Chemotherapy can cause a decrease in the number of blood ...

Chemotherapy Template Language

Chemotherapy can cause low blood cells. The three types of blood cells are red cells that carry oxygen, white cells that fight infection, and platelets that help blood clot.  Low red blood cells may cause you to be short of breath, weak, and tired.  Low white cells may cause an increased risk of infections.  Severe infections may require a hospital stay to get antibiotics, and rarely may result in death.  Low platelets may lead to bleeding.  These effects may not show up for weeks after treatment.  Also, you may need blood or platelet transfusions to prevent symptoms or problems.

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Some chemotherapy drugs may cause acute leukemia or other cancers.  Just like any other drug, you could have an allergic reaction to the chemotherapy drugs.  This may be mild, such as a skin rash, or you may have more severe symptoms, causing facial swelling, throat tightness, increased heart rate, a hard time breathing, low blood pressure, and rarely, death.



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