterprises, a substantial number of scholarships |

|will be available for students. Scholarship will be adjusted to supply and demand principles, but will be formed to cover expenses and enable |

|permanent enhancing of study programmes. |

|Main treats to sustainability of project results include lack of financial support after the project completion, low interest of potential |

|students in developed study programmes and low level of implementation of digital broadcasting and broadband technologies (digital television |

|and radio, multimedia technologies, mobile technologies, etc.) in Western Balkan broadcasting enterprises. Opportunities are mostly related to |

|innovation of broadcasting and broadband companies in Western Balkan countries, and planned transfer to digital broadcasting technologies. |


|Wider Objective: ☒ |Indicators of progress: |How indicators will be measured: | |

|What is the overall broader objective, to which the |What are the key indicators related to the wider |What are the sources of information on these | |

|project will contribute? |objective? |indicators? | |

|Support in development and implementation of digital |number of successful digitisations of TV and Radio |Report of National Agencies for Radiocommunications | |

|TV and Radio in WB countries. |broadcasting stations |Report on employing of experts in the field of digital| |

|Support in development and implementation of new |number of newly employeed experts in the field of DBBT|broadcast and broadband technologies. | |

|digital broadcasting and broadband technologies in WB | | | |

|countries | | | |

|Specific Project Objective/s: |Indicators of progress: |How indicators will be measured: |Assumptions & risks: |

|What are the specific objectives, which the project |What are the quantitative and qualitative indicators |What are the sources of information that exist and can|What are the factors and conditions not under the |

|shall achieve? |showing whether and to what extent the project’s |be collected? What are the methods required to get |direct control of the project, which are necessary to|

|to improve quality of professional skills of graduated|specific objectives are achieved? |this information? |achieve these objectives? What risks have to be |

|students in the field of DBBT |Increased number of experts in the field of DBBT |Report of National Telecommunications Regulatory body |considered? |

|to design new curriculum for academic master studies |Approved accreditation of new Ac & Voc MSP |on number of digital services implemented |National qualifications framework adopted timely |

|(AcMS) in the field of DBBT. |Number of students enrolled to AcMS and VocMS in the |Report of the Commission for accreditation |Support from all project partners |

|to design new curriculum for vocational master studies|filed of DBBT. |Official documentation of the HEIs |Cooperation with business experts |

|(VocMS) in the field of DBBT. |Number of graduated students of AcMS and VocMS in the |Signed protocols between HEIs and enterprises | |

|to improve HEI-enterprise cooperation |filed of DBBT. | | |

| |Improved communication channels between HEIs and | | |

| |enterprises | | |

|Outputs (tangible) and Outcomes (intangible): |Indicators of progress: |How indicators will be measured: |Assumptions & risks: |

|Please provide the list of concrete DELIVERABLES - |What are the indicators to measure whether and to what|What are the sources of information on these |What external factors and conditions must be realised|

|outputs/outcomes (grouped in Workpackages), leading to|extent the project achieves the envisaged results and |indicators? |to obtain the expected outcomes and results on |

|the specific objective/s.: |effects? |Project web newsletter |schedule? |

|WP1(PREP): Analysis, consulting and training |5 reports on performed analyses written and published |Programmes and galleries of the visits |Companies and state authorities have to be ready to |

|• 1.1 Report on analysis of EU master study programmes|4 study visits organized |Minutes of the meetings with business partners |actively participate. |

|(MSP) |6 consultation with the business partners organised |Monitoring of the process by designated HEIs staff |Fluctuation of staff. |

|• 1.2 Report on analysis of WB MSP |12 teachers trained |Each part of the equipment received its inventory |Good project management. |

|• 1.3 Report on comparative analysis |Equipment introduced in inventory books of |number |Good financial management. |

|• 1.4 Study Visits reports |institutions |Report on labs set up |Stable political situation |

|• 1.5 Minutes of the meetings (MoM) |7 labs for training in DBBT set up in WB PC HEIs |Report on printed books | |

|• 1.6 Teachers trained |Number of prepared Teaching Material (at least 1 TM |Report on published AcMsS book of curricula | |

|WP2(PREP): Preparation of Infrastructure |per course) |Report on published VoMsS book of curricula | |

|• 2.1 Hardware purchased |Number of printed books of curriculum (at least 3 |Monitoring of the process by designated university | |

|• 2.2 Software purchased |copies per HEIs partner planned) |staff | |

|• 2.3 Literature purchased |Published books of AcMS curricula |Number of printed books (XX copies per high education | |

|• 2.4 Trained staff for equipment use |Published books of VocMS curricula |partner planned) | |

|• 2.5 Laboratory set up |Study programmes of AcMS implemented |Official documentation of the HEIs | |

|• 2.6 Teaching materials designed |Study programmes of VocMS implemented |Official documentation of the institutions | |

|• 2.7 Methodological instructions for teaching |Number of students enrolled to AcMS (UPKM: 10-15, |Project documentation on Quality Board work | |

|developed |UNIBL: 10-15, UNBI: 15-20, SINGI: 5-10 planned) |Official project documentation on the external expert | |

|• 2.8 Methodological instructions for students’ |Number of students enrolled to VocMS (HTPSZ: 5-10, |findings | |

|practice developed |VISER: 20-30 planned) |Official project documentation on the internal control| |

|WP3(DEV): Creation of new curriculum for AcMS |At least 1 protocol on students internships signed |findings | |

|• 3.1 Principles & model for AcMS developed |6 minutes of the Quality Board meetings |Report on marketing activities | |

|• 3.2 Teachers' competencies & learning outcomes |1 external expert report |Project website and social network | |

|developed |2 internal reports |Report on MSP promotions | |

|• 3.3 New curriculum for AcMS developed |Marketing materials designed and printed |Report of the Commission for accreditation | |

|• 3.4 Book of curriculum for AcMS printed |Number of visits to project web site and social |Project documentation on academic and financial | |

|WP4(DEV): Creation of new curriculum for VocMS |network |sustainability | |

|• 4.1 Principles & model for VocMS |Number of HEIs where MSP promoted (at least 2 planned |Official documentation of the HEIs | |

|• 4.2 Teachers' competencies & learning outcomes |per per partner institution) |Official support of relevant governmant bodies | |

|developed |Accredited study programmes of AcMS & VocMS |Project documentation on Steering Committee work | |

|• 4.3 New curriculum for VocMS developed |Academic & Financial sustainability plan |Project documentation on Project Management Committee | |

|• 4.4 Book of curriculum for VocMS printed |At least 1 long-term agreement per partner HEI |work | |

|WP5(DEV): Introduction of AcMS and VocMS curricula |institution and all relevant stakeholders signed |Official correspondance with EACEA | |

|• 5.1 Students enrolled to AcMS |At least 1 letter of support received from the | | |

|• 5.2 Students enrolled to VocMS |relevant government bodies | | |

|• 5.3 AcMS and VocMS introduced |6 minutes of the Steering Committee meetings | | |

|• 5.4 Report on level of success of the new MSP |12 minutes of the Project Management Committee | | |

|• 5.5 Report on students' feedback |meetings | | |

|• 5.6 Students' journals |Project IR and FR | | |

|• 5.7 Lectures by experts from business held | | | |

|WP6(QPLN): Quality Management | | | |

|• 6.1 MoM | | | |

|• 6.2 Adoption of the quality control plan | | | |

|• 6.3 Report of the external expert | | | |

|• 6.4 Report of internal experts | | | |

|WP7(DISS&EXP): Dissemination | | | |

|• 7.1 MoM | | | |

|• 7.2 Web site developed and published | | | |

|• 7.3 Promotional material produced | | | |

|• 7.4 Report on HEI visits | | | |

|WP8(DISS&EXP): Sustainability | | | |

|• 8.1 Accreditaion approved | | | |

|• 8.2 Plan created | | | |

|• 8.3 Plan created | | | |

|• 8.4 Protocol signed | | | |

|• 8.5 Letters of support | | | |

|WP9(MNGM): Management | | | |

|• 9.1 MoM | | | |

|• 9.2 MoM | | | |

|• 9.3 Project correspodance | | | |

|• 9.4 IR submitted | | | |

|• 9.5 FR submitted | | | |

|Activities: |Inputs: | |Assumptions, risks and pre-conditions: |

|What are the key activities to be carried out (grouped|What inputs are required to implement these | |What pre-conditions are required before the project |

|in Workpackages) and in what sequence in order to |activities, e.g. staff time, equipment, mobilities, | |starts? What conditions outside the project’s direct |

|produce the expected results? |publications etc.? | |control have to be present for the implementation of |

|WP1: |Staff costs: 312.071 EUR | |the planned activities? |

|1.1 Analysis of EU Master Study Programmes (MSP) in |EU Cat 1: 34.800 | |Staff motivated and interested in taking part in |

|DBBT |EU Cat 2: 58.200 | |project activities |

|1.2 Analysis of WB MSP in ICT |EU Cat 4: 8.190 | |Availability of staff members. |

|1.3 Comparative analysis of MSP in DBBT from EU and |WB Cat 1: 47.520 | |Language skills |

|ICT from WB |WB Cat 2: 105.200 | |Availability and motivation of representatives from |

|1.4 Study Visits to EU HEIs |WB Cat 3: 7.524 | |business partners |

|1.5 Consulting with the business partners |WB Cat 4: 26550 | |Assistance of external expert(s) in implementation |

|1.6 Teachers training | | |phase |

|WP2: |Mobilities: 219.255 EUR | |Collaboration among project consortium members |

|2.1 Purchase of hardware |118 teaching staff + 7 students from WB to EU | |The project staff have to consider development of |

|2.2 Purchase of software |70 teaching staff from EU to WB | |DBBT MSP as a priority |

|2.3 Purchase of literature |85 teaching staff and 8 students between WB countries | | |

|2.4 Training the staff for use of equipment | | | |

|2.5 DBBT laboratory set up |Equipment: 220.000 EUR | | |

|2.6 Teaching materials design |Set up of 7 laboratories for DBBT | | |

|2.7 Teaching methodological instructions | | | |

|2.8 Students' practice methodological instructions |Subcontracting: 76.960 EUR | | |

|WP3: |Printing, Publishing, External financial control, | | |

|3.1 Defining principles & model for academic master |promotional material, teaching materials, translation,| | |

|studies (AcMS) |set up of laboratories - connecting the equipment, | | |

|3.2 Teachers' competencies & learning outcomes for |training of staff to use equipment | | |

|AcMS | | | |

|3.3 Design of new curriculum for AcMS | | | |

|3.4 Priniting the book of curriculum for AcMS | | | |

|WP4: | | | |

|4.1 Defining principles & model for vocational master | | | |

|studies (VocMS) | | | |

|4.2 Teachers' competencies & learning outcomes for | | | |

|VocMS | | | |

|4.3 Design of new curriculum for VocMS | | | |

|4.4 Printing the book of curriculum for VocMS | | | |

|WP5: | | | |

|5.1 Enrollment of students to AcMS | | | |

|5.2 Enrollment of students to VocMS | | | |

|5.3 Implementation of Ac & Voc MSP | | | |

|5.4 Monitoring the 1st generation of students on new | | | |

|MSP | | | |

|5.5 Students' feedback analysis | | | |

|5.6 Students' practice with business partners | | | |

|5.7 Lectures by experts from business | | | |

|WP6: | | | |

|6.1 Regular Quality Board meetings | | | |

|6.2 Development of the QC plan | | | |

|6.3 External financial control | | | |

|6.4 Internal project evaluation | | | |

|WP7: | | | |

|7.1 Promotion on internal meetings in partner | | | |

|institutions | | | |

|7.2 Promotion on Website & social networks | | | |

|7.3 Production of promotional material | | | |

|7.4 Promotion in WB HEIs | | | |

|WP8: | | | |

|8.1 Accreditation of new Ac & Voc MSP | | | |

|8.2 Creation of academic sustainability plan (SP) | | | |

|8.3 Creation of financial SP | | | |

|8.4 Signing the long-term cooperation agreements | | | |

|between HEIs and relevant stakeholders | | | |

|8.5 Ensuring support of the relevant gov. bodies | | | |

|WP9: | | | |

|9.1 Regular SC meetings | | | |

|9.2 Regular PMC meetings | | | |

|9.3 Development of guidelines on the the project | | | |

|management & reporting | | | |

|9.4 Day-to-Day coord. activities | | | |

|9.5 Producing of IR | | | |

|9.6 Producing of FR | | | |


Please use the model provided. Applicants are expected to complete a one-page work plan for each project year.

