YEAR 11 REVISION BOOKLETCLASS OF 2019MAKING REVISIONWORK FOR YOUCONTENTSPageIntroduction3Students – General Advice4Revision Strategies5-7Parents – How you can help8Revision Preparation – a checklist9Curriculum Areas – Week-by-week revision plansEnglish Language10-11English Literature12-13Mathematics 14-15Sciences (Triple and Combined)16RS17-20Art21Business22-23Drama24-25Geography26-27History28-32Hospitality and Catering33-40MFL – French41-43MFL – German44-46Music47PE48Timetable of revision classes available in school49-53Revision Timetable: term-time blank (for printing/copying)54Revision Timetable: holiday-time blank (for printing/copying)55Sample Knowledge Organiser (English Literature)56INTRODUCTIONWelcome to your copy of “Making Revision Work for You” for the 2019 exams.The coming weeks are an important time for Year 11 students as they prepare for their examinations. This booklet is aimed at helping all students plan and use revision time effectively, as well as giving parents some tips on how they can help and support.At the end of this week, there will be just 11 weeks until the first written exam, which is on Monday 13th May. However, for those of you doing French and/or German, your speaking exam will be before this; the majority of these are taking place from the 8th to 10th May, which is just 10 weeks away. With February half term just a few days away, this is the perfect time to start your revision. Of course, it is important to have a balance between work, social time and family time but now is the time that clear, focused revision begins in earnest. This booklet includes some tips on how parents can encourage, enable and support students to revise effectively. It also contains subject-by-subject revision plans which, in some cases, will be supported by revision guides which can be purchased through school or by material that students will receive directly from subject teachers or on a memory stick.Please read this revision support booklet and;as a parent help your child to get organised, and as a student work with your parent to ensure a good, focused revision schedule.You will achieve your potential with:a clear revision schedule (see back of booklet for photocopiable timetables)concentration on areas in need of improvementdetermination and sustained effort support from family, peers and staffhard worka sensible balance between work and relaxation.If you have any concerns, please contact the relevant member(s) of staff at school.We are here to support you to achieve your full potential. Never give up, keep going and I know you will get there. Mrs DickinsonAssistant HeadteacherGeneral Advice for Students Make sure you understand what you are revising – if you understand something, you are far more likely to remember it easily. If you aren’t sure about something, ask a teacher, a friend, or a member of your family.Plan your work – draw up a timetable of what you need to revise, and when you plan to do it. Stick to it but accept that sometimes, for reasons beyond your control, you may have days where you don’t manage to complete the amount of work you had planned. Don’t worry if this is the case, you can always try to catch up the next day.Don’t be too ambitious – set targets which are hard, but achievable.Revising often for shorter periods is better than studying for long stretches, less frequently. Most people begin to lose concentration after 20 minutes. Most people learn best near the beginning and end of a revision session – so, the more breaks you have, the more beginnings and ends there are.If you find your attention drifting, take a 10 minute break – physical activity, such as a short walk or stretching, can be helpful – then go back to your studies. Taking a drink of water helps keep your body hydrated and alert.You will be aware that people learn best in different ways. Think about how you learn best.Don’t just re-read notes, try some of the following strategies. For more detailed explanations, see the next section in this booklet. highlighting key words making mind maps, spider diagrams, timelines, flow charts, Venn diagrams, etc. summing up key points making lists writing down key points on cards and using them to test yourself, or getting someone to test you teaching or explaining to someone else what you have learned producing a poster making up a rap, poem, or song, based on what you are learning producing a storyboard or cartoon, based on what you are learning talking over what you have learned either in your mind, or out loud, or to someone else using different rooms, or different areas of one room, to study different topics – when you return:- each location should remind you of what you have learned, and - thinking about each location during the exam can trigger memories, too walking around or assigning a gesture or movement to a fact or topic can help some people learn reviewing what you have learned so far, ideally by testing yourself, doing a mind map or list etc., before beginning something new.322580178435REVISION – THE TIME IS NOWLittle and Often11 weeks until the first written examStep by Step8 school weeks until the first examA journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step00REVISION – THE TIME IS NOWLittle and Often11 weeks until the first written examStep by Step8 school weeks until the first examA journey of a thousand miles begins with a single stepRevision StrategiesRAG – Red, Amber, Green-1079518478500Highlight sections in your work as follows:Red – you don’t remember covering it/are unsure of the theoryAmber – you get it, but are not totally clearGreen – very happy that you understand itThe focus for your subsequent revision should be the red/amber sections.MnemonicsThese help you to remember ideas/concepts/key words by using short words that stand for something. Here is a mnemonic for some of the important points relating to REVISION:RestExerciseVarietyImaginationStructureIndividualOngoingNot too longPost-its-1270000Write information as well as questions on post-it notes and place them on the wall, door, large sheets of paper etc. You can then re-arrange them in a variety of ways:Organise them into what you know and what you don’t knowGroup them together by theme or topicMatch questions to answersFlashcards-1270-63500Condense key words/phrases onto cards to learnWrite out questions with answers on the reverseMake lists of key worsGive the cards to someone to test youUse different coloured flashcards to help organise your notesUse different colours for different topics/themes/ideasMind MapsImagine a mind map is like a giant spider’s web with all the ideas around it. The spider (or main idea) is in the middle and everything is around it. The most important ideas are in the middle and the sub-topics go out further and further.Reading out loud-1270381000Read your revision notes out loud, perhaps to a particular rhythm – this could be set by music playing in the background, by tapping your foot or by walking calmly and steadily. This is a sort of walk and ic on a Page/Knowledge Organisers-1270-381000Summarise key ideas from a topic on one page. These are sometimes known as ‘Knowledge Organisers’. There is a sample ‘knowledge organiser’ for English at the end of this booklet – feel free to use this one or adapt it for a different subject.Or you could be a little more creative – summarise the key concepts on a paper plate as a poster!Highlighting/Underlining-1270-127000As you read through your exercise book/notes/revision guide, underline or highlight key words. You could come up with a predicted list before you start or you could make a list of keywords at the end. You could underline in different colour, patterns or styles (wiggly, thick etc.) to denote different ideas/topics/concepts.Parents – How you can helpWe all remember how stressful exam time is, and how important the right kind of support from parents – and other members of the family – can be. Try to ignore the occasional slammed door, long silence or tantrum.Read through General Advice for Students and Revision Strategies(above), and the various subject-specific pages, and see what you can do to help.Providing a quiet study room, away from distractions, is important. However, different people learn in different ways: some people learn better if there is appropriate background music, or by talking aloud, or pacing, so absolute silence isn’t always the best approach. Showing an interest in progress, and providing regular praise or rewards can be very supportive – sometimes, even a simple “Well done!” can mean a lot.Remember, one of the best ways of understanding and learning something is explaining or teaching it to someone else – so make yourself available, ask your child to explain a concept to you, ask questions and so on. Make sure your child sets a realistic revision timetable, starts early, and sticks to it, without overdoing things. See the back of this booklet for an example weekly revision template.Timetabling in ‘down time’, exercise or sports, meals (of course), social and relaxation time is also important to a successful and fruitful revision schedule. Finding the right balance is key.ACTION:Help your child produce a week by week revision timetable.You will find at the back of this booklet example weekly timetables for: whilst still in school and following normal lessonswhilst on holidays (February half term and Easter) or exam leave Please copy/print the blank timetables at the back as required to create a week by week revision schedule.Revision PreparationRevision PreparationWhat do you need to do?Checklist – make notes to help you prepareLocationIs the place where you revise appropriate and ready for you? Is there anything that we need to do to make this space more conducive to successful revision?