(Department of English Language & Applied Linguistics)

Welcome to the Intermediate Compulsory English 1 course (386). This course is the revised version of the earlier Intermediate Functional English course. It takes into account the functional and communicative use of English and enables you to communicate confidently in English language. In our daily life, all of us are required to carry out tasks in which understanding of English language is a must. Similarly, at times we are required to take notes or make summaries. We are sure, you will find this book a great help in all such situations because it has been designed primarily to help you use the language for day to day communicative purpose.

To improve your language skills you need practice. For practice we recommend that you make it a daily routine to read English books, newspapers and magazines before going to bed. Writing is improved through a lot of reading and speaking is improved through practice in listening and speaking. So, do not hesitate to write and speak English with your friends,

Further, it is suggested that you listen to English news on radio and TV, and if possible watch English programmes on TV. Also try to buy one of the dictionaries mentioned in the introduction of your book.

The first unit of your book deals with the study skills. It guides you as to what strategies you should adopt in your studies. It highlights the importance of self-study in distance education and the study process itself. It provides you guidelines to motivate yourself and organize your study time and then how to stick to it for better results. So, do not forget to go through the first unit thoroughly before setting off and at the same time read the rest of the units carefully, attend tutorials regularly, complete assignments in time and be organized in following your study time table.

We wish you success in your studies.

Shagufta Siraj

Course Development Coordinator


(Department of English Language & Applied Linguistics)




Course: Compulsory English-I Course Code: 386

Level: Intermediate Semester: Spring, 2011

Total Marks: 100 Pass Marks: 40


Note: Attempt all questions.

Q.1 A. In Unit 1 you were asked a very basic question i.e., when you received your Compulsory English I 386 study package what did you do? You were given the following three options:

a) Kept the book somewhere and forgot about it.

b) Started reading it from page one without looking at it as a whole

c) Turned a few pages, looked at the pictures, looked at the content list or just went through the different headings to have a feel of it.

Which of these three options did you choose and why? Explain in 4-5 lines. (05)

B. Read the content list given at the beginning of the book and write in your own words any 5 functions you think you will find in the book?

Example: I think the book will include the function of agreeing and disagreeing. (05)

C. In Unit 1, we have given you a few tips to study effectively. We are sure you must have gone through them carefully. Which of the given guidelines do you already follow in your studies and find useful? Read them once again and write any five in your own words in your assignment.


I motivate myself to learn by setting a clear cut goal. If I am not motivated, I will not learn. (05)

Q.2 Two friends, Zahida and Sania come across each other in a restaurant. How do they informally greet one another? Write at least 5 exchanges between the friends, (greetings and their responses). Read Unit 2 for help. (10)

Q.3 The purpose of introductions is to get to know each other. Introductions help in creating a warm and friendly atmosphere. Whenever you are in a situation where you don’t know people, it is always good that you take an initiative to introduce yourself first. Suppose you are in a new neighbourhood, how would you introduce yourself to your neighbours? Write at least 5 expressions of introduction. (05)

Q.4 A. In Unit 3 you have learnt expressions for seeking permission such as:

• Could I ask you a favour

• I was wondering if I could

• Is it all right

• Do you mind if I

These expressions have been used in the unit by Khalid to seek his father’s permission to visit Abbottabad. Now, if you want to attend your friend’s birthday party, how would you seek permission from your mother? Write a very brief dialogue of about 5 exchanges between you & your mother seeking and giving permission. (10)

B. What expressions would you use in the following situations to refuse permission? Follow the example:

• Your friend comes to you and asks you to go with him/her to the market. You are very busy.

• I'm afraid, I'm very busy I cannot give you company.

i. You are the Principal of your school. A teacher comes to you and asks for one day's leave. The school has just reopened after 2 months vacation.

ii. One of your friends has a habit of borrowing everything. One day she/he asks for your new dress which you are planning to wear.

iii. You are the Head of an institution. One employee requests you for loan. There are already many names on the list.

iv. You are going on a picnic with your friends. One of the friends asks you for the coat which you have recently bought. You know your friend is very careless.

v. Your son wants to go to the park. It is very cold outside. (05)

