Chemical Symbols and Elements

Chemical Symbols and Elements

A chemical symbol is a letter or 2 that is used as an abbreviation

The __________________________ shows the 118 known elements and their symbols.

Some symbols are represented by one letter (e.g. )

Some symbols are represented by two letters (e.g. )

If you look at element 114, you will notice that it has 3 letters in it’s symbol – Uuq, ununquatrium means one one four-ium) which is a _________________________ because the element was not proven to be synthesized or sufficiently studied by chemists yet.

It recently was given the name ___________________, as they discovered it to be a radioactive, synthetic element.

Newest Elements

The other newest elements are as follows:

|Element Atomic Number |Element Name |Element Symbol |

|113 |Nihovium | |

|114 |Flevorium | |

|115 |Moscovium | |

|116 |Livervorium | |

|117 |Tenessine November, 2016 | |

|118 |Oganesson | |

Rules for Writing Chemical Symbols

1.The first letter of the symbol is ALWAYS _________________.

2. If there is a second letter, it is ______________________.

3.No elements have permanent symbols with more than ____________________.

4.The chemical symbol represents ______________________ of the element.

Write the symbols for the first 20 elements of the Periodic Table in the chart below. Go to page 191 of your textbook to find the Periodic Table of the Elements.

| |Element Name |Symbol | |Element Name |Symbol |

|1. |Hydrogen | |11. |Sodium | |

|2. |Helium | |12. |Magnesium | |

|3. |Lithium | |13. |Aluminum | |

|4. |Beryllium | |14. |Silicon | |

|5. |Boron | |15. |Phosphorus | |

|6. |Carbon | |16. |Sulfur | |

|7. |Nitrogen | |17. |Chlorine | |

|8. |Oxygen | |18. |Argon | |

|9. |Fluorine | |19. |Potassium | |

|10. |Neon | |20. |Calcium | |

Chemical Names and Symbols

Many elements are named after a _________________________ or _______________ or a ________________

who discovered it. Modern symbols usually are similar to an elements name.

These are some exceptions, where the name comes from the Latin root, and doesn’t match the symbol:

|Element |Symbol |Latin Name |

|Copper | | Cuprum |

|Gold | | Aurum |

|Iron | | Ferrum |

|Lead | | Plumbum |

|Mercury | | Hydroargyrum |

|Silver | | Argentum |

|Sodium | | Natrium |


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