----ResourcesDo you need to buy anything to help with revision?----TimetableHave you begun to complete a weekly revision timetable and plan?Do you have your individual exam timetable? This is given to students before the Easter Holidays.Does it make sense?----ContactsWho do you need to speak to?----ENGLISH LANGUAGEWeek beginningSpecific tasksRecommended timings Tick when complete25/2/19HALF TERMPaper 1 Q1 and Q21. Create and revise flashcards on exam technique. Know these off by heart.2. Work through pages 3 to 10 in revision book.1 hr 30 mins4/3/19Paper 1 Q3 1. Create flashcard on exam technique. Know this off by heart.2. Work through pages 24 to 31 in revision book.1 hr11/3/19Paper 1 Q4 1. Create flashcard on exam technique. Know this off by heart.2. Work through pages 36 to 43 in revision book.1 hr18/3/19Paper 1 Q5 1. Create flashcard on exam technique. Know this off by heart.2. Work through pages 13 to 22 in revision book.3. Complete a practice question of your choice and hand in to your teacher.1 hr 15 mins25/3/19Paper 1 Q1-51. Revise flashcards for Q1-51 hr 1/4/19Paper 2 Q1, Q2 and Q31. Create flashcards on exam technique. Know these off by heart.2. Work through pages 11, 12, 44, 45 in revision book.1 hr 30 mins8/4/19Paper 2 Q4 and 51. Create flashcards on exam technique. Know these off by heart.2. Work through pages 46 - 56 in revision book (make time to finish this during the holiday if you don’t have time this week)1 hr 30 mins15/4/19 HOLIDAYSPapers 1 and 21. Revise flashcards for all 10 questions across the two papers.2. Complete practice Paper 2 questions and hand in to your teacher after the holiday4 hours22/4/19HOLIDAYS29/4/19Paper 11. Revise Q1-5 flashcards.2. Read through relevant Paper 1 pages in your exercise book2 hours6/5/19Paper 11. Revise Q1-5 flashcards.2. Read through relevant Paper 1 pages in your exercise book and revision booklet2 hours13/5/19Paper 21. Revise Q1-5 flashcards.2. Read through relevant Paper 2 pages in your exercise book and revision booklet3. Find a model answer in your revision booklet and use this to complete a practice question for Section A2 hours20/5/19Paper 1 and Paper 21. Revise all 10 flashcards.2. Remind yourself of an area of weakness on P1 and P23. Re-read relevant pages in exercise book and revision booklet2 hours27/5/19HALF TERMPaper 1 and Paper 21. Revise all 10 flashcards.2. Re-read relevant pages in exercise book and revision booklet, especially model answers and your own past papers.4. Complete at least one practice question for Paper 1 and one for Paper 25 hours3/6/19Exam week1. Revise flashcards2. Re-read your exercise book and revision bookYou’re all set 4 hoursENGLISH LITERATUREEach week there will be a focus on two texts, and for each text a character and a theme. You can locate the quotations you need in your set texts and exercise books but also by signing up to Quizlet and joining the class ‘Thirsk School 2018’. Pass your email address to your teacher and you will receive an invitation to join via email.There will also be an opportunity to buy revision guides after half term for each set text which you should use to support your revision of character, theme, method and context.Week beginningSpecific tasksRecommended timings Tick when complete25/2/19HALF TERM1. Macbeth: The character of Macbeth and the theme of kingship2. Jekyll and Hyde: The character of Hyde and the theme of dualityFor each theme and character learn a minimum of two quotations (5 would be great) by creating flashcards and visiting QuizletMin 2 hours4/3/191. Macbeth: The character of Lady Macbeth and the theme of deception2. Jekyll and Hyde: The character of Dr Jekyll and the theme of reputationFor each theme and character learn a minimum of two quotations (5 would be great) by creating flashcards and visiting Quizlet. Make notes on the character and themes using your revision guides if you have them1 hr 30 mins11/3/191. Macbeth: The character of Macduff and the theme of the supernatural2. Jekyll and Hyde: The character of Utterson and the idea of the Victorian gentlemanFor each theme and character learn a minimum of two quotations (5 would be great) by creating flashcards and visiting Quizlet. Make notes on the character and themes using your revision guides if you have them3. Extension: Write a quality PEE paragraph on a quotation from each text1 hr 30 mins18/3/191. An Inspector Calls: The character of Sheila and the theme of the responsibility2. Power and Conflict poetry: Ozymandias/London/The Prelude/My Last Duchess and the theme of powerFor each theme and character/poem learn a minimum of two quotations (5 would be great) by creating flashcards and visiting Quizlet. Make notes on the character and themes using your revision guides if you have them1 hr 15 ins25/3/191. An Inspector Calls: The character of Birling and the theme of the social class2. Power and Conflict poetry: Charge of the Light Brigade/Exposure/Storm on the Island/Bayonet Charge and the theme of conflictFor each theme and character/poem learn a minimum of two quotations (5 would be great) by creating flashcards and visiting Quizlet. Make notes on the character and themes using your revision guides if you have them3. Create and revise flashcards for a range of poetic techniques 1 hr 30 mins1/4/191. Jekyll and Hyde: The character of Dr Lanyon and the theme of the Science and Religion2.Power and Conflict poetry: Remains/Poppies/War Photographer/Tissue and the theme of negative emotionsFor each theme and character/poem learn a minimum of two quotations (5 would be great) by creating flashcards and visiting Quizlet. Make notes on the character and themes using your revision guides if you have them3. Complete a practice question on Jekyll and Hyde or Macbeth1 hr 30 mins8/4191. Macbeth: The character of the witches and the theme of the ambition2.Power and Conflict poetry: The Emigree/Kamikaze/Checking Out Me History and the theme of memoryFor each theme and character/poem learn a minimum of two quotations (5 would be great) by creating flashcards and visiting Quizlet. Make notes on the character and themes using your revision guides if you have them1 hr 30 mins15/4/19HOLIDAYS1. Revise quotation flashcards for all 4 texts.2. Revise poetic techniques flashcards and do a 30 minute practice question on an unseen poem3. Complete practice questions on the two texts you are least confident with. Hand in to your teacher after the holiday5 hours22/4/19HOLIDAYS29/4/191. An Inspector Calls: The character of the Inspector and the theme of gender. Create flashcard on exam technique.2. Power and Conflict poetry: The theme of nature. Create flashcard on exam technique.Make notes on the character and themes using your revision guides if you have them 3. Revise two quotations for each text2 hours6/5/191. Macbeth: Create flashcard for exam technique, revise all quotations, and complete a practice question2. Jekyll and Hyde: Create flashcard for exam technique, revise all quotations, and complete a practice question2 hours13/5/191. Revise all quotations via flashcards/Quizlet2. Use exercise books, revision guides to study theme and character, and model answers3. Complete a practice question on your two ‘weaker’ texts, including unseen poetry 6 hours20/5/19Exam weekPaper 1: Macbeth and Jekyll and Hyde Paper 2: An Inspector Calls and Poetry1. Revise all 10 flashcards.2. Remind yourself of an area of weakness on P1 and P23. Re-read relevant pages in exercise book, revision guide4. Complete at least one practice question for each paper2 hoursMATHS (AQA 8300)Week BeginningTasksApproximate timeTick when complete25/2/19HALF TERM 5-a-dayRevision set by your teacher15min per day30 min4/3/19Week 1 5-a-dayRevision set by your teacher15 min per day30 min11/3/19Week 2 5-a-dayExam paper15 min per day1.5 hours18/3/19Week 1 5-a-dayRevision set by your teacher15 min per day30 min25/3/19Week 2 5-a-dayExam paper15 min per day1.5 hours1/4/19Week 1 5-a-dayRevision set by your teacher15 min per day30 min8/4/19Week 2 5-a-dayExam paper15 min per day1.5 hours15/4/19HOLIDAYS 5-a-dayRevision set by your teacherExam paper15 min per day30 min1.5 hours22/4/19HOLIDAYS 5-a-dayRevision set by your teacherExam paper15 min per day30 min1.5 hours29/4/19Week 1 5-a-dayRevision set by your teacher15 min per day30 min6/5/19Week 2 5-a-dayExam paper15 min per day1.5 hours13/5/19Week 1 5-a-dayRevision set by your teacher15 min per day30 min20/5/19Paper 1 21/5/19 amNon Calculator 5-a-dayExam paper15 min per day1.5 hours27/5/19HALF TERM 5-a-dayExam paper15 min per day1.5 hours3/6/19Paper 26/6/19 amCalculator 5-a-dayExam paper15 min per day1.5 hours10/6/19Paper 311/6/19 amCalculator 5-a-dayExam paper15 min per day1.5 hoursSCIENCERELIGIOUS STUDIESExam 1 (Christianity & Buddhism): Monday 13th May PMExam 2 (Themes – life, war, crime & human rights):Monday 20th May AMQuizlet login details: / click on ‘sign up’ / create username with your real name (e.g. smithjohn999) / type ‘ThirskschoolRS’ into search bar / use drop down menu to select the right classQuestion 3 and 4 guidance: answer each question in 2 short paragraphs of 2-3 sentences each. Include a quote if possible. On the themes paper it is best to answer using one Christian and one Buddhist view.Question 5: using the TRADE-C (think, reasons, agree, disagree, evaluate, conclusion) structure to plan and write an answer. You should write for 15 minutes, so about one side of A4.Your RS teacher will tell you which tasks to do each week. If you are aiming for a top grade, do all of them!Week beginningSpecific tasksMinimum time recommended per taskTick when complete25/2/19Christian beliefs topicHALF TERMQuizlet tasks 1a & 1b20 minutesComplete these practice questions:Question 3: Explain two ways in which Christian beliefs about crucifixion influence Christians today.Question 4: Explain two Christian beliefs about judgement.20 minutesComplete this practice question using TRADE-C structure: ‘You must believe in Jesus in order to be saved.’ Discuss this statement.20 minutesUse your revision cards for this topic to review the topic. Practice answering the questions aloud to a family member or friend.20 minutesCreate a revision resource to summarise Christian Beliefs topic – detailed mind-map or flashcards1 hour4/3/19Christian practices topicQuizlet tasks 2a & 2b20 minutesComplete these practice questions:Question 3: Explain two contrasting Christian views about the importance of Church growth.Question 4: Explain two Christian beliefs about pilgrimage.20 minutesComplete this practice question using TRADE-C structure: ‘Easter is the most important festival for Christians.’ Discuss this statement.20 minutesUse your revision cards for this topic to review the topic. Practice answering the questions aloud to a family member or friend.20 minutesCreate a revision resource to summarise Christian Practices topic – detailed mind-map or flashcards1 hour11/3/19Buddhist Beliefs topicQuizlet tasks 3a, 3b, 3c20 minutesComplete these practice questions:Question 3: Explain two ways in which a belief in karma might influence Buddhists today.Question 4: Explain two religious beliefs about the eightfold path.20 minutesComplete this practice question using TRADE-C structure: ‘For Buddhists, the first noble truth is the most important of the 4 noble truths’. Discuss this statement.20 minutesUse your revision cards for this topic to review the topic. Practice answering the questions aloud to a family member or friend.20 minutesCreate a revision resource to summarise Buddhist beliefs topic – detailed mind-map or flashcards1 hour18/3/19Buddhist Practices topicQuizlet tasks 4a & 4b20 minutesComplete these practice questions:Question 3: Explain two contrasting types of Buddhist meditation.Question 4: Explain two reasons why Parinirvana is important to Buddhists.20 minutesComplete this practice question using TRADE-C structure: ‘Worshipping the Buddha is wrong because it is treating him like a God.’ Discuss this statement.20 minutesUse your revision cards for this topic to review the topic. Practice answering the questions aloud to a family member or friend.20 minutesCreate a revision resource to summarise Buddhist practices topic – detailed mind-map or flashcards1 hour25/3/19Religion & Life topicQuizlet tasks 5a & 5b20 minutesComplete these practice questions:Question 3: Explain two contrasting religious beliefs about the use of animal testing.Question 4: Explain two religious beliefs about the right to an abortion.20 minutesComplete this practice question using TRADE-C structure: ‘Euthanasia should be allowed in the UK.’ Discuss this statement.20 minutesUse your revision cards for this topic to review the topic. Practice answering the questions aloud to a family member or friend.20 minutesCreate a revision resource to summarise Religion & Life topic – detailed mind-map or flashcards1 hour1/4/19Religion & War topicQuizlet tasks 6a, 6b, 6c20 minutesComplete these practice questions:Question 3: Explain two similar religious beliefs about reconciliation.Question 4: Explain two religious beliefs about the importance of peace.20 minutesComplete this practice question using TRADE-C structure: ‘Religion is the main cause of war.’ Discuss this statement.20 minutesUse your revision cards for this topic to review the topic. Practice answering the questions aloud to a family member or friend.20 minutesCreate a revision resource to summarise Religion & War topic – detailed mind-map or flashcards1 hour8/4/19Religion & Crime topicQuizlet tasks 7a & 7b20 minutesComplete these practice questions:Question 3: Explain two contrasting beliefs in contemporary British society about forgiving criminals.Question 4: Explain two religious beliefs about retribution as an aim of punishment20 minutesComplete this practice question using TRADE-C structure: ‘There is no good reason why anyone should commit a crime.’ Discuss this statement.20 minutesUse your revision cards for this topic to review the topic. Practice answering the questions aloud to a family member or friend.20 minutesCreate a revision resource to summarise Religion & Crime topic – detailed mind-map or flashcards1 hour15/4/19Religion & Human rights topicHOLIDAYSQuizlet tasks 8a, 8b, 8c20 minutesComplete these practice questions:Question 3: Explain two contrasting beliefs in contemporary British society about giving to charity.Question 4: Explain two religious beliefs about human rights.20 minutesComplete this practice question using TRADE-C structure: ‘Women should not be allowed to take on leadership positions in religions.’ Discuss this statement.20 minutesUse your revision cards for this topic to review the topic. Practice answering the questions aloud to a family member or friend.Create a revision resource to summarise Religion & Human Rights topic – detailed mind-map or flashcards1 hour22/4/19Exam 1 practice paperHOLIDAYSRe-do Quizlet tasks 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b30 minutesComplete this practice paper on both Christianity topics:Christian beliefs:1. Which one of the following means that God is all-powerful?[1 mark] A) Omnipotent B) omniscient C) omnibenevolent D) omnipresent2. Name two persons of the trinity [2 marks] 3. Explain two ways in which a belief in Jesus’ crucifixion influences Christians today [4 marks] 4. Explain two Christian beliefs about the afterlife. Refer to scripture or sacred writings in your answer [5 marks] 5. ‘The stories of the resurrection prove that Jesus was the Son of God.’ Discuss this statement. [12 marks] Christian practices:1. Which of the following best describes a ceremony where someone joins the church when they are old enough to understand the meaning of the ceremony? (1 mark)A) ChristmasB) Infant baptismC) Believers baptism D) Liturgy2. Give 2 types of worship. (2 marks)3. Explain 2 contrasting types of Christian Pilgrimage. (4 marks)4. Explain two reasons why Christians may pray. (5 marks)5. ‘Only Christians should celebrate Christmas’. Discuss this statement. (12)1 hour Either review your revision resources on exam 1 or go back and review all the exam practice questions at the end of the Christianity topics1 hour29/4/19Exam 2 practice paper Re-do Quizlet tasks 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 6c 30 minutesComplete this practice paper on two of the themes topics:Religion & Life:Which of the following is the leading scientific theory for how life on earth developed? Sustainable development B. The sanctity of lifeDependent arisingD. The theory of evolutionGive two religious reasons for reducing pollution. 3. Explain two similar beliefs about animal experimentation. 4. Explain two religious beliefs about the origins of the universe.5. ‘Religious believers cannot agree with the theory of evolution.’ Discuss this statement. Religion & War:Which of the following best describes a person not in the armed services or the police force? SOLDIER B. CIVILIANC. POLITICIAN D. OFFICER Give two rules of the Just War theory. 2 MARKSExplain two contrasting beliefs in contemporary British society about whether countries should possess weapons of mass destruction. 4 MARKS. Explain two religious reasons why violence may be right. ‘Religious believers should never go to war’. Discuss this statement. 12 MARKS 1 hourEither review your revision resources on exam 2 or go back and review all the exam practice questions at the end of the Life & War topics1 hour6/5/19Exam 1 practice paperRe-do Quizlet tasks 3a, 3b, 3c, 4a & 4b30 minutesComplete this practice paper on the two Buddhism topics:Buddhist Beliefs:1. Which one of the following is one of the Three Marks of Existence? [1 mark] A) Anicca B) Dhamma (dharma)C) Nibbana D) Sunyata 2. Give two of the four sights that the Buddha saw. [2 marks] 3. Explain two ways in which learning about the life of the Buddha influences Buddhists today. [4 marks] 4. Explain two Buddhist teachings about the causes of suffering. [5 marks] 5. ‘A life of luxury can never lead you to the truth’. Discuss this statement. [12 marks] Buddhist Practices1. Which of the following is a type of Buddhist meditation? A) Samatha B) Calming C) Anicca D) Dukkha 2. Give two forms of Buddhist puja (worship) (2)3. Explain two contrasting Buddhist rituals associated with death and mourning. (4)4. Explain two beliefs about the five precepts. (5)5. ‘The best place for a Buddhist to worship is in a temple.’ Discuss this statement. (12)Either review your revision resources on exam 1 or go back and review all the exam practice questions at the end of the Buddhism topics1 hour13/5/19Exam 2 Practice paperRe-do Quizlet tasks 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 8c30 minutesComplete this practice paper on two of the themes topics:Religion & CrimeWhich of these is not a type of punishment? (1)A) DeterrenceB) community serviceC) prisonD) corporal punishment2. Name 2 aims of punishment (2)3. Explain 2 contrasting religious views about capital punishment. (4)4. Explain two religious teachings on the forgiveness of criminals. In your answer you should refer to religious teachings. (5)5. ‘Reform is the most important aim of punishment’. Discuss this statement.(12)Religion & Human Rights1. Which one of the following is the main religious tradition in Britain? (1)Buddhism B. Christianity C. Islam D. Hinduism2. Name two human rights on the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (2)3. Explain two contrasting beliefs about the role of women. (4)4. Explain two religious beliefs about equality (5)5. ‘Racism is the worst form of prejudice.’ Discuss this statement. (12)1 hourEither review your revision resources on exam 2 or go back and review all the exam practice questions at the end of the Crime & Human Rights topics1 hourARTBUSINESSWeek beginningSpecific tasksMinimum time recommended per taskTick when complete25/2/19HALF TERM3.1 BUSINESS IN THE REAL WORLD - Complete 1st half of knowledge organiser sheet2 hours minimum4/3/193.1 BUSINESS IN THE REAL WORLD - Complete 2nd half of knowledge organiser sheet1 hour minimum11/3/193.2 INFLUENCES ON BUSINESS- Complete 1st half of knowledge organiser sheet1 hour minimum18/3/193.2 INFLUENCES ON BUSINESS- Complete 2nd half of knowledge organiser sheet1 hour minimum25/3/193.3 BUSINESS OPERATIONS- Complete whole of knowledge organiser sheet1 hour minimum1/4/193.4 HUMAN RESOURCES- Complete whole of knowledge organiser sheet1 hour minimum8/4/193.5 MARKETING- Complete whole of knowledge organiser sheet1 hour minimum15/4/19 HOLIDAYS3.6 FINANCE- Complete the knowledge organiser sheet- Revise from all other topic knowledge organisers (get someone to test you, prepare revision cards or mindmaps from knowledge organisers, exam practice Qs, etc.)2 hours minimum22/4/19HOLIDAYS3.6 FINANCE- Complete the knowledge organiser sheet- Revise from all other topic knowledge organisers (get someone to test you, prepare revision cards or mindmaps from knowledge organisers, exam practice Qs, etc.)2 hours minimum29/4/19Use knowledge organisers to produce revision cards and/ or mindmaps of all key terms/ advantages/ disadvantages for paper 1 (Business in real world, influences on business, Operations & HR)1 hour minimum6/5/19Use knowledge organisers to produce revision cards and/ or mindmaps of all key terms/ advantages/ disadvantages for paper 2 (Business in real world, influences on business, Marketing & Finance)1 hour minimum13/5/19Use knowledge organisers to produce revision cards and/ or mindmaps of all key terms/ advantages/ disadvantages for paper 1 (Business in real world, influences on business, Operations & HR)1 hour minimum20/5/19GCSEBUSINESS PAPER 1EXAMExam practice for paper 1Revise from knowledge organisers, revision cards & mindmaps8132/1 PAPER 1: INFLUENCES OF OPERATIONS AND HRM ON BUSINESS ACTIVITYFriday 24th May 9 am1 hour 45 mins1 hour minimum27/5/19HALF TERMUse knowledge organisers to produce revision cards and/ or mindmaps of all key terms/ advantages/ disadvantages for paper 2 (Business in real world, influences on business, Marketing & Finance)Exam practice for paper 22 hours minimum3/6/19GCSE BUSINESS PAPER 2 EXAM8132/2 PAPER 2: INFLUENCES OF MARKETING AND FINANCE ON BUSINESS ACTIVITY Tuesday 4th June 2019 1 pm1 hour 45 mins1 hour minimumDRAMAWeek beginningSpecific tasksRecommended timings Tick when complete25/2/19HALF TERMPrep for Scripted Exam Learn lines as best you can – or become very, very familiar with them 10 mins each day 4/3/19Prep for scripted exam Continue to learn lines for the exam Written Paper Section 1 Revise staging types Using notes from book and folder and handouts previously given (collect new ones if needed) 10 mins each day20 mins 11/3/19Prep for scripted exam Continue to learn lines for the exam Written Paper Section 1 Revise theatre roles and responsibilities Using notes from book and folder and handouts previously given (collect new ones if needed)10 mins each day20 mins 18/3/19Prep for scripted exam Continue to learn lines for the exam Written Paper Section 2 Blood Brothers Create clear plans and ideas for costumes for the characters of Mickey and Edward – through the play (question 1)10 mins each day30 mins 25/3/19Prep for scripted exam Continue to learn lines for the exam Written Paper Section 2 Blood Brothers Create clear plans and ideas for costumes for the characters of Linda, Mrs J and Mrs L (question 1)10 mins each day30 mins 1/4/19Prep for scripted exam Continue to learn lines for the exam Written Paper Section 2 Blood Brothers Create clear plans and ideas for the set design for the play (question 1) 10 mins each day20 mins 8/4/19Written Paper Section 2 Blood Brothers Re read Act 1 – make a plot line of the action 1hour 15/4/19 HOLIDAYS22/4/19HOLIDAYSWritten Paper Section 2 Blood Brothers Re read Act 2 – make a plot line of the action Remind yourself of words to describe performance (MPGIVRF) – revise words to describe all of these Randomly open the play at any point and write a description of how you would perform one of the characters in that section and what your intentions would beWritten Paper Section 3 Live Performance Choose a live performance from our time over the past 2 years and compile notes on the performance 4 hours29/4/19Written Paper Section 3 Live Performance Check your notes on Live Performances Choose one that you feel very familiar with and update all your notes with detail of the event, the action, the characters, the set etc. This may mean you coming in to watch the DVD (Metamorphosis or Oresteia by Splendid for example) 1 hour 6/5/19Written Paper Section 3 Live Performance Look through the mock questions for live performance that Mrs Stimson will give you. Do you have enough notes for Live Performance to answer them? Do you have enough detail? Make sure your notes on ACTORS PERFORMANCE are strong enough on the live performance – can you answer in enough detail?Final Prep Check through all of your notes for the whole exam – have questions ready for lessons next week 1hr 30 mins 13/5/19Exam Week Check through all your notes in prep for the exam this week 2 hours final revision at least GEOGRAPHYWeek beginningSpecific tasksMinimum time recommended per taskTick when complete25/2/19HALF TERMSeneca Learning tasks – JBL classes – Natural Hazards, Tectonic Hazards.30 minutes but you have the chance to redo the tasks to improve the marks.JBL classes – St Jude StormPg 9+13 Exam Practice workbook1 hourKL Class - Earthquakes – reading ahead and case study development task.Pg58-61 Exam Practice workbookAll classes - Review Paper 2 from Mock exam. Using your fieldwork notes, make improvements to the questions on your own fieldwork.30 minutes4/3/19JBL classes – Extreme Weather in UK tasks.Pg 10-12 Exam Practice workbook.Seneca Weather hazards assignment.1 hourKL Class – Pg 62-63 Exam Practice workbook.Tectonics revision/exam practice.11/3/19JBL classes – Climate change and global warming tasks.Pg 14-17 Exam Practice workbook.Seneca Climate change assignment.1 hourKL Class – Pg 64-66 Exam Practice workbook.Practice Exam Question – Economic World.18/3/19JBL classes – Climate change mitigation tasks.Pg 4-8 Exam Practice workbook.Seneca Urban Issues assignment.1 hourKL Class – Pg 67-69 Exam Practice workbook.Practice Exam Question – Urban Issues.25/3/19All classes – pre-release information and preparation for paper 3. Lesson time plus lunchtime sessions and homework.2 hours1/4/19JBL classes – Development and DTM tasks.Pg 58-61 Exam Practice workbook.Seneca Physical Landscapes and coasts assignment.1 hourKL Class – Pg 4, 6-8 Exam Practice workbook.Plate Tectonics/Earthquakes tasks.8/4/19JBL classes – UK Economy tasks.Pg 62-63 Exam Practice workbook.Seneca Rivers assignment.1 hourKL Class – Pg 9-12 Exam Practice workbook.Global Atmospheric Circulation tasks.15/4/19 HOLIDAYS22/4/19HOLIDAYSJBL classes – Nigeria Economy Tasks.Pg 64-69 Exam Practice workbook.Seneca Economic World assignment.Pre-release final preparation and practice questions.Revision Flashcards/mind maps – Y10 units.1 hr30 mins1 hr2 hrs2 hrsKL classes – Typhoon Haiyan and St Jude Storm Tasks.Pg 13-17 Exam Practice workbook/Exam practice questions.Pre-release final preparation and practice questions.Revision Flashcards/mind maps – Y10 units.1.5 hrs1 hr2 hrs2 hrs29/4/19Ask someone to test you on a range of questions from the pre-release booklet.1 hour1 hourJBL classes - Pg 74-77 Exam Practice workbook.Seneca Resource management and Water assignment.KL Class – Pg 74-77 Exam Practice workbook.Extreme Weather tasks.6/5/19Ask someone to test you on a range of questions from paper 3 – skills