EPIC Technical Assistance Guide - Illinois workNet

Audience: TA Staff (August 15, 2017 v37)EPIC Technical Assistance Guide Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction to the Manual/Foreword PAGEREF _Toc490558092 \h 3TA Staff Instructions PAGEREF _Toc490558093 \h 3Prepare for On-site Visit PAGEREF _Toc490558094 \h 3During the On-site Visit PAGEREF _Toc490558095 \h 4Appendices: PAGEREF _Toc490558096 \h 6Appendix A: Prepare for the On-site Visit PAGEREF _Toc490558097 \h 6Letter to send CBO for a Technical Assistance On-site Visit PAGEREF _Toc490558098 \h 6Technical Assistance On-site Visit Agenda PAGEREF _Toc490558099 \h 8Appendix B: Pre-Intake and Intake Enrollment PAGEREF _Toc490558100 \h 9On-site Meeting Intro/Script for the Pre-Intake and Intake Enrollment Section PAGEREF _Toc490558101 \h 9Pre-Intake and Intake Enrollment Staff Results Sheet PAGEREF _Toc490558102 \h 9Quality Pre-Intake and Intake Enrollment Interview/Rubric PAGEREF _Toc490558103 \h 16Appendix C: Career Development Plan & Supportive Service PAGEREF _Toc490558104 \h 21On-site Meeting Intro/Script for the Career Development and Supportive Service Section PAGEREF _Toc490558105 \h 21Career Development Plan & Supportive Service Results Sheet PAGEREF _Toc490558106 \h 21Appendix D: Completion Status PAGEREF _Toc490558107 \h 48On-site Meeting Intro/Script for the Completion Status Section PAGEREF _Toc490558108 \h 48Completion Status Results Sheet PAGEREF _Toc490558109 \h 48Quality Completion Status Interview/Rubric Sheet PAGEREF _Toc490558110 \h 51Appendix E: Customer and Employer Interview PAGEREF _Toc490558111 \h 53On-site Training Customer Interview Instructions PAGEREF _Toc490558112 \h 53Training Customer Interview/Results Sheet PAGEREF _Toc490558113 \h 53On-site Work Experience Employer Interview Instructions PAGEREF _Toc490558114 \h 63Work Experience Employer Interview/Results Sheet PAGEREF _Toc490558115 \h 63Appendix F: Completing the Technical Assistance Summary Review Letter & Results Sheets PAGEREF _Toc490558116 \h 70Technical Assistance Summary Review Letter PAGEREF _Toc490558117 \h 71Appendix G: References PAGEREF _Toc490558118 \h 74E&T References - Websites, Federal Regulations and Guidance PAGEREF _Toc490558119 \h 74EPIC Progress Page Flow Chart PAGEREF _Toc490558120 \h 75EPIC Customer & DHS Forms Flow Chart PAGEREF _Toc490558121 \h 78Introduction to the Manual/Foreword As we move further into the implementation phase of EPIC, completing desk reviews and providing technical assistance site visits are essential to the success of the program. This manual will assist staff in providing technical assistance to the CBOs. It will also be an opportunity for the state level EPIC team to gather eligibility related documentation, information on how services are delivered, and conduct interviews related to the program.? Technical Assistance efforts will occur for the following:? Pre-Intake and Intake EnrollmentCareer Development Plan and Supportive ServicesCompletion StatusAdditionally, interviews will occur with CBO staff, customers, training providers, and work experience employers.TA Staff Instructions Prepare for On-site VisitContact CBO via email and/or phone to schedule a date for the initial on-site visit. Send out the CBO cover letter (from Appendix A) by email and US Postal Service to the appropriate contacts two weeks prior to the on-site visit. The cover letter explains the purpose of technical assistance and asks that the CBO complete the attached draft agenda and return it no later than five business days prior to the scheduled date. Carbon copy the letter to the following EPIC representatives: Illinois Department of Commerce – Lisa.D.Jones@ and Tammy.Stone@ SIUC - epic@Illinois Department of Human Services – Deidre.Wesley@ Add scheduled Technical Assistance visits to the CBO calendar on the EPIC Partner Resources page.Go to epicpartners Login to your Illinois workNet AccountScroll down to the CBO EPIC Calendar on the homepageSelect Add next to the date of the visit and enter in the informationObtain the completed desk review on the identified customers along with the appropriate CBO Technical Assistance Guide three business days prior to your on-site visit from the Illinois workNet representative (Olivia Griesheim). A listing of training programs and employer worksites are included with the information. Compare the technical assistance tool to the desk review results. Identify critical areas, highlighted in red, on the desk review to discuss during on-site visit. Review the Rubrics at the end of Appendix B and C and compare them to the interview questions to understand the basic components and expectations for awarding excellent, good, or poor status levels. These rubrics are also used to complete the Review/Technical Assistance Report Appendix F. During the On-site VisitMeeting with the ProviderUse the Interview/Rubric and Results Sheets in Appendices B-D while meeting with the CBO providers. While utilizing the Interview/Rubric sheets to ask questions you will: Document the response in the results sheet for each question.Look up the customers noted in the Other Participant ID # column on the results sheet and review any paper file for the customer. If a specific customer is not noted in the Other Participant ID # column, look up one or more other customers for each question, if applicable, and document the customer’s Other Participant ID # if it is not provided in the desk review. Ensure the online documentation is complete and in line with the CBO response. Spot check a minimum of two other random customers and collect best practices and show the CBO staff how to correct any issues found. Do not fix it for them. Ascertain if the career navigator can properly navigate the dashboards and customer profiles to find the following:Customers to review through the Enrolled, Assessment, Worksite and ISTEP dashboards Customers who require action by the CBOAgency details on training program information and schedulingUploaded documents in the EPIC system:Statement of Work (SOW)AssessmentsAdditional Program Information (e.g., training program syllabus, organization rules and regulations for customer participation, etc.). Grant AgreementsStaffing ListsWorksite Agreements PayrollEmployment VerificationCompletion DocumentationCustomer’s Earned Credentials When you get back to the office after completing your technical assistance visit you will:Use the instructions in Appendix F and complete the Results Sheet for each section. Use the interview/rubric sheets to rate each question. In the notes section, you will identify any observations you collected during the visit. Identify best practices that you found while working with the CBO. Also, identify areas that could result in possible findings if policies and procedures are not followed.In the Follow-up, you will note any items that need corrected and followed up with. Follow-up with the CBO will occur within five business days for any issues that impact the customer success in the program. Follow-up will occur within 30 business days for all other issues. Meeting with the CustomersYou will use the first interview sheet in Appendix E while meeting with the EPIC customers. While utilizing the interview sheet to ask questions you will:Document the response on the notes section within each question.Collect best practices, challenges, and processes. Include any items the CBO needs to follow-up with in the follow-up section. Meeting with the Worksite EmployerYou will use the second interview sheet in Appendix E while meeting with the EPIC worksite employer. While utilizing the interview sheet to ask questions you will:Document the response on the results section within each question.Collect best practices, challenges, and processes. Include any items the CBO needs to follow-up with in the follow-up section. Appendices: Appendix A: Prepare for the On-site VisitLetter to send CBO for a Technical Assistance On-site Visit HeaderDateName Date, 2015CompanyAddress 1Address 2Dear Salutation Last Name:Thank you for your participation as an EPIC provider. Lead Name has been assigned as technical assistance lead staff for your organization. The services that you offer through the EPIC program provide the skills our customers need to put them on a path to self-sufficiency. As we move forward with the EPIC program, we will be conducting desk reviews and providing technical assistance site visits. The purpose of this letter is to set up an on-site technical assistance review on (Date) that includes the following functions:Desk Reviews – Illinois workNet staff will complete desk reviews of current customers one week prior to your TA visit, and in six-month intervals afterwards. This review uses information from the online EPIC system and will include between 5-20 participants. Additional case files may be randomly selected for review during the site visit. This desk review will be referenced during the on-site technical assistance visit. On-site Technical Assistance Review – Scheduled in-person reviews will occur at least once, unless additional visits are deemed necessary. The purpose of the review is to ensure that services are being provided based on the approved EPIC grant and related policies and procedures. An in-person review may take up to six hours and will include:Case file review, including the desk audit and randomly selected case file reviewed during the site visit;Service delivery observation of intake, orientation, assessments, workshops, supportive services, training, case management; Staff, customer, training providers, and worksite employer’s interviews.Upon the completion of the review process, a Review/Technical Assistance Report will be completed and will include ratings, observations, best practices, follow-up items, and due dates. A copy of the report will be sent to you so that any necessary remedial action can be implemented.On Date, 2017 our technical assistance staff will be coming to your facility. So that we may make the most of our time together, please review the resources and pull together documentation identified in the table below. As you review your scope of work, you will need to contact Tammy Stone, at tammy.stone@ to discuss the appropriateness of a modification if changes have been made to the services provided, but not updated in your grant agreement. IMPORTANT NOTE: A computer with internet access is required. The meeting should take place in a conference room that can accommodate multiple staff and allow maximum view of the screens, if available. Additionally, the attached draft agenda will need to be completed by the CBO and sent back to the Technical Assistance Staff member five business days prior to the scheduled visit.Required: A computer with internet access (for TA staff and CBO staff to review customer files together)ComponentHave the Following Resources & Required Documentation AvailableScope of Work. The scope of work in your current executed grant agreement should reflect the actual services you are providing. Current scope of work from the approved grant agreementRelated vendor/worksite contracts and/or agreements Ongoing Eligibility. While the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) confirms initial eligibility, as a provider of direct services you need to ensure you follow ongoing IDHS eligibility policies.IDHS Policy Website Updated EPIC Procedures Manual EPIC Intake. Types of Assessment usedRights and responsibilities with the CBOEPIC Service Delivery Process. Internal process engagement documentation (verify 20 hours engagement documentation)Supportive service policyEPIC Training, Work Experience, and Employment.Attendance documentationSyllabusEvidence of Approved Industry Recognized CredentialsVerification of employment (e.g., paystubs, work number)The following individuals should be carbon copied when returning the completed Agenda to your Technical Assistance Staff lead:Illinois Department of Commerce – Tammy.Stone@ SIUC - epic@Illinois Department of Human Services – Deidre.Wesley@Thank you for your participation in the EPIC program. We look forward to our visit with you.Sincerely,Your NameYour TitleTechnical Assistance On-site Visit AgendaComplete the following agenda and return it no later than five business days prior to the scheduled visit to your Technical Assistance Staff Lead and carbon copy the individuals mentioned below:Illinois Department of Commerce – Lisa.D.Jones@ and Tammy.Stone@ SIUC - epic@Illinois Department of Human Services – Deidre.Wesley@ EPIC CBO: Date: TimeAgenda ItemName of person(s) to interview or be includedOn-site addressOn-site Interview with CBO Staff on: (allow 4 hours)Case File Review Intake/EnrollmentTraining/Employment ServicesCompletion Status/Follow-Up(CBO Staff Member(s) who utilize the online EPIC system)Training Customer Interview (allow 1 hour)(Please let us know ahead of time if the following customers cannot make it to the interview: Add Customers Other Participant ID #)(allow travel time if traveling to a different site)Paid Work Experience Employer Observation/Interview (allow 1 hour)(Worksite Employer that works with the EPIC customers)Exit Interview (allow 30 minutes)CBO EPIC Team & State