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Participle clauses1.1. Bildung des Partizips:Im Englischen gibt es zwei Arten des Partizips: das “present participle“, welches durch die Nachsilbe “-ing“ gebildet wird (z.B. “writing“) und das “past participle“ (= die dritte Stammform), also in diesem Fall “written“ (von “write – wrote – written“).Insgesamt unterscheiden wir fünf Formen des Partizips:1. present active: Das ist die –ing-Form des Verbs, also das present participle, z.B. “cleaning”I have written to Lestrade asking him to supply me with the details. (Conan Doyle) Knowing that my life would soon depend on it, I tried to learn from experienced pilots. I had difficulty making myself understood when travelling to Spain. He had an accident while skydiving. Finding it more and more difficult to see, we tried to light a fire. Einstein wrote to President F.D. Roosevelt urging that the US develop its own atomic bomb. Returning home late one night, I heard the persistent buzzing of a wasp in the kitchen window. The average person witnesses three murder at night while watching television. He had learned early that he was stronger when standing alone. Having no financial worries, she stayed for a while in Barcelona. Walking up the stairs, I knew what I hoped for. Her parents grew up speaking the Indonesian language. If the automobile had followed the same development cycle as the computer, a Rolls-Royce would today cost $100, get a million miles per gallon, and explode once a year, killing everyone inside. It was very cold at night, making it necessary to use three blankets. Wrapping myself in my blanket I lay down. Flying through cloud and fog, they lost all orientation. We arrived by taxi, not knowing what to expect. She didn’t grow up expecting to work in finance. We spent a few days in Devon staying with an aunt and uncle in Sidmouth. 2. present passive: Es wird gebildet aus “being” + past participle, z. B. “being cleaned”He was informed that he would be posted to the new squadron then being formed at Debden. He became upset when being told that he would not be flying with us. The two of them had met in London at a lecture being given at the Wigmore Hall. He was more relaxed now after being told the truth. A 40-year-old Hispanic man was admitted to the hospital after being found unconscious. Gunman kills 2, wounds 13 in Toronto before being found dead. I know the feeling, not being accepted by one side and not wanting to be associated with the other. The author describes a technique being tried in the health service which enables expertise to be both tapped and used. He was furious after being ordered to undergo psychiatric tests. A 3-year-old girl called 911 after being left alone in a trailer with a 1-year-old boy, three dogs and an unsecured shotgun. A woman was awarded over $30,000 after being paid less for the same job as a man. This picture shows HMS Victory as she was before being painted in the familiar black and yellow that we know now. He felt a little uneasy, as if being watched. 3. perfect active: Es wird gebildet aus “having” + past participle, z.B. having cleanedHaving received no answer, she ventured farther in the garden. Having fled from her husband and her house, she no longer had a real life of her own. He leaned on a gray Ford with the hood up, not having bothered to move it off the road. As many as a million Iranians call the U.S. home, having moved either to escape the regime or to earn a better living. Having lost sight of the others, I thought it prudent to turn back. In 1958, not having seen him for seventeen years, I telephoned him at his suburban home. Born into a wealthy family, he was brought up by his grandfather and an aunt, his parents having died young. Having finished his second cup of tea and cream and his bread and butter, he rose and went into his study. Eine spezielle Variante davon ist “having been -ing”. Man k?nnte sie als “perfect active progressive” bezeichnen, denn ihre Verwendung entspricht dem present perfect progressive bzw. past perfect progressive:Having been living on the streets and knowing what it's like to be down and out, I now have a better outlook for things to come. (= As I have been living on the streets … I now have a better outlook for things to come.) Having been travelling for twelve hours, I was tired and hungry. (= As I had been travelling for twelve hours, I was tired and hungry.) Having been trying to conceive for some time, me and my husband have sex almost every day. Having been writing for US review since 2011, I have been able to read and critique books from a variety of genres. The organisation is quite young, having been operating for only a few years. I'm somewhere in the middle, having been cooking for many decades, but learned quite a lot just in the first class. I guess I'm very lucky, having been earning a living for over 40 years doing one of the things I love: philosophy. Having been exploring some of the incredible ancient sites around the Mediterranean, where massive lumps of stone are fitted together like jigsaw pieces, I’m wondering how they were constructed. ?I bought this when I returned from Turin (having been skiing the weekend there from Geneva) in 1982. {Having been BB'ing [= bodybuilding] for a while, I find I can no longer sleep on my side because my arm goes numb and I wake up. Maybe it's because my bicep and pectoral are now larger so they press against each other...?} Having been living only yards away from R?cken's church in the house reserved for the pastor and his family, the Nietzsche family left their home soon after Karl Ludwig's death. We are all actually mixed blood having been living in Indonesia since the Colonial Era. Rene Meulensteen spent Sunday afternoon buying sofas for the house he will shortly move into, having been living in a hotel since he was appointed Fulham first-team coach less than three weeks ago.Anmerkung: Den Begriff “perfect active progressive” gibt es in der Fachliteratur nicht, er stammt vom Verfasser dieses Artikels. Diese Form “having been -ing” kommt selten vor und wird hier deshalb ausführlicher vorgestellt, weil sie in den meisten Grammatikbüchern gar nicht erw?hnt wird. 4. perfect passive: Es wird gebildet aus “having been” + past participle, z.B. “having been cleaned”Having been made familiar with many exciting specialities and recipes, I sampled the Raspberry Iced Tea and Pineapple Shake. Lee Kun-hee, the chairman of Samsung, received a similar pardon in 2009, having been found guilty of tax evasion. The house comes to market in turnkey condition, having been finished to a very high standard and extremely well looked after by its current owners. Having been occupied by Czarist Russia for nearly two centuries, Estonia was initially poor compared to other Western nations. Apparently, having been tried and convicted, he still thinks that he can get the indictment overturned. Having been left by her husband, the woman now lived alone. So in November he was gone, having been paid €800,000 in a severance deal. The current chamber dates from after the Second World War, the previous chamber having been destroyed by German bombers in 1941. The walls harmonize well with the ceiling, having been painted a bright yellow tint. Having been forgotten by musical history for several decades, their contribution to Russian music is now being reassessed. Having been left out when the single European currency began at the beginning of 1999, Greece becomes the 12th member two years later.5. past: Das ist das “past participle”, z.B. “cleaned”In those sayings was wisdom collected through the years. It was a dream come true. Seen through the open door, Dad’s car looked beautiful. Pushed by his wife, he finally joined the support group. Abandoned by her husband, she had to raise six children on her own. Guided by a full moon we stumbled into the village. Asked who could afford to buy the new mansions, he said … I’m young and hard-working if given a chance. When asked by my wife if I could do the job, I answered … When told there was no seat on the plane, she made a reservation for the next day. If convicted, they could face up to 10 years in prison. Physically wrung out and mentally exhausted, I went home to try to sleep. Born in Hawaii and partly raised in Inonesia, Barack Obama came to office vowing to serve as a Pacific President for a Pacific century. Spurred by public outcry over air pollution, China is now the world leader in solar and wind power installation. Invented in Holland, gin was imported to Britain around the same time as William of Orange. This done, I wandered over to the main shopping street. Afterwards, my spirits lifted, I had a long happy walk through the surrounding park. 1.2. Verwendung der Formen1.2.1. Grunds?tzlich drückt das perfect participle eine Vorzeitigkeit gegenüber dem Hauptsatz aus:Walking down the stairs he lit a cigarette: Diese Zigarette wird noch auf der Stiege angezündet. Dagegen: Having walked down the stairs, he lit a cigarette: Dies Zigarette wird erst am Fu? der Stiege (oder noch weiter weg) angezündet. In der Praxis findet sich das present participle aber auch bisweilen in Situationen, wo man die Form des perfect participle erwarten würde, weil die englische Sprache (aus ?konomischen Gründen) manchmal die kürzere Form vorzieht, z.B.: Growing up with politics, he knows all about its hazards. Borrowing a gun from the farmer, Grandfather had gone out to shoot rabbits. Leaving the car, you walk through arched walkways leading to a lush garden that ends at a wooden door. The weather changing completely, there was a blue sky and the widest of wide horizons. {The motorcycle came to a stop near a small tent. Dismounting, I followed the dispatch rider, who pulled back the tent flap and ushered me inside.}1.2.2. Zum Gebrauch des past participle: Released from the army, he began working for an oil company: Als Faustregel kann man davon ausgehen, dass in jenen F?llen, wo das Deutsche das Partizip Perfekt alleine zul?sst, dieses auch im Englischen anwendbar ist, also in diesem Fall ?Aus der Armee entlassen, fing er bei einer ?lfirma an.“ He sat in his cab, lost in profound thought. (Conan Doyle): ?Er sa? in seiner Droschke, tief in Gedanken versunken.“ Arrived at his destination, Yeovil stood on the steps of his house. (Saki): “An seinem Ziel angekommen, stand Yeovil auf den Stufen seines Hauses.“ Umgekehrt gilt das aber nicht: When granted the opportunity, many leave. Hier funktioniert das Partizip Perfekt im Deutschen nicht. 1.2.3. Zum Unterschied von past participle und passive participle:Ein alleinstehendes past participle drückt eine bereits abgeschlossene Handlung, einen Zustand / eine Situation / eine Eigenschaft / ein Merkmal / eine Bedingung aus. Das passive participle stellt dagegen die Handlung / ein Ereignis / einen Vorgang in den Vordergrund.In vielen Situationen ist beides m?glich, mit unterschiedlichem Fokus: Released from the army, he began working for an oil company: Hier liegt der Fokus auf der Situation, in der sich der Mann befand: er hatte keine Stellung, keinen Beruf. Dagegen: Having been released from the army, he began working for an oil company: Hier wird die Entlassung aus der Armee als ein Ereignis im Leben des Mannes geschildert. Once captured, he was thrown into a POW camp: Als Gefangener (= Eigenschaft, Status) kam er in ein Lager. Dagegen: Having been captured, he was thrown into a POW camp: Nachdem er gefangen genommen wurde (= Handlung bzw. etwas, das ihm widerf?hrt), kam er in ein Lager. All this said, a warning is appropriate: Gemeint ist: “Beim gegenw?rtigen Informationsstand”. Ebenso m?glich: All this having been said, a warning is appropriate: Gemeint ist: “Man hat uns informiert” (= Handlung) When faced with two hypotheses that explain the date equally well, choose the simpler: Gemeint ist eine bestimmte Situation. Ebenso m?glich: When being faced with two hypotheses … (Hier muss man eine Entscheidung treffen = Handlungsbedarf.) New mothers quickly learn that babies go quiet when carried and rocked: Bedingung. Ebenso m?glich ist: New mothers quickly learn that babies go quiet when being carried or rocked: Handlung. Who doubts that, given the choice, most of the people in North Korea would prefer to live in South Korea? (Obama): Hier hat “given the choice“ den Sinn von ?sollten es die Umst?nde zulassen“ und meint damit eine Bedingung; ebenso m?glich w?re aber auch (ein tats?chlich stattfindendes Votum voraussetzend = Ereignis): Who doubts that, being given the choice, most of the people in North Korea would prefer to live in South Korea? Pushed to desperation and believing himself to have been betrayed, he revenged himself upon Hudson. (Conan Doyle): Gemeint ist, dass der Mann in einer verzweifelten Verfassung war – nicht, dass ihn bestimmte Umst?nde in die Verzweiflung getrieben hatten. Da letzteres aber auch Sinn ergibt, w?re ebenfalls m?glich: Having been pushed to desperation … The losses have overshadowed the steps being taken to restore the land: Daraus geht hervor, dass momentan Anstrengungen unternommen werden “to restore the land“ – es geht nicht um bereits abgeschlossene Projekte; w?ren solche gemeint, dann: The losses have overshadowed the steps taken to restore the land. When searched he was found to be carrying a gun: Das stellt auf die Situation ab; m?glich ist aber auch: When being searched, he was found to be carrying a gun: Hier steht der Vorgang der Leibesvisitation im Vordergrund. Arrived at his destination, Yeovil stood on the steps of his house. (Saki): Gemeint: Er befand sich am Ziel seiner Reise (= Zustand). M?glich w?re aber auch: Having arrived at his destination, Yeovil stood on the steps of his house. Hier steht der Vorgang der Reise im Mittelpunkt. Refreshed, he was up before dawn: ?Refreshed“ hat hier den Wert eines Adjektivs, es geht nicht um eine Handlung. Having been refreshed würde nach einer weiteren Erg?nzung mit ?by …“ verlangen und den Fokus auf einen Vorgang verlegen. Reassured, she went on her way: Gemeint: ?in zuversichtlicher Stimmung, beruhigt“ (= Adjektiv). M?glich w?re aber auch: Having been reassured [by …] she went on her way. Das beschreibt eine Handlung.Es gibt aber auch viele Beispiele, wo nur eine Form m?glich ist: Below me, washed by the wind, lay the city of Rhodes: “Washed by the wind“ drückt das Ergebnis eines jahrzehntelangen Vorganges aus, etwa ?abgewittert“. “Being washed by the wind …“ würde einen momentanen Vorgang der Verwitterung beschreiben, was unsinnig ist. “Having been washed by the wind …“ würde auf den Prozess des Zustandekommens der Verwitterung abstellen – in diesem Kontext unpassend. Strapped into canvas seats, most of my fellow passengers had fallen asleep: Hier geht es um die Beschreibung der Passagiere, um den Zustand, in dem sie sich befanden, und nicht um den Vorgang des Anschnallens als Begründung dafür, dass sie schliefen, daher w?re ein passive participle ungew?hnlich: Being / Having been strapped into canvas seats, most of my fellow passengers had fallen asleep: Einen solchen Satz würden die meisten Leser kausal interpretieren: “As they were / had been strapped into canvas seats …) Born in South Africa, he was the son of a prominent Government Minister: “Born” ist hier als Eigenschaft bzw. Merkmal zu verstehen; “Having been born in South Africa …“ würde ein eiliger Leser erst einmal kausal interpretieren, was keinen Sinn ergibt: ?Weil er in Südafrika geboren wurde, war er der Sohn eines Ministers.“ Given the chance, they would not hesitate to run away: Hier geht es um eine Situation, nicht um eine Handlung: ?bei passender Gelegenheit“. Unm?glich w?re daher: Having been given the chance, they would not hesitate to run away. M?glich w?re allerdings: Having been given the chance, they did not hesitate to run away: Gemeint: Nachdem / Da sich eine Chance er?ffnet hatte (= Handlung, Ereignis) … Drawn to anything that required assembling, he had naturally played with Legos during his childhood: Hier wird eine natürliche Veranlagung beschrieben, also eine Eigenschaft. Falsch w?re daher: Having been drawn to anything that required assembling… (Das würde auf ein bestimmtes Ereignis hindeuten.) Eventuell m?glich: Being drawn to anything that required assembling… (Gemeint in diesem Fall: Diese Dinge übten eine Faszination aus = Handlung, Vorgang.) Seen through the lens of conflict of interests, some aspects of the crisis become clearer: Hier geht es um eine bestimmte Bedingung (= Zustand, Situation). Ungew?hnlich w?re: Being seen through the lens of conflict of interests … Caffeine is linked to a number of health problems if drunk in excess: Auch hier geht es um eine Bedingung bzw. Voraussetzung. Ungew?hnlich w?re: Caffeine is linked to a number of health problems if being drunk in excess. Sometimes the humble grown proud are humbled again: “Grown proud“ hat hier den Wert eines Adjektivs, das einen Zustand beschreibt, etwa: ?überheblich geworden”. Ungew?hnlich w?re: Sometimes the humble having grown proud are humbled again. Anders sieht es allerdings aus, wenn man Beistriche einfügt: Sometimes the humble, having grown proud, are humbled again: Dieser Satz erfordert allerdings einen Kontext, in dem tats?chlich ein Ereignis eingetreten ist, welches die Menschen stolz machte. When put into action properly, the strategy is particularly effective: Ungew?hnlich: When being put into action properly … (Denn hier steht die Bedingung im Vordergrund, nicht der Vorgang der Umsetzung.) Better a plain dinner well cooked than an ambitious one badly done: Hier geht es um eine Eigenschaft (gemeint ist “a plain, tasty dinner”) und nicht um den Vorgang der Zubereitung; unidiomatisch w?re daher: Better a plain dinner having been well cooked … Then, loaded with spoil, the army returned home: ?Mit reicher Beute beladen“ hat den Wert eines Adjektivs, also einer Eigenschaft; es geht nicht um die Handlung des Beladens, daher ungew?hnlich: Then, being / having been loaded with spoil, the army returned home. 2. Syntaktische Verwendung:Von den verschiedenen Verwendungen des Partizips sollen hier nur zwei besprochen werden, n?mlich a) das Partizip als Ersatz für einen Hauptsatz (aus zwei nebengeordneten Haupts?tzen wird die Konstruktion Hauptsatz + Partizip gemacht) und b) das Partizip als Ersatz für einen Nebensatz (aus der untergeordneten Konstruktion Hauptsatz + Nebensatz wird Hauptsatz + Partizip).2.1. Hauptsatz + HauptsatzZwei Haupts?tze k?nnen verbunden werden mit den nebenordnenden Konjunktionen “and, or, but“.2.1.1. H?ufig macht es keinen Unterschied, ob das Gerund vorne oder hinten steht:Leaving her glass slippers behind, Cinderella runs from the ball at the stroke of midnight. / Cinderella runs from the ball at the stroke of midnight, leaving her glass slippers behind. Ebenso: Wearing his new suit he came down to breakfast. / He came down to breakfast wearing his new suit. Looking very worried, he returned to the living room fifteen minutes later. / Fifteen minutes later he returned to the living room looking very worried. Vinattieri Ticinesi is now Switzerland’s largest wine maker, producing about 500,000 bottles a year. / Producing about 500,000 bottles a year, V. T. is now Switzerland’s largest wine maker. Turning his back upon us he laid down his burden. (Conan Doyle) / He laid down his burden, turning his back upon us. He came to Berlin in August 2014, leaving behind his wife and children. / Leaving behind his wife and children, he came to Berlin in August 2014. Standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial, M. L. King gave his most famous speech. / M. L. King gave his most famous speech standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial. The river stretches from northwest to southeast, meandering along the valley floor. / Meandering along the valley floor, the river stretches from northwest to southeast. Weighing 709 carats, it was the third largest diamond ever unearthed in Sierra Leone. / It was the third largest diamond ever unearthed in Sierra Leone, weighing 709 carats. We all sat around the table, talking about our families. / Talking about our families, we all sat around the table. Lighting another cigarette, he made his way back to the car. / He made his way back to the car, lighting another cigarette. I raised a hand, recognizing him at one. / Recognizing him at once, I raised a hand. Lying far off India’s coast in the Andaman Island chain, North Sentinel is about the size of Manhattan. / North Sentinel is about the size of Manhattan, lying far off India’s coast in the Andaman Island chain. He grew up in Appalachia, raised by conservative parents. / Raised by conservative parents, he grew up in Appalachia. In anderen F?llen funktioniert das nicht: Then his father died, leaving his mother very little money. (Leaving his mother very little money, his father died: Das ist idiomatisch nicht m?glich, weil es vom Leser modal aufgefasst würde: “Indem er seiner Frau sehr wenig Geld hinterlie?, starb sein Vater.“) They spend the evening dancing in a club off Regent Street, leaving at 3 a.m. (Unm?glich ist: Leaving at 3 a.m., they spent the evening dancing in a club off Regent Street: Der Leser würde hier “Leaving“ entweder modal auffassen – ?Indem sie um 3 Uhr weggingen“ –, was keinen Sinn ergibt, oder temporal vorzeitig – zuerst “leaving“, dann “spent the evening“ –, was ebenfalls unsinnig ist.) Stepping out into the dark, I nearly fell over a dead man who was lying there. (Conan Doyle) (Vertauscht man die beiden Teile, dann entsteht: I nearly fell over a dead man who was lying there stepping out into the dark: Das ist unm?glich, weil es sich um einen transformierten Relativsatz handeln würde: Ein Toter tr?te dann in die Dunkelheit hinaus.) Born in rural Trinidad, he was determined to escape. (Vertauscht, erg?be das: [Being] determined to escape, he was born in rural Trinidad: Das würde bedeuten, dass er schon bei seiner Geburt Zukunftspl?ne w?lzte.) He fired on everyone he saw, killing twelve of them. (Eine Vertauschung würde sowohl die Folge von Ursache und Wirkung als auch den zeitlichen Ablauf umdrehen und w?re daher ungew?hnlich: Killing twelve of them, he fired on everyone he saw. Man erkennt das am besten, wenn man die Partizipialkonstruktion auf zwei Haupts?tze zurückführt: He fired on everyone he saw and killed twelve of them. Unm?glich dagegen: He killed twelve of them and fired on everyone he saw.) The shirt was on the washing line, drying in the sun. (Auch hier gibt es nur eine M?glichkeit der Reihenfolge der Haupts?tze: The shirt was on the washing line and was drying in the sun. Umgekehrt funktioniert das nicht: Drying in the sun, the shirt was on the washing line: The shirt was drying in the sun and was on the washing line.) I was in my flat, having supper on my own. (Auch hier ist die Probe mit den Haupts?tzen eindeutig: I was in my flat and had supper on my own. Nicht dagegen: Having supper on my own, I was in my flat: I had supper on my own and was in my flat.) Driving through the East End they stopped at a pub. (In Haupts?tze transformiert, hei?t das: They drove through the East End and stopped at a pub. Umgekehrt funktioniert das nicht: They stopped at a pub driving through the East End: They stopped at a pub and drove through the East End. Der letztere Satz – They stopped at a pub driving through the East End – würde überhaupt als Relativsatz verstanden werden – ein Pub, welches durch das East End f?hrt – und ist daher ganz unsinnig. Auch der Versuch, ihn durch einen Beistrich zu ?retten“ [They stopped at a pub, driving through the East End] klingt noch nicht idiomatisch.) I married very young, knowing scarcely anything of life. Umgedreht ?ndert sich der Sinn, weil der Leser das Partizip kausal interpretieren würde: Knowing scarcely anything of life, I married very young: ?Weil ich so ahnungslos war, heiratete ich sehr jung.“ 2.1.2. H?ufig macht es auch keinen Unterschied, welcher der beiden Haupts?tze in eine Partizipialkonstruktion verwandelt wird: Leaving her glass slippers behind, Cinderella runs from the ball at the stroke of midnight. / Running from the ball at the stroke of midnight, Cinderella leaves her glass slippers behind. Ebenso: Wearing his new suit, he came down to breakfast. / Coming down to breakfast he wore his new suit. Fifteen minutes later he returned to the living room looking very worried. / Returning to the living room fifteen minutes later he looked very worried. He was sitting behind his desk smoking a pipe. / Smoking a pipe, he was sitting behind his desk. The youth sports economy in America has boomed, doubling over the last decade to $15 billion a year. / Doubling over the last decade to $15 billion a year, the youth sports economy in America has boomed. “You gave me good advice, Mr Holmes,” said she, smiling ruefully. (Conan Doyle) / Smiling ruefully, she said … Turning his back upon us, he laid down his burden. (Conan Doyle) / Laying down his burden, he turned his back upon us. Weighing 709 carats, it was the third largest diamond ever unearthed in Sierra Leone. / It weighed 709 carats, being the third largest diamond ever unearthed in Sierra Leone. We sat around the table, talking about our families. / Sitting around the table, we talked about our families. Lighting another cigarette, he made his way back to the car. / Making his way back to the car, he lit another cigarette. Vinattieri Ticinesi is now Switzerland’s largest wine maker, producing about 500,000 bottles a year. Being Switzerland’s largest wine maker, V. T. produces about 500,000 bottles a year. He grew up in Appalachia, raised by conservative parents. / Growing up in Appalachia, he was raised by conservative parents. In anderen F?llen ist nur eine Variante m?glich: Then his father died, leaving his mother very little money. Unm?glich ist: Dying, his father left his mother very little money. (Das würde hei?en ?im Sterben liegend“ und ergibt keinen Sinn.) Man kann zur Probe auch die beiden Haupts?tze vertauschen: Then his father died and left his mother very little money. (Das entspricht der Folge vorher nachher.) Unm?glich dagegen: Then his father left his mother very little money and died. Tearing himself free, he dashed from the room. (Conan Doyle). Unm?glich w?re hier: Dashing from the room, he tore himself free. Das geht sich n?mlich zeitlich nicht aus: Er muss sich zuerst losrei?en, bevor er davonl?uft – w?hrend des Davonlaufens kann er sich nicht losrei?en. Hauptsatz-Probe: He tore himself free and dashed from the room. Unm?glich dagegen: He dashed from the room and tore himself free. I raised a hand, recognizing him at once. Auch das funktioniert nicht umgekehrt: Raising a hand, I recognized him at once. Hauptsatz-Probe: I recognized him at once and raised a hand. (Dieser Satz entspricht der Folge Ursache Wirkung.) Unm?glich dagegen: I raised a hand and recognized him at once. Grown mainly in North Africa, India and the Middle East, cannabis has been an illegal drug in Britain for the last 70 years. Die zweite Variante würde vom Leser als kausal empfunden werden und gibt daher keinen Sinn: Having been an illegal drug in Britain for the last 70 years, cannabis is grown mainly in North Africa, India and the Middle East. Known for its gorgeous music, La Traviata is a moving story of the love between a young aristocrat and a woman of the demi-monde. Umgekehrt funktioniert das nicht, weil der Leser das Partizip als kausal empfinden würde, was keinen Sinn ergibt: Being a moving story of the love between a young aristocrat and a woman of the demi-monde, La Traviata is known for its gorgeous music. (Als Apposition [ 2.1.5.] funktioniert es jedoch:A moving story of the love between a young aristocrat and a woman of the demi-monde, La Traviata is known for its gorgeous music.)2.1.3. Oft ist es nicht eindeutig, ob einer Partizipialkonstruktion Hauptsatz + Hauptsatz oder Hauptsatz + Nebensatz zugrunde liegt: Sitting beside her bed, he told her about the new arrangements. Hier gibt es zwei M?glichkeiten: a) He sat beside her bed and told her about the new arrangements. (= HS + HS) b) While he was sitting beside her bed he told her about the new arrangements. (= NS + HS) Asked who told him these things, he said …: a) He was asked who told him these things and said … (= HS + HS) b) When he was asked who told him these things he said … (= NS + HS) Remembering that I had left my overcoat in the drawing room, I went there to fetch it: a) I remembered that I had left my overcoat in the drawing room and went there to fetch it. (= HS + HS) b) When I remembered that I had left my overcoat in the drawing room I went there to fetch it. (= NS + HS) He strode out of the customs hall, the two boys walking on either side of him: a) He strode out of the customs hall and the two boys walked on either side of him. (= HS + HS) b) He strode out of the customs hall while the two boys were walking on either side of him. (= HS + NS) His office was on the first floor, overlooking the main entrance: a) His office was on the first floor and overlooked the main entrance. (= HS + HS) b) His office, which overlooked the main entrance, was on the first floor. (HS + NS) Raised in Japan, he came to California in 1915: a) He was raised in Japan and came to California in 1915. (= HS + HS) b) After he was raised in Japan he came to California in 1915. (= NS + HS) Sitting in her home in Winsley Terrace, Clarissa was trying not to think about what had happened: a) Clarissa was sitting in her home in Winsley Terrace and was trying not to think … (= HS + HS) b) While / When Clarissa was sitting in her home in Winsley Terrace, she was trying not to think … (= NS + HS) Having heard everything, he ordered the man to be taken out again: a) He had heard everything and ordered the man to be taken out again. (= HS + HS) b) After he had heard everything he ordered the man to be taken out again. (= NS temporal + HS) c) As he had heard everything he ordered the man to be taken out again. (= NS kausal + HS) Sitting beside him and watching him closely, I could see that there was no trick of any kind. (Conan Doyle)a) I sat beside him and could see that there was no trick. (= HS + HS) b) When I sat behind him, I could see that there was no trick. (= NS temporal + HS) c) Because I was sitting beside him, I could see that there was no trick. (= NS kausal + HS) The weather having cleared, he went out for a stroll: a) The weather cleared and he went out for a stroll (= HS + HS). b) After the weather (had) cleared he went out for a stroll (= NS temporal + HS). c) As the weather had cleared he went out for a stroll (= NS kausal + HS). Deprived of their natural habitats, orang-utans are now an endangered species: a) Orang-utans have been deprived or their natural habitats and are now an endangered species. (= HS + HS) b) After