Nvsip Fast Operational Guidelines - Chinavasion

Fast Operational Guidelines1.The Installation of Equipment1.After disconnected the hard disk power,unscrew the hard disk video recorder screws on the side and rear panel, then removing the cover plate.2.Using the hard drive screwed to the chassis backplane.3.Let the other end of the hard drive cable, power cord connect to the hard disk.4.Cover chassis plate and plate with screws.5.Put the display connected to the host at the back of the HDMI or VGA output, plug in cable, the equipment that is connected to complete.2.Machine Setting1.Equipment Login:After the connection,and power it, the front panel indicator light of the hard disk video recorder on, the system shows normal boot screen. After completion of loading the pop-up login interface, the default account is admin, the password is blank. As shown below:work Settings:Settings the network parameter of the recorder .(main menu)>(system settings)>(network settings)Set the corresponding settings.System network default settings :,Automatic access to the closed state .As shown below:3.Record Prlayback :Play video files on the hard disk. Available through the desktop shortcut menu .also can(main menu)>(video function)>(record playback),enter the video palyback interface. It can be playback at the same time. As shown below:4.Mobile Phone Watch Method:1.?Scanning the Qr code on the belowe with android mobile ,Download the mobile client nvsip and installation.(Scanning qr code on the right with Apple mobile?or directly on the iPhone App Store search "nvsip" click to install.) After the first run the software need to register account to log in and manage equipment ,through a registered account can add to manage multiple devices. Or using the visitors account to log in (local) to add a single device to check.Click in the top right corner of the button after a successful login ,Manually enter serial number,Click on the device name,Choose a good channel can be normal access device to watch the figure. 5.The Method of Computer CMS Settings:1.Enter into the online CD site: the centrally managed software CMS[Windows version], and install it.2.Log in the CMS software (admin/password is empty),The lower left corner: equipment management - search (manually add - input device number),In equipment management and preview on the left side of the software.IE viewing method:Can access remote after entering by prompted to install the plug-in, choose the device number, input devices, remote viewing and playback operation can be achieved.Friendly reminder:When remote viewing fail, click the right mouse button the system Settings in video interface,In the network Settings to see whether the machine has been launched,Network if prompt is not online, please check the network connection is normal,Remove the automatically obtain IP options, manual changes LAN with the IP address of the network is broken, change the gateway routing gateway. ................

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