EPIC TeamAppendix B: Pre-Intake and Intake Enrollment On-site Meeting Intro/Script for the Pre-Intake and Intake Enrollment SectionWe are going to start by talking about the Intake/Enrollment process. I have some discussion questions that we will go through, and I will take notes to document your processes, best practices, challenges, and overall feedback. During our time together, I will share best practices with you as well as correct any documentation and identify any items that could potentially result in a finding. Additionally, we will look at some of the desk review customers to ensure the documentation is in place, aligns with your scope of work, and follows EPIC policy and procedure. I will also need you to provide me copies of assessment information, forms, internal policy, and customer handout examples. Pre-Intake and Intake Enrollment Staff Results Sheet* EPIC Procedures Manual** SNAP E&T ManualInterview Questions:Indicators for Technical AssistanceReferences/Potential OutcomesOther Participant IDRatingAsk the EPIC career planner / navigator the following questions to document their intake process & assess their knowledge of EPIC partner tools & DHS policy.Use the following instructions as guidance for making notes and documenting the CBO’s response in the results section. Have the CBO demonstrate their knowledge by navigating and using the EPIC system to support their responses. Document the customer’s Other Participant ID # and results (are they documented properly) in the results sheet.Use the following to clarify policy, instructions, and expectations.The potential outcomes could be:Management Recommendation Finding based upon DHS policyFinding based upon EPIC proceduresThe Other Participant ID # is listed on the left-hand column in the customer profile.Rating based on rubric (after the visit). Does your training program description accurately reflect your training programs offered through EPIC?Notes:Meets Standards Definition:Organization name is not visible to the general public.Description is accurate and describes the following components:Program deliveryCredentials earnedExpected outcomesWork experience descriptionBaseline requirements are accurate.N/AFollow-up:How far in advance do you have initial appointment slots?Notes:Appointment Calendar Instructions: Outcome:*Finding based upon EPIC Procedures Manual – II. Program Design - Section A. Intake and OrientationMeets Standards Definition:Appointment times are offered several times a week and scheduled out at least two months in advance. N/AFollow-up:If a customer missed their initial appointment do you reschedule the customer? If so, how do you document your outreach attempts? What documentation do you upload if the customer does not show up to the initial appointment and you cannot reschedule them? Notes:CBO Intake Process: Option 3 Process and Flowchart Outcome:**Finding based upon DHS SNAP E&T Manual - V. Provider Responsibility - Section A. Referral Process**Finding based upon DHS SNAP E&T Manual - V. Provider Responsibility – Section G. Reporting Information Meets Standards Definition:If the customer missed their appointment, CBO makes at least one attempt to contact customer within 48 hours.Within 48 hours of the initial meeting, CBO completes and uploads the 2151 form to the EPIC online system. Enrolled customers have a 2151A form uploaded to identify their planned activities. All customer documentation is current and meets IDHS requirements. (Conciliation Customer)Follow-up:For customers who attend initial appointment, how do you communicate program requirements to the customer? AND what is communicated?Notes:Meets Standards Definition:The EPIC online system uploads tab, Progress Page, and Case Notes are used to store and communicate expectations and current status. N/AFollow-up:What is your process and timeframe for enrolling the customer into a training program?Notes:Enrolled Customer Progress Page Instructions: Outcome:*Finding based upon EPIC Procedures Manual – II. Program Design - Section A. Intake and OrientationMeets Standards Definition:The online EPIC system is used to update the customer’s progress page with current documentation that reflects the outcome of the customer’s initial appointment, when services were initiated and the customer was enrolled, and when the customer was engaged in activities. CBO must enroll or reject the customer within seven business days of initial appointment.(Enrolled Customer)Follow-up:What assessment(s) are you using to determine if you are going to enroll the customer? Example: skill level, aptitude, interests, and supportive service needs assessments. If you are not using an assessment, how do you determine if you are going to enroll the customer?How do you document your assessment(s)?How are you using the results?Notes:Illinois workNet Assessments page: Potential Outcome:**Finding based upon DHS SNAP E&T Manual - V. Provider Responsibility - Section B. Intake/Assessment/Employability Plan Meets Standards Definition:The online EPIC system is used to update the customer’s progress page with current documentation that reflects the outcome of the customer’s initial appointment, when services were initiated and the customer was enrolled, and when the customer was engaged in activities. CBO must enroll or reject the customer within seven business days of initial appointment.(Enrolled Customer)Follow-up:How do you handle customers who are determined to be “Referral Rejected?”Notes:Rejected Referral Procedure: Standards Definition:The online EPIC system is used to update the customer’s progress page with current documentation that reflects the outcome of the customer’s initial appointment, when services were initiated and the customer was enrolled, and when the customer was engaged in activities. CBO must enroll or reject the customer within seven business days of initial appointment.(Referral Rejected Customer)Follow-up:Quality Pre-Intake and Intake Enrollment Interview/RubricComponentDefinitionExceeds StandardsMeets StandardsBelow StandardsDoes your training program description accurately reflect your training programs offered through EPIC?Training program information is used for:Public facing view - What the customer sees when reading about each training program. Application providing recommendations for training – Customers will not be recommended for training programs if they answer a question resulting in a hard stop set by the CBO in their training program information.Partner view for helping customer decide on a program – Information available to DHS staff to use when working with customers.Meets standard, plus:Description markets the program to the audience and describes how the program prepares them for a career pathway.Description includes any specialty services that are offered through the program.Description includes a detailed outline on what customers can expect from the training program (e.g., length of time before training starts, if it offers work experience and when it is offered during the training, additional activities the customer is required to participate in outside of the training, etc.). Organization name is not visible to the general public.Description is accurate and describes the following components:Program deliveryCredentials earnedExpected outcomesWork experience descriptionBaseline requirements are anization name is in the description.Description is vague or inaccurate.Baseline requirements are inaccurate.How far in advance do you have initial appointment slots?Have the CBO show you their calendar schedule in their agency resources section. Look at past and future dates.To get to the CBO’s calendar, you go to Agencies > Select their location > Schedule > Edit Schedule. You will need to look at the schedule for each location the CBO has listed. The CBO should have at least two months of appointments scheduled out in advance. If the CBO does not, communicate to them that they need to do this. If this is not resolved, it can result in a potential finding.Meets standard, plus:The appointment description provides sufficient information about what the customer can expect or what they need to bring to the meeting.Appointment times are offered several times a week and scheduled out at least two months in advance. Minimal or no appointment times are offered (and the training program still has openings).If a customer missed their initial appointment, do you reschedule the customer? If so, how do you document your outreach attempts? What documentation do you upload if the customer does not show up to the initial appointment and you cannot reschedule them? Have the CBO navigate to the customer listed in the Other Participant ID column. If yes, have the CBO navigate to the customer case notes.Have them show you the case notes documenting their attempts to reach out and reschedule customer.If the CBO could reschedule the customer:Look for rescheduled date in case notes. If the CBO was not able to reschedule the customer:Ask if the CBO tried to reschedule.If No:Ask Why.Make a recommendation for the CBO to attempt to reschedule with a future appointment. Outreach attempts should be made within 48 hours of the initial pare the 2151 (Referral Form) upload date to the initial appointment date.CBO has 48 hours to upload 2151 with ‘No Contact’ marked. If the CBO does not have this done, communicate to them that they need to do this. If this is not resolved, it can result in a potential finding.The 2151 with ‘No Contact’ marked should be the only documentation for this customer. There should be no 2151A(s) (Change in Progress/Monthly Upload Form). If there are, instruct the CBO to only upload the 2151 with ‘No Contact’ marked for customer who missed their initial appointment with the CBO.Meets standard, plus:Case notes are used to supply additional details.If the customer missed their appointment, CBO makes at least one attempt to contact customer within 48 hours.Within 48 hours of the initial meeting, CBO completes and uploads the 2151 form to the EPIC online system. Enrolled customers have a 2151A form uploaded to identify their planned activities. All customer documentation is current and meets IDHS requirements. Customer documentation is not current and/or does not meet IDHS requirements.For customers who attend initial appointment, how do you communicate program requirements to the customer? AND what is communicated?The purpose is to collect best practices. In this case, the best practice is for the CBO to provide the customer with a customer agreement that outlines the program requirements and the customer’s responsibilities along with a syllabus of the training program.Document the CBO response, provide an example.Have the CBO upload the documents they use to the Agencies Upload tabAgencies > UploadsMeets standard, plus: CBO has standard process in place to work with customers who are:Non-responsiveNot qualified for the training programHave one or more barriersExcited about the program The EPIC online system uploads tab, Progress Page, and Case Notes are used to store and communicate expectations and current status. Customer documentation is not current and/or does not meet IDHS requirements.What is your process and time frame for enrolling the customer into a training program?Have the CBO navigate to the customer listed in the Other Participant ID column. Check the date the customer is enrolled by looking at the 2151 uploaded with client services initiated and compare it to the customer’s initial appointment date. Should be no more than seven business days after initial appointment. (CBO’s have 48 hours to upload initial 2151 and five business days from uploaded 2151 to determine if the CBO is going to enroll the customer)Verify enrollment status and associate case notes regarding the customer’s enrollment process. Verify that the 2151A plan has been uploaded along with including the initial planned steps in their ISTEP. Time frame and requirements vary by provider. Collect this information so that it can be used for developing best practices in the future. If the organization has two or three appointments before they are enrolled, the process should not take longer than five business days.If this process takes longer than five business days, a conversation needs to take place with the CBO about why it is taking so long and ways to reduce the time. If this is not resolved, it can result in a potential finding.Meets standard, plus:CBO uses case notes to document the enrollment process the customer went through.The online EPIC system is used to update the customer’s progress page with current documentation that reflects the outcome of the customer’s initial appointment, when services were initiated and the customer was enrolled, and when the customer was engaged in activities. CBO must enroll or reject the customer within seven business days of initial appointment. Customer documentation is not current and/or does not meet IDHS requirements.CBO takes longer than seven business days to enroll/reject customer. What assessment(s) are you using to determine if you are going to enroll the customer? Example: skill level, aptitude, interests, and supportive service needs assessments. If you are not using an assessment, how do you determine if you are going to enroll the customer?How do you document your assessment(s)?How are you using the results?Have the CBO navigate to the customer listed in the Other Participant ID column. There is no prescribed assessment, we just need to know what they are using and how they are documenting (either in case note or uploaded to Progress Page or ISTEP). Make sure to document any assessments being used by the CBO.Look for assessment items incorporated in the customer Assessments tab and ISTEP. Select Customer> Click on Assessment or ISTEP tab. If assessments are being utilized but not documented in online EPIC system, communicate to the CBO that they need to do this. If this is not resolved, it can result in a potential finding. If CBO is not using any assessments: Ask how they determined needed services. CBO’s may use the customer’s application to determine services needed. Communicate to the CBO that they need to be using assessments for all EPIC customers. If this is not resolved, it can result in a potential finding. Introduce options in Illinois workNet.