they have been deprived of their natural habitats, orang-utans are now an endangered species. (= NS temporal + HS) c) Because they have been deprived of their natural habitats, orang-utans are now an endangered species. (= NS kausal + HS) Thus pressed by all, Holmes showed signs of irresolution (Conan Doyle): a) Holmes was pressed by all and showed signs of irresolution. (= HS + HS) b) Holmes, who was pressed by all, showed signs of irresolution. (= HS + NS relativ) c) Holmes showed signs of irresolution because he was pressed by all. (= HS + NS kausal) Looking through my binoculars, I could make out the helmets of the enemy infantry: a) I looked through my binoculars and could make out the helmets of the enemy infantry. (= HS + HS) b) When / as soon as I looked through my binoculars, I could see the helmets of the enemy infantry. (= NS temporal + HS) c) I looked through my binoculars, that’s how I could make out the helmets of the enemy infantry. (= NS modal + HS)2.1.4. Beispiele, die jedenfalls als HS + HS interpretiert werden k?nnen: Looking over his shoulder I was equally astonished. (Conan Doyle) Sir James left for London about three o’clock taking his key with him. (Conan Doyle) I stood there, wondering what I should do next. (Conan Doyle) At every turn Baskerville gave an exclamation of delight, looking eagerly about him and asking countless questions. (Conan Doyle) “That is our signal,” said Holmes, springing to his feet. (Conan Doyle) My father set off down the road and I stood on the platform of the caravan, watching him go. (R. Dahl) At 12:18 the bomb went off, killing two people and wounding more than sixty. The discipline was harsh, bordering on the sadistic. We jumped to our feet cheering. Glancing around, I knew exactly where I was. Wiping my face I sat back in the seat. Built in 1953, the dam is 320 feet high. His mother returned to England with her children, leaving her husband to continue working in India. He sat there taking notes at a furious rate. The inspector remained, staring at me in silence. I raised myself up, feeling very weak and ill. Making a great effort she steadied her voice. I let myself in, being careful not to let anyone see me. Grinning, he waved as camera bulbs flashed. His relatives scratched their heads, wondering where he had gone. We climbed at a steady pace, saying little along the way. He came out of the caravan wearing his old navy blue sweater. At the age of eighty-five she was still full of life, never failing to wake up in the morning with determination to make the new day an adventure. Thinking back to our conversation in Baltimore, I asked her if she had accepted her boss’s offer. He loved a good night in a casino, sometimes staying well past midnight with friends. Gasping, I wrenched the wheel the other way. Johnny paused, holding up a piece of cake. He walked past the receptionist and the doorman, nodding politely at each of them. She sat down, looking around her nervously. Then Mark walked out, leaving me to pay for the coffee. He preferred to remain in the shadows, seldom taking credit for what he had achieved. In some cases, cancer patients make the drugs themselves, finding the ingredients and the instructions online. Coming from a wealthy family, he had forsaken a life of luxury. It was said, too, that, being stricken by his conscience, he dreamed frightful dreams, and started up in the night-time, wild with terror and remorse. Being led away by the police he was ashamed to look at me. Being accused of a significant violation of insider trading laws he knew that had to find a good lawyer. Having overlooked such an obvious mistake he felt silly. Having forgotten a water bottle for the flight, I got one at the newsstand by the gate. Having left Dublin in the fall of 1904, Joyce landed in Trieste by accident. Having destroyed vast areas of forest in countries such as Indonesia, palm oil companies are now planning to expand in the rainforests of the Congo Basin in Africa. Having emptied my suitcase of pounds of dirty laundry, I went to the basement and did a load.Having been emptied of its yachts for several hours, Saint Tropez’ legendary harbour put on an exceptional show for the locals and summer visitors. Having been confirmed as the world's leading academic city – four of the capital's universities have made it into the top 30 for the first time – London reigns supreme. Having been dazzled by the bright lights, I decided to stay teaching in London for some years to follow! Hill is at the forefront of the new regime having been entrusted with the captain's armband for the current season. Seated in the dark, we could very plainly see the door opposite. (Conan Doyle) Expected to take over the business, he instead dreamed of faraway places. Taken by surprise, they offered no resistance. Sent to France, he was arrested as a spy almost as soon as he stepped ashore. He started before dawn, armed only with a sketch pad and a Thermos of tea. Born in 1935, he arrived in America three years later. He stood in the playground, ignored by the other children. Alarmed, he went back to the mess. Refreshed by a long vacation on the Baltic Sea, he set to work with great enthusiasm. Built two years ago, it is a state-of-the-art facility. Started with an investment of $1,000 four years ago, this financial empire now runs to 218 outlets across Kenya. Locked in the sheds of burning farms, the cattle bellowed helplessly. 2.1.5. Appositionen am Satzbeginn k?nnte man als verkürzte Partizipien interpretieren (die wiederum einen Hauptsatz vertreten): A trained nurse, Mary cared for Father after Mother died: Being a trained nurse, Mary cared for Father after Mother died. / Mary was a trained nurse and cared for Father after Mother died). Weitere Beispiele:[Being] Switzerland’s largest wine maker, Vinattieri Ticinesi produces about 500,000 bottles a year. [Being the] Son of a successful Tsarist advocate, Ossip Bernstein had to flee from the Bosheviks. [Being the] Daughter of a British mother and an American father, she also holds the record for … [Being the] Son of President George Bush Sr. and grandson of a U.S. senator, George Bush Jr. comes from the heart of American political oligarchy. [Being] An orphan, he was raised by an uncle in Bordeaux. [Being] A refugee from the Russian revolution, he had worked his way up. [Being] A party member, he believed in the Bolshevik revolution. [Being] An experienced diplomat, he named no names. [Being] The daughter of a farmer, my mother had grown up on the South Dakota plains. [Being] A former police officer, he has first-hand knowledge of organised crime. [Being] A shrewd businessman, he mixed as easily with scientists as with corporate leaders. (Being] An eloquent and determined victim of a high-profile televised shooting, Brady became a figurehead for the millions of Americans who want stricter gun control. [Being) A native of Northern California, he has been facing down wildfires for more than a decade. [Being] Never one to miss a chance, he struck up a conversation with the director. Once a common thief, he found salvation in the church. A dental surgeon, he left Cuba and came to Venezuela. A wonderful Olympic speaker, Tom is able to touch upon his experiences as an athlete.Das gilt auch für Appositionen, welche past participles enthalten, die zu Adjektiven geworden sind: [Being] Relieved to see her much better, he offered to take her home at once. [Being] Misunderstood by her parents, the child was torn between wanting to be noticed and wanting to be invisible. [Being] Frightened to continue, he asked to be led out. Weiters gibt es natürlich auch normale Adjektive als Appositionen: [Being] Aware of the scandal, he had little faith in the messages he was receiving. [Being] Unable to continue, he asked a friend to take over. [Being] Forgetful of the lessons of Crécy (1346), the French launched a series of assaults in which their knights, bogged down, became easy targets for the Black Prince's archers. [Being] Moderate in temperament, Eisenhower and [George H. W.] Bush were both more traditionally conservative than many of their contemporaries understood. [Being] Unable to find work as a doctor, he made a living cleaning floors in a hospital. [Being] broke and depressed, he looked for help. 2.2. Hauptsatz + Nebensatz2.2.1. Vorbemerkung: In der Folge wird der Ersatz von Nebens?tzen durch Partizipialkonstruktionen besprochen. Erg?nzend dazu wird auch auf ?Pr?position + Gerund“-Konstruktionen als Alternative verwiesen, wo diese m?glich sind. Der durchschnittliche Anwender wird auf den Unterschied zwischen participle und gerund keine Zeit verschwenden und wohl in Gedanken folgende S?tze als einheitliche Konstruktion abspeichern: a) Reading this, I became even more determined. b) While reading this, I became even more determined. c) After reading this, I became even more determined. d) On reading this, I became even more determined. Grammatikalisch gesehen, sind a) und b) temporale Partizipien: sie k?nnen als transformierte Temporals?tze interpretiert werden (“When I read this“ / “While I read this“). Der letzte Satz d) ist eindeutig ein Gerund, weil “on“ eine Pr?position und keine Konjunktion ist (im Unterschied zu “while“ im zweiten Satz), und nach Pr?positionen steht definitionsgem?? das Gerund. Der dritte Satz, mit “after“ eingeleitet, ist nicht eindeutig zuzuordnen, weil “after“ sowohl Pr?position (“after the holidays“) als auch Konjunktion (“after I had read the book“) sein kann. 2.2.2. Man unterscheidet verschiedene Arten von Nebens?tzen, und die Zuordnung einer Partizipialkonstruktion zu einem bestimmten Typ von Nebensatz ist nicht immer eindeutig: Abandoned by her husband, she had to raise six children on her own: Das Partizip “abandoned“ k?nnte auf einen Temporalsatz hindeuten (“After she was abandoned by her husband …“), aber auch auf einen Kausalsatz (“Because she was abandoned by her husband …“). Refused treatment at Selma’s hospital, he was driven two hours to Montgomery: Auch hier k?nnte man auf einen Temporalsatz oder einen Kausalsatz schlie?en. Having failed the first two exams, I was given a warning by the chief instructor: Wieder temporal oder kausal Told he would have to turn 18 before he could enlist in the U.S. armed forces, he explored the option of going to Canada to join the Royal Air Force: Temporal oder kausal Hit by a vehicle, he was bleeding on the road: Temporal oder kausal Having spent all but the first five years of his life in foster care, Juan had no place to go: Temporal oder kausal Making $13 a day as a construction worker, he barely afforded to take care of his wife and daughter: Temporal oder kausal The test, having been aborted, had to be done again on the following day: Temporal oder kausal. Strategically located in the path of runoff rain water, the pond collects water from the monsoon rains. Das Partizip “located“ l?sst sich sowohl auf einen Relativsatz zurückführen (“The pond, which is strategically located …“) als auch auf eine Kausalsatz (Because it is strategically located …) Pressed with questions, the company explained what had happened. Das Partizip “pressed“ k?nnte einem Relativsatz zuzuordnen sein (The company, which was pressed with questions, explained what had happened) oder einem Kausalsatz (The company explained what had happened because it was pressed with questions.) The whole kit, fully assembled, weighs over seventy pounds. Das Partizip ?assembled“ k?nnte einen Temporalsatz ersetzen (After it is fully assembled …) oder einen Konditionalsatz (If it is fully assembled …). Speaking French, Douglas was able to coax a frightened civilian out of his cellar. Das Partizip “speaking” kann als Modalsatz (Douglas spoke French, that’s how he was able to …) oder Kausalsatz (Because he spoke French …) oder Relativsatz (Douglas, who spoke French, was able …) interpretiert werden.2.2.3. Temporal (time): typisch in Temporals?tzen (= Zeits?tzen) sind die Konjunktionen when, whenever, while, as, after, before, since, until, till, as long as, as soon as, directly, now that, once; ebenso die Wendungen “by the time (that)”, “the moment (that)”, “the minute (that)”, “every time (that)”Temporals?tze k?nnen auch mit Adverben eingeleitet werden: scarcely, hardly … when, no sooner … than2.2.3.1. Temporale Partizipialkonstruktionen stehen ?fters ohne einleitende Konjunktion: Returning, we either were hit by a German torpedo or ran aground while maneuvering to avoid it. (Jimmy Carter) Driving into town, Maude slammed on her brakes at a stop sign. Moving inland, the traveller will find an almost endless stretch of mountains and hills. Walking past an electronics store one day, I noticed a sign in the window advertising a popular Sony CD player for $99. Seeing the handwritten letter, I get very emotional. Looking back, I regret not having tried to join. I didn’t feel safe walking through the hall. Arriving at the airport, I was asked about the purpose of my trip. Dressing, I wondered why all my suit jackets had a row of pointless buttons on every sleeve. Looking back on it, I don’t blame my mother for what she did. Others were killed trying to escape. They were caught trying to cross the border. I still feel a little strange wearing a Rolex. Growing up in the U.S. in the 1950s, I learned the principle that “United we stand, divided we fall.”. Sitting at the dinner table at night, my father asked me … There you wait, sitting on one of the benches. My father, walking down Market Street in Manchester one day, encountered in old acquaintance. Seeing her there, he wasn’t sure whether to be grateful or annoyed. Sitting at his desk, he could look out of a window that stretched the full height of the floor. Looking more closely, I recognized some familiar faces. Being addressed as “boss”, I didn’t know what to say. Being congratulated by his teammates, he thanked them for their help. Having sacrificed everything in his life to making money, Ebenezer Scrooge is given one last chance. A few others were found roaming the countryside, having escaped. They found him half-frozen by the side of the road, having given his coat to a homeless man. Our guests having arrived, the party was soon in full swing. Then his Lordship, having kissed His Majesty's hand, rose up. Having been ill, I’m glad to go out for some fresh air. She weighed 2lb 4oz and died in Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, having spent all of her short life in hospital. Although I'd seen icebergs before, having been to the Arctic many times, I'd never had the chance to view one from above. She was happy to see me again, having feared the worst. Having been operating in Indonesia for more than 150 years, we maintain our longstanding commitment to the country. Mr Mills was unable to work for several months and, having been earning more than ?1,000 a month, he was reduced to living on benefits. Suzie is no stranger to overcoming precarious obstacles, having been exploring the most remote mountain regions across the globe for years. Having been severely wounded, he returned to his post early in August. He served half of a five-year prison sentence, having been found guilty of rape in April 2012. It is right that, having been found out, they should be punished, not excused. This manuscript is very precisely dated, having been finished on 19 June 960. Morocco itself has a tumultuous history, having been occupied by colonies of Phoenician traders, followed by Roman, Byzantine and Vandal invasions and finally, the most important of all, the Arabs in 683. The 24-year-old has also found life difficult at international level in recent months, having been left out of Argentina's last two starting line-ups after being omitted from their World Cup squad. Having been paid nearly a quarter of a million dollars, he came up with another demand. Having been painted by his father, the painting was kept hung on a wall in George's study. Some time later this instrument was unfortunately lost, having been forgotten on a platform at Waterloo Station. Striker Anthony Stokes was again missing from the Celtic squad, having been left out in midweek for his late return from a trip back to his Irish homeland. Rogers is certainly a cricketer who deserves good fortune, having been overlooked by the national selectors despite an envious record of prolific consistency. In November 1942, having been injured by anti-aircraft fire over northern Holland, he flew the damaged aircraft back, on one engine. The reservoir was completed in 1975, having been filled with over 31,300 million litres of water. Having been entrusted with the task of organising entertainment at Court by Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette was able to indulge her passion for fashion. I came home having recently been promoted to the rank of captain. He was lying painfully on his stomach, having been operated on that morning. Arrived at Paddington, she went to the luggage office and produced the cloakroom ticket. (A. Christie) Arrived at the house, they saw several persons entering in haste and excitement. (Ambrose Bierce) Thus encouraged, our friend drew his paper from his pocket. (Conan Doyle) Caught in a gale, the ship was propelled against the rocks. Recently engaged, he had put his days of womanising behind him. Left alone in her cage for too long, the parrot would pluck at her own feathers. Asked whether they would rather eat an organic or a commercially grown apple, most people prefer the “all natural” one. Asked how she would react if her daughter were found to be having an affair, she said she would not be surprised. Wounded in both legs, he was carted off to a hospital. Badly wounded, the man tried dragging himself back to cover. Registered under someone else’s name, he began to work. He would lapse into long silences, lost in his thoughts. Denied the chance to visit his mother in the hospital, he was granted only a few hours’ leave to attend her funeral. Now physically recovered, he has a new ambition. Beispiele für temporale Partizipialkonstruktonen mit einleitender Konjunktion:*** While changing places she checked her phone. She was attacked while jogging near her school. Adonis was killed by a wild boar while hunting. People are familiar with the dangers of talking on a cell phone while driving. Many people are unable to drive safely while talking on the phone. They lived in a boarding house while attending the local college. I broke a plate while washing up. No man has ever been shot while doing dishes, mopping floors or taking out the trash. Farmers still unearth Etruscan pottery while plowing their fields. 20 Americans die every day while waiting for a heart transplant. It is not unnatural for guards to faint in warm weather while wearing thick bearskin hats and uniform. He could live at home while attending classes. He sustained a spinal-cord injury while surfing in Nicaragua. You can listen to audio books while jogging or riding in an automobile. We must continue to strive while being happy with how far we have come at the same time. In 1997 his 18-year-old son was killed while fighting Israeli forces. While riding on the bus I was talking to two girls. While reading through the articles on pages 4 and 5, you will find a number of prepositional verbs. While tidying up his aunt’s belongings he came across an envelope that … While waiting for the food to arrive, he polished the knife and fork. While making a journey in a carriage, he was given a seat outside with the driver. They are temporarily subsidized while being trained for new jobs. Serial Cell Phone Thief Arrested for Stealing Cell Phone while being tried in Court for Stealing Cell Phones. He was given $3,500 bond and placed on house arrest while being ordered to wear an ankle monitor and stay away from children. He died while being taken to hospital. The ship sank while being towed. A whole generation of young people [in Albania] has grown to adulthood while being denied access to its own educational institutions. While having been active in all areas of energy litigation, he has represented several international clients, including Russia's largest oil and gas company. If your parent or your child has been permanently living in – for instance – Germany, France or Spain and sadly dies while having been resident there, then the national succession rules of Germany, France or Spain will govern the administration of the entire estate. John has been a Licensed Master Electrician since 1995, while having been a licensed electrician since 1992. A person commits the crime of operating while fatigued if that person operates a motor vehicle while having been without sleep for a period of 24 consecutive hours. The animals had either bitten humans or shown suspicious behaviour while having had contact with humans. In particular, the reported behaviour among some students of having dated friends while having had girlfriends could be indicative of liberal values. I went on into my sophomore year of high school, while having been training for cross country all summer for the fall, 2007 season. It can sometimes take years before different groups learn of each other's existence, while having been working on the same subject in a way that is only slightly?different. I'm writing this while having been studying for a Bible study lesson I will have taught by the time you read this. These officers acted with incredible bravery, several while having been wounded, while rushing toward an armed and dangerous suspect who had committed a crime. Some of the assumptions I made about gardening for a living, while having been cooped up in an office for the past 14 years, have been validated. While having been exposed to golf later in life, I've learned it truly is a great forum for connecting people, communities, and causes. While having been passed down orally from generation to generation and modified by people at the time when they lived, the proverbs have become an integrated part of our culture. The bungalow retains its charm while having been upgraded in recent years to a high standard, with double glazed windows and gas fired central heating. While hidden, I heard people moving about. The raft rolled and pitched with the waves while tied to the side of the ship. While posted in Spain, he had entered into a business partnership with a local photographer. A person commits the crime of operating while fatigued if that person operates a motor vehicle while having been without sleep for a period of 24 consecutive?hours. A person commits the crime of operating while fatigued if that person operates a motor vehicle while having been without sleep for a period of 24 consecutive hours. *** When leaving the house she was heard by the coachman to make some commonplace remark to her husband. (Conan Doyle) When not working, my black playmates and I spent as much time as possible in the woods hunting and fishing. (Jimmy Carter) When comparing India and China, economists simple look at the wrong things. Bradley had got on well enough with Montgomery when serving under him. When facing grave difficulties, Brazil has repeatedly chosen authoritarianism. When suffering depression, people get stuck in a spiral of negative thoughts. He got the idea when visiting family in the Philippines in 2012. Don’t, when entertaining, keep the wireless going all the time. When dieting you should avoid starchy foods such as bread and potatoes. When speaking, the girls transition seamlessly between English and French. When not flying, we pilots all sat around talking about our families. I had felt none of the nervousness that I normally experience when flying. When deciding which university to go to, few students choose merely in function of geographical criteria. They were warned when being shown the apartment. Take your hat off when being photographed. The first kestrel died when being cared for by Barry. Will she cooperate when being asked to share? None of the three patents worked when being strictly implemented as described. Each of the instructional strategies has limitations when being adopted for online courses. The biofilter cartridge is vulnerable to mishandling when being installed. Provide the police officer with honest answers when being questioned. When being raped, a woman shouldn't fight back. Take your hat off when being photographed. Inexperienced adolescents anticipated more negative feelings when having had unprotected sexual intercourse. No horse has ever won the Triple Crown when having had to beat more than seven horses. When having completed their work experience students should send the company a thank you letter to share their feedback and the experience they have obtained during their time with the company. Move your mouse over the drawing (or the photo you have imported) and click once when having found the colour you want to pick. When having seen the wounded officer fall, he left the car against all instruction. Learning languages is not hard when having discovered the best way to do it. Can you imagine, how I felt when having learned of her past? Do you always try to read all tweets when having been offline for a couple of days? It was a great opportunity, when having been working in the field of electrochemistry for three years or more, to meet the big scientists whose publications served as a bases of our scientific research.? Women receive information on how to find medical and psychological care and about the importance of seeking timely medical help when having been assaulted. As predicted, participants of two independent experiments helped more when having been helped before. I had to take this [drug] when having been told I had mild GPC. When having been bitten by a dog you should see a doctor. Every idea seems to be the perfect and unique solution when having been only applied on paper. What is a formal German reply when having been introduced to somebody? It is easy to understand the struggles people face when having been faced with such a thing. The young man when last heard of was in America. (Conan Doyle) {When pressed to have a medical examination, his answer was, “My body is like a sausage. The less I know of its interior, the easier will be my mind.”} (Conan Doyle) Dietary trends can leave a growing number of teenagers very thin and even at risk of dying when taken to extremes. When asked about last week’s attack, the police chief said ... When questioned by the judge, he protested his innocence. A woman, when deceived by her lover, will do anything to get her own back. Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, is notorious for saying “Let them eat cake” when told the poor of Paris had no bread to eat. For weeks, I kept to myself except when absolutely needed. She is happy when surrounded by family. When faced with a crisis, they only think of their wallets. Even when laughed at or despised, American still sets trends as no other country does. When laid off, the employee faces a total void. When prodded, she admits that there are moments when she misses … When asked why, she said it was because she was missing her boyfriend. When put in an uncomfortable situation, the Japanese have a habit of sucking air through their teeth. When played back on the big screen, the tape revealed much that had previously been hidden. A surprisingly high percentage of them didn’t fire their weapons, even when faced with direct enemy contact. When presented with the results of these experiments, they claimed that … Some of the rocks, when struck, make a loud, changing noise. People are prone to misuse information when driven by greed or curiosity. Such gifts, when chosen properly, are statements of caring. He squirms a bit when reminded of his speech last week. The helicopters can swoop in when needed. When finished, the busts were put on a table to dry. The English language remains as fine and flexible an instrument as it was when used by Shakespeare and Bacon. When generally believed, almost any statement can mutate into an accepted fact. When fully recovered, he spent the rest of the war in a POW camp. Douglas Bader lost both legs when shot down during the Battle of Britain. When publicly expressed, their vision met scorn and resistance. When last seen, both aircraft were in a steep spiral headed for the ground. When asked how many children he had, he answered "A lot". When given an option of which creditor should be paid first, many of the customers met their obligations to the one who was most demanding. When faced with a decision about medical treatments and health programs that requires trade-offs between quality of life (morbidity) and quantity of life (mortality), physicians and surgeons are often instructed to use the utility analysis technique. When asked about climate threats, the major talks about creating a healthier city. When finished, the bridge should be able to carry 40,000 vehicles a day. The drug, when combined with psychotherapy, can be a safe treatment for PTSD. I taught my children to look people in the eye and extend a hand when introduced. The hydroelectric dam will, when completed in 2017, be able to generate 6,000 megawatts of electricity. When caught, she went from one lie to another to conceal what she had done. When drafted, he had been in America only five years. He was alive when extricated from the wreckage. When confronted with these facts they tend to automatically reinforce their beliefs. When first offered the chance to work with children, she refused. When finally released, he put the plan into effect. The Hurricane seemed to catch fire all too easily when hit. When paired with boys, girls frequently stood on the sidelines and let the boys monopolize the toys. It has often been observed that men and women, when faced with this dilemma, tend to resolve it indifferent ways. When asked why they hadn’t intervened, they offered a variety of excuses. When questioned he seemed not to understand. Even when encircled, the Russians stood their ground and fought. He would call me when confronted with new issues. The loss of tanks underscored the vulnerability of armour in an urban area when not properly protected by infantry. Austerity works, at least when coupled with structural reforms. Discipline is often a good thing, but not when taken to extremes. Humans are susceptible to emotional messages, especially when conveyed through images. When completed, it will be 72 stories high. *** I'm sure I'll stay there again whenever coming back to Naples. Early in life I felt an enormous guilt whenever being sexually active because of my religious and cultural upbringing. Personally, I was sick of seeing infinity tattoos and had taken to rolling my eyes whenever seeing one. Always wear a personal flotation device under your clothing layers whenever going out into the open waters. Whenever shopping for any type of furniture, follow these simple tips to help ensure you are happy with your purchase. Whenever buying leasehold property in another country, pay close attention to the terms of the lease. An often unspoken social rule is to set your drink down whenever being photographed. Whenever being admitted as a patient in a hospital you have every right to request different staff if they are giving you problems. I was subject to being led around with chains on my ankles and wrists and a rope around my waist whenever being transported. People begin lagging whenever being employed in a similar routine every single day. Many folks had an insidious feeling in their guts whenever being handed glue – the fear of touching some of that white stuff, and having your fingers stuck together for the rest of your life. Whenever having had a bad day I always know that watching a film of my favorite genre will cheer me up. First, you may need to turn the light on, since this is actually your first reaction whenever having experienced a nightmare. Whenever having seen the traditional painting, I was amazed how traditional painters could draw realistic landscape only with white and black colors. Whenever having been driven away from one house he came to another. Such minerals, whenever having been rejected by the corpus cells, are of no constructive value. *** After?leaving Sedbergh public school, he went to Cranwell as a flight cadet. They laid him down gently after carrying him for two hours. He now has legal status in the United States after arriving illegally years ago. Two centuries after gaining independence from France, Haiti remains the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. After waking up at 6:30 she has a quick breakfast with coffee. A southbound train derailed after hitting a landslide near Watford Junction at about 7am. After finishing high school she helped support her family. He was released from prison after serving a four-year sentence. Never drive after having anything to drink. Oliver Alicanio, a university professor, decides to take his family to the province to take a breather after being tried and acquitted in a high profile crime. German coach Joachim Loew leaves the pitch after being ordered out along with Austrian coach Josef Hickersberger by Spanish referee Manuel Mejuto. Baby drowned at Uxbridge home after being left alone in bath. The restaurant is to re-open after being destroyed by fire. He is disabled after being shot in the spine. After being rescued at sea, teen sailor Abby Sunderland will write a book about her experiences. He was released after being questioned for eight hours. A 7-year-old Maryland girl remains in critical condition after being struck by a truck while getting off her school bus. Police have released the name of the man who died after being stabbed in Mount Roskill on Friday. 