Houston Independent School District

Name: _______________________________________________ Period:_________________________ 2015 Prep Chemistry Spring Semester ReviewThings to know:PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHANGES AND PROPERTIESPhysical Change: changes in form (size, shape, or state), but not in chemical composition. Remains the same substance. Examples include boiling water or chopping wood. Key word examples of Physical changes: dissolving, melting, and boiling. Chemical Change: new substance is made, bond between atoms are made or broken; often see an unexplained color change, temperature change, or the formation of gas or precipitate (solid). Examples include electrolysis of water and burning wood. Key word examples of Chemical changes: rusting, digestion, oxidizing, reacting, and decompositionClassify the following as chemical or physical changes.cutting wirePripening tomato Capple slices turning brownC compressing a gasPtearing a sheet of paperPThings to know:CLASSIFICATION OF MATTERPure substances are elements or compounds. A pure substance has a specific melting or boiling point. Mixtures are combinations of two or more substances. They are not chemically bonded together. They keep their own physical properties because they do not create a new substance. You can tell if a substance is a mixture if it can easily be separated into its components (such as through filtration or with a magnet.) Samples A, B, and C contain samples of matter.Explain in terms of composition why sample A represents a pure substance.It contains only molecules of the same arrangement and relative size.Explain why sample C would represent a mixture of Fluorine and Hydrogen chloride. Flourine is diatomic so represented by 2 symbols of the same size. HCl is then represented by a small circle for H attached to a larger circle for Cl.Contrast sample A and B in terms of pure substances and mixtures. B and C are mixtures of 2 different molecules while A is all the same molecules.Things to know:PERIODIC TABLEPeriodic Table: chart of elements arranged in rows by atomic number (number of protons)6159519050Family Groups: columns on the periodic table; group number is equal to the valence electronsChemical Symbol: element abbreviation (H, He, Cu)Atomic Mass: protons + neutronsMetals: conduct heat/electricity; ductile (can be pulled into wires); malleable (bendable); shiny; typically solids at room temperatureNonmetals: poor conductors of heat/electricity; brittle; dull, many are gases at room temperatureMetalloids: conduct electricity under some conditionsChemical Similarity: elements in the same column are most similar to one another.Valence Electrons: outermost electrons in electron transferred during chemical reactionsNoble Gases: Group VIIIA elements, considered stable (inert) because have full outer electron shells; noble gases have electrons, except for Helium which has 2Classify the following properties as alkali metal, alkaline-earth metal, halogen, noble gas, or transition metal.contains 7 valence electrons halogensrepresents the most reactive metals alkali metalshas multiple oxidation states (multiple charges) transition metalsinert noble gasescontains 1 valence electron alkali metalselements are all gases at STP noble gasescontains 2 valence electronsalkali earth metalshave the highest ionization energies noble gasescontains the atom with the largest atomic radius alkali metals According to the periodic table Magnesium will most likely react with elements of which group?-131618Explain your answer:Mg has two valence electrons so will relase them to an element with 6 valence electrons to achieve A full outer shell_________________Things to Know:ISOTOPESIsotopes are atoms of the same element with different masses. Isotopes have different numbers of neutrons. Isotopes have the same number of protons and electrons.Mass number: The total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an isotope.Atomic number: total number of protonsIsotope Notation:Things to Know:NUCLEAR CHEMISTRYUnlike normal reactions, nuclear reactions affect the nucleus. They can convert one element to another releasing particles and tremendous energyRadioactive Decay: process in which an unstable nucleus loses energy by emitting radiation spontaneously and changes to a more stable elementParticleSymbolChargeMassSpeedPenetrationAlpha24He+2LargeSlowLowBeta?