Bruss's Page

Mr. Bruss

General Chemistry

2018-19 S2

Website: mrbruss.

e-mail: brussjo@lc-

Welcome to chemistry. I am excited to help you achieve success this school year.


Chemistry: Concepts and Applications, Glencoe (classroom set- students will not have individual copies. They can check out a book by request)


This is a year long course that provides a good foundation of inorganic chemistry concepts. You will be challenged to think critically, develop an understanding of complex relationships, and to perform experiments.


❑ Respect yourself and others through the decisions you make.

❑ Be safe at all times.

❑ Refrain from any behavior that disrupts the learning process.


Notebook, folder/binder, planner, writing utensil

Scientific Calculator

Hall pass page


During S2 we will discuss the following topics: reactions and stoichiometry, states of matter and kinetic molecular theory, acids/bases, thermodynamics, kinetics, and equilibrium.


Letter grades will be assigned according to this standard LCPS scale:

| 93-100% = A | 83-86% = B | 73-76% = C | 63-66% = D |

| 90-92% = A- | 80-82% = B- | 70-72% = C- | 60-62% = D- |

| 87-89% = B+ | 77-79% = C+ | 67-69% = D+ |59% and below = F |

Semester grades are weighted 40/40/20 (1st quarter/2nd quarter/ final exam)


It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of her/his own grade. Updated grades will sporadically be posted in-class by student number, but the best way to keep track of grades is by checking the PowerSchool website.


It is the student’s responsibility to make up work missed while absent. When a student returns, she/he must check the absent work folder for their designated hour located by the classroom entrance. If a student has any questions, she/he needs to ask BEFORE OR AFTER class.

Students will have one day to turn in any assignment for every day absent (certain circumstances may adjust this. Any issues need to be discussed with Mr. B). After that time, it will be considered a late assignment.


If a student has an unexcused absence, she/he will be given a score of zero for all points possible that day. This includes tests, quizzes, labs, homework, etc. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that excused absences are correctly marked.


In order to be successful in this chemistry course, you will need to stay current. It is extremely important that you understand and complete today’s assignments so that you will be able to understand tomorrow’s. Please be aware that what you learn in this class in September will be knowledge that will be necessary for you understand concepts in October, and so on. Therefore, you will be allowed to turn in late work one day after the due date. Each late assignment will be worth a maximum of ½ credit.


Check out my website for (usually) daily updates, links to missed assignments, and pictures of the in-class activities. It can be accessed at: mrbruss.


Some of the homework in this class is for the purpose of practicing a process, and so most of it will be graded on completion. If a student does all of the assignment, then he/she will receive all of the points possible. If he/she does anything less than all of it, they will receive half credit. Therefore, be sure to attempt all problems, even if you are not sure that they are correct.

Other assignments will be graded on accuracy. Grades on these assignments will be based on correct vs. incorrect answers.

Short homework quizzes may be given periodically, and sometimes without notice, to check for accuracy.


The make-up time for any missed test/quiz is after school the day following the test/quiz. Make up tests are not given during class because students will miss new information.

If a student is absent the day prior to a test/quiz, but is present the day of the test/quiz, then that student must take the test/quiz in class as scheduled. Students will usually be given at least 2 days’ notice before assessments, but this may not always be the case.


In order to leave the classroom, students must fill out a pass on their pass page and have it signed by Mr. Bruss. The hallway pass policy will be discussed in further detail in class.


I consider you tardy if you are not in the room, in your seat, following the daily instructions by the time the bell rings. Students have 6 minutes of passing time, so there should be no issue with being on time. Students who are tardy will then be sent to the hall sweeps room and will be subjected to the LCN tardy policy.

Electronic Devices

Phones, mp3 players, tablets, smart watches, etc. should be unseen and unheard unless specific instructions have been given by Mr. B. If they are seen/heard, they will be confiscated, and a referral to the office will follow. If there is a life situation that requires a student to be “on call,” please inform me ahead of time.


There is a zero tolerance policy for copying on assignments or assessments. The student caught copying will receive a zero, as will any student assisting in cheating. Simply put: do your own work and earn your own grade. If you forgot to do your homework, admit your mistake and follow the late assignment policy.

|Please sign and return to Mr. Bruss by : Monday, 2/11/19 |

We have read the syllabus and understand the expectations for this school year.

Guardian Name (please print):

Guardian Signature:

Student Name (please print): Class Period:

Student Signature:

Best telephone number to call:

Best time(s) to call:

E-mail address

Guardian- is there anything else that you’d like to share about your student?



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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