For each year of your project proposal, please complete a work plan indicating the deadlines for each outcome and the period and location in which your activities will take place. Please create additional work plan tables if further space is needed.

The same reference and sub-reference numbers as used in the logical framework matrix must be assigned to each outcome and related activities.

Activity carried out in the Programme Country: = (E.g. activity in France for two weeks in the first month of the project 2= under M1)

Activity carried out in the Partner Country (ies): X (E.g., activity in Tunisia for three weeks in the second month of the project: 3X under M2)

WORKPLAN for project year 1 ☒

|Activities |Total duration |M1 |

| |(number of weeks) | |

|Title |Analysis, consulting and training |

|Related assumptions and risks |Assumptions: |

| |- The list of courses with its content available and translated, |

| |- The title and the table of content of books recommended for courses translated |

| |Risks: |

| |- Inability to complete analysis of academic and vocational master study programmes, |

| |- Large differences between analised master study programme in EU and WB countries. |

|Description |The models and structures of academic and vocational master study programs in WB countries will be analysed |

| |against the programmes in EUcountries in this Working package. Analysis will be performed in parallel – the EU |

| |partners will analyse existing study programmes of WB countries in the field of ICT and WB partners will |

| |analyse master study programs from EU countries in the field of DBBT. The master study programs in the WB cover|

| |wider areas of ICT compared to the master study programme in the EU (DBBT) because in WB countries study |

| |programmes are not developed for narrow field of master study programs. After the analyses will be performed |

| |independently, both parties will compare the results of analyses i.e. master study programs in the field of |

| |DBBT in the EU and master study programs in the field of ICT in WB. The similarities and differences between |

| |the structures of master study programs will be defined. Will be analysed which key elements of the master |

| |study programs in the field of DBBT in the EU should be applied in the implementation of the new master study |

| |programme in the field of DBBT in WB countries. Analysis of study programs will be carried out through |

| |workshops in higher institutions of PC and EU. The general overview of existing successful models of education |

| |in the field of DBBT of EU HEIs will represent the basic guidelines for the definition and development of the |

| |new curriculum. |

| |Within this WP the transfer of knowledge and experience in the field of DBBT will be performed by EU to WB |

| |partnets through the study visits and teachers’ trainings. Also, the consultations with the business partners |

| |will be performed about the areas the new curriculum should cover. |

|Tasks |- Detail analysis of the structure of academic and vocational master study programmes in the field of DBBT in |

| |EU countries. |

| |- Detail analysis of the structure of academic and vocational master study programmes in the field of ICT in WB|

| |countries. |

| |- Comparison of two performed analyses. |

| |- To define similarities and differences of the study programmes in EU and WB. |

| |- Study visits to EU. |

| |- Transfer of knowledge and experience. |

| |- Consultings with the partners from the business. |

| |- The training of the teachers. |

|Estimated Start Date |15-10-2015 |Estimated End Date (dd-mm-yyyy) |15-03-2016 |

|(dd-mm-yyyy) | | | |

|Lead Organisation |VSB-TUO |



|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |1.1. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |The report on analysis of master study programmes in the field of DBBT in EU |

| | |countries |

| |Type |☒ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |The structure and models of the EU countries in the field of DBBT in master study|

| | |programmes for academic and vocational master studies will be analysed by WB |

| | |partners. The special attention will be given to the teaching methodology, |

| | |courses within the study programme, and to the equipment needed for |

| | |implementation of the study programmes. |

| |Due date |15-02-2016 |

| |Languages |EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☐ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☐ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☐ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☐ Regional |☒ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |1.2. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |The report on analysis of WB master study programmes in the field of ICT |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |The models of the master study programmes of WB countries in the field of ICT in |

| | |for academic and vocational studies will be analysed by EU partners. The special |

| | |attention will be given to the courses in the field of DBBT that are present in |

| | |the ICT study programmes. |

| |Due date |15-02-2016 |

| |Languages |SR, BS, EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☐ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☐ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☒ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☒ Regional |☐ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |1.3. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |The report on the comparative analysis of master study programmes in the fields |

| | |of DBBT from EU and ICT from WB |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |The comparative analysis of master study programmes in EU and WB will be |

| | |performed. The differences of study programmes analysed will be defined. The team|

| | |will select the key elements from the EU study programmes that have to be |

| | |implemented in the new curricula for WB countries. |

| |Due date |15-03-2016 |

| |Languages |SR, BS, EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☐ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☐ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☐ Regional |☒ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |1.4. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Study visits reports |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |The study visits to EU partners HEIs will be performed in order to WB staff gain |

| | |experience in teaching and obtain knowledge transfer in the field of DBBT. The |

| | |knowledge obtained during the study visits will enable better implementation of |

| | |the academic and vocational master studies in the field of DBBT. |

| |Due date |15-04-2017 |

| |Languages |EN, SR, BS |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☐ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☒ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☒ Regional |☒ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |1.5. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Consultings with the business partners |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☒ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☐ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |In the scope of preparation for implementation of master study programmes, the |

| | |business partners will be consulted. The goal of consultations will be to define |

| | |the target knowledge needed to graduated students in order to apply it |

| | |immediately in the business when employed. Business partners will thus be |

| | |consulted in order to harmonize competencies of students defined in the study |

| | |programme with those needed in the business. |

| |Due date |15-03-2017 |

| |Languages |SR, BS |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☐ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☒ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☒ Regional |☐ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |1.6. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Teachers' training |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☒ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☐ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |The training of the teachers will be performed in WB and EU partner institutions.|

| | |The goal of the training is improvement of professional, pedagogical and |

| | |methodological knowledge of WB teachers. |

| |Due date |15-03-2017 |

| |Languages |EN, SR, BS |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☐ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☐ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☐ Local |☐ National |

| |☒ Institution |☐ Regional |☐ International |

Please copy and paste tables as necessary.

|Work package type and ref.nr ☒ |PREPARATION |2 |

|Title |Preparation of Infrastructure |

|Related assumptions and risks |Assumptions: |

| |- Support and the transfer of knowledge of EU partners. |

| |- Support from the business partners. |

| |- The teaching materials from EU partners. |

| |Risks: |

| |- Teachers are not trained enough. |

| |- The delivery of equipment is late. |

| |- The teachers are not enough motivated to build new teaching materials. |

|Description |WP2 covers the set up of the infrastructure required for the implementation of academic and vocational master |

| |study programme, design of the teaching materials and preparation of the methodological instructions for |

| |teaching and students’ practice. The hardware and software equipment and the literature will be purchased in |

| |order to enable quality education on new implemented study programme. The equipment will be installed in the |

| |laboratory for DBBT in the WB HEIs. For proper handling and use of equipment, the training will be organised. |

| |Within the WP2 the design of teaching material in electronic and printed form will be performed too. Some of |

| |the activities of WP2 will be executed in parallel with activities of WP3 and WP4 related to writing curricula |

| |for academic and vocational master studies. Also the following methodological instruction will be designed: |

| |- Design of methodological instructions for teaching, |

| |- Design of methodological instructions for students internship. |

|Tasks |- The purchase of hardware equipment, software and literature. |

| |- Training the staff for use of equipment. |

| |- Fitting out and set up of laboratory, monitoring of set up. |

| |- Design of teaching materials. |

| |- Design of methodological instructions for teaching and students’ internship. |

|Estimated Start Date |15-10-2015 |Estimated End Date (dd-mm-yyyy) |15-04-2017 |

|(dd-mm-yyyy) | | | |

|Lead Organisation |UTARTU |



|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |2.1. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Purchase of hardware equipment |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☒ Learning material |☐ Report |

| | |☒ Training material |☒ Service/Product |

| |Description |The hardware equipment needed will be set up for creation of multimedia HDTV |

| | |studio (HD cameras with tripod, lighting, backgrounds, communication studio |

| | |equipment, video mixer), professional devices needed for laboratory testing and |

| | |exercising in the field of DBBT will be also purchased and set up. The computer |

| | |equipment for teaching will be also purchased (computers, notebooks, tablets and |

| | |projectors). |

| |Due date |15-05-2016 |

| |Languages |SR, BS, EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☒ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☒ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☒ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☒ Regional |☐ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |2.2. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Purchase of software |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☒ Learning material |☐ Report |

| | |☒ Training material |☒ Service/Product |

| |Description |The software will be purchased for all higher education institutions in the PC |

| | |(partner countries). The software is planned for professional production and |

| | |post-production processing of multimedia content, for designing broadcast and |

| | |broadband transmission system, for signal analysis, and for the calculation of |

| | |coverage of broadband wireless signal and broadcast systems. |

| |Due date |15-05-2016 |

| |Languages |EN, SR, BS |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☒ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☒ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☒ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☒ Regional |☐ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |2.3. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Purchase of literature |

| |Type |☒ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☒ Learning material |☐ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☒ Service/Product |

| |Description |The purchase of literature needed for the new study programme for all PC (partner|

| | |countries) institutions. |

| |Due date |15-01-2017 |

| |Languages |SR, BS, EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☒ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☒ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☒ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☒ Regional |☐ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |2.4. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Training the staff for use of equipment |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☒ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☐ Report |

| | |☒ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |In all higher educational institutions of PC will be performed basic or advanced |

| | |trainings of the staff for use of equipment. Training will be performed using the|

| | |equipment manufacturer manuals and tutorials. Training will be conducted by |

| | |experts from EU partners and experienced professionals from business partners. |