-10e-1SmallFastMediumGamma?00γ0NoneFastestHighMatch the following to the correct nuclear reactionA. 94239Pu → 92235U + _ii__i. -10e B. 79198Au → 80198Hg + _i__ii. 24He C. 87220Fr + __ii_ → 89224Ac iii. 00γD. 2037Ca → 1937K + _iv__iv. 10eE. 1532P + __i___ → 1432Si Write an equation for the decay of polonium-218 by alpha () emission.218/84 Pu -> 4/2 He + 214/82 PbWrite an equation for the decay of carbon-14 by beta (-) emission.14/6 C -> 0/-1 Beta + 14/7 NState whether the following statements are associated with fission or fusion reactions.Light mass nuclei combine to form a heavier more stable nucleus__fusion____A very heavy nucleus splits into more stable nuclei of intermediate mass_fission____Takes place at extremely high temperature_fusion____It is used in nuclear reactors to produce electrical energy___fission___Takes place in the sun and other stars fusion__Is the source of energy in a Hydrogen bomb___fusion__Match each description with the appropriate type of radiation – alpha, beta, positron, or gamma. A negatively charged electron.betaBlocked only by several feet of concrete. gammaA positively charged particle stopped by lead.positronBlocked by paper or clothing. alphaRadiation energy with no electrical charge.gammaThe atom loses the most mass when it releases this radiation alphaThe atomic number increases by 1 when this radiation is released betaThings to know:IONIC, COVALENT AND METALLIC BONDS Ionic BondContains a metal and a nonmetal, the giving and taking of electrons. Covalent BondUsually all nonmetals, only. Involves the sharing of electrons.Metallic BondingElectrons are free to move about, like the water in the sea, “sea of electrons”. Have characteristics of metals such as high melting and boiling points, ductility, malleability and good conductivity. MalleabilityCan bend (a property of metals).DuctilityTo draw into thin wires (a property of metals).State whether the bonds in the following compounds are ionic or covalent MgO ionicC.LiCl ionicH2O covalentD.Br2 covalent Are the following properties characteristics of ionic, covalent, or metallic bonding?These bonds are formed by delocalized electrons in an “electron sea.” These bonds involve a transfer of electrons.Substances containing these bonds are malleable and have very high melting points. Substances containing these bonds do not conduct electricity and have low melting points. Compounds containing these bonds have a crystal lattice structure. These bonds are formed by sharing electrons. Things to know:CHEMICAL REACTIONSReactantsElements and compounds on the left side of the yield sign (arrow).ProductsElements and compounds on the right side of the yield sign (arrow).Law of Conservation of MassBalancing equations in a chemical reaction. Number of atoms on the reactant side of the equation must be equal to the number of atoms on the product side of the equation. Reactants = Products.CoefficientThe number in front of the element or compound in a chemical equation.Don’t forget the diatomic elements: H2, N2, O2, F2, Cl2, Br2, I2Be sure to change coefficients, not subscripts.Coefficients may only be placed in front of compounds, not between them.Make sure that your coefficients are in the lowest terms.Never add, delete or change subscripts.Balance all elements first before balancing hydrogen(H) and oxygen(O).Be sure to correctly count atoms before and after balancing.Symbols used in Chemical Reactions(s) means the substance is in a solid state(g) means the substance is in a gaseous state(l) means the substance is in a liquid state(aq) means the substance has been dissolved in an aqueous solution (dissolved in water)→ means “yields” and is used to indicate the result of the reaction.? (over the reaction arrow) indicates the application of heat to the reactantsWrite and balance the following word equation using chemical formulas, physical states, and energy. 