Q.5 In Unit 3 you have read how to guess the meaning of difficult words through the context. The following passage contains some highlighted words the meanings of which you might not know. Read the passage and see if you can guess the meanings of all these words. Write the meanings in your assignment. Take help from a dictionary. (10)

|Passage |

|On many occasions, all of us face situations where our personal interests and interests of other people |

|clash. This is the testing time. It all depends who are those other people? Are they very close to you, |

|people you can never think of hurting. Different people will handle the situations differently. Some of us |

|will safeguard our own interests and some will be more sacrificing. |

Q.6 In Unit 3 it has been explained that a simple sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop, if it is not a question or an exclamation. In the following paragraph, begin each sentence with a capital letter and finish it with a full stop. (10)

|Passage |

|nutritionists think there are thirteen vitamins that humans need vitamins are important because they prevent |

|diseases vitamin-A is important for healthy skin and eyes people who do not have enough vitamin-A may have |

|night blindness some automobile accidents happen in the evening because people who lack vitamin-A do not see |

|the road well after they look at the bright headlights of a car vitamin A in the diet comes from yellow |

|fruits and dark green leafy vegetables and milk. |

Q.7 As discussed in Unit 4, we describe people we come across in our daily life. When we describe a person we tell different things about him/her, such as:

Physical appearance, personality, temperament, habits, likes and dislikes, body language, etc.

Now describe a friend of yours, writing about the above characteristics in one paragraph. (10)

Q.8 As defined in Unit 4 an antonym is the opposite word, for example, the antonym of big is small, or the antonym of tall is short.

Choose the correct antonyms in the following cases.

i. The antonym of 'found' is:

• Beat

• Fail

• Down

• Lost

ii. The antonym of 'discourage' is:

• Allow

• Reply

• Encourage

• Except

iii. The antonym of 'sleep' is:

• Hold

• Sea

• Awake

• Flat

iv. The antonym of 'rise' is:

• Escape

• Proceed

• Exit

• Fall

v. The antonym of 'truthful' is:

• Safe

• Careful

• Public

• Dishonest (05)

Q.9 In Unit 5 we have explained the term ‘run on sentences’. Identify run on sentences in the following and then rewrite these sentences.

i. My supervisor told me not to copy from the internet I'm regretting not having listened to her.

ii. My dog was upset all day he didn't get proper food for lunch.

iii. The boy was talking in class everyone thought this was rude behavior.

iv. Farah was cutting vegetables Komal was boiling rice.

v. I prefer walking cycling hurts my knees. (05)

Q.10 As you have studied in unit 5 ‘Skimming’ is a useful reading skill which enables us to:

– read faster

– form a general idea or opinion about the text

– save our time.

Below is given an account of an operation theatre. Skim the paragraph quickly and answer the questions given at the end.

|The patient himself knows nothing of what goes on while he undergoes the operation. He will be unconscious, |

|under the influence of an anaesthetic. There are various anaesthetics and different ones will be chosen |

|according to the patient’s health and the length of the operation. Some are breathed into the lungs; other |

|are given by an injection into a vein. There are some patients who are calm but others are more nervous. Some|

|may fight quite hard to loose consciousness. If this happens, the surgeon cannot begin his work and has to |

|wait. A different anaesthetic may then be injected into a vein; the patient then becomes unconscious. |

i. What do you understand by the term ‘anaesthetic’?

ii. What happens when a patient finds & hard to loose consciousness? (15)


Total Marks: 100 Pass Marks: 40

Q.1 Read questions/statements on the left, and match them with the answers on the right. The first one is done for you. (05)

You have not finished your lunch. d. I am sorry……. I am really full.

Questions/Statements Answers/Responses/Apologies

i. You have not finished your lunch. a. I am so sorry, but I missed my bus

ii. Are you coming to the party tomorrow? b. No, sorry. I don’t think I can make it.

iii. You are late and now we will miss c. I am very sorry. It was very cold

the film. outside.

iv. Did you buy the groceries? d. I am sorry…… I am really full.

v. Did you take the dog for a walk? e. I am really sorry, but the shop was closed

vi. You are late for the class. f. I must apologize…I got up late today.

Q.2 Complete the sentences by writing a suitable reason.

i. I cannot come to your home .

ii. I cannot attend the lecture .

iii. Fahad apologized to his friend for not coming in time .

iv. Raheel told Naveed that he cannot attend his party .

v. The aeroplane cannot take off . (05)

Q.3 Write one paragraph on a wedding ceremony you have recently attended. Use some of the cohesive linkers given below (read unit 6 for further help).

so, therefore, despite, even, at least, finally, first. (10)

Q.4 What would you like to be in the future and why? Give reasons. Write at least 5 sentences.


• I'd like to be a doctor because the doctor helps the sick and earns a lot of money.

