Pre-AP Chemistry Syllabus

Welcome to

Pre-AP Chemistry

Teacher: Mrs. Cantrell

Email: kcantre1@ School Website:

I am very excited to have you in my class! I plan on making your learning experience in Pre-AP Chemistry be as fun & enjoyable as possible. At the same time, our curriculum is challenging – so your concentration in class and effort outside of class will be important in order to be successful!


|The Laboratory |Writing Chemical Reactions |

|Chemistry Calculations |Compound Stoichiometry |

|Matter & Its Changes |Reaction Stoichiometry |

|Atomic Theory & Structure |Gas Laws |

|Atomic Models & Periodic Trends |Solutions |

|Chemical Bonding |Acids & Bases |

|Nomenclature |Thermochemistry & Nuclear Chemistry |

| |Kinetics & Equilibrium |

The nature of Chemistry requires the student to know certain basic facts that MUST be committed to memory. Problem solving strategies will be stressed through-out the year and this course also requires the student be able to solve problems WITH and WITHOUT a calculator. Mathematics is an integral part of this class.

This class is a Pre-AP level class. As such, students will learn skills that will prepare them for success in AP science classes. An integral part of this preparation will be the study of certain topics in depth and the interconnection of these topics. The amount of homework will not necessarily be more than non-Pre-AP classes; however, it will be of a more advanced nature.

SUPPLIES: There are some things that will be important to bring with you every day to class…

1. Scientific Calculator

• Bring with you a simple scientific calculator or a graphing calculator. We have quite a bit of math involved in Chemistry!

2. Pen and Pencil

3. A Binder for Your Notes!!! (Either 1 or 1½ inches)

• It is your responsibility to keep up with your notes and other handouts – if you lose them, you will need to print out another copy from a classmate.

• A binder dedicated to Pre-AP Chemistry is highly recommended!!! It is to your advantage to keep all of these notes together… that way, you will not lose any, and you will have them easy to access when you are studying for all your quizzes and exams!

4. Closed-Toe Shoes on lab days. If you do not have closed-toe shoes on lab day you will receive a zero for that activity!

*Extra credit will be given on the lab safety quiz for a box of facial tissues, one ream of printer paper or a double roll of paper towels.


Student grades will be determined by the following method:

40% Test and/or Projects

20% Quizzes

20% Homework

20% Labs

CVHS Retake Policy

In accordance with Senate Bill 2033 Carnegie Vanguard abides by the following retake policy:

Not to exceed 2 retakes per grading cycle

Maximum retake score is 70, (score of 70 to 100 = 70) 

The highest grade between the original and the retake is counted. 

The student, not the parent, must request the retake in writing (per teacher procedure in class syllabus)

Student must request the retake within 24 hours and complete the retake within one week of grade posted

Retakes are for in-class assessments, such as quizzes and/or tests only. A reading quiz (reading check) is an extension of homework and is not eligible for a retake.

Student must fill out a retake form.

If there are multiple retakes in the same day, it is the student’s responsibility to reschedule with the teacher in advance

No shows counts as a taken retake

Final Exams are not eligible

Missing assignments fall under teacher’s late policy not campus retake policy.


All work leading up to the final answer must be shown legibly in order to earn any credit! This policy is for all work turned in for a grade, including quizzes, tests, labs, and homework. NO WORK = NO CREDIT! (

Academic Honesty

If a student is caught cheating on tests, homework, or labs the student will receive a zero on that assignment and their parents will be called or e-mailed explaining the situation. Students will also be referred to the office and will receive a discipline referral according to HISD policy. Doing your work on your own will help you better understand the material, and it’s not worth getting a lower grade and being in trouble with your parents. In other words, don’t cheat!

Late Work:

Late work is UNACCEPTABLE!!!! Assigned work must be turned in by the due date. Any late assignments may be turned in by 8:30 am the following school day, and will suffer a 30% penalty.


All tutorials will be held during the SSEP period from 8:30 until 9:00 daily. The SSEP pass must be obtained before school, after class or during lunch for the next SSEP period . Tutorials are also available during lunch or before school. Please make an appointment for before school or lunch tutorials.


Tardiness is not acceptable. The student must be in their seat when the bell rings or they will be considered tardy. If the student arrives to the classroom after the bell has rung, the student must sign the Tardy Sheet on the table by the door. On the fourth tardy they will be assigned Lunch Detention in my room for the following day. After the fifth tardy the student will be referred to the Administration.


If the student is absent it is their responsibility to gather the assignments that they have missed on the day of their return. If they missed an exam or lab, they must schedule a make-up exam. Please keep in mind that the format of the make-up is at the teacher’s discretion. The student must complete and turn in the make-up work in a timely manner, usually the number of days missed plus one.

Class Rules

I expect my students to abide by four very simple rules in my classroom:

Be Polite, Prepared, Punctual and Productive.

This involves arriving to class on time with all necessary materials, respecting other people (including the teacher) and their property, and giving their best effort. Any infractions will result in a warning for the first time, a call home to the parents for the second time, lunch detention for the third time, and a referral to the Assistant Principal after that. Students will also be expected to follow all school rules and arrive on time to class.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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