| |Due date |15-10-2016 |

| |Languages |EN, SR, BS |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☒ Trainees |

| |☐ Administrative staff |

| |☒ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☒ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☒ Regional |☐ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |2.5. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Set up of DBBT laboratory |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☒ Learning material |☐ Report |

| | |☒ Training material |☒ Service/Product |

| |Description |The hardware and software purchased will be installed in HEIs in the PC. At FTNKM|

| | |will be introduced two laboratories. The first laboratory will consist of |

| | |multimedia HDTV studio with professional equipment necessary for the |

| | |implementation of a production and processing of multimedia content. The second |

| | |lab will consist of professional equipment for analysis of transmission and |

| | |processing of multimedia signals in broadband and broadcast systems. The |

| | |appropriate software will be installed on computers to perform simulation of real|

| | |broadband and broadcast transmission systems and to analyse them. Set up of the |

| | |laboratories will be supervised by experts from EU partner HEIs. The objective of|

| | |the establishment of the laboratory is to students acquire practical knowledge in|

| | |the field of DBBT. |

| |Due date |15-07-2016 |

| |Languages |SR, BS, EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☒ Trainees |

| |☐ Administrative staff |

| |☒ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☒ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☒ Regional |☐ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |2.6. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Design of teaching materials |

| |Type |☒ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☐ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |It will be designed instructional material in printed and electronic form |

| | |(e-books, presentations) required for teaching the master study program. Teaching|

| | |materials will be prepared in accordance with EU, national and institutional |

| | |standards. |

| |Due date |15-03-2016 |

| |Languages |SR, BS, EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☒ Trainees |

| |☐ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☒ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☒ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☒ Regional |☐ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |2.7. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Methodological instructions for teaching |

| |Type |☒ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☐ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |This deliverable contains methodological instructions for lectures and exercises |

| | |in implementation of study programmes. |

| |Due date |15-03-2016 |

| |Languages |SR, BS, EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☒ Trainees |

| |☐ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☐ Local |☐ National |

| |☒ Institution |☐ Regional |☐ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |2.8. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Methodological instructions for students’ practice |

| |Type |☒ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☐ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |This deliverable contains methodological instructions for execution of students’ |

| | |internship. Instructions target experts from industry that will mentor students’ |

| | |internship. |

| |Due date |15-03-2016 |

| |Languages |SR, BS, EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☒ Trainees |

| |☐ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☐ Local |☐ National |

| |☒ Institution |☐ Regional |☐ International |

Please copy and paste tables as necessary.

| Work package type and ref.nr ☒ |DEVELOPMENT |3 |

|Title |Creation of new curriculum for academic master studies in DBBT |

|Related assumptions and risks |Assumptions: |

| |- Support and exchange of knowledge and experience from EU partners. |

| |- Support from the partners from the business. |

| |- Motivation of the staff responsible for development of new master study programme. |

| |Risks: |

| |- Insuficcient cooperation between consortium members. |

| |- The developed study programme is not according to the standards. |

| |- The mistakes occurred during design of curriculum. |

|Description |The process of defining and development of the curriculum model and all of its properties should be carried out|

| |carefully, comprehensively and in detail in order to ensure the viability and applicability of the studies in |

| |the period after the completion of the project. The curriculum model for academic master studies will define |

| |precisely the content, duration and characteristics of the course. Within WP3 will be held workshops on PC and |

| |EU higher education institutions where the principles and models of curriculum academic master studies in the |

| |field DBBT will be defined. They will be based on the analyses performed within the WP1. For the implementation|

| |of activities in WP3 will be established several working groups. The general working group will consist of |

| |representatives of all partner institutions that participate in the project. This working group will be |

| |responsible for designing a curriculum model for the academic master studies. After defining a curriculum model|

| |for the academic master studies, each PC will will form a local working group in order to develop the specifics|

| |of the curriculum for that institution. Working Groups will be under the supervision and control of elected |

| |representatives from EU partner institution. The work of the working group will coordinate the Project |

| |Management Committee (PMC). All preliminary reports and defined models will be prepared and analysed on the |

| |meetings and their short descriptions will be presented to the Steering Committee (SC) for the final |

| |qualitative review and approval. |

| |In parallel with the activities of WP3 will be performed activities of WP2 related to the creation of the |

| |infrastructure necessary for the full development of the academic master studies programme. |

| |WP3 will be completed by book curriculum for academic master's degree in DBBT. |

|Tasks |- Defining the principles and model for academic master studies in the field of DBBT. |

| |- Defining the teachers' competencies and learning outcomes of courses for academic master studies in the field|

| |of DBBT. |

| |- Design of new curriculum for academic master studies in the field of DBBT |

| |- Preparation of the final documentation for curriculum. |

| |- Priniting the book of curriculum for academic master studies in the field of DBBT. |

|Estimated Start Date |15-01-2016 |Estimated End Date |15-10-2016 |

|(dd-mm-yyyy) | |(dd-mm-yyyy) | |

|Lead Organisation |UL |



|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |3.1. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |The principles and model for academic master studies in the field of DBBT |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |Design of the curriculum model for academic master studies in the field of DBBT. |

| | |Model has to respect the structure of academic master studies and detailcourse |

| | |description (the list of mandatory and elective courses, the content of courses, |

| | |the ECTS credits etc.). |

| |Due date |15-03-2016 |

| |Languages |SR, BS, EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☐ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty ☐ Institution|☒ Local |☐ National |

| | |☒ Regional |☐ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |3.2. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |The teachers' competencies and learning outcomes of courses for academic master |

| | |studies in the field of DBBT |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |Defining the teachers' competencies and learning outcomes of courses for academic|

| | |master studies in the field of DBBT for PC HEIs. |

| |Due date |15-04-2016 |

| |Languages |SR, BS, EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☐ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty ☐ Institution|☒ Local |☐ National |

| | |☒ Regional |☐ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |3.3. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Design of new curriculum for academic master studies in the field of DBBT |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |The design of curriculum means writing the description of all curriculum details |

| | |for academic master studies in the field of DBBT for PC HEIs. The design of |

| | |curriculum will be under supervision of experts from EU partner countries. Also |

| | |there should be a description how will new designed study programme integrate |

| | |with existing programmes in PC HEIs. |

| |Due date |15-08-2016 |

| |Languages |SR, BS, EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☐ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty ☐ Institution|☐ Local |☐ National |

| | |☐ Regional |☒ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |3.4. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Printing the book of curriculum for academic master studies in the field of DBBT |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☐ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☒ Service/Product |

| |Description |Printing the book of curriculum for academic master studies in the field of DBBT |

| | |for PC HEIs |

| |Due date |15-10-2016 |

| |Languages |SR, BS |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty ☐ Institution|☒ Local |☐ National |

| | |☒ Regional |☐ International |

Please copy and paste tables as necessary.

| Work package type and ref.nr ☒ |DEVELOPMENT |4 |

|Title |Creation of new curriculum for vocational master studies |

|Related assumptions and risks |Assumptions: |

| |- Support and exchange of knowledge and experience from EU partners. |

| |- Support from the partners from the business. |

| |- Motivation of the staff responsible for development of new master study programme. |

| |Risks: |

| |- Insuficcient cooperation between consortium members. |

| |- The developed study programme is not according to the standards. |

| |- The mistakes occurred during design of curriculum. |

|Description |The curriculum model for vocational master study in the field of DBBT will be developed. Curriculum model for |

| |vocational master studies will define precisely the content, duration and characteristics of the course. |

| |Principles and models for vocational master study curriculum will be based on the analyses performed in the |

| |WP1. For the implementation of activities in WP4 a general working group mainly consisting of personnel from |

| |VISER and HTPSZ, and other EU partner institutions will have by one representative. |

| |This working group will be responsible for designing a curriculum model for the vocational master studies. |

| |After defining a curriculum model for the vocational master studies, each PC with vocational studies will form |

| |a local working group in order to develop the specifics of the curriculum for that institution. Working Groups |

| |will be under the supervision and control of elected representatives from EU partner institution. The work of |

| |the working group will coordinate the Project Management Committee (PMC). All preliminary reports and defined |

| |models will be prepared and analysed on the meetings and their short descriptions will be presented to the |

| |Steering Committee (SC) for the final qualitative review and approval. |

| |In parallel with the activities of WP4 will be performed activities of WP2 related to the creation of the |

| |infrastructure necessary for the full development of the academic master studies programme. |

| |WP3 will be completed by book curriculum for academic master's degree in DBBT. |

|Tasks |- Defining the principles and model for academic vocational studies in the field of DBBT. |

| |- Defining the teachers' competencies and learning outcomes of courses for vocational master studies in the |

| |field of DBBT. |

| |- Design of new curriculum for academic vocational studies in the field of DBBT |

| |- Preparation of the final documentation for curriculum. |

| |- Priniting the book of curriculum for academic master studies in the field of DBBT. |

|Estimated Start Date |15-01-2016 |Estimated End Date |15-10-2016 |

|(dd-mm-yyyy) | |(dd-mm-yyyy) | |

|Lead Organisation |VISER |

|Participating Organisation |HTPSZ, VISER, VSB-TUO, UL, UPM, UTARTU, TVMREZA, JPETV, ATV |


|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |4.1. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |The principles and model for vocational master studies in the field of DBBT |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |Design of the curriculum model for vocational master studies in the field of |

| | |DBBT. Model has to respect the structure of academic master studies and detail |

| | |course description (the list of mandatory and elective courses, the content of |

| | |courses, the ECTS credits etc.). |

| |Due date |15-03-2016 |

| |Languages |SR, BS, EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☐ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty ☐ Institution|☒ Local |☐ National |

| | |☒ Regional |☐ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |4.2. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |The teachers' competencies and learning outcomes of courses for vocational master|

| | |studies in the field of DBBT |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |Defining the teachers' competencies and learning outcomes of courses for academic|

| | |master studies in the field of DBBT for PC HEIs. |

| |Due date |15-04-2016 |

| |Languages |SR, BS, EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☐ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty ☐ Institution|☒ Local |☐ National |

| | |☒ Regional |☐ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |4.3. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Design of new curriculum for vocational master studies in the field of DBBT |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |The design of curriculum means writing the description of all curriculum details |

| | |for vocational master studies in the field of DBBT for VISER and HTPSZ. The |

| | |design of curriculum will be under supervision of experts from EU partner |

| | |countries. Also there should be a description how will new designed study |

| | |programme integrate with existing programmes in VISER and HTPSZ. |

| |Due date |15-08-2016 |

| |Languages |SR, EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☐ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty ☐ Institution|☐ Local |☐ National |

| | |☐ Regional |☒ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |4.4. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Printing the book of curriculum for vocational master studies in the field of |

| | |DBBT |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☐ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☒ Service/Product |

| |Description |Printing the book of curriculum for vocational master studies in the field of |

| | |DBBT |

| |Due date |15-10-2016 |

| |Languages |SR, BS |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☐ Administrative staff |

| |☒ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty ☐ Institution|☒ Local |☐ National |

| | |☒ Regional |☐ International |

Please copy and paste tables as necessary.

