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Abeynayake, P, Bongso, T.A. and Subasinghe, D.H.A. (1979) Chromosome markers in the Transmissible Venereal Tumor in dogs. Ceylon Veterinary Journal 27, 35 (Abstract).

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Chandrasiri, A.D.N., Gunaratne, S.P., Wickramaratne, S.H.G., and Roberts, J.A., (1994) The egg and meat production potential of village chicken under scavenging system. Proceeding of 7th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Bali, Indonesia.

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Chandrasiri, A.D.N., Gunawardana, V.K., Malkanthi, R.M.S., and Ratnayake, A.S.B., (1996) In vitro maturation, fertilization and culture (IVMFC) of goat oocytes. Proceedings of 48th Annual Convention, Sri Lanka Vet, J., Vol. 43, No. 1 & 2, January-December.

Chandrasiri, A.D.N. (1997) Extract of Gelidiella acerosa (S-ACT-1) as a capacitation agent for in vitro fertilization in goat, Thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Phylosophy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University Pertanian Malaysia.

Chandrasiri, A.D.N., Wahid, H., Jainudeen, M.R., Ibrahim, T.A., Gunawardena , V., Thattil, R.O., Malkanthi, R.M.S., Ratnayake, A.S.B., (1997) In vitro production of goat embryos using a naturally occurring substance as the capacitation agent. Tropical Agricultural Research, Vol. 9, 182-192.

Chandrasiri, A.D.N., Wahid, H., Jainudeen, M.R., Ibrahim, T.A., Gunawardena, V., Thattil, R.O., Malkanthi, R.M.S., and Ratnayake, A.S.B. (1998) Assessment of the true acrosome reaction of caprine sperm treated with a naturally occurring sperm capacitation agent (S-ACT-1) Abst. Sri Lanka Vet, J., Vol. 45, No. 1, January-June.

Chandrasiri, A.D.N., (1998) Sperm capacitation ability of S-ACT 1 and establishment of successful in vitro maturation, fertilization and culture techniques for goat oocoytes. Report submitted to the council for Agricultural Research Policy (CARP) of Sri Lanka.

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Chandrasiri, A.D.N., (1998) Reinventing life: a clone of one’s own. 4th International Congress on “Medical Implications of Advances in Technology”, Peradeniya Medical School, Alumni Association (PeMSAA), Plant Genetic Resources Centre, Gannoruwa, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.

Chandrasiri, A.D.N., Nihar, S.H., Rajapaksha, W.R.A.K.J.S., Malkanthi, R.M.S., and Ratnayake, A.S.B. (2000) Reproductive status of females slaughtered for meat in Sri Lanka. Asian-Aus, J., Anim. Sci., Vol. 13, July 2000 (Supplement) Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies

Chandrasiri, A.D.N., Rajapaksha, W.R.A.K.J.S., Abeygunawardena, W.W., Malkanthi, R.M.S., and Ratnayake, A.S.B., (2000) Light microscopic study of sperm abnormalities in bulls at the Central Artificial Insemination Station, Kundasale. Abstracts of Scientific Sessions, 52nd Annual Convention and Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, 27-29 April.

Chandrasiri, A.D.N., Karunaratne, R.M., Malkanthi, R.M.S., and Ratnayake, A.S.B., (2001) Fecal Progesterone Assay: Fast and non-invasive method to study the reproductive status in cattle. 53rd Annual Convention and Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association 27-28, April, 2001.08.29.

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Chandrasiri, A.D.N., Karunaratne, G.M.C.R., Kodituwakku, A.O., Sivaratnam, N., Chandana, D., and Munaweera, A.C.H., (2002) Artificial insemination in pigs using deep frozen semen, 54th Annual Convention and Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, 3-4 May.

Chandrasiri, A.D.N., Rajapaksha, W.R.A.K.J.S., Abeygunawardena, W.W., Mohamed, A.R., De Silva, L.N.A., Malkanthi, R.M.S., and Ratnayake, A.S.B., (2002) Response of lankan cattle to superovulation with PMSG and FSH. 54th Annual Convention and Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, 3-4 May.

Chandrasiri A.D.N. (2002) IVF in Goats “Vidusara” Weekly Scientific Newspaper, 13 March.

Chandrasiri, A.D.N., (2002) Artificial insemination in pigs. Training manual for the livestock development officers of the department of animal production and health.

