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Weathering Processes Guided NotesWeathering Definition:The two types of wreathing are: _____________________________ and ______________________________Mechanical Weathering Definition:-779228326197MechanicalorChemical00MechanicalorChemical____ _______________ in composition!Abrasion: The ____________________ and wearing away of rock surfaces through the mechanical action of other __________ or ________ particlesCauses of Abrasion: _________________________________________________________________________-779228904599MechanicalorChemical00MechanicalorChemical-7778756985MechanicalorChemical00MechanicalorChemicalFrost/Ice Wedging Process:1.2.anic Weathering: When ________________ factors like _______________________ break down rocksChemical Weathering Definition:Composition of rock is ________________-78295515240MechanicalorChemical00MechanicalorChemicalOxidation: Process where _______________________ combine with ___________________Result __________ or other _________________Hydrolysis: Chemical reaction between _________ and the rock that forms _____ ________________.-105125648260MechanicalorChemical00MechanicalorChemicalCarbonation: The conversion of rock into a ___________________.Organic Acids: Produced naturally by organisms like __________________ and __________Acid Precipitation: Precipitation that contains a high concentration of ____________ due to ______________________ in __________________________.Types of Precipitation: ______________________________________________________________________Directions: Read the following journal entry about a middle school student’s day. Within the entry, identify the specific mechanical or chemical weathering that is taking place. Be specific! Use your books to help you identify the types of weatheringDear Diary,Today was an awful day! My alarm didn’t go off, and I missed my bus to school this morning. I was forced to ride my bike to school, which I hate! My bike is so old that it’s mostly just rust… So much of the sidewalk near my house is lifted up from tree roots, so I had to ride in the street. I was so tired that I almost crashed when I nearly hit a huge pothole. When I passed the creek, I noticed that the huge boulder at the bend was now shattered into smaller pieces. How did such a big rock get broken down like that? I was already running late; so I cut through the old cemetery. Many of the older gravestones are covered in moss and lichen and have huge cracks in them. The fountain in the middle of the cemetery is exceptionally creepy. When it was first built there was an angel that was blowing a trumpet. Now it looks like a disfigured human with a club. I finally got to school halfway through my American History class, only to get my paper back with an awful grade. We were supposed to write a journal entry as if we were an immigrant coming to Ellis Island in New York. I lost a bunch of points because I said that the Statue of Liberty was green, but back in the early 1900’s it was still shining copper. The only good part of my day was going to my favorite class, Earth Science. Today we learned about the formation of caves, which I thought was really cool. Most caves in Florida are created when limestone becomes calcium bicarbonate, which is soluble. Then next time it rains, all of the bicarbonate is washed away and a cavern is left in its absence. I hope tomorrow goes better. ~PeterTEACHER PAGE!!! DO NOT MAKE COPIES OF THISObject WeatheredMechanical or Chemical?Specific type of weatheringReasoning for choiceBikeChemicalOxidationWater + Metal = Rust. The Change is chemical because a new substance is formed. Students should set up their table on their own piece of loose-leaf paperEnrichment: Students must write their own journal entry (min of 5 sentences) with a minimum of 4 examples of weathering that they see in everyday lives. Cannot be the same as the sample journal… ................

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