| Work package type and ref.nr ☒ |DEVELOPMENT |5 |

|Title |Implementation of master academic and vocational studies curricula |

|Related assumptions and risks |Assumptions: |

| |- Studenats are interested in academic and vocational master studies in the field of DBBT. |

| |- Accreditation of curricula completed. |

| |- Partners from business are interested for cooperation. |

| |Risks: |

| |- The accreditation process delays. |

| |- The protocols on cooperation with partners from business are signed but not respected. |

|Description |In this WP will be executed enrolment of students to academic and vocational master studies in the field of |

| |DBBT. The enrolment will be executed according to the standard PC HEIs procedures. Students will have to pass |

| |qualification exam. The studying includes teaching, learning, exercising, evaluation and passing the exams. |

| |During this process students will have opportunity to be trained in the DBBT laboratory. The best students from|

| |each PC HEI will visit EU partner HEIs, attend to lectures and compare acquired knowledge with the knowledge |

| |and skills of colleagues from EU. Also, by two students from each WB HEI will visit UPKM to be present on |

| |lectures of new study programme. During the studying, the professors from the partners’ institutions and |

| |professionals from the business partners will transfer their experience and knowledge on some lectures. |

| |At the end of semester it will be organised the survey for the students’ feedback on quality of academic and |

| |vocational study programmes. In this WP it will be monitored how students are educated by organising the |

| |student internship to the partners from business. The duration and the number of credit numbers for this |

| |activity will be harmonised with international recommendation and National certification body. The quality of |

| |this WP will be monitored also by WP6. |

|Tasks |- Enrollment of students to academic and vocational master studies. |

| |- Implementation of academic and vocational master study programmes. |

| |- Analysis of the students' feedback. |

| |- Performing the students' internship with business partners. |

| |- Performing the lectures by experts from business. |

|Estimated Start Date |15-05-2017 |Estimated End Date |14-10-2018 |

|(dd-mm-yyyy) | |(dd-mm-yyyy) | |

|Lead Organisation |UNIBL |



|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |5.1. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Enrollment of students to academic master studies |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |This activity means: call for enrolment on master studies in the field of DBBT, |

| | |preparing and organising qualification exam, selecting the students based on |

| | |results of qualification exam, enrolment of selected students on academic master |

| | |studies. |

| |Due date |15-10-2017 |

| |Languages |SR, BS |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty ☐ Institution|☐ Local |☒ National |

| | |☐ Regional |☐ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |5.2. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Enrollment of students to vocational master studies |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |This activity means: call for enrolment on vocational studies in the field of |

| | |DBBT, preparing and organising qualification exam, selecting the students based |

| | |on results of qualification exam, enrolment of selected students on vocational |

| | |master studies. |

| |Due date |15-10-2017 |

| |Languages |SR, BS |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty ☐ Institution|☒ Local |☐ National |

| | |☒ Regional |☐ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |5.3. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Implementation of academic and vocational master study programmes |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |Classes will be held om academic and vocational master studies, trainings will be|

| | |held in the created laboratories. There will be also cooperation between |

| | |partners’ institutions. The best students from each PC HEI will visit EU partner |

| | |HEIs, attend to lectures and compare acquired knowledge with the knowledge and |

| | |skills of colleagues from EU. During the semester, the professors from EU and WB |

| | |HEIs will perform teaching sessions to WB HEIs. |

| |Due date |14-10-2018 |

| |Languages |SR, BS, EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☐ Administrative staff |

| |☒ Technical staff |

| |☒ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty ☐ Institution|☒ Local |☐ National |

| | |☒ Regional |☐ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |5.4. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Monitoring the first generation of students on new study programmes |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |The report will be created on how the new teaching materials, laboratory and |

| | |advanced teaching impact on the success of students |

| |Due date |14-10-2018 |

| |Languages |SR, BS, EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☐ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty ☐ Institution|☒ Local |☐ National |

| | |☐ Regional |☐ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |5.5. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Analysis of the students' feedback |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |During the studies the survey on quality of academic and vocational studies will |

| | |be performed (the quality of: teaching, literature, laboratorie etc.). The survey|

| | |will be analysed and results obtained. |

| |Due date |14-10-2018 |

| |Languages |SR, BS |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☐ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty ☐ Institution|☒ Local |☐ National |

| | |☒ Regional |☐ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |5.6. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Students' practice with business partners |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |It is planned signing of protocols for cooperation between HEIs and business |

| | |companies in the field of DBBT. The protocol should be signed also with business |

| | |companies not involved in the project. The students of master studies will have |

| | |to perform student interships in the business companies. |

| |Due date |15-07-2018 |

| |Languages |SR, BS |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty ☐ Institution|☒ Local |☐ National |

| | |☒ Regional |☐ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |5.7. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Lectures by experts from business |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☒ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☐ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |The experts currently working in the business companies in the field of DBBT will|

| | |be invited to hold lectures based on experience in the DBBT they have in working |

| | |environment. |

| |Due date |15-07-2018 |

| |Languages |SR, BS |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☒ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty ☐ Institution|☒ Local |☐ National |

| | |☒ Regional |☐ International |

Please copy and paste tables as necessary.

|Work package type and ref.nr ☐ |QUALITY PLAN |6 |

|Title |Quality management and control |

|Related assumptions and risks |Assumptions: |

| |- Sufficient capacity for control and monitoring |

| |- Accurate and reliable reports on project execution. |

| |- Understanding of quality control procedures. |

| |Risks: |

| |- Poor or insufficient data for control assessment. |

| |- Control plan approved but not respected. |

|Description |Quality Control and monitoring of project activities and results will be done continuously throughout the |

| |duration of the project and it will be evaluated at several levels. In the beginning of the project the quality|

| |plan will be proposed and approved. At the highest level, the quality of all phases and activities of this |

| |project will be monitored and controlled by Steering Committee. |

| |To ensure quality control and monitoring, written documents will follow each project activity in accordance |

| |with best practice and quality plan defined in ISO 9001: 2008. In this WP it is very important to address |

| |different aspects of quality assurance in this project: |

| |1) Processes and activities during the project execution, and after as a part of the project sustainability; |

| |2) Quality of outcomes; |

| |3) Stakeholders’ and users’ satisfaction of developed project results; |

| |4) Quality of management and quality of financial management. |

| |Quality assurance, control, monitoring and management are essential for high quality of project deliverables. |

| |All deliverables will be evaluated, their quality tracked and monitored and improved if it is necessary. |

| |Special activity within WP6 will be dedicated to the internal quality control of new study programmes. |

| |The quality of innovated study programmes will be controlled in detail by national accreditation body, and if |

| |eventual comments appear they will bi solved. |

| |In order to control eligibility of financial assets the external financial control will be implemented. |

|Tasks |- Organisation of Regular Quality Board meetings. |

| |- Development of Control quality plan. |

| |- Internal control of study programmes. |

| |- External financial control. |

|Estimated Start Date |15-10-2015 |Estimated End Date |14-10-2018 |

|(dd-mm-yyyy) | |(dd-mm-yyyy) | |

|Lead Organisation |UPM |

|Participating Organisation |UPKM, HTPSZ, UNIBL, UNBI, VISER, SINGI, VSB-TUO, UL, UPM, UTARTU |


|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |6.1. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Regular Quality Board meetings |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☒ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☐ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |In the scope of Quality Plan the Regular Quality Board meetings will be organised|

| | |twice per year. Quality Board will report on project control based on the quality|

| | |plan guidelines and quality plan approved. |

| |Due date |15-09-2018 |

| |Languages |EN, SR, BS |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☐ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☐ Regional |☒ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |6.2. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Development of the Quality Control plan |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |Quality Board will develop and define guidelines for quality plan and after |

| | |approval use this plan as the base for evaluation of the project outcomes |

| |Due date |15-12-2015 |

| |Languages |EN, SR, BS |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☐ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☐ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☐ Regional |☒ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |6.3. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |External financial control of the project |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |The external expert will be subcontracted in order to perform financial control |

| | |of the project. |

| |Due date |14-10-2018 |

| |Languages |EN, SR, BS |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☒ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☒ Technical staff |

| |☒ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☐ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☐ Regional |☒ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |6.4. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Internal evaluation of the project |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |The internal report on quality of the project outcomes – quality of academic and |

| | |vocational master studies. |

| |Due date |14-10-2018 |

| |Languages |SR, BS, EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☒ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☒ Technical staff |

| |☒ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☐ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☐ Regional |☒ International |

Please copy and paste tables as necessary.

|Work package type and ref.nr ☒ |DISSEMINATION & EXPLOITATION |7 |

|Title |Dissemination |

|Related assumptions and risks |Assumptions: |

| |- Commitment, motivation and competence of all members of the consortium. |

| |- The interest of society, students, visokobrazovnih institutions and commercial enterprises of project. |

| |Risks: |

| |- Not properly planned dissemination activities. |

| |- Poorly selected target groups. |

|Description |WP7 is focused on two main activities: to promote the project and its participants and to raise awareness of |

| |the public and industry about the potential benefits of the project results. One of the first tasks in this WP |

| |is creation of the project website. Special attention will be devoted to the promotion of the project on social|

| |networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google, in order to cover the larger potential audience. On |

| |created website and social networks will be presented all activities related to the project. Promotion of the |

| |project will be done through advertising on TV, Radio, Newspapers and other websites. The promotion will |

| |include public events such as international and regional ICT conferences and meetings in the WB (INFOTECH, |

| |INDEL, YU INFO, TELFOR, BIHTEL, ICAT, ETRAN, ICEST), job fairs, roundtables and more. |

| |Within this WP, special attention will be paid to promoting the development of academic programs among |

| |potential students. It will be organized visits to higher education institutions in the WB region in order to |

| |promote academic and vocational master studies in the field of DBBT. Promotions in HEIs will perform teachers, |

| |students and professionals from the business. Visits to HEIs will be recorded and displayed on the Internet. |

|Tasks |- Promotion of internal meetings in the higher education partner institutions |

| |- Development and maintenance of website promotion and social networks. |

| |- Preparation and production of promotional materials. |

| |- Promotion at public events (ICT conferences and meetings, fairs of employing). |

| |- Promotion to higher education institutions in WB countries. |

|Estimated Start Date |15-10-2015 |Estimated End Date (dd-mm-yyyy) |14-10-2018 |

|(dd-mm-yyyy) | | | |

|Lead Organisation |UNBI |

|Participating Organisation |UPKM, HTPSZ, UNIBL, UNBI, VISER, SINGI, TVMREZA, JPETV, ATV |


|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome | 7.1. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Promotion on internal meetings in partner institutions |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☒ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☐ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |Dissemination of information about project between employees and students in |

| | |participating project institutions. |

| |Due date |14-10-2018 |

| |Languages |SR, BS, EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☒ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☒ Technical staff |

| |☒ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☐ Local |☐ National |

| |☒ Institution |☐ Regional |☐ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome | 7.2. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Promotion on Website & social networks |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☐ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☒ Service/Product |

| |Description |The project website will be created and regurarly updated. On social networks the|

| | |fun pages and profile will be created and also regularly updated. |

| |Due date |14-10-2018 |

| |Languages |EN, SR, BS |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☒ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☒ Technical staff |

| |☒ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☐ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☐ Regional |☒ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome | 7.3. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Production of promotional material |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☐ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☒ Service/Product |

| |Description |The promotional materials (like posters, brochures, pencils, calendars, bags |

| | |etc.) will be printed and distributed to WB and EU partners. |

| |Due date |14-10-2018 |

| |Languages |EN, SR, BS |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☒ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☒ Technical staff |

| |☒ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☐ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☐ Regional |☒ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome | 7.4. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Promotion in WB HEIs |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☒ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☐ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |The promotions will be performed in the HEIs of WB. |

| |Due date |15-07-2018 |

| |Languages |SR, BS |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☐ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☒ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☒ Regional |☐ International |