539115034290*Remember, the Law of Conservation of Mass. The # of atoms on the reactants side of the equations must be equal to the number of atoms on the product side.00*Remember, the Law of Conservation of Mass. The # of atoms on the reactants side of the equations must be equal to the number of atoms on the product side. Given the balanced equation: KCl(aq) + AgNO3(aq) → KNO3(aq) + X What is the correct formula for the product represented by the letter X? A) AgCl2(s) B) K2Cl(aq) C) AgCl(s) D) KCl2(aq)Given the balanced equation: H2SO4(aq) + BaCl2(aq) → 2HCl(aq) + X What is the correct formula for the product represented by the letter X? A) Ba(SO4)2(s) B) H2O(l) C) Ba2SO4(s)D) BaSO4(s) Given the balanced equation: Cl2(g) + 2KBr(aq) → X + Br2(l) What represents the missing product X? A) 2K(aq) B) 2H2O(g) C) 2KCl(aq) D) Cl2(g) Given the balanced equation: 2K + X → 2KCl + CaWhat represents the missing reactant X? A) CaCl2 B) 2Cl- C) Cl2 D) 2CaCl2 Given the equation: __FeCl2 + __Na2CO3 → __FeCO3 + __NaCl When the equation is correctly balanced using the smallest whole numbers, the coefficient of NaCl is6 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4Given the unbalanced equation: __C3H8(g) + __O2(g) → __H2O(g) + __CO2(g) When the equation is completely balanced using smallest whole numbers, the coefficient of O25 B) 2 C) 3 D) 10 When the equation H2 + N2 → NH3 is completely balanced using the smallest whole numbers, the sum of all the coefficients will be A) 12 B) 7 C) 3 D) 6Things to know:PERCENT COMPOSITIONPercentage by mass of each element present in a compound% composition =Empirical formulaThe lowest ratio of subscripts in a chemical formula, reduced subscripts.Molecular formulaThe actual formula of a compound. Not reduced. It shows the number and kinds of atoms in a molecule. Will need the empirical formula first.Find the % composition of copper(II)chloride (CuCl2).Cu= 47% Cl2= 53%The percent composition of a compound is 40.0% C, 6.7% H, and 53.7% O. The molecular mass of the compound is 180.0 g/mol. Find its empirical and molecular formulas.Empirical= CH2O Molecular= C6H12O6Things to know:CALCULATING ATOMS, MOLES, MOLECULES, IONS AND GRAMSIons = formula units 1mol = 6.02 x 1023 formula units 1mol = the atomic mass of an element on the periodic tableAvogadro’s number: 6.02 x 1023 atoms/moleculesg = grams of the element from the periodic table’s atomic mass number Be sure to always include units! It helps to avoid mistakes.÷ by molar massx 6.02 x1023293179540005009334503048000Mass or Grams (g) Moles (mol)atoms or molecules284988081915008172457810500x by molar mass÷ by 6.02 x1023How many magnesium sulfate molecules are in 25.0 g?1.25 x 1023 molecules of MgSO4How many atoms are there in 3 moles of calcium? 1.8 x 1024 atoms CaHow many atoms are there in 12.5 g of potassium? 1.93 x 1023 atoms of KHow many fluoride ions are in 1.46 moles of aluminum fluoride?2.64 x 1024 ions of Flourine (F3)Things to know:Always use a balanced equation. -49530212090To solve stoichiometry problems:Write a balanced equation.Identify known & unknown.Under the balanced chemical equation, write the coefficients that indicate the mole ratios.Above the balance equation write the unknown and known data from the problem in the appropriated chemical formula.When need it, multiply the moles by their respective molar masses to change them to grams.Set up a proportion to relate reactants amounts with products amounts.Use cross-multiplication to solve for the unknownCheck answer00To solve stoichiometry problems:Write a balanced equation.Identify known & unknown.Under the balanced chemical equation, write the coefficients that indicate the mole ratios.Above the balance equation write the unknown and known data from the problem in the appropriated chemical formula.When need it, multiply the moles by their respective molar masses to change them to grams.Set up a proportion to relate reactants amounts with products amounts.Use cross-multiplication to solve for the unknownCheck answerRemember, grams is the atomic mass number found on the periodic table. Using the equation below, answer the following 2 questions. Be sure to balance the equation first._Cr + _CuSO4 → __Cu + ___Cr2(SO4)3 2,3,3,1How many grams of copper would be produced from 49.48 g of chromium?