( standard, plus:Results are used to determine appropriate placement in a training program and supportive services. Results are documented on the customer Progress Page (e.g., case note or document upload).Skill and interest assessments and application are reviewed to verify an appropriate match to a training program. Additional assessments are used to identify skill level or barriers to employment. Only the application is reviewed to verify an appropriate match to a training program.How do you handle customers who are determined to be “Referral Rejected?”Have the CBO navigate to the customer listed in the Other Participant ID column. Look at the 2151 – make sure Referral Rejected is marked.Look at the case notes to determine if the customer was rejected for one of the following reasons: (These are the only allowable reasons to reject a customer)They are medically unfit to participate in the training program.They do not meet the criminal background check requirements for the training program.They cannot pass the assessments required to participate in the training program.They are interested in participating in another training program EPIC offers. They found employment before meeting with the CBO.If there are no case notes left stating why the customer was a referral rejected, communicate to the CBO that they need to include case notes for any referral rejected customer outlining why the customer was rejected. If the customer was rejected for another reason than the reasons listed above, document the customer Other Participant ID # and the reason why the customer was rejected.Meets standard, plus:CBO uses case notes to document the enrollment process the customer went through.The online EPIC system is used to update the customer’s progress page with current documentation that reflects the outcome of the customer’s initial appointment, when services were initiated and the customer was enrolled, and when the customer was engaged in activities. CBO must enroll or reject the customer within seven business days of initial appointment. Customer documentation is not current and/or does not meet IDHS requirements.CBO takes longer than seven business days to enroll/reject customer. Appendix C: Career Development Plan & Supportive Service On-site Meeting Intro/Script for the Career Development and Supportive Service Section Now we are going to talk about engagement, service delivery, training, and employment. I will need you to provide me with forms, internal policy, program and credential evidence, and examples of customer progress as appropriate e.g., CNC project mailed for certification (or image thereof). Career Development Plan & Supportive Service Results Sheet* EPIC Procedures Manual** SNAP E&T Manual*** SNAP EPIC PolicyInterview Questions:Instructions for Technical AssistanceReferencesOther Participant IDRatingsAsk the EPIC career planner / navigator the following questions to document their intake process & assess their knowledge of EPIC partner tools & DHS policy.Use the following instructions as guidance for making notes and documenting the CBO’s response in the results section. Have the CBO demonstrate their knowledge by navigating and using the EPIC system to support their responses. Document the customer’s Other Participant ID # and results (are they documented properly?) in the results sheet.Use the following to clarify policy, instructions, and expectations.The potential outcomes could be:Management Recommendation Finding based upon DHS policyFinding based upon EPIC proceduresThe Other Participant ID # is listed on the left-hand column in the customer profile.Rating based on rubric (after the visit). Enrolled Customer DocumentationIf you use an employment plan outside of the EPIC ISTEP, we will need a copy to ensure you are documenting everything in the online EPIC system. Notes:ISTEP Directions Potential Outcome:*Finding based upon EPIC Procedures – IV. Grant Regulations – Client Files & Worksite Files.Meets Standards Definition:Use ISTEP and external employability plan and update both.N/AFollow-up:Did you provide a copy of the initial ISTEP to each customer? Did you have the customer sign, agree to their ISTEP, and keep a paper record of it? Notes:Potential Outcome:** Finding based upon DHS SNAP E&T Manual - V. Provider Responsibility - Section B. Intake\Assessment\Employability Plan*Finding based on the EPIC Procedures Manual.Meets Standards Definition:Provided the copy using the printer friendly button which creates an automatic case note for the customer.The customer’s signed copy in the paper file.(Customer with ISTEP printer- friendly case note added)Follow-up: Does the customer have a 3085 (Contract Report Notification of Employment Retention) uploaded?Notes:Meets Standards Definition:Provided 3085 and a copy sign/unsigned is uploaded into the system(Customer enrolled after April 20, 2017)Follow-up: How often do you participate in staffings?Are you updating the customer’s ISTEP to reflect changes agreed upon during staffing?Notes:Staffing Report Instructions Potential Outcome:**Finding based upon DHS SNAP E&T Manual – Appendix C – Staffing protocol Meets Standards Definition:Staffings are attended monthly for region 1 and as needed for regions 2-5. Assigned staff are responsible for completing all staffing documents (in the staffing report) and to ensure they are completed on time. Update ISTEP based on staffing agreement.N/AFollow-up: Non-Compliance, Conciliation, and Incidents with CustomersWhat internal procedures have you set in place to ensure customers are aware of what your organization requires from them to participate in the program? How do you handle incidents involving customers? Example: threats, violence, sexual harassment.Notes:Restricted Resources DHS Incident Form Potential Outcome:**Finding based upon DHS SNAP E&T Manual - V. Provider Responsibility - G. Reporting Information Meets Standards Definition:Formal written process is in place. The expectations are reviewed and provided to the customer.Proper forms are completed when incidents occur and uploaded to the customer’s progress page.If violent incidents occurred, police are notified.(Customer who has been marked as Non-Cooperative)(Customer who has been involved in a workplace incident or sexual harassment)Follow-up: What do you do if the enrolled customer does not comply with the required activities?Notes:Potential Outcome:**Finding based upon DHS SNAP E&T Manual - V. Provider Responsibility - Section H. Conciliation***Finding based upon DHS SNAP EPIC Policy – Special Policies that Apply to EPICMeets Standards Definition:Follow the Conciliation process using the proper forms and meeting the proper timelines.Required documentation is uploaded into the customer’s progress page.(Customer who is put into conciliation after enrollment)Follow-up: How does DHS communicate to you that a customer has appealed a sanction you recommended?What changes have you implemented to prevent the appeal reason from arising again?Notes:Meets Standards Definition:Training has occurred to ensure staff know the proper procedures to fulfill IDHS requirement.(Customer who appealed and won sanction along with reason why)N/AFollow-up: Career Development Plan and ServicesHow are you using the assessments to determine which training and services the customer needs?Notes:ISTEP Instructions Outcome:**Finding based upon DHS SNAP E&T Manual - V. Provider Responsibility - Section B. Intake/Assessment/Employability Plan If no assessments are used – **Finding based upon SNAP E&T Manual – V. Provider Responsibilities: B.Meets Standards Definition:Review the EPIC application, ISTEP Review Sections, Interest survey results to develop a career plan.If TABE results or other internal assessments are required for a program, the results are documented in the ISTEP and assessments tab.(Customer with steps who is actively participating)N/AFollow-up: How do you make appropriate referrals for training and supportive services?Notes:Potential Outcome:**Finding based upon DHS SNAP E&T Manual - V. Provider Responsibility – Section J. Case Records Meets Standards Definition:CBO has analyzed assessments and aligned the customer with an appropriate training program. This is documented within the ISTEP activities.CBO has utilized the application, ISTEP, and internal processes to determine barriers and have aligned them with appropriate resources. CBO is coordinating with DHS for customers who may have barriers resulting in a waiver.Additional Note: Referrals are made to services that are provided by a licensed counseling provider. Services cannot include treatment.Use 2-4 hours/week towards approved activity. N/A Follow-up: How soon are you scheduling engagement activities for your customers after they are enrolled with your organization?Notes:Potential Outcome:*Finding based upon EPIC Procedures Manual – IV. Program Administration - 10Meets Standards Definition:2151A Initial Plan has been uploaded into the system within five business days of the 2151 services initiated upload.The 2151A form planned activities are consistent with the planned activities identified in the customer’s ISTEP. At least one step has been open in the ISTEP.Follow-up: What do you do with a customer who you cannot immediately engage?Notes:SNAP E&T Good Cause Reasons Potential Outcome:*Finding based on the EPIC Procedures Manual – IV. Program Administration – 15Meets Standards Definition:N/AFollow-up: How do you document weekly follow-ups?Notes:Potential Outcome:*Finding based on the EPIC Procedures Manual – IV. Program Administration – 13Meets Standards Definition:(Use customer from previous question)Follow-up: How do you document that the customer met their 80 hours per month of engagement?Notes:Instructions: SNAP E&T Good Cause Reasons: Potential Outcome:**Finding upon DHS SNAP E&T Manual for mandatory participants - V. Provider Responsibilities – Section C. General Program ActivitiesMeets Standards Definition:(Customer who is actively engaged) N/AFollow-up: How do you document credentials earned while participating in the EPIC program?Notes:Potential Outcome:**Management Recommendation upon DHS SNAP E&T Manual - V. Provider Responsibilities – Section F. Case RecordsMeets Standards Definition:N/AFollow-up: How do you determine when, and if, next training steps are required to be added to the customer’s ISTEP?Notes:Meets Standards Definition:(Customer who is actively engaged)N/AFollow-up: Paid Work ExperienceDo you offer paid work experience as part of the training?When are participants placed in paid work experience and for how long? Are customers in paid work experience and training at the same time?Notes:Worksite Placement Instructions: Outcome:*Finding based upon EPIC Procedures Manual - III. Program Requirements - B. Work-Based learningMeets Standards Definition:(Customer who is in paid work experience)N/AFollow-up: Is there a signed worksite assessment and agreement for each of the worksite placements that have been added?N/A Worksite Placement Instructions: Outcome:*Finding based upon EPIC Procedures Manual - IV. Program Administration – C. Employer Partnerships/Worksite Agreements Worksite Files Additionally, in the above section - At a minimum the worksite agreement must contain the information specified in the EPIC Procedures Manual. Meets Standards Definition:N/AFollow-up: Is the customer’s payroll uploaded for the work experience?Notes:Worksite Placement Instructions: Outcome:*Finding based upon EPIC Procedures Manual - IV. Grant Regulation – Worksite FilesMeets Standards Definition:N/AFollow-up: Is the paid work experience and skill development process aligned with the training program?Potential Outcome:*Management Recommendation based upon EPIC Procedures Manual – III Program Administration: B. Employer Partnerships/Worksite AgreementsMeets Standards Definition:(Customer who is in paid work experience)Additional Best Practice QuestionsWhat assessments do you use to ensure the customer is prepared to begin work experience?What is your process for putting customers into paid work