Los Angeles Mission College

Dear Students,Welcome to ENGL 28-23082 for Fall 2017! I am so excited to meet each of you on our quest to becoming better readers, writers, and thinkers. This is a LATE START class, so it does not begin in August. Our first class is on Monday, October 23, 2017, at 3:25pm. We will be meeting in the Instructional Building in room 1008. Make sure to attend the first class on time, or you risk being dropped from the course. Come prepared with our textbook and a printed copy of the syllabus (please read it before our first class session). In an order to reduce wasted paper on campus, I will not be printing your syllabus for you; you can download a copy from our Canvas shell or at . For this course, you will need to purchase Reading and Writing About Contemporary Issues, 2nd Edition, Pearson, 2016, by Kathleen T. McWhorter. Print ISBN:?9780133949612 or 0133949613. (The first edition is not the same.) The textbook is available at the LAMC Bookstore. You do NOT need an access code. You may rent the book, buy a used copy, or buy an electronic version of the book, but this textbook is required. Not being in possession of the course materials is not an excuse for late or missing work. If you plan to purchase a used copy online, I suggest ordering it about a month ahead since used books can take 2-4 weeks to ship. If you are shopping online, compare prices at , , , , and/or .You will also need:Printed, stapled syllabusRegular access to the internetTwo bluebooks (size: BB-8) available at the LAMC BookstoreBefore the first day of class, please visit the Canvas login page using your Peoplesoft/SIS credentials. You can find the syllabus, schedule, and other relevant materials at ilearn.laccd.edu. Please do not use Internet Explorer as your browser when using Canvas. I recommend Firefox, Chrome, or Safari. A few helpful tutorials are available that cover the following topics:How to change your password: to set your notification preferences: to reset your password if you forget it: also encourage you to download the Canvas smart phone app. Canvas Site: Orientation: Phone App: This class does require you to make regular trips to Canvas for submission of assignments, viewing of assignment guidelines, and quizzes. For that reason, you should decide upon a personal plan that will allow you to have regular internet access during the duration of this course. Also, this is in no way required, but most students find it helpful to bring a tablet or laptop to class (or another portable device where you can type).This class is accelerated. That means deadlines will come quickly, and you will have to complete more work each week than in a normal, 16-week English class. This class will end in 7 weeks. You can expect this course to be challenging, controversial, and collaborative. It will be challenging because on average you can expect to spend 12-16 hours per week outside of class on coursework. Given the intense nature of the accelerated English program, this type of course is not ideal for all students. This program is designed for the student who is willing to make a commitment to dedicate a great deal of time to the homework component of these courses. In addition, this course will be controversial because our reading/viewing materials assume a mature academic audience; expect to have aspects of your belief system and values challenged. It will be collaborative because we will often work together to generate ideas, revise our writing, and discuss challenging ideas.I am here to help guide you towards deeper critical thought and stronger writing. You can call me Dr. C. or Dr. Crozer—either is fine. My email is crozerkj@lamission.edu, and I check my email M-F. I try to respond to all emails within 1 business day whenever possible. Remember to buy your textbook and read and print your syllabus. I’m looking forward to meeting each of you.Thanks,Dr. Karen Crozer (“Dr. C.”) ................

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