Chandrasiri, A.D.N., Thalatha Ratnayaka, Hemachandra, H.T.A.S., and Liyanagamage, A., (2003) Constraints in Dairy Sector and it’s Extension Service. 5th Annual Convention and Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, May 30-31, 2003

Chandrasiri, A.D.N., Premalal, G.G.C., Somaratne, M., and Munasinghe, V.R.N., (2003) Performance of Lankan cattle in Hambantota under drought conditions: A Case Study. Proceedings of 55th Annual Convention and Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, May 30-31, 2003. p. 7.

Chandrasiri, A.D.N., (2003) Biotechnology in Livestock Development. Proceedings of the seminar on awareness on biotechnology in livestock and fisheries, organized jointly by the Council for Agricultural Research Policy and NARA, Sept. 25th 2003.

Chandrasiri, A.D.N., Wijewardana, B.D.R., Premalal, G.G.C., Silva, S.S.P., and Dharmawardena, J., (2003) Cess on Imported Milk Products: How it can be utilized to make the dairy industry sustainable. Proceedings of 55th Annual Convention and Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, May 30-31, 2003. p. 3.

Chandrasiri, A.D.N., (2004) Editor, The state of animal genetic resources in Sri Lanka, ISBN: 955-1136-00-4, joint publication of the Department of Animal Production and Health and the office of the FAO representative in Sri Lanka and Maldives.

Chandrasiri, A.D.N., (2004) Porcine reproduction and breeding strategy in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the seminary on Path for the Development of Pig Industry Auditorium of the Medical Research Institute, Colombo.

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Chandrasiri, A.D.N., (2005) Artificial Insemination in Sri Lanka at cross roads. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Convention of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association 13-14 May, (Poster presentation) P 46.

Chandrasiri, A.D.N., (2005) The Animal Genetic Resources in Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the 1st workshop on development and application of decision support tools to conserve and sustainable use of genetic diversity in indigenous livestock and wild relatives. The UNEP-GEF-ILRI-FAnGR Asia Project.

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Ganegoda, G.A.P., Thilakarathne, N. and Gunaratne, S.P.(1982) Comparative Performance of Layer Chickens from Two Sources on Two Dietary Regimes. Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 30, 7-13.

Ganegoda, G.A.P. (1983) The Feeding Value of Arrack Spent wash for pigs. Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 31, 43-45..

Ganegoda, G.A.P., Gunaratne, S.P., and Gunatilaka, A.A.P.(1986) Eppawala Rock Phosphate as a phosphorus supplement in diets for growing chicks and pigs. Journal of the National Science Council of Sri Lanka, 14, 251-260.

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Gunaratne, S.P., and Ganegoda, G.A.P.(1981) Parboiled vs Unparboiled rice bran: chemical Composition and Effect on Broiler Growth. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Session of the SLVA. Ceylon Veterinary Journal, 29, 29.

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Gunaratne, S.P., and Ganegoda, G.A.P.(1983) Determination of Metabolizable energy in rice bran for poultry: comparison of a chemical method with a rapid biological method. Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 31, 53.

Gunaratne, S.P., and Ganegoda, G.A.P.(1984) Composition of some non-conventional feedstuffs and their metabolizable energy for poultry. Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 32, 32-33.

Gunaratne S.P., Chandrasiri, A.D.N. Gamage, D.V.S. de S. and Sunil, V.G. (1990) Effect of Time of Collection and Storage Period on Hatchability of Chicken Eggs. Livestock Research news.

Gunaratne S.P., Chandrasiri, A.D.N. and Roberts, J.A. (1990) Feed Resource Base for Scavenging Village Chicken. Preliminary Report Submitted at the ACIAR Progress Review Meeting in Australia in October.

Gunaratne, S.P., Chandrasiri, A.D.N., Cyril, H.W., and Mangalika Hemalatha, W.A.P., (1991) The productivity of village chickens. Proceedings of 44th Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Veterinary Association.

Gunaratne, S.P., Chandrasiri, A.D.N., Mangalika Hemalatha, W.A.P., and Roberts, J.A. (1991) The productivity and nutrition of village chicken in Sri Lanka, Newcastle disease in village chickens, Proceedings of International Workshop in Malaysia, 6-10 Oct. 7.

Gunaratne, S.P., Chandrasiri, A.D.N., Gamage, D.V.S. de S., and Sunil, V.G. (1992) Effect of time of collection and storage period on hatchability of chicken eggs LRN 1992.