experience?Notes:N/A(Paid work experience customer)N/AFollow-up: Provide examples of how you work with customers who have one or more barriers that would keep them from successfully completing the program. Notes:N/A(Identify customer who has a personal development step in their ISTEP)N/AFollow-up: How do you keep customers engaged and motivated to succeed in the training program?Notes:N/AN/AFollow-up: What methods do you use to reach out to employers to expand worksite opportunities related to career pathways?Notes:N/AN/AFollow-up: What type of supportive services are provided during retention period?Notes:N/A(Hired by Employer Customer)N/AFollow-up: Can you give me a brief overview of how the dashboard works and how you utilize the information it provides?Notes:N/AN/AN/AFollow-up: Follow-up: 90 Day RetentionHow are you handling the customer during the 90-day job retention?What documentation do you request from the customer to verify employment?Notes:Potential Outcome:**Finding based upon DHS SNAP E&T Manual - V. Provider Responsibility - Section C. General Activities Meets Standards Definition:(Hired by Employer Customer)N/AFollow-up: Quality Program Enrollment & Service Interview/RubricComponentDescriptionExceeds StandardMeets StandardBelow StandardIf you use an employment plan outside of the EPIC ISTEP, we will need a copy to ensure you are documenting everything in the online EPIC system. If no, you will move to the next question. If yes, have the CBO supply you with the customer’s case file including the internal system they are using. As you go through the ISTEP during the engagement questions, ensure that the information within the internal system matches the information in the customer’s ISTEP. If the Internal system does not match the ISTEP, communicate to the CBO that they need to update the ISTEP to match. If this is not resolved, it can result in a potential finding.Only Use the ISTEP.Use ISTEP and external employability plan and update both.Does not use anything.Did you provide a copy of the initial ISTEP to each customer?Did you have the customer sign, agree to their ISTEP, and keep a paper record of it?This will only be applicable for customers enrolled after April 20, 2017Have the CBO navigate to the customer listed in the Other Participant ID column.Check the case notes on the ISTEP page for a case note stating the customer has received a paper copy of the ISTEP. System Generated Case Note: “Your Individualized Services, Training and Employment Plan (ISTEP) is available in your Illinois workNet account. Select the link to view the plan ….”If there is not a case note, communicate to the CBO that they need to print off a printer-friendly view to provide to the customer using the Print Customer Copy button on the ISTEP. If this is not resolved, it can result in a potential finding. Also, customer can appeal and win their sanctions if not provided with a copy of the ISTEP.Have the CBO show you their paper copy of the customer’s signed ISTEP. If the CBO does not have a signed copy in the customer’s case file, communicate to the CBO that they need to obtain a signed copy of the ISTEP for the customer and add it to their case file. If this is not resolved, it can result in a potential finding.Meet standards, plus:Signed ISTEP is uploaded into the system.Provided the copy using the printer friendly button, which creates an automatic case note for the customer.The customer’s signed copy in the paper file.No ISTEP was provided or an ISTEP was provided but did not use the printer friendly button.Does the customer have a 3085 (Contract Report Notification of Employment Retention) uploaded?This will only be applicable for customers enrolled after April 20, 2017.Have the CBO navigate to the customer listed in the Other Participant ID column.On the Progress Page (Change in Activity / Monthly Update - 2151A Upload Section), check for an uploaded 3085. If this form has not been uploaded, communicate to the CBO that they need to start utilizing this form with any customer they enroll. If this is not resolved, it can result in a potential finding.In the instance the customer did not want to sign the form, the CBO should still upload it noting the customer’s choice not to sign the form.N/AProvided 3085 and a copy sign/unsigned is uploaded into the system.3085 is not used or not uploaded into the system.How often do you participate in staffings?Are you updating the customer’s ISTEP to reflect changes agreed upon during staffing?CBOs in Region 1 are required to participate in staffings at least once a month for each DHS office from where they have received a customer. To verify staffings are taking place in Region 1, have the CBO Navigate to the staffing report. Report > Staffing ReportSelect the previous month and verify staffing packets have been completed for that month and have a completed status for each customer’s packet.If the CBO is not completing staffings with each of the offices they have received customers from, communicate to them that they need to start participating in all required monthly staffings. If this is not resolved, it can result in a potential finding. CBOs in Regions 2-5 are required to participate in staffings as needed. If the CBO has participated in a staffing before, have them show you their staffing documentation. This will either be found in the Online EPIC System in the staffing report, if they did it online. Report > Staffing Report or it will be paper documentation in the customer’s file. If yes, have the CBO navigate to the customer’s 4334 (Monthly Staffing Form) reflecting the agreed upon changes during the staffing. Then have the CBO navigate to that customer’s ISTEP and confirm the changes noted in the 4334 (Monthly Staffing Form) were made to the ISTEP.Meet standards, plus:Positive changes in the customer's engagement and progress levels can be seen as a result to the staffing.Staffings are attended monthly for region 1 and as needed for regions 2-5. Assigned staff are responsible for completing all staffing documents (in the staffing report) and to ensure they are completed on time. Update ISTEP based on staffing agreement.Staffings are not attended on a regular basis and documentation is missing. Non-Compliance, Conciliation, and Incidents with CustomersWhat internal procedures have you set in place to ensure customers are aware of what your organization requires from them to participate in the program? How do you handle incidents involving customers? Example: threats, violence, sexual harassment.Review CBO internal procedures on attendance and non-cooperation and when their procedures are shared with customers. Each CBO’s procedures will be different.The internal procedures should clearly state:How many appointments can be missed?How many classes can be missed?Engagement requirements expected of the customer.Consequences for not following munication between the CBO and customer that must take place to notify the customer of their non-cooperation.If their procedures do not include any DHS policy.Have the CBO navigate to the first customer listed in the other participant ID column.Check that the 2151A noting customer non-cooperation was uploaded within 48 hours of the customer’s failure to comply with a program requirement.If the form was not uploaded within 48 hours of the non-compliance, communicate to the CBO that they need to get the form uploaded in the 48 hour time frame outlined in the SNAP E&T Manual. If this is not resolved, it can result in a potential finding. Check the case note describing the situation that led to the customer becoming non-cooperative. Have the CBO show you any documentation that is kept in the customer file that is not uploaded into the EPIC system. If the CBO has had an incident, there will be a second “Other Participant ID” listed. Have the CBO navigate to the second customer listed in the Other Participant ID column.Check for proper documentation located on the Progress Page in the Change in Activity / Monthly Update - 2151A Upload section:Form for Workplace Violence or a form for Sexual Harassment that details the incident. The following forms can be found on the restricted resources page on the EPIC partner website. A case note left detailing the incident and next steps that were provided to the customer and DHS. ? Review the documentation that is kept in the customer file that is not uploaded into the EPIC system. Meet standards, plus: Formal written contract the customer signs that identifies both the agency and customer roles and responsibilities. The contract is uploaded in the customer’s progress page.CBO leaves descriptive case notes regarding any meetings with the customer, their progress, and follow-up appointment dates. Formal written process is in place. The expectations are reviewed and provided to the customer.Proper forms are completed when incidents occur and uploaded to the customer’s progress page.If violent incidents occurred, police are notified.No formal written process is in place. What do you do if the enrolled customer does not comply with the required activities?Have the CBO navigate to the customer listed in the Other Participant ID column. Check to see if a case note was left about why the customer failed or refused to complete the required activities. Case note should document the CBO’s attempts to contact the customer to determine good cause. If good cause exists, document in case note.Exempt Customers and Voluntary Customers cannot be put through conciliation or sanction. If the CBO has not initiated the conciliation process within 48 hours, communicate to the CBO that they must start meeting the 48 hour requirement stated in the SNAP Procedures outlined in Section H. Conciliation. If this is not resolved, it can result in a potential finding.If a good cause does not exist, the 30 day conciliation period begins the day after the CBO learns the customer did not comply. Check that a 2151A (Change in Progress/Monthly Upload Form) was uploaded with uncooperative and conciliation checked.The conciliation appointment date was set at least five days out because the CBO must mail a copy of the 2846G (Conciliation Request Form) to the customer. Check that a 2846G (Conciliation Request Form) was uploaded.If the customer attended the conciliation appointment:A case note should be left stating that the customer attended along with the outcome of the conciliation.A 3392 (Conciliation Agreement Form) should be uploaded to the Progress Page to document the agreed upon specific requirements and the consequences of not complying.At the end of the 30 days, a 2151A should have been uploaded with a progress level checked (minimal progress, acceptable progress, substantial progress).If the customer did not attend the conciliation appointment:If good cause, then reschedule appointment and send the customer an updated 2846G with the new date.If good cause does not exist, end the conciliation period early:A 2151A should be uploaded with uncooperative and recommend sanction checked. Add a case note to document participant’s refusal to complyMeet standards, plus:Case notes are used to document conciliation and reach out to the customer.Follow the Conciliation process using the proper forms and meeting the proper timelines.Required documentation is uploaded into the customer’s progress page.Customer’s documentation is not current and/or does not fulfill IDHS requirements. No case notes are left in the system with customer’s progress or follow-up appointments.How does DHS communicate to you that a customer has appealed a sanction you recommended?What changes have you implemented to prevent the appeal reason from arising again?If there is no customer listed in the Other Participant ID column and the CBO says they have not had a customer appeal their sanction, then you move on to the Career Plan and Development Services Questions. If there were customers, navigate to the customer’s file and document each of the customer’s Other Participant ID #.Document how DHS communicated the appeal to the CBO, the reasons why the customer won the appeal, and what corrective action was taken so it does not happen again.N/A Training has occurred to ensure staff know the proper procedures to fulfill IDHS requirement.Customer’s documentation is not current and/or does not fulfill IDHS requirements. No case notes are left in the system with customer’s progress or follow-up appointments.Career Development Plan and ServicesHow are you using the assessments to determine which training and services the customer needs?Have the CBO navigate to the customer listed in the Other Participant ID column and ensure the customer’s ISTEP includes steps based on the following:Case notes about the customer’s assessment results.Assessments results in the assessment tab. Review the assessments to determine if they are using one of the assessments below: Optimal Resume (Work Readiness)Employment 101 (Work Readiness Development)NOCTI (Work Readiness Assessment)Interest Survey – sections not completed during application (Determine fit)Observational Assessments (completed by training provider)Worksite Evaluations (completed by work experience employer)Review Information section in each of the ISTEP