MGD School,Jaipur

INDEX1 English2 Biology3 Biotechnology4 Chemistry5 Physics6 Maths7 CSC8 IP9 Home Science10 Accountancy11 BST12 Economics13 EP14 History15Geography16 Political Science17 Psychology18 Sociology 19 Hindi20 PE21 Sanskrit---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLCLASS XII RESOURCE MATERIAL REQUIRED: VISTAS which can be downloaded from cbse.nic.inSYLLABUS TO BE COVERED DURING THE PERIOD: Chapter 1 –The Third Level (Vistas)GENERAL INSTRUCTIONSRead the given lesson/poem from your reader online if you don’t have the book.Print the given worksheet, write your name and class on it and complete it by 30th April 2020.Paste the completed worksheet in your English notebook to be submitted when the school reopens.Assignment 3THE THIRD LEVEL (VISTAS)The following links would help you get an idea of the chapter’ The Third Level’ OF THE THIRD LEVELThe Third Level at Grand Central StationGrand Central Station of New York has two levels. But Charley, a thirty-one year old dweller of the city, talks about there being three. Not only does he believe in the existence of this hypothetical third level but also claims to have been there.A visit to his psychiatrist friendCharley visits a psychiatrist friend to talk about this problem. The psychiatrist calls it a “waking-dream wish fulfillment” and rationalises Charley's psychology by saying that the “modern world is full of insecurity, fear, worry, and war...” and everybody wants to escape to some “temporary refuge from reality.” According to him, even hobbies like stamp collection is a manifestation of this escape.Charley loses his way at Grand CentralThe fast growing Grand Central station at times seems to be a maze to Charley. He had lost his way a couple of times earlier too while taking the subway. Once, he entered the lobby of the Roosevelt Hotel while the other time he emerged at an office building that was three blocks away. But this time when he loses his way, something unique happens. He visits the third level!The Third LevelCharley keeps walking in the quiet corridor, angling left and slanting downward, till he reaches an architecturally old station that is completely different from the two familiar levels. The antiquated small room with fewer ticket counters and train gates, a wooden information booth, flickering open flame gas lights and brass spittoons reminds him of the architecture of the 1800s. He also finds that people are dressed in outmoded outfits. He notices that the date on the newspaper The World is printed June 11, 1894. As he tenders money to the clerk at the counter to buy two tickets, he realises that he need to have old currency bills to do so.Charley's plan for a journey not realisedHe had always wanted to travel to Galesburg with his wife, Louisa. In his mind, it is “a wonderful town still, with big old frame houses, huge lawns, and tremendous trees....” It is a place with long and pleasant summer evenings and where people have ample of time. So, the next day during lunch, he exchanges three hundred dollars for old style bills amounting to some two hundred only. The loss doesn’t bother him much as he believes that in Galesburg everything will be cheaper and that he can manage even with a small amount. But, he could never again find the corridor leading to the third level.Sam goes missing!His wife Louisa is worried after knowing all this and asks him not to look for the third level any further. Suddenly Charley realises that his friend, Sam Weiner, is nowhere to be found, so he and his wife keep looking for him in the weekends. Sam was the one with whom Charley used to share his ideas about Galesburg.Philately & the first day coversPhilately is not just stamp collection but a broad term including the study of stamps, postal history and other related items. When a new stamp is issued, on the first day, people mail a blank paper to themselves and then retain that unopened letter with the date on the postmark. Charley has inherited the hobby and the collection from his grandfather.A letter from SamOne day while fidgeting with his stamp collection, Charley comes across a letter that was not there earlier. It bears the postmark on a faded six-cent stamp with a picture of the President Garfield. The envelope was sent on July18, 1894 to Charley's grandfather in Galesburg and is addressed to Charley. The letter reads that Sam has reached Galesburg and is having whale of a time there. He also invites Charley and Louisa to Galesburg. When Charley goes to the stamp and coin store, he is apprised of Sam's exchanging eight hundred dollars for the old currency bills to establish his business of hay feed and grain in Galesburg. The letter was written by Sam Weiner, who was Charley's psychiatrist!Analysis of the chapter THE THIRD LEVELThe past is a good place to visit, but certainly not a good place to stay. The Third Level by Jack Finney is an engrossing story set in the 1950s. The story is studded with numerous undertones of irony. It takes you back in time. It was a world when people hadn’t seen two of the bloodiest wars in the history of mankind. The story brings to light the fact that figments of someone’s imagination can be used for shying away from reality, which in all fairness, is harsh enough. Let