Gunaratne, S.P., Chandrasiri, A.D.N., Mangalika Hemalatha, W.A.P., and Roberts, J.A., (1993) Feed resource base for scavenging village chickens in Sri Lanka. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 25, 249-257.

Gunaratne, S.P., Chandrasiri, A.D.N., Wickramaratne, S.H.G., and Roberts, J.A., (1994) The utilization of scavenging feed resource base for village chicken production. Proceeding of 7th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Bali, Indonesia.

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Gunawardana, G.A., and Thavarajah, S., (1995) Establishment of an ELISA to detect antibodies against Fowl Cholera, ACIAR Pasteurellosis Coordination Meeting, Brisbane, Australia.

Gunawardana, G.A., Wilkie, I., and Frost, A.J., (1997) Immunological response of chickens in fowl cholera, ACIAR, Pasteurellosis Coordination Meeting, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Gunawardana, G.A., Townsend, K., Frost, A.J., and Spradbrow, P., (1998) Study of avian Pasteurella multocida isolates from Australia and Vietnam by pulsed field gel electrophoresis second Pan Commonwealth Veterinary Conference, 22nd – 27th February, Bangalore, India Scientific Proceedings, Vol. II, 1259 – 1265

Gunawardana, G.A., Wilkie, I., and Frost, A.J., (1999) Immunological response of chickens to bacterins, virulent and avirulent strains of Pasteurella multocida. Abstracts in Conference on Pasteurellosis in pigs and poultry, Brisbane, Australia, pg. 13.

Gunawardana, G.A., Townsend, K.M. and Frost, A.J., (2000) Molecular characterization of avian pasteurella multocida isolates from Australia and Vietnam by REP PCR and PFGE. Veterinary Microbiology 72, 97-109.

Gunawardana, G.A., Fernando, P.S., and Wijewardana, T.G., Are these microbes native to us? (2000) LRN Issue 1 published by VRI, Peradeniya.

Gunawardana, G.A., (2002) Chicken meat of poor microbial quality, VRN Issue 1 published by VRI, Peradeniya.

Gunawardana, G.A., Fernando, G.K.C.N., (2002) Control of Salmonellosis in poultry breeder farms, VRN Issue 2, published by VRI, Peradeniya.

Gunawardana, G.A., Fernando, G.K.C.N., Wijewantha, P., Vipulasiri, A.A., Gunatilake, S.K., and Wijemuni, M.I., (2003) Pullorum disease and fowl typhoid control program in poultry breeder farms of Sri Lanka, Proceedings of 55th Annual Convention of Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, Colombo, pg 41.

Gunawardana, G.A., Frost, A.J., and Wilkie, I., (2004) Evaluation of the immune response and efficacy in chickens of vaccines prepared from P.multocida capsular type A grown in iron-depleted conditions. British Poultry Science. Vol. 45 Sup 1 S 18-19.

Gunawardana, G.A., Frost, A.J., and Wilkie, I., (2004) Study of immunological response of chickens to baterins with and without adjuvant by immunoblotting British Poultry Science. Vol. 45 Sup 1 S 40- S 41.

Gunawardana, G.A., Fernando, G.K.C.N., Fernando, P.S., Puvanendiran, S., and Gunatilake, S.K., (2006) Salmonella Serovars prevalent in Sri Lanka and pattern of antibiotic susceptibility European Poultry Congress/XII World Poultry Science Association, Verona, Italy, 10th Sept. to 14th Sep. 2006.

Gunawardana, G.A., Fernando, G.K.C.N., Ranatunga, A.D., Wijewardana, G., Vipulasiri, A.A., Rajanayake, R.M.K.P., Warusawithana, L.U.A., Amunugama, A. and Dissanayake, D.M.M.B., (2006) Serological response to three infectious conditions in backyard chickens of central province in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of 58th Annual Convention of Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, 26 – 27th May, Kandy, Sri Lanka.

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Hemamala, H.G.T.K., Dangolla, A., Ranasinghe, C., Panawala, P.V.S. and Wijewardana T.G. (2002) A suspected case of Jonesia in a female Doberman pinscher. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Convention and Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, 3-4 April.