5-year-old dies after being found in hot car. Hilary decides she wants to go into the army after not being accepted to any colleges. He is recovering after having had a total knee replacement. He proposed to her four days after having met her. One patient refused surgery after having completed the chemoradiotherapy. He got married after having served his year in Vietnam. She came home after having visited Ruth. After having tried silk, I tried cashmere. I turned to Linda after having found impressive reviews of her career workshops. He has decided after having seen a few specialists that he will have surgery in Germany. After having got so far, it looked as if we might lose everything now. The Canadian city was selected to host the championships in October 2003 after having done so previously in 1997. It's where I discovered, after having begun writing this column, that The New York Times was also a sponsor. You have been able to do something for them that has been positive in their lives – like when someone gets pregnant after having been trying for so long. After having been writing daily for more than two years, I can tell you that the benefits are amazing. I'm moving to Australia in April after having been living here in Zurich for over two years now. He finally realizes his dream after having been working as an artist in different fields. A large percentage of candidates, and largely on the Democratic side, are running for office after having been making $50,000 or $60,000 a year as a teacher or in a union job. After having been?doing freelance layout work for Arktos since the very beginning, he became a full-time employee in the company in 2014 and has been a director of the company since 2016. After having been dazzled by the variety of coloured marbles outside, you are almost assaulted by the darkness and the harsh severity of the interior. After having been entrusted with the opening of Paris Gril, he was named executive chef at Café du Monde in 2015, leading a team of 30 cooks at peak periods. Specimens dried after having been immersed were also tested. I was enthralled already only after having read the title. After having spoken with the pharmacist, contact your doctor. There are those who, even after having been rescued, do not seem grateful. Frightened after having been wrenched from her home by police, she agreed. Acne scars are the dreaded outcome of acne that has healed after having been left untreated for a long time. It is a hunting preserve owned by the state and contains the ruins of a 13th-century monastery that was abandoned in 1553 after having been destroyed by pirates. Anmerkung: Die Kombination “after + perfect participle“ kommt nicht sehr oft vor, weil die Vorzeitigkeit (des Partizips gegenüber dem Hauptsatz) bereits durch die Konjunktion “after“ ausgedrückt wird und die Verwendung des kürzeren present participle sprach-?konomischer ist, z.B.: He came home after visiting Ruth. Dieser Satz würde normalerweise der l?ngeren Variante vorgezogen: He came home after having visited Ruth. *** Before starting, let’s quickly review some basic definitions and notations. I waited for a long time before receiving medical attention. Stir before serving. We exchanged greetings before entering the hall. The shop even turned a modest profit before closing in 1951. Warm up before starting these exercises. This experience taught him the necessity of discussing policies before announcing them. Always stretch before doing any exercise. She never showed her cash before making a purchase. Make sure your mattress and box spring are wrapped in plastic before being loaded onto the truck. But they appear to have entered the country before being added to the list. The patient had been seen by the facility's staff psychiatrist four days before being admitted to the hospital. The dog went missing in Yellowstone for 42 days before being found safe and sound on Friday. Before being accepted into our day care program, each dog will undergo an evaluation. This is what the original mural looked like before being painted over. A woman launched a vile racist tirade at a bus passenger before being ordered off.Anmerkung: Die Kombination “before“ + perfect participle ist – zeitlich gesehen – unlogisch, weil das Partizip gegenüber dem Hauptsatz ja nachzeitig ist. Trotzdem finden sich Beispiele dafür: She initially worked in accounting in the 90's for a local Northwest SMB, while in art college in Portland, before having started her own website design company.?He shall not clean his hands with the napkin before having finished eating. In this book we sometimes will use certain code in the examples before having explained it in detail. He asked whether we would be prepared to announce a meeting before having been in Peking. Patients reported a high rate of anxiety, depressed mood, uncertainty and concern even before having been told about suffering from MS. He was the first Archdeacon of Anglesey before having been elected bishop. He justified using the public land by pointing out that it belonged to his family before having been confiscated by The State.*** I have visited China regularly since leaving office. (Jimmy Carter) Since opening the hotel has been 100% full. It was his first match since playing in England in December. My results are much better since working with this team. He said his income grew by three times over the past decade since cooperating with Chinese traders. There are direct benefits we've experienced since building a creative work environment. I've become squeamish about violence in films since having kids. He has been fitted with a pacemaker since having heart surgery in 2005. Since having a child, he has also reassessed his priorities. In his first interview since being appointed to the job, he told the Press Association … Since being discovered at 13, she has become a major model. Since being discharged, she has had nightmares. Since being re-elected, the president has become more aggressive. “I have learned languages since being diagnosed with dyslexia,” he says. Airbnb continues to grow at an amazing pace, and now has served a total of 9 million guests in the five years since being founded. Amanda Knox has sensationally agreed to face her greatest fear and return to Italy for the first time since being cleared of the brutal murder of Meredith Kercher. Since being drafted in the second round a year ago, Dante Pettis has been one of the most highly criticized members of the San Francisco 49ers. He professes to be a new man since having found God. I am obsessed with Ayurveda's principles ever since having discovered it in India a few years ago. I've learnt a lot since having started this French course. Since having taken the job, she had been the only one of the crew to complain about sore muscles. Since having occupied the property and explored the immediate area just before winter hit, we found puffballs growing just across the street. Since having made a very successful debut in New York's Carnegie Hall, he has had engagements throughout the United States, Canada and England. It's been almost a year since I brought my dog home and my life has changed a great deal since having done so. I made the first visit back to the Geoscience Department of Aarhus University since having finished my Ph.D there 4 years ago. Since having been attacked by the British in 1776, Charleston's defences had been enlarged and rebuilt. Since having been selected for Huntingdon, he rose through the ranks of the Tory party. Alan Gilbert, conducting his first concert with the orchestra since having been appointed its next music director, opened his program with Haydn's Symphony No. 48. The previously installed temporary roof to Ousebank Cottage has not been fully in place since having been removed by high winds at the start of the year. Luigi Cherubini felt particularly committed to Haydn since having been welcomed by him in Vienna. There is a future for residents of Slovenia who have been stateless since having been removed from the population register after independence was declared in 1991. *** “Once” im Sinn von “sobald” wird fast nur mit dem past participle verbunden: Once completed, this will be the world’s largest theme park. It was one of those British faces that, once seen, are never remembered. (O. Wilde) And once entered on, even fewer marriages would last unless most of a wife’s goings-on escaped notice through the indifference and stupidity of her husband. (Erasmus) Once freed, he returned to his native village. Once built, the tunnel system is fiercely defended by the moles. Once completed, the exam papers are collected by the teacher. Once dissolved in the soil, salt is hard to remove. Once qualified, one was entitled to wear the squadron blazer with gold RAF buttons. Once aroused, sectarian wrath can be unpredictable. Once given, such promises cannot easily be dismissed. Once accepted, he was given a forged identity card. Once rejected in Greece, they had no choice but to apply for asylum in Germany. Once married, the new bride cannot visit her parents without her husband’s permission. Once assembled, the aircraft were flight-tested. No piece of technology, once adopted, ever gets put back in the box. I knew that, once offended, he would not utter another word. There are just two pieces of the jigsaw that are missing and which, once found, will confirm what I believe. Once discovered, he received a $400 fine. Once set ablaze, a Sherman [tank] might take twenty-four hours to burn itself out.Andere Beispiele sind seltener: Just focus on your studies and then indulge in alcoholic beverages once earning your own salary, because right now you are using money that?does not belong to you for such. Once living in Spain, you will learn to do small talk. Workers who have completed the minimum period of service during the period in which entitlement to holidays is accrued, benefit from the holidays during the year in which they are due once working for a new employer. Users shall be disqualified immediately once being detected to have fraudulent trades. Once being completed, the project will serve an area of 217 hectares in the city's centre with a population of more than 45,000. All updates are stored in a cache memory to be installed on the phone once being completely downloaded. I have never been able to help the impression that once having understood a phenomenon, he lost interest in it. Once having finished her undergraduate work in art history and studio art, she painted in Provence until she was hired during a Cannes Film Festival to market?feature films. Once having said no to Donald Trump, Mitt Romney can't go back and say, “I changed my mind”. Once having been given access to the account, you may wish to change the password. Once having been hired, caseworkers are trained to … There is a general presumption that status, once having been shown to have existed, is presumed to continue until the contrary is shown. *** Continue straight until coming to a T-intersection at a three-way stop. After cooking meat and poultry on the grill, keep it hot at 140°F or warmer until serving. He moved to Fairfax, Virginia, with his parents and lived there until finishing middle school. Why don’t you stay there until finding a better job? I wasn't told until paying my invoice and picking up the vehicle that one of the services requested could not be performed. She stayed with him until finishing her studies at Boston University. He was homeless until finding a Veterans Administration shelter. When YouTube began looking for a facility in L.A., it struggled to find a complex large enough — until discovering Playa Vista. It's an inevitability that I never feared until having children myself. This home, once owned by architect Peter Dermoudy, stood in Darwin for three years until being destroyed by Cyclone Tracy in 1974. She later qualified as a solicitor and worked in local government until being elected to Parliament. Other plants hold their seeds in woody fruits that remain closed until being opened by fire. He would serve as President for just 200 days until being felled by an assassin’s bullet. They waited there for three hours until being freed by police. They are not allowed on the road until being signed off by an instructor. She was running third on the final lap until being passed and falling to eighth. Any vehicles entering an approach road would not be able to exit until having passed through the tunnel and the tunnel toll facility. They cannot be detected in the blood until having reached an accumulated threshold amount. Under emancipation law her kids would not have been freed until having served as bound servants up into their twenties. Do not install, use or service the F120R-E until having understood the information in this instruction manual. In 1933 he went to London to begin the study of medicine, but he soon returned home, though not until having made numerous photographic studies of the London cityscape. I won't judge the film until having seen it. A person charged with a crime is innocent until having been convicted in court. The unit then had remained in the lines until having been relieved on November 4 – all of this at a cost of two-hundred fifty-eight casualties. All elected members shall not take office until having been confirmed in their offices by the Diocesan Bishop. An athlete suspected of having sustained a concussion cannot return to action until having been evaluated by a licensed health-care provider?… A potential juror should let their employer/teachers know they are "on call" for jury service, but should not take time off from work or school until having been summoned to appear in Justice Court. An athlete suspected of having sustained a concussion cannot return to action until having been evaluated by a licensed health-care provider. ? All suspects are innocent until proven guilty. The Belgians remained neutral until invaded by Germany. I told the lieutenant to keep his men there until contacted by other units. Offenders have a right to remain anonymous until convicted. Until shown otherwise, I believe them. These bolts and hangers remain in the rock until hammered or drilled out. The spray is re-usable until emptied and is sterile until the last drop. In manchen temporalen Partizipialkonstruktionen kann das Partizip entfallen: He joined the military while still [being] a student at Theodore Roosevelt High School and never graduated. While [being] in the shower, wash your hair. What happens if you work out while [being] hungry? When [being] busy, you have less time to dwell on negative past memories. Your partner will become quieter when [being / feeling] unhappy; she will look for a way to hide her true feelings. When [being / feeling] nervous, chimpanzees hold hands or give each other reassuring pats. While [being] on a trip to Thailand in 2008, he was in an accident. She died when [being] only one month old. Once [being / having arrived] in the village, we could see the extent of the damage. Once [being / having made it] through these defences, the attackers would face concentrated fire from … Whilst [being stationed] at R.A.F. Manston, he became friendly with the senior officer in Flying Control. Whilst [being] at school, he excelled at athletics and gymnastics. I married very young, when [being] just 22. Neben temporalen Partizipialkonstruktionen gibt es auch “on / upon / in / following + gerund” als Alternative zu Temporals?tzen: On entering the room their first proceeding must have been to gag Mr. Blessington. (Conan Doyle) The maid heard Ryder’s cry of dismay on discovering the robbery. (Conan Doyle) On rising at seven one of the maids noticed that the door of the hut was open. (Conan Doyle) On getting up, I found my head giddy and my steps unsteady. (A. R. Wallace) On discovering their mistake they released him. On getting the good news, we felt the whole agreement was pretty well in the bag. In his catalog essay he quotes the French artist Paul Delaroche, who famously declared, on first seeing a daguerreotype in 1839, "From today, painting is dead". On entering the restaurant, he tugged at his shirt sleeves. Einstein's theory also stipulates that on reaching the cosmic speed-limit time freezes. On leaving the meeting, he said that … He was shocked on discovering the article was mine. On returning to Britain she got married. On returning to his study, he found that the papers were missing. On seeing the dentist the little boy rushed towards him and bit him. On being caught, the man laughed and threatened the policemen, saying he knew the president personally. On being surprised in their attempted theft they dropped their booty and ran away. On being congratulated on his brilliant strategy, the Admiral says sadly: "A brilliant man would find a way not to fight the war". However, on being informed that their signatures were required on the deed, they refused to sign. On being congratulated for the hundreds of people she “conducted” to freedom on the Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman is supposed to have said … Thief who shouted 'Hallelujah' on being discovered gets 16 years. Ebenso: “Upon” + gerund: Upon arriving at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel, they were startled to find themselves greeted like film stars. She bursts into tears upon seeing her daughter in her wedding dress for the first time. They must surrender their phones to school officials upon entering the building and pick them up on the way out. But they reportedly left upon learning that Strauss-Kahn was to be among the guests. Upon returning to the city, I went to see Mr. Larsen again. Upon being informed of his opponent's remarks, he said: "I feel exactly the same way as he does.“ Upon being congratulated for his victory, he said something to the effect of "Another victory like this, and we're done for". Upon being seated, diners get instant attention. Upon being confronted, he apparently denied any wrongdoing. "I'm feelin' great!" he said upon being declared the winner.Weiters gibt es “in“ + gerund im temporalen Sinn: Did you ask her whether in leaving she met anyone? (Conan Doyle) {A large cask of wine had been dropped and broken, in the street. The accident had happened in getting it out of a cart.} (Ch. Dickens) It’s often useful in testing a theory to put it to extremes. (Warren Buffett) In interviewing those refugees I was particularly shaken by the account of … Feynman's method calculated the probabilities of all the possible paths a particle could take in going from one point to another. In writing this story, I’ve tried to tell the truth about … In working with clients, my aim is to find the solution for the client through being informed by their business objectives. In thinking him phlegmatic we might have been right. M?glich ist auch “following” + gerund: After a horrific couple of years following being made redundant I feel that my career is back on track. Actress Allison Mack, known for her role in the TV series "Smallville", departs after being granted bail following being charged with sex?trafficking. Today was the day of my first full set performance since last July following being incapacitated from September through to the start of February. Following his being wounded in the putsch of 1923, Goering became addicted to morphine. This letter was written immediately following my being sent to jail on June 24, 2016. Following my being made aware of the situation, I organised a meeting for residents. The first photograph you can see is of our classroom door, which we decorated with leaves and frogs, following learning about amphibians that inhabit the rainforest. Hunters are at risk of infection following skinning, dressing and eating infected animals. The service was so bad that I'm writing this review immediately following paying my bill. Young Women's Experiences Following Discovering a Biological Father in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa.2.2.4. Kausal (cause, reason): typisch für Kausals?tze (= Begründungss?tze) sind die Konjunktionen because, as, since, for; ebenso die Wendung ?on the grounds that“. Im Unterschied zu anderen Arten von Partizipialkonstruktionen werden solche, die Kausals?tze vertreten, nicht von Konjunktionen eingeleitet.Beispiele für kausale Partizipialkonstruktionen: Finding the door open, the butler became alarmed. (Conan Doyle) The vicar, being a bachelor, was glad to come to such an agreement. (Conan Doyle) This morning, being an early riser, he walked in that direction before breakfast. (Conan Doyle) He was not a popular man, being somewhat cold and forbidding in his manners. (Conan Doyle) Having no mother, she had no one to advise her at such a crisis. (Conan Doyle) Being an amateur astronomer, he has an excellent telescope. Fearing that her lie had been discovered, she hid each time there was a knock at the door. They are also bad for the environment, emitting millions of tons of carbon pollution. He smoked the cigarette greedily, knowing he was running out of time. Coming from you, this plan is pretty startling. Not having anything else to do, I tried to take a nap. You are bound to say that, being a woman. Being unsure as to what was expected of me, I sat and tried to look inconspicuous. Having the misfortune to be on the fourth floor, I had 108 stairs to climb. 15 November being a Saturday, another social evening had been arranged. Knowing Alan, I thought it best not to refuse. Living in Oxford, I saw Melissa all the time. Being in a hurry, we asked what she recommended. Not knowing the town, I had to ask my way. Being such a troublemaker, he was not allowed to attend the funeral. Believing that he would not qualify for asylum, he tried to cross the border illegally. Being left alone, the boy didn’t know what to do. Still being treated like a child at home, the young man sought for a way to leave. Being overlooked by almost everyone, she finds her life is a misery. Being loved by both her parents, she had a happy childhood. I know the country well, having lived there for three years. She was good at skiing, having grown up in the mountains. Having never been to a cooking class before, I wasn't entirely sure what to expect. Having lost my way, I spent an hour driving in the wrong direction. Having forgotten his name, I just smiled and said, "Hi." Having paid his bills, he was free to leave. Just about everybody, having gone to school, thinks he or she is an expert on education. Not having finished his work, he couldn’t go home. Never before having been in a museum with such an extensive collection, they had a difficult time deciding how to make the most of the limited?time they could spend there. He recalled rushing once to a board meeting in shirt sleeves, having forgotten his jacket. This bird was like nothing they had ever seen before, and having been living in solitude on the island with no natural predators, it was also surprisingly fearless. Having been working so long to improve your financial well-being, you're probably pretty confident in your ability to keep it up. Having been reading some of your work, I take your comments as a real compliment. Having been ordered to "rescue only those who can be saved," he was unable to fully respond to the moaning calls of the wounded and had to leave several unattended. The park also has significant cultural value, having been occupied continuously for over 2,000 years. Goldman Sachs has been in the cross hairs of both Main Street and Washington ever since the financial crisis, having been painted — fairly or not — as the exemplar of Wall Street greed, excess and double-dealing. Dieudonné is a controversial figure in France, having been accused of insulting the memory of Holocaust victims. Four years later Pelé, having been injured in Brazil's second match in Chile, was kicked out of the 1966 World Cup. Now she is planning to return to the museum, having been invited by the artist A. L. Steiner to participate in … As it turned out, Latin heroes were hard to come by, having been wiped out by smallpox, slaughtered by conquistadors, and banished from textbooks. Having been fought over continuously since 8 June, the relatively small area between Cristot and Tilly was scarred by the marks of the last eleven days of fighting. It was sold to William Raithel of Rochester, New York, who found the original close coupled sedan body to be in very poor condition, the car having been used to house chickens. The language can be a bit archaic, the book having been written in the 1920s. Pushed to desperation and believing himself to have been betrayed, he revenged himself upon Hudson. (Conan Doyle) Born to a single mother and raised in working-class East Texas, he knows first-hand the power of dignity, compassion and equal opportunity. Carried away by their enthusiasm, they threw all caution aside. Denied a South Korean passport, he tried forging one. Thoroughly plundered in antiquity, Esaglia yielded practically no object of value. Leveled by bombs during World War II, Rotterdam is not quaint and touristic like Amsterdam. Encouraged by this success, she entered another competition. Thoroughly beaten, the Democrats are at their lowest point in nearly a century. Attacked from all sides, they decided to give up. Overwhelmed this year by desperate migrants, many Border Patrol agents have grown defensive and bitter. Es gibt auch verkürzte kausale Konstruktionen, in denen das Partizip weggelassen wird: [Being] Afraid that he will be suspected, he leaves as quickly as he can. "Oh, hey“, I said, [being] unable to remember her name. [Being] Unwilling to give me further information, she said she had no time to spare. [Being] Elegant and tall, with a head of thick hair, he looked much older. [Being] Reticent by nature, for years after the war he refused to speak of his experiences in the army. Kausals?tze k?nnen auch durch eine gerund-Konstruktion ersetzt werden, die eingeleitet wird mit ?because of“, “owing to“, “due to“: *** Many relationships dissolve because of not understanding each other. She has probably never felt real joy because of always having this tragedy in the back of her mind. Most often the protagonist plans a perfect murder but gets caught because of overlooking one detail. Her son failed to make a fraternity at Amherst because of being Jewish. It's only because of being concerned every day with what I eat and what I burn up. She said she had suffered for years because of having to hide her sexuality while in the public eye. Motorists using Washington Road would be placed at risk because of being distracted by protest demonstrations. He may have survived the purges because of being imprisoned in Poland for illegal labor-organizing activities. I joined the training program because of being pushed by my friends. Albatrosses are killed because of having eaten plastic cigarette lighters, Lego bricks or toothbrushes. One subject was removed from the analysis because of having learned another language besides English from birth. I follow it all because of having had breast cancer myself. Many of us develop personality scars because of never having been acknowledged as a true man or woman. Some had to be discarded because of having been exposed to temperatures of 40C or more. They may never have been known at all because of having been dropped from a movie or Broadway show before it opened. These dogs may have been aggressive in the first place or have become so because of having been abandoned.