Topic List for Introduction Unit

Topic List for Introduction UnitGeneral Chemistryalchemy – Philosopher’s Stone, alchemical symbolspure science (science) vs. applied science (technology)mathematics of chemistryexponentsunits in answeralgebracancellationconversion factorsmeasurementmass (digital balance, triple-beam balance)length and area (meter stick) - estimatingvolume: formulas, meniscus (grad. cyl.), water-displacementtemperature (thermometer) - estimatingSI system of units - prefixesgraphingchemistry in our world (minimal treatment)matter (composition and properties) and energyimportance of chemistry todaychemical industrychemicals are ubiquitouspersonal responsibility for wise use of chemicalssafetyMaterial Safety Data Sheetlab safety, Karen Wetterhahn, HCl vs. HCN storyLD 50 calculations, or similarhow scientific knowledge advancesscientific methodobservations: qualitative and quantitativetheory vs. lawcause and effectobservation vs. inferenceinductive vs. deductive reasoningcuriosityaccidentexperiencestudy tipsread texttake notesanything teacher writes downinteresting factsdemonstrationsdo homeworkchemical reactions - introduction ................

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