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Herath, U.T.K., Faizal, A.C.M., Somaratne, M., Senasinghe, N.D., Bastiansz, H.I.G., Hussain, M.I.M.A., Wijewardena, B.D.R. (2002) A case study: Diarrhoea among buffalo calves. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Convention and Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association. 3-4 May 2002. Plant Genetic Resource Centre, Gannoruwa, Peradeniya. Pp – 35.

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Horadagoda N.U., Wijewardana T.G., Mullariyawa I.S., Ramya Kumari H.M.R. and Vipulasiri, A.A. (1994). Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) for detection of serum antibodies to haemorrhagic septicaemia. In: Strengthening Animal Reproduction Research and Disease Diagnosis in Asia through Application of Immunoassay Techniques. IAEA publication No. IAEA-TEDOC-736: p 185-193.

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Pathirana, K.K. and Mangalika, U.L.P. (1991) Rice straw for cattle grazing natural herbage under coconut. Proceedings of the workshop on Utilization of rice straw in ruminant production systems October 7-11, 70-74.

Pathirana, K.K., Mangalika, U.L.P. and Gunaratne, S.S.N. (1992) Straw based supplementation in low input feeding system for zebu heifers. Proceedings of final research co-ordination meeting of an FAO/IAEA coordinated research programme on feeding strategies for improving ruminant productivity in areas of fluctuating nutrient supply March 30 – April 3, 23 – 31.

Pathirana, K.K., De S. Liyanage, M., Mangalika, U.L.P., Gunaratne, S.S.N. and Silvan, P.D.B. (1994) Straw based supplementation for indigenous cattle grazing natural herbage under coconut. Proceedings of seminar on coconut-based farming systems May 6.

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Peiris, G.S.(1980) Infertility in cattle cause by Mycoplasma. Animal Production and Health Bulletin, 13, 18-22.

Peiris, G.S.(1981) The role of Mycoplasmas in repeat breeder cows. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Session of the SLVA. Ceylon Veterinary Journal, 29, 26.

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Peiris, G.S., Abeywardana, S.A. and Mohamed, A.R.(1982) Studies on the postpartum involution of the bovine uterus and its association with the bacterial flora of the cervico-vaginal mucus and infertility. Ceylon Veterinary Journal, 30, 1-4.

Peiris, G.S., Mohamed, A.R. and Abeywardena, S.A. (1982) Studies on the Post-partum Involution of the Uterus in Buffaloes. Proceedings of a Workshop on Water Buffalo Research in Sri Lanka, 1980. SAREC Report R3: 1982, SAREC, Stockholm. 126-130.

Peiris, H. and Ibrahim, M.N.M. (1985) Effect of Defoliation on the Leaf: Stem Ratios and Their Nutritive Value of Guinea Grass(Panicum maximum ecotype A) Sri Lanka Journal of Agricultural Science, 23 (2) 13-23.

Peiris, H. and Ibrahim, M.N.M. (1985) Effect of Intensity and Frequency of Defoliation on the Yield and Nutritive Value of Unfertilized Guinea A (Panicum maximum ecotype A) Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 33, 11-18.

Peiris, H. and Ibrahim, M.N.M. and Perera, W.I.A. (1990) A Comparative Study of the Intake and Digestibility of Young and Mature Guinea (Panicum maximum Jacq. Ecotype A) Grass and Urea-sprayed Straw. Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 37, 1-10.

Perera G.D.R.K., M.G.D.S.B. Meegahakotuwa, P.G.A. Pushpakumara, P.G. Seneviratne, H.M.S.P. Herath, A.D.N. Chandrasiri, L.N.A.de Silva, W.A. King and B. Alexander (2006) Embryo production and transfer in goats and cattle in Sri Lanka: A preliminary investigation. Abstract of scientific papers of the 58th aAnnual Scientific Sessions- 2006, p36.

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Perera, B.V.P., and Premalal, G.G.C., (2001) Invasive microflora and fauna in Mahaweli Wildlife Region. Proceedings of 7th Annual Forestry and Environment Symposium. 28–29 December, 2001, Sri Lanka. p. 42.

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Pinto, M.R.M., Wanasinghe, D.D., and Ravindran, K.V., (1973) Tuberculin sensitivity of livestock in Ceylon. (II) Patterns of sensitivity in the buffalo. Ceylon Veterinary Journal, 21, 10-15.

