Minutes of Meeting April 20, 2010

Called to Order: 7:40pm

In Attendance: Brad Case, Matt Fuhs, David Lingenfelter, Shane Wismer, Mike Long, Beth Cook, Karen Harwick, Tony Durning

Directors’ Reports:

Secretary’s Minutes –Karen Harwick - Distributed and Approved – Motion – Matt Fuhs, Second – Beth Cook, all in favor

Intramural Report – VP of Intramural – David Lingenfelter

INDOOR Intramural –

- Season is complete, no additional info to report

OUTDOOR Intramural:

- 292+ kids registered, 27 teams and sponsors, practices have begun, schedule to be distributed tomorrow

- Games start May 15th Kick Off Day, DJ Gear, announce teams before game

- Hoping to have a pizza vendor set up for Kick Off Day

- Joe Corbi’s fundraiser has been distributed

- Picture info to be distributed on Kick Off Day (Picture Day is Sunday, May 23rd)

- TOPS program – Carol May organizing, 9 kids signed up, uniforms have been ordered, donated by Challenger Sports, 3 Sponsor for TOPS Program

Field and Facilities Shane Wismer

- Two weeks ago seeding completed at Phillips Field. No teams should be practicing there, nobody should be using the field prior to start of Intramural season

- Camelot Park – has been lined, Mike Hofkin’s Team had first game there last weekend, hoping to have team benches to moved back a bit from sideline

- Finland Field has been mowed once

- Need to start working on Phillips field as far as lining the fields, and getting the nets up

Treasurer’s Report – Brad Case, Treasurer -

- Report Available upon request - Motion to Approve – Karen Harwick, Second Matt Fuhs, all in favor

- Will get BJ’s card this month for Auxillary to use for supplies for snack stand

- Brad will work on getting the tax exempt status reinstated for the Club

Webmaster – Matt Fuhs

- Web site updated for travel information

- Site upgraded last month, performance has suffered since then. Probably caused by other sites on the same web server

- Sponsorship for intramural will be updated

- Meeting minutes will begin to be posted on the website, instead of being emailed to distribution list

- Need to validate with Paypal that we are non-profit organization. Brad will provide Matt with information that we are non-profit organization. (Karen to check if she may have this information.) This will allow us to accept donations. Paypal will take less of %fee for on line registration.

Auxillary – Beth Cook

- Joe Corbi’s – out to all coaches, orders due back to coaches by May 4th, pick up is May 21st at 6:00 PM, 5:00 PM is when the order will be dropped off; We have requested all players sell 5 items or pay $30. Have also introduced GameStop gift Cards for top three sellers. If a player sells less than 5 items, we are not going to require payment of $30. Discussion regarding the amount of the payout, as being higher than expected.

- Picture Day is May 23rd at 1:00 PM at Phillips Field, if we have indoor location we will have rain or shine. We will try to use the Senior Center

- Beth visited snack stand, not in too bad of shape. Supplies are minimal and we will need to purchase a lot of supplies at beginning of season. Auxillary committee will meet on May 2nd to clean out the snack stand

- Referees – most are coming back from last year. Good response from the kids

- Joe Corbi’s fundraiser – will ask those that have requested financial assistance to participate in distribution of product on My 21st.

Travel Report – VP Travel – Mike Long

- Spring league is underway – only one team participating, Mike Hofkin’s team. They have played two games

- Tryout Schedule

o Starting Date for tryouts is May 2nd, also using May 16th, May 23rd, June 6th. Having difficulty finding dates that don’t conflict with other events

o Mike - After the 2nd, coaches can change dates, David – suggested that we can’t change the dates after the information is distributed to the schools

o Each Coach will have tryouts for an hour and half

o Discussion around where Tryouts will be held – DECISION:

o May 2nd in front of high school

o May 16th, May 23rd, June 6th will be at Phillips Field

o Field locations posted on website

o Registration Forms – RG6 – will be posted on website, EPYSA form, will cover kids insurance for tryouts, etc. Each Coach needs to retain for his team. Coaches will have hardcopies at tryouts

o Beth – concern about conflict with pictures on 23rd, tryouts will be after pictures

o Cost information will be deleted from flyer being sent to school

o Discussion about wording of flyers

o Distribution at Elementary Schools and Middle Schools of TryOut Flyers

o Beth – are we going to try to field older age groups? Discussion – will not field older divisions as we are going to focus on lower age groups, further discussion regarding age groups, etc

o Mike will distribute email to existing Travel Coaches, David will distribute email to Intramural Coaches

o Discussion related to advertising in Town and Country

- Incident occurred over the weekend at travel tournament – Girls team was involved in situation involving foul language and poor sportsmanship from opposing team’s parents. Mike and David drafting letter to EPYSA regarding the incident – Mike requests all incidents be reported to him when they occur

- Beth – interested in having a location for referee certification testing. Mike to provide information as to where they can go for certification

- David – we need to finalize prices for travel prior to tryouts as parents will ask the Coaches – discussion related to prices


State of PA vs MaryAnn Grant- David contacted Montgomery Country Court – Maryann has paid $200 of resititution, $130 went to Court Costs, $60 fee to State, $10 credit for VSC at Court. She is on work release, she is required to pay another $500 by September. There are additional Court Costs that need to be paid and the Court will take 50% of restitution until the Court Costs are paid. ($55,990.80 is owed to Soccer Club)

- Phillips Field Lease has been received and runs through Dec 31st. It is a one year lease and under the same terms and conditions of other years. Field is still for sale

Philadelphia Union – visited in February asking the Club to purchase season tickets, Discussion – club is not in a financial position to pursue this, Motion, All in favor of NOT pursuing this opportunity, approved

Challenger Sports – Visited in February asking the Club to host training camp, Discussion – Club is not organized, prepared to offer this during this season, Motion, All in favor of NOT hosting clinic, approved


Beth - $100 in GameStop gift cards will be given to highest sellers in Corbi’s fundraiser

Beth - $120 for coffee pot and microwave, Mike motioned, Matt seconded, all in favor, Approved

Shane – release forms for Camelot Park are a necessity – intramural coaches should receive this form at beginning of practice next season

Karen – Use of proceeds from fundraiser, David last year was $3,700 in proceeds, This year we need picnic tables, new roof on snack stand, benches for players at Phillips Field, - field equipment will be communicated as to what the proceeds will be used for

Good of the Order

- Two teams went to Memorial Tournament in Lehighton this past weekend, both teams played very well

U12 Galaxy (girls) - Won 2 and Lost 1 game

U9 Dragons (boys) – Lost 3 games

Matt motioned to adjourn, David Seconded at 8:47 PM


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