Using Comparatives and Superlative Making a Purchase


Name:_________________________ Date:___________________________

Using Comparatives and Superlatives: Making a Purchase


Now that you have studied how to make comparative and superlative adjectives, you need the opportunity to practice using this grammar for a real-life activity, such as comparison shopping for a car, house, or electronic device to buy.

Decide which of the two objects you are interested in researching: a vehicle (car or truck) or house.

If you wish to compare vehicles, go to Part A and follow the instructions there.

If you wish to compare houses, go to Part B and follow the instructions there.

A. Comparing Vehicles:

1. Click here or type in the following web address in your web browser:

2. At the website, you will see the word Buy in the middle of the page. Click on the drop-down arrows to choose the make and model of car you wish to research under Used. Also, type in your zip code. Then, click on the Search Used button.

3. On the next page, you will see a short description of several cars. Look at these descriptions, then click in the box you see on the right side of the page under the word Save for a car that you would like more information about. Choose 3 cars (click in 3 boxes).

4. Above the Save boxes you will see a button, [pic] . Click on this button to compare the 3 cars you chose.

5. Read the information about the 3 cars on the next page that appears. Write some notes to answer the questions that follow:

• Which of the cars is the cheapest? most expensive?

• Which of the cars has the lowest mileage? the highest?

• Which of the cars has the largest or most powerful engine? the smallest or weakest?

• Which of the cars has the most attractive shape and color? the ugliest?

• Which of the cars has the nicest features?

• Write down any other opinions about the cars that you may have (for example, the most practical/convenient/spacious/economical/luxurious or the safest/strongest …..)

6. Which 1 of the 3 cars would you like to buy? Write a 5-6 sentence paragraph to explain why (for example: I'd like to buy Car A. Car B is cheaper than Car A, but Car A has the lowest mileage and the best features. It is more practical than the others and ….etc.).

7. When the instructor asks you, tell another student/group of students/the class which car you will buy and why.

B. Comparing Houses:


1. Click here or type in the following web address in your web browser: 


2. At the website, you will see the words Find a Home in a light blue box near the middle of the page.  Below the words, you will see this:

|[pic] |[pic] |   - OR -    |[pic] |

|  |

|[pic]   to    |[pic] | | |

|  |

|[pic] |[pic] |   [pic]  | |

3. Type in the city you wish to look in and click in the State/Province box to choose the state, or you can type in a  zip code.  Then, click in the Minimum Price and Maximum Price boxes to choose the lowest and highest prices that you want to pay for the house.  Next, click in the Beds and Baths boxes to choose how many bedrooms and how many bathrooms you want the house to have.  Finally, click on the [pic]button.


4. The next page will tell you how many houses were found.  Click on the [pic]box to see the houses. 


5. On the next page, you will see short descriptions of the houses.  Choose 3 houses that look interesting to you.  To see more information on these 3 houses, click on the View details link after each description.


6. Write some notes to answer the questions that follow:

▪ Which of the houses is the cheapest?  most expensive?

▪ Which of the houses is the largest?  the smallest (look at the square footage for this)?

▪ Which of the houses has the biggest or prettiest yard?

▪ Which of the houses is the most attractive?  the ugliest? 

▪ Which of the houses has the most convenient location (near schools, shopping, etc.)?  the most inconvenient? 

▪ Which of the houses has the nicest or most modern features?

▪ Write down any other opinions about the houses that you may have (for example, the most spacious/economical/luxurious or the nearest/closest to your job or family & friends….)


6.   Which 1 of the 3 houses would you like to buy?   Write a 5-6 sentence paragraph to explain why (for example:  I'd like to buy House A.  House B is cheaper than House A, but House A is the most spacious and has the best features.  It is closer to my child's school than the others  and ….etc.).


7.  When the instructor asks you, tell another student/group of students/the class which house you will buy and why.


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