Grade 11 University Preparation Chemistry

Science Connections Portfolio

A Photo Artifact Project (complete 1)

The purpose of this summative project is for you to reflect your knowledge and understanding of science and apply it to everyday life. To demonstrate this you will prepare a photo artifact reflection at the end of each unit.

What is a photo artifact? You will need to create one photo artifacts for a unit of your choosing. (I suggest Climate Change or Biology)

A photo artifact is a photograph that you have personally taken of something in your house, community, or elsewhere that relates to one of the big ideas in your science course. Each artifact should be followed by a ONE page reflection, detailing the following;

• Description of photo

o What is the context of the photo?

o When was it taken?

o Where was it taken?

• Significance of photo

o Why did you select this image as an artifact?

• Photo’s connection to “big ideas”

o What big idea(s) from the unit does this artifact represent? (Your artifact may connect to two or more ideas from different units.)

o How does the artifact support the big idea?

• Science and your daily life

o How does having an understanding of the big ideas from this unit impact your role as an active citizen? Consider connections to the environment, technology, society, and the economy.

Each photo artifact you create must relate to at least one of the BIG IDEAS from the unit you recently studied.

Here are the BIG IDEAS:

Chemistry: Chemical Reactions

• Chemicals react with each other in predictable ways.

• Chemical reactions may have a negative impact on the environment, but they can also be used to address environmental challenges.

Earth Science: Climate Change

• Earth’s climate is dynamic and is the result of interacting systems and processes.

• Global climate change is influenced by both natural and human factors.

• Climate change affects living things and natural systems in a variety of ways.

• People have the responsibility to assess their impact on climate change and to identify effective courses of action to reduce this impact.

Physics: Light and Optics

• Light has characteristics and properties that can be manipulated with mirrors and lenses for a range of uses.

• Society has benefited from the development of a range of optical devices and technologies.

Biology: Systems of Living Things

• Plants and animals, including humans, are made of specialized cells, tissues, and organs that are organized into systems.

• Developments in medicine and medical technology can have social and ethical implications.

Any additional information that you use in your reflection must also be referenced in APA style.

Photo Artifact Reflection (Don't copy this one...It is a example)

After church last weekend, I was walking with my mom and little sister around the neighborhood. When I saw this sign, I didn’t immediately see how it was relevant to me because I have seen signs like this my whole life. But I asked myself, “why can’t I walk on the grass?” This question lead me to think, if walking on the grass is so bad for me, what might it be doing to other animals (like squirrels and birds) who can’t read!

I took this picture as my artifact because it has recently occurred to me just how many chemicals we use every day that can be very harmful to humans. But, more importantly, just how little we worry about it! For me personally, I have seen signs like this one my whole life that I don’t even pay attention to them anymore. I can remember times when I was younger that I simply ignored the sign because my ball went on the grass and I wanted to get it back.

I think that this photo artifact connects really nicely to the second big idea in the chemistry unit. It is clear that the chemicals used in the lawn pesticide are obviously dangerous to human health, so they will likely harm other animals also. This is what is meant by, “chemical reactions may have a negative impact on the environment.” Harming animals is a negative impact on the environment because the chemical is killing things that it was not intended to kill. If we all used chemical pesticides like this, it might actually affect the food chain, so other animals would die too! Plus, I don’t really think that it is possible to keep the chemicals just on the lawn. As soon as it rains, most of the chemicals are going to get washed away into the sewers or into rivers where they can harm other animals also.

On the other hand, this picture does reflect how the big idea says that chemicals “can also be used to address environmental challenges.” Whoever put chemicals on their lawn wanted to get rid of pests that were ruining their grass. Although I don’t personally agree that this is the best way to deal with the problem, I can see that the chemical pesticides are intended to do some good.

Now that I have studied the Chemistry unit, I can see just how much we are surrounded by chemicals. For example, my soap, hair spray and toothpaste all use chemicals to help me. I don’t really know if these products have negative side effects, but I am more aware now that they could. Before I just used things without worrying too much about it. I also think that the government should get more involved with how companies use chemicals. Most companies only care about making money, and they don’t really care about the long-term effects of the chemicals they use. That’s why the City of Brampton or the Government of Ontario should make stronger rules that companies have to follow in order to stay in business.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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