Fairview Public Schools

Fairview Public Schools

Fairview, New Jersey

Job Description: English as a Second Language Teacher/Bilingual Teacher

Reports To: Building Principal, Supervisor

Qualifications: NJ standard ESL or Bilingual certification or CEAS, CE

Pass a criminal background check (CHR)

Have a physical examination by a doctor


Teachers are evaluated on their performance using the Achieve NJ Teacher Evaluation components; Teacher Practice and Student Achievement and for select teachers, Student Growth Percentiles. Performance of this job will be evaluated two or three times annually in accordance with state law and the provisions on the Board's policy on evaluation of certificated personnel.

Job Goal: Accommodate individual needs and to create a flexible elementary grade program and a class environment favorable to learning and personal growth; to establish effective rapport with pupils; to motivate pupils to develop skills, attitudes and knowledge needed to provide a good foundation for elementary grade education, in accordance with each student's ability; to establish good relationships with parents and with other staff members.

Function: A teacher shall work toward the educational outcome goals adopted by the Board of Education by achieving the course objectives in the assigned curriculum and working harmoniously with the staff of the school district.

Duties and Responsibilities:

A. Analyze the assigned learning objectives

B. Prepare an assessment of the pre -course under standing level of assigned pupils and diagnose student achievement that is below standard above expectation, primarily by use of pre and post testing

C. Prepare a plan to meet the individual and collectives needs of assigned pupils

D. Create an optimal learning environment which encourages students to listen, read, write and think in English and or Spanish (bilingual)

E. Create an optimal learning environment which encourages students to listen, read, write and think in Spanish (bilingual)

F. Work productively to achieve course objectives

G. Strive to improve his/her capabilities

H. Work cooperatively with the administration and staff

I. Strive to conduct himself/herself in a proper manner in any activity connected directly or indirectly with school district

J. Teach information about our country, which is now the student’s new home, and develop confidence in students.

K. Participates in the writing/development of the ESL/Bilingual curriculum.

L. Teaches District approved curriculum.

M. Meets and instructs assigned classes in the locations and at the times designated.

N. Plans a program of study that meets the individual needs, interests, and abilities of the students.

O. Creates a classroom environment that is conducive to learning and appropriate to the maturity and interest of the students.

P. Encourages students to set and maintain standards of classroom behavior.

Q. Guides the learning process toward the achievement of curriculum goals and‐‐in harmony with the goals‐‐establishes clear objectives for all lessons, units, projects and the like to communicate these objectives to students.

R. Evaluates students' academic and social growth, keeps appropriate records and prepares progress reports.

S. Is available to students and parents for education‐related purposes outside the instructional day.

T. All other duties as assigned by your immediate supervisor or principal.

Work year: September 1 through June 30.

Approved by the Board of Education on: November 14, 2017


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