us take a closer look at the story.OverviewThe Third Level tells the story of a 31-year-old guy named Charlie (not Charlie Sheen). One fine evening, while rushing home, he decides to take the subway from the Grand Central Station in New York City. He ends up finding himself on the Third Level of the Grand Central Station (there were only two levels). There, Charlie observes spittoons lying on the floor. He observes that people wear wearing derby hats and gold watches, which they kept in their vest pockets. He also sees a Currier & Ives locomotive.Realising that he’s gone back in time, Charlie tries to buy tickets to Galesburg. During the lunch hour, the next afternoon, Charlie withdraws all his savings (nearly 500 US Dollars) to buy old style currency notes. Charlie narrates this incident to Sam, his friend who works as a psychiatrist. Sam concludes that the Third Level is nothing but a mere figment of Charlie’s imagination. The miseries which the modern world, full of war, worry and terror, had to offer made Charlie hallucinate about the existence of the Third Level.Charlie succeeds in finding an evidence related to the Third Level’s existence. He discovers a letter addressed to him by his psychiatrist friend Sam. The letter was dated July 18, 1894. It seemed that Sam wasn’t as incredulous of the Third Level as he had appeared to be.The ProtagonistCharlie’s a 31-year-old guy. He wore a Tan Gabardine suit (I remember Roger Moore wearing Tan Gabardine suits when he portrayed James Bond on screen). He’s an ordinary guy with a family. Peace and serenity happen to be the two things he wants rather desperately. His decision to stay back in the year 1894 reiterates his desire to live a peaceful and joyous life with his wife.The VerdictThe story clearly explores the concept of time travel. Jack Finney explores the mentality of a common man. He succeeds in exposing the vulnerable side of a common man. A myriad of problems conspired to corrupt Charlie’s mind. It further robbed him of his senses, and in his panic induced state, he hallucinated about the Third Level at the Grand Central Station. Even though it was hard for Charlie to believe his eyes, he decided to stay there, in the year 1894.What stands out in the entire story is the extent of ease with which Jack Finney was able to bring out a common man’s craving for peace and security. Like any common man, Charlie too appreciated the so-called ‘pleasures’ of everyday life and the security of the familiar. He wanted to stay in the past because 1894 was much more peaceful, secure, serene. The world in 1894 hadn’t seen the repercussions of war. The insecurities that came with war, terror, and disease had gotten the better of common folks like Charlie who wanted a transient relief from the harsh realities of life.All in all, The Third Level brings us to the conclusion that people find it hard to make peace with unpleasant things they come across in life. The story further makes the reader realize that the past and future are real illusions. They exist in the present, which is all there is.Attempt the following questions in your note-book.Q1. Read the meaning and definition of the term ‘irony.’ Define the term ‘irony’ and comment on the use of irony towards the end of the story.Hints:Notion of escapeNon-existent third levelCharley’s psychiatrist friend, SamSam defining Charley’s escape as ‘waking dream wish fulfillment’Sam too falls in a similar trap as CharleyQ2. Write a character sketch of Sam and Charley.Q3. How does Sam view Charley’s concept of the Third Level?Q4. What according to Sam was Charley’s problem? How does Charley describe himself?Q5. Elaborate the theme of the story. Value Points- The story primarily focuses on the atrocities of the modern world – full of insecurity, stress, fear, war & hatred – one feels caged – by modern advancement – leads to tension and worries – leading people to look for means of an escape. In the story Charlie – creates the third level to seek refuge – cases his pressure – provide sweet power to relax.Q6. What did the psychiatrist think about Charley’s stamp collection? Why did Charley not agree with him?Q7. Why does Charley feel that the Grand Central is growing like a tree? Q8.What idea did Charley have about the tunnel and why didn’t he tell the psychiatrist about it?Q9. How did Charley make sure that he had actually travelled in the past?Q10. Describe Galesburg, as it existed in the year 1894?Q11. What preparations did Charley make to go to Galesburg?Q12. In which context did Charley say, “eggs were thirteen cents a dozen in 1894”?Q13. What made Louisa, Charley’s wife believe that the third level was a reality?Q14. What is a first day cover?Q15. Who had sent the first day cover and what was written on it?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT -IIICLASS – XIISUBJECT : BIOLOGYGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the chapter -3 “Human Reproduction” from the NCERT book( Download the chapter from the link given below)The tutorial links are also given for the support.Links to be used:Download NCERT/CBSE Book: Class 12: Biology Ncertbooks. You tube videos -NeelaBakore Tutorials the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper .Write your name , class and section on the top right side corner. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app).Rename the file as Yourname.Assignment-III:biology and attach it as a pdf document to biology12bmgd@The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. TOPIC :HUMAN REPRODUCTIONStructure of male and female reproductive systemGametogenesisSpermatogenesis and spermiogenesisOogenesisMenstrual CycleFertilisation and implantationEmbryo developmentParturition and LactationWORKSHEET 3Subject: -BiologyClass -XIIDate of Submission : 30/04/2020CHAPTER 3 : HUMAN REPRODUCTIONCROSS WORD Answer the following questions in brief- What does the head of a sperm consists of? Testes normally remain suspended in scrotum in mammals. Why? What is colostrum? What is its importance? Mention any three differences between spermatogenesis and oogenesis. Differentiate between Leydig cells and Sertoli cells with reference to their location in the organ and their function What is seminiferous tubule? Name the various types of cells present in it and explain its function. Explain different phases of oogenesis with schematic representation Explain the various phase of menstrual cycle with reference to changes in ovary and uterus and hormonal cycle. Explain the stages of embryo development from fertilization to implantation. What is placenta? What is its role? Justify Placenta as an endocrine tissue. __________________________________________________________________________MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT -3CLASS XII – SUB- BIOTECHNOLOGYChapter 1- Recombinant DNA TechnologyGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the chapter -1 “Recombinant DNA Technology” from the NCERT book((Class%20XII).pdf Download from the link given) 2.The video links are also given for the support.PCR - Polymerase Chain Reaction (IQOG-CSIC)biologyexams4u3.Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper .4.Write your name , class and section on the top right side corner.5. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Yourname.Assignment-III :Biotechnology and attach it as a pdf document to biotech12mgd@6.The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. Topic:Vectors;Introduction into Host cellsCharacteristics of vectorsPlasmids, Bacteriophages, Cosmids, YAC, BACHost cellsIntroduction of rDNA into Host cellsPolymerase Chain reactionWORKSHEET 3Subject: -Biotechnology Class -XII Sc A,BDate of Submission—30th April,20Assignment -IIIQ1.Differentiate between – a) Expression and Shuttle vectors b)Bacteriophage lambda and M13Q2.“E.coli is the most widely used organism in rDNA technology”. Give three reasons in support of the statement.Q3.Explain insertional inactivation with an example.Q4. Why should we use eukaryotic host for expression of eukaryotic proteins .Q5.What are the three basic steps used in PCR ?___________________________________________________________________________MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT - 3CLASS – XII SUBJECT : ChemistryGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the chapter – Electrochemistry from the NCERT book (Download the chapter from the link given below) the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper .Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as YourName ,Assignment-III : chemistry and attach it as a pdf document to mailid given below.The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. First, students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email ids mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and section.For example students of class 12A will send their completed worksheet of chemistry to chemistry12amgd@ whereas students of class 12B will send their completed worksheet to chemistry12bmgd@Students may send their queries related to the topic at :XII A- chemistry12amgd@XII-B chemistry12bmgd@ASSIGNMENT-3Subject: -ChemistryClass -XIIDate of Submission-:30.04.2020Q1. How would you determine the standard electrode potential of the system Mg2+|Mg?Q2. Can you store copper sulphate solutions in a zinc pot?Q3. Represent the cell in which the following reaction takes place:Mg(s) + 2Ag+(0.0001M) ? Mg2+(0.130M) + 2Ag(s)Calculate its E(cell) if Eo(cell)= 3.17 V.Q4. Calculate the equilibrium constant of the reaction (E0(cell)=0.46V):Cu(s) + 2Ag+(aq) ? Cu2+(aq) + 2Ag(s)Q5. Define Conductivity and molar conductivity. How do they vary with concentration?Q6. State Kohlrausch law .Q7. Write the SI units of Conductivity and conductance.Q8. Derive the equilibrium constant from Nernst Equation.Q9. Depict the galvanic cell in which the reactionZn(s)+2Ag+(aq) ? Zn2+(aq)+2Ag(s) takes place. Further show:(i) Which of the electrode is negatively charged?(ii) The carriers of the current in the cell.MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT - IIICLASS – XII SUBJECT : PHYSICSGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the chapter –1 Electric Charges and Fields from the NCERT book (Download the chapter from the link given below) andFor Physics NCERT XII th Solutions you can go through uploaded video solutions file on website? The tutorial links: are also given for the support. Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper .Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as YourName ,Assignment III : Physics and attach it as a pdf document to mailid given below. The last date of submission of the assignment is 20th April, 2020. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email ids mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and sectionStudents may send their queries related to the topic at the same email id of their class & sectionXII A-physics12amgd@XII B-physics12bmgd@WORKSHEET – 3Subject :PHYSICS Class :XIIDate of Submission :30/04/2020Topics:Superposition Principle,Electric field,E for multiple charges,Field LinesAnswer the following questions:1.Define SI unit of Electric field intensity,also write dimentional formula of E..2.What is the force acting on a charge q placed in an electric field E.3.Why do the electrostatic field lines not form closed loops?Mention one more property of electric field lines4.Sketch the electric field lines of force due to point charge (i) q<0 (ii) q>0 (iii) a positive point charge placed near negative point charge .5.A point charge of 2 nC is placed at the origin O (0,0,0).Find electric field at P (2,0,0) m.6.Two point charges of +16?C and -9?C are placed 8 cm apart in air .Determine the position of the point at which the resultant electric field is zero.7.A proton is placed in a uniform electric field directed along the positive X axis.In which direction will it tend to move?8.Four charges +q, +q, -q, -q are placed respectively at the four corners A,B,C,D of a square of side ‘a’.Calculate the electric field at the centre of the square.9.Draw lines of force to represent a uniform electric field..10.A charge of magnitude 3e and mass 2m is moving in an electric field E. The acceleration imparted to the charge is equal to --------------.___________________________________________________________________________ MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOL HOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT- 3 CLASS – XII SUBJECT: MATHEMATICSGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:1.Read the chapters – Matrices and Differentiation from the NCERT Textbook for Class 12 Parts- 1 (Download the chapters from the links given below)NCERT e-book – Maths Class 12 Part- 1 – the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper. 3.Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right corner.4.Click a clear picture using Camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Your name, Assignment- 3: Mathematics, attach it as a pdf document and email it to the email ids mentioned below.5.The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020.6.First, students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send it to the email ids mentioned below, according to their options.Students may send their queries related to the topic at the same email id of their class & section or in zoom classes.3rd & 5th options -maths12cmgd@(Mrs. Saly Mathew)4th option -maths12amgd@(Mrs. Rekha Satija) WORKSHEET 3Subject: - MATHEMATICS Class - XIIDate of Submission- 30/04/20201. If tan-1yx= log x2+y2 , Prove that dydx = x+yx-y (CBSE 2020)2. If y = eacos-1x , -1 <x 1 , then show that 1- x2 d2ydx2 - x dydx-a2 y=0 (CBSE2020)3. If f(x) = secX-1secX+1 , Find f' π3 (4) Find F'(x) if F(x) = (tanx)tanx (CBSE 2020) 5.Differentiate sec2 (x2) with respect to x2 (CBSE 2020) 6. If y = f ( X2) and f' (X) = ex , then find dydx . (CBSE 2020)7. If A = -321-1 and I = 1001 , find scalar K so that A2 +I=K A (CBSE 2020 )8. Differentiate log x with respect to 1x (CBSE 2020)9.If 3-20 2k-5 = 0, where 0 is the null matrix, find k. (CBSE 2020)10.The corner points of the feasible region of LPP are (0,0), (0, 8), (2,7), (5,4) and (6,0) Find The maximum profit P = 3x + 2 y. (CBSE 2020)11.If A = 102021203 , Prove that A3 – 6 A2 + 7 A + 2 I = 0, where I is identity matrix.12.Express the given matrices as sum of a symmetric &skew symmetric matrix (1) B = 33-1-2-21-4-52 ( 2) P = 15-12 13. Find x, if x-5-1 102021203 x41 = 0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT - 3CLASS – XIISUBJECT : Computer ScienceGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the chapter - from the NCERT book (Download the chapter from the link given below) 5 (Ch-1)Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper .Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as YourName ,Assignment-III : CS and attach it as a pdf document to cs12mgd@ The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email ids mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and section.Students may send their queries related to the topic at the same email id of their class & sectionASSIGNMENT- 3Subject: - Computer ScienceClass -XIIDate of Submission - 30/04/2020Explain the following terms-NetworkInterspaceInternetNodeServerMODEMCommunication ChannelBandwidthList 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of a Network.Differentiate between a Dedicated and a Non dedicated Server with examples.Packet Switching and Circuit SwitchingM.G.D. GIRL’S SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT3CLASS : XIISUB: INFORMATICS PRACTICES__________________________________________________________________________________General instructions:-Students to refer to the book: Informatics Practices class XI