Please copy and paste tables as necessary.

|Work package type and ref.nr ☒ |DISSEMINATION & EXPLOITATION |8 |

|Title |Exploitation of results |

|Related assumptions and risks |Assumptions: |

| |- The interest among potential students. |

| |- Attractive study programme. |

| |- Support of business companies and other stakeholders. |

| |Risks: |

| |- Delay of the accreditation process. |

| |- Lack of finances. |

| |- Insufficient cooperation with business companies and other social and governmental bodies. |

|Description |In the scope of WP8 the accreditation of the master study programme for academic and vocational master studies |

| |in the field DBBT shall be performed by the National Accreditation Agency. Accreditation will be carried out |

| |according to the ECTS credits. Activities related to accreditation will be conducted in accordance with |

| |national, regional and international standards, procedures and recommendations. Academic sustainability will be|

| |achieved by establishing procedures and recommendations for continuing improvement of the developed curricula. |

| |Permanent teachers' education strategies will be adopted. Financial sustainability will be achieved through |

| |collaboration with providers of scholarships. Financial sustainability after project completion will be |

| |implemented through the provision of scholarships to the best students from the government and business |

| |enterprises, and attempts for inclusion of these study programs in existing government financial programs. |

| |Study programs will also have own financial resources when students who are not financed from the state budget |

| |or scholarship will have to pay by themselves. |

| |It is planned signing of protocol on long-term cooperation of higher education institutions and commercial |

| |enterprises, government bodies and public associations, non-governmental organizations, and others. |

|Tasks |- Accreditation of developed academic and vocational master study programmes in the field DBBT with ECTS credit|

| |scoring |

| |- Ensuring the sustainability of the academic programs of study |

| |- Providing financial sustainability of study programmes through cooperation with providers of scholarships. |

| |- Signing of an agreement on long-term cooperation of higher education institutions and all relevant |

| |stakeholders. |

| |- Providing support from relevant state authorities. |

|Estimated Start Date |15-09-2015 |Estimated End Date (dd-mm-yyyy) |14-10-2018 |

|(dd-mm-yyyy) | | | |

|Lead Organisation |SINGI |

|Participating Organisation |UPKM, HTPSZ, UNIBL, UNBI, VISER, SINGI |


|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome | 8.1. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Accreditation of new academic and vocational master study programmes in the field|

| | |of DBBT |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |Accreditation of new academic and vocational master study programmes in the field|

| | |of DBBT by National Accreditation Agency for higher education according to the |

| | |ECTS credit scoring |

| |Due date |15-03-2017 |

| |Languages |SR, BS, EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☒ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☒ Technical staff |

| |☒ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☒ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☒ Regional |☐ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome | 8.2. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Creation of academic sustainability plan |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |Established procedures and recommendations for permanent improving of innovated |

| | |and developed study programmes and teachers permanent education. |

| |Due date |14-10-2018 |

| |Languages |SR, BS, EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☒ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☒ Regional |☐ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome | 8.3. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Creation of financial sustainability plan |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |The financial sustainability plan consists of analysis of exploitation |

| | |expenditures and revenues and the financing scheme (government scholarships and |

| | |scholarships from enterprises for the best students). |

| |Due date |14-10-2018 |

| |Languages |SR, BS, EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☒ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☒ Technical staff |

| |☒ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☒ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☒ Regional |☐ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome | 8.4. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Signing the long-term cooperation agreements between HEIs and all relevant |

| | |stakeholders |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |Signing the long-term cooperation agreements between HEIs and all relevant |

| | |stakeholders like enterprises, state bodies, scientific and educational |

| | |organisations etc. from the WB countries. Through the long-term cooperation the |

| | |long-term sustainability of project results will be provided as well. |

| |Due date |14-10-2018 |

| |Languages |SR, BS |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☒ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☒ Regional |☐ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome | 8.5. |

|Outcomes |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Ensuring the support of the relevant government bodies |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |By help of the relevant government bodies the sustainability of the project |

| | |results will be provided |

| |Due date |14-10-2018 |

| |Languages |SR, BS |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☐ Local |☒ National |

| |☐ Institution |☒ Regional |☐ International |

Please copy and paste tables as necessary.

|Work package type and ref.nr ☒ |MANAGEMENT |9 |

|Title |Project management |

|Related assumptions and risks |Assumptions: |

| |- Proactive approach in project implementation planning |

| |- Defined management structure |

| |- Knowledge and experience in project management |

| |- Risk recognizing and prevention |

| |- Active participation of all consortium members and project staff competence. Risks: |

| |- Low commitment of the partners |

| |- Resistance to change |

|Description |Project management will focuse on how the project is progressing in terms of expenditure, use of resources, |

| |implementation of activities, delivery of results and the management of risks. In order to achieve defined |

| |goals of the project, the project team will systematically collect, analyse and use relevant information about |

| |project progress. Regular reviews will provide an opportunity to reflect on progress, agree on the content of |

| |progress reports and follow-up action required. Intensive communication is the critical factor in efficient and|

| |effective leadership. |

| |Project management structure will be defined and organised on 2 separate levels with intensive and defined |

| |connections and interfaces between these two levels in order to achieve proper project management. |

| |The major decision-making body of the project will be the Steering Committee (SC). Steering committee will |

| |consist of one of most experienced representative of each EU and WB partner institution in management. |

| |The SC and Project Management Committee (PMC) will make organisational and operative decisions. PMC will |

| |coordinate day-to-day management with local managers. In this way it will be possible to achieve appropriate |

| |balance between delegation of responsibilities and maintaining overall control of project staff performance. It|

| |is obvious that management of the project will have matrix organisational structure appropriate for the |

| |effective and efficient management. |

| |PCB will meet four times a year, while SC will meet twice a year. Between "live" meetings, online meetings will|

| |be held whenever necessary. |

| |Special attention in project implementation will be given to risk management. Risks will be identified, |

| |prioritised, managed and controlled in every phase of the project. |

| |This WP also includes reporting and communication with national and international ERASMUS offices. |

| |Work on this organization and coordination of project activities will result in reports. |

|Tasks |- Organisation of Regular Steering Committee meetings. |

| |- Organisation of Regular Project Management Committee meetings. |

| |- Development of guidelines on the project management and reporting. |

| |- Day-to-Day koordination activities. |

| |- Producing the project Interim Report. |

| |- Producing the project Final Report |

|Estimated Start Date |15-10-2015 |Estimated End Date |14-10-2018 |

|(dd-mm-yyyy) | |(dd-mm-yyyy) | |

|Lead Organisation |UPKM |



|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |9.1. |

|Outcomes ☒ |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Regular Steering Committee meetings |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☒ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☐ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |The steering committee will be the major decision-making body of the project. |

| | |Because the members of the SC will be the most experienced team members in |

| | |management of all partners (rector, dean, department leader or similar), it will |

| | |guarantee that project members of each partner institution will have to fulfil |

| | |the tasks set by this body. The progress, tasks timings and eventual conflicts |

| | |will be analysed on these meetings. |

| |Due date |15-09-2018 |

| |Languages |EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☐ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☐ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☐ Regional |☒ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |9.2. |

|Outcomes ☒ |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Regular Project Management Committee meetings |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☒ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☐ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |The planning of all activities, synchronising the parallel activities, monitoring|

| | |of already completed tasks and operational organisation of the project will be |

| | |held by PMC. On the regular meetings will be analysed completions of already |

| | |planned tasks, agreements on organising next tasks, the ways how to overcome |

| | |eventual problems operatively and if some larger problems occur to escalate to |

| | |the SC. Because the PMC members will be the leaders of WP PMC will be informed on|

| | |execution and timimg of all operational tasks. |

| |Due date |15-01-2016 |

| |Languages |EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☐ Students |

| |☐ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☐ Technical staff |

| |☐ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☐ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☐ Regional |☒ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |9.3. |

|Outcomes ☒ |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Development of guidelines on the project management and reporting |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |For the qualitative management of the project, the guidelines on management and |

| | |reporting will be developed and adopted |

| |Due date |14-10-2018 |

| |Languages |EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☒ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☒ Technical staff |

| |☒ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☐ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☐ Regional |☒ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |9.4. |

|Outcomes ☒ |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Day-to-Day coordination activities |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☒ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☐ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |The PMC and the local leaders will perform daily activities by assigning the |

| | |tasks, reviewing the results, synchronising the activities between partner |

| | |institutions and within own institution and planning next activities. |

| |Due date |15-04-2017 |

| |Languages |EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☒ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☒ Technical staff |

| |☒ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☐ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☐ Regional |☒ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |9.5. |

|Outcomes ☒ |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Producing the project Interim Report |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |Report on overall project activities during the first half of the project |

| | |duration. Report includes risk management plans and controls. |

| |Due date |14-10-2018 |

| |Languages |EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☒ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☒ Technical staff |

| |☒ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☐ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☐ Regional |☒ International |

|Expected Deliverable/Results/ |Work Package and Outcome |9.6. |

|Outcomes ☒ |ref.nr | |

| |Title |Producing the project Final Report |

| |Type |☐ Teaching material |☐ Event |

| | |☐ Learning material |☒ Report |

| | |☐ Training material |☐ Service/Product |

| |Description |Report on overall project activities at the end of the project |

| |Due date |14-10-2018 |

| |Languages |EN |

|Target groups |☒ Teaching staff |

| |☒ Students |

| |☒ Trainees |

| |☒ Administrative staff |

| |☒ Technical staff |

| |☒ Librarians |

| |☐ Other |

| |If you selected 'Other', please identify these target groups. |

| |(Max. 250 characters) |

|Dissemination level |☐ Department / Faculty |☐ Local |☐ National |

| |☐ Institution |☐ Regional |☒ International |

Please copy and paste tables as necessary.