*** On the 15th of March 1377 the sultan was murdered by the Mamelukes, owing to his refusing a largess of money which they demanded. Rosneft had announced in December that it would close the deal within a few weeks, but the sale got delayed owing to lenders insisting that their debts with Essar be cleared first. Owing to our farm being on a steep hillside, wheelchair access is not possible as there are steps to all entrances. Owing to their hotel being at the wrong end of town, they had a 25-minute walk to the main square. Owing to the plane only being half full of passengers meant we had plenty of room to spread out. It has not acted on it, owing to being understaffed. They alter their behaviour owing to being observed. They are punctual owing to being given the highest priority. Owing to our tent being destroyed during a severe wind storm, we had to look for a motel. The two ranking members of the committee, Congressmen?John Bell Williams and Kenneth Roberts, had been removed from consideration owing to the former being stripped of his seniority for supporting Barry Goldwater’s 1964 Presidential Campaign, and the latter having lost reelection. Fossil records of ursine bears are poor and their early evolution controversial, owing to the Ursidae family being divided into much-debated subfamilies. At this time was not the pastor of any congregation, owing to having had a severe attack of brain fever. Of these, 65,450 cancelled their registration owing to having found employment. The 13th arrondissement is home to some of the city’s best Chinese and Cambodian restaurants, owing to the area having been where Chinese and Cambodian refugees arrived in Paris in the 1970s. We had a drunken row in camp last night, owing to some villain's having sold whiskey to the men. That you were able to get it must have been owing to your having found him asleep. Of course Dr Castellani's name is more widely known in continental countries, owing to his having discovered the Sleeping Sickness germ. This message has been retyped from memory, owing to me having lost the original. He was prevented in the end from actually taking part owing to having been severely frostbitten whilst sledging in Northern Canada.The number of public servants was reduced owing to the island having been given up by the East Indian Company. During the afternoon the firing was more effective, owing to the vessel having been brought closer to the enemy's position. The history of the Schutztruppe's activities in the colony is sparse owing to the records having been returned to Germany and later lost in a war fire. The study failed to produce reliable findings owing to the research's having been carried out in a small and heterogeneous area. The present name is owing to the church having been re-dedicated as the school chapel of the Pontificio Oratorio San Pietro in 1924. In 1736, part of the old church having fallen down, and the rest being in an unsafe condition, owing to the graves having been dug too near the foundation, the parishioners applied to Parliament for power to rebuild it.*** Tobacco control in Taiwan faced several challenges in 1987 due to opening the tobacco market to foreign companies. I love this guitar but have to part ways with it due to financing a new car. Yet there should also be criticism of him due to his operating outside the law. She was unable to comment due to being in Rio in her capacity as minister for sport. Due to being ill, I put a stop to all work and officially I haven't committed myself to anything. His health was poor due to being gassed in Belgium [in World War I]. 100 people were injured, some due to being crushed in the panic caused by the collapsed. Oil companies lost two to three days of production due to being closed by the hurricane. The soundtrack sold 507,000 copies, due to being propelled by Eminem's "Lose Yourself". One child had a 2-month stay due to being born at 29 weeks. This is partly due to having inherited a genetic disorder. I am 75 and very fit, partly due to having run 15 miles a week for the past 30 years. You're the one erroneously using the term "classic" due to having misunderstood its usage. He has been working with a client for whom mobility had become an issue due to having undergone a partial knee replacement. He was unable to regain his job at the bank due to having been a member of the SS. For the third assessment, not all patients could be followed up due to having been discharged from the clinic. Some parents intentionally delay the vaccination of their children due to having been misinformed. If the password access continues to be barred, this may be due to having been hacked. The engine received a full service this spring due to it having been used so little. 2.2.5. Relativ: Relativs?tze werden nicht mit Konjunktionen eingeleitet, sondern mit Relativpronomen: who, whom, whose, whoever, whomever, which, whichever, thatBeispiele für Partizipialkonstruktionen, welche Relativs?tze ersetzen: Partizipien, die auf das Subjekt eines Satzes verweisen: The girl was taken to her room, still screaming and sobbing. (Conan Doyle) These strange details, far from making the case more difficult, have really had the effect of making it less so. (Conan Doyle) The helicopters flying overhead made her windows vibrate. A 13-year-old girl riding her bicycle was run over by a truck. A control group including a higher number of patients with enteroviral and/or bacterial meningitis should admittedly have been preferable. The U.S. has no laws limiting the number of offspring a sperm donor may produce. Nestling in a shallow wooded valley, the hamlet of Briquessard is little more than a cluster of houses. I married very young, knowing scarcely anything of life. A man having married a rich wife, sacrifices his career to her wishes. The war being fought in Iraq is the most visible. But the smart refrigerators being offered these days aren’t smart enough to keep track of the food inside. The image being drawn is of a man on the edge of a nervous breakdown. The person being tried for a crime is the defendant. A new method being tried at the University of Manchester holds promise as a first step toward commercially viable desalination membranes. The athletes being paid must attend one of the following public universities … The way forward being chosen by the Union is to sacrifice human freedoms. The people being forgotten are those with cognitive rather than sensory issues, for example people who are dyslexic. Their demands are the same as those being heard in many nations in the region. He too believed that the aggression being shown by the West towards Iraq was part of a plot that had been formulated earlier in the year. A man, having lost his wife to cancer, learns that his son has died in an auto accident on the way to the funeral. What victory for the man having lost even the ability to speak for himself! {A person having suffered traumatic life events may find relief in the formation of symptoms. Anorexia can therefore be envisaged as a way of facing up to the trauma …} A child having learned he will be sent to the principal’s office might hit another student in the classroom in order to “escape” the assignment just given by the teacher. The old man, having decided it's time for him to die, bequeaths the store to his loyal manager. The car, having been under repair for ten years, was no longer clean and shiny. A country having decided to withdraw from the treaty might thus be placed, at least theoretically, in the strange situation of … The athlete having won the most races is chosen as the victor ludorum. It is possible that a person having had consensual sex is the subject of a criminal allegation because the complainant is angry, revengeful, embarrassed or simply unhappy with the other person – after the event. Any booking not having been secured with a valid credit card within 24 hours will be automatically cancelled without notification. The evidence shows that on the evening of December 13, 1920, a Constabulary soldier and a woman, having been found on the City Wall under somewhat suspicious circumstances, were taken in charge by the police and subjected to an investigation. By the mid-1970s the car, having been exported to the USA, was in the Chicago area, missing its rear window and original engine. The house, having been sold by the son of Mrs. Boscawen, Lord Falmouth, it is now the property and residence of the Hon. Cropley Ashley Cooper. The book, having been written in 1900, was out of date. The man, having been convicted of a felony, was disqualified for reenlistment in the military service, including the National Guard. A fault confessed is half redressed. (Proverb) Theater done well is politics; politics done poorly is theater. The mistakes made were tragic, but the lessons learned can be valuable. The bullet found in the dead man’s body fits this revolver. The moment dreaded for so many years had finally arrived. A penny saved is a penny earned. Diseases brought by the Europeans wiped out hundreds of thousands. Everyone involved knew who the culprit was. A democratic president elected next November would guarantee liberal control of the high court. An Amtrack train bound for Washington, D.C., was derailed in central Vermont on October 5th. Many canals left unattended dried up. Most of the wine drunk in China is made there as well. A truck driven by a man with a suspended license struck and killed a 13-year-old Queens girl riding a bicycle yesterday afternoon, police said. There stood the oak, stripped of all its leaves. No two people given the same situation would choose to do the same thing. A person accused of a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty. To maintain a healthy weight, calories consumed must equal calories burned. Basil, suddenly reduced to unimportance, stood by and watched the preparations. Those selected include people like … Maintained by the British War Graves Commission, the cemetery also contains the graves of … Dieses Subjekt kann auch das Subjekt eines Nebensatz sein: He noticed that Frank hadn’t come round to greet them, preferring to stay in the other room. Police revealed that a woman arrested for shoplifting had a whole salami in her knickers. He thinks that money spent trying to integrate refugees is money wasted. Partizipien, die auf ein Objekt des Satzes verweisen:She doesn’t know whether she has any nephews or nieces living in North Korea. They found him going through trash cans for discarded food. We don’t want shops openly selling heroin. I received a telephone call ordering me to evacuate the premises. I saw him standing on his own in the noisy playground. The war has inflicted a catastrophic toll on Yemenis, including widespread hunger and the worst cholera epidemic in history. I saw a man having a smoke outside his house, and I asked him … Numerous countries restrict a sperm donor’s number of offspring, ranging from one (Taiwan) to 25 (the Netherlands). A starting agent with a high school diploma can expect to earn $55,800, climbing to $100,000 in as few as four years. My boyfriend's parents caught us having sex after they came home early from a weekend away. When the 52-year-old witness went to investigate the disturbance, she discovered a man and woman having sex against a wall. Anmerkung: Der Bezug des Relativsatzes ist nicht immer ganz klar: {When I needed a bath, my father would heat a kettle of water and pour it into a basin. Then he would strip me naked and scrub me all over, standing up.} (Roald Dahl) Gemeint ist, dass der Bub aufrecht stand, nicht der Vater (= He would strip me naked and scrub me, who was standing up, all over). Das ersieht man auch aus dem weiteren Verlauf: This, I think, got me just as clean as if I were washed in a bathtub – probably cleaner, because I didn’t finish up sitting in my own dirty water. Im n?chsten Beispiel h?tte sich wohl eine andere Wortstellung empfohlen: She would tell me jokes roaring with laughter. Natürlich k?nnen Witze nicht lachen, aber besser doch wohl: Roaring with laughter, she would tell me jokes. The losses have overshadowed the steps being taken to restore the land. A Turkish court ruled July 18 to keep Andrew Brunson, an American pastor being tried on terrorism-related charges, in prison as his trial continues. There are controversies surrounding juveniles being tried as adults. Spectacular aerial pictures have revealed the progress being made as the A14 is overhauled. Small groups gathered around radios to hear the ABC Nightline TV news being relayed on the forces network. Our results imply that the tariff revenue the U.S. is now collecting is insufficient to compensate the losses being born by the consumers of imports. Israel discovered a tunnel being dug from Gaza to Israel that it believed was to be used for seizing another Israeli soldier. When they released him eighteen months later, having completed half his sentence, there was no one waiting at the door to greet him. Twice he uses the word “blessed” to describe the man having found forgiveness. The book introduces the mysteries having been solved or not in detail, explaining all kinds of magical wonders to readers. Officers were dispatched to a residence on 16th Street in response to a neighbor's call regarding a woman having been bitten by a dog. Now the scribes and the Pharisees bring to Him a woman having been caught in adultery. On another occasion I was called to see a man found dead in a barn. American drone strikes often kill people thought to be militants. I noticed that the locals didn’t have the Deep South accent heard in Georgia. Troopers discovered a woman struck and killed by an unknown vehicle. While investigating the incident, police found a second child hurt by an employee. Dieses Objekt kann auch das Objekt eines Nebensatzes (bzw. Partizips) sein: He discovered the body of a gentleman […] having cards in his pockets bearing the name of Enoch J. Drebber. (Conan Doyle) Who was that little man [whom] I met coming down the drive? Even toddlers prefer the company of other children, though they do like to have a parent hanging around in the background. He says that he attended a school run by nuns. Partizipien, die auf ein Pr?dikatsnomen verweisen: He once told me that brandy was the only thing keeping him going. There were children having these problems in their families, and there's nothing around this area to help children with that kind of problem. There was a problem having to do with petty theft. I remember when I was a child looking forward to turning 18. It was a disaster waiting to happen. Directly outside the door to the dining room, there was a woman sitting in an armchair. An example was a sign pointing the way to Death Valley. The dulcimer is a psaltery having strings that are struck with hammers rather than plucked. The man caught on CCTV tripping up a suspected drug dealer running?from the police was a soldier having an early Valentine's night out with his wife. Here is a citizen having his 2nd amendment rights trampled on by the government. This sense of right and wrong was instilled in her when she was a young girl being raised in relative isolation on Denmark’s west coast. Here is Homer Simpson, of the TV show “The Simpsons”, being abducted by aliens: “Don’t eat me! I have a wife and three kids! Eat them!” I have read most of the answers here and there is something being overlooked by almost everyone. Purging plastic is a lifestyle pledge being shared by more and more consumers. Our base was to be a massive logistics complex still being constructed in the middle of the desert. This was a game being played by terribly inept players. One witness photographed what she said was a man being set on fire. Here was a man having just taught a great lesson from the Bible. Police responded to what they were told was a man having shot his father in the head and holding his mother and younger brother hostage. Libya is a country having declared independence in 1951. In case of equal points the leader (or winner) will be the athlete having won the larger number of races. In "The Clean House," a 30-minute play by Sarah Ruhl that was introduced the same evening, the central character is a doctor having an especially bad day. He was a veteran having served in the US Army as a 1st Lieutenant. In the 200m, Richard Kilty is another disappointed British athlete having been left out. That’s like a car not having been manufactured with seat belts. That is a game having been played many times in the South China Sea and elsewhere. Wickedness is a myth invented by good people to account for the curious attractiveness of others. (O. Wilde) He was like a man hypnotized. (Conan Doyle) A good holiday is one spent among people whose notions of time are vaguer than yours. (J. B. Priestley) Gunpowder: An agency employed by civilized nations for the settlement of disputes which might have become troublesome if left unadjusted. (A. Bierce) It is the devil come to take you down to Hell. (Edmund Gosse) Reality is an illness produced by alcoholic deficiency. (graffiti) England and America are two countries separated by the same language. (G. B. Shaw) A specialist is someone brought in at the last minute to share the blame. It proved to be time well spent. This is a tradition staunchly upheld every year. That is money well spent. There are between six million and eight million people displaced in Syria. Frugality was a virtue much admired. Revenge is a dish best served cold. Currently, there are more than 5 million people in the U.S. diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Fifty years ago, olive oil was a medicinal product most often found in a pharmacy. There were two police cars parked on the gravel. There was a small crowd of people gathered around the bus shelter. There are many images of tortured and lynched people taken during that era in the South. It is a dream come true. He was a man given to raising his voice loudly when angry. This is a battle won, not the war. Sinngem?? auch bei Appositionen: As a man having married three times and taken to the cleaners, I was reminded of a story I hear many years ago. She had a humble beginning as a child having lost her mother during childbirth as a result of heavy bleeding while on her way to the hospital. Partizipien, die auf Pr?positionalerg?nzungen verweisen:H?ufig findet man Pr?positionalerg?nzungen mit “of”:{Marriage, n. The state or condition of a community consisting of a master, a mistress and two slaves.} (A. Bierce) We all pretended we didn’t care about [military] decorations, but I never heard of anybody turning one down. If there is one parent with a cleft, the likelihood of a child having a cleft is between 2-8%. My boyfriend is threatening to put a video of us having sex online. Here's a quick video of us having a great time. This is actual footage of me trying to flirt. The example of the first fighter (= Jagdflieger) aces fixed itself in the imaginations of a generation being born just as they had met their deaths. Rumours of remains being found can be heard from time to time. The likelihood of any of these people being found alive is wildly remote. He had in his possession a photograph of a badly damaged Bristol Blenheim [bomber] being guarded by two German soldiers. Shocked residents of Koiyat Village, Kericho County are grappling with the reality of a man having decided to make a grave his sleeping quarters. The story here is one of a trial judge having decided three months before trial that the accused would get life. The book is the autobiography of a man having had three human hearts. There are explosions, sword-fighting, battles, deaths, skeletons, a mention of a character having had her finger cut off. It's a prime example of a man having married for lust. No test of fitness for the public service is equal to that of a person having succeeded in some other line. Becoming an adjective [e.g. ‘Orwellian’) is a strange kind of memorial, but it is often a sign of a person having had real influence on the world. There were no reports of foreigners having been injured or killed in the accident. A 20-year-old woman is dead and a 23-year-old man is in custody after Teulon RCMP responded to a call of a woman having been shot while in a vehicle on Provincial Road 231. We know oracle bones from the Shang period (c. 1600 BCE - 1100 BCE) showing evidence of a calendar having been used then. There is a report of a child having been injured by a dog. A report was made of a woman having been sexually assaulted at around 2.30am. At just before midnight on Saturday, Teulon RCMP responded to a call of a man having been shot while seated in a vehicle on Provincial Road 231. A jury is composed of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer. (Robert Frost) {Consult: To seek another’s approval of a course already decided on.} (A. Bierce) The total amount of undesired sex endured by women is probably greater in marriages than in prostitution. (Bertrand Russell) Fortunately, none of those infected died from the disease. Now the banks asked for payment of debts so foolishly granted and incurred. It’s the recollection of mistakes made, lessons learned and insights gained. Protesters demanded the release of those detained. How can you change the lives of the millions of children denied schooling? She was one of the women selected to participate. Only two of those fired have been charged with crimes. He says he was motivated by photos of children killed. Many of those hit worst are still struggling. More than half of those interviewed for this story described a permanent, profound loss of self after their child’s death. The total number of men lost was lower than expected. Beispiele für Erg?nzungen mit anderen Pr?positionen:We worry about all the children being reared today in single-parent homes. The Rev. Dennis Mancuso talks about the work being finished at St. Patrick Church in Belfast. It's about me trying to help my team win. Any concerns about a child having been seriously harmed or being at risk of serious harm should be reported immediately by telephone. He was among the people arrested. She was among the many women hoping for help.They refuse to do the job at the wages offered.In Italy, many Catholic parishes are now operated by clergy born outside the country. The fire was again caused by cooking having been left unattended.By 1939 they assumed there was going to be a war, despite the continuing optimistic noises being made by Chamberlain and his supporters. Seventy-six million Americans were born during the eighteen years following World War II. During a meal served by Boscov Catering, Berks Ballet Theater performed a piece from "The Nutcracker".I believe that for every battle won or lost you emerge stronger. American women earn 80c for every dollar taken home by men. But for a child having lost both parents and with no one left to take in this child, measures were taken to ensure placement. For instance, for a person having had a mild stroke, the personal care will be evaluated by a quick screening. The locals sold watermelons from stands hastily erected in their front yards. The relevant data were drawn from questionnaires collected in 1995-7.Much of the violent crime happens in areas controlled by gangs. In rooms artificially heated and humidified to resemble the mosquito-friendly tropics, researchers are trying to … My mother dressed us in outfits sewn for the occasion.Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. He would shake his head sadly like a man confronted with intolerable mysteries. I felt like a person having had beautiful dreams, who awakens suddenly, and everything is again as trite as always.?Prices will vary depending on the item being ordered. They felt a strong connection to the stories told. They exposed children between four and six to various computer games especially designed to demand attention and control. The secrets are disclosed only to those initiated. Outbreaks of the disease can usually be traced to a person having had contact with body fluids from infected people or animals. If we are alerted to a child having been at school with a contagious disease, you will be notified.It was a cry unlike anything heard before in the camp. They wanted to avoid exposing him to bisphenol A, found in many bottles, but they had trouble finding a safer alternative. Archaeologists in Nevada have stumbled upon a 132-year-old Winchester rifle propped against a tree, possibly having been left there more than a century ago.Adoption begins with a child having lost his/her biological parents. Anmerkung: Dieser Verweis auf etwas, was NICHT Subjekt ist ( bis, ist nur bei Partizipien m?glich, die aus transformierten Relativs?tzen stammen. Alle anderen Partizipien beziehen sich auf das Subjekt des Bezugs-Satzes (oder auf den ganzen Satz 2.4.)Betrachten wir also diesen Satz: You can die if a car hits you while walking on the pavement. Die Verwendung der Konjunktion “while” markiert das Partizip als temporal Bezugswort ist also das Subjekt des n?chststehenden (Neben)satzes: “a car“. Somit ist dieser Satz grammatikalisch falsch (es würde das Auto auf dem Gehsteig [= British English] oder auf der Fahrbahn [= American English] gehen). L?sst man jedoch die Konjunktion weg, dann entsteht ein aus einem Relativsatz transformiertes (korrektes) Partizip: You can die if a car hits you walking on the pavement. Walking on the pavement these hooligans try to run you over. Da das Partizip am Beginn des Satzes steht, kann es jedenfalls keine transformierter Relativsatz sein, somit bezieht es sich zwangsl?ufig auf das Subjekt des folgenden Satzes – “these hooligans“ –, was keinen Sinn macht. Nach hinten versetzt ergibt es einen korrekten Satz: These hooligans try to run you over walking on the pavement. Wenn Partizipien Relativs?tze ersetzen, so gelten dieselben Beistrichregeln wie für defining (= ohne Beistriche) bzw. non-defining (= mit Beistrichen) relative clauses:The Brooklyn Bridge, built between 1870 and 1881, cost twice as much as originally planned. (Non-defining, weil “Brooklyn Bridge” ein definierter Eigenname ist.) This is especially true in Argentina, known for its winding, narrow roads. (Non-defining, weil “Argentina“ ein Eigenname ist und daher nicht mehr definiert werden kann.) Japan, reeling from a 2011 nuclear plant disaster, gas resurrected coal. (Non-defining, weil Japan ein Eigenname ist.)Our friend of yesterday, looking very pale and ill, had entered the room. (Conan Doyle) (Non-defining, weil “our friend of yesterday” bereits eindeutig einer Person zugeordnet ist.) Our lieutenant, having little combat experience, had us going over hills instead of around them. (Non-defining, weil “our lieutenant” bereits eindeutig identifiziert ist.) This temple, founded more than 1,200 years ago, has been burnt down several times. (Non-defining, weil durch “this” keine Einschr?nkung mehr m?glich ist.) It seemed that Geoffrey Denmans’s death, being quite sudden and unexpected, gave rise to various rumors. (Non-defining, weil durch den Namen keine Einschr?nkung mehr m?glich ist.) We dumped them in the cells, which, being pretty cold and unpleasant, generally encouraged prisoners to talk. (Non-defining, weil “the cells“ aus dem Kontext eindeutig identifizierbar sind.) The bacon sandwiches, specially imported for the occasion, were an instant hit. (Non-defining, weil es in diesem Kontext nur eine Kategorie von Sandwiches gab – es wurden alle importiert –, deshalb k?nnen sie nicht n?her bestimmt werden.) The letter, sent last month, warns that they may face penalties … (Non-defining, weil es in diesem Kontext nur einen Brief gibt.) In Brazil there are now more than 600 indigenous territories, encompassing more than 13 percent of the country. (Non-defining, weil sich das Partizip auf alle indigenous territories bezieht.) He stared in amazement at the grim rows of East End houses, pouring their smoke in the clouded atmosphere. (Non-defining, weil alle East End-H?user die Luft verschmutzten und nicht nur manche.) It’s an ancient and pervasive idea, found in a great many cultures. (Non-defining, weil die Idee bereits eindeutig im Kontext definiert sein muss, um dem Satz einen Sinn zu geben.) She has eleven children, ranging in age from teens to early thirties. (Das Partizip bezieht sich auf alle Kinder, nicht nur einen Teil davon, daher non-defining.) We had access to a version of Isaac Newton’s ?Principia“, estimated to be worth $900.000. (Non-defining weil nur auf ein einziges Exemplar des Buches Bezug genommen wird.) I could see the pilot plainly, sitting there in his cockpit, the sun flashing off his helmet googles. (Aus dem Kontext muss hervorgehen, dass von einem bestimmten Piloten die Rede ist, daher non-defining.) This division, hotly disputed in recent years, has now been confirmed by radiocarbon dates. (Non-defining, weil “this” keine Einschr?nkung mehr zul?sst.) My letter home, written the same evening, explained to my parents how … (Non-defining, weil es nur um einen einzigen Brief geht, der daher nicht mehr n?her definiert werden kann.) The local population, having witnessed the drama at ground level, were loud in their praise of the pilot’s heroism. (Non-defining, weil “local population” eindeutig definiert ist.) A pair of cows, caught in the crossfire, lay rotting in the sun. (Non-defining, weil es nur zwei Kühe gibt, die also nicht mehr n?her definiert werden k?nnen.) His uniform, stripped of all insignia, hung rather loosely on his once bulky frame. (Non-defining, weil “his” bereits definiert.) Jocelyn is dead, but Karen has eight other children, ranging in age from nearly 2 to 17 years old. (Non-defining, weil diese acht Kinder eindeutig identifizierbar sind.) Its main attraction is the monastery, founded in honor of the first Russian saints, Prince Boris and Prince Gleb. (Non-defining, weil nur von einem Kloster die Rede ist – welches daher nicht mehr n?her definiert werden kann.) Europe’s cities, built before the advent of cars, have narrow roads. (Diese Aussage ist historisch gemeint und bezieht sich auf alle europ?ischen St?dte, daher non-defining.) Iran, with a population of about 80 million, has long had a large and thriving middle class, earning an average of $700 a month in local currency. (Non-defining, weil es nur eine iranische Mittelklasse gibt.) I felt relaxed and elated as I drank the tea, heavily laced with rum. (Non-defining, weil es nur einen Tee gab.) Ein Beistrich kann auch einen Unterschied im Bezugswort bedeuten: The next day Bill wrote me a letter, apologizing for his bad behaviour: In diesem Satz mit Beistrich entschuldigt sich Bill, und es handelt sich nicht um einen Relativsatz sondern um HS + HS: The next day Bill wrote me a letter and apologized for his bad behaviour. Dagegen ohne Beistrich: The next day Bill wrote me a letter apologizing for his bad behaviour. Dies ist ein transformierter Relativsatz, und zwar ?defining“, weil der Brief n?her definiert wird: The next day Bill wrote me a letter in which he apologized for his bad behaviour. Don’t be like your brother, always wasting time: Der Beistrich verweist das Partizip auf das Subjekt des Hauptsatzes – dieser ist ein Befehlssatz, daher ist als dessen sinngem??es Subjekt ein “you” anzunehmen. Ohne Beistrich ist der Satz jedenfalls unidiomatisch. Vergleiche: You're just like a man, always thinking of yourself. Dieser Satz mit Beistrich ist wohl der Vorwurf einer Frau an einen Mann. An “yourself“ ist kenntlich, dass das Subjekt von “thinking” jedenfalls “you“ sein muss. Dagegen: You are just like a man always thinking of himself. Dieser Satz k?nnte auch von Mann zu Mann gesprochen sein; das Partizip bezieht sich nicht auf den Gespr?chspartner, sondern auf “man”. She is like a close friend, always listening to me: Der Beistrich verweist auf “she” als Bezugswort von “listening”. Ohne Beistrich w?re es eine Transformation von “She is like a close friend who always listens to me.” {"Just like a man, always trying to take control and have the power." She glared at him.