written by SumitaArora.Read the chapter CONDITIONAL AND ITERATIVE STATEMENTS-Assignment to be done in a register(A4 size)-To submit by30.4.2020 on ip12mgd@-To query on ip12mgd@ASSIGNMENT 3Subject:IP Class :XIIWrite a python script to generate the first 10 prime numbers..Write a program to find the first maximum and second maximum from a 10 numbers input.Explain “break” and “continue” staements via examples. MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOL SUBJECT:ACCOUNTANCY HOME STUDY -ASSIGNMENT -3 CLASS: XII (2020-21) GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the concepts from the books, Dr D.c Sharma (links given) Do the concept based practical questions in the Register Last date to complete the chapter by 30th April 2020 All concepts to be discussed will be shared in the Whats App Students may send their queries related to the topic at the e.mail.Id of their class and sec as below:12cmgd@12dmgd@12emgd@ ____________________________________________________________ WORK SHEET -3 SUBJECT –ACCOUNTANCY CLASS XIIDATE OF SUBMISSION: 30 April , 2020 Chapter - 3 ADMISSION OF A PARTNER LEARNING OBJECTIVES; Meaning and effect of Admission of a PartnerChange in Profit sharing Ratio- a) New profit sharing Ratio b) Sacrificing Ratio.Accounting Treatment of Goodwill (AS - 26).Revaluation of Assets and Liabilities.Treatment of Reserves and Accumulated Profits and Losses.Adjustments of Capital New partner’s Capital on the basis of old partners combined capitalAdjustment of old partners Capital on the basis of new partners capital.Students needs to do minimum any 6 Q for the above conceptMGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT - IIICLASS - XIISUBJECT: B.StudiesGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:Read the chapter - 2 “Principles of Management” from the NCERT book (Download the chapter from the link given below)The tutorial links/other links are also given for the support.Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper.Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment.Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Your Name, Assignment III: bstudies and attach it as a pdf document to bstudies12cmgd@, bstudies12dmgd@, bstudies12emgd@ The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email ids mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and section.Students may send their queries related to the topic at the same email id of their class & sectionXII - C: bstudies12cmgd@XII - D: bstudies12dmgd@XII - E: bstudies12emgd@WORKSHEET 3Subject: - B.StudiesClass -XIIDate of Submission: 30/04/2020Workers should be encouraged to develop and carry out their plans for improvements. Identify the principle of management formulated by Fayol.The production manager of Bharat Ltd. instructs a salesman to go slow in selling the product, whereas the marketing manager is insisting on fast selling to achieve the target. Which principle of management is being violated in this case? State the consequences of violation of this principle.Hina and Harish are typists in a company having same educational qualifications. Hina is getting Rs. 3,000 per month and Harish Rs. 4,000 per month as salary for the same working hours. Which principle of management is violated in this case? Name and explain the principle.Which principle of management envisages that each group of activities having the same objectives must have one head and one plan? Explain the principle with a suitable example.If an organisation does not provide the right place for physical and human resources in the organisation, which principle is violated? What are its consequences?Name and explain the technique of Taylor which is the strongest motivator for a worker to reach standard performance.The production manager of an automobile company asked the foreman to achieve a target production of 200 units (scooters) per day. But he did not give him the authority to requisition tools and materials from the stores department. Can the production manager blame the foreman if he is not able to achieve the desired target? Explain briefly the principle relating to the situation.A principle of management states that the work should be divided into small tasks as it leads to specialisation and increased output. Name and explain the principle with an example. State two adverse effects if this principle is not followed.The directors of Bhupender Ltd., an organisation manufacturing computers, want to double the sales and have given this responsibility to their sales manager. The sales manager has no authority either to increase the sales expenses or appoint new salesmen. Hence, he could not achieve this target. Is the sales manager responsible for not achieving the target? Explain, in brief, the relevant principle in support of your answer.It has been observed that the prevailing situation in an organization is due to the violations of the principle of ‘order’. What might have been your observation?Identify the technique of scientific management which are described by the statement given below:-When specialists supervise each worker. Change in the attitude of workers and management towards one another. From competition to Co-operationWhen uniformity is introduced in materials. Machine, tools, method