Microsoft PowerPoint Document Checklist - TAFE NSW

Microsoft PowerPoint Document ChecklistCan you answer ‘yes’ to all these questions? If you can, then you’ve created a document that everyone can understand and use.FeatureDid you …?YesNoSlide layoutsUse a TAFE-branded slide layout for each slide?Slide TitlesUse unique, meaningful slide titles for each slide?Tip: You can hide slide titles if requiredImagesProvide brief and meaningful alt text for images, SmartArt, shapes, charts, and tables? How to describe an image.Avoid using terms like 'graphic of', 'image of‘, ‘picture of’?Group shapes, images or other objects?LinksDescribe the destination of the link – where the link will take you?Avoid using phrases like 'Click here', 'Here', 'More', 'More information', 'Read more', or 'Continue' as hyperlinks?Include the URL (address) for the audience?Reading OrderDid you check and fix the reading order? Be careful with animation order. Tip: Use the keyboard and ‘tab’ key to test this.ColourAvoid using colour alone to convey meaning? Tip: Print your handouts in black and white. Does it still make sense?ContrastCheck colour contrast? Look at the Vision Australia Colour Contrast AnalyserCheckRun the MS PowerPoint Accessibility Checker to find errors? Follow the instructions to fix errors before you distribute the document or convert it to PDF?PDFSave your document as a .pptx and then use the Acrobat tab to create a PDF or save your PowerPoint document to PDF? Note: Don’t print to PDF!Create Usable MS Office DocsMake Usable PowerPoint Presentations Using Accessibility Checker ................

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