} Das Subjekt von “trying” ist das sinngem??e Subjekt des (elliptischen) Hauptsatzes, n?mlich ein zu erg?nzendes “you”. Ohne Beistrich w?re der Satz eine Transformation von “You are just like a man who is always trying to take control.“ The viol was a gentlemanly instrument, used for making private music: Gemeint: The viol, which was used for making private music, was a gentlemanly instrument. Dagegen ohne Beistrich: The viol was a gentlemanly instrument used for making private music: Gemeint: The viol was a gentlemanly instrument which was used for making private music. The speaker sets out some of the most important considerations for divorced parents wishing to ease their children into meeting their new partners. Ohne Beistriche wünschen Eltern etwas: “… divorced parents who wish to ease …” Mit Beistrich m?chte der Sprecher Kindern helfen: The speaker sets out some of the most important considerations for divorced parents, wishing to ease their children into meeting their new partners: “The speaker, who wishes to ease …” He held in his hand a sheet of blue paper, scrawled over with notes and figures. (Conan Doyle) In Relativs?tzen ist es bei Bezugsw?rtern, die vom unbestimmten Artikel “a“ begleitet werden, ?fters Interpretationssache, ob man sie als defining oder als non-defining ansieht; das gilt auch für Partizipial-konstruktionen, welche solche Relativs?tze ersetzen. Im o.a. Beispiel k?nnte der Beistrich auch entfallen: He held in his hand a sheet of blue paper scrawled over with notes and figures. California only recently emerged from a five-year drought(,) turning its trees and shrubs into ready-made tinderboxes. (Auch hier ein vom unbestimmten Artikel begleitetes Bezugswort – ob mit oder ohne Beistrich ist Interpretationssache.) The older man wore just a loincloth (,) revealing taut muscles and a leathery skin. (Wieder ein vom unbestimmten Artikel begleitetes Bezugswort – ob mit oder ohne Beistrich ist Interpretationssache.)Weitere Beispiele: There is an old story (,) told by the Greek historian Herodotus(,) of a king who wanted to find out what language children would speak if left to their own devices. A commercial traveller who failed to stop his car in time a checkpoint near Wrexham(,) manned by Local Defence Volunteers(,) was shot dead. Francesca had left a note of apology, pleading an urgent engagement elsewhere. (Saki) (Der Schriftsteller Saki setzt hier ein Komma; er h?tte es auch weglassen k?nnen. Grunds?tzlich k?nnte sich das Partizip aber auch auf das Subjekt = Francesca beziehen – dann w?re das Komma Pflicht.) Es gibt auch andere uneindeutige F?lle: Haitian migrants(,) travelling from Brazil(,) began arriving in this border city last spring. Da es keinen Plural des unbestimmten Artikels “a“ gibt, k?nnte man sich das als einen solchen vorstellen: Burundian refugees (,) arriving from a transition camp in Nyanza (,) are processed at Mahama camp in Rwanda's Eastern Province. Relativs?tze, und damit auch daraus abgeleitete Partizipialkonstruktionen, stehen immer nach dem Bezugswort. Man unterscheide daher: Our milkman once got a glimpse of her peeping out of the upper window. (Conan Doyle). Hier blickt die Frau aus dem Fenster. Dagegen: Peeping out of the upper window, our milkman once got a glimpse of her: Hier blickte der Milchmann aus dem Fenster, und es handelt sich beim Partizip “peeping“ nicht um einen transformierten Relativsatz, sondern um einen transformierten Temporalsatz: When he peeped out of the open window, our milkman once got a glimpse of her. Escaping from prison Jack killed a man: Hier flüchtet Jack. Dagegen: Jack killed a man escaping from prison. Das ist ein transformierter Relativsatz, hier wird jemand anderer auf der Flucht get?tet. Getting off the train, I bumped into someone I knew: Hier steige ICH aus. Dagegen: I bumped into someone I knew getting off the train. Jetzt steigt mein Bekannter aus. The charts, printed on waterproof paper, contained detailed terrain information: Das ist ein transformierter Relativsatz (= The charts, which were printed on waterproof paper, contained ...) Ist das Partizip dagegen vorangestellt, dann handelt es sich um eine transformierten Hauptsatz (= The charts were printed on waterproof paper and contained …): Printed on waterproof paper, the charts contained detailed terrain information. Another friend with his brother in the co-pilot seat crashed during a practice landing, killing them both: Das ist ein transformierter Relativsatz (= Another friend with his brother in the co-pilot seat crashed during a practice landing, which killed them both). An die Satzspitze gestellt, wirkt das Partizip unidiomatisch, weil es den Freund zum Killer macht: Killing them both, another friend with his brother in the co-pilot seat crashed during a practice landing. 2.2.6. Konditional: typisch für Konditionals?tze (= Bedingungss?tze) sind die Konjunktionen if, unless, as long as, in so far as, provided (that), providing (that), supposing (that), whether … or; ebenso die Wendungen “in case (that)”, “on condition that”. Beispiele für konditionale Partizipialkonstruktionen mit “if” bzw. “unless”: If following a waiter to a table a lady should precede her male escort. Don’t, if driving a car, think that the rules of the road were only made for other people. For example, if investigating a fire event, start questioning with: “Where were you and what were you doing when you first became aware of the fire?” If preparing a review, you should try and get hold of a programme so that you can study the director's notes. One of these things is to have her remember to not slouch if holding the baby. If buying from a private seller, ask how long they have owned the car and why they are selling it. Only the captain of a team may talk to the referee if questioning a call. If lighting a fire near a large rock, light it far enough away to be able to sit between the rock and the fire: the rock will reflect the heat onto your back. She will be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) if practising in the UK. If being blunt fails, insult her. Think about if being a wedding planner fits your personality. Squirrels will suppress the number of caches they make if being observed by a potential thief. Jockeys are usually permitted to ride, even if being investigated for alleged corruption offences. Climbing beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) have the potential for higher areal yield than common beans because of their indeterminate growth habit and ability to climb if being supported mechanically. If being chased, run! If being caught, fight! The dog is very friendly, but can also be fierce if being hurt or threatened. Horses will eat snow, but if being fed hay, pellets, or grain, they may need more fluid in the digestive tract than snow alone can?provide. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that if being paid by cheque then the amount must reach $100 before payment is made. If having concluded that there is a reasonable basis to proceed with an investigation, the Prosecutor may submit the Pre-Trial Chamber a request for authorization of a formal investigation. Persons aged 16 or 17 must take part with either a parent, guardian or, if having obtained their parent or legal guardian's permission, another registered?person. If having paid the registration fee you find you are unable to start the programme within the year, then you will need to request a deferral of the offer. Persons aged 16 or 17 must take part with either a parent, guardian or, if having obtained their parent or legal guardian’s permission, another registered participant aged 18 or over. I would be very surprised if, having met her, anyone said any different. If, having been told, you do not quite quickly remove the danger you will no longer be able to claim ignorance. If, having been so advised, the client refuses to make proper disclosure, counsel should decline to take the petition further. If, having been selected, a player drops out after 9am on the Thursday before the game, that player can expect to play at least one week with a lower team. A person commits the offense of bail-jumping if, having been set at liberty by court order, with or without security, upon condition that the person will subsequently appear at a specified time and place, the person purposely fails without lawful excuse to appear at that time and place. If, having been paid allowances and travelling expenses at the appropriate rate, you fail to attend, the court may issue a warrant to arrest you. The police asked me if, having been told he was a "man of the cloth", I wanted him charged. Love will fly if held too lightly, love will die if held too tightly. (Proverb) A devoted medical man, if sufficiently paid, would easily be found. (Conan Doyle) All singers have this fault: if asked to sing among friends, they are never so inclined; if unasked, they never leave off. (Horace) I know lots of people who are prepared to come if promised drinks, dinner and the chance to meet new friends. It shows what anyone can accomplish if just given the chance. They said they would try again if given the opportunity. He asked refugees in the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan and Lebanon if, given the choice, they would go to Israel. If found guilty, he can only be held until he turns 21. If knocked down, I will get back up, every time. If sacked, he will get 13 weeks of unemployment benefit. If challenged, he would say he had come direct from Hatfield. If offered for sale, the jewels would fetch a tall price. If kept in good shape, the brain can continue to build pathways that help its owner recognize patterns. If passed, the law could affect hundreds of investigations. If done cleverly, it can improve profits. If done correctly, this manoeuvre can be very effective. Of course this revelation, if proven true by further study, is not good news. The enemy might regroup if given too much time. If prepared correctly, kohlrabi can be turned into a delicacy. Mr. Seeger once said that music, if used well, could help “to save the planet”. If well implemented, the move could have an enormous impact on … If overused, once colourful expressions may grow pale. If pressed, I would say that our earlier estimates had been absurdly optimistic. If carried too far, criticism tends to depress. Cats become overweight easily if not exercised regularly. According to one computation, no fewer than 20,000 chemicals in common use are poisonous to humans “if touched, ingested or inhaled”. If built today, it would cost half a billion dollars. The individual is helpless socially, if left to himself. There are a few main areas where South Africa is failing – and which could, if addressed, turn the country around. If caught, I’d have no defence whatsoever. The fire burns itself out harmlessly if left alone. If treated fairly, Iran is a county with huge potential for … He vowed to change that if elected. If untreated, alcoholics will drink themselves to death. All of the journal?s articles are the collective responsibility of the entire “college” even if published under a single author's name. If enacted, those rates would raise costs. He risks up to 20 years in prison if caught. In their radical version of Islam, women can be stoned to death if raped. If forced to choose, 40 percent of people wold save their pet dog over a foreign tourist. If enforced fully, the embargo could eliminate 90% of North Korea’s exports. Temporary measures, especially if hastily adopted, do not fix the problem. They might not follow orders if provoked. If convicted, he faces a maximum 30-year prison sentence. Finland shows that older worker can be useful if kept on. If confirmed, he would take the job under extraordinary circumstances. If not treated, extremely high lead levels can cause death. If unchecked, climate change and environmental degradation have the potential to exacerbate global displacement beyond anything humanity has ever experienced. Do not refrigerate unless keeping it overnight. Use your own words and not those of the original author (unless using quotation marks). Keep your hands on or close to the brakes, with both hands on the handlebars unless giving a hand signal. Time will show I have not been in the wrong, unless being too kind to an ungrateful man. Soldiers could not leave the army unless being discharged for health or disciplinary reasons. Hospitals are immune from attack during an armed conflict unless being used by one party to harm the other. Remember that lions are usually peaceful unless being provoked or frightened. No one is entitled to have a licence unless having served an indentured apprenticeship. The military service exemption is helpful as people can't leave the country unless having done the service in Iran. Non-Qatari nationals may not be employed unless having first obtained a permit to work in the State from the Department of Labour. We will not record the personal data of any person unless having been given prior permission by that person. A cleric may not be punished unless having been found guilty he is deprived of the priesthood or clerical honour by his bishop. When an applicant is unemployed he is entitled to benefits unless, having been called for work, he refuses it. Ladders shall be used only on stable and level surfaces unless secured to prevent accidental displacement. But the American Law Institute declares, "Homosexual conduct, like heterosexual extramarital conduct, should be disregarded unless shown to be harmful to an individual child". Everyone is innocent unless proven otherwise. Beispiele für konditionale Partizipialkonstruktionen ohne “if”: Typisch sind hier S?tze mit dem past participle: A stupid remark, quoted often enough, becomes gospel. (Leslie Charteris) Looked at from the outside, even the cockney and the Yorkshireman have a strong family resemblance. (G. Orwell) An orgy looks particularly alluring seen through the mists of righteous indignation. (M. Muggeridge) Seen from a distance, it looks much smaller than it really is. Done correctly, yoga increases strength. Properly done, such a program would save millions. Appealed to in the right way, he will make any sacrifice. More than half believe America would be better off led by a woman. Seen through the open door, Dad’s car looked beautiful. Well executed, this trick can seem very convincing. Left unaided, they could die in 15 minutes. Correctly used, the word has a pejorative tone. Viewed from above, it looks like a football stadium. Approached from the back, it appears like a gargantuan parking garage. Captured alive, the spy would be an intelligence bonanza. Adjusted for population, only Yemen has a higher rate of mass shootings [than the U.S.] among countries with more than 10 million people. Carried to extremes, jealousy can be disastrous. Forced to choose between putting democracy or identity first, people may not always pick democracy. Stripped of all of its fur, the meerkat looks more like a tiny Terminator than a cuddly African mammal. Boiled down, the 1931 law says that a personal services contract may not be enforced beyond seven years. Taken seriously, such a policy would include … Unchallenged, a lie often becomes history. Yet seen through another lens, there's promise.Es gibt aber auch andere konditionale Partizipialkonstruktionen ohne “if“: Looking at it from a positive angle, you could be the one providing guidance and moral support to the rest of your family and friends. Working without goggles you risk your eyesight. Driving without a licence, you could end up with a hefty fine or even a jail sentence. ?Oft finden sich Konditionals?tze ohne Verb(form); aus idiomatischen Gründen lassen sie sich aber kaum als verkürzte Partizipialkonstruktionen erkl?ren: The bid, if [it were] [being ??] successful, would create a private monopoly of airlines in the Irish market. {SpaceX just launched an Israeli mission toward the moon. If [it were] [being ??] successful, it would be the world's first private lunar landing.} If [it is] [being ??] suitable, the case is then discussed at a panel of relevant partners to decide if support is necessary.Daneben gibt es noch Konditionals?tze mit “given“ (dieses “given” kann man aber auch als Pr?position interpretieren): Given a little attention, it could probably be made to fly again. Given more time, I think we probably would've done better. Given better opportunities they would probably have behaved differently. Given another chance in life I might well have made a career in football. Given the choice between the familiar and the unfamiliar, most people will go with what they know. 2.2.7. Modal (manner): typische Konjuktionen in Modals?tzen (= Arts?tzen) sind: as, as if, as though, like, how, in that.Zu den Modals?tzen z?hlt man auch “degree“ und “comparison“ (as … as, as … so, not so … as, the more, than, just as … so)Beispiele für modale Partizipialkonstruktionen: As instructed by the driver, he didn’t say a word. These operations don’t always go as planned. Try the tomato basil soup with grilled cheese on nine-grain bread as prepared by the owner and chef Therese Roper ($5.95). In the end the war went more or less as foreseen. To operate as envisaged, Schengen requires its members to control their external EU borders and to cooperate closely. Clearly, not all programs are functioning as anticipated. In today's commercial world, the customer has to accept the contract as prepared by the other party. Some doubt the truthfulness of the story as told by the victim. As if deliberately trying to provoke his cousin even further, [King] Louis recklessly ordered the French navy to attack some English ships in the Channel. He looked me in the eye as if daring me to refuse. I found him in an attitude of the profoundest attention, as if listening to some imaginary sound. She looked at him, as if disbelieving such profound ignorance. He didn't answer for a long minute, gazing off at the hills as if ignoring me. I look back at her, seeing how she stands there still, unmoving, looking down at her hands as if imagining them again in his. They twisted their arms around their bodies and over their heads as if having animated gestural conversations. He felt a prickly feeling on the back of his neck, as if being watched. The driver describes his job as if being interviewed. They're being treated as if being punished for a crime. A woman stands against a closed door as if being interrogated. The narrative is busted up, as if being remembered by someone in shock. I gave similar feedback, as if being tapped on the knee with a doctor's rubber hammer. Someone sitting nearby would blurt out "Look!" and point upward as if having seen an apparition. After a few hours, a small roe deer trots into the clearing ahead before abruptly turning and running, as if having suddenly recalled an appointment elsewhere in the forest. He entered Hamilton College in Clinton, New York, at the age of 18 and immediately gave himself over to literature as if having found the love of his life. He flinched noticeably, as if having emerged from an involved daydream. He then started smiling as if having remembered something pleasant. I stood there, heart pounding, sweating and exhausted as if having finished a long race. He stopped and gazed at me as if having just noticed my presence. Then he sighed, as if having been through it before. He came to work disheveled as if having been through a night of heavy drinking. He continued calmly, as if having never been interrupted. The village remains as if having been brought from the past. He looked a bit hurt, as if having been accused of hiding something. The cage was cracked and broken, as if having been pulled apart. Climbing the steps of the spiralling staircase to the roof patio makes me feel as if having been transported to an old fairy tale. The lip balm makes the lips look smooth and supple as if having been coated with a breathing moisture film. The walls had patches of filler all over over them as if having been prepared for painting. He sprang up from his chair as if startled out of a dream. The rest of the movie is a flashback from this moment, as if told by the dead character. Bunches of multi-coloured balloons were released and bobbed away over the city as if kept afloat by euphoria. The photographs were blurry and awkwardly framed, as if taken surreptitiously with a cellphone camera. This affirmation has the same force and effect as if given under oath. Everything in my field of vision wavered and was distorted as if seen in a curved mirror. Glenda enters the scene, and the fuller shot now reveals the apartment in utter disarray, with fireplace, furniture, and even wall hangings all askew, as if hit by a?tornado. In the early days of the film industry in Hollywood, California, many films were made to appear as though filmed in the desert, often in the Sahara, but they were actually filmed in Hollywood. The drug is not as potent as originally thought. Other senior aides in the Obama administration also believed that Iran's support for the Houthis was not as strong as believed by Saudi Arabia. When making operational decisions, people are not as rational as assumed by previous research. Human society is not as simple as envisaged by Marxists. It’s about as much as predicted by Einstein's theory. The Supervisory Board shall meet as often as deemed necessary by the chairman. However, the effect may not be as strong as demonstrated by Robertson and Yokum (2012). The plasticity of the adult brain is much greater than previously believed. Last month the Bank of England lowered its growth forecast, predicting an even slower exit from recession than foreseen just three months earlier. It is now becoming increasingly clear that the "sunshine vitamin" [= vitamin D] has a much broader range of actions in the human body than believed before. But with each new study, the passage to Mars and other planets seems fraught with more danger than ever thought possible. Certain health care regions have longer wait times than deemed acceptable. They charge higher rates of interest than accepted by business standards. After retirement, he seemed to show a gentler side, except when working on projects. Wear an approved hard hat at all times while on duty, except when working in an office. Never fit yellow bulbs or lens covers, or any substance to colour the glass, to your headlights except when driving in France. Board members have no legal status except when sitting with other board members in a legally constituted meeting. We seldom had to use our electric torches in the upper rooms except when studying sculptured details. Cyclists moving slower than normal traffic speed should drive in the right-hand lane, or as safely to the right as practical (except when preparing to turn left). I keep my mouth shut, except when opening it to answer a question.?Beispiele für modale Partizipialkonstruktionen ohne Konjunktion: He spoke in a slow staccato fashion, choosing his words with care. (Conan Doyle) Still pulling at my sleeve, she led me away from the cottage. (Conan Doyle) Closing the door quietly, he made sure that nobody could hear him. I went out to inspect the plane, walking around it and looking for oil leaks. Trying not to stare at anyone in particular, I looked at the assembled group. Charles Kennedy was the Liberal Democrats’ most successful leader, taking the party to its highest number of seats in 2005. Sea levels continued their upward trajectory last year, too, rising about 7.7 centimeters higher than levels in 1993. At 20, he started earning a living playing chess. Still holding my hand tightly, he guided me towards a quiet seating area in the lounge. They risk their lives trying to stop this menace. On Sept. 2, an Italian coast guard vessel rescued the passengers, bringing them to Sicily. Holding the ladder over the edge with one hand, my other arm stretched back toward the building to balance myself, I lean out as far as I can. All too often schools resemble museums, reflecting the past rather than shaping the future. Lying on an examining table, the girl looks impossibly fragile. They walked the short distance to the vicarage, following the road rather than using the shortcut through the cemetery. He had a wonderful time, not working very hard, getting paid quite well and going to a lot of parties. He entered the interrogation room, walking between two guards. From April [1940] the reconnaissance missions grew bolder, probing deeper into France. They have attacked just about anyone, throwing stones and firing arrows. Weeping uncontrollably, his wife clutches at him. Using an infrared camera to capture images of gas leaks, she regularly detects dangers leaking from wells, including methane. Using increasingly sophisticated modelling, researchers are calculating how each tenth of a degree of global warming is likely to play out in economic terms. He made a living cleaning floors in a hospital. And while I could not see from the brightness of that light, I came to Damascus, being led by the hand by those being with me. (New American Standard Bible) The activities and projects continued, being steered by a new supervisor who knew what he was doing. Stripped to the waist, the slaves worked in the cotton fields. He went to bed fully dressed. Based on my own experience, I can understand the reluctance to make such decisions. Driven by their passion for excellence, the team runs under the proposition of 'We'll Get You Moving'. Modals?tze k?nnen auch durch “by / in / without / through / instead of“ + gerund ersetzt werden: No matter how great the talent or effort, some things just take time: you can’t produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant. (Warren Buffett) She helped support her family by collecting milk from neighbors and selling it at a market. Why don’t you begin by telling us what it is that brings you here? She learned English, she said, by listening to the Beatles. Freud believed that a boy gets his ideas about how to behave by identifying with his father, a girl by identifying with her mother. And the short-term effects can be mitigated by taking precautions like wearing masks and gloves. We support our neighbors and show Idaho pride by buying the best ingredients from nearby dairies, farms, and markets. The American dream holds that you can achieve whatever you want by working hard. Crows make up for being smaller than ravens by being more aggressive and grouping together to attack, a behavior known as mobbing. Be prepared for the worst by being the best prepared. The captain of the fishing boat makes money by taking tourists out to sea for the day. Jill Masterson is famously killed by being painted with gold, which according to James Bond causes her to die of "skin suffocation". He was injured by being caught between two cars. Picasso was able to continually reinvent himself by being inspired to "think like a kid". Happiness never decreases by being shared. Janet Jackson was recently honored by being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, on her third nomination. A father may acquire parental responsibility by being named on the child's birth certificate. By being granted a security clearance, you have met the first of three requirements necessary to have access to classified information. {All students must demonstrate proficiency in one foreign language. This can be done by having completed at least two years of study in a foreign language at the undergraduate level …} He saw himself as disadvantaged by having been self-taught. By having changed itself, China is changing the world. My ideas on golf course design are shaped by having seen nearly every great course in the world. Several other men reported feeling diminished by having acquired HIV. I just can't get myself to face the stress caused by having experienced the tornado. Pip is later taken up by Miss Havisham, a woman maddened by having been jilted on her wedding day. He said his relationship with animals was influenced by having been brought up in a household that always had pets. The pieces gain luster and a sense of great durability by having been coated or sealed with resin. {”Would you be able to help?” – “Of course,” I replied, flattered by having been mistaken for a Spaniard. The film was made all the more exciting by having been banned for obscenity in Italy. At a 1994 news conference there, Mr. Chavez, clearly dazzled by having been treated almost as a head of state, was full of admiration for Mr. Castro and the Cuban revolution. In telling the story, I have made a slight change of name and place. (Conan Doyle) In containing the threat of Soviet expansion, the U.S. helped defend Europe. In telling me his experience with the company, he made the whole thing sound mysterious and fascinating. Cynics, in questioning this belief, have imagined that the multiplication of officials must have left some of them idle. In providing that information, he essentially engaged in insider trading. {We see him navigate with his wheelchair a variety of terrains. In doing so, he demonstrates the way in which the environment can be enabling or disabling for a person with disabilities, if not all people.