=90.71 g CuHow many grams of chromium are needed to react with in 1.25 moles of a CuSO4? =43.33 g CrThings to know:ELECTROLYTES AND NONELECTROLYTESElectrolytes are substances that conduct electricity when dissolved in water.Strong ElectrolytesWeak ElectrolytesNon-ElectrolytesBondsIonicIonicCovalentIonsCompletely creates ions in waterOnly partially creates ions in waterCreates no ions in waterElectricityConducts electricityPartially conducts electricityDoes not conduct electricityExamplesStrong Acids: HCl, H2SO4Strong Bases: KOH, NaOHWeak acids: CH3COOHWeak bases: Cu(OH)2Sugar, Oil, WaterDefine an electrolyte. Give examples.A substance that can conduct electricity. Ex. Ionic compounds/solutions, salts, acids, bases_______________________________________________________________________________Define a non electrolyte. Give examples.A substance that won’t conduct electricity. Ex. Sugar, water_______________________________________________________________________________Why are strong acids also strong electrolytes?Due to complete ionization or dissociation in solution, there are more ions in solution which allow Electricy to flow in the solution. ________________________________________________________________________Why is HCl a strong acid and HF a weak acid?HCl ionizes or dissociates more completely than HF __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name two weak acids. Hydrogen peroxide, milk, acetic acid (vinegar), ascorbic acid, coffeeCircle the chemicals that are electrolytes:NaClC6H1206CaCl2NaOHHClHFThings to know:SOLUBILITY RULESSolubility Rules: Generalizations that help you determine which compounds can dissolve in water. These “rules” can help you predict if a compound in a reaction might form a precipitate. General solubility rules can be found on the STAAR Chemistry reference materials sheet.Soluble: the chemical will dissolve.Insoluble: the chemical will not dissolve.Precipitate: a solid product formed in a reaction.SolidLiquidGasTemperatureSolubility IncreasesNo patternSolubility DecreasesPressureNo effectNo effectSolubility IncreasesSurface AreaSolubility IncreasesSolubility IncreasesNo effectUse the solubility rules on the STAAR Chemistry reference materials sheet to predict whether each of the following compounds is considered soluble or insoluble:KClSNaNO3SAgClIBaSO4ICa3(PO4)2IPb(ClO3)2S(NH4)2SSPbCl2IFeSIAl2(SO4)3SSolutions of AgNO3(aq) and KCl(aq) are mixed. Will a visible reaction occur?Yes, because KNO3 will precipitate out of solution.Yes, because AgCl will precipitate out of solution.No, because KNO3 is soluble in water.No, because AgCl is soluble in water.Things to know:SOLUTION CALCULATIONSSolution: homogenous mixtureSolute: the substance that is being dissolvedSolvent: the substance that is being dissolvedMolarity: unit of concentration. Formula can be found on the STAAR Chemistry Reference Materials sheet.Dilution: Formula used to calculate concentration and volume when diluting a chemical. Formula can be found on the STAAR Chemistry Reference Materials sheet.Find the molarity of a 750 mL solution containing 346 g of potassium nitrate.M=4.66 g/LWhich solution is the most concentrated?6 moles of solute dissolved in 4 liters of solution 2 moles of solute dissolved in 3 liters of solution 1 mole of solute dissolved in 1 liter of solution 4 moles of solute dissolved in 8 liters of solution Things to know:TYPES OF SOLUTIONSSaturated Solution: contains the maximum amount of dissolved solute; unable to dissolve more solute. If more solute is added, it will fall to the bottom and not dissolve.Unsaturated