Premalal, G.G.C., and Premaratne, S., (1990) Effect of potassium and associated legumes on the crude protein content of pastures in the mid-country of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of 46th Annual Session, SLAAS, Part 1. Sec. B. p. 40.

Premalal, G.G.C., Bandara, D.C., and Premaratne,S., (1990) Establishment and growth of legume pasture mixtures in the mid country of Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan Journal of Agricultural Science, Sri Lanka. 27: 90-97.

Premalal, G.G.C., Premaratne, S., and Bandara, D.C. (1991) Effect of potassium and legumes on the establishment and growth of pasture mixtures in the mid-country of Sri Lanka. 3rd Annual Congress, PGIA,iversity of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka. p. 38.

Premalal,G.G.C., Premaratne,S., and Bandara,D.C.,(1991) Effect of potassium and legumes on the establishment and growth of pasture mixtures in the mid-country of Sri Lanka. Tropical Agricultural Research, PGIA, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. 3: 312-319.

Premalal, G.G.C., (1995) A role for dairy cattle in improving income on coconut smallholdings. Livestock Research News – 1995. Department of Animal Production and Health. P. 6.

Premalal, G.G.C., and Perera, A., (1995) Silvo-pastoral systems with plantation forests in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of 6th regional workshop on multipurpose trees. 17-19 Aug. 1995. Sri Lanka. PP. 40 – 44.

Premalal, G.G.C., (1996) Pasture cultivation (in Sinhala language) Department of Animal Production & Health Booklet for farmers and field officers.

Premalal, G.G.C., (1997) Evaluation of local Napier grass (Penisetum puepurcum) and its selections based on their growth. Development and the availability of non structural carbohydrates. Research Terminal Report, Pasture Division, Veterinary Research Institute, Peradeniya.

Premalal, G.G.C., (1997) Fodder cultivation in mid country zone (in Sinhala language) Department of Animal Production & Health Booklet for farmers and field officers.

Premalal, G.G.C., (1997) Growth, dry matter production and nutritive value of wild Guinea grass (Panicum maximum ecotype. A) Grown in roadside habitats of Sri Lanka. Research Terminal Report, Pasture Division, Veterinary Research Institute, Peradeniya.

Premalal, G.G.C., (1997) Hay making (in Sinhala language) Department of Animal Production & Health Booklet for farmers and field officers.

Premalal, G.G.C., (1999) Ensiling characteristics of Clone – 13 (Penisetum purpureum) grass as affected by growth stage and additives. Research Terminal Report, Pasture Division, Veterinary Research Institute, Peradeniya.

Premalal, G.G.C., (2000) Importance of humid zone dry patinas in Knuckles Range for livestock production and its floristic composition. Research Terminal Report, Pasture Division, Veterinary Research Institute, Peradeniya.

Premalal, G.G.C., and Ranawana, S.S.E., (2000) Use and nutritive value of traditional tree and shrub fodder in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of 11th national workshop on multipurpose trees. 18 Dec. 2000. Sri Lanka. pp. 60-71.

Premalal, G.G.C., and Thavarajha, S., (2001) Traditional tree and shrub fodder for livestock farming in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of 7th Annual Forestry and Environment Symposium. 28 – 29 December, 2001, Sri Lanka. p. 62.

Premalal, G.G.C., (2001) Invasive microflora and fauna in Mahaweli Wildlife Region. Proceedings of 7th Annual Forestry and Environment Symposium. 28–29 December, 2001, Sri Lanka. p. 42.

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Premalal, G.G.C. and Sujatha Premaratne (2008) Effect of fertilizer on yield and nutritive value of hybrid Napier (var. CO3) and Guinea (var.435) grasses.: Proceedings. XXI International Grassland Congress, Hohhot, China.(In print)

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G.G.C. Premalal and Sujatha Premaratne, On-farm evaluation of hybrid Napier (Pennisetum purpureum x P.americanum ) var.CO-3 as a fodder grass under small dairy holdings of Kurunegala district

SLAAP 2008

G.G.C. Premalal, Sujatha Premaratne and A.Jayawardena Use of Intensive Fodder Banks Under Smallholder Dairy Production Systems in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka. In print: Proceedings. XXI International Grassland Congress, Hohhot, China. 2008

G.G.C.Premalal, Green forages and their uses (In Sinhala language) 2008

Multimedia CD, Audio Visual Center, Department of Agriculture, Peradeniya.