tabs and make sure proper assessment documentation is uploaded to the appropriate tab when needed. If the Illinois workNet assessments are not being used or if additional assessments are being used, they need to be documented in the answer section. If no assessments are being used, communicate to the CBO that they need to start using assessments with all EPIC customers. If this is not resolved, it can result in a potential finding.Meets standards, plus: CBO leaves descriptive case notes regarding any assessments and next steps.Customer receives appropriate services and does not need realignment.Utilizing the assessment tools within Illinois workNet including Optimal Resume, Employment 101, NOCTI, Observational Assessment, and Worksite Evaluation.Review the EPIC application, ISTEP Review Sections, Interest Survey results to develop a career plan.If TABE results or other internal assessments are required for a program, the results are documented in the ISTEP and assessments tab.Customer’s documentation is not current and/or does not fulfill IDHS requirements. No case notes are left in the system with customer’s progress or follow-up appointments. How do you make appropriate referrals for training programs?How do you make appropriate referrals for supportive services?Have the CBO navigate to a customer who is receiving supportive services:Look at the ISTEP “Review Information” section or assessments that indicated the customer needed the services they are obtaining.Look at the steps in the ISTEP used for the customer’s engagement and make sure provider information is included on the step. Look at the completed 2151A to ensure the services the customer was engaged in are documented.If the agency is referring out a service they provide, make a note why. (e.g., Is it because they don’t have enough money?)Meet standards, plus:In addition, the retention rate of participating customers in a training program are high.CBO leaves descriptive case notes regarding any meetings with the customer, their progress, and follow-up appointment dates.CBO has analyzed assessments and aligned the customer with an appropriate training program. This is documented within the ISTEP activities.CBO has utilized the application, ISTEP, and internal processes to determine barriers and have aligned them with appropriate resources. CBO is coordinating with DHS for customers who may have barriers resulting in a waiver.Additional Note: Referrals are made to services that are provided by a licensed counseling provider. Services cannot include treatment.Use 2-4 hours/week towards approved activity. No steps are identified in the customer ISTEP for academic/technical tab.No steps are identified in the customer ISTEP for personal development tab.How soon are you scheduling engagement activities for your customers after they are enrolled with your organization?To verify how soon services are being initiated:Compare the date to the initial appointment and the 2151 uploaded with Services Initiated or Referral Rejected. CBOs have up to seven business days to enroll or reject the customer.Check 2151A plan on the customer’s Progress Page. This must be uploaded the day the CBO initiates services with the customer. Check the case notes to see if the customer was enrolled the same day the 2151 was uploaded with services initiated. If process to enroll the customer takes longer than seven business days, a conversation needs to take place with the CBO about why it is taking so long and ways to reduce the time. If the process continues to take over five business days, this can result in a potential finding.To verify how soon the customer is being engaged in activities:Check the “Timeline Checklist” on the customer’s ISTEP to see if at least one step is OPEN within five business days of the 2151 Services Initiated upload. This is required for mandatory customers and recommended for voluntary customers. ISTEP will not open unless customer is “enrolled.” Customer cannot be “enrolled” without 2151 uploaded.If internal processes are being used, you will compare them to the ISTEP. The internal processes should be reflected on the ISTEP. If the Internal system does not match the ISTEP, communicate to the CBO that they need to update the ISTEP to match. If this is not resolved, it can result in a potential finding.Describe documentation that is kept in the customer file that is not uploaded into the EPIC system.Meet standards, plus:The ISTEP identifies a detailed plan and there are multiple steps open.Customer documentation indicates immediate engagement related to essential skill development, job search activities, academic skill development, and/or job-skill development. CBO leaves descriptive case notes regarding any meetings with the customer, their progress, and follow-up appointment dates.2151A Initial Plan has been uploaded into the system within five business days of the 2151 services initiated upload.The 2151A form planned activities are consistent with the planned activities identified in the customer’s ISTEP. At least one step has been open in the ISTEP.No 2151A Initial Plan has been uploaded into the system.It has been six days or longer, from the time the customer was enrolled, for services to be initiated. There are no steps open in the customer ISTEP.What do you do with a customer who you cannot immediately engage?Have the CBO navigate to a customer who was not immediately engaged:If immediate engagement did not happen due to the customer failing to attend the appointment, ensure that conciliation is being done. (Refer to the conciliation section.)If the customer did attend the appointment and immediate engagement did not happen, find out why the CBO is not immediately engaging the customer. If there was a “good cause” reason make sure that it is documented in the case notes. (Refer to SNAP E&T Good Cause Reasons document)If there was not a good cause reason, communicate to the CBO that customer must be engaged within five business days of enrollment. If this is not resolved, it can result in a potential finding.N/ADetermine if good cause reason exists. If good cause reason exists, a case note should be left explaining the reason and next steps. If good cause reason does not exist, documentation should be uploaded to begin the conciliation process. Customer’s documentation is not current and/or does not fulfill IDHS requirements.How do you document weekly follow-up?Have the CBO navigate to the customer listed in the Other Participant ID column. Verify weekly follow-up is documented. Check the case notes to verify follow-up is occurring.Check the successfully completed steps for notes regarding the activity. If there are no case notes left, no notes left in the successfully completed steps, or if follow-up is occurring less than once a week, communicate to the CBO that follow-up should be taking place at least once a week. Follow-up can be done via phone, email, or in-person and must be documented in the customer EPIC profile. If this is not resolved, it can result in a potential finding.N/ACase notes are utilized to note when follow-up happened, what was discussed, and next step.No case notes are left in the system with customer’s progress or follow-up.How do you document that the customer met their 80 hours per month of engagement?Have the CBO navigate to the customer listed in the Other Participant ID column.Check the customer ISTEP Timeline to Review Planned Start Date and Planned End Dates. Look for continuation of service dates through dates represented in the steps. Verify if steps that have end dates are complete or still open. Verify the step includes a provider and scheduled pare documentation of hours reported on monthly update 2151A to ISTEP and to time tracking records (e.g., community service hours, classroom attendance, job readiness, work experience, internships, mentoring, counseling). **DHS requires attendance documentation. If the 80 hours per month of engagement was not met, check to see if the customer was put through conciliation; unless it was determined that a “good cause” reason existed. If the customer is unable to meet the 80 hours per month requirement because of a good cause reason, this should be documented on that month's 2151A and as a case note. “Good Cause” Reasons can be found in the SNAP E&T Manual in Appendix D Conciliation Process.If the CBO is not putting customers through conciliation or if they fail to meet the 80 hour a month requirement, and the customer does not provide a Good Cause Reason, communicate to the CBO that they need to start utilizing the conciliation process for these customers. If this is not resolved, it can result in a potential finding.Recommend the 2606 Form as a way to track if the customer met hours requirements. This can be an ongoing document for each month the customer is with the CBO. Meet standards, plus:The 2606 Monthly Activities report or equivalent is utilized and uploaded for each customer every month. A 2151A is completed between the 1-5 of each month for each customer enrolled with the CBO and reflects the customer engagement for the prior month. The 2151As are uploaded to the customer progress page. An internal time tracking sheet/attendance sheet is utilized for when customers are participating in activities on and off-site. If noncompliance occurs and/or the customer is not meeting the 80 hour a month requirement, a 2151 is uploaded within 48 hours of the non-compliance. The 2151A must note the non-compliance and recommend the customer for conciliation if a good cause reason does not exist. Customer’s documentation is not current and/or does not fulfill IDHS requirements. No case notes are left in the system with customer’s progress or follow-up appointments.How do you document credentials earned while participating in the EPIC program?If the customer paper files show that they have earned a credential, they should also have it added to the customer ISTEP. To check this, find a customer who is listed in the completed section of the Enrolled dashboard as hired by employer and check one of those customer’s paper files and ISTEP to ensure a credential has been entered. Have the CBO navigate to the customer who earned a credential:Go to the customer ISTEP Timeline and click “Show Credentials” in the Accomplishments section. Check that the credential was entered in to the list of credentials. The credential should have “View Step” next to it.Click on View Step to view step that is highlighted yellow and that the customer completed to obtain the credential. Make sure the credential was added to the proper step. If the CBO is not keeping a record of the customer credentials, communicate to them that they need to upload copies of the credentials into the online EPIC system for each customer who earned credentials. If this is not resolved, it can result in a potential management recommendation and/or finding.A success story is submitted sharing the customer’s experience. The Step the customer earned the credential through is updated to reflect that a credential was earned. Supporting documentation uploaded to the customer’s ISTEP.Customer’s documentation is not current and/or does not fulfill IDHS requirements. No case notes are left in the system with customer’s progress.Paid Work ExperienceDo you offer paid work experience as part of the training?When are participants placed in paid work experience and for how long? Are customers in paid work experience and training at the same time?If no, move on from paid work experience questions.If yes, ask the rest of the paid work experience questions. Have the CBO navigate to their training program descriptions by going to: Resources > Agencies > Select their location > Training Programs > click edit for each of the training programs that utilize work experience. Have the CBO show you where in their description they reference how paid work experience is part of the training program.It should include the type of paid work experience being offered and the timeline for when the customer can expect to be placed in work experience. Collect best practices and rationale for how/when paid work experience is incorporated into the program.If the description does not contain the necessary paid work experience mentioned above, the CBO needs to be instructed to do so. If no, move on to the next question. If yes, have the CBO navigate to customer who is participating in both an EPIC training program and paid work experience. Verify the 2151A and ISTEP correspond to reflect the customer’s engagement in both activities. Ensure customer does not exceed 120 hours of engagement per month. If a customer is exceeding 120 hours per month and does not have the appropriate consent form uploaded, the CBO is not in compliance with the DHS policy on monthly engagement. Communicate to the CBO that the customer cannot participate in more than 120 hours a month unless they have signed the consent form provided in the EPIC Procedures Manual. If this is not resolved, it can result in a finding. Listen to methods and offer suggestions of other ideas you have discovered from other CBOs.Meet standards, plus:Entry into work experience is flexible to allow entry level position prior