of works and working conditions after, due research.Taylor’s techniques of management are universally applicable. Do you agree? Give reasons in support of your answer.One of technique given by F.W. Taylor violates principle given by Henry Fayol. Identify that and explain.One of technique given by F.W. Taylor is extension of principle given by Henry Fayol. Identify that and explainName two new management techniques developed on the basis of Principles of ManagementWhy it is said that management principles are evolutionary in nature?Manager of an organisation knows that newly appointed worker belongs to the reserved category and he always undermines that employee’s performance. Identify the Fayol’s principle which is violated and also list the positive consequences of following this principle.Mudit is continuously shifted from one job to another in an organisation without giving him adequate time to settle down in any department. Identify the Fayol’s principle which is violated?Suresh is working under supervisor Ramesh. Suresh always give useful ideas which have resulted in gains for organisation but Suresh never acknowledges him and he also use to take credit for suggestions given by Ramesh. Which Principle of management is being violated by Ramesh and what will be the consequences?Mohan always comes 1 hour late in the office and leave half an hour before the scheduled time. No penal action is taken against him. Other employees also started coming late in the office. Management is very disturbed with this and has started scolding the employees.Which management principle is being violated in the given case?Explain the principle.Mention one probable adverse consequence of violation of the given principle.Links to be used:Read chapter – 2 “Principles of Management” from text book NCERT XII B.Std if you have or you can download this chapter from the website CBSE.nic.inWatch the given VEDIO LINKS:(significanceprinciples of management)(POM)(fayols principles)(Taylor's scientific MGT)(nature of POM)Attempt all the questions given in the text bookMake a list of important keywords of this chapterPlease send your submissions by 30th April to your respective subject teachers according to your sections:Mrs. Nirmala Sharma Email: bstudies12emgd@Mrs. Anjali Jagdev Email: bstudies12dmgd@Mrs. Chandeep Kaur Email: bstudies12cmgd@________________________________________________________________M.G.D Girls'School? ? ? Home Study, Assignment-3? ? Class-XII? ? Subject-Economics.? ?? ? ? ?Chapter - 9 Environment & Sustainable Development ? ? ?(Ref: NCERT book and J.P. Goel)Please complete the given questions in the register and submit to eco12mgd@ by 30th April.Questions :1.What is meant by environment ?2. What happens when the rate of resources resource extraction exceeds that of their regeneration?3. Differentiate between Renewable and Non-Renewable resources.4. What are the functions of an environment?5.Identify six factors contributing to land degradation in India.6. What is global warming?How does it affect us?7.What is sustainable development?Explain briefly any four strategies of sustainable development.8.Explain the supply-demand reversal of environmental resources.9.How are environment and economy interdependent?10.What measures were adopted by India for environment conservation?__________________________________________________MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT – 3CLASS – XIISUBJECT : ENTREPRENEURSHIPGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the chapter 2 – ENTERPRISE PLANNING from the CBSE book. (The link is shared and notes will be shared in the whats app group )TOPIC: A- Hindu undivided family B- Joint Stock CompanyDo the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper .Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as YourName ,Assignment III : subject and attach it as a pdf document to ep12mgd@ The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email ids mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and sectionStudents may send their queries related to the topic at the same email id of their class & section or on whats app no 9587652910WORKSHEET 3Subject: - EntrepreneurshipClass -XIIDate of Submission-30th APRIL,2020Q1. Explain the features of company form of organization.Q2.How is a public company different from private company?Q3. Why is Private company preferred to public company? Give 5 reasons.Q4. What are the 2 schools of law under HUF?Q5. Ellaborate the essential features of Hindu undivided family.Q6. State the reasons as to why entrepreneurs do not prefer hindu undivided family----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT - 3CLASS – XII SUBJECT : HISTORYGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the chapter -Kinship, Caste and Class from the NCERT book.Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper . Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment.Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Your Name ,Assignment- III : History and attach it as a pdf document to hist12mgd@ The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. Students may send their queries related to the topic at the same email id of their class. WORKSHEET 3Subject: -HISTORY Class -XIIDate of Submission 30/04/2020Answer the following questions:Show with examples that the idea of kinship and society were not uniformly implemented. How were these norms enforced by the Brahmins?