} We have recklessly chosen to tolerate global monopolies, and in doing so, we have rejected the safeguards that were supposed to protect democracy. In writing this book the authors wish to express their thanks to … You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs. (Proverb) My father and I understood each other without having to say anything. He knows that we are grateful for the present, without having to be told so. Without saying anything to Christine, he began to search for a house. She is disciplined without being puritanical. Without being positively in love with Diana, I was flattered by her attention. Be confident without being rude, and courteous without being a doormat. I took a house in the country and eventually married, without anyone having a suspicion as to my real occupation. (Conan Doyle) He saw me without my father knowing anything about it. (Conan Doyle) He couldn’t have reached the doorway without my seeing him. These principles were practiced for generations without anyone’s having to think about them. You can get in and out without anybody knowing you’ve been there. He had wanted to talk to the Colonel without his wife hearing what he said. I slipped out the door without anyone’s seeing me. From the window he could watch his neighbours without their knowing it. He had an immense capacity for drink, without it affecting his behaviour. In 2000 a NASA research jet flew through a high-altitude ash cloud without the pilot’s realizing it. I want to live freely without anyone telling me what to do. It was agreed that they should meet without my being present. I can't live without being accepted and loved. A Bosnian Serb in Phoenix says he's been labeled a war criminal without ever being tried or convicted. It cannot be opened without being destroyed. I was unable to go anywhere without being noticed. How did you manage to take it without being seen? He got through the speech without being booed. We should all volunteer without being asked. He was seized and searched without anything being found which could incriminate him. (Conan Doyle) She died without having recovered consciousness. I didn't want to die without having prayed first. Two aircraft were scrambled in the afternoon to patrol to Green Island and back and returned without having sighted anything. Before coming to Bolivia I was told by one of my friends not to come back to Canada without having seen the famous salt flats of Uyuni. Sometimes he signed up books without having read them. Osbert died in 1206, without having made a will. I suppose there may be people who boast about having read “Ulysses” without having understood a word. Manning has been imprisoned for more than two years now without having been found guilty of any crimes. Today there is a new Cyprus problem, without the old problem having been solved. Accompanying this measure was a requirement that no charter would be accepted in a king's court without having been confirmed by King John. Older children, she found, could do so automatically, without having been formally taught. A released detainee returning to his community without having been treated can also spread the disease. The disease may have infected humans many times before without having been recognized. You can also see a screaming footballer flinging himself to the ground without having been touched. He was kept under surveillance without having been accused of any crime against the state. She is a girl who can express herself only through acting. At 5 months, the average baby communicates loneliness through crying. Steven Gerrard had that unbelievable ability to carry a team on his own, not through shouting and bawling but through his own performance. I have learnt a lot of these skills on the job through working and watching others. No one ever became a craftsman, an inventor or a creator simply through observing others. Through analysing this material in a structured way, we believe that a reasonable degree of credibility has been reached. It is normally only through being caught that spies reveal their methods. He suffered very much through being victimised and demonised. They had learned how to exploit migrants through being exploited themselves. These floor tiles generate electricity through being walked on. Many are known to have been killed, perhaps through being swept away by floods. They become socially isolated either through being excluded by others or by isolating themselves. In working with clients, my aim is to find the solution for the client through being informed by their business objectives. We have all become better people through having known and enjoyed his much cherished company. The best way to demonstrate this is through having had relevant work experience. It resonated with what I was going through having lost my mother. Kneale knew Richardson through having previously adapted a Chekhov short story for the BBC, which Richardson had directed. Our business group has since obtained a presence in a number of different markets through having developed the necessary skills to face the challenges presented by each area. This process may be positively influenced by feelings of regaining control through having learned new skills. These organisations have a really good understanding of society’s challenges through having been working on them. I first came to music very late – through having been given an ancient piano. {Hackneyed (Of a phrase or idea): lacking significance through having been overused; unoriginal and trite} Large trees that are in danger through having been neglected in this respect may be assisted in two ways. He would never turn a student away because he was ignorant through having been neglected in early life. Father came back to stay with us, because he had failed the medical call-up for the war through having been forced to take part in a simulated gas attack during his medical. Our clients get coherent, coordinated and cost-effective advice from lawyers who have a unique world view formed through having been at the sharp end of investigations involving all the major regulators and law enforcement agencies. Why don’t you shower instead of taking baths? I should have more sex instead of watching TV. We walked there instead of driving. Some people smoke cigarettes instead of eating. Why do Catholics confess to a priest instead of praying to God through Jesus? Instead of sending soldiers, send should send teachers. The point is to prepare the kid for the road, instead of preparing the road for the kid. Instead of being treated like an outsider, Julia will be a part of the team. Instead of being sought after, they become persona non grata. They're treated very badly instead of being respected. Instead of being punished, they are being rewarded. When children walk or bike to school, instead of being driven in a car, they concentrate much better and the effects last for a while. Instead of being put off, I found his candor refreshing. I went home feeling terribly guilty instead of having had fun! Now it seemed to him that instead of having seen her long ago he had seen her quite recently. Manufacturers design machines and gambling games in such a way as to provide the illusion that instead of having lost, you have had a near-miss! Instead of having finished, I realized I needed to keep going. Instead of having completed projects in your home, you're left with clutter around you. Are you actually quoting someone else's post instead of having watched the film yourself? I only wish we had come sooner, instead of having been on the waiting list a few times. Thus taxation, instead of having been reduced, had actually increased at the rate of one fifth. If people had felt as strongly as this about protecting the Jews in Germany, my grandfather might be alive today instead of having been gassed in Dachau. Many women wish they had been born men instead of having been?born women. The black and white illustrations are printed directly on that paper instead of having been printed on another type of paper as is usually the case with folio books. Instead of having been demolished, the property retained its cultural and creative function. Instead of having been dumped in a closet, her corpse was found hidden under trash and debris on the basement's floor.2.2.8. Konsekutiv (result): typisch in Konsekutivs?tzen (= Folges?tzen; Konsekutivs?tze beschreiben eine Ereignis, welches die – manchmal unbeabsichtigte - Folge eines anderen ist) sind die Konjunktionen so, so that, so … that, in order that; ebenso die Wendungen “as a result“, “as a consequence“, “such … that“ und das Adverb “consequently“.Beispiele für konsekutive Partizipialkonstruktionen (diese gibt es nur ohne Konjunktionen): Seventy-six million Americans were born during the eighteen years following World War II, creating an unprecedented surge in our nation’s population. (Jimmy Carter) Her hair started falling out in clumps, clogging the shower drain. A blackout swept over the city, shutting down the respirators in the maternity wards. Virginia and Maryland turned to exporting slaves to their southern neighbours, thus breaking up families and intensifying the suffering for tens of thousands. A large piece of steel fell on the arm of one worker, breaking several bones and permanently disfiguring his fingers. Paris was hit by some of the worst air pollution in a decade, leaving the Eiffel Tower cloaked in smog. Cyber-attacks are often hard to detect and even harder to attribute, making these weapons appealing for covert operations. Higher gasoline prices will increase costs for food and public transportation, hitting the pocket books of the poorest Mexicans. A stomach virus spread through the camp, leading to bouts of vomiting and diarrhea. The Venezuelan economy has crumbled, causing crippling shortages of medicine and diagnostic tests. Adult children no longer typically live with or near their parents, leaving them to get around on their own. I had recently been made adjudant of the unit, meaning paperwork, which I hated. We realized that our daughter would soon be going off to school, leaving the two of us alone. In 2017 Sebastian Kurz won the elections in Austria, becoming the youngest chancellor in the country’s history. The plan worked, reducing the flood of arrivals to a trickle. Exceptional eyesight gave a [fighter] pilot a considerable advantage, enabling him to see his victim before he himself was seen. The new government in Italy is now trying to stop the wild immigration that has been going on for too many years, creating havoc in the country. Venice has been losing residents for decades, dropping from nearly 175,000 in 1951 to around 55,000 now. Over half of people in sub-Saharan Africa today do not have access to electricity, often having to resort to using kerosene or cooking gas. {It was a powerful explosion that destroyed the Parthenon in?1687. During the Morean War, the Venetians attacked Athens, then occupied by the Ottomans who were using the Parthenon as a powder magazine. When a Venetian mortar hit the building, the powder exploded, destroying much of the Parthenon.}Eine gro?e Anzahl von weiteren Beispielen für konsekutive Partizipialkonstruktionen findet sich unter ?2.4. Partizipien, die sich auf den ganzen Vordersatz beziehen“2.2.9. Einr?umend (concession, contrast): typisch in Konzessivs?tzen (= Einr?umungss?tzen) sind die Konjunktionen although, though, even though, even if, as (z.B. “bad as things are”, “much as we admired her work”).Verwandt mit Konzessivs?tzen sind Adversativs?tze, welche einen Kontrast ausdrücken; dafür gibt es die Konjunktionen “while” und “whereas” und die Wendung “no matter“, ebenso wie die Kombination des Adverbs “however“ + Adjektiv (z.B. However cold it is, he leaves the window open all night). Beispiele für konzessive Partizipialkonstruktionen: Although attending college, we were under military discipline. Mr. Maazel said yesterday that he had not yet discussed the job with Mr. Masur, whom, he said, he had known since they were artistic colleagues 35 years ago, although working on different sides of the wall in divided Berlin. Though paying the most attention to the present-day situation, the course also looks at the history of such activities as drug trafficking and piracy. About 20 percent of Israeli citizens are Palestinians, although living under severe restrictions. Although studying at a Catholic school, he became involved in petty crime. My father and stepmother, although trying to put on a brave face, were devastated. Although having no official status, these meetings provided opportunity for a limited but continuing ecumenical dialogue. Finally, although being instructed to spend about 15 minutes for each session, the participants did not all spend the same time in training. Sadly and tragically, the man, although being given first aid and taken to Midland Hospital, passed away. Although being shown over the years on channels like the Disney Channel it hasn't been shown on any other terrestrial broadcaster since. Although being discovered in 1993 it was excavated only recently. She does have the right to a trial, although being blinded by the sun may not be a successful defense. Although being extended and modified over the years, the nave was built before 1179, with the side chapel added in the 13th century. Although having spent one year in Hong Kong as a six-year-old, I grew up in Canada learning to balance both cultures. Although having previously rebelled against authority, he seemed to find himself in the army, rising to the rank of captain. Although having survived the massacre, she was scarred for life. Although having been common and widespread in most highly developed capitalist economies, these elements did not exist in Maoist China. Although having volunteered for military service in the First World War, he was rejected on medical grounds. The Progressive Conservatives, although having lost the election, could now make the unique claim of being a truly national party. It soon became obvious by questioning Paul and other team members that this team, although having been working together for some time, was demonstrating?behaviours that were indicative of being at an earlier state of the development towards a mature team. Although having been working as a nurse for more than 35 years and raising 6 children, she has found the time to continually challenge herself in other areas. Mrs. York, although having been living out of the county for a number of years, kept in close touch with the events transpiring here and was a most frequent?visitor to relatives and friends. Although having been living in China for quite some time, he was still labelled as a “foreigner”. Nevertheless the singer considers herself an autodidact although having been studying with many Portuguese and Italian masters. Although having been playing guitar professionally since the mid-eighties, Morrison found fame when he packed up and moved to Los Angeles on a whim, and was lucky enough to secure the job as touring bassist with The Cult. Although having been designed to accommodate 900 persons, it was able to provide shelter to up to 2000. Although having been used widely throughout Canada & the USA, this best practice technology has only recently become available in Australia. The flight crew, although having been regarded as experienced and fit to fly Boeing 707s, had minimal experience on the latest … Kaka scored 29 goals in 92 international appearances for Brazil, although having been overlooked for the 2014 World Cup on home soil he was also ruled out of last year’s Copa America Centenario by injury.?Although having been reported as moderately satisfactory, it is still associated with numerous complications. Although having been identified in infant formula they have not been implicated as causing illness in infants. Their children, although born in Germany, make poor progress in the German language. Though born and raised in Indonesia, they were struggling with the Indonesian language. The Marshall Plan, though regarded as a generous gift by many Americans, was seen by many Europeans as a Trojan horse. Though taken by surprise, they decided to fight. Though normally associated with the poor, tuberculosis has begun affecting a broader population of Venezuelans. Although surprised by the suddenness of the movement, he did not lose his presence of mind. Although seriously depleted in numbers, they had lost none of their fighting prowess. Although badly burnt, the driver managed to get out of the car. While being happy with the attention he is getting, he states that "stardom is like a knife. You can use a knife to slice an apple, or to kill a person.” It is unhealthy while being very tasty. While being on the first page usually means you are in the Top 10, it is still crucial to become #1. She loathes and detests him while admiring him for his intellect at the same time. At least one substance, helium, can form a liquid while having no known solid form. This evaluation, while having limitations, does offer some useful information. While acknowledging the loan, he adamantly denied any wrongdoing. It's a dream come true," he says, while admitting to feeling nervous. Today's youth will not sit by submissively while being denied all the rights and privileges and joys of life. Summer residents from the Hamptons to the Rockies are raising their voices in protest over being required to pay high taxes in their vacation getaways while being denied the right to vote in local elections. The Federal Court had to determine whether an application could be accepted for certain goods and/or services while being refused for others. The teenagers were able to purchase alcoholic beverages on eight other occasions while being turned down just twice. Singapore today serves as a model for many cities and states to emulate – while being criticised for being a flawed democracy, though. Last season we got some pretty good results while being criticised for the way we played. While having found no sign of her for almost 15 years, he still believes that she may be alive. While having been a prolific composer, Mendelssohn is best known for his Violin Concert in E minor. While having been an integral part of the San José Chamber Orchestra for twenty years, Dave Clementson is primarily an electrical engineer. While having found this assumption debatable, we would like to present our comments on the contents as follows. Applications from those who, while having concluded their course of study, do not yet materially hold the relative qualification, are accepted “with reserve”. These nameless bloggers, while having produced no evidence of a cover-up, have managed to assemble quite a following. While having been known for his anti-communist rhetoric, Nixon said in 1971 that the U.S. "must have relations with Communist China". While having been living without a car for two years, I can still understand why owning a car is necessary for some. I did, of course, have the benefit of running this race at sea level, while having been living and training at 6500ft+ for the past six months. While having been working as professional structural engineer for over fourteen years, she has also maintained a work-life balance by participating in sports. While having been found guilty of complicity to bribery and forgery, the defendant was found not guilty of money laundering. Rumble strips, while having been shown to increase road safety, are often the cause of considerable noise emissions in their vicinity. While having been mobilized in Toronto, the unit was obviously active elsewhere as well. This is one of the phrases that, while having been long attributed to Shakespeare, was in fact used earlier by others. While having been turned down by the FDA, LipoTron 3000 sales continued despite not having gained legal access to the U.S. market. Black holes are very intriguing objects and while having been observed for more than 50 years are still a source of mysteries for astrophysicists. Rumble strips, while having been shown to increase road safety, are often the cause of considerable noise emissions in their vicinity. While having been suspended in 1999, the exhibit reopened in 2001 under the name "Crimes of the German Wehrmacht: Dimensions of a War of Annihilation 1941-1944". While having been born in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Mr. Smith completed his postsecondary education in Alberta. This data, while believed to be accurate and based on reliable analytical methods, is for informational purposes only. Goldman, while regarded as one of the most prestigious firms on Wall Street, has also courted controversy. That drastic a move, while seen as unlikely, might attract new private investment. This legend, while confirmed by some of the older men, has also been questioned by many. A representative of the National Association of Theater Owners told The Associated Press recently that around 2004, the organization investigated technology that would block cellphone signals in theaters, a proposition that, while supported by 60 percent of moviegoers, was so strongly opposed by the other 40 percent that the organization dropped it. Suffice it to say that the evidence of the plaintiffs, while contradicted in many respects, clearly supports the findings of the lower court.Viel seltener sind konzessive Partizipialkonstruktionen ohne Konjunktion: I went there not knowing what to expect. I sold the store to one of my employees, not having any idea what exactly I would do next. He should reflect on why, having been paid such an enormous amount of money, he found the need to cheat.Obwohl ohne Partizip ausgedrückt, k?nnte man bestimmte S?tze als sinngem??e konzessive Partizipialkonstruktionen ansehen: Emma Stone, though [being] one of the best young actors around, was utterly miscast as a part-Asian, part-Hawaiian woman in Cameron Crowe's "Aloha". It should be understood that this figure, although [being] an impressive one, is not as big as it sounds. Because of "one examination having the final say for the whole life", many young people, though [being] gifted with enormous potentials, have to drop out of school.?The story she submits to my fiction-writing class, though not [being] very long, is quite ambitious. Even though [being] quite expensive, it is worth buying. Although [being] hungry we didn’t finish our plates. While [being] only a humble roadside building, it serves incredible 'proper' coffee, which is hard to find in India. {The .38 revolvers were standard issue throughout the army. [Although being] utterly reliable, they were completely useless.} [Although being] there to help them, he attracted the ire of the homeowners. Although [being] distasteful in many of its implications, cloning can and may replace sexual reproduction in some instances. Although not [being] heavy, the shelling did cause casualties. Konzessivs?tze k?nnen auch durch “in spite of / despite” + Gerund ersetzt werden: In spite of finding good governance structures and much evidence of good practice, the report made 76 recommendations covering such things as human resources and asset disposal. The village midwife serves as the de facto doctor despite having no training. She got there in spite of being a woman. That is one of the reasons why people continue smoking, in spite of knowing the harmful effects of tobacco. We fully accept that MPs are perfectly capable of performing as MPs, despite some of them drinking really quite heavily. His approach to military discipline was quite relaxed despite his father being a general. We were all poised to do battle in spite of there being nothing visible. Dozens of protesters are refusing to vacate a property on North Frederick St in Dublin city centre despite being ordered to leave. He could not grasp the plan despite it all being spelled out very clearly in documents sent to him. It has not been reported despite being found close to the border. The Karak is indeed an amazing beginner's rifle despite being overlooked by almost everyone. In spite of being stopped for her autograph everywhere she goes, she is perfectly in earnest when she says how glad she is not to be famous. Despite being accepted at King‘s College in London as a chemistry major in the fall of 1939, she was forced to remain in her native Budapest. Both are unswerving patriots, despite having served in inglorious wars. He looked fresh despite having slept only three hours. Some resorts are still suffering, despite having lowered their prices. He says little, despite having improved his English considerably. In spite of having grown up in the apartheid era, he fared better than many other South African blacks. In spite of having made enormous salaries in the past, he declared bankruptcy, listing debts of $150,000. He joined the air force in 1942, despite his knee operation having been unsuccessful. This book tells the story of America’s nuclear weapons and the miraculous fact we have not murdered ourselves, despite seemingly having been trying to do so over and over and over again. The doctor spoke animatedly in spite of having been working at the clinic since Friday morning. In spite of having been working for nineteen years in the firm and feeling part of it, he is fired by somebody who does not even know him. I should confess that in spite of having been working on the subject for some time now I have been unable to arrive at a general theory. In spite of having been living here for five years, he still is not used to the climate. Despite having been living there for eight weeks, they still had bags and boxes waiting to be unpacked. It destroys your confidence, drains away your self-esteem and you feel like you are some complete beginner English student despite having been studying and speaking it for years! It is common in Spain to find school and university graduates who are unable to use English for communicative purposes despite having been studying the language for years. The bridge stands 76 metres above the river Avon and, in spite of having been designed for horse and carts, easily withstands the 12,000 cars that use it each day. A British film director who spent 84 days in a Californian prison, despite having been ordered free on bail, will today file a multi-million dollar wrongful imprisonment claim. Valaam remains Russian Orthodoxy's oldest existing monastery, despite having been destroyed many times. Liu Xia has been kept under strict house arrest since her husband won the award in October 2010, despite not having been accused of an offence. He worked in 18 hospitals in seven states, moving from job to job despite having been fired twice over accusations of drug use and theft. A British soldier has been awarded a Conspicuous Gallantry Cross for his part in a firefight in Afghanistan last year in which he returned to his post in spite of having been shot in the neck. 2.2.10. Es gibt auch Nebens?tze, die NICHT durch eine Partizipialkonstruktion ersetzt werden k?nnen: final (purpose): typisch in Finals?tzen (Finals?tze drücken eine Absicht / einen Zweck aus) sind die Konjunktionen so that, lest; ebenso die Wendungen “in order that”, “for fear that”, “in case”.Allerdings k?nnen Finals?tze durch “with the aim of / with a view to” + Gerund ersetzt werden: Business units were reorganized with the aim of cutting costs. The government has established 32 maths hubs, with the aim of spreading excellence in maths teaching. But his business struggled, and he went to New York with the aim of borrowing money. The Sutton Trust was established in 1997 with the aim of improving social mobility through education. Now shows are livestreamed with the aim of reaching a global audience immediately. They had quit London with the aim of living a greener life. It's important you go with your strongest team with a view to winning the tournament. These findings were presented and discussed during a workshop held in Goma in October 2016, with a view to identifying practical steps to improve assistance to girls. Clinical research involves studying patients with a view to improving their care. The present experiment was designed with a view to addressing this question. Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) explore different habitats with a view to protecting and managing them. lokal (place): Hier sind weder Partizipial- noch Gerundkonstruktionen als Alternativen m?glich. Beispiele für Lokals?tze:He was in a corner where I couldn’t see him. This is where I keep my rabbits. Wherever she is, I hope she is happy. Everywhere I tried to use the card it was refused. Anywhere I go I find something that's surprising or beautiful.2.3. Partizipien mit eigenem Subjekt = absolute participlesNeben den bisher besprochenen F?llen, in denen sich die Partizipien jeweils auf das Subjekt des zugeh?rigen Haupt- oder Nebensatzes bezogen (Ausnahme: Relativs?tze, wo es auch andere Satzglieder sein k?nnen 2.2.5.), gibt es noch jene F?lle, wo den Partizipien ein eigenes Subjekt beigestellt wird. Solche Partizipien mit eigenem Subjekt nennt man “absolute participles“:2.3.1. Beispiele für Partizipien mit eigenem Subjekt: His indoor servants at Baskerville Hall consisted of a married couple named Barrymore, the husband acting as butler and the wife as housekeeper. (Conan Doyle) In an instant he was tense and alert, his eyes shining, his face set, his limbs quivering with eager activity. (Conan Doyle) On May 1st the boy arrived, that being the beginning of the summer term. (Conan Doyle) He was found dead on Oxshott Common, his body showing signs of extreme violence. (Conan Doyle) There Holmes sat upon a stone outside, his grey eyes dancing with amusement as they fell upon my astonished features. (Conan Doyle) She was an English lady who had met Mr Douglas in London, he being at that time a widower. (Conan Doyle) It was one of four houses which stood back a little way from the street, two being occupied and two empty. (Conan Doyle) We drove back into Ross, Holmes still carrying with him the stone which he had picked up in the wood. (Conan Doyle) His suspicions being aroused, the sergeant followed the man. (Conan Doyle) Bankruptcy having come upon him, poverty of a most bitter kind awaits him. (O. Wilde) Toby took 15 per cent, him being the older man, but even with that I did pretty well! (E. Waugh) A barn owl flew across the road in front of us, its great white wings waving slowly in the moonlight. (R. Dahl) Then Lady Barbara moved forward, the child marching stolidly at her side. (Saki) Ada Bleek came down late to breakfast, her eyes looking very tired. (Saki) This being France, there are rules about just about every sort of behaviour. The castle rose up before them stately and beautiful, the last rays of the sun casting dazzling lights on its many windows. When I was young there were no cars, horses being the main means of transport. His face reddening, he immediately began issuing orders to his officers. My Spanish not being very good, it took me a few minutes to understand. He lay unconscious on the paving, blood seeping from his mouth. This being Switzerland, the portfolios have no names, just numbers. Charlie being Charlie, he immediately offered her his seat. In succeeding weeks, Mondays being particularly bad days, the market went on down. This being the first day of the war, nobody knew what to expect. The dog still barking fiercely, I thanked the man for his help. She was awakened at 4:30 a.m., the helicopters making her windows vibrate. A handful of cows, their ribs protruding, munched tall grass that their owner had cut. That being said, Melanie is a tough person. He was standing in the open doorway, sunlight streaming in behind him. War being an object of immense pride to the Assyrian monarchs, the official sculptors have depicted it with a profusion of detail. In AD 410, their empire collapsing, the Romans withdrew from Britain in haste and confusion. At four o’clock they were on the road, Jacinto riding the mule that carried the blankets. We panted heavily as we climbed up the steep slope, the Mediterranean sun glittering on the sea far below. That being so, I can do no more to help you. Neither of us knowing the first thing about horses, we’d spend our days at the race track anyway. Around Christmas, I remember my daughter Naomi, her smile lighting up the room brighter than any tree. Ours being a free country, our fellow citizens are able to do what they wish with whatever part of their income is left after taxes. Forty people were injured, some requiring hospitalisation. When we disembarked there was a great deal of excitement, this being the first foreign city most of us had ever visited. Experts are notorious for their occasional follies, medical people being no exception. She was running hard in panic, her head pounding. His father found him listless in bed, blood running from his nose. Young boys leave home and join street gangs to scavenge for scraps, their bodies bearing the scars of knife fights with competitors. I was the second son, Fritz being the oldest, then myself, Willy and Paul. Repairs being inevitable, they were undertaken by our own workers. I continued talking, my confidence growing by the minute. The shock passing, life was returning to normal. Then I turned north, my heart-beat returning approximately to normal. No explanation being necessary, we stood ruefully inspecting the crater. All the seats being occupied, I was obliged to squat on the floor by the fire. Our paths parting at this point, I did not see anything of him until the end of the war. He said a career in the Cabinet was comparable to being a football manager, both being short-lived experiences. This being a Sunday, there was every chance that I would find him at home. I was in a cold sweat, my heart banging wildly. She recalled the people coming out of their houses to stand, many weeping uncontrollably, in their front yards. I recoiled back from the ghastly sight, my stomach churning over. The war ended a week after the Americans dropped the second atomic bomb on Nagasaki, the Japanese surrendering on the 15th August 1945. The train finally arrived, black smoke belching from the chimney. Around midnight, the children finally sleeping, the parents settled into seats in the station and tried to nod off. He told us a series of anecdotes with a great deal of vivacity, the whole company listening in silence. The restaurant was empty, the tables now being laid for dinner. Allowance being made for minor variations, the theme was always the same. I visited as part of a hen weekend, the class involved being shown how to use the wheel to create a pot. In some traditions, however, the roles of the first and middle given names are reversed, the first given name being used to honor a family member and the middle name being used as the usual method to address someone informally. This restaurant prides itself on its menu being fresh and organic, the food being prepared in a simple manner in order to satisfy their customers' heart and soul. In 1984, the first floor of a two-story educational building was completed, the second story being finished in 1988. This fee subsidises the huge amount of expenditure of the school, the remaining sum being financed by the school itself. The second challenge was settled out of court, the power station being excluded. My interrogators spoke good English, some of them having lived in America or Britain before the war. He could only walk very slowly, his broken shoes having badly mangled his feet. A direct attack against Aleppo having failed, the king crossed the Euphrates in a second campaign. Only her mother attended her wedding, her father having passed away the year before. The war having started in earnest, there was talk of evacuating us to … Our week at Boscombe Down having elapsed, there were expectations that we would return to Church Fenton. When my father died in 1977 – my mother having preceded him by three years – I inherited the family home. It was after six by the time they got into the detective bureau, and the place was deserted, everybody having gone home. She told me she was seventy-three and a widow, her husband having died of cancer some ten years before. I went there by myself, Joan having refused to have anything more to do with me. All this having been said, these countries are not without their problems. His suspicions having been aroused, the sergeant followed the man. The decision having been taken, everyone worked swiftly to put it into effect. The defendant having been tried and convicted of murder in the second degree, could he again be tried after new evidence came to light? These are the women that the abortion industry no longer cares about, their money having been secured with the death of their baby. The iceberg painting shows nature rejecting man's intrusion - the ship having been destroyed by the immense force that has pushed the blocks of ice upwards into a striking pyramidal composition. His memory may be that of an earlier visit by his uncle, the later visit having been forgotten. This window is itself contained within the arch of a much larger and more ancient window, the intervening space having been filled up with stone-work. The car not having been located on May 11, 1945, Reverend Gesing reported the loss to the Wilmington Police Station. Bestimmte Wendungen sind zu fixen Phrasen geworden:All things being equal, we Americans prefer buying American-made products. All things being equal, electric power is cheaper than gasoline. All other things being equal, it is rational to prefer the theory that makes fewer assumptions.All things considered, the man seemed to be doing pretty well after his wife died. All things considered, Nicaragua's presidential election on Sunday went better than expected. All things considered, that might be for the best. All things considered, the situation is not so bad.All considered, the country's safest cities are ones where residents are reasonably well-off, homeownership is high, infrastructure and employment are strong, and rates of drunk drivers are low. All considered, I think he could have stayed as long as he wanted. All considered, his Early Chinese Writing in 1906 is a wonderful achievement.Weather permitting, we will be going to the beach. The launching was tentatively rescheduled for Thursday morning, weather permitting. He may be back on Monday, health permitting. At 33, he's young enough to perform at his usual level, health permitting.That being said, be prepared to compromise. That being said, survival rates can vary from 20 to 50%. That being said, a few notable exceptions were observed.{Los Angeles is a sprawling city with countless things to do. That said, a visit to the City of Angels can be both daunting and expensive – if you don’t have a proper plan.} That said, let me add that my wife and I never want our son to be a child actor. That said, a few experts did boldly predict that black holes in the mass gap would be seen. That said, there are still a number of uncertainties. Seltener: {So, following dinner, there is high-energy dance music for about 2 ? hours straight, and that’s usually enough for most people! That having been said, however, we have played 4.5- or even 5-hour receptions in the past.}All told, our repayment model is far more generous than anything on offer in the US. All told, I'm pretty lucky. All told, the commission listed eight complaints. All told, this journey covered 4,800 miles. Given the situation in this case, I believe it would be best to hire our own expert accountant. Given her failing health, acting was becoming too stressful. Given the impending snow storm, the people who live in the open and under tents are in serious danger. 2.3.2. Passive Partizipien werden h?ufig auf das past participle verkürzt:The crime [having been] committed, they quarrelled as to who had actually struck the fatal blow. (Conan Doyle) I have always felt that, given the opportunity, I should be an inveterate gambler. (Saki) This [having been] done, I wandered over to the main shopping street. His mind [having been] made up, he returned to the garden. His mission [having been] completed, he turned his attention to … My curiosity now [having been] thoroughly aroused, I wondered whether … His thirst [having been] quenched, he continued his story. Our relationship now [having been] thoroughly ruined, all I wanted was a divorce. The vehicle [having been] repaired, they continued their journey. Our tour [having been] completed, we walked down the stairs and out of the main door. Its reputation shattered, the company faces bankruptcy. Her perjury [having been] exposed, she retreated to a convent in shame. These nations have gone through many wars and occupations, their borders [having been] redrawn several times, or even dissolved altogether. [Having been] given the chance, my mother would have gone to college. All [having been] told, the data suggest that there is a huge gap between … Introductions [being / having been] completed, he told us to take whichever bunk we wanted. Roll call (being / having been] completed, we marched off to the rail yard. Introductions [having been] made, the boss turned towards me. Now he was back, an ingrown toenail [having] finally [been] rectified. That [having been] done, we gradually began to settle down. His hunger [being / having been] satisfied, he needed a long sleep. Their mission [being / having been] accomplished, they went straight to the airport. Our vanity [having been] stung, we responded by announcing a satellite launch of our own. In 1919, his work in Europe [being / having been] done, President H. Hoover returned permanently to the United States. My immediate future [being / having been] settled, I plunged back into work. There was an added attraction: the best students could graduate to further study in Saudi Arabia, all expenses [being] paid. The prayers [being / having been] finished, they resumed their seat. (Conan Doyle) Those who refused disappeared in night raids, their mutilated bodies [being] found days later by villagers. The matter settled, we kissed again. We landed at 21:00, our first operation [having been] completed. Today Australia is a multi-racial nation, its bonds with Britain [having been] diminished. 2.3.3. Auch past participles, welche der Wert eines Adjektivs haben (und auf keinen Passivsatz zurückzuführen sind), stehen oft ohne “having“ oder “being“: By then, his patience [being] exhausted, Lincoln had made his decision to replace Little Mac with General Burnside. Gerald was back, his wounds and burns [having / being] healed. The pilot saluted and walked out, shoulders [being] slumped and head hanging low. I saw a boy, his face [being] streaked with grime. With his money [having / being] gone, he went back to what he knew best: boxing. 2.3.4. Die Konstruktion “Partizip mit eigenem Subjekt” kann auch derart verkürzt werden, dass das Partizip komplett entf?llt:With the threat of a nuclear exchange [being] ever present, I had to develop plans for my own status during this period of destruction. (Jimmy Carter) The rituals [being] over, the bride changes out of her crimson-and-gold sari and gets into her jeans. The war [being] over, work was resumed. With the fighting [being] over, I had hoped to be discharged and sent back to England. In the spring of 1978, her depression still [being] acute, she was offered a brief glimmer of hope. Japan has the oldest population in the world, with nearly 28 percent of its residents [being] above 65 years old. The weather [being] glorious, we were again in shirt-sleeves basking in the sun. My aircraft [being] ready, l leapt in, started up and roared away. My aircraft [being] due for inspection, I resolved to spend a night in London. The weather [being] miserable, I went out to inspect the plane. The sight [being] positively unnerving, I wondered who it might be. With the memories of that storm [being] still fresh, the region took few chances. We dined, the room [being] a hubbub of conversation and good spirits. Fleming, his aircraft [being] on fire, had bailed out successfully in the area of Maidstone. With the game [being] over, Jackson seemed?relieved, if not exactly satisfied. With IBM and AT&T [being] under constant scrutiny, a whole series of industries and companies were born without fear of being squashed by a monopoly. My task [being] complete, I climbed out of the turret. With the slopes [being] clear of enemy infantry, A Squadron took the fortified village of Le Hamel. Then he returned to civilian life, his epic journey [being] over. The rector was a spare Ulsterman, his face [being] strong and his eyes [being] fearless. The farmer stood in his patch of forlorn coffee plants, their leaves [being] sick and wilted, the next harvest [being] in doubt. His contract [being] due to expire in the summer, the club were keen to tie him down to a longer deal. Dasselbe gibt es übrigens auch im Deutschen. Der duden (W?rterbuch der sprachlichen zweifelsf?lle, S. 531) schreibt: ?Es gibt Wortgruppen, die den Partizipialgruppen gleichzustellen sind, weil man sich die Partizipien habend, seiend, werdend o.?. hinzudenken kann. […] [Beispiele:] Den Kopf im Nacken (,) lachte sie hell auf. Noch im Schlafanzug (,) machten sich die Kinder dran, die Geschenke zu suchen. Er griff (,) krank vor Eifersucht (,) immer h?ufiger zum Alkohol.“ 2.3.5. Das Subjekt des Partizips kann auch ein Scheinsubjekt “there“ oder “it” sein: There being no fear of interruption I proceeded to burgle the house. (Conan Doyle) There being no more bids, this delightful watercolor is sold to Miss Barrington for ?100. There being barely space for walking along the edge of the platform, I boarded the first train with considerable relief. The scope for things going wrong is enormous, there being so many details to see to. Wheeled vehicles were practically unknown in Ireland until the eighteenth century, there being scarcely any roads which could take them. There being no items for consideration by the Planning & Zoning Commission, the meeting scheduled for Monday, 05 November 2018 is cancelled. In most affections of the heart, the appearances are very deceitful; there being no pain of any amount or threatened suffocation, the appetite is often but little?impaired. There being no objection, the Senate proceeded to consider the bill. We will miss his honesty and his straight talk, there being no one else of his kind to fill his absence. It was an open and shut case, there being no reason why the daughter would accuse the father of such acts. I caught laryngitis in acute form, there being an epidemic of it at the time. There having been some snow fall, I put on my wellies and some warm clothes and headed off to the Brecon Beacons. It is expected that offerings will be much larger later, there having been a good season. It would be far from easy to pronounce what person has been the most remarkable for the excellence of his memory, that blessing so essential for the enjoyment of life, there having been so many who have been celebrated for it. There having been no rain for a long time, the fields were all dried up. Rural life is also affected, there having been a serious decline in?the delivery of services since independence. She said she would certainly have heard the lorry, it being an unusual noise and the night being very quiet after the storm. (A. Christie) It being midnight, we were all in bed. It being such a problem getting through on the telephone, I wrote to my parents at length. It being decided that we should not fly that day, we mooched about with our hands in our pockets. It being a Sunday and no trains running, we took a bus the six miles into Manchester. It being October, they will commence worrying. It being Christmas, I decided to play the piano, a few of the traditional religious carols. It being time for the children to leave school, the master waved his hand towards the gate through which the children pass … It being the time of visitation, my mother and I journeyed to the top floor for our usual private visit in the social room that was decorated for the season. The first Irgun actions were limited in scope, it having been decided that as long as the war against Hitler continued, attacks would be directed only against the civil administration in Palestine and not against the British military. There will be but one track over the bridge, it having been decided to discontinue the use of the side track in front of the depot. After the act, lower rates to wholesale shippers were abandoned, it having been declared that to continue them was contrary to the act. This person was then acquitted of the charge, it having been discovered that the surgeon of Kimber's ship had been guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury. It having been discovered that well water was almost, if not quite, inaccessible, those who had located on the south side began to move over to the north side. Their wagon, which awaited them there, was made three inches narrower, it having been found that it was too wide for the usual track in the road.2.3.6. Das Partizip ?notwithstanding“ hat sich zu einer eigenst?ndigen Pr?position entwickelt – genauso wie seine deutsche ?bersetzung, die Pr?position “ungeachtet”. Die folgenden Konstruktionen sehen blo? aus wie Partizipien mit eigenem Subjekt, sind es aber nicht (mehr): Cain and Abel notwithstanding, fratricide is one of the rarest forms of murder in most human societies. Their heritage notwithstanding, children of Hong Kong immigrants face multiple hurdles when they return and try to settle into the city. Their offer to help notwithstanding, I think this is something we should do ourselves. Cost notwithstanding, the peace of mind and quality of carriers and coverages we have in place is another key factor to our satisfaction. The high additional expenses notwithstanding, the company achieved earnings per share of € 0,34. Confidentiality obligations notwithstanding, the cooperation ombudsman has the right to?obtain information … Notwithstanding a clause in his lease that prohibited pets in the building, Mr. Cohen kept the dog in his apartment. Notwithstanding their shared border, the two countries are very different. Notwithstanding their reservations, the couple decided to go ahead with the purchase. SychServes renders best quality mental health services in Los Angeles and Orange County, to all our clients in their quest to enhance the quality of their lives, notwithstanding the problems they have. They might accept a better offer notwithstanding an existing contractual commitment. Notwithstanding their insulating properties, silica-based materials have become ubiquitous in electrochemistry.2.3.7. 1. ?fters werden Partizipialkonstruktionen mit eigenem Subjekt mit ?with“ eingeleitet; übersetzen l?sst sich dieses “with” mit “angesichts”, “in Anbetracht”, oder “wobei”: I decided to write a book about my boyhood on a farm, with almost all our neighbors being African American. (Jimmy Carter) With monthly wages averaging around $375 after taxes, roughly two million people have left Romania since 1989. With the Swedes threatening Vienna, the emperor was forced to recall Wallenstein. With the older generation controlling so much of the world’s money, it’s hardly fair to dismiss senior citizens as an inevitable burden to society. With the economy slowly recovering from the Great Recession, many people were thriving again. A few years ago, with Halloween drawing near, I had an idea for an experiment. With their livelihood depending on nature, the Inuit learned to live in harmony with the land and sea. My grandfather had raised five children more or less single-handed, with my mother doing most of the housework. He drove me to my house in my car, with me sitting in the back. With her 18th birthday approaching, she asked her father if he remembered the last birthday he was present for. With ivory fetching $2,000 a kilo, poachers are slaughtering tens of thousands of elephants a year. With global temperatures rising, tortoises face some unique risks due to their cold-blooded nature. With the elections fast approaching, some experts say that the Administration is moving too slowly. With winter beginning to get serious, this wasn’t the preferred time to move into a canvas tent. In Britain beer consumption is falling, with more than half of 25-to-34-year-olds now favouring wine instead. This year’s harvest was the smallest on record since South Sudan gained independence from Sudan in 2011, with the country producing only a fraction of its needs. The Japanese emphasize the seasons of the year and tend to equate them with the seasons of life, with each bringing its unique attractions. With winter approaching, we were spending more time at home. With Christmas approaching, I was keen to get away over the holiday period. The shop had now been there for six years, with the Whiteheads living in the flat above. With men working outside the house, women were increasingly seen as having the role of attending to the family’s needs. Asian and African elephants differ widely, with the Asian having a smaller, rounder body and much smaller ears and tusks. With their populations rapidly expanding, water is critical for both India and Pakistan. With food prices rising sharply, many experts say that … I woke up with the mid-morning sun shining directly into my blood-red eyes. The Me-109 was the primary German fighter built throughout the war, with around thirty-five thousand being built. The Duke's has the flexibility and challenge to appeal to golfers at every level, with the venue being chosen to host the 2014 International European Amateur Championship, one of the four majors in the world of amateur golf. The European Commission conducted a selection process with the Spanish bid eventually being chosen. The classroom sizes are large, with up to 260 children being taught to read and write in each tent. The drills take place every month, with the children being taught to go head-first under the desk and cling to table legs until the quake is over. We recommend that the clinician administers the first injection, with the patient being shown how to self-administer at the next follow up appointment. Fans will submit their favorite and most unique hamburger recipes, with the selected entries being prepared by Miss Sprint. The threat posed by Emotet has evolved since, with the malware now also being used to carry out spam email campaigns and deliver additional malware payloads. As darkness fell Sunday, there were still lines, with many people having spent all day waiting to vote. The picture is still hanging, even with the frame having lost one of its sides. Some residents reported seeing bodies scattered in roads, with the fighting having delayed their recovery. With the earthquake having torn down so much, she had been left to wonder. Morale at the time was low, with the Council having undergone a number of cuts. The final scene takes place in 2011, with the characters having reached their 60s. With the Knicks having lost three consecutive games, it is not unexpected that players have become frustrated. With the market having reopened on Monday, the fish supplies are returning to normal. But with the fighting having eased somewhat for the moment, ministers might feel freer to break with the prime minister. I don't have many hopes, with the judges having opened and closed the case so many times.The attacks threaten to put an end to the already shaky peace process that began in 2012 after 30 years of conflict, with the PKK having been fighting for autonomy since 1984. With the recent sidewalk construction and seeding having been finished up, the work on the Geneva Creek project is complete. Amethi police has been the worst performer in working out murder cases, with only 42% of incidents having been solved. Overall, the work will cost more than ?2 million, with the bulk of the money having been secured in a successful bid to the Department of Health?... It describes a limited healthcare system with 37% of Syrian hospitals having been destroyed. Bramble's contract at Sunderland expired at midnight with the player having been told he would not be offered an extension. And then it opens in the second act, 50 years later, with the neighbourhood having been destroyed. With the match having been halted for around 40 minutes, the decision was taken to abandon the game. It is one of our wildlife conservation success stories, with the kite having been reintroduced in the past 15 years. The area is now more hip, arty and gentrified, with the factories having been converted into trendy lofts. With the pair having been provisionally banned last July, and having therefore served their suspensions, both are now free to resume their athletics careers. Dozens were later arrested, with some having been tackled to the ground and left bleeding heavily. Even with the first generation of leaders largely gone, it’s very difficult to declare the movement dead. After a few minutes, with order barely restored, the briefing continued. With the unbeatable [Sonny] Liston beaten, Muhammad Ali set out to establish himself as the indisputable champion. With all the words translated, the whole phrase still made no sense. This home was custom built with no detail overlooked. With the fear of unwanted pregnancies removed [through the Pill], there seemed to be no good reason why girls should not sleep with their boyfriends. With his credibility diminished, it will be impossible for him to accomplish much. With counting finished, Trump took 61.4% of the vote to Cruz's 18.5% and Kasich's 11.4%. With visibility reduced to zero and the exposed infantry seeking cover, the integration between the two arms disintegrated and the momentum of the assault began to break down into confusion and chaos. With the first objective taken after thirty-six hours of bloody combat, it was now our turn to … Das funktioniert auch mit “there“ und “it“ als Scheinsubjekt: It is a great opportunity for the younger guys with there being so many tournaments to choose from. The playoff campaign was a high-scoring one, with there being an average of 4? goals per game in the three matches played. This issue has global relevance with there being 18 million children displaced by conflict, economic pressures or natural disaster. With there being 3–5 generations per century, that's maybe only 75 or so generations from now. With there being hundreds of restaurants in Destin, Lagniappe is consistently ranked in the Top 10. We've seen the climate change here a lot, especially with there being a lack of water from the springs. With there being no game for the first team this weekend, why not make the short hop to Doncaster to watch the Under 18's in action? The way our brains perceive these stimuli is what we refer to as taste, with there being five recognised basic tastes: salty, bitter, sweet, sour and umami. The race for the women's overall Downhill World Cup is wide open, with there having been four different winners of the first four races this?season. The scientific consensus is clear—there is a 95% certainty the climate is warming, albeit with there having been a temporary pause for the past?fifteen years. It was felt it would be unfair to deny wheelchair rugby an opportunity, with there having been no World Championship in 2017 in the sport. And, with there having been less than a month between the end of the World Cup and the start of the new season, it meant managers spent the last few weeks frantically adjusting their squads to suit their needs. It has been a quiet transfer window for Tottenham so far with regards to incomings, with there having been no new arrivals at the club. The number of primary schools pupils was continuing to grow, with there having been an increase of nearly 850 pupils between October 2014 and October 2015. With it being the last day of term, we hope all students enjoy the winter break however you may be spending it. Also, with it being Christmas, I wasn't sure how festive it would be to have Friar Tuck nearly hanged on stage. With it being Super Bowl weekend there also, there was certainly somewhat of a buzz in the air. With it being time for a change of guard, I know that the firm will be in excellent hands. With it being my first time in the country, I did not know what to expect. A discussion was held in regard to street reconstruction with it being decided that further study is needed. A compromise ensued, with it being decided that the new American judges should wear the robe and not the wig. Fast-charging was also popular, with it being voted the second most useful feature (40%). At the end of 2010 a dramatic recall was made for all PIP breast implants to the manufacturer with it being discovered that the implants had been made with an unapproved silicone gel intended for use in the manufacture of mattresses. It led to a widespread review across the whole country of buildings that had cladding, with it being found that the plastic inside the tower’s cladding was as flammable as petrol. With it having been such a wonderful week, it's so hard to say goodbye. {It's not often that Russell Westbrook will admit to a game containing some extra level of motivation. But with it having been nearly five years since the Oklahoma City Thunder beat the Portland Trail Blazers on the road, it had been on his mind for more than the previous 24 hours.} {With it having been so close to the surface, why someone didn't return for it is a puzzle. Either the owner could not or did not want to retrieve it.