H.2. Explanation of work package expenditures

Please explain what costs will be associated to each work package and covered by lump sums, flat rates, unit costs, and real costs. Provide information on the travels necessary to complete the workpackage. Detailed information on each travel must be indicated in the Budget Excel table. If purchase of equipment is required, explain how the respective equipment addresses the needs identified in the project. Remember that the specification of each item, including the partner country university/ies at which equipment will be installed, must be detailed in the Budget Excel table. If any subcontracting is considered necessary for the implementation of the project, please explain why the task cannot be performed by the consortium members themselves (limit 3000 characters).

|WP1: The project starts with kick-off meeting and workshops (travel, costs of stay, promotional material, translation) related to the |

|introduction of WB and EU master study programmes. EU and WB teams will analyse and compare study programmes (staff costs). Within this WP study|

|visits of WB partners to EU and training of the teachers will be performed (staff costs, travel costs, costs of stay). |

|WP2: In this WP the hardware and software will be purchased (devices for laboratory testing and exercising in the field of DBBT and multimedia |

|HDTV studio with computers and software that will drive equipment). For public procurement of the equipment the proper specifications must be |

|prepared (staff costs). The delivered equipment has to be mounted and prepared for the use (subcontracting) with the help of partners from |

|business (staff costs). The staff have to be trained for use of equipment (staff costs) and teaching material must be prepared (staff costs) and|

|printed (printing and publishing). The literature must be purchased (equipment). |

|WP3: To design new academic curriculum, all details in curriculum must be prepared (staff costs). The draft and final version will be reviewed |

|by EU partners (staff and translation costs). The book must be printed (printing costs) before sending to the National accreditation agency. |

|WP4: This WP has is related to the process of designing details of new curriculum for vocational studies. The costs are similar to the costs of |

|WP3. WP4 expenses are: staff costs and costs of subcontracting. |

|WP5: The activities are related to: enrolment of students and standard teaching (no costs from the grant), monitoring the first class of |

|students (staff costs), creating the survey for students’ feedback on study quality, organising the students’ internship and lecturing with |

|partners from business (staff costs). In this WP, WB students will attend to the classes of EU partners (travel and costs of stay) and students |

|from WB countries will also attend to the classes of their colleagues in UPKM (travel and costs of stay). The professors from EU countries will |

|organise the one week teaching to the students in WB HEIs (staff costs). |

|WP6: Quality management and control includes activities related to the achievement and maintenance of high level of quality in all project |

|activities and in its deliverables/results. Activities include: development of quality control plan, work and meetings of the Quality Board |

|(staff costs), external financial control (subcontracting), internal control of produced educational material and project in general (staff |

|costs). |

|WP7: Dissemination includes creation and maintenance of the project website, activities on social networks (staff costs), organisation and |

|holding of various promotional and informative events (staff costs), media advertising and production of promotional material (subcontracting). |

| |

|WP8: Sustainability has the following activities: obtainment of accreditation for master study programme (staff costs), designing of academic |

|and financial sustainability plan (staff costs) and signing the agreements with relevant stakeholders on students’ scholarships (staff costs). |

|WP9: Project management relates to the organisation and holding of the meetings of decision making body - Steering Committee (SC) and |

|operational Project Management Committee (PMC). SC work also on project finances and administrative project work, and PMC on organisation and |

|coordination of project activities. Besides the meetings of SC and PMC (staff costs, travel and costs of stay), day-to-day activities of project|

|coordination of tasks (staff costs), administration on organising travels, execution of appropriate payments and reporting on finances (staff |

|costs), the duty of this WP is to produce Interim and Final project report. |

|In almost all WPs there are co-financing costs that will fill the gaps on financial needs to complete project successfully. |

If your project involves a Special Mobility Strand, please explain what support will be required under each budget heading in order to cover organisational costs (such as special needs, exceptional, non-online linguistic support, etc.) (limit 2000 characters).

|      |

H.3 Consortium partners involved and resources required to complete the work package

Indicative input of consortium staff - The total number of days per staff category should correspond with the information provided in the budget tables.

|Work Package |Partner |Partner |Country |Number of staff days[1] ☒ |Role and tasks in the work package |

|Ref.nr |nr |acronym | | | |

| | | | |Category |

| | | | |1 |

|WP1 |UPKM |XK | |Translation of existing curricula to be given to EU partners |

|WP2 |UPKM |XK | |Translation of user’s manual of laboratory equipment, printing the teaching materials, fitting out and set up of laboratory equipment in two labs – |

| | | | |connecting and wiring, training of staff to use equipment |

|WP3 |UPKM |XK | |Translation of the book of curriculum |

|WP6 |UPKM |XK | |External financial control |

|WP7 |UPKM |XK | |Production of promoting material |

|WP1 |HTPSZ |XK | |Translation of existing curricula to be given to EU partners |

|WP2 |HTPSZ |XK | |Translation of user’s manual of laboratory equipment, printing the teaching materials, fitting out and set up of laboratory equipment – connecting |

| | | | |and wiring, training of staff to use equipment |

|WP4 |HTPSZ |XK | |Translation of the book of curriculum |

|WP7 |HTPSZ |XK | |Production of promoting material |

|WP1 |UNIBL |BA | |Translation of existing curricula to be given to EU partners |

|WP2 |UNIBL |BA | |Translation of user’s manual of laboratory equipment, printing the teaching materials, fitting out and set up of laboratory equipment – connecting |

| | | | |and wiring, training of staff to use equipment |

|WP3 |UNIBL |BA | |Translation of the book of curriculum |

|WP6 |UNIBL |BA | |External financial control |

|WP7 |UNIBL |BA | |Production of promoting material |

|WP1 |UNBI |BA | |Translation of existing curricula to be given to EU partners |

|WP2 |UNBI |BA | |Translation of user’s manual of laboratory equipment, printing the teaching materials, fitting out and set up of laboratory equipment – connecting |

| | | | |and wiring, training of staff to use equipment |

|WP3 |UNBI |BA | |Translation of the book of curriculum |

|WP6 |UNBI |BA | |External financial control |

|WP7 |UNBI |BA | |Production of promoting material |

|WP1 |VISER |RS | |Translation of existing curricula to be given to EU partners |

|WP2 |VISER |RS | |Translation of user’s manual of laboratory equipment, printing the teaching materials, fitting out and set up of laboratory equipment – connecting |

| | | | |and wiring, training of staff to use equipment |

|WP4 |VISER |RS | |Translation of the book of curriculum |

|WP7 |VISER |RS | |Production of promoting material |

|WP1 |SINGI |RS | |Translation of existing curricula to be given to EU partners |

|WP2 |SINGI |RS | |Translation of user’s manual of laboratory equipment, printing the teaching materials, fitting out and set up of laboratory equipment – connecting |

| | | | |and wiring, training of staff to use equipment |

|WP3 |SINGI |RS | |Translation of the book of curriculum |

|WP6 |SINGI |RS | |External financial control |

|WP7 |SINGI |RS | |Production of promoting material |

Please insert rows as necessary.

PART I – Special Mobility Strand

Applies ONLY to cooperation projects with partner countries from REGIONS 1, 2 and 3

Projects may organise mobility activities of students, researchers and staff so far as they support/complement the other activities of the Capacity Building project and bring added value in the realisation of the project's objectives. Mobility activities do not constitute the main activities for Capacity Building.

I.1. Relevance of mobility activities

Please describe what kind of mobility activities are foreseen in the Special Mobility Strand, what are their objectives and expected results. Explain how the mobility activities of students, researchers and staff support/complement the other activities of the Capacity Building and bring added value in the realisation of the project's objectives (limit 3000 characters).

|      |

I.2. Identification and selection of the participants

Please describe the procedures set up for identification and selection of participants for the mobility activity (limit 1000 characters).

|      |

I.3. Preparation and support

Please describe the structure for preparation of the participants for the mobility activity, including specific training or course, linguistic preparation etc. Please explain the support provided in terms of accommodation, insurances, etc. Please explain the quality measures set up in the sending and receiving organisations for monitoring the mobility activity and measures to be taken if the results foreseen are not met (limit 2000 characters).

|      |

I.4. Involvement of people with fewer opportunities

Does your project involve people with fewer opportunities? ☐ YES ☐ NO

IF YES, how many participants coming from which countries and organisations would fall under this category? Specify the type of situation of fewer opportunities these participants are facing (limit 2000 characters).

|      |

Please explain the nature of the support required and how it will be addressed, so that these persons can fully engage in the foreseen activities (limit 1000 characters).

|      |

I.5. Recognition and validation of learning outcomes

Please explain how the project intends to recognise and validate the teaching and/or learning outcomes of the participants (limit 1000 characters).

|      |

PART J - OTHER EU grants

Please list the projects for which the organisations involved in this application have received financial support from EU programmes.

|Programme or initiative |Reference number |Beneficiary Organisation |Title of the Project ☒ |

|TEMPUS |530379-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-LV-TE|UPKM |Development of training network for improving |

| |MPUS-JPCR |(coordinator : Riga Technical |education in energy efficiency |

| | |University) | |

|TEMPUS |530440-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-XM-TE|UPKM |Restructuring of study programme in |

| |MPUS-JPCR |(coordinator : University of |architecture to long-cycle integrated master in|

| | |Montenegro) |line with EU standards |

|TEMPUS |511350-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-XK-TE|UPKM |Partnership in quality assurance standards |

| |MPUS-JPGR | |implementation |

|TEMPUS |517098-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-RS-TE|UPKM |Introducing interdisciplinary in music studies |

| |MPUS-JPCR |(coordinator: University of |in the Western Balkans in line with European |

| | |Arts, Belgrade) |perspective |

|TEMPUS |517117-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-IETEM|UPKM |Developing information literacy for long life |

| |PUS-JHES |(coordinator: Limerick |learning and knowledge economy in Western |

| | |Institute of Technology) |Balkans countries |

|TEMPUS |511116-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-XM-TE|UPKM |South East Europe project for the advancement |

| |MPUS-JPCR |(coordinator: University of |of language studies |

| | |Montenegro) | |

|TEMPUS |530266-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-XK-TE|UPKM |Blended learning: Advanced teacher training |

| |MPUS-JPCR | | |

|TEMPUS IV JPHES |543898-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-ES-TE|UNIBL |Development of Sustainable Interrelations |

| |MPUS-JPHES |(coordinator: Universitat |between Education, Research and Innovation at |

| | |Autònoma de Barcelona) |WBC Universities in Nanotechnologies and |

| | | |Advanced Materials where Innovation Means |

| | | |Business |

|TEMPUS IV JPHES |544108-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-RS-TE|UNIBL |Development of higher education and society by |

| |MPUS-JPHES |(coordinator: University of |creating a collaborative environment in the |

| | |Arts in Belgrade) |field of arts and media through regional |

| | | |student partnership in production of |

| | | |audio/video content |

|TEMPUS IV JPHES |544373-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-RS-TE|UNIBL |Fostering students' entrepreneurship and open |

| |MPUS-JPHES |(coordinator: University of |innovation in university-industry collaboration|

| | |Novi Sad) | |

|TEMPUS IV JPHES |544482-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-IT-TE|UNIBL |Blending academic and entrepreneurial knowledge|

