A.3.1.1StudentDataSheet - Marie Mcclary

Activity 3.1.1 Student Data SheetName of Person:Age of CancerDiagnosisType of Cancer:Possible Risk Factors:Other Pertinent Information:Amy Johnson68Stage III Breast cancer-Semi-late pregnancy-Smoker -inherited a mutated BRCA1 gene-lump in breast-mother and sister had cancer-white-cancer spread to lymph nodes, then liver-chemotherapy and radiation did not help Rosemary Garcia8Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia-got sick frequently, lost weight, and developed swollen lymph nodes -mother had been exposed to radiation when pregnant-mexican-put on variety of different chemotherapy for next 2 yrs and has been in remission ever since Andrew Greene73Late stage bladder cancer-father died of colon cancer-smoker: quit at age 50-frequent bladder infection -white-bladder surgically removed -was given chemotherapy but cancer had already spread to bones -died year and half after diagnosis Chloe Manning4Childhood Medulloblastoma- trouble walking, losing her balance, vomiting frequently, sleeping all of the time -history of high blood pressure in fam-african ameican -brain tumor that wasn’t completely removed -cancer spread quickly to spine and died at 6Kyle Li14Osteosarcoma -pain in knee joint, limping -fatigue and lost weight -chinese -treated with chemotherapy and surgery-no history of cancer -cancer was removed Ryan Adams21 Testicle Cancer -lump in testicle causing pain -father had testicle cancer-white-surgery to remove testicleClarence Major65Colon Cancer-smoker-heavy drinker -diabetes-persistent abdominal discomfort -brother had history of colon polyps -african American -surgery to remove cancer cells -dies 2 yrs later from heart attack Erin Harris32Melanoma -frequent sun bathing -sister had skin cancer-abnormal mole on neck -white-cancer was early stage and was surgically removed Christina Martinez36Precancerous cells -smoker -HPV-puerto rican-cryosurgery to remove cells Henry Cho11Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma-night sweats, coughing a lot and having trouble breathing -itchy all the time -grandfather died from of pancreatic cancer-chemotherapy and radiation -relapsed 4 yrs later-high doses of chem and rad -autologous transplant -korean Daniel Robinson52Prostate Cancer -high blood pressure meds -overweight -urinary problems -blood in urine -African -treated with hormone and radiation therapy -brother diagnosed one yr later-still has cancer 2 yrs later Jasmine ThomasLung Cancer -exposed to asbestos -second hand smoke-breathing problems for many yrs -cough up blood-African American -chemotherapy and radiation -died less than a year laterWhat trends or patterns do you see?Those whose family members had cancer, more likely got cancerLifestyle choices like smoking and drinking are factorsEnvironmental factors like second hand smoking is a factorPregnancy hormones can cause cancerCancer spreads ................

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