Bulgarian Crystallographic Society

Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Volume xx, Number x, 2019 (expected for production February 2019)BULGARIAN CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONSDear NCS18 Participants, The symposia manuscripts are planned for publication in the Special issue of Bulgarian Chemical Communications journal (ISNN 0324-1130) expected January 2019. The process of review and subsequent “mise en page” will be carried by NCS18 organizers and should finish by the end of December 2018.Thus the deadline for submission is 15 OCTOBER 2018. The manuscripts should be sent to the following email: ncs18@Details for manuscript formatting of text, tables, figures, references etc. are provided belowWe would like to ask you to comply with the Check list and the file formats listed below. As the “mise en page” is carried with a specialized software Figures (Pictures) are required as separate files with high quality.The NCS18 OrganizersCheck list for NCS18 Manuscripts submission? I am providing the Check list, dated and signed (or named);? I have read and agreed with the “Instructions about Preparation of Manuscripts for NCS18 participants”. ? A cover letter with short manuscript details and providing the contacts details of three potential reviewers is present. ? I am providing the Manuscript text (only the text) as a separate file as *.doc or *.docx (Msword) file;? I am providing the Tables as a separate file as a *.doc or *.docx (Msword) file;? I am providing the References as a separate file as a *.doc or *.docx (Msword) file;? I am providing the Figure captions as a separate file as a *.doc or *.docx (Msword) file;? I am providing the Figures as a separate file(s) with minimum 300 dpi quality in *.TIF , *.JPG, *.EPS *.CDR format (please select one of the listed formats).MANUSCRIPTS THAT DO NOT FULFILL THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR PUBLICATION. Date Signature or input your NAME and Surname ................

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