Title of Experiment - URI Department of Chemistry

Title of Experiment

Your name

Partner: partners name

TA: Austin Brown

CHM 192 Section #

Date you did experiment


5 sentences to a half page in paragraph form describing the purpose of the lab report. Mention any specific chemistry lab methods being used (Things like titration not things like heating a liquid on a hot plate, you will give further details on those other parts in the procedure section) and give a quick definition of what they mean/what they are used to find. You should also give a overview of the important concepts introduced of observed in the lab. This section should be concise, you have less than half a page to cover everything and that doesn’t leave any room for fluff, there should be 1 sentence on each method you want to mention and the rest should be able the chemistry concepts presented in lab.


Your procedure is intended to be a half page to a page summary of the procedure given online but at the same time include enough information. Enough information means that if someone picked up your lab report and has an understanding of chemistry lab techniques they should be able to perform the experiment solely from your procedure. This means that you should make sure you include all pertinent numbers (volumes, concentrations, masses, etc). You can keep the procedure the right length by consolidating various steps of the procedure given online. You can leave out how you got specific volumes or masses of various chemicals (For example you might say “obtain 5g of NaCl” rather than “obtain 5g of NaCl by using a piece of weigh paper and a balance”) leaving room to put other information into the same sentence. You can also leave out things like “record your data” as this is implied and only included in the official procedures as a reminder. Don’t include any calculations you will do or other section information here since just like the purpose the length requirement doesn’t leave room for fluff. To summarize, you want to describe exactly how the experiment will be performed in the briefest way possible while including everything you need to do.

In addition to the general summary you need to include any changes that were made to the procedure in lab. This not only includes changes in chemicals used but also in equipment. You should make sure that any deviation from the procedure in the experiment packet is recorded in your lab notebook so you don’t forget.


Include any non-table data that applies to the entire experiment first. Things like stock solution concentration, anything given to you beforehand that you have no control over. (This does not include volumes you measure out using a pipet those go in the tables)

|Trial # |A (units) |B (units) |C (units) |D (units) |

|1 |  |  |  |  |

|2 |  |  |  |  |

|3 |  |  |  |  |


|Trial # |1 |2 |3 |

|A (units) |  |  |  |

|B (units) |  |  |  |

|C (units) |  |  |  |

|D (units) |  |  |  |

Tables should be done in excel (or another comparable program) and look something like the ones above. It doesn’t usually matter which column/row organization you use but please keep your style consistent throughout the lab report. Significant figures will be of greater value this semester so if you have any questions about how to calculate significant figures or how many significant figures various equipment is supposed to have make sure you ask. Your signed data sheet from your lab notebook must be attached to your lab report.

You should include any important visual observations here as well.


You can either handwrite or type up your calculations. If you type them include them here. If you handwrite them you can just write “see attached” and attach your calculations after this page.

In addition to being correct, your calculations must be in a logical order, well organized, and titled for full credit.


Include typed data tables like in the data section. Make sure you have the right units and significant figures for each. Make sure all results are included and are in a logical order based on the data collected and calculations.

Discussion Questions:

You will be given 5 discussion questions with each lab that should be answered based on your own data and calculated results whenever possible. Be sure to include any calculations that you have to do for these questions as well (If the calculations are not easily typed you can put them with your sample calculations just make sure you write “see attached” and have discussion question calculations clearly labeled).


Again with only 5-10 sentences you should need all of them so don’t include fluff. You should state the final calculated results in sentence form here (Final results, what they mean or imply, compare to known/accepted values where applicable, include numbers) Include at least 2 possible sources of error and how those errors might have affected your results, these errors should be specific to your results and should not include “human error.” If you have expected results explain any differences between your results and those. Your final sentence should be about the success of the experiment in relation to the purpose. This should be specific to whether or not you think your results satisfied the purpose of the experiment or demonstrated the concepts in the lab correctly. Don’t just write “this lab was a success” write “this lab was a success because…” finishing with meaningful information about why you think the lab was successful (or unsuccessful if that is the case).

Attached to Lab Report:

• Original signed data sheet

• Calculations

• A copy of the CHM 192 Lab Report Grading Checklist (this should be the very last page of your lab report)

Other Things:

• I didn’t include page breaks because I didn’t want to make you think they needed to be in specific places but feel free to end any page early and start up on a fresh one if you think it makes sense to.

• Remember to include everything to avoid big point deductions, -50 pts for no signed data sheet and -10 pts for not including the grading checklist.

• The grading checklist is a great tool for going over your lab report. I will be grading directly from this checklist so going through it is a good way to double check that you have included everything you need.

• The lab report format for this semester is a bit different from last semester so make sure you start working on your first lab report early in case you find you have any questions.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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