CAPTAIN CONTRACT AND APPLICATION (Due by the first day of clinic)

Candidate Name: _______________________________________________________

Please check all positions you would be open to being selected as:

Squad captain______ (JV song/cheer, Varsity song/cheer.

An Excellent Captain works well with the squad and coaching staff. She always attempts to keep communications opened in both directions. She does not show any favoritism and all decisions are based on what is best for the whole team. A captain does not consider it tattling or betrayal to report something that reflects on the squad to the coach or advisor. She knows how to delegate, has great people skills, can mediate disagreements without taking sides, and is familiar with all aspects of a cheerleading squad. An excellent captain is a very valuable asset to any squad.

Skills and Traits of a Good Spiritleading Captain and Co-Captain.:

The coaches and advisors expect the captain(s) to possess the following qualities:

1. Have Good Communication Skills - speaks clearly and listens well.

2. Be Responsible and Mature - is dependable, punctual, and emotionally mature.

3. Be A Positive Role Model - attempts to always set a good example in what she says and how she acts.

4. Be Fair and Impartial - can separate friendships from responsibilities. Decisions should not be based on favoritism and she should always do what's best for the whole squad and not any one individual.

5. Be Helpful and Friendly - should always be willing to do extra for others or to get tasks accomplished and should be kind and considerate.

6. Be Approachable - the squad should feel like they can discuss situations and problems with the captain.

7. Be Able to Delegate Without Being Bossy - can be tactful and respectful of others’ feelings. Remember it's not always what you say that's important but the way you say it.

8. Be Respectful - must always respect peers, advisors and coaches.

Responsibility and Duties of Spiritleading Captains and Co-Captains

* Be to practices five minutes early and be the last ones to leave.

* Lead conditioning and stretching.

* Contact all squad members when asked to do so by the Spirit Staff.

* Establish how cheers will be called at games and if necessary call cheers/chants or choose someone who can. (This is in partnership with the advisors)

* Establish a system for getting the run-through ready, performances at games and at rallies.

* Help solve conflicts by being fair and impartial.

* Meet with the coach(es) on a regular basis.

* Address all concerns, issues, etc. with the advisors and coach(es).

* Remain positive regardless of the situation.

* Keep girls on task (especially at games)… no talking, horseplay, etc.

* Be the linking source between the CHHS staff and the squad… You are responsible for knowing the information.

* Other various tasks asked of you by the CHHS staff.

NOTE: If the selected captain fails to meet the expectations set forth, she may be asked to step down at any time.

I have read and understand the above expectations and understand my responsibilities if chosen as a captain of my squad after the 2013-2014 squads have been selected.

___________________________________________ __________________________

Signature Date

(Please answer these questions on a separate piece of paper)

1.Describe why you believe you are an excellent candidate for a captain position. What skills and qualities do you have to give to this position?

2.Describe how you will deal with squad members who may not work well together because of clashing personalities. How will you make sure that squads will work together for the intended goal and not get side tracked by “drama?”

3. A squad member you feel is not giving 100% and is posting negative comments on Instagram and Facebook. How do you deal with this as a captain? Do you believe this is your

4.Give one idea you have in surprising and giving encouragement to the basketball team (both girls and boys) for the first game. Be specific.

5. Having a full coaching staff is a luxury. Many schools don’t have great coaches like we do. How will you make sure your squad will have a productive practice and stay on task when a coach is not there?

6.How will you keep yourself from “burning out” in the middle of the year?

7.As captain, your role is to encourage all members of the program, including mascots, varsity and junior varsity. Describe a team building activity that you will have the entire squad do at some point during Fall practices.

8. As a Varsity captain, how will you promote more students sitting in the “spirit spot” or Husky student section during football games? As a jv captain, how will you keep your squads focused on the game and cheering at Varsity games? What suggestions do you have for encouraging more crowd involvement at games?


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