units. Intervention time for preparation for this paper.1 hour1 hourJBL classes - Pg 39-45 Exam Practice workbook.Seneca Ecosystems assignment.KL Class – Pg 39-45 Exam Practice workbook.Climate change and Global warming tasks.13/5/19Ask someone to test you on a range of questions from paper 1/2 – physical /human units.1 hour1 hourJBL classes - Pg 33-38 Exam Practice workbook.Seneca Tropical Rainforest assignment.KL Class – Pg 33-38 Exam Practice workbook.Mitigation of climate change tasks.20/5/1921/05/19 1.30pm Paper 1 – Physical Units (1.5 hours)27/5/19Half term revision and preparation for paper 3.03/6/1905/06/19 1.30pm Paper 2 – Human Units (1.5 hours)Opportunity to be in school and do some preparation and revision for paper 3 – liaise with KL/JBL.10/6/1913/06/19 9am Paper 3 – Pre-release DME & Fieldwork Skills (1 ? hours)HISTORYNote to students and parents: This plan is a MINIMUM expectation for revision ready for your History GCSE. In order to secure a strong grade, you will have to revisit these tasks regularly. This should accompany regular use of Podcasts, YouTube videos and GCSE Bitesize to reinforce previous topics.To complete the tasks set below you will need 4 separate documents. They have all been provided on your memory stick.They are:WW1 Revision Guide Paper 1Norman England Revision Guide Paper 2Britain Health and the People Revision Guide Paper 2Pevensey Revision Guide Paper 2Revision for the American West (which we are studying in the final term) should be treated separately. A revision guide will be available for this.Alongside this, please watch the following videos and make notes:Medicine: Start on 11.00 minutes unless you want detailed background of Galen and HippocratesNorman England: (full YouTube channel of documentaries about Norman England)World War I: (Causes of World War 1 and the Schlieffen Plan) (detailed look at the battles) last stages of WW1.OR Google Video/YouTube search specific topics and watch the shorter videos.Week beginningSpecific tasksTimingsTick when complete25/2/19HALF TERMMiddle Ages. What were their ideas? Page 1-7. Read through, highlight 20 words per page. Sum up each page in a single paragraph.30 minsBattle of Hastings Claimants Page 3-6. Students read through and sum up who the Normans were in a single paragraph using page 4. They use page 3 to make a list of 5 key things on England and turn each one into a clear image/diagram. They then do a mind-map of the claimants to the throne using page 5 and 6.40 minutes.Alliances, Naval Race and Germany. Using page 2 draw diagrams to represent each major country in Europe. Sum up the changes to the alliance system in a flow chart (page 2-3) Complete the boxes on pages 4.30 minutes.4/3/19Middle Ages Treatments. Page 8-9. Create a mind map of all the different treatments and carers. Link them together where possible. Write a summary paragraph of what treatments were like. 30 minsBattle of Hastings events Create a storyboard of the events from pages 7-12. There needs to be a minimum of 4 storyboard scenes for each page.40 minutes.11/3/19Middle Ages Black Death, Summary and test self. Go through pages 10-12. Read through the black death and sum it up in 5 key bullet points. Complete the test on the last page.20 minsBattle of Hastings aftermath and control. Write each of the methods of control down (pages 13-17) on flashcards with 3 key points about each on the other side. Practice them over and over until you have memorised them. Involve a parent or a friend!45 minutes.World War 1 Moroccan Crises read through and highlight, then complete the task. Explain the difference between the two crises. Pages 4-6.30 minutes.18/3/19Renaissance changes and continuity Sum up what the renaissance was using page 13. It must be in one key paragraph. Sum up the CHANGE and CONTINUITY points into 5 words each. Read through the information on the Royal Society and sum it up in 3 key bullet points.35 mins.Normans Control – Castles Draw a diagram of a castle with labels from page 18-20. Do the same with the information on Pevensey on the separate page. Draw up a comparative table for similarities and differences between Pevensey and other castles.30 minutes.25/3/19Renaissance Vesalius and Harvey Using pages 15-17, make a mind map of Vesalius and Harvey. Then turn it into a Venn diagram, seeing how they are similar and different.40 mins.Normans Feudal System, Military Control and National Government Read through pages 23-25. Highlight 20 key words on each page (no more or less!) and then sum up each of the above in 6 bullet points.20 minutes.WW1 Balkan Crisis, Balkan Wars Using pages 4-6, read through and highlight, then complete the task. Explain the difference between the Bosnian Crisis and the Balkan Wars, including dates, events etc. 30 minutes.1/4/19Renaissance Change and continuity and the Great Plague. Read through the table on page 18. Take each point and sum it up in 3 words. Then turn to page 19-20, creating a venn diagram comparing the Great Plague to the Black Death. Then complete the test on page 21.40 mins.Norman Church, change and continuity. Lanfranc. Read through pages 34-38. Add a ‘5 word heading’ and a single diagram for EACH paragraph on the 5 pages.30 minutes.World War 1 Assassination and outbreak of World War 1. Read through the ‘results’ of the assassination, turning each one into a diagram and a 1-5 word key ‘title’. Using the next page, Explain the Schlieffen Plan and how it resulted in Stalemate. You must use each box on pages 8.35 minutes.8/4/19Industrial Revolution introduction to conditions. Sum up page 22-23 in a mind map with 3 key headings – changes, causes of disease and worst diseases (go online to research how each disease spread)20 mins.Norman Monasticism changes. Using page 41-44 write down all the changes that Lanfranc makes in a list, and a brief explanation for why.40 minutes.15/4/19 HOLIDAYS22/4/19HOLIDAYSIndustrial Revolution Edward Jenner and opposition. Read through page 24. Highlight key words and then sum up each bullet point in 5 words. Then go onto page 25, and write a brief paragraph explaining how Pasteur links to Jenner30 mins.Norman Monasticism and education. Go back to page 43 and focus on the education in Monasteries section. Turn each sentence into a summary image. 30 minutes.World War Battles (ALL) Go through pages 9-15. Make a note of each battle and decide 5 key facts for each one in bullet points. Then draw a diagram to represent each one. Make sure you know the dates, HIGHLIGHT and memorise these!Industrial Revolution Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch. Also John Snow. Read through all the way to page 28. Turn each page into 5 bullet points and 3 images.40 minutesNorman life in Norman Towns. Read through and highlight page 29. Give each paragraph a heading and then represent each ‘impact’ as a diagram. Give each one a key word and try to memorise them (flip them over and try to copy without looking). Then go to page 32-34. List all the changes to Norman towns. Agree a list of 10 points that you will memorise and return to.40 minutesWorld War 1 changes to the war. Use pages 15-16 and list the reasons that the USA joined the war and the reasons that Russia left the war. When possible, add the IMPACTS of these two joining/leaving.40 mins.29/4/19Industrial Revolution Florence Nightingale. Jump to page 45. Highlight key words on each page and turn over the page, trying to memorise everything (copy it down without looking!)20 minutesNorman life in Villages Read through page 30. Annotate the page with 10 questions that you would like to know more about villages. Highlight the key words and then sum up villages in a single paragraph.20 minutesWorld War 1 The Spring Offensive Using page 17, highlight and sum up each date with 3 diagrams. Research on YouTube for a video on Spring Offensive and make notes.20 minutes.6/5/19Industrial Revolution Government impacts. At the top of page 28, it shows a scroll of the public health act. Turn this into a diagram, alongside reasons for it happening.20 mins.Norman Dynasty Read through page 20. Make a list of each character involved in the Norman Dynasty (William Rufus, Bishop Odo, Robert Curthouse, Henry) and draw a stick figure with key story events happening around them. 30 minutes.13/5/19Industrial Revolution Surgery Changes Go through pages 33-36. Draw up a table of the 3 ‘problems’ explaining in detail what they are and how each was solved.45 minutes.Normans – England before 1066. Revisit page 3. Sum up in 5 points what England was like before 1066.15 minutes.WW1 Hundred Days Offensive Using page 17, highlight the HUNDRED DAYS information. Re-order the facts in ‘importance’ to allied victory. Sum each one up in 5 words.25 minutes.20/5/19Modern Period The NHS Page 40-41. Sum up in a list all of the changes the NHS made. Research online what Bevan and Beveridge did, summing them up in a paragraph each.40 mins.Normans – Pevensey Castle. Read through the Pevensey Castle sheet. Copy it out without looking 5 times. You can only look at the sheet when you don’t have a pen in hand. 1 hour.WW1 End of the War – why did Germany lose? Complete the categorising task on page 18, (at the top of the page). Sum up in 3 bullet points why Germany lost.20 minutes27/5/19HALF TERMModern Period Development of Penicillin Create a mind-map