Inspector Name:

Date of First Use:


Date of Manufacture:

System Number:

Model Serial Number:


Inspection Result ()



1) Inspect the load indicator warning (located on webbing below dorsal D-Ring pad) to see if any part of it is showing.

2) Inspect hardware for cracks, sharp edges, deformation, corrosion, rust, or other signs of wear or damage. 3) Ensure all labels and markings are legible and attached to the product.

4) Ensure product inspections are current and up to date. 5) Ensure all springs are in working condition.

6) Ensure sewn terminations are secure, complete, and not visibly damaged.

7) Inspect stitching for pulled, missing, or cut stitches or other signs of wear or damage.

8) Inspect buckles and D-Rings for damage, distortion, cracks, breaks, rough or sharp edges, or other signs of wear or damage.

9) Inspect buckle attachments for unusual wear, frayed or cut fibers, broken stitching, or other signs of wear or damage.

10) Ensure buckles properly engage.

11) Ensure the outer and center bars on friction and slotted mating buckles are straight.

12) Inspect webbing by bending a portion of the webbing six to eight inches (15 to 20 centimeters) into an inverted "U" shape. Continue along all webbing inspecting for tears, cuts, fraying, abrasions, discolorization, burns, holes, mold, additional punched holes, missing straps, excessive hardness or brittleness, or other signs of wear or damage.

13) Inspect all webbing hidden by components by adjusting all keepers, buckles, padding, and D-Ring.

Tongue Buckles/Grommet Tongues Inspection

1) Tongue buckles/grommet tongues, if supplied, should be free of distortion in shape and motion.

2) Tongue buckles should overlap the buckle frame and move freely in their socket.

3) The roller should turn freely on frame.

4) Inspect tongue buckles for loose, distorted, or broken grommets (holes).

Quick-Connect Buckle Inspection

1) Ensure that quick-connect buckles, if supplied, engage properly by tugging on both halves of the buckle to make sure it will not disengage.

2) Ensure the quick-connect buckles' release mechanisms are free of debris.

?2018. All Rights Reserved. All specifications and product designs subject to change without prior notice.

NOTE: This checklist must be used in conjunction with the User Manual. Please refer to the manual before using this checklist. You can download and print

additional user manuals and blank inspection checklists from the literature tab at .

Form Number: RLL-EFBHICV2

Locations: Morgantown, PA, and Las Vegas, NV | 800-869-2080 |


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