Getting started with Sigil and the ...

Getting started with Sigil and the Ace by DAISY PluginIntroductionSigil is a popular EPUB editing software, and Ace by DAISY is the accessibility checker for EPUB. Together they make a great combination for enhancing the accessibility of EPUB files.This document is a guide to installing the programs and getting them working together on Windows.Downloading SigilThe Sigil set up file is available from many places on the web, but the most reliable and safe way to ensure you have the latest official release is from the GitHub page: down to the area headed ‘Assets’ and choose a Windows installer. Most Windows users should choose the 64 bit version of the installer.Note: the version number may have been updated since this guide was writtenYou can accept the license agreement and the default settings for a straightforward installation.Installing Ace by DAISYThe most convenient way to run Ace by DAISY with Sigil is via a plug-in. To do this, we need to install the command line version of Ace. Here are the steps to do this:Go to and download recommended versionRun the installer and follow the instructionsNext, you need to get Ace installed. To do this, you need to go to the command line. The easiest way to do this is Windows key + R (or Start and then type ‘Run’) and then in the edit box type the three letters ‘cmd’ and press enter. You should then get a ‘terminal window’.Type npm install -g @daisy/ace and then press Enter to install Ace, or update to the latest versionWhen the install is complete, you will get a message to say the packages have been installed. You can check the program can be run by typing ‘ace -h’ for some help information.Now you can run Ace from the command line, but the final step is to install the Sigil plug in.First download the zip file: with Sigil, go to the menu item Plugins, and choose Manage pluginsClick the button ‘Add Plugin’ and browse to the zip file you just downloaded (probably in your Downloads folder).Ace should then appear in the list of plugins. For convenience, now Assign it as Plugin 1.You can now run Ace from within Sigil by clicking on the first Plugin button on the toolbar.Support and AdviceShould you encounter any problems in the installation of Ace by DAISY you can find tips to common issues and frequently asked questions at: ................

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