CHEMICAL FAMILIESA chemical family is __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________029273500ALKALI METALS The alkali metals are found in the _________________ column (Group _____) of the Periodic Table. They do not include the element _____________________.The alkali metals are: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________They all have _____________________________, and are _____________, ______________________ metals that can be cut with a knife.They are not found freely in nature because they react with _______ and ___________ColourDensityMelting PointConductivityReactivityIon chargeALKALINE EARTH METALS03175The alkaline earth metals are found in the _____________ column (Group _____) of the Periodic Table. The alkaline earth metals are _____________________________________________________________________________________________They have _____________________ and are ___________, ____________________, and __________________________________________.ColourDensityMelting PointConductivityReactivityIon chargeHALOGENS01270The halogens are found in the ______________________ column (Group ______ ) of the Periodic Table.The halogens are ___________________________________________________________________________________________They are not found freely in nature because they ______________ with most other elements. They are often found in compounds with __________________________.Fluorine and chlorine are ___________, bromine is ______________, and iodine is _____________ at room temperature.ColourDensityMelting PointConductivityReactivityIon chargeNOBLE GASES0-2540The noble gases are found in the ______________ column (Group _______) of the Periodic Table. The noble gases are _____________________________________________________________________________They are all ___________________________. They are ______________, ___________________, and ______________________.ColourDensityMelting PointConductivityReactivityIon chargeHYDROGENHydrogen is often called a ___________________________. It can behave like a highly reactive ___________ or like a highly reactive ____________________ depending on the element that it combines with.It is the _______________________________ in the universe. It is the main component of ______________________.ColourDensityMelting PointConductivityReactivityIon chargeMETALS, NON-METALS AND SEMI-METALSMETALSMost of the elements discovered first were ____________________. Most of the element known today are metals! They are found on the __________/___________ of the Periodic Table.Metals have a wide range of both ________________ and ________________ properties, but they all share some important ones that make them metals.PropertyCharacteristicLustreMalleabilityDuctilityConductivityStateDensityReactivityNON-METALSElements that do not have the characteristics of metals are classified as ____________.They are found on the ________________ of the Periodic Table.Most non-metals typically share similar properties.PropertyCharacteristicLustreMalleabilityMelting point and boiling pointStateConductivityMETALLOIDS OR SEMI-METALSA few elements do not fit into either group and are called _______________________.Examples include: _______________________________________________________They act like both metals and non-metals. They are found _______________________ on the Periodic Table. ................

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