to training and more advanced level positions during or after training. Paid work experience is offered for at least four weeks in length. Paid work experience is aligned with the customer target career pathway. If customer is placed in training the same time as work experience, then a waiver is to be signed and uploaded to the customer progress page if they are participating in over 120hrs of engagement.Paid work experience is not available. Have the customers been added to the worksites in worksite placement?Is there a signed worksite assessment and agreement for each of the worksite placements that have been added?Have the CBO present you with copies of their worksite agreements, worksite assessments, and list of participant’s place for each worksite. Have the CBO navigate to worksite placements to demonstrate the worksites have been added.Have the CBO Navigate to: Worksite > select the full time or part time customer link for the worksite the customer is with > make sure the customer has been added.Have the CBO navigate the resource page to demonstrate worksite agreements are uploaded.Have the CBO Navigate to: Resources > Agencies > Select their location name > Uploads > Select their worksite agreements. They should have all their worksite placement agreements for each worksite here. At a minimum, the worksite agreement must contain: Worksite contact and mailing info, detailed location information such as work days and hours, activities, job title, and the availability of each position along with the worksite supervisor information, mutual terms, conditions, promises, and payments that grantee and worksite have agreed on, and projected start and end dates.If the CBO does not have the worksite placement completed, or the worksite agreements uploaded, communicate to them that they need to get this completed. If this is not resolved, it can result in a management recommendation and/or potential finding. N/AA worksite agreement and assessments for each worksite has been uploaded to the agencies tab in the online EPIC system. Not all worksites or no worksite agreements and assessments have been uploaded into the agencies tab in the online EPIC system. Is the customer’s payroll uploaded for the work experience?Have the CBO demonstrate payroll is uploaded.Have the CBO navigate to Payroll by selecting: Worksite > Payroll > View/Export the Payroll date the customer falls within > make sure the customer was included on the payroll. If the CBO does not have the customer included on the payroll, communicate that the customers must be added to the EPIC payroll or the CBO will not receive the proper funding for that customer’s work experience. If this is not resolved, it can result in a potential finding. Compare one or more of the customers listed in the payroll to ensure the ISTEP work experience step and 2151A dates correspond with the payroll upload.If the ISTEP and 2151A do not properly document the customer work experience and match with the payroll, communicate to the CBO that they need to update the customer profile to match. If this is not resolved, it can result in a potential finding.N/APayroll has been uploaded with accurate payroll information and includes all the customers who are in work experience. No payroll has been uploaded into the online EPIC system.Payroll has been uploaded but none of the customers or not all of the customers have been included in the payroll upload.Is the paid work experience and skill development process aligned with the training program?Have the CBO navigate to the customer listed in the Other Participant ID column.Verify that the work experience aligns with the training program the customer is marked as Enrolled in on the Progress Page. If the work experience does not align with the training program the customer is participating in, communicate to the CBO that they should focus on enrolling customers into work experience opportunities that are going to help them in their career pathway of interest. If not, this can result in a management recommendation based on the EPIC Procedures Manual. Meet standards, plus:Customer has an opportunity for a full-time position with the employer upon completion of training. Paid work experience does align with the customer’s training program. Paid work experience does not align with the customer’s training program.Additional Best Practice QuestionsWhat assessments do you use to ensure the customer is prepared to begin work experience?What is your process for putting customers into paid work experience?Collect best practices for identifying and working with customers to get them placed in work experience.Examples include: interview preparation, dress code, explain position to customer, safety and ethics class, etc. N/AN/AN/AProvide examples of how you work with customers who have one or more barriers that would keep them from successfully completing the program.Collect best practices for identifying and working with customers with barriers.Document (e.g., assessments, motivating incentives, peer groups, etc.)N/AN/AN/AHow do you keep customers engaged and motivated to succeed in the training program?This is just for collecting best practice recommendations and supporting documents/resources.Listen to methods, offer suggestions of other ideas you have discovered from other CBOs.N/AN/AN/AWhat methods do you use to reach out to employers to expand worksite opportunities related to career pathways?Collect best practices. If no outreach opportunities are being utilized, this should be noted and discussed with the CBO. The CBO should be collaborating with partners and for outreach to employers/worksite.N/AN/AN/AWhat type of supportive services are provided during retention period?As you are going through the customer ISTEP, collect best practices by noting what services are being offered to the customer for retention. N/AN/AN/ACan you give me a brief overview of how the dashboard works and how you utilize the information it provides?Ensure the CBO understands the color coding of the dashboard and that they can utilize the info bubbles to see more information on that row of the dashboard. Collect best practices on how CBOs utilize the dashboard information and maintain it.N/AN/AN/AFollow-Up: 90 Day Retention How are you handling the customer during the 90-day job retention?What documentation do you request from the customer to verify employment?Have the CBO navigate to the customer listed in the Other Participant ID Column.Look at case notes documenting weekly contacts with the customer and/or employer in the first 30 days of employment and semi-monthly contacts in days 31-120 of employment.Look at 2151A with Job Retention checked during the 90 day retention period.Look at the Career Planning section of the ISTEP to make sure Job Retention steps have been added. If the CBO is not providing retention only services, following up with the customer on the required basis, or is not documenting customer activities in the online EPIC system, communicate to them that they need to start doing this. If this is not resolved, it can result in a potential finding. Employment verification include the following:PaystubsWork NumberEmployer VerificationIDES Wage dataMeets standards, plus:A success story of the customer’s experience in the EPIC program is uploaded or submitted.Monthly 2151A are uploaded during the 90-day retention period.The “Job Retention” step has been marked open. Weekly follow-up is documented in the case notes. Customer’s documentation is not current and/or does not fulfill IDHS requirements. No case notes are left in the system with customer’s progress.Appendix D: Completion StatusOn-site Meeting Intro/Script for the Completion Status SectionNow we are going talk about the process to document customer program completion status and permanent employment. I will need you to provide me with assessment information, forms, internal policy, and customer handout examples if not in the EPIC online system. Completion Status Results Sheet * EPIC Procedures Manual** SNAP E&T ManualInterview questions:Instructions for Technical AssistanceReferencesOther Participant IDRatingAsk the EPIC career planner / navigator the following questions to document their intake process & assess their knowledge of EPIC partner tools & DHS policy.Use the following instructions as guidance for making notes and documenting the CBO’s response in the results section. Have the CBO demonstrate their knowledge by navigating and using the EPIC system to support their responses. Document the customer’s Other Participant ID # and results (are they documented properly?) in the results sheet.Use the following to clarify policy, instructions, and expectations.The potential outcomes could be:Management Recommendation Finding based upon DHS policyFinding based upon EPIC proceduresThe Other Participant ID # is listed on the left-hand column in the customer profile.Rating based on rubric (after the visit). What next steps are communicated to customers who have completed the program and in what format is that provided to the customer? Notes: N/AN/AFollow-up:Completion permanent placement: Does the customer have their required documentation uploaded for completion? Notes: Completion Documentation Instructions: Potential Outcome:**Finding based upon DHS SNAP E&T Manual - V. Provider Responsibility - Section G. Reporting InformationMeets Standards Definition:The online EPIC system is used to upload completion documentation to the customer progress page. The Completion Information section has been completed and employer information was added. One of the following forms of employment verification has been uploaded:Confirmation from the employerPaystubsEmployee Identification NumberOther(Hired by Employer Customer)Follow-up:Not Completed Dropped from Program:Did proper case notes get uploaded and sent to DHS to notify them? Notes: Completion Documentation Instructions: Potential Outcome:If no case note is left, a Management Recommendation will be given based on instructions. **Management Recommendation based upon DHS SNAP E&T Manual - V. Provider Responsibility - Section C. General Activities Meets Standards Definition:The online EPIC system is used to upload completion documentation to the customer progress page. The Completion Information section has been completed. Case note was added stating the reason why the customer chose to drop from the program.(Customer who was a “Did Not Complete” with the exit reason: dropped from program.) Follow-up:Quality Completion Status Interview/Rubric SheetComponentDescriptionExceeds StandardMeets StandardBelow StandardWhat next steps are communicated to customers who have completed the program and in what format is that provided to the customer?If a positive response, regardless of if the customer finished or did not finish the program, collect best practices. Check to see if success stories were submitted to Check the case note to see what the next steps for the customer were. Document the case notes to use as best practice on the results sheet. If next steps are not communicated to the customers, make a recommendation to the CBO that they should provide them. Provide the CBO with examples of next steps:Customers who lose their SNAP benefits should be encouraged to see their DHS case manager once they are SNAP eligible to get re-enrolled in EPIC.Customers who move to another area in Illinois should be encouraged to visit their new local DHS office and ask about the EPIC opportunities. Not all regions offer EPIC.Customers who successfully complete the EPIC program should be encouraged to continue additional training to advance within their career pathway and receive CBO services they may qualify for as a program graduate. Each CBO location will have a different process for how they handle customers after they have completed the program. A best practice example is: Organization provides meals three evenings a week for customers who have graduated from their program to help them financially during the transition period into a new job.CBO should use career pathway development that aids in continued educations. CBO can set up appointment for customer to meet with college or tech school counselor to learn more about continuing their education. Customer should be provided with additional resources they can utilize if they decide later down the road they wish to continue their education.N/AN/AN/ACompletion permanent placement: Does the customer have their required documentation uploaded for completion?Have the CBO navigate to customer listed in the Other Participant ID Column.Does the customer have their Completion Information section completed on the progress page with: Complete, Hired by Employer, and Exit Date?Does the customer have their employer information added to the Employer Information Section of the Completion Information?Does the customer have a 2151 uploaded with completion marked?If the customer does not have their Completion Information completed there will be red text that displays in the Completion Information section that will notify the CBO of what needs done. If the CBO is not documenting the customer’s completion like outlined above, communicate to them they