
9th Mothers Day Stall

10th Winter Sport at Inverloch

13th District Athletics

24th Winter Sport at Korumburra

31st Winter Sport at Foster


Korumburra Wonthaggi Road Kongwak 3951

Phone: 56 574 224 PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE

3rd May 2019 The resourcing will support Mrs Bull

School Council

and Mr Tyson's learning at their

On Wednesday evening some school combined Professional Learning Team

councillors attended School Council


Training and School Council President

training at Inverloch P.S. Both Inverloch

and Kongwak Primary Schools were well

represented and I thank the George

Fairlie, Belinda Jeffries, Sharon Churchill

and Geoff Tyson for their time.

The training is `all in one' training to

minimise learning on the go and


ensuring all school councils understand If you would like to order a whole

the role of the School Council and them school photo from Foons please send

as School Councillors.

your money to school in an envelope

The main message is that School

with your child's name on it. The

Council's role is about governance

photos are $18.00 each.


- Guiding the broad directions and vision PREP VISIT

of the school

Next Friday the prep children from

- Approving policies

Inverloch will be spending the day

- Approving and monitoring budgets with us.

and improvement plans

- Contract management


- Reporting to the community and the The Grade 5 & 6 children will be


spending the day at Inverloch next

- Providing a parent voice / lens to the Friday 10th May, and will go to Winter

discussions and decision making of Sport from there. Can children please

the School Council

be dropped off at Inverloch PS and

School Councillors are not responsible collected again at normal school times

for the operational aspect of schools on this day. Mr Tyson will also be at

and will direct operational queries or Inverloch, but the Grade 3 & 4

concerns to the Principal. Our current children will be required to attend

school review and subsequent plans are Kongwak as normal and join in the

school council responsibilities and will activities with our junior children and

connect to the process along the way. the prep children from Inverloch.

This week we welcomed Rachelle Roberts to the school. Rachelle is a Primary Maths Specialist based at Inverloch PS and will be coaching Mr Tyson each week. Rachelle will also be auditing, sorting and ordering essential maths equipment to support teaching and learning in both grades.

HEADLICE We have recently had some cases of head lice at school. A reminder for parents to please ensure that you check your child/ren's hair regularly and treat if necessary. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated by everyone.

WOOLWORTHS EARN & LEARN Our school is once again involved in the Woolworths Earn & Learn program. Through this program we will be able to get new educational resources for our school. Simply collect your stickers from Woolworths. For every $10 spent you will receive 1 sticker. We have a box setup at the Wonthaggi Woolworths Store with our school name on it for everyone to drop their stickers into, or you can pop them in the box located in the office. Remember the more stickers we collect the more items we can purchase for our school. Don't forget to remind grandparents and friends to collect their stickers also! Attached to the newsletter you will find a Sticker Sheet.

LOST PROPERTY There continues to be many jumpers left in classrooms and in the playground. Unfortunately most do not have names and therefore cannot be returned to their owner. Younger students are not able to identify their jumper especially since there are many that look the same. Could you please name all of your child's jumpers and encourage them to be responsible for looking after their own things. Placing their jumper in their bag as soon as they take it off is a good idea. Starting next week all lost property will be hung up on the pegs outside the middle door. Please do not place clothes here that your child has grown out of, rather hand them onto someone directly. There will no longer be a box to store spare clothes or hand me downs. Hopefully this will reduce the amount of time spent trying to locate the owners of jumpers and ensure all students have warm and dry clothing as winter approaches. Beginning on 13th May to 17th May spare clothes that have accumulated will be on display in the multipurpose room. Please have a look and take what is yours or anything that may be suitable for your child/ren.

Mothers Day Stall

We will be having our Mothers Day Stall next Thursday 9th May. Gifts will range in price from $1.00--$5.00. Children just need to bring along their money on the day to buy a special gift for mum, nanna or someone special. If parents would like to send the money to school prior to the stall day, please place it in an envelope with your child's name on it. Our kids get a big thrill out of buying a special gift.



We're for girls ? Wonthaggi Girl Guides

The Wonthaggi Girl Guides have spaces available for new girls to join in Term 2! We meet on Monday nights at the Wonthaggi RSL hall : Rainbow Guides 4.30 to 6.00 p.m Yandiah Guides 6.00 to 7.30 p.m. Being a Girl Guide opens up a world of possibilities ? there are 11 million Girl Guides in 145 countries. Guiding helps girls to build their confidence, have new experiences, and make new friends. Curious? Email Girl Guides Victoria guides@.au or call (03) 8606 3500. Local contact ? Cheryl Bertrand email cbertrand@.au tele : 0408 391 035



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