What is the cheapest starbucks drink
What is the cheapest starbucks drink
Every time Starbucks introduces a new drink, you know the internet is going to be pretty excited about it. The green straw has us all in its thrall, and today is no exception. Starbucks Granitas are here, which sounds amazing, but it might also have you asking yourself one very key question: what is a granita? Starting June 14, the item is part of Starbucks' limited-time Sunset Menu, which is only available after 3 p.m. The drink comes in three flavors: Caramel Espresso, Teavana Youthberry White Tea, and Strawberry Lemon Limeade. In other words, yum.So what is a granita, anyway? Before you go haring off to your nearest Starbucks, let's settle this. According to The Oxford Companion to Food , the granita started off as a refreshment called the "water ice" that appeared in Europe around the same time as ice cream. A definition appeared in Cassell's Dictionary of Cookery in 1890: "Water ices are made of the juices of ripe fruits mixed with syrup and frozen." Additional flavorings, like coffee or liquor, could also be added. The Italians, especially the Sicilians, took a particular shine to the drink and turned it into the granita: coarsely shaved ice with added fruit juices (usually citrus). It's sort of like sorbet, but with a rougher texture. Sicilians often serve granita al limone at breakfast, along with a brioche. Heavenly, right?Starbucks describes its Granita drink as "subtly-sweetened finely-shaved ice topped off with bold espresso, white tea, or refreshing lemonade," which, if you ask me, sounds pretty incredible. So, if you've been looking for a way to spice up your drink order, consider trying out a Starbucks Granita. If you hit up your local 'Bux in the morning, you can bring your receipt back after 3 p.m. for a $3 drink. Delicious and affordable.Images: Starbucks At this point, we have our Starbucks orders engrained in our brains--they might as well be engraved on our tombstones too. The comically long combination of milk type, size, coffee blend, temperature, and added flavor make up a cadence we instinctively and routinely pronounce to the barista, itching our necks and slightly trembling until we finally get our fix. If we ever went missing, just check our bank accounts for the last Starbucks purchase and we won't be too far. But this daily order we could easily recite in our sleep is about to change completely, thanks to the expert advice of nutritionist Sarah Bond of Live Eat Learn. While our favorite drinks satiate our caffeine addiction, there's an unexpected benefit to drinking from our favorite green and white cups: beautifying ingredients, as in nutrients that will improve our appearance and essentially make us prettier. Cue the celebratory horns! Starbucks "While pretty high in calories and fat, the Green Tea Cr?me Frappuccino is also high in vitamin A, vitamin C, and calcium," says Bond. "Vitamin A is great for your skin and helps keep it firm and moisturized. Vitamin C will really boost your immune system to keep you healthy and glowing." And while calcium is essential for strong, beautiful teeth, it's also great for your skin. Calcium helps the skin regenerate as well as retain moisture. However, if you're prone to acne, skip the dairy and try a green tea latte with coconut milk instead. Dairy can exacerbate breakouts in large quantities, so drink Frappuccinos sparingly. Herbal Teas Teavana Perfect Tea Maker $20 Shop Starbucks brews teas in a variety of skin-boosting blends: green tea, black tea, chamomile, and mint. Green and black tea are full of antioxidants that help eliminate free radicals and prevent premature aging; chamomile calms the skin and reduces inflammation and redness, and spearmint can help reduce acne. Starbucks "If you're really looking to boost your vitamins and minerals, the smoothies will be your best bet," Bond tells us. "The orange mango smoothie is very high in vitamins A and C." For maximum benefits, opt for Starbucks's newer selection of Evolution Fresh Cold-Pressed Juice Smoothies. They're made from 100% cold-pressed juice and nonfat Greek yogurt, which has probiotics, making it a safe dairy choice since probiotics reduce inflammation in the gut that's linked to acne. Additionally, the various vitamins and minerals in the fruit and greens of the smoothies help boost collagen, remove toxins, and brighten the complexion. Starbucks "This drink has a nice balance of healthy macros and high nutrients at 90 calories and 1 gram of fat while providing 7 grams of protein, a 15% daily value of calcium, and 45% daily value of iron," says Bond. Protein is excellent for strong hair, skin, and nails, and iron fights hair loss and gives skin a healthy glow. Curious about the mocha component? Go ahead and indulge, says Bond, saying that the drink as a whole "is a nice balance between decadent taste and healthy." But because of the sugar content, opt for a Tall. Which order sounds most appetizing to you? Sound off below! It's from Starbucks' "secret" menu. If you're on the keto diet, you might be craving a variety of things--including more choices. The high-fat, low-carb eating plan is super restrictive. But we just found out that Starbucks is expanding its keto-friendly options, so your morning caffeine run doesn't have to be so complicated. Peach Citrus White Tea is the latest addition to Starbucks' so-called secret menu, and keto lovers are going crazy for it. A spin-off of the standard menu item Peach Citrus White Tea Infusion, this new drink is both carband sugar-free, making it a keto enthusiast's dream. To order the drink, ask the barista for iced and unsweetened Peach Citrus White Tea, a splash of heavy cream, two to four pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup, and no water. If you're open to experimenting, you can even ask for it blended. But like many of Starbucks' inventive options (we're looking at you, Unicorn Frappuccino), we can't help but wonder: is this drink actually healthy? RELATED: The Worst Things You Can Order at Starbucks "For those who choose to follow a keto plan, I think