| |MPUS-JPHES |(coordinator: Università degli|in technology enhanced learning |

| | |Studi della Basilicata) | |

|TEMPUS IV JPCR |530184-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-RS-TE|UNIBL |Reshaping of Agricultural Vocational Studies in|

| |MPUS-JPCR |(coordinator: College of |the Western Balkans |

| | |Agriculture and Food | |

| | |Technology, Prokuplje) | |

|TEMPUS IV JPCR |530194-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-RS-TE|UNIBL |Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and|

| |MPUS-JPCR |(coordinator: State University|environmental impacts- master study |

| | |of Novi Pazar) | |

|TEMPUS IV JPHES |530213-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-RS-TE|UNIBL |Modernization of WBC universities through |

| |MPUS-JPHES |(coordinator: University of |strengthening of structures and services for |

| | |Kragujevac) |knowledge transfer, research and innovation |

|TEMPUS IV JPCR |530423-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-UK-TE|UNIBL |Studies in Bioengineeringand Medical |

| |MPUS-JPCR |(coordinator: University of |Informatics |

| | |Birmingham) | |

|TEMPUS IV JPHES |530530-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-SE-TE|UNIBL |Training courses for public services in |

| |MPUS-JPHES |(coordinator: Kungliga |sustainable infrastructure development in |

| | |Tekniska Hogskolan) |Western Balkans |

|TEMPUS IV SMGR |530550-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-RS-TE|UNIBL |Towards Sustainable and Equitable Financing of |

| |MPUS-SMGR |(coordinator: University of |Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, |

| | |Belgrade) |Montenegro and Serbia |

|TEMPUS IV JPHES |530554-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-SK-TE|UNIBL |Network for education and training for public |

| |MPUS-JPHES |(coordinator: Slovak |environmental laboratories |

| | |University of Technology in | |

| | |Bratislava) | |

|TEMPUS IV JPCR |530577-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-RS-TE|UNIBL |Improvement of product development studies in |

| |MPUS-JPCR |(coordinator: University of |Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina |

| | |Nis) | |

|TEMPUS IV JPGR |530631-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-BE-TE|UNIBL |Empowering Universities to fulfil their |

| |MPUS-JPGR |(coordinator: European |Responsibility for Quality Assurance |

| | |University Association) | |



| | |Hogeschool Sint-Lieven) | |

|TEMPUS IV JPCR |530755-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-BA-TE|UNIBL |Curricular reform of heritage sciences in |

| |MPUS-JPCR |(coordinator: University of |Bosnia and Herzegovina |

| | |Sarajevo) | |

|TEMPUS IV JPHES |530810-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-RS-TE|UNIBL |Development and implementation of courses for |

| |MPUS-JPHES |(coordinator: University of |theatre technicians and stage managers |

| | |Novi Sad) | |

|TEMPUS IV SMGR |516891-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-DE-TE|UNIBL |Embedding Quality Assurance in Doctoral |

| |MPUS-SMGR |(coordinator: University of |Education |

| | |Heidelberg, Germany) | |

|TEMPUS IV SMHES |516939-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-BA-TE|UNIBL |Equal opportunities for students with special |

| |MPUS-SMHES |(coordinator: University of |needs in higher education |

| | |Sarajevo) | |

|TEMPUS IV JPGR |517153-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-DE-TE|UNIBL |Conducting graduate surveys and improving |

| |MPUS-JPGR |(coordinator: Universitat |alumni services for enhanced strategic |

| | |Bielefeld) |management and quality improvement (CONGRAD) |

|TEMPUS IV JPCR |510952-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-SE-TE|UNIBL |Creation of third cycle studies – Doctoral |

| |MPUS-JPCR |(coordinator: Royal Institute |Programme in Renewable Energy and Environmental|

| | |of |Technology |

| | |Technology, Sweden) | |

|TEMPUS IV JPCR |511116-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-XM-TE|UNIBL |South East Europe Project for the Advancement |

| |MPUS-JPCR |(coordinator: University of |of Language Studies |

| | |Montenegro) | |

| |511262-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-BE-TE|UNIBL |Strategic Management of Higher Education |

|TEMPUS IV SMCR |MPUS-SMGR |(coordinator: Katholieke |Institutions Based on Integrated Quality |

| | |Hogeschool |Assurance System |

| | |Sint-Lieven, Belgium) | |

|TEMPUS IV SMHES |511354-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-ES-TE|UNIBL |Center for Curricula Modernization and Lifelong|

| |MPUS-SMHES |(coordinator: University of |Learning |

| | |Girona, Spain) | |

|TEMPUS IV SMHES |511355-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-RS-TE|UNIBL |Building Capacity for Structural Reform in |

| |MPUS-SMHES |(coordinator: University of |Higher Education of Western Balkan Countries |

| | |Novi Sad, Serbia) | |

|TEMPUS IV JPCR |158777-TEMPUS-1-2009-1-UK-TE|UNIBL |Western Balkan Rural Extension Network through |

| |MPUS-JPCR |(coordinator: University of |Curriculum Reform |

| | |Reading, UK) | |

|TEMPUS IV SMHES |158623-TEMPUS-1-2009-1-DE-TE|UNIBL |Development of Partnerships with SMEs in BA by |

| |MPUS-SMHES |(coordinator: University of |Virtual Engineering Network |

| | |Stuttgart, Germany) | |

|TEMPUS IV SMCR |158853-TEMPUS-1-2009-1-BE-TE|UNIBL |EU standards for accreditation of study |

| |MPUS-SMGR |(coordinator: Katholieke |programs on BH Universities |

| | |Hogeschool | |

| | |Sint-Lieven, Belgium) | |

|TEMPUS IV SMCR |158999-TEMPUS-1-2009-1-ES-TE|UNIBL |Strengthening Quality Assurance System within |

| |MPUS-SMGR |(coordinator: University of |Western Balkans HEIs in Support of National and|

| | |Alicante, Spain) |Regional Planning |

|Tempus |CCMLL511354-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-|UNBI |Center for Curricula Modernisation and LLL |

| |ES-TEMPUS-SMHES |(coordinator: University of | |

| |(2010-3368/001-001) |Girona) | |

|Tempus |517117-Tempus-1-2011-1-IE-Te|UNBI |Developing Information Literacy for LLL and |

| |mpus-JPHES |(coordinator: Limerick |knowledge economy in Western Balkan countries |

| |(2011-2506/001-001) |Institute of Technology) |(RINGIDEA) |

|Tempus |516891-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-DE-TE|UNBI |Embedding Quality Assurance in Doctoral |

| |MPUS-SMGR |(coordinator: University of |Education  (EQADE) |

| | |Sarajevo) | |

|Tempus |BIHTEK-530696-TEMPUS-1-2012-|UNBI |Benchmarking as a tool for improvement of |

| |1-BE-TEMPS-SMGR)2 |(coordinator: KAHO |higher education performance |

| | |Sint-Lieven) | |

|Tempus |511262-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-BE-TE|UNBI |Strategic Management of Higher Education |

| |MPUS-SMGR |(coordinator: KAHO |Institutions Based on Integrated Quality |

| | |Sint-Lieven) |Assurance System |

|Erasmus LLL Program |540 051-LLP-1-2013-1 |UNBI |University educators for the sustainable |

| | |(coordinator: University of |development |

| | |Gloucestshire) | |

|TEMPUS |544108-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-RS-TE|VISER |Development of higher education and society by |

| |MPUS-JPHES |(coordinator: University of |creating a collaborative environment in the |

| | |Arts in Belgrade) |field of arts and media through regional |

| | | |student partnership in production of |

| | | |audio/video content |

|TEMPUS |517022-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-RS-TE|VISER |Innovation and Implementation of the Curriculum|

| |MPUS-JPCR | |Vocational Studies in the Field of Digital |

| | | |Television and Multimedia |

|TEMPUS PROGRAMME |JP 158926 - 2009 |SINGI |Governance and Management Reform in Higher |

| | |(coordinator: University of |Education in Serbia (GOMES) |

| | |Novi Sad) | |

|TEMPUS PROGRAMME |SM 517119-2011 |SINGI |Development of Career Guidance Aimed at |

| | |(coordinator: University of |Improving Higher Education in Serbia, (CAREERS)|

| | |Belgrade) | |

|TEMPUS PROGRAMME |SM 511332-2010 |SINGI |Strengthening Student Role in Governance and |

| | |(coordinator: University of |Management at the Universities of Serbia in |

| | |Belgrade) |line with the Bologna Process (SIGMUS) |

|TEMPUS PROGRAMME |530550-2012 |SINGI | Towards Sustainable and Equitable Financing of|

| | |(coordinator: University of |Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, |

| | |Belgrade) |Montenegro and Serbia (FINHED) |

|TEMPUS PROGRAMME |JP 517153-2011 |SINGI |Conducting Graduate Surveys and Improving |

| | |(coordinator: Universitat |Alumni Services for Enhanced Strategic |

| | |Bielefeld) |Management and Quality Improvement |

|TEMPUS PROGRAMME |544538-2013 |SINGI |Strengthening of Internationalisation Policies |

| | |(coordinator: University of |at Universities in Serbia, (SIPUS) |

| | |Novi Sad) | |

|TEMPUS PROGRAMME, |544093-2013 |SINGI |Restructuring of doctoral studies in Serbia |

|Structural | |(coordinator: Conference of |(RODOS) |

|Measures-Governance Reform | |Universities of Serbia - | |

| | |KONUS) | |


| | |(coordinator: Technical |TECHNOLOGIES - UNIVERSITY COOPERATION IN |



| CEEPUS | CIII-CZ0201 |VSB-TUO | Knowledge Bridge for Students and Teachers in |

| | | |Manufacturing Technologies |

| Erasmus Mundus | 545681-EM-1-2013-1-PT-ERA |VSB-TUO | INFINITY |

| |MUNDUS-EMA 21 |(coordinator: Faculty of | |

| | |Architecture, University of | |

| | |Lisbon, Portugal) | |

| CEEPUS | CIII-BG0614 |VSB-TUO | Development of manufacturing technologies – |

| | |(coordinator: Technical |new strategies and new challenges in education |

| | |University of Sofia, Bulgaria)|and research |

| EU - ERDF | 1CE014P4 |VSB-TUO | COBRAMAN - Manager Coordinating Brownfield |

| | |(coordinator: CITY OF |Redevelopment Activities |

| | |BYDGOSZCZ, Poland) | |

| FP7 EU | 218086 |VSB-TUO | INDECT (Intelligent Information System |

| | |(coordinator: Akademia |Supporting Observation, Searching and Detection|

| | |Górniczo-Hutnicza im. |for Security of Citizens in Urban Environment) |

| | |Stanisława Staszica w | |

| | |Krakowie, | |

| | |Poland) | |

|FP7 EU | 213345 |VSB-TUO | Early Recognition, Monitoring and Integrated |

| | |(coordinator: EUROPEAN VIRTUAL|Management of Emerging, New Technology Related |


