Focus Questions

[Pages:17]EPISODE 28 12th October 2021

Teacher Resource

Focus Questions

COVID Roadmap

1. What did the COVID Roadmap story explain? 2. What are the kids in the BTN story looking forward to when

lockdown ends? 3. Explain the restrictions in NSW if you are under 16 and not

vaccinated. 4. Melbourne is the most locked down city in the world. True or

false? 5. What are you looking forward to most when Australia opens up?

La Palma Volcano

1. Find the island of La Palma on Google Maps. 2. La Palma is part of what archipelago? 3. How long has it been since the volcano on La Palma erupted? 4. What is a hot spot volcano? 5. What happened in the weeks before the eruption that let

scientists know that the volcano might erupt?

2021 Nobel Prize

1. What was Alfred Nobel's most famous invention? 2. Explain to another student the story behind why Alfred Nobel

started the Nobel Prize. 3. Name a past winner of the Nobel Prize. 4. This year's Nobel Peace Prize went to two journalists for

protecting free ___________. 5. Can you think of someone who deserves a Nobel Prize? Give

reasons why.

KEY LEARNING Students will view a range of BTN stories and use comprehension skills to respond to a series of focus questions.

CURRICULUM English ? Year 4 Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning to expand content knowledge, integrating and linking ideas and analysing and evaluating texts.

English ? Year 5 Use comprehension strategies to analyse information, integrating and linking ideas from a variety of print and digital sources.

English ? Year 6 Use comprehension strategies to interpret and analyse information and ideas, comparing content from a variety of textual sources including media and digital texts.

English ? Year 7 Use comprehension strategies to interpret, analyse and synthesise ideas and information, critiquing ideas and issues from a variety of textual sources.

Check out the Nobel Prizes resource on the Teachers page.

Minecraft Education Challenge

1. Summarise the Minecraft Education Challenge story. 2. What was the brief for this year's challenge? 3. Describe some of the features of the student's design. 4. What did the students learn from participating in the Minecraft competition? 5. How does your school reflect and celebrate First Nations culture?

Check out the Minecraft Education Challenge resource on the Teachers page.

?ABC 2021

Teacher Resource

2021 Nobel Prize

Focus Questions

1. What was Alfred Nobel's most famous invention? 2. Explain to another student the story behind why Alfred Nobel

started the Nobel Prize. 3. Name a past winner of the Nobel Prize. 4. This year's Nobel Peace Prize went to two journalists for

protecting free ___________. 5. Can you think of someone who deserves a Nobel Prize? Give

reasons why.

Activity: Class Discussion

Before students watch the BTN story, ask them what they already know about the Nobel Prize. Record their responses.

Discuss the BTN 2021 Nobel Prize story as a class. Ask students to record what they know about the topic. What questions do they have? Use the following questions to guide discussion:

? What is the Nobel Prize? ? Why is it called the Nobel

Prize? ? What is a Nobel Prize Laureate? ? Name some previous Nobel Prize Laureates. ? What are the different Nobel Prize categories? ? Can you think of someone who deserves a Nobel Prize? Give

reasons for your answer. ? What questions do you have about the story?

EPISODE 28 12th October 2021

KEY LEARNING Students will learn more about Alfred Nobel and previous Nobel Prize laureates.

CURRICULUM Science ? Years 5 & 6 Scientific knowledge is used to solve problems and inform personal and community decisions.

HASS ? Year 6 Develop appropriate questions to guide an inquiry about people, events, developments, places, systems and challenges.

Sequence information about people's lives, events, developments and phenomena using a variety of methods including timelines.

Civics and Citizenship ? Year 7 Identify, gather and sort information and ideas from a range of sources.

?ABC 2021

Activity: Alfred Nobel

Students will learn more about the life and work of Alfred Nobel and create a biography of him. Watch this short video about Alfred Nobel's life. Students can use the following questions to guide their research.

? Where and when was Alfred Nobel born? ? Describe his family life growing up. ? What challenges did he face? ? What was Alfred Nobel's most famous invention? ? Describe the story behind why Alfred Nobel started the

Nobel Prize. ? How has Alfred Nobel made an impact on people's lives? ? How did he change our understanding of the world? ? Imagine you could sit down and talk to Alfred Nobel.

What questions would you ask him about his life and work?

Activity: Nobel Prize Research

After watching and discussing the BTN 2021 Nobel Prize story, what questions do students have? Below are some questions students can research.

Research questions ? What is a Nobel Prize Laureate? ? How many women have won the Nobel Peace Prize? ? Who is the youngest person to have won a Nobel Prize

(across all fields)? ? Who is the oldest person to have won a Nobel Prize

(across all fields)? ? Have any Australians won a Nobel Prize? Choose one to

research in detail and explain why they were awarded a Nobel Prize. ? Which organisations have been awarded a Nobel Prize? Choose one to research and explain why it received a Nobel Prize. ? Who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize this year? Why were they awarded it? Explain the following statement: "for their efforts to safeguard freedom of expression, which is a precondition for democracy and lasting peace." ? Which outstanding individual do you think should receive a Nobel Prize in the future? Give reasons for your answer.

?ABC 2021

Activity: Nobel Prize Laureates

Students will find out more about past Nobel Prize laureates. They can choose one or more from below or go to the full list here.

? Why was this person awarded a Nobel Prize? ? Alfred Nobel wanted the Nobel Prizes to be awarded to people who worked for the greatest benefit

to humankind. What is the greatest benefit of the laureates' contributions? ? Find 5 interesting facts about them. ? What would you ask the Nobel Prize winner if you had the opportunity?

Martin Luther King Jnr

Marie Curie

Barack Obama

Mother Teresa

Dalai Lama

Malala Yousafzai

Activity: How many laureates can you match?