} With it having been nearly a decade since his last film, it's not surprising there's been a change of focus. With it having been World Book Day this week, there's no better time to discuss our age-old obsession with reading. I was told by a friend that if there is a big age gap between your children the second birth can be just like/as long as the first, something to do with it having been so long your body maybe treats it as a first birth all over again. Today, it is being reported that another of the Chelsea squad is heading for another spell away from Stamford Bridge with it having been made clear that he doesn’t have a future with the club under the stewardship of Frank Lampard. I am very glad to leave office with it having been made clear that there has been no breach whatsoever of any ministerial rules. It's not all good news for the Argentine though, with it having been confirmed that his battle against injuries has kept him out of Lionel Scaloni's Copa America squad. Happily, Emma was only days ago given the all clear, with it having been confirmed following her surgery that she is now completely cancer free. It was announced on May 27 that the 28-year-old centre-back had withdrawn, with it having been decided that he was to have an operation. After a satisfying, but lengthy luncheon, followed by the usual lively annual meeting, shooting commenced at approximately 3.45pm, with it having been decided shooting would finish at 5pm and not after the usual 2 hours. Eine Regel für die Verwendung dieses “with“ l?sst sich nicht formulieren, wie man am folgenden vermischten Beispiel sieht: We set off in the Mercedes, Butch driving, with me sitting in the front map-reading and two others in the back. Man k?nnte das auch umdrehen: We set off in the Mercedes, with Butch driving, me sitting in the front map-reading and two others in the back. 2.3.8. Der Vollst?ndigkeit halber sei angemerkt, dass es abgesehen von diesen Partizipialkonstruktionen mit eigenem Subjekt auch gerund-Konstruktionen mit eigenem Subjekt gibt: The diarist Harold Nicholson remarked at the time, “The upper classes mind her [= Wallis Simpson] being an American more than they mind her being divorced. The lower classes do not mind her being an American but loathe the idea that she has had two husbands already.“ Paradoxically, instead of their good deeds being welcomed, whistleblowers are often ostracised. There is surely no danger of anyone’s imagining that the apostles and Christ were fools in the literal sense. (Erasmus) Most parents now could afford to insist on their children taking music lessons. Of course we don’t mind dinner being put off. (Saki) In the two millenniums since Jesus told his disciples that a rich man has as much chance of getting into heaven as a camel does of passing through the eyes of a needle, not much has changed – other than there being a lot more millionaires. I never thought a handful of jewels was worth somebody getting hurt. He wanted to paint her in the nude, but she insisted on his keeping his clothes on. He hung his head as he recalled a brother’s being gunned down. I recall it being a bright sunny day. Within a few years of the first AIDS cases’ being reported in the U.S. in 1981, San Francisco became the hub of the country’s epidemic. Today being Saturday rather complicates matters. (Conan Doyle) You may rely upon my doing all that I can. (Conan Doyle) He was seized and searched, without anything being found which could incriminate him. (Conan Doyle) I took a house in the country and eventually married, without anyone having a suspicion as to my real occupation. (Conan Doyle) It nearly came to our sharing the fate of the prisoners. (Conan Doyle) It was perfectly clear that there was no possible use in my resisting. (Conan Doyle) Your leaving the room gave him the chance he wanted. (Conan Doyle) He saw me without my father knowing anything about it. My friend insisted upon my accompanying them on their expedition. With the exception of all those guys being armed, we could have been at any concert venue anywhere in the U.S. We fully accept that MPs are perfectly capable of performing as MPs, despite some of them drinking really quite heavily. We want to live freely without anyone telling us what to do. Before I went to the navy, I never heard of anyone in the Plains community being divorced. (Jimmy Carter) Following his being wounded in the putsch of 1923, Goering became addicted to morphine. There were signs of it being a very hot day. We were all poised to do battle in spite of there being nothing visible. There was no question of his going to university. Are his adult problems the result of his having been rejected as a child? It is rare to find parents who approve of kids’ smoking. Many believe that the parents’ living apart is the cause of the kids’ problems. My only hope is citizens of this country being loud and speaking out. 2.4. Partizipien, die sich auf den ganzen Vordersatz beziehenThe average cost of a London hotel is $234 at night, making the city one of the priciest in the world. Partizipien k?nnen sich auch auf einen ganzen Satz beziehen und stellen damit eine Alternative zu Relativs?tzen mit “Komma + which” dar: The average cost of a London hotel is $234 at night, which makes the city one of the priciest in the world. Ebenso: Her father had died when she was four, forcing her family to live with her grandparents. / Her father had died when she was four, which forced her family to live with her grandparents. They had their passports taken away after they arrived, leaving them trapped. / They had their passports taken away after they arrived, which left them trapped. 2.4.1. Weitere Beispiele: The attempt was made on the first night upon which the nurse was absent, showing that the intruder was well acquainted with the ways of the house. (Conan Doyle) It rained for two weeks on end, completely ruining our holiday. American households waste nearly 200 lb. of fruits and vegetables a year, costing upwards of $100 a year in grocery bills. 10 million tons of toxic garbage have been illegally buried here since the early 1990s, earning billions of dollars for the mafia. The deployment orders last until December 15, meaning the troops will be on the border over Thanksgiving. An economic crises yields widespread economic suffering, feeding an appetite for a nationalistic and extremist leader. Since Kim Jong-un took power in 2011, North Korea has eased restrictions on markets, allowing many families to make the bulk of their earnings from such economic activity. The radioactive material could render a square mile of New York City uninhabitable for decades, handing the terrorists a lasting symbolic victory. A security video shows him returning to his hotel dishevelled, suggesting he had an accident. A prolonged scarcity of rain has cut water levels at the Kariba Dam in Zambia, diminishing the generation of electricity. Many sculptures were encrusted with dirt, suggesting they had been excavated recently. His suit was black, showing that some near relation had recently died. Packs of young men were shooting fireworks at each other and into the crowd, stoking panic. His window shades were closed, presumably helping him to focus on the task at hand. Because of the water shortages, more than half of Iran’s provinces could become uninhabitable within 15 years, displacing millions of people. The fine silt on the floor of the cave had risen in a cloud, forcing the diver back. Rutherford Hayes banned alcohol from the White House entirely, earning his wife the nickname Lemonade Lucy. Audience members grumbled about a disruptive child, prompting one actor to express his own frustration on Facebook. An Amtrack train bound for Washington, D.C., derailed in central Vermont on Oct. 5th after hitting a rock slide, injuring seven of the 102 people on board. What if the Taliban continue to increase their territorial gains in Afghanistan, prompting even more people to flee? Maternity wards often have two and three women in each bed, allowing infections to spread easily. Many hospitals are unhygienic, allowing the bugs to flourish. Somalia elected a new president and adopted a constitution in 2012, bringing some stability and attracting pledges of aid from international donors. In fact, cases were going unreported, allowing the disease to spread. Regulations were loosened, allowing Indonesian children to attend private schools that didn’t follow the national curriculum. The ideal flapper was a pale, slender woman, rendering black women unable to be real flappers. I loosened my safety belt, giving me room to change my position. Three feet of our nose section was blown away, wounding our pilot and navigator. What began as eight new HIV cases in January had ballooned to 81 by March, quickly becoming the worst HIV outbreak in Indiana’s history. Colossal hydraulic works were undertaken throughout the country, giving a fresh impulsion to agriculture. The largest of these villages may comprise fifty or sixty circular buildings, implying, if only half these were houses, a population of about 150. Dinners dragged on for hours, putting a severe strain on many people’s sobriety and nearly everyone’s bladders. A portion of the bridge gave way, hurling the [railway] carriages into the waters far below. George Washington Vanderbilt had a collection of over 20,000 books, giving him probably the largest private library in America. Their communities were more open and spacious, creating less chance for contamination and cross-infection. Unrelenting drought has driven millions of rural Senegalese to the coast, increasing the nation’s dependence on the sea. By then nearly half an hour had gone by, giving the burglars ample time to escape. Most of the Chinese ships are so large that they scoop up a many fish in one week as Senegalese boats catch in a year, costing West African economies $2 billion a year. Fifteen years later the U.S.S. cole was attacked by a suicide boat driven by al-Qaeda mariners, killing 17 sailors and nearly sinking the billion-dollar ship. These factories also dump tons of waste and chemicals into waterways, contaminating the drinking water supply. Police officers are responding to more and more overdose calls, limiting their ability to address other crimes. America’s gun homicide rate was 33 per million people in 2009, far exceeding the average among developed countries. Gold can be melted down, completely concealing its source. Temperatures were as much as 15 degrees Celsius above normal in the weeks before the fires began, desiccating the landscape. Police violently suppressed a political protest in Nairobi, raising fears about the future of democracy. One quarter of U.S. residents lives outside cities, limiting their ability to find good doctors and adequate care. The device concentrates electron beams and fires them in bursts, multiplying their intensity. The jet had just been struck by a flock of geese, killing both engines. The temperature climbed into the low forties, turning the streets into a quagmire. It was well after dark, preventing the newcomers from seeing much of the valley. The sky was layered with fleecy clouds, preventing the pilots from having a clear view of the target below. He had already flown half a mile when his main gas tank went up in flames, filling the cockpit with smoke and fire. He was X-rayed from head to toe, revealing two shrapnel fragments in his scalp. He got the butt of a pistol in his face, breaking his nose and misting the air with blood. At the same time, city folks are getting richer, pushing up the demand for beef. I am also a typical American, meaning a spoiled consumer with way too much stuff. The bazooka team hit the tank with their last rocket, setting it on fire. A bridge over the Danube river had been captured, clearing the way for an approach to Munich. I was a chronic snorer, depriving my brain of a certain amount of oxygen. In the 16th and 17th centuries, European explorers captured and brought home the exotic animals they encountered, giving their benefactors a glimpse of the far-off lands they had visited. In recent years, coal consumption in China has declined slightly, surprising many analysts and researchers. One in three of China’s 1.3 billion people once owned a bicyle, meaning production, repair and maintenance were mammoth industries. In May 1993 gunmen shot dead the archbishop of Guadalajara, shocking the nation. Then the value of the currency collapses, plunging the country into crisis. Humans secrete the hormones cortisol and adrenaline under acute stress, helping them cope with difficult situations. They paid me no more attention, allowing me to catch up with them. The library caught fire and burned for eight hours, destroying some 400,000 books and damaging 500,000 more. I was a chronic snorer, depriving my brain of a certain amount of oxygen. The slope flattened out into a small gully, concealing our vehicles from observation. News then arrived that a spy plane had been shot down over Cuba, killing the pilot. Skin-divers can stay under the water for several minutes, giving them time to search for and collect various food objects. (Desmond Morris) President Alejandro Toledo of Peru has recognized as his daughter a 14-year-old girl he had long denied was his, putting an end to a politically damaging paternity suit. Under the most extreme scenario, parts of the country would see rainfall halve by late this century, potentially crippling the wheat industry. Several of the tanks became irrevocably bogged down in the mud, forcing their crews to abandon them. Cuba announced new rations on food and hygiene products on May 10, stoking fears of a worsening economic crisis. Then he suffered a heart attack and could no longer work, plunging the family into crisis. A new threat has to command rapid and extreme reactions; these reactions have to start immediately, eliminating our chances to evaluate them for unintended consequences. Cattle herders resort to the few remaining trees for animal fodder, denuding the landscape even further in a downward spiral of desertification. Tipping up to 20% of the bill has always been a nuisance for European visitors to the U.S., giving them a feeling of guilt and fear that if they do not tip enough, an American family may go hungry while they fill their stomachs. Sharkey was the six-to-five favourite, based largely on the consideration that he was twenty-five years old and on the rise while Dempsey was thirty-two and all but retired. Ein h?ufiges vorkommendes Partizip in solchen S?tzen ist “making“: The new skateboard is shorter and lighter than its competitors, making it easier to carry inside. The reception area of the office has a huge skylight, making the space airy. As hormones change, so do circadian rhythms, making it biologically unfeasible for some teens to go to bed before 11 p.m. Within 18 months the stock surged sevenfold, making it the most successful investment I had made up to that point. Usually when a country’s central bank cuts interest rates, its currency weakens, making it easier for businesses to sell goods and services abroad. At least 21 transgender women have been murdered in America this year [2015], making it the community’s deadliest on record. Casper’s sales are expected to exceed $15 million this year, making it a leader among its start-up competitors. The woman had cared for a friend who died of Ebola, making her a likely next victim. Kuweit has given more than $300 million, making it the world’s third largest donor. Many shoppers stopped visiting out of town stores when petrol prices shot up, making the journey too expensive. Many migrants do not carry any ID, making identification even harder. A comet that passed through the solar system this year was shown to contain alcohol and sugar, making it the first with those organic molecules. Certain municipalities have changed the laws governing the use of marijuana, making it easier to obtain for medical purposes. There are now about16,000 Amish in the state of New York, making it the fastest growing Amish population among the ten states with the most Amish. The drone can fly at a low altitude, making it extremely difficult to pick up on radar. Shares more than doubled on their first day of trading, making the founder’s stake worth more than $300 million. As we age, our worlds tend to shrink, making our immediate neighbourhoods all the more important. The stolen works are valued at $500 million, making the robbery the largest art theft in American history. Israel has built a barrier around much of the West Bank, making it easier to control. She told the caterers to double the food order, bringing the cost of the wedding to nearly $30,000. The temple lay buried under six feet of earth and sand, making extensive excavations almost impossible. China’s huge chemical industry is weakly regulated and poorly monitored, making it easy for criminal syndicates to divert chemicals with legitimate uses into the production of new and dangerous drugs. Remove zinc from your diet and you will get a condition known as hypogeusia in which your taste buds stop working, making food boring or even revolting. One mansion had 137 rooms, making it one of the largest city houses ever built. A local businessman names Sir Cecil Stubb bought Stonehenge for roughly ?300,000 in today’s money and generously gave it to the nation, making it safe at last. Navy ships tend to have fewer lights than commercial vessels, making them harder to pick out. California has 39 million people, making it more populous than Canada. The influx of mainlanders has also contributed to exorbitant housing prices, making Hong Kong one of the most expensive places to live. Spain made it easier for employers to fire workers, thus making them more willing to hire. Two tectonic plates run through Iceland’s center, making it a hot spot for volcanoes. We are now eight years into this bull market, making it the second longest in history. Fingertip blood varies in its composition, making it harder to extract meaningful data from it. Eighteen soldiers died in the raid on the base, making it the worst such attack in more than two decades. Boyington was credited with twenty-eight victories, making him the high scoring ace in the Marine Corps. These options meet the basic needs of elderly people but cost far less than nursing homes, making them easier to plan for. Most of the wine drunk in China is made there as well, making the country the fifth largest producer worldwide. About 200 reporters in Italy live under police protection, making it unique among Western countries. There was no fence or barrier between the Osbornes’ property and the wood beyond, making it impossible to say where one ended and the other began. We didn't have to show up to work until four o'clock, making it the perfect job for drinkers. Verwandt damit (hinsichtlich der Idee, dass etwas bewirkt wird oder erfolgt) ist “leading (to)“: In India self-induced abortions are expected to rise, leading to rising health dangers to women. Other lakes and major rivers have also been drying up, leading to disputes over water rights. If you wake up in the middle of the night and check your phone, you will inevitably get worried by something you have seen, leading your body to tense up. The Amazon is on the brink of irreversible damage, potentially leading to the extinction of indigenous communities. Increasingly advisers work on commission, leading to big returns when prices soar into the tens of millions of dollars. Greece is the only country in Europe that limits the shelf life of milk to five days, leading to higher prices for consumers. Temperatures in the area have risen sharply, leading to strange changes in crop cycles. {Spending a good third of the day oblivious to the world around you doesn’t seem like a smart way for a species to stay alive, And yet every animal does it, leading scientists to accept that sleep must be non-negotiable for some reason.} Reports of phone stalking have increased, leading to growing complaints of harassment. Ebenso “resulting (in)“: North Korea tested its first-ever hydrogen bomb [in 2016], resulting in condemnation from the U.S. and China. Cars frequently collide with ill-lighted [Amish] buggies, usually resulting in damage to the buggies. Inebriated tourists jump between balconies or dive into courtyard pools, often resulting in injury or even death. Stored potato stocks dwindled, resulting in high wholesale prices. But those talks broke down, resulting in today's layoff plan. Too many colors are used, resulting in a mishmash. Their red cells break down, resulting in severe anaemia. She suffered oxygen deprivation during birth, resulting in learning disabilities. These hunting trips were dangerous, resulting in many fatalities. This is flash-fried before going in the oven, resulting in a particularly crispy crust. The frying oil was not hot enough, resulting in a few pale items soggy with oil. This spring alone, extreme rain put 100,000 acres of farmland underwater in the state, resulting in tens of millions of dollars in damage to farmers. Dasselbe gilt für “causing“: A lorry broke down in Bond Street, causing a major traffic jam. Families from the communities around the landfill blocked the access road, causing trash to pile up. Engineers began to worry that if they pushed too hard with the mud cocktail, they might rupture the pipes, causing an even greater leak. The fire spread in the wing tanks, causing the plane to explode. The reactor core melted, causing the overheating of cooling water. The temperature was just below freezing, causing thick steam to vent from the locomotive. Players turned to look, causing a short delay. Furthermore, banks were allowed to fail, causing a credit crisis. Then perhaps a wheelbarrow knocked against another, causing a spark. Camera crews jostled print reporters, causing a commotion, for space. Its fuel tank ruptured, causing a 3km-long oil slick. Its businesses remained uncompetitive, causing a large trade deficit. The tennis balls got muddy, causing the machines to jam. The liquids mixed quickly, causing the alcohol to evaporate. Ebenso “forcing”: Frightened staff members vanished from their posts, forcing the hospital to close temporarily at a time of desperate need. The ruble has lost 40% of its value against the dollar since the start of the year, forcing Russians to cut back on Western goods. Waiting times for registering asylum seekers have been long, forcing some to sleep on the streets. Her stepfather had been murdered, forcing her family into her aunt’s tiny home. The ruble has sunk in value and inflation is up sharply, forcing even the wealthiest Russians to make do with less. Hurricane Sandy disrupted supplies and its gasoline production unit, forcing a temporary shutdown. At one checkpoint, the fighters refused permission to pass, forcing a lengthy detour through fields. A few weeks later, a swimmer experienced diarrhea in the pool, forcing a daylong closure. The blast did not injure anyone, but it damaged a vehicle, forcing the convoy to stop. Ms. Grimmer sold her truck, forcing the family to walk long distances around town. This shuts down photosynthesis, forcing the tree to consume its carbohydrate stores. Ebenso “leaving”: It might be secretly destroyed at night in the furnace, leaving behind it such evidence as we have already seen. (Conan Doyle) Newborns’ immune systems are fragile, leaving little time for doctors to find a drug that works. Half its rivals had fallen by the wayside, leaving the company in an even stronger position. Some blocks had their facades ripped off, leaving the insides of houses exposed to view of passers-by. The partnership between doctors and retail clinics is in its infancy, leaving gaps that raise important questions about the quality of care. Her mother, sister and husband were cremated, leaving little to mark their passing. Research shows that genetics play no role in the size differences, leaving environmental factors as the only explanation. His parachute snagged in some trees, leaving him hanging some twenty feet above the ground. Deserts and mountains surround the plain on all sides, leaving only one narrow access to the sea. The market price of the metal broke nearly in half, leaving the company unable to compete. The inside of a submarine is packed as densely as possible with equipment, leaving limited space to permit personnel to sleep, eat and move. The city lost its elm trees to Dutch elm disease, leaving the main thoroughfares looking stark naked. His books had gone out of print, leaving him with a total income of about twelve thousand dollars per year. Our lieutenant had us going over hills instead of around them, leaving us vulnerable to enemy gunfire. He sustained a spinal-cord injury, leaving him paralyzed from the chest down. This small riverside town is shrinking and its economy declining, leaving young people bored and disillusioned. They had their passports taken away after they arrived, leaving them trapped. Last year, most of Costa Rica’s three million tourists came by plane, leaving a gigantic carbon footprint in the sky. 2.4.2. Manchmal erscheint es erst auf den zweiten Blick klar, ob ein Partizip ein Einzelwort oder einen ganzen Satz als Bezugspunkt hat: Two campers were sleeping in Yosemite Valley this August when a tree branch snapped and fell on their tent, killing them both. (Es stimmt zwar, dass der Ast die beiden Camper get?tet hat, trotzdem ist wohl nicht “branch“ der Bezugspunkt von “killing“, sondern der ganze Satz, n?mlich der Umstand, dass der Ast a) überhaupt abgebrochen und b) ausgerechnet auf das Zelt gefallen ist.) Buried toxic waste was exposed during a rainy season in 1979, causing contamination of the water as well as a foul smell. (Nicht der Giftmüll an sich war verantwortlich, sondern seine Ausschwemmung durch den Regen.) Most rafts hold 45 passengers, earning the smugglers nearly $60,000. (Es sind nicht die Schlauchboote selber, die die Schmuggler so viel verdienen lassen, sondern deren Kapazit?t: 45 Passagiere.) They were children when planes were flown into the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers, ushering in a new reality for so many in the West. (Nicht die Flugzeuge haben die Welt ver?ndert, sondern ihre Verwendung als Terrorwaffe.) The water flooded the power house, killing 14 workers. (Das Wasser alleine w?re es nicht gewesen, die ?berflutung war t?dlich.) The front door was open, revealing what must once have been a living room. (Nicht die Tür selber hat etwas enthüllt, sondern der Umstand, dass sie offen war.) The shrike is known for impaling its prey on sharp sticks, creating meals for later consumption. (Nicht dem Würger [=Vogelart] selber wird hier die Vorratshaltung zugeschrieben, sondern der Methode, die er anwendet.) Older workers have been retiring in droves, pushing up government spending and shrinking the labor force. (Nicht die Arbeiter sind schuld, sondern die hohe Zahl der Pensionierungen.) He detonated his bomb prematurely, killing only himself. (“Only“ wird durch “prematurely“ erkl?rt, daher Bezug auf den ganzen Satz und nicht nur auf “He“.) When fire broke out a Grenfell Tower, the flames swept through the24-story structure with astonishing speed, killing 72 people in Britain’s deadliest housing fire since World War II. (Die hohe Zahl der Opfer war wohl der raschen Ausbreitung des Brandes geschuldet, daher Bezug auf den ganzen Hauptsatz.) As investors grew wary of Argentina’s deficits, they fled, sending the peso plunging and inflation soaring. (Nicht die Investoren ad personam, sondern ihre Flucht ins Ausland bewirkte den Verfall der W?hrung, also Bezug auf den ganzen Satz.)Es gibt aber auch F?lle, welche zwei Interpretationen zulassen: The nomads repeatedly attacked the Egyptian copper mines in the Sinai peninsula, obliging the Pharaos to fortify their eastern border. (Dieser Satz erlaubt zwei Interpretationen: 1. Nicht die Nomaden als solche zwangen die Pharaonen zu Verteidigungsma?nahmen, sondern deren Angriffe auf die Kupferminen. Hier w?re der ganze Vordersatz Bezugspunkt: The nomads repeatedly attacked the copper mines in the Sinai peninsula, which obliged the Pharaos to fortify their eastern border. 2. Durch ihre Angriffe zwangen die Nomaden die Pharaonen zu Verteidigungsma?nahmen; hier w?ren nur die Nomaden Bezugswort: The nomads, who repeatedly attacked the copper mines in the Sinai peninsula, obliged the Pharaos to fortify their eastern border. The passage ways were roofed over, permitting easy access between the units: Auch hier gibt es zwei Interpretationen: 1. The passage ways were roofed over, which permitted easy access between the units. 2. The passage ways, which were roofed over, permitted easy access between the units. Her father died when she was four, leaving her mother to provide for her and a younger sister: Wieder gibt es zwei m?gliche Interpretationen: 1. Her father died when she was four, which left her mother to provide for … 2. Her father died when she was four and left her mother to provide for … Soon our third son, Joel, was born, completing the family: Wieder gibt es zwei m?gliche Interpretationen: 1. Soon our third son, Joel, was born, which completed the family. 2. Soon our third son, Joel, was born and completed the family. A thick fog hung just above the valley, hiding the upper reaches of the mountains. Wieder gibt es zwei m?gliche Interpretationen: 1. A thick fog hung just above the valley, which hid the upper reaches of the mountain. 2. A thick fog(,) which hung just above the valley(,) hid the upper reaches of the mountain. Before she got to Hawaii, she stopped in New York, where all the au pairs went for a four-day orientation course, giving them a chance to learn about their duties and life in the U.S. Hier bringt auch die Umwandlung in einen Relativsatz kein eindeutiges Ergebnis: Before she got to Hawaii, she stopped in New York, where all the au pairs went for a four-day orientation course, which gave them a chance to learn about their duties and life in the U.S. In beiden Konstruktionen ist entweder der Bezug alleine auf das Nomen “course” m?glich, oder aber auf den Vorgang des Kursbesuches – eine eher subtile Differenzierung. Russia has maintained close ties with Havana for 60 years, dating back to when Nikita Khrushchev was leader of the Soviet Union. Der Unterschied zwischen den beiden Interpretation hier ist subtil: 1. Russia has maintained close ties with Havana for 60 years, which date back to when Nikita Khrushchev … (= Bezug auf “close ties”) 2. Russia has maintained close ties with Havana for 60 years, which dates back to when Nikita Khrushchev … (= Bezug auf die Aufrechterhaltung der Beziehungen) 2.4.3. Ein Partizip, welches ein ?quivalent zu einem Satz mit “Komma + which” darstellt, muss nicht unbedingt einen Satz als Bezugspunkt haben, es kann sich auch auf eine adverbiale Bestimmung beziehen: Three years later – making him nearly thirty – he collected his diploma in a ceremony at the Garrick Theatre on Randolph Street. (Vergleiche: Three years later, which made him nearly thirty, he collected his diploma …)Oct. 2019, 48 pages, ca. 41.200 words ................

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