G.G.C.Premalal, Identification of Forage species (In Sinhala language) 2008

Multimedia CD, Information Technology Center, Veterinary Research Institute, Peradeniya.

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Yoshimasa Hirashima, Tilusha Manchanayake, Thakahisa Yano, Syoei Kitahara, Terunori Koreeda, Syunsuke Kamimura, Kasumi Sasai, Makoto Matsubayashi, Tomoyuki Shibahara (2017). Development of molecular diagnostic protocols for detecting three types of Entamoeba from diarrhoeal and asymptomatic pigs and environmental moist soils. Parasitology Research, 116: 2001-2007.

Koka Takizawa, Takashi Mizuno, Makoto Nakahara, Toshiyuki Matsuura, Naoto Imai, Tilusha Manchanayake, Yasuko Hanafusa, Tomoyuki Shibahara (2017). Candidiasis caused by Candida albicans in the forestomachs of a calf. Journal of Japanese Veterinary Medical Association, 70: 219-223.

Kazufumi Kasuya, Tilusha Manchanayake, Kei Uenoyama, Sayaka Kawa, Kou Takayama, Naoto Imai, Tomoyuki Shibahara (2017). Multifocal suppurative granuloma caused by Actinobacillus lignieresii in the peritoneum of a beef steer. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 79(1): 65-67.

Yoshimasa Hirashima, Tilusha Manchanayake, Thakahisa Yano, Syoei Kitahara, Terunori Koreeda, Syunsuke Kamimura, Kasumi Sasai, Makoto Matsubayashi, Tomoyuki Shibahara (2017). Histopathological and Molecular Identification of Entamoeba subspecies from Diarrheal and Non-diarrheal Piglets. In: Book of Abstracts, Fifth Conference on Sri Lanka - Japan Collaborative Research, 23rd September. University of Peradeniya.

Rathnasiri, S.K.S., Gamage D.A. and Perera, G.I.S. (2017). Ovarian Adenocarcinoma in backyard poultry in Homagama veterinary range, Sri Lanka. 69thAnnual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, 26th May, Plant Genetic Resource Centre, Gannoruwa, Sri Lanka, 32.

“Trash into Cash with Worm Friends” obtained approval from the Director General (DAP&H) to publish this as a manual to provide information required for preparation of vermi-compost from livestock waste for the interested farmers and other relevant public.

Disnaka, K. G. J. S., Renapana, R. A. A. S. K., Udeyratne, J. K. H., Munasinghe, M. N. D., Bandara, , H. P. V. D. S., Ariyadasa, R. P. U. A., Lokuliyanage, A. L., Kariyawasam, P. A. U., Pushpakumara, P. G. A., Horadagoda, N. U. (2018). Different clinical manifestations of Clostridium sordellii infestation in a large scale dairy farm in dry zone. 70th Annual Scientific Session of the Sri lanka Veterinary Association. 14th June 2018.

Fernando, P.S., Weerasooriya, K.M.S.G., Liyanagunawardena, N., Bandara, W.M.P., Munasinghe, M. N. D., Wijemuni, M.I. (2017). Isolation and identification of Brucella melitensis from a swine herd in Sri Lanka. 69th Annual Scientific Session of the Sri lanka Veterinary Association.

Ubeyratne, J.K.H., Karunarathne, G.M.C.R., Jayaweera, M.D.N., Kasagala, K.H.D.T., Bandara, W.M.P., Bandara, H.P.V.D.S., Prasad, G.A.T., Kariyawasam, P.A.U. and Gunathilake,S.K. (2017). Wild-type Edwardsiella tarda, Possible Cause of Unnatural Mass Death of Asian Openbill (Anastomus oscitans) at Kotuatthawala Bird Sanctuary in Nikawaratiya, 69th Annual Convention of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association.

Disnaka, K. G. J. S., Renapana, R. A. A. S. K., Ubeyratne, J. K. H., Munasinghe, M. N. D., Bandara, , H. P. V. D. S., Ariyadasa, R. P. U. A., Lokuliyanage, A. L., Kariyawasam, P. A. U., Pushpakumara, P. G. A., Horadagoda, N. U. (2018). Different clinical manifestations of Clostridium sordellii infestation in a large scale dairy farm in dry zone. 70th Annual Scientific Session of the Sri lanka Veterinary Association. 14th June 2018.