of the information on pages 32-33. Split up Fleming, and Florey & Chain. Link in the factors on your mind map before comparing and explaining who impacts most.30 mins.Normans Timeline. Re-read your Normans booklet, making a timeline of all the events before, during and after 1066 that are mentioned. There must be at least 10 events on there including the building of Pevensey.1 hour.WW1 generals and why Kaiser Abdicated. Reading page 19, pick out 3 key things about each section (including 3 on Haig and Foch). Bullet point them to memorise.25 minutes.Medicine TIMELINE. Draw up a timeline using your booklet. Include at least 5 points from each time period (8 from Industrial period)1 hour.Normans – table of change and continuity. Draw up a large table with two columns. On one side write all the things that the Normans CHANGED and on the other the things that stayed the same.1 hour.WW1 Complete the big knowledge quiz. Using the final page, complete the quiz.30 minutes.HOSPITALITY AND CATERINGWeek beginningSpecific tasksMinimum time recommended per taskTick when complete25/2/19HALF TERMThe structure of the Hospitality and Catering Industry: Research and create a flashcard for the following types of food service system: Counter service- cafeteria, free flow, multipoint, buffet style, fast food, seated counter service and carvery service Table service-plate service, silver service, family service and gueridon systemPersonal service- Transport catering system- trains, aeroplanes and ships and vending systemsFor each type of food service system you need to explain what it is, give examples of provisions that use the type of service and add examples of food products/dishes that can be served using the type.1 hourCreate a table (grid) that categorises hospitality and catering provision into the following sectors:Commercial residential Commercial non-residentialNon-commercial residential Non-commercial non-residential Underneath the grid answer the following questions for the 4 sectors:Which client groups may use each sector (think age, employment, and reasons for using the provision)?What services does this sector offer?What job roles are required within the sector? 1 hourCreate a mind map to show the job roles and responsibilities of these different employees in the hospitality and catering industry:ManagersAdministratorsFront of house staffBack of house staffGive examples of job roles for each type of job- e.g. manager- Finance manager.30 minutes4/3/19Kitchen brigadeCreate a chart to show the hierarchy of job roles within the kitchen brigade. There are six levels of job roles in the hierarchy. Underneath each one you need to explain the job role.Kitchen porter/plongeur, executive head chef, expeditor, confiseur, glacier, decotateur, Boulanger, saucier, poissonier, patissier, grillardin, garde manger, friturier, entremetier, boucher, commis chef, chefs de partie, sous chef, rotisser,45 minutesCreate a flash card for each of the following hospitality job roles. For each job role list the duties that they would do in their working day, the skills and qualities (personal attributes) needed for their job.Front of house: Head receptionistAssistant receptionistPorterNight porterConciergeHousekeeping:Head housekeeperRoom attendantsMaintenance managerCleaning staff30 minutes11/3/19Working conditions in the hospitality and catering industry:Create a match up activity that shows the definition of the following employment contracts:Full-time permanent contractPart-time permanent contractCasual workZero hours contract30 minutesFind out the answers to the following questions:According to the Working Time Directive how many hours can a person under the age of 18 work in a) a day b) a week?How many days off is an employee entitled to in a week?If an employee works for 6 or more hours a day how long should they be given a break for?What does the term National Minimum Wage mean?What is the difference between the National Minimum Wage and the National Living Wage?30 minutesCreate a mind map with the focus of ‘Remuneration.’It must include notes on the following:Tips and gratuitiesService chargeBonus payments and rewardsTronc arrangement 20 minutes18/3/19Create a flashcard or poster for each of the following factors how do they affect the success of hospitality and catering providers. Think about the impact they have on the provision.Costs, profits and economyEnvironmental factors- waste, reduce, re-use, recycle, sustainable food production Technology-media, social media and technologyDevelopment- emerging and innovative cooking techniques and trends, Customer demographics, customer lifestyle and expectations, customer service and service provision. CompetitionPolitical- licencing laws, employment laws, customer and employee health and safety and taxes90 minutes25/3/19Draw a male chef and a female chef. What is the dress code of a chef in the kitchen for each gender? Why is each item worn? Include personal hygiene aspects such as nail vanish, jewellery etc. too20 minutesCreate a flashcard to explain the ways that the provision can ensure the following potential safety and security issues are prevented for kitchen staff:Potential safety issues: Risk of fire or electrocutionRisk of trips, slips and fallsRisk of injury from machinery e.g. electric food slicer, steamerRisk of cuts, burns and scaldsRisk of heavy stored items falling from shelves or cupboardsPotential security issues:Theft of personal items from staff areasTheft of equipment e.g knives, small electrical items Theft of stored ingredients, alcohol and materials Vandalism of premisesArson (deliberately setting fire to a place)1 hour 1/4/19Operational activities of the front of house in a restaurant- What is the purpose and why are the following important to the success of the business? Entrance/receptionWaiting areaBar areaDining areaCloakrooms/toilets30 minutesDraw a waiter and a waitress. What is the dress code of a front of house member of staff for each gender? Why is each item worn? Include personal hygiene aspects such as jewellery etc. too. Why is the general dress code important?30 minutesCreate a flashcard to explain the ways that the provision can ensure the following potential safety and security issues are prevented in the front of house area:Potential safety issues: Risk of fire Risk of trips, slips and fallsRisk of injury from machinery e.g. coffee machine, hot foodRisk of cuts, burns and scaldsRisk of heavy stored items falling from shelves or cupboardsPotential security issues:Theft of personal items from staff areasTheft of equipment e.g cutlery, glasses Theft of stored ingredients, alcohol and materials Vandalism of premisesArson (deliberately setting fire to a place)Problems with inebriated (drunk) or aggressive customers8/4/19Meeting customer requirements: create a mind map with the focus of ‘customer requirements.’ This must include:Customer needs, customer requirements and expectations and customer service30 minutesCustomer rights and equality: create a flashcard for each of the following laws giving and explanation of each one and how it effects the hospitality and catering businesses:Trade Descriptions Act 1968Equality Act 2010The Consumer Protection Act 1987Consumer Rights Act 20151 hourCreate a mind map that explains: What is the difference between business/corporate requirements and leisure requirements? What should ‘leisure’ facilities include? What should ‘corporate’ facilities include?30 minutes15/4/19 HOLIDAYSResponsibilities of employers and employees for personal safety. Create a flashcard for each of the following laws- include two columns- what the employer must do by law and what the employee must do by law:Health and Safety at Work Act (HASAWA)Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulation (RIDDOR)Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH)Manual Handling Operations Regulations (MHOR)Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations (PPER)1 hourDefine the following terms:HazardRiskRisk assessmentControl measure15 minutres22/4/19HOLIDAYSCreate a table (grid) that outlines what control measures the employer and employee must put in place to prevent the following:Front of house employees (reception staff, security/door staff, waiting staff and bartenders):Muscle strain and back problems from lifting and carrying heavy items, moving tables and chairs ect.Long working hours leading to fatigue (tiredness) and increased risk of injurySlips, trips and fallsPhysically and verbally aggressive customersBack of house employees (chefs and cooks, stock controller, kitchen hands, pot wash and cleaners):Exposure to particles in the air (e.g. flour)Exposure to cleaning chemicalsRepetitive strain injury e.g. in the wrists and hands from repeated chopping, kneading and mixingBurns and scaldsSlips, trips and falls CustomersFood poisoning Illness due to food allergies and intolerancesFire or other emergencyAccessing customer personal details and data e.g. address and bank cardsSuppliersMuscle strain and back problems from lifting, carrying and storing heavy itemsTrips, slips and falls1 hourDefine the following terms:BacteriaMouldsYeastsFood spoilageContamination15 minutesFood related causes of ill healthCreate a mind map of all the possible ways cross contamination can be prevented15 minutes29/4/19Create a table (grid) that shows how the following conditions support the growth of microbes and how a food handler control the growth and multiplication of microbes:TemperatureMoistureFoodTimePH (acidity or alkalinity)30 minutesCreate a flashcard for the following types of food poisoning. Your flashcards must include the possible causes, onset time, visible and non-visible symptoms, duration of symptoms and if there are any vulnerable groups of people:Bacillus cereusCampylobacterClostridium perfringensE.ColiListeriaSalmonellaStaphylococcus aureus1 hour Other causes of ill health:Mind map each of the following taking into consideration how they can transferred into food products and how can it be prevented in the hospitality and catering industry?ChemicalsMetalsPoisonous plants 30 minutes6/5/19Define the following terms: AllergenAnaphylaxisFood allergyFood intolerance15 minutesMind map the following information for food allergies and food intolerances:What are the most common allergens/causes of intolerance in food?What are the visible symptoms of a reaction?What are the non-visible symptoms of a reaction? How can workers in the hospitality and catering industry act responsibly about food allergies and intolerances (think back of house and front of house staff)? 