Students match the laureates with their awarded accomplishment. If they don't recognise the laureates, scroll down to learn more about them.

? Match physics laureates ? Match chemistry laureates ? Match medicine laureates ? Match literature laureates ? Match peace laureates ? Match economic sciences laureates

Students can learn more about the work of Nobel laureates by playing these fun educational games and animated interactives, based on Nobel Prize-awarded achievements.

?ABC 2021

Activity: Nobel Prize Quiz

1. When was the first Nobel Prize awarded? A. 1890 B. 1900 C. 1901

2. What was Alfred Nobel's most famous invention? A. Dynamite B. Penicillin C. Radiation

3. Marie Curie was the first person to win the Nobel Prize twice. A. True B. False

Quiz Answers: 1C, 2A, 3A, 4B, 5D

4. Who is the youngest person to win a Nobel Prize? A. Lawrence Bragg B. Malala Yousafzai C. Marie Curie

5. What do Nobel Prize recipients win? A. A gold medal B. A diploma C. Money D. All of the above

Useful Websites

? The Nobel Prize ? Official website ? Nobel Prize History ? BTN ? Nobel Prize ? BTN ? Peace Prize ? BTN ? The Man Behind the Prize ? Alfred Nobel ? The Nobel Prize

?ABC 2021

Teacher Resource

Minecraft Education Challenge

Focus Questions

Discuss the BTN story as a class and record the main points of the discussion. Students will then respond to the following:

1. Summarise the Minecraft Education Challenge story. 2. What was the brief for this year's challenge? 3. Describe some of the features of the student's design. 4. What did the students learn from participating in the Minecraft

competition? 5. How does your school reflect and celebrate First Nations


Activity: Class discussion

As a class discuss the BTN Minecraft Education Challenge story using the following questions as a guide. Record the main points of discussion on a mind map.

? What do you think about what you saw in this story? ? What skills did the students use to design and create their

school in Minecraft? Give examples of when they have used creativity, maths, programming skills, teamwork, problemsolving and project management. ? How did the students celebrate First Nations culture in their designs? ? How did the students make their designs sustainable? ? What question/s would you like to ask the kids in the BTN story? ? If you could improve your school using Minecraft, what would it look like?

EPISODE 28 12th October 2021

KEY LEARNING Students will use mathematical formulas to create a scale drawing of their dream future school. Students will look at ways to reflect and celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture in the school community.

CURRICULUM Mathematics ? Year 5 Calculate perimeter and area of rectangles using familiar metric units.

Choose appropriate units of measurement for length, area, volume, capacity and mass.

Mathematics ? Year 6 Solve problems involving the comparison of lengths and areas using appropriate units.

Mathematics ? Year 7 Establish the formulas for areas of rectangles, triangles and parallelograms, and use these in problem-solving.

Draw different views of prisms and solids formed from combinations of prisms.

Classify triangles according to their side and angle properties and describe quadrilaterals.

Geography ? Year 4 The custodial responsibility Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples have for Country/Place, and how this influences their past and present views about the use of resources.

?ABC 2021

Activity: Glossary

Students will brainstorm a list of key words that relate to the BTN Minecraft Education Challenge story. Students may want to use pictures and diagrams to illustrate the meaning and create their own glossary. Here are some words to get them started.






Activity: Winner - Best Minecraft World

Students will watch the Salisbury North Primary students' video and then respond to the following questions. Click here to watch the video of the 2021 WINNER - Best Minecraft World (Year 7 to Year 10) Salisbury North Primary School, SA.

1. What Aboriginal Country is Salisbury North on? 2. What shapes did the students use in their design? 3. Which building is inspired by a yarning circle? Describe. 4. Why did they choose to make it in the shape of a yarning circle? 5. What are the benefits of the glasshouse? Give two examples. 6. What is the purpose of the cultural burning and fire station? 7. What flags did you see in the design? 8. What animals did the kids feature in their design? 9. Why did the students' put sheep in their school? 10. What did you like about the student's design?

?ABC 2021

Minecraft Challenge Winners ? Indigital

Activity: How does your school reflect First Nations culture?

Facilitate a class discussion to explore Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural knowledge, histories and languages. Students will look at how their school already reflects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and what it can do further to celebrate it.

Use the following questions to start a class discussion to engage your students and find out what they already know and what they want to learn.

? What do you see when you walk into your school? Think about the artwork, the gardens, and buildings around your school.

? How does your school reflect and celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture? For example, your school may fly the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags and hold ceremonies and events that include Welcome to Country or Acknowledgement of Country.

? How is your school environmentally sustainable? Do any of your school's sustainability practises embrace Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural knowledge?

? What are some ways that your school could reflect and celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture? Look at one or more of the following: Language, arts and crafts, land management, ceremony and astronomy.

? What does your dream future school look like? Brainstorm some ideas in pairs and then share your thoughts.

Activity: Choose a project

Individually or in small groups, students will choose one of the following projects to work on and then present their findings to the class.

Bush tucker garden Create a bush food trail/Indigenous

garden in your school. Find out if you have an Indigenous food trail near your school that you could

visit for inspiration.

Language Who are the traditional custodians of the land where you live and what languages

do they speak? Learn some everyday words and record them in a book. Label

areas in your school using your local Indigenous language.

Aboriginal Dreamtime Learn more about the dreaming trails in your local area. Use the internet to

find out if there are any dreaming trails in your area that explain the creation theories of the traditional

owners of the land.

?ABC 2021

Reconciliation Create a reconciliation wall that

uses images to represent reconciliation. This could be done in conjunction with an Indigenous artist in residence.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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