• I'd like to be a teacher because this is the most respectful job. (05)

Q.5 Imagine that you want to travel by PIA to different cities in Pakistan. Here is

PIA’s domestic flight schedule from Lahore (LHE) to the following cities. Scan the flight schedule and then answer the following questions using the flight information chart. (10)

|Flight |Route |Destination |Scheduled Day & Date |Scheduled Time |

| PIA-618 | LHE-ISB | Islamabad | Sunday, March 4 | 18:40 |

| PIA-622 | LHE-ISB | Islamabad | Monday, March 5 | 22:30 |

| PIA-307 | LHE-RYK | R.Yar Khan | Tuesday, March 6 | 21:00 |

| PIA-315 | LHE-KHI | Karachi | Tuesday, March 7 | 09:00 |

| PIA-356 | LHE-ISB | Islamabad | Wednesday, March 8 | 08:30 |

| PIA-323 | LHE-QTA | Quetta | Monday, March 13 | 10:00 |

| PIA-303 | LHE-KHI | Karachi | Monday, March 13 | 11:00 |

| PIA-575 | LHE-MUL | Multan | Tuesday, March 14 | 15:00 |

| PIA-391 | LHE-SKR | Sukkur | Wednesday, March 15 | 15:30 |

| PIA-305 | LHE-KHI | Karachi | Thursday, March 16 | 18:00 |

| PIA-618 | LHE-QTA | Quetta | Sunday, March 19 | 18:30 |

| PIA-682 | LHE-ISB | Islamabad | Sunday, March 19 | 21:30 |

i. What time will the plane take off from Lahore to Islamabad on March 8?

ii. How many flights are there for Karachi from Lahore?

iii. Which flight leaves Lahore for Sukkur?

iv. What is the scheduled time of flight PIA- 323 to Quetta?

v. How many flights are there from Lahore to Islamabad?

vi. How many different destinations are mentioned in the flight schedule?

vii. What is the day and date scheduled for flight to Rahim yar Khan?

viii. Where is the destination of flight PIA- 682?

ix. Which flight will land at 21:30 and where?

x. What is flight number and scheduled time of flight from Lahore to Multan?

Q.6 Read the following paragraph, identify and write the topic sentence, the concluding sentence and the supporting details as you have studied in unit 7 of your book. (15)

|Caused by number of viruses, colds are common among people throughout the world and there are innumerable |

|signs, cures and precautions associated with it too. A runny nose, itchy eyes, and generally uncomfortable |

|feeling associated with the common cold are the obvious symptoms and we need to take some precautions to |

|avoid it. Although numerous theories exist as to how to “cure” the cold, including taking doses of vitamin C,|

|there is little evidence to support any of them. Once you contract a cold, bed rest, plenty of fluids and |

|aspirin for relief of pain and discomfort are the most tried and true remedies. The best rule of thumb is to|

|keep your resistance level high. Also, avoiding people with newly developed colds as colds appear to be most|

|contagious during the first 24 hours. Depending on the nature of the symptoms and seriousness, you need to |

|be especially alert during changing seasons as these are the times when cold strikes….So believe in the |

|famous saying “Prevention is better than cure”!!! |

Q.7 In Unit 8 we have discussed how to agree or disagree with people on different issues. Think of 5 situations where you either agree or disagree. Write the situations and appropriate expression. (10)

Q.8 Suppose you want to study the subjects/topics given below. You have the following books to consult. Match the titles of books with the topics. (10)

Subjects/Topics Titles of books

i Nouns and Pronouns Pronunciation Skills

ii Varieties of accents Writing English language tests

iii Subjective tests Error analysis

iv Kinds of Errors Developing Reading Skills

v Improving reading speed Grammar and Composition

Q.9 Read the following paragraph, which is a part of an advertisement. Can you guess what will happen next? You can suggest your own end/result. (10)

|Rs. 1000 Reward |

|Police have decided to offer the above reward to any person who shall give information leading to the arrest |

|of the man, Shakoor, who is wanted by the police in connection with the murder of the late khalid Baig at |

|Gujrat, in January 2009. |

Q.10 All of us have memories, good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant, happy or sad( as discussed in unit 9). When we think about past, we feel nostalgic, which means remembering/recalling beautiful, happy as well as sad past incidents or events of life. Do you remember any such incidence or event which makes you happy when you recall it in your free time? Write one paragraph using the right expressions from unit 9. (10)

Q.11 Good readers try to find out what is going to happen next when they are reading something. This is called ‘Prediction’ as mentioned in unit 9. Read the incomplete paragraph given below and predict what is going to happen? (10)

a. It’s in the kitchen. It seems to like it there. I climbed up the steps and looked through the kitchen door: the snake was lying coiled up near the stove. On seeing me, the snake hissed and struck in my direction, but as it was six feet away it was unsuccessful


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