need to start doing so. If this is not resolved, it can result in a finding.Meets standard, plus:CBO uploaded bi-weekly employment verification throughout the 90 day retention period. The online EPIC system is used to upload the 2151A marked as complete and other completion documentation to the customer progress page. The Completion Information section has been completed and employer information was added. One of the following forms of employment verification has been uploaded:Confirmation from the employerPaystubsEmployee Identification NumberOtherCustomer’s documentation is not current and/or does not fulfill IDHS requirements.Not Completed Dropped from Program:Does the customer have their required documentation uploaded?Did proper case notes get uploaded and sent to DHS to notify them?Have the CBO navigate to customer listed in the Other Participant ID Column.Check that a 2151A was uploaded with complete marked.Check the case notes to see if there was a case note left with the reason why the customer dropped out of the program. This allows DHS to know what is going on with the customer when they meet with them. This can impact the customer’s eligibility. If a case note was not left, communicate to the CBO that they need to include case notes indicating the reason why the customer dropped out of the training program. If this is not resolved, it can result in a management recommendation. Meets standard, plus:Case notes are left prior to the customer being dropped from the program reflecting the CBO’s attempts to get the customer re-engaged. The Completion Information section has been completed.The online EPIC system is used to upload a 2151A marked as complete.Case note have been added stating the reason why the customer chose to drop from the program. Customer’s documentation is not current and/or does not fulfill IDHS requirements.Appendix E: Customer and Employer InterviewOn-site Training Customer Interview InstructionsHave access to a laptop to look at the customer’s profile in the online EPIC system during the interviews. Explain the process to the customer– Hi. My name is _____ and I work for the ______. We are happy that you are participating in EPIC and would appreciate your honest feedback There are no right or wrong answers We want your perspective to identify areas in the program that are most important or helpful to you. We also want to identify areas that could be improved. I have some discussion questions that we will go through, and I will take notes to document best practices, challenges, and overall feedback. Use the Customer Interview Sheet to ask the questions and then document the responses for each section. Training Customer Interview/Results SheetCustomer/Interviewee Information(Customer Name/Other Participant ID 1):(Customer Name/Other Participant ID 2):(Customer Name/Other Participant ID 3):(Training Program for Customer 1):(Training Program for Customer 2):(Training Program for Customer 3):Customer QuestionAnswer SectionFollow-up ActionsWhy did you decide to participate in the EPIC program?Notes:Positive responses can be collected as best practices. Negative responses will require follow-up questions to the customer. This will be discussed with DHS at a later date so they can correct the issue if it arises in the future. Follow-up: Who is your case manager?Notes:This is asked so you can make the questions more personalized and conversational. If the customer does not know who their case manager is check the customer progress page > contact information or case note/progress page uploads. Follow-up: What is ________ (case manager) doing to help you to be successful in this program?Positive success response: go to next question.Negative response - ask: what could your case manager do to help you be successful in the EPIC program?Notes:Positive responses can be collected as best practices. Negative responses will require follow-up questions to the customer. This will be discussed with the CBO at a later date so they can correct the issue. Follow-up: Did _________ (case manager) work with you to put together a plan with the steps and support that you need to be successful in this EPIC program?If Yes/Positive, were you given a copy of your plan? ?Tell me how you follow the plan.If no/negative, how do you know what you are supposed to be doing? Tell me about what you’ve been doing with the EPIC program. Notes:Verify the EPIC system & documentation correspond to the customer’s info. ?ISTEP Case NotesPositive responses can be collected as best practices. ?Negative responses:CBO is required to review the EPIC plan with the customer and provide all EPIC customers with a copy of the plan. – This is a DHS policy and can result in a finding. Follow-up: Tell me about the EPIC training program you’re in. ?Tell me about how you picked this training program?How long have you been in the training program?Are you able to follow the training schedule?Is the program helping you with transportation, childcare, tutoring, mentoring, training materials, books, required attire, training, and required tools/equipment?Are you having any challenges with being able to complete the training?Middle of Training Program (Half way point or beyond in training program)Additional Questions to ask:Are you passing the training program?Do you feel the training will help you get a job?End of Training Program (Finished Training Program)Additional Questions to ask:Did you pass your EPIC training program?Do you feel prepared for job interviews?Do feel you are prepared with your resume and ready for job interviews?Notes:Follow-up:Verify the EPIC system & documentation correspond to the customer’s info. ?In the EPIC system verify on the Progress Page, 2151 - Client Services Initiated upload and Internal Timesheets.Training ProgramStart DateProgram ProgressISTEP – Supportive ServicesBeginningPositive responses can be collected as best practices. ?Negative responses communicate to CBOs that they are required to provide customers supportive services to help them complete the training program. If the CBO is not providing the supportive services needed for the customer to successfully participate in EPIC, this should be communicated back to the CBO at a later date. This can result in a management recommendation. Middle/EndPositive responses can be collected as best practices. ?Negative responses, communicate to CBOs that they are required to provide customers supportive services to help them complete the training program. If the CBO is not providing the supportive services needed for the customer to successfully participate in EPIC, this should be communicated back to the CBO. This can result in a management recommendation. Towards the end of the training the customer should also be engaged in job preparation services at this point. If customers are not being properly prepared for finding a job, this can result in a management recommendation. What do you like about the EPIC Program?Notes:Collect as best practices. ?Follow-up: What don’t you like about the EPIC Program?Notes:Collect as possible future recommendations.Follow-up: If you could make a change to the EPIC program, what would it be?Notes:Collect as best practices. ?Follow-up: What other programs do you think would be beneficial if offered through the EPIC program?Notes:Collect as best practices. ?Follow-up: Would you recommend the EPIC Program to a friend? Why or why not?Notes:Collect as best practices. ?Follow-up: Worksite Placement Questions – (Customer)Who is your supervisor on your work site?Notes:This is the individual who should be interviewed/observed during the work experience employer interview. If the customer does not know who their supervisor is check the customer’s worksite placement contact. Go to Worksite > Select the Agency the customer is with and the employment type > Filter > Select the Worksite the customer is with > View the Contact info on the right had side.Follow-up: Were your job duties explained to you?Yes, positiveNo, negativeWho explained your job duties to you?Notes:Positive responses can be collected as best practices.Negative responses communicate to the CBO at a later date that they need to cover job duties with customer prior to enrolling them in worksite placement. Follow-up: Tell me about the work experience you are in:Are you able to follow the job schedule and getting to your job on time?Do you feel that you have everything you need to get to the job?Do you feel like you need anything else in order to help you complete job assignments?Do you feel like you need any other equipment for you to do your job?Would more training be helpful to you in order to complete your job duties?Notes:Positive responses can be collected as best practices. Negative responses communicate to CBOs that they are required to provide customers supportive services to help them complete/attend their work experience. If the CBO is not providing the supportive services needed for the customer to successfully participate in EPIC, this should be communicated back to the CBO at a later date. The CBO needs to determine why the supportive services were not provided or why they cannot be provided and make corrective actions. This can result in a finding.Follow-up: Do you feel like your work experience placement is preparing you for a permanent job?If yes, how?If no, why not?Notes:Positive/yes responses can be collected as best practices. Negative/no responses will require follow-up questions to the customer. This will be discussed with the CBO at a later date so they can correct the issue. If the customer expresses that they are not being properly prepared for permanent placement, the CBO may need to consider finding other worksites to work with.Follow-up: On-site Work Experience Employer Interview InstructionsHave access to a laptop to look at the customers profile in the online EPIC system during the interviews. Explain the process to the customer– Hi. My name is _____ and I work for the ______. We are happy that you are participating in EPIC and would appreciate your honest feedback. There are no right or wrong answers. We want your perspective on the placement process; how the employee is working out for you; and what we can do to help improve the situation, if needed. I have some discussion questions that we will go through, and I will take notes to document best practices, challenges, and overall feedback.” Use the Work Experience Employer Interview Sheet to ask the questions and then document the responses for each section. Work Experience Employer Interview/Results SheetEmployer/Interviewee InformationEmployer LocationEmployer NameEmployer Title Employer QuestionAnswer SectionFollow-up ActionsHow did you hear about the EPIC program, and why did you want to become a worksite? Notes:If positive response, collect as best practices. ?If negative response, document information to discuss with the CBO at a later date so they correct the issue. If they were not involved in this process, state that in the answer section.Follow-up: Describe your relationship with the CBO and the communication between both parties? Notes:If positive response, collect as best practices. ?If negative response, additional follow-up questions will need to be asked. This will need to be discussed with the CBO at a later date to help create a better communication process between both parties. Follow-up: Describe your experience with becoming an EPIC worksite.If the interviewee does not understand this question, ask them what they had to do to become a worksite.Notes:If positive response, collect as best practices. ?If negative response, document the information and communicate this with the CBO at a later date so they can correct the process.If they were not involved in this process, state that in the answer section. Follow-up: What is the process for providing performance feedback/evaluation to the program participant and provider/case worker?Notes:If performance assessments are being used, collect examples as best practices. If none are being used, this needs to be discussed with the CBO. The CBO should be updated on the customer’s performance to allow them to serve the customer the best way possible. Recommend the Worksite Assessment referenced in Attachment C of the EPIC Procedures Manual. This is required and can result in a finding if it is not being done based on the EPIC Procedures Manual – IV. Grant Regulations: Monitoring Visits - Worksite File.Follow-up: How many customers did you meet with for each position? Of those customers how many did you take?Why did you not take the other customers?Notes:Follow-up: How does the customer’s training program relate to what you have them doing in their work experience?Notes:Follow-up: How are the customers performing that have been referred to you? Please provide a few examples. Notes:If positive response, collect as best practices. ?If negative response, additional follow-up questions will need to be asked such as what they think could be done differently to help increase performance. This will need to be discussed with the CBO at a later date. Customers may need additional supportive services to help them be more successful in their work experience. Follow-up: Would you consider hiring any qualified participants when openings are available?Notes:If positive response, collect as best practices. ?If negative response, additional follow-up questions will need to be asked. This will need to be discussed with the CBO at a later date. If the interviewee said the customers were preforming well, but they are not going to consider hiring them, the CBO may want to consider different work experience options because this worksite is just doing it for free help. Follow-up: Appendix F: Completing the Technical Assistance Summary Review Letter & Results SheetsDuring the technical assistance site visit the following sections will be used to summarize the observations and follow-up: Pre-Intake and Intake Enrollment Staff Results SheetCareer Development Plan & Supportive Service Staff Results SheetCompletion Status Results SheetTraining Customer Interview/Results SheetWork Experience Employer Interview/Results SheetEach question in the results sheets contains and Notes & Follow-up section. Each second sould be completed as follows:For the Notes: Identify any best practice that received and exceeds standards rating. Also, include items covered with the CBO, processes that were evaluated, information you received copies of, etc. For the Follow-up: Questions that received a poor rating must include next steps with a due date to address the deficiency. For items that impact the customer’s success in completing the EPIC program, the CBO needs to address the issue and provide a follow-up response within five business days to ensure changes have been implemented to resolve the issue. For all other items, the CBO will need to address the issue and provide a follow-up response within 30 business days to ensure changes have been implemented to correct the issue. After the Technical Assistance Sitve Visit you will:Review the interview sheets/rubrics and ensure that ratings have been filled out for each applicable item on each results sheet. Complete the Summary Report letter using the follow-up items and due dates on the results sheets. The final Summary that is sent to the CBO for review should contain the following, in the order listed below:Updated Table of ContentsCompleted Summary Review Letter from Appendix FCompleted Results sheet from Appendix BCompleted Results Sheet from Appendix CCompleted Results Sheet from Appendix DCompleted Training Customer Interview/Results sheet from Appendix ECompleted Work Experience Employer Interview/Results sheet from Appendix EResources in Appendix G After compiling all the summary documentation a copy be submitted to epic@. A member of the state level workNet team will review and send the approved report to the CBO, technical assistance team member, and upload a copy to the agencies tabs in the online EPIC system. The final Summary will need to be completed and submitted within two weeks of the site visit.Technical Assistance Summary Review LetterDateNameAgencyAddressCity, IL zipRe: Grant Nos.: 15-7620XX Dear Name:This letter summarizes the results of the programmatic technical assistance visit conducted during the period of Date by Names of Commerce’s EPIC Team. The purpose of the visit was to review the EPIC operations to ensure that services are being provided based on the approved EPIC grant and related policies and procedures. While on site the EPIC team reviewed case files, observed the service delivery process, and interviewed staff, customers and employers involved in the program. Below is a summary of the technical assistance visit components requiring action, which were discussed at the exit conference held on Date. The operations that require remedial action are labeled by the appendix and component as they appear in our technical assistance instrument. Also attached is the Review/Technical Assistance Report that includes all components reviewed and the related ratings, observations, best practices, and resources related to each components operational requirement for correcting any deficiencies. Programmatic Technical Assistance Results:Appendix B: Pre-Intake and Intake EnrollmentComponent:Noted Deficiency #1: Follow-up ItemRemedial Action #1: Corrective Action Due Date #1: Due date for when Corrective Action needs completed. Programmatic Management Recommendation #1: Recommendations made to CBO that due not require follow-up Programmatic Management Recommendation #2: Programmatic Management Recommendation #3: Appendix C: Career Development Plan & Supportive ServiceComponent:Noted Deficiency #1: Remedial Action #1: Due Date #1: Programmatic Management Recommendation #1:Appendix D: Completion StatusComponent:Noted Deficiency #1: Remedial Action #1: Due Date #1: Programmatic Management Recommendation #1:Appendix E: Customer and Employer InterviewComponent:Noted Deficiency #1: Remedial Action #1: Due Date #1: Programmatic Management Recommendation #1:A written response to all findings, including proper documentation, is to be submitted to the Department within 30 days of the date of this letter. The response should be addressed to Name and Email address. The Department requires that all responses be furnished in a Word document with back up documentation provided as an attachment in PDF format. A copy of the signed response letter must also be provided.I would like to thank you and your staff for your cooperation during the technical assistance visit. If you have any questions regarding the programmatic review contact Name at phone number.Sincerely,Namecc:Appendix G: ReferencesE&T References - Websites, Federal Regulations and GuidanceThe website references below will provide you additional information on our federal and state partners in the EPIC program.Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment & Training Manual Plan Handbook Toolkit Program Activity Report Form (FNS-583) and Training Education Components, AllowableCosts and Federal Reimbursement Home Page Progress Page Flow ChartResources on epicpartners that accompany this document include:Completing a 2151ACompleting a 3085Conciliation ProcessCustomer Completion Status InstructionsEnrolled Customer Progress PageInitial Customer Intake WorksheetIntake ProcessRejected Referral3267075180975Add the primary contact as soon as the customer is assigned to your office.00Add the primary contact as soon as the customer is assigned to your office.-2476503553460Used if customer is complete. Use “Did Not Complete” and “Dropped from Program” for Exempt customers who elect not to participate.00Used if customer is complete. Use “Did Not Complete” and “Dropped from Program” for Exempt customers who elect not to participate.-18954755135245Download 2151A to create initial plan when you enroll the customer. Upload and mark as Customer Plan in description. The plan includes all anticipated activity.Monthly between the 1st and 5th of each month upload a progress update on a 2151A for the previous month.00Download 2151A to create initial plan when you enroll the customer. Upload and mark as Customer Plan in description. The plan includes all anticipated activity.Monthly between the 1st and 5th of each month upload a progress update on a 2151A for the previous month.-13716003039745Customer cannot be enrolled unless 2151 is uploaded with a status of:Customer Assessment Completed (and/or)Customer Service InitiatedCustomer should be enrolled or rejected within 5 business days of initial appointment.00Customer cannot be enrolled unless 2151 is uploaded with a status of:Customer Assessment Completed (and/or)Customer Service InitiatedCustomer should be enrolled or rejected within 5 business days of initial appointment.-1723390525145Within 48 hours of the initial appointment, download a 2151 to mark with one of four answers. Client Service InitiatedClient Assessment CompleteReferral RejectedNo Contact from ClientIf assessment process is the same day, upload 2151 indicating “Client Service Initiated” with anticipated service date.If customer is a “No Show,” only remove the appointment if you reschedule before the end of the 48 hours. A 2151 is not necessary if customer is rescheduled until after the rescheduled appointment.00Within 48 hours of the initial appointment, download a 2151 to mark with one of four answers. Client Service InitiatedClient Assessment CompleteReferral RejectedNo Contact from ClientIf assessment process is the same day, upload 2151 indicating “Client Service Initiated” with anticipated service date.If customer is a “No Show,” only remove the appointment if you reschedule before the end of the 48 hours. A 2151 is not necessary if customer is rescheduled until after the rescheduled appointment.971550714121000-2381255950585Upload a signed 3085 Employment Verification form or similar document. You may also upload any assessment documents you gathered about the customer. 00Upload a signed 3085 Employment Verification form or similar document. You may also upload any assessment documents you gathered about the customer. 209550762698500314325073221850018859494931411003943349756983500-2286008169911Monthly status updates are required between the 1st and the 5th of each month for all customers who require staffing. Those marked during the month as ineligible by DHS still require a status update. (These customers require a staffing.)During the 90-day employment retention period, status updates are required. These documents are part of the staffing packet.00Monthly status updates are required between the 1st and the 5th of each month for all customers who require staffing. Those marked during the month as ineligible by DHS still require a status update. (These customers require a staffing.)During the 90-day employment retention period, status updates are required. These documents are part of the staffing packet.6136006545528600602932523310850603885037122100039814506036310Upload a 2151A with the customer’s initial plan after the customer has been enrolled. Use the information in the 2151A plan to create steps in the ISTEP.At least one ISTEP step should be marked as “Open” within 5 business days of customer enrollment to demonstrate customer activity engagement.00Upload a 2151A with the customer’s initial plan after the customer has been enrolled. Use the information in the 2151A plan to create steps in the ISTEP.At least one ISTEP step should be marked as “Open” within 5 business days of customer enrollment to demonstrate customer activity engagement.36480754714240After the assessment is complete, enroll the customer into the appropriate program within 5 business days of the initial appointment.The enrollment opens the customer ISTEP.00After the assessment is complete, enroll the customer into the appropriate program within 5 business days of the initial appointment.The enrollment opens the customer ISTEP.122872547599600012001505255260001228725456945900128587540741600020002504159885The clock starts based on the Intake Orientation Appointment date. 00The clock starts based on the Intake Orientation Appointment date. 952504045585The enrollment date must be within 5 business days of Intake Orientation Appointment date. Case notes reflect actual enrollment date. 00The enrollment date must be within 5 business days of Intake Orientation Appointment date. Case notes reflect actual enrollment date. 368617440360600043338753226436Initial document uploaded within 48-hours of Intake Orientation. Marked as “Services Initiated” OR “Assessment Completed.”Upload document reflecting “No Contact” customers within 48-hours of initial orientation.0Initial document uploaded within 48-hours of Intake Orientation. Marked as “Services Initiated” OR “Assessment Completed.”Upload document reflecting “No Contact” customers within 48-hours of initial orientation.60839352826385002809874259778500279082534264600043148251502410Assessments completed at a later time but within 5 business days of Intake Orientation should be marked as “Services Initiated.” Referral Rejected should be uploaded within 5 business days of initial orientation.0Assessments completed at a later time but within 5 business days of Intake Orientation should be marked as “Services Initiated.” Referral Rejected should be uploaded within 5 business days of initial orientation.Examples of real uploads:-22860022479000If a customer has had several activities occur it would look like this:Customer completed as SNAP Ineligible status update.Customer sanctioned status update.Customer rescheduled for conciliation appointment.Staffing follow-up automatic upload.Customer status update, while waiting for DHS action.Customer automatic upload from staffing packet.Customer missed conciliation appointment.Customer monthly status update.Conciliation status update.Conciliation appointment scheduled.Minimal Progress Status Update.-26670028448000Customer positive status update.Customer 3392 conciliation agreement.Customer status update to Conciliation.Customer scheduled for conciliation appointment.Customer contacted CBO mid-month status update.Customer status update of Non-Cooperation.EPIC Customer & DHS Forms Flow ChartThis is how DHS forms are used for customers as they move through the EPIC program. ................

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