Solution: contains less than the maximum amount of soluteSupersaturated Solution: contains more than the maximum amount of solute. Can be created by heating up a solution and dissolving as much solute as possible. Must allow it to cool undisturbed. It will re-crystallize quickly if seed crystal is added.Plot a solubility graph for AgNO3 from the following data. Place grams of solute on the vertical axis. (Use increments of 50). Place temperature (in °C) on the horizontal axis. Grams solute AgNO3(per 100g H2O)1668780-1714500Temperature °C122021620311404406058580733100How does the solubility of AgNO3 vary with the temperature of the water? As solubility increase, temperature increasesEstimate the solubility of AgNO3 at 35°C, 55°C, and 75°C.~275g, ~400g, ~520gAt what temperature would the solubility of AgNO3 be 275g per 100g of H2O? _~35 degrees C__If 100g of AgNO3 were added to 100g of H2O at 100°C, would the resulting solution be saturated or unsaturated? _______unsaturated______What type of solution would occur if 325g of AgNO3 were added to 100g of water at 35°C? ____supersaturated___________Using the table below, how many grams of solute will precipitate out of solution if a saturated solution of KNO3 at 60°C is cooled down to 20°C? 74.4gGrams KNO3 (per 100g H2O)Temperature (°C)13.9031.62061.3401066016780245100Things to know:REACTIONSRedox Reaction: A reaction in which electrons are transferred between elements. (You can identify a redox reaction when elements change charges). Single replacement, synthesis or decomposition reactions can be classified as Redox reaction.Precipitate Reaction: A reaction between two aqueous solutions that forms a solid precipitate product. Double displacement can be classified as Precipitate reaction.Acid-Base Reaction: A reaction between an acid and a base. The products will form a salt and water. Double displacement- Neutralization can be classified as Acid-Base reaction.Label the following reactions as redox, precipitate, or acid-base reactions.AgNO3 +KI → AgI+KNO3 precipCu + 2AgNO3 → Cu(NO3)2 + Ag Re2KOH + H2SO4 → K2SO4 + H2O ABBa(OH)2 + 2HCl → BaCl2 +H2OABThings to know:ACIDS AND BASESpH: measures hydrogen ion [H+] concentration in solution (can use pH paper or litmus paper); scale of 0-14; neutral substances (like water) have pH of 7; acids have pH <7; bases have pH >7. pH can be calculated using a formula on the STAAR Chemistry Reference Materials sheet.pOH: measure of the concentration of hydroxide [OH-] ions. The hydroxide concentration can be calculated when you know the hydrogen ion [H+] concentration and the Kw. Formulas for calculation can be found on the STAAR Chemistry Reference Materials sheet.ACIDBASEpHLess than 7Greater than 7pOHGreater than 7Less than 7ArrheniusBegins with HEnds in –OHBronsted LowryDonates protonAccepts protonsCharacteristicsTastes sour, electrolyte, hazardous, chemically corrosiveTastes bitter, feels slippery, electrolyte, hazardous, chemically corrosiveLitmus PaperTurns paper redTurns paper blueExamplesHClNaOHSalt: Any ionic compound that results from a reaction between an acid and a base.Neutralization: a reaction that occurs between an acid and a base. The result is a salt and water.Which compound reacts with an acid to form a salt and water?KOHC. CH3HClD. KClAccording to the Arrhenius theory, which list of compounds includes only bases?KOH, NaOH, and LiOHC. NH3, KOH, and Cl-NaOH, Ca(OH)2, and CH3COOHD. H2O, OH-, and Cl-NO2-(aq) + H2O(l) → HNO2(aq) + OH-(aq)Predict the products for the following reactions and balance the equations:NaOH + H2SO4 → Na2SO4 + 2H2O Ca(OH)2 + HCl → CaCl2 + 2H2OCalculate the pH of a solution with an OH- concentration of 1 x 10-10M.________4___________Calculate the pOH of a solution with an H+ concentration of 1x 10-8 M. ________6___________What is the H+ concentration of a solution with a pH of 6? _______1.0 x 10-6______What is the OH- concentration of a solution with a pH of 3? ______1.0 x 10-11_______ ................

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