Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry (EJAC)

Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry (EJAC)

Editor in Chief

Hüseyin BAG, PhD

Pamukkale University

Faculty of Education

Head of Science Education Department

Campus of Incilipinar – Denizli TURKIYE



The Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry (EJAC) is an international journal published three times per a year, covers theoretical and all aspects of applied analytical chemistry. The journal informs the reader of new trends in analytical methods, samples, and analytes; new instruments; and reagents.

All papers submitted to EJAC are subjected to peer review and are published online.

Aim and Scope

The scope of the Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry comprises such as original research on all aspects of analytical chemistry related with analytical methods, new instruments and reagents.

All the fields related with chemicals, physical methods of analysis (e.g. spectroscopic techniques, chromatography, electrochemistry and bioanalysis), instrumentation, sampling and sample preparation, separations, quality assurance, method validation and process control are included to the scope of the journal. Environmental analysis using analytical techniques are also welcomed.


The manuscripts submitted for the publication should correspond to the scope of The Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry (EJAC). The journal covers theoretical and some applied aspects of analytical chemistry; it informs the reader of new trends in analytical methods, samples, and analytes; new instruments; and reagents.

Contributions to The Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry (EJAC) will be published in English, and manuscripts must be submitted in that language. Either standard British or American spelling is acceptable, provided its use is consistent within the manuscript.

Manuscripts should be typed in 1½ – line spacing with wide margins on the right side of the paper only. Text pages should be numbered consecutively, but references, tables, and captions to figures should be on separate sheets. However, in the manuscript submitted for review, the graphs and tables may also be inserted into the text pages. Please do not use footnotes. The preferred letter font is Times New Roman of 12 pt.

Initial Lay-out

All manuscripts should start with a title. The title should not contain less common acronyms. The title is followed by the first names (no abbreviation), middle initials and surnames of all authors. The author to whom correspondence should be addressed must be indicated by an asterisk. The complete address of the authors should be written. The email address of the corresponding author is also needed to send the pdf of the proofs. Acknowledgements of financial support should be included at the end of the paper.


Research papers and reviews begin with an abstract (50 to 250 words) which should comprise a brief factual account of the contents of the paper, with emphasis on new information. Abbreviations and jargon must not be used. The abstracts should be suitable for use by abstracting services without rewriting.

Key words

Key words reflecting the major features of the work should be inserted, but not more than five.


Every paper must have a concise introduction explaining the state of the art of the topic described, and stating clearly what is new in the paper now submitted.


The experimental methods and the materials used should be described after the introductory paragraphs. Detailed technical descriptions should be restricted to one section of the paper, and not scattered throughout the text. Sufficient information should be given to allow any reasonably experienced worker to carry out the procedure. Detailed descriptions of well-known techniques and equipment are unnecessary, as are simple preparations of reagents or solutions, and lists of common chemicals. In writing, complete sentences should be used.

Results and Discussion

Preferably these should be treated together to avoid unnecessary repetition. Unsupported elaboration of hypotheses, and verbose exposition of ideas should be avoided. Results and Discussion may be presented in different sections.



Acknowledgements should be kept as short as possible, and placed at the conclusion of the text.


Literature references are to be numbered consecutively and should be grouped together at the end of the paper under the heading “References”. In the text references are quoted by giving the corresponding numbers of the references list as Arabic numerals in square brackets.

For journal articles:

Bag H, Turker A R, Lale M and Tunçeli A (2000) Separation and speciation of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) with Saccharomyces cerevisiae immobilized on sepiolite and determination of both species in water by FAAS. Talanta 51: 895.

For books:

Jenniss S W, Katz S A, and Lynch R W ( 1997) Applications of Atomic Spectrometry to Regulatory Compliance Monitoring, 2nd Edition, Wiley-VCH: New York, p 152.

Welz B (1985) Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, VCH, Weinheim, p 285.

Articles not yet published should be given as “accepted” or “in press” only if accepted for publication. Otherwise, unpublished articles should be referred to as “submitted for publication”, “in preparation” or “personal communication”, as appropriate.

Figures and Tables

These should be submitted in original form on separate sheets. The same data should not be given in both tables and graphs. Colored illustrations can be published only if paid for by the author. All figures should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals throughout the paper. Captions to the figures should also be on separate sheets. Footnotes to tables should be with lower-case letters. Line drawings are preferable to photographs. Scanned graphs are less preferred and acceptable only if adequately resolved. Inscriptions should be clearly legible. Letters 2–3 mm high are recommended in the desired final size. Half-tone illustrations, if any, should be well contrasted and trimmed at right angles in the desired final size. Graphs should not be present in large format (e. g. A4 full size), but rather in a typical size of 6—8 cm.

Nomenclature, symbols and abbreviations

In general, the recommendations of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) should be followed. Symbols, formulae and equations should be written with great care, capitals and lower case letters being distinguished where necessary. Particular care should be taken in typing mathematical expressions containing superscripts, and in proof-reading such equations. Unusual symbols employed for the first time should be defined by name in the left-hand margin. Abbreviations require definition when first used. Abbreviations for long chemical names (e.g. AAS, EDTA, ESI, ICP, Tris) are useful, especially in equations, tables or figures.

· The abbreviation of mL and L must be preferred instead of ml (l).

· 0.010 g should be written as 10 mg.

· exponential notations (such as, g-1; mL-1; cm-3; mmol-1, etc.) must be used.

· IUPAC rules must be used for designating chemical compounds. In some fields, e.g. pharmacology, generic or INN names may be used. The use of trade names alone to identify such compounds as medicines or pesticides is not allowed.

· Quantities and units must be designated using SI units whenever possible (e.g. Pa instead of bar). The metric system is to be used. Concentrations should be given exclusively as mass or amount-of-substance concentrations. The use of ppm, ppb, ppt, volume and weight percentages etc. is to be avoided.

Editorial Procedure

The receipt of any manuscripts submitted to the Editor-in-Chief of the Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry (EJAC) will be acknowledged to the corresponding author, usually via e-mail. If authors have not received a confirmation within 8 working days they should contact the Editor-in-Chief.


The authors must respond to a referee's report within six months including time allowed for mailing. If there is no response after six months, the Editorial Board refuses the publication of the manuscript. If the authors disagree with the referee's evaluation, another referee reviews the paper. If his decision is also negative, the Editorial Board refuses to publish the paper. Any refused with two negative referee's reports or accepted and not answered (for six months) manuscripts will not he returned.

After acceptance, the paper is scientifically and stylistically edited. The essential changes in the manuscript are approved by the authors.

Every paper is assessed by at least one referee on whose recommendation the Editor’s decision on acceptance or rejection will be based. If a paper has been accepted for publication, the author(s) will be asked to transfer the copyright of the article to the Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry (EJAC).

All communications during the review and editorial process are to be made to the Editor-in-Chief:

Dr. Hüseyin BAĞ

Pamukkale University

Faculty of Education

Incilipınar, TR-20020 Denizli-TURKIYE

Phone: +90.258.212 55 55-216

Fax : +90.258.2127898

E-mail: ejac@


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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