Applying the new lease accounting standard - Deloitte

Applying the new lease accounting standard

In February 2016, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)


issued Accounting Standards Update (ASU) No. 2016-02, Leases

[codified as Accounting Standards Codification Topic (ASC) 842].


ASC 842 introduces a lessee model that brings most leases onto


the balance sheet; aligns certain of the underlying principles of

the lessor model with those in ASC 606, the FASB's new revenue


recognition standard; and addresses other concerns related to the


nearly 40-year-old leasing model from the previous guidance.


Key provisions of the new standard



ASC 842 is expected to result

Impact on lessee accounting

basis over the lease term. For a finance lease, the lessee

in the addition of $3 trillion1 of lease liability (with corresponding

Lessees are likely to be most significantly affected by the new leasing standard. ASC 842 retains the two-model approach to classifying leases as operating or finance

would recognize both interest expense (by using the effective interest method) and amortization expense. Therefore, the lessee would generally recognize greater


recognition of leased assets) to corporate balance sheets. Are

leases (formerly, capital leases); however, most leases, regardless of classification type, are recorded on the

expense earlier in the life of the lease for a finance lease than for an operating lease.


you ready?

balance sheet. A lessee may elect, as an accounting

Impact on lessor accounting

policy, not to record leases with terms of 12 months or Although the changes to the lessor model are not


This document highlights key considerations related to less on the balance sheet.

as significant as those to the lessee model, lessors

implementing the new leasing standard. See A Roadmap When a lessee records a lease on the balance sheet,

should not underestimate the ASU's potential effect

to Applying the New Leasing Standard for further details.

it will recognize a lease liability based on the present

on their financial statements and disclosures. Most


value of the future lease payments, with an offsetting

importantly, the profit recognition requirements under

entry to recognize a right-of-use (ROU) asset. A lessee

the lessor model are aligned with those under the

will use a discount rate to determine the present value

FASB's new revenue recognition requirements, and the

on the basis of the rate implicit in the lease, if readily

lease classification criteria have been amended to be

determinable, or the lessee's incremental borrowing rate. consistent with those for a lessee. The ASU requires

Although both operating and finance leases will be recorded on the balance sheet, the expense recognition pattern will differ for each. For an operating lease, a lessee would recognize lease expense on a straight-line

a lessor to classify a lease, at its commencement, as a sales-type lease, direct financing lease, or operating lease on the basis of the classification criteria in the standard.

1 Yun Li, "A big change in accounting will put $3 trillion in liabilities on corporate balance sheets," CNBC, February 16, 2019, .

Key provisions of the new standard (cont.)



Disclosure requirements

Disclosure requirements

The new standard also significantly expands the lease disclosure requirements. Entities should consider these

Disclosure objectives

Enable financial statement users to assess the amount, timing, and uncertainty of cash flows arising from leases


disclosure requirements early in their implementation

efforts to ensure that they are prepared.

Lessee disclosures

Lessor disclosures


? Nature of its leases

? Nature of its leases

? Information about leases that have not yet commenced

? Significant assumptions and judgments used ? Related-party leases transactions


? Related-party lease transactions

? Tabular disclosure of lease-related income

? Accounting policy election regarding shortterm leases

? Components of the net investment in a lease ? Information on the management of risk


? Finance and operating lease costs

associated with residual asset

? Short-term and variable lease costs

? Maturity analysis of operating lease payments

? Gain or loss from sale-and-leaseback

and lease receivable

? Maturity analysis for lease obligations

? Information required by ASC 360

? Weighted-average remaining lease term

? Weighted-average discount rate

Definition of a lease



Under the new leasing standard, a contract is, or

Accordingly, the definition of a lease in the new leasing Although the assessment of whether a contract is

contains, a lease if the contract gives a customer the

standard differs from that in existing US GAAP. Under

or contains a lease will often be straightforward,

right to control the use of identified property, plant, or legacy accounting guidance, an entity is required

the evaluation will be more complicated when an


equipment (an identified asset) for a period of time in

to determine whether it has the "right to obtain

arrangement involves both a service component and a

exchange for consideration. Control is considered to

substantially all of the economic benefits" from the use leasing component (an embedded lease) or when both

exist if the customer has both of the following:

of an asset. Under the new standard, however, an entity the customer and the supplier make decisions about


1. The "right to obtain substantially all of the

must also determine whether it obtains the "right to

the use of the underlying asset.

economic benefits from use of [an identified] asset." direct the use" of the asset.

Chapter 3 of the Leasing Roadmap contains a number


2. The "right to direct the use of [that] asset."

An entity is required at inception to identify whether a of helpful examples to illustrate such assessments.

contract is or contains a lease. The entity will reassess

its conclusion about whether the contract is or contains


a lease only when the terms and conditions of the

contract are modified.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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