Senasinghe, N. D., Munasinghe, M. N. D., Kasagala, K. H. D. T., Iddamaldeniya, S. S., Athapaththu, M. H., Gamagedara, N. C. (2018) Morphological identification of six species of Eimeria in an outbreak of intestinal coccidiosis in a smallholder rabbitry. 70th Annual Scientific Session of the Sri lanka Veterinary Association. 14th June 2018.

Fernando, P.S., Weerasooriya, K.M.S.G., Liyanagunawardena, N., Bandara, W.M.P., Munasinghe, M. N. D., Wijemuni, M.I. (2017). Isolation and identification of Brucella melitensis from a swine herd in Sri Lanka. 69th Annual Scientific Session of the Sri lanka Veterinary Association.

Disnaka, K.G.J.S., Renapana, R.A.A.S.K., Ubeyratne, J.K.H., Munasinghe, M.N.D., Bandara, H.P.V.D.S., Ariyadasa, R.P.U.A., Lokuliyanage, K.L., Kariyawasam, P.A.U., Pushpakumara, P.G.A. and Horadagoda, N.U. (2018). Different clinical manifestations of Clostridium sordellii infection in a large scale dairy farm in dry zone. 70th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, 14th June 2018.

Senasinghe, N. D., Munasinghe, M. N. D., Kasagala, K. H. D. T., Iddamaldeniya, S. S., Athapaththu, M. H., Gamagedara, N. C. (2018) Morphological identification of six species of Eimeria in an outbreak of intestinal coccidiosis in a smallholder rabbitry. 70th Annual Scientific Session of the Sri lanka Veterinary Association. 14th June 2018.

Fernando, P.S., Weerasooriya, K.M.S.G., Liyanagunawardena, N., Bandara, W.M.P., Munasinghe, M. N. D., Wijemuni, M.I. (2017). Isolation and identification of Brucella melitensis from a swine herd in Sri Lanka. 69th Annual Scientific Session of the Sri lanka Veterinary Association.

Disnaka, K.G.J.S., Renapana, R.A.A.S.K., Ubeyratne, J.K.H., Munasinghe, M.N.D., Bandara, H.P.V.D.S., Ariyadasa, R.P.U.A., Lokuliyanage, K.L., Kariyawasam, P.A.U., Pushpakumara, P.G.A. and Horadagoda, N.U. (2018). Different clinical manifestations of Clostridium sordellii infection in a large scale dairy farm in dry zone. 70th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, 14th June 2018.

Ubeyratne, J.K.H., Karunarathne, G.M.C.R., Jayaweera, M.D.N., Kasagala, K.H.D.T., Bandara, W.M.P., Bandara, H.P.V.D.S., Prasad, G.A.T., Kariyawasam, P.A.U. and Gunathilake,S.K. (2017). Wild-type Edwardsiella tarda, Possible Cause of Unnatural Mass Death of Asian Openbill (Anastomus oscitans) at Kotuatthawala Bird Sanctuary in Nikawaratiya, 69th Annual Convention of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association.

Weerathunga, M.W.D.C., Ubeyratne, J.K.H. and Nadheer, M.A. (2017). An outbreak of Haemorrhagic Septicaemia in the Navithanveli Veterinary Range in Ampara District, Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal, 64(2): 7-12.

Jayaweera, M.D.N., Bandara, W.M.P. and Ubeyratne, J.K.H. (2016). Antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli isolated from broiler, layer and backyard poultry cases reported to Central Veterinary Investigation Centre of Veterinary Research Institute from 2011 to 2015. XVth Annual Scientific Sessions, September 15th 2016.

Ubeyratne, J.K.H. (2016). Snuffles (Pasteurellosis): Identification of Pasteurella multocida Serogroup F isolates in rabbits. Published in 27th Annual General Meeting 2016 of State Veterinary Surgeons’ Association, October 7th 2016.

Iddamaldeniya S.S, Palkumbura P.G.A.S, Kasagala K.H.D.T, Disnaka, K.G.J.S., Senasighe N.D. , Gunasekera N.A.D.E.M., Atapattu A.M.H., Gamagedera N.C.and. Ranasinghe G.M (2017) Anaplasma marginale infection confirmed by Major Surface Protein (MSP) 5 gene sequencing, Proceedings of Annual Scientific Sessions of Sri Lanka Veterinary Association, 23rd June, 2017




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