30 minutes Create a flashcard for the following food safety legislation.What are the basic rules and responsibilities that are set out and that apply to all food businesses and their employees?The Food Safety Act 1990Food Hygiene RegulationsFood Labelling Regulations HACCP30 minutes13/5/19Environmental Health Officers:Create a mind map to brainstorm the following information:What is the purpose of an EHO?What duties would an EHO carry out whilst inspecting premises?What are EHO’s allowed to do by law?What are EHO’s legally allowed to do if they find a concern?30 minutes20/5/19Hospitality and catering provision:What services does each provision offer? Which job roles may work there? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the following hospitality and catering provision? Create a flashcard for each one:Restaurant, bistros and dining roomsCafes, tearooms and coffee shopsTakeaway and fast food outletsPubs and barsClubs and casinosStreet foodPop-up restaurantsMobile/roadside food vansVisitor and tourist attractions- e.g. theme parks, museums, spasSport stadiums and concert/gig venues 1 hour27/5/19HALF TERMHospitality and catering provision:What services does each provision offer? Which job roles may work there? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the following hospitality and catering provision? Create a flashcard for each one: HotelGuest houseBed and breakfastFamily holiday camp and parksGlampingCruise shipsLong-distance trainsAirlines (long distance)Motorway servicesYouth Hostels1 hour03/6/19Hospitality and catering provision for specific requirements:When setting up new a new hospitality and catering provision why must the following be considered? How may each one be considered? Create a mind map.Unique selling points (USPs)Current trends in the hospitality and catering industryPotential customersCompetitionPromotion planOperation of the businessFinancial plan1 hour10/6/19Recap the exam command words. What does each one mean? What are you expected to do?AnalyseJustifyExplainDescribeReviewIdentifySuggestRecommendListStateName30 minutesExam practice: Put your knowledge and exam command words into practice!Describe: Describe the services provided by an airline (4 marks)Identify: Craig is a hotel receptionist at a hotel. Identify the work pattern Craig is likely to work (1 mark)Explain: In 2012 London hosted the Olympic Games. Explain why business and sales within the hospitality and catering sector increased during and after the games (6 marks) Suggest: Gemma is a student with limited money. She would like to visit Scotland and is looking for a place to stay. Suggest 2 suitable types of accommodation for Gemma. (2 marks)Recommend: “Go Wild”, an animal adventure park, has opened in Blindly. Go Wild would like to attract families with all types of budgets to the park. To make sure that families have the full day to enjoy the animal adventure park, Go Wild has decided that it would like to provide a place for families to eat lunch, and to buy snacks and drinks. They would like the provision to be “budget friendly” for those families who don’t want to spend too much on food. Recommend three types of hospitality and catering provisions suitable to meet the needs of the visitors to Go Wild. (6 marks)Justify: Justify the most suitable hospitality and catering provision for Go Wild. (7 marks)Name: Name and describe the cause and symptoms of common types of food poisoning (6 marks)State: Kate is a trained chef. She has two children, who need to be dropped off and collected from primary school each day. The school day starts at 9am and finishes at 3.15pm. Kate cannot work on weekends as she does not have anyone else to look after her children. State the type of contract that would best suit Kate’s needs. (1 mark)Review: Remington Spa is a small quirky seaside town. It attracts visitors all year round as it has lots of historic features and hosts a number of events throughout the year. It has a number of fish and chip shops and café but places to stay overnight are limited. Suggest two types of accommodation that meet the needs of visitors to Remington Spa (4 marks). Review your suggestions for accommodation provision and justify which one is most suitable to meet the needs of visitors to Remington Spa. (9 marks)2 hoursTUESDAY 18TH JUNE HOSPITALITY AND CATERING EXAM!NO REVISION NECESSARY – EXAM IS OVER!!MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES – FRENCHThe times for memorising answers to speaking test questions are approximate. It will depend on a student’s ability to commit material to memory. Sometimes it will take students longer and sometimes shorter than the specified time. The important thing is that ALL answers must be memorised, and this is done best by breaking the material down into manageable chunks.As regards using Memrise, it is recommended that students complete 20,000 points each week. This will take some students longer than others; the times indicated here are a guide. The more students commit to learning vocabulary, the better they will do in the final exams. Again, it is important to use Memrise on a regular basis. It is also important that you cover all topics across your months of revision.The French speaking test will be your first exam, so it is important to make learning conversation answers, role play and photo card phrases a priority early on.Week beginningSpecific tasksMinimum time recommended per taskTick when complete25/2/19Go through speaking test booklet to ensure you have answers for the questions you should have completed by now. For Miss Hentschel’s class, this is ALL questions. For Mrs Dickinson’s class, it is the following questions: Theme 1: ALL except q10 and q11; Theme 2: all of topic 1, topic 2 health questions only, all of topic 4; Theme 3: ALLIf any answers are missing, complete them using help sheets.30 minutes but will take much longer if you have many gapsActive Learn tasks set by your teacher.30 minutesComplete the Memrise level(s) set by your teacher and review levels from the year 10 course/complete levels from the AQA course that you haven’t already done.1 hour4/3/19Memrise level(s) set by your teacher or vocab learning from your vocab book30 minutesActive Learn tasks set by your teacher20 minutesLearn answers to theme 1, questions 1 – 10 from your speaking test booklet1 hour11/3/19Memrise level(s) set by your teacher or vocab learning from your vocab book30 minutesActive Learn tasks set by your teacher20 minutesLearn answers to theme 1, questions 11 – 20 from your speaking test booklet1 hour18/3/19Memrise level(s) set by your teacher or vocab learning from your vocab book30 minutesActive Learn tasks set by your teacher20 minutesLearn answers to theme 1, questions 21 – 33 from your speaking test booklet1 hour25/3/19Memrise level(s) set by your teacher or vocab learning from your vocab book30 minutesActive Learn tasks set by your teacher20 minutesLearn answers to theme 2, questions 1 – 10 from your speaking test booklet1 hour1/4/19Memrise level(s) set by your teacher or vocab learning from your vocab book30 minutesActive Learn tasks set by your teacher20 minutesLearn answers to theme 2, questions 11 – 20 from your speaking test booklet1 hourTimed practice (12 or 15 minutes) of role play/photo card preparation, choosing from pack given by your teacher15 minutes8/4/19Memrise level(s) set by your teacher or vocab learning from your vocab book30 minutesActive Learn tasks set by your teacher20 minutesLearn answers to theme 2, questions 21 – 30 from your speaking test booklet1 hourAt this stage you should also go through your speaking booklet to ensure you have answers for ALL questions for ALL themes. If you do not, use help sheets to write answers. Decide your nominated theme, with advice from your teacher.Depends on whether you have gaps.15/4/19 HOLIDAYSLearn answers to all questions in theme 3 from your speaking test booklet. This should mean you have now learnt answers to all questions in the booklet.3 hoursMemrise – Review some of the levels from the