the quality of what you eat is key," says Health contributing nutrition editor Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD. "White tea is a great start, but this drink also contains conventionally produced heavy cream, not grass-fed organic dairy, as well as an artificial sweetener and preservative in the syrup." Basically, this drink is proof that something can be keto-approved and not necessarily good for you. Though it's healthier than the carb- and sugar-rich items on Starbucks' menu (like the Carmel Frappuccino), it's hardly a nutritional superstar. "If you're following a keto plan, don't just look for high-fat and zero grams of carb," Sass says. "It's important to opt for high-quality, antiinflammatory, nutrient-rich, all-natural foods to help protect your health while you lose weight." Bottom line: While white tea might not be something you want to sip every morning, it could be the occasional cheat-day treat you've been looking for. Almost everyone agrees there are too many calories and too much sugar in those Frappuccino drinks. So, should you abstain, or is it OK to occasionally indulge?Share on PinterestUnless you live on an internet-free compound, you were no doubt accosted by pictures of the Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino during its limited five-day run in April.This was a drink that was clearly made for Instagram fame, though it is not the caffeine empire's first concoction to create similar fanfare.Nor is it likely to be the last -- this month the Mermaid Frappuccino seems to be all the rage. Reviews of the Unicorn were mixed, with Starbucks' loyalists rushing to get a taste while much of the internet stood back in judgment.Memes were created accusing Starbucks of pushing diabetes, sanctimommies tut-tutted their parenting peers for allowing their children to indulge, and lines were drawn in the sand between those who think an occasional treat is no big deal and those a bit more intent on demonizing the Unicorn. Read more: Seven healthy coffee-related drinks ?With 410 calories and 59 grams of sugar in a 16-ounce grande, it's not shocking the Unicorn raised a few eyebrows.By comparison, a 16-ounce Coca-Cola contains 190 calories and 52 grams of sugar.The Unicorn far exceeds what most nutritionists consider an acceptable level of sugar and calories in a beverage.But it's worth noting that it is not the only drink on the Starbucks specialty list to boast such stats. In fact, it's not even the worst.The S'mores Frappuccino, for instance, contains 490 calories and 67 grams of sugar in a 16-ounce serving. Read more: Breaking up with sugar ?Consuming that much sugar on a regular basis can have health consequences.According to a 2016 study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, if a person's daily caloric intake is made up of 25 percent or more sugar, their risk of dying of heart disease more than doubles compared with those whose diets consist of less than 10 percent sugar.The same study found a cause and effect relationship where the level of risk increases alongside the level of sugar intake, regardless of age, sex, amount of physical activity, and body-mass index. High average doses of sugar have also been found to contribute to weight gain, insulin resistance, liver failure, and pancreatic cancer.As a result, the World Health Organization (WHO) suggests no more than 25 grams (6 teaspoons) of added sugar per day.Meanwhile, research has found that the average American consumes closer to 22 teaspoons of added sugar per day.Read more: The health benefits of coffee ?Consumers are split on whether it's OK to indulge in those coffee-related drinks.Janet Presley told Healthline, "Honestly, I don't concern myself with calories and fat when I go to Starbucks. I know it's unhealthy, which to me is why it tastes good. The iced white chocolate mocha is more delicious than I can put into words! I don't go often, so I figure it's a treat from time to time."Diane Tober, on the other hand, explained, "I avoid sugary drinks like the plague -- including sodas. After working at Burger King when I was 16 I suffered a huge attack of pain in my side and fell to the floor. Turns out my gall bladder was inflamed. I stopped drinking sugary drinks then and never went back. And I don't miss them at all."Registered dietitian-nutritionist and certified diabetes educator Susan Weiner had plenty to say on the subject."This is simply not a healthy food. When I ask a client about what they eat, they very rarely remember what they drink," she said. "Drinking high calorie beverages adds calories so quickly and without the benefit of mindful chewing. When you drink high calorie beverages, the calories are processed and absorbed very quickly and cause your blood glucose to rise up, or spike. This can increase problems such as insulin resistance, which is associated with type 2 diabetes. Imagine your blood glucose shooting up after drinking all of this sugar and then plummeting, which may cause you to eat more and possibly gain weight."So what does she suggest instead?"Try some fresh brewed specialty tea. Add ice for a cool, refreshing drink," Weiner said.Healthline reached out to Starbucks for their take on the debate. A Starbucks spokesperson said this:"Starbucks offers a variety of beverages ranging from wholesome to indulgent, and we believe in giving customers the power to eat healthy, indulge, and achieve balance on their own terms. We've also heard from our customers that reducing added sugar is something they are looking for when making nutritional choices, and Starbucks has committed to reducing average added sugar in indulgent beverages by 25 percent by the end of 2020. You can see this milestone and others on our Health and Wellness timeline." Ultimately, consumers bear the responsibility of making their own nutritional choices.Education is key, and it's important to know what the health effects of too much added sugar are.But the vast majority of consumers Healthline spoke to seemed to share a similar mindset: Everything in moderation.
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