Minecraft silah modu 1.7.10 indir

[Pages:3]Minecraft silah modu 1.7.10 indir


Minecraft silah modu 1.7.10 indir

Minecraft 1.7.10 silah modu nasil indirilir. Temel olarak, Bu mod, minecraft d?nya ve/veya sunucu zevk i?in 3D silah ekler! Bu mod tamamlanmadi, Bu y?zden gelecekte daha fazla bekliyoruz! Minecraft s?r?m: 1.7.10 Mod yazar: Stefinus321 Bu mod ' s ge?erli durumu, Bu ekler 5 Silahlar, P90 (SMG), MP7 (SMG), Galil (Saldiri t?fei), M14 DMR (yari otomatik keskin nianci) ve Remington M47 (av t?fei). Sizin i?in bu silahlari aswell zanaat edebilmek eklenen warious ?e. imdilik sadece vardir 2 Eklerin engellenmesini: susturucu ve refleks/kirmizi g?rme nokta. DOWNLOAD GOLF SAHASI Minecraft i?in 1.7.10 Mediafire download MEGA indir The Portal Gun Mod is a well loved mod for the fans of the Portal Game made by Valve. If you ever heard about that game you will know what exactly this mod does. But if you never heard about it we can say that with the help of the portal gun you are able to make portals on two separate locations. If you make two portals you can easily step through one of the portals and you will exit through the other one. Once you installed the mod you have unlimited situations where you can use this portal gun to make your desired portals in any location you want. You can easily make the first portal that is colored with red and while you step into it you will exit on the other locations through the blue portal. Indeed the Portal Gun Mod is really useful when you want to move faster from one place to another one. But unfortunately at this moment the mod is just available for Minecraft 1.7.10 and the creator itself said that the next update will be just for Minecraft 1.9 so if you hate that there is no available version for minecraft 1.8 and we can't help you. You must get the version that is recommended for your version of minecraft. Despite this minor issue the Portal Gun Mod is very popular and is one of the most downloaded mod for minecraft, lots of players love it and all of them are waiting for the latest update for minecraft 1.9. To install this mod is really easy once you downloaded it you must drag the zip file into mods folder and you are ready to play the mod. Portal Gun Mod 1.7.10/1.9 Changelogs Fixed some minor bugs related to compatibility of texture packs changes Fixed shooting portals through glass/iron fences making it go through blocks How to install the Portal Gun Mod? Download and install Minecraft Forge API Download the Portal Gun Mod Press start and type in %appdata% and go to ./minecraft/mods folder Paste the Mod files into /mods folder Start the game and select the mod! Download Links for Portal Gun Mod This mod Requires ? iChunUtil Portal Gun Mod 1.7.10 Credits: iChun Mit diesem Mod f?gst Du sehr viele Laufb?nder hinzu! Baue mit ein paar Tools eine automatische Steinfarm, Weizenfarm, Sortiermaschine.Zur Entwicklerwebseite... Jul 18, 2014 45,881 views Minecraft Mods Minecraft PE i?in Ger?ek Silah Eklentisi , 50'den fazla yeni silah, el bombasi ve m?himmat ekler . Tabanca, t?fek,... ActualGuns 3D, y?ksek kaliteli, 3D, tamamen animasyonlu silahlari Minecraft: Bedrock Edition'a getiren bir eklentidir. Her biri kendi y?ntemleriyle dengelenmi... Project Walker, minecraft oynama eklimizi deitirmeyi hedefliyor imdi oyun kiyamet sonrasi bir d?nyada ge?iyor, hayatta kalmak i?in malzeme aramaniz... Page 2 Minecraft MCPE oyununda ger?ek bir silah modu ariyorsaniz bu eklenti iinizi g?recektir. Android, iOS ve Windows 10 Edition s?r?mlerinde... Minecraft oyununda muhtemelen ?ounuz silah olsa da oynasak diye aklinizdan ge?irmi olmalisiniz. Bu deneyimi MCPE 1.2 s?r?m?nde yaamak isteyenler... Homepage ? Minecraft Mods ? Stefinus 3D Guns Mod 1.7.10 (Machine Guns, RPGs, Silencer) Author: Stefinus321 May 25, 2017 495,786 views Stefinus 3D Guns Mod 1.7.10 adds in tons of awesome 3D guns. Featured in the mod are P90s, Glocks, RPGs, and more! Each weapon is also fully customizable with addon attachments and other goodies. In this mod's current state, it adds 11 guns, the P90 (SMG), the MP7 (smg), the Galil (Assault Rifle), ScarH (Assault Rifle), the M14 DMR (semi-auto sniper), the FRF2 (bolt action sniper rifle), the Glock 17 (pistol), the Minimi (LMG), M60 (LMG), the M1014 (semi automatic shotgun) and the Remington M47 (shotgun). There are various items added for you to be able to craft these guns aswell. For now there are only 3 attachements: the silencer and reflex/red dot sight and the holographic sight. Features: Shooting is bound to Attack/Destroy in the controls. Aiming is bound to Use item/Place block in the controls. Reloading is by default bound to R, but you can change it in the controls. This is LAN/server compatible. Screenshots: Galil M14 DMR Crafting Recipes: Requires: Minecraft Forge How to install: Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge. Locate the minecraft application folder. On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run. On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed. Stefinus 3D Guns Mod 1.7.10 Download Links: For Minecraft 1.7.10 Download from Server 1 ? Download from Server 2 Tags:

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