year 10 course to refresh your memory or vocab learning from your vocab book1 hourActive Learn tasks set by your teacher30 minutesComplete practice reading questions in your revision guide or provided by your teacher1 hour22/4/19HOLIDAYSRe-learn/revise answers to all questions in all themes in your booklet. You should be fairly close to word perfect by the end of this revision. If you are finding some answers difficult to learn, reduce the amount you have to learn, so that you are able to answer with a sentence or two at the very least.6 hoursComplete practice writing questions in your revision guide or provided by your teacher1 hour29/4/19Ask someone to test you on a range of questions from all themes of your speaking booklet.30 mins every dayTimed practice of role play/photo card preparation – do as many as you have time for15 mins per day6/5/19Speaking ExamAsk someone to test you on a range of questions from all themes of your speaking bookletTimed practice of role play/photo card preparation – do as many as you have time for45 mins every dayTimed practice of role play/photo card preparation – do as many as you have time for15 mins per day13/5/19ListeningReadingWritingActive Learn tasks – complete any reading and listening tasks you have not already done1 hourMemrise levels – focus on topics you found more difficult, e.g. environment, global issues, social issues. Alternatively review levels you haven’t done for a while, e.g. from the start of year 11. Or vocab learning from your vocab book1 hourComplete any practice questions that you have not yet done from your revision guide or provided by your teacher1 hourMODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES – GERMANThe times for memorising answers are approximate. It will depend on a student’s ability to commit material to memory. Sometimes it will take students longer and sometimes shorter than the specified time. The important thing is that ALL answers must be memorised, and this is done best by breaking the material down into manageable chunks.As regards using Memrise, the specified points target is a minimum. The more students commit to learning vocabulary, the better they will do in the final exams. Again, it is important to use Memrise on a regular basis. It is also important that you cover all topics across your months of revision.The German speaking test will probably be your first exam, so it is important to make learning conversation answers, role play and photo card phrases a priority early on.The German listening, reading and writing exams are however very late in the exam timetable. For many of you they may well be your last three exams. Therefore, you may have more time to commit to German at this time. It is therefore important to adjust your revision timetable accordingly. You must revise all your conversation answers again for the writing exam, and it will have been a long time since the speaking test.Week beginningSpecific tasksMinimum time recommended per taskTick when complete25/2/19HALF TERMLearn answers to theme 3 Qs 1 – 15(not Qs 10, 14 and 15 for Foundation)Active Learn tasks set by your teacherFrom AQA 2016 GCSE German memrise course20,000 Memrise points Higher15,000 Memrise points Foundation3 hoursup to 60 minutes40 minutes30 minutes4/3/19From AQA 2016 GCSE German memrise course20,000 Memrise points Higher15,000 Memrise points FoundationActive Learn tasks set by your teacher40 minutes30 minutesup to 60 minutes11/3/19From AQA 2016 GCSE German memrise course20,000 Memrise points Higher 15,000 Memrise points FoundationWrite answers to questions not yet completed40 minutes30 minutes60 minutes18/3/19From AQA 2016 GCSE German memrise course20,000 Memrise points Higher 15,000 Memrise points FoundationWrite answers to questions not yet completed40 minutes30 minutes60 minutes25/3/19From AQA 2016 GCSE German memrise course20,000 Memrise points Higher 15,000 Memrise points FoundationWrite answers to questions not yet completed40 minutes30 minutes60 minutes1/4/19From AQA 2016 GCSE German memrise course20,000 Memrise points Higher 15,000 Memrise points FoundationLearn answers to theme 3 Qs 16 -23 (not Qs 20 – 23 for Foundation)40 minutes30 minutes4 hours8/4/19From AQA 2016 GCSE German memrise course20,000 Memrise points Higher 15,000 Memrise points FoundationLearn answers to theme 2 Qs 12 -24 (not Qs 12, 13, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24 for Foundation)40 minutes30 minutes4 hours15/4/19 HOLIDAYSLearn Theme 2 Qs 1 -- 11Learn Theme 2 Qs 25 – 34 (not Qs 28 +34 for FoundationMake sure by the end of the week you have learnt all answers from theme 2 your chosen topic3 hours3 hours2 hours22/4/19HOLIDAYSLearn all answers from theme 1Revise answers from theme 3Revise the photo card phrases6 hours2 hours1 hour29/4/19German dual linguist orals Tuesday 30th AprilAsk someone to test you on a range of questions from all themes of your speaking booklet.Timed practice of role play/photo card preparation – do as many as you have time for30 mins each day15 mins each day6/5/19Speaking Exam 8th – 10th MayAsk someone to test you on a range of questions from all themes of your speaking bookletTimed practice of role play/photo card preparation – do as many as you have time for45 mins each day15 mins each day13/5/19From AQA 2016 GCSE German memrise course20,000 Memrise points Higher15,000 Memrise points FoundationActive Learn tasks – complete reading and listening tasks40 minutes30 minutesup to 60 minutes20/5/19From AQA 2016 GCSE German memrise course20,000 Memrise points Higher15,000 Memrise points FoundationActive Learn tasks – complete reading and listening tasks40 minutes30 minutesup to 60 minutes27/5/19HALF TERMFrom AQA 2016 GCSE German memrise course20,000 Memrise points Higher15,000 Memrise points FoundationRevise theme 2 from speaking bookletRevise theme 1 and 3 from speaking bookletup to 60 minutes/dayup to 40 minutes/day3 hours4 hours03/6/19From AQA 2016 GCSE German memrise course20,000 Memrise points Higher15,000 Memrise points FoundationActive Learn tasks – complete reading and listening tasksRevise theme 1 from speaking booklet40 minutes30 minutesup to 60 minutesup to 60 minutes10/6/19Listening and reading exam Wednesday 12th JuneFrom AQA 2016 GCSE German memrise course20,000 Memrise points Higher15,000 Memrise points FoundationActive Learn tasks – complete reading and listening tasksREVISE QUESTION WORDSAfter WednesdayRevise theme 2 from speaking bookletRevise theme 1 and 3 from speaking bookletOver weekend revise the three key tenses, word order, modal verbs and subordinating conjunctions (HigherFor Foundation revise present, past and future and ‘gern’up to 60 minutes/dayup to 40 minutes/day3 hours30 minutes3 hours4 hours2 hours17/6/19 Writing exam Monday 17th JuneMUSICWeek BeginningSpecific TasksApproximate timeTick when complete25/2/19Half TermGo through mock paper. Focus on set work questions. Haydn and Beatles.30 minutes4/3/19Week 1Ongoing preparation for performance exam, making sure you rehearse with accompanist.20-30 mins practice per day11/3/19Week 2Performance exam week20-30 mins practice per day18/3/19Week 1Finalise details for composition 2. Make sure performance details are on the score ready for staff checking.15 min per day25/3/19Week 2As above15 min per day1/4/19Week 1Listening exercises in revision and practice book. Pages 80-108. Hand in compositions, both complete.1 hour8/4/19Week 2As above1 hour15/4/19Easter22/4/19EasterListening exercises again, pages 109-149Prepare a presentation on your work1 hour1 hour29/4/19Week 1Listening exercises, section 9 in textbook1 hourPHYSICAL EDUCATIONRevision – – Try to ensure all checkpoints are above 75% (the higher the better)Week beginningSpecific tasksMinimum time recommended per taskTick when complete25/2/19HALF TERM1. Skelton2. Joints3. Checkpoint 11 + 2 = 2 hrs3 = 45mins4/3/191. Muscles2. Checkpoint 21 = 1 hr2 = 45mins11/3/191. The heart2. The blood and blood vessels3. Checkpoint 34. Respiratory system5. Checkpoint 41 + 2 = 2 hrs3 = 45mins4 = 1 hr5 = 45 mins18/3/191. Energy2. Effects of Exercise3. Checkpoint 51 + 2 = 2 hrs3 = 45 mins25/3/191. Levers2. Planes + Axes3. Checkpoint 61+2 = 1.5 hrs3 = 45mins1/4/191. Health + Fitness2. Fitness Testing3. Checkpoint 71+2 = 2hrs3 = 45mins8/4/191. Training2. Checkpoint 81 = 2 hrs2 = 45 mins15/4/19 HOLIDAYS1. Injuries2. PEDs3. Warm up + Cool down4. Checkpoint 95. Data6. Checkpoint 101 – 3 = 2hrs4 = 45mins5 = 1 hr6 = 45mins22/4/19HOLIDAYS1. Health2. Diet3. Checkpoint 111 + 2 = 3 hrs3 = 45mins29/4/191. Classification of Skill2. Goal Setting + Mental Preparation3. Guidance + Feedback4. Checkpoint 121-3 = 2hrs4 = 45mins6/5/191. Engagement Patterns + Commercialisation and Sporting Conduct.2. Checkpoint 131 = 2 hrs2 = 45 mins13/5/19Paper 1 – Wednesday 15th - AMPaper 2 – Friday 17th - PM 228473028575Week Beginning:00Week Beginning:REVISION TIMETABLEIn School Term TimeMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday4.00 – 5.00pm9 – 11am5.00 –6.00pm11 – 1pm6.00 –7.00pm1 –3pm7.00 –8.00pm3 – 5pm8.00 –9.00pm5 –7pm9.00 – 10.00pm7 –9pm NotesInfo228473028575Week Beginning:00Week Beginning:REVISION TIMETABLE“HOLIDAY” TIMEMONTUESWEDSTHURSFRIDAYSATSUN8.00am9.00am10.00am11.00am12 noon1.00pm2.00pm3.00pm4.00pm5.00pm6.00pm7.00pm8.00pm ................

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