___________________________________________________________________MGD GIRLS’SCHOOL,JAIPURHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT - 3CLASS – XIISUBJECT: GEOGRAPHY GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:1.Read the chapter Number 2 The World Population Distribution,Density and Growth.Notes posted on the Geography Group 2.Do the worksheet in your geography note book. 3.Write the answers in points and explain the points. 4.Answers can be explained with the help of flow chart. 5.Write your Name,Class,and Section on the top right Side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment. 6.The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. 7.First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to mgddrrashmigeo12@______________________________________________________________________________Worksheet-3Subject:- GEOGRAPHY Class –XI Date of Submission 30/04/20201.What is density of Population?2.Explain the major geographical factors influencing distribution of population.3.What is Demographic Transition?Describe the three stages of Demographic Transition.4.Describe the Economic factors influencing distribution of population.5.What are the major components of population change?Describe the components in detail.6.What is migration? Why do people migrate ?Explain the various trends of migration.8.Differentiate between Push and Pull factors.9.Suggest five measures to control population.10.Describe in brief the different trends of population growth in the world from early period to present period.(HOTS)______________________________________________________________________________MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT - 3CLASS-XIISUBJECT: POLITICAL SCIENCEGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the chapter --The Challenges of Nation Building from the NCERT book the Reference material as given in NCERT Curriculum 2020-2021from this chapter: ‘Patel and National Integration’The first deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister of India, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, emerged as a major leader of the freedom movement after the Kheda Satyagraha (1918) and the Bardoli Satyagraha (1928).At the time of independence, the problem of integration of princely states was a big challenge for the national unity and integrity of India. Under such difficult times, Sardar Patel undertook the daunting tasks of uniting all 565 princely states of India. Known as an ‘Iron Man’ of India, Patel's approach to the question of the merger of princely states into independent India was very clear. He was not in favour of any compromise with the territorial integrity of India. By his political experience, diplomatic prowess and foresightedness, out of India's 565 princely states many had already given their consent to merge with India even before achieving the independence. Sardar Patel faced key challenges of integration from three states, viz., Hyderabad, Junagarh and Kashmir. It was under his leadership that Indian forces compelled Hyderabad and Junagarh to merge with India. Keeping well-versed with Pakistan’s intentions from Jinnah’s divisive ‘Two Nation Theory’, Sardar Patel's opinion on Kashmir was different from other leaders. Like Hyderabad, he also wanted Kashmir’s integration with India through military operations. But due to political decisions of some prominent leaders, Sardar could not succeed in integrating Kashmir fully with India which later turned into a major historical blunder for the country.However, Sardar will always remain as an astounding leader who combined in himself the features of a true ‘Nationalist’, ‘Catalyst’ and ‘Realist’ – popularly characterised as NCR in Indian political history. .Do the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper . Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment.Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Your Name,Assignment-III :subject and attach it as a pdf document to mail id The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. Students may send their queries related to the topic at polsc12mgd@______________________________________________________________________________WORKSHEET 3Subject: POLITICAL SCIENCE Class -XIIDate of Submission-30/4/20From every page of this chapter make at least 2 to 5 fill in the blanks.Practice page no.15 and 20 in political map of India highlighting British Indian Provinces and Princely States and India after Reorganisation Administrative Map 1961 respectively.MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT - 3CLASS – XIISUBJECT : PSYCHOLOGYGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the chapter -1) Variations in psychological attributes / Theories from the NCERTDo the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper .Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Your Name ,Assignment- III : subject and attach it as a pdf document to mail id The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to following email ids mentioned in the worksheet according to their class and sectionStudents may send their queries related to the topic at psychology12mgd@WORKSHEET 3Subject: -PSYCHOLOGY Class -XIIDate of Submission-30/04/2020Explain the psychometric theories Explain the information approach theories Does culture influence intelligence? If yes how?Choose the topic for case profile and send the synopsis ______________________________________________________________________________Stay safe and stay at homeMGD GIRLS’ SCHOOLHOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT - 3CLASS – XIISUBJECT : SOCIOLOGYGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the following chapter with its sub topics from the NCERT book (Download the chapters from the link given below) The tutorial links/ Other links are also given for the support. Social Institutions: Continuity and changeTribes of India:Classification of tribes in India: >tribesProblems of tribes and Mainstreams attitude >societyTribal Identity todayFamily And Kinship System in India: the given assignment in a separate notes register or any sheet of paper . Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your assignment. Click a clear picture using camscanner (or any similar app). Rename the file as Your Name, Assignment-3 Subject: Sociology and attach it as a pdf document to mail id: sociology12mgd@ The last date of submission of the assignment is 30th April, 2020. First students must download the worksheet, attempt it and send to email id as mentioned above.Project Work:To finalize topic for research and get objectives approved.After approval, collect relevant information on the topic for introduction.Preparation of the questionnaireWorksheet-3Subject-SOCIOLOGY Class-XIIDate of Submission 30/4/201.Make fill in the blank questions from the entire chapter.2.Define the following terms: Tribes, Family, Joint family, Nuclear family3.Classify Tribes on the basis of permanent traits.4.Explain the forms a family can take.5.Highlight the sources of conflict between National development and tribal development.6.What is the mainstreams attitude towards tribes?7.What identity do tribes in India have today?__________________________________________________________________?????? ????? ?????-XII ????- ????? ??? ???:- ?????????? ???????? ?? ????? ??? ???? ??? ???? ????? ???????? ??? ???????? ?????? ?????????? ???? (21.04.2020 to 30.04.2020):-??????? ???????????? ?? ???? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ?????? - ?????? ????? , ????? , ??? ???? ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ???????? /???????? ?????? ????? ????? ??????? ?? ???? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ???? (21.04.2020 to 30.04.2020):- ???????? ???????? ??? ???????? ?? ???????? ???? ???? ???????? , ???????? ??? ????????????? ?? ????? ? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ??? ????? ?????????, ?????? ?????,?????????? ???? ,?????? ??????, ???????? ??? ?? ???????? ?? ????? (?????? ????, ???-??? ?? ????? ??? ???? )????? ???? (21.04.2020 to 30.04.2020):-(1)- ????????? ?? ?????????? (2)- ?????? ?? ??????? ?????????? (3)- ??????? ??? ???????? ?? ??????? (4)- ???? ????? ??????(5)- ?????????? ?? ???? ????? ???? MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOL, JAIPUR HOME STUDY ASSIGNMENT-3 CLASS XII SUBJECT- PHYSICAL EDUCATION “Success is a process…..during that journey sometimes there are stones thrown at you and you convert them into milestones.” -Sachin Tendulkar GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:RESOURCE MATERIAL-*Any physical education reference book ( Ratna Sagar) which you can easily get.*You can download from the website CBSE.nic.inUNIT-3: YOGA AND LIFESTYLE* Asanas as preventive measures* Obesity: Procedure, Benefits and contraindications for Vajrasana, Hastasana, Trikonasana, Ardh Matsyendrasana*Diabetes: Procedure,Benefits and contraindications for Bhujangasana, Pachimottasana, Pavan Muktasana,Ardh Matsyendrasana* Asthma: Procedure, Benefits and contraindication for Sukhasana, Chakrasana, Gomukhasana, Parvatasana,Bhujangasana ,Paschimottasana, Matsyasana* Hypertension: Tadasana, Vajrasana, Pavan Muktasana, Ardha Chakrasana, Bhujangasana, Sharasana* Back Pain: Tadasana, Ardh Matsyendrasana, Vakrasana, Shalabhasana,Bhujangasana-You are allowed to submit your work through email- pe12mgd@or dr.monikamathur9@ -Students can contact for any doubt through email.-Submission date: 30th April WORKSHEET-III SUBJECT–PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASS-XIINote: Read Unit-1II before attempting the worksheet. 1. What is obesity?2. Define Sukhasana. Why is it called easy pose?3. What is hypertension?4. What is the role of yoga in preventing lifestyle diseases?5. What are some causes of obesity?6. Explain about the procedure and advantages of Bhujangasana.7. Briefly explain the symptoms and causes of asthma. Explain the procedure ,benefits and contraindications of any two asanas to prevent asthma.8. Discuss the procedure, benefits and contraindications of:(a) Vajrasana (b) Hastasana(c) Ardha Matsyendrasana(d) Gomukhasana(e) Parvatasana-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.. ????????-????? ????? - 12 ????? – ??????? ?????????? – 3 ???????????????????? 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