| | |MANAGEMENT, Germany) | |

| FP7 EU | 3528211 |VSB-TUO | Future Industrial Models for SMEs |

| | |(coordinator: UNIVERSITY OF | |


| | |United Kingdom) | |

|European Territorial |SEE/D/0067/3.2/X |UL |TV-WEB – Zmanjševanje digitalne ločnice v |

|Co-operation 2007 – 2013, | | |jugovzhodni Evropi z uporabo omrežij digitalne |

|South East Europe | | |prizemne TV SIVA – Izboljševanje dostopnosti |

|Transnational Cooperation | | |širokopasovnih storitev v jugovzhodni Evropi |

|Programme (SEE) | | |FI-STAR— Future Internet Social and |

| | | |Technological Alignment Research ENGAGE – |

| | | |Enhancing “Next Generation Access” Growth in |

| | | |Europe GEN6: Governments ENabled with IPv6 |

|European Territorial |SEE/D/0089/3.2/X |UL |SIVA – Izboljševanje dostopnosti širokopasovnih|

|Co-operation 2007 – 2013, | |(coordinator: REGIONAL |storitev v jugovzhodni Evropi |

|South East Europe | |ASSOCIATION OF | |

|Transnational Cooperation | |LOCAL GOVERNMENTS OF WESTERN | |

|Programme (SEE) | |MACEDONIA) | |

| | | | |

|FP7-2012-ICT-FI |604691 |UL |FI-STAR— Future Internet Social and |

| | |(coordinator: |Technological Alignment Research |




| | |GMBH) | |

|INTERREG IVC |Interreg IVC project 1204R4 |UL |ENGAGE – Enhancing “Next Generation Access” |

| | |(coordinator: Nievre |Growth in Europe |

| | |Numerique) | |

|The Information and |297239 |UL |GEN6: Governments ENabled with IPv6 |

|Communication Technologies | |(coordinator: Devoteam Danet | |

|Policy Support Programme | |GmbH) | |

| Tempus | JEP - 41107 - 2006 |UPM | System on chip design |

| FP6 | IST 027095 |UPM | Framework Architecture to Semantically |

| | |(coordinator: Reading |Integrate Advanced Threat Detection and |

| | |University) |Security Protection at Ultra-High Speeds |

| Tempus | JEP 17028-2002 |UPM | Electronic Engineering Curriculum |

| | |(coordinator: National |Restructuring |

| | |Technical Univerisity of | |

| | |Athens) | |

|FP7 |GA no 615159 |UTARTU |DEPRIVEDHOODS - Socio-spatial inequality, |

| | |(coordinator: TECHNISCHE |deprived neighbourhoods, and neighbour-hood |

| | |UNIVERSITEIT DELFT) |effects |

|H2020_EURATOM |GA no 633053 |UTARTU |EUROfusion - Implementation of activities |

| | |(coordinator: |described in the Roadmap to Fusion during |

| | |Max-Plank-Institut fuer |Horizon 2020 through a joint |

| | |Plasma, Germany) |programme of the members of the EUROfusion |

| | | |consortium |

|H2020 |GA no 641822 |UTARTU |MICACT - MICroACTuators |

|H2020 |GA no 642224 |UTARTU |FREEWAT - FREE and open source software tools |

| | |(coordinator: CUOLA SUPERIORE |for WATer resource management |



|FP7 |GA no 604391 |UTARTU |GRAPHENE - Graphene-Based Revolutions in ICT |

| | |(coordinator: CHALMERS |And Beyond |


|H2020 |GA no 636876 |UTARTU |REDMUD - European Training Network for |

| | |(coordinator: KATHOLIEKE |Zero-waste Valorisation of Bauxite Residue |


|LIFE+ |LIFE13 NAT/EE/000082 |UTARTU |Restoration of Estonian alvar grasslands (LIFE |

| | |(coordinator: The Estonian |to alvars) |

| | |Environmental Board) | |

|FP7 |GA 319970 |UTARTU |DIVERCITIES— Governing Urban Diversity: |

| | |(coordinator: UNIVERSITEIT |Creating Social Cohesion, Social Mobility and |

| | |UTRECHT) |Economic Performance in Today's |

| | | |Hyper-diversified Cities |

|Interreg Baltic Sea Region | |UTARTU |Attracting investments in plasma-based air and |

| | |(coordinator: Technology |water cleaning technologies |

| | |Centre Vorpommern, Germany) | |

|EURAMET EMRP |JRP NUMBER: SIB64 |UTARTU |METefnet - Metrology for Moisture in Materials |

| | |(coordinator: Mittatekniikan | |

| | |Keskus (MIKES)) | |

|FP7_Marie Curie |GA no 612620 |UTARTU |ILSES - Metal nanoparticle interactions with |

| | | |bioorganic molecules and their applications in |

| | | |biosensing |

|FP7 |GA no 605116 |UTARTU |ARCADIA - Assessment of Regional CApabilities |

| | |(coordinator: REGIA AUTONOMA |for new reactors Development through an |

| | |PENTRU ACTIVITATI NUCLEARE |Integrated Approach |



| | |PITESTI, Romania) | |

|EC DG Migration and Home |HOME/2012-2013/EIFX/CA/CFP/4|UTARTU |DIVERSE— Diversity Improvement as a Viable |

|Affairs |000004248 |(coordinator: Università |Enrichment Resource for Society and Economy |

| | |Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) | |

|FP7 |GA no 294952 |UTARTU |Nanotwinning - Increase in opportunities for |

| | |(coordinator: INSTITUTE OF |strategic collaboration in the field of |

| | |PHYSICS OF NATIONAL ACADEMY OF|nanotechnology via twinning of IOP with |

| | |SCIENCE OF UKRAINE) |institutions of European Research Area |

|Interreg Baltic Sea Region |  |UTARTU |Cluster initiative “Energy efficiency and |

| | |(coordinator: Berlin Institute|renewable energy sources” |

| | |of Technology) | |

|Interreg Baltic Sea Region |  |UTARTU |Technet_nano - Transnational network of public |

| | |(coordinator: University of |clean rooms and research facilities in |

| | |Southern Denmark) |nanotechnology making accessible innovation |

| | | |resources and services to SMEs in the BSR |

|COST |Action MP1003 |UTARTU |Material study of ion-conductive membranes |

| | |(coordinator: Queen Mary |combined with conductive polymer linear |

| | |University of London) |actuators |

|FP7 |GA no 312747 |UTARTU |SHEE - Self-deployable Habitat for Extreme |

| | |(coordinator: INTERNATIONAL |Environments |

| | |SPACE UNIVERSITY, France) | |

|FP7 |GA no 316906 |UTARTU |LUMINET- European Network on Luminescent |

| | |(coordinator: UNIWERSYTET |Materials |

| | |WROCLAWSKI, Poland) | |

|FP7 |GA no 323304 |UTARTU |GENTLE-Graduate and Executive Nuclear Training |

| | |(coordinator: TECHNISCHE |and Lifelong Education |


| | |Netherlands) | |

|Innovative Medicines |GA 115372 |UTARTU |EMIF - European Medical Information Framework |

|Initiative Joint Undertaking | |(coordinator: Janssen | |

| | |Pharmaceutica NV) | |

|FP7 |GA 324509 |UTARTU |SARM - Endometrial and Embryonic Genomics, |

| | |(coordinator: |Searching for Biomarkers in Assisted |


| | |Estonia) | |

|FP7 |GA 309314 |UTARTU |MODERN - MODeling the EnviRonmental and human |

| | |(coordinator: UNIVERSITAT |health effects of Nanomaterials |

| | |ROVIRA I VIRGILI, Spain) | |

|INTERREG IV A |  |UTARTU |T-TTransPlan - Helsinki-Tallinn Transport and |

| | |(coordinator: NPA |Planning Scenarios |

| | |Helsinki-Tallinn Euregio) | |

|EURAMET EMRP |JRP no: ENG09 |UTARTU |Metrology for biofuels (JRP number: ENG09) |

| | |(coordinator: Laboratoire | |

| | |National de Métrologie et | |

| | |d'Essais) | |

|FP7 |GA no 247652 |UTARTU |BIOGEAST - Biodiversity of East-European and |

| | |(coordinator: ZAKLAD BADANIA |Siberian large mammals on the level of genetic |

| | |SSAKOW POLSKIEJ AKADEMII NAUK,|variation of populations |

| | |Poland) | |

|Innovative Medicines |GA no 115188 |UTARTU |PREDECT - New Models for Preclinical Evaluation|

|Initiative Joint Undertaking | |(coordinator: Institut de |of Drug Efficacy in Common Solid Tumours |

| | |Recherche Servier) | |

|CIP_ICT |GA no 270899 |UTARTU |META-NORD - Baltic and Nordic Branch of the |

| | |(coordinator: TILDE SIA, |European open Linguistic Infrastructure |

| | |Latvia) | |

|FP7_Marie Curie |GA no 269227 |UTARTU |STRAVAL - Studies, training, socio-economical |

| | |(coordinator: UNIVERSITAT |valorisation and management of natural, |

| | |AUTONOMA DE BARCELONA, Spain) |cultural and monumental property for the |

| | | |promotion of the local societies of Latin |

| | | |America (Argentina, Brazil and Mexico) |

|FP7 |GA no 263273 |UTARTU |RADINTERFACES - Multiscale Modelling and |

| | |(coordinator: CENTRE NATIONAL |Materials by Design of interface-controlled |

| | |DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE, |Radiation Damage in Crystalline Materials |

| | |France) | |

|FP7 |GA no 288258 |UTARTU |REMICS-EnlargedEU - Reuse and Migration of |

| | |(coordinator: Stiftelsen |legacy applications to Interoperable cloud |

| | |SINTEF) |services |

Please insert rows as necessary.

Please list other grant applications submitted by your organisation, or by any partner organisation in this project proposal. For each grant application, please mention the EU Programme concerned and the amount requested.

|Programme concerned |Beneficiary Organisation |Amount requested |

|Erasmus+ KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the |UPKM |987.947,00 |

|exchange of good practices, Capacity Building in Higher| | |

|Education | | |

|Erasmus+ KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the |UPKM |780.787,00 |

|exchange of good practices, Capacity Building in Higher| | |

|Education | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Please insert rows as necessary.


Please make sure that you fully completed each part of this application form, as follows:

☐ PART D - Quality of the project team and the cooperation arrangements

☐ PART E - Project characteristics and relevance

☐ PART F - Quality of the project design and implementation

☐ PART G - Impact, dissemination and exploitation, sustainability

☐ Logical Framework Matrix

☐ Workplan

☐ PART H - Work packages

☐ PART I – Special Mobility Strand (where applicable)

☐ PART J - Other EU Grants


[1] Please see Programme Guide, Part B for your action, Table A – Project Implementation (amounts in Euro per day) Programme Countries and Table B - Project Implementation (amounts in Euro per day) Partner Countries.




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