Delaware State Arts Council Meeting

Delaware State Arts Council Meeting

June 17, 2009

Buena Vista

New Castle County

Council Members Present: Delaware Division of the Arts:

Lise Monty, Chair Paul Weagraff, Director

Steve Boyden Gwen Henderson

Joann Browning Karen Lewis

Guillermina Gonzalez Kristin Pleasanton

Richard Givens Terry Plummer

Margaret Johnson Sheila Ross

Gail Lear Susan Salkin

Elisa Poole Roxanne Stanulis

John Ranney

Ruth Sokolowski Summer Intern:

Joyce Hill Stoner Margarita Dallas

Carson Zullinger

Council Members Absent:

Pamela Bell

Lou Braithwaite

Debbie Wicks

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Lise Monty, Delaware State Arts Council Chair. Ms. Monty requested a motion to approve the minutes of March 18, 2009. John Ranney made a motion to approve the minutes as recorded which was seconded by Joyce Stoner and approved by all.

Chair’s report - Lise Monty reported:

- Thanked all of the Council members that participated in this year’s panels as well as the Division staff,

- Steve Boyden serves as a representative for the Division on the ARTCO board. Mr. Boyden’s term on the Council ends October 2010 and he has agreed to continue to serve as the ARTCO representative for the Division. Ms. Monty asked if there were any objections, and since there were none, thanked Mr. Boyden for agreeing to continue to serve on the ARTCO board.

- Attended Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation meeting in Baltimore. Ms. Monty stated that there were other mid Atlantic states dealing with economic issues. Ms. Monty said that due to major board restructuring, she and Paul Weagraff will be rotating off of the board. Part of Mid Atlantic’s goal in re-structuring is to get more corporate representation on the board. Laura Scanlan will represent Delaware as well as Helen Stewart from JP Morgan Chase.

- Maria Hess from “Delaware Today” is working on an art feature to be presented in September. She will be contacting innovative arts organizations throughout the state. Ms. Monty requested that the Council submit any ideas or people they think should be included in the feature to Lise as she will present it as a package to Ms. Hess.

- Asked if Council members received the “Save the Date Arts Summit” announcement for October 26 at Dover Downs.

Director’s Report -Paul Weagraff: see attached (Appendix I).

Paul Weagraff welcomed Margarita Dallas, a University of Delaware student whom will be working as the Mezzanine Gallery Intern for the summer at the Division.

Ruth Sokolowski requested that the Strategic Planning Council retreat be scheduled in the near future. Paul Weagraff stated that he will contact the consultant next week and get back with Council shortly.

Paul Weagraff stated that when discussing and voting on a block of grants, all Council members may participate, but when discussion or voting pertains specifically to an organization in which a conflict exists, the Council member must abstain from discussion and voting. Lise Monty announced the following conflicts attached (Appendix II).

Please refer to Appendix III which lists a description of all grant categories.

Please refer to Appendix IV which lists the proposals for Council Review.

Project Support Grants were presented by Susan Salkin

There were thirty applications submitted in this category. The panel recommended funding at some level for applications that scored 3 (Meets Expectations) or above with the highest concentration of funding going to projects with the highest scores. These programs were evaluated in three criteria areas and scored 1 to 5 on: artistic product, process, or service; availability of programs; and management. Panelists were most favorably impressed by projects that demonstrated a long-term impact and they appreciated projects which were new or, if established, presented evidence of keeping fresh. Some of the new projects not recommended for funding needed more thorough planning and may reapply in the future. Steve Boyden asked if the committee felt confident that organizations not being fully funded would be able to continue with programming. Susan Salkin addressed some of the issues regarding organizations not funded.

Gail Lear made a motion to approve the Project Support Panel recommendations as submitted which was seconded by Joann Browning with unanimous approval.

Delaware Arts Stabilization Grants were presented by Paul Weagraff

There were six applications and this panel was held via a conference call. These grants were primarily for projects that were facilities related. They were judged on a scale from 1 to 3. This category is not funded with state dollars. It was noted that Milton Development Corporation had received a stabilization grant in excess of $20,000 approximately 5 years ago for the installation of an HVAC system and now five years later they put in a grant request to re-orient duct work. A proposal was made to offer a facility systems analysis by the Non Profit Finance Fund. Through that analysis they would then be presented with a report on a prioritized 20-year facilities management scheme. Once the study is done they could resubmit an application to the Division for funding in dealing with the facility needs.

Joyce Stoner made a motion to approve the Delaware Arts Stabilization Panel recommendations as submitted which was seconded by Elisa Pool with unanimous approval.

Education Resource & Partnership Grants were presented by Sheila Ross

Council reviewed a proposal to fund two Education Partnership and eight Education Resource grants. The grants are similar as they both encourage programming in schools. The primary difference is that education partnership grants represent a 3-to-4 year commitment which is being phased out. This is Kuumba Academy’s last year and Arts Therapy Express will complete their grant next year.

Joyce Stoner made a motion to approve the Education Partnership Panel recommendations as submitted which was seconded by Elisa Pool with unanimous approval.

Joann Browning made a motion to approve the Education Resource Panel recommendations as submitted which was seconded by Gail Lear with unanimous approval.

Gallery Panel update was presented by Roxanne Stanulis

The Mezzanine Gallery panel was held June 4 to review works submitted in the visual images registry. Thirty-seven artists were reviewed and six were selected to present their exhibits in the Mezzanine Gallery. (See Appendix IV).

Lise Monty asked Ms. Stanulis if there is any measure in visitation and attendance. Ms. Stanulis responded that during the most recent reception there were approximately 80 people in attendance.

Ms. Stanulis stated that the Division is sending gallery invitations electronically as a cost savings measure. Ms. Stanulis also reported that the Division is working with the Historical and Cultural affairs exhibition department in designing invitations and signs. Information was sent to the gallery list mail requesting updates on their contact information on the Division website.

General Operating Support was presented by Paul Weagraff

Mr. Weagraff reported that all current GOS recipients were asked to submit an Interim report rather than a full application for FY2010. This presented a significant cost savings. The organizations were requested to submit an update on programming and list any significant or anticipated changes. The organizations provided financial information which was forwarded to Your Part-Time Controllers for their review. Two panels met to review GOS applications, one panel handled organization that only applied for general operating support, while the other panel reviewed both GOS applications and those requesting federal stimulus funds for job preservation.

While some organizations raised concerns and warranted instructive comments from the panel process, all organizations were recommended for continued general operating support. Gail Lear stated that issues of concern should be relayed to organizations and it was important for them to know this if they are planning to reapply for funding. Paul Weagraff agreed that it would be beneficial to forward comments relating to those organizations for which Council members had concerns.

A motion was made to approve funding as proposed for General Operating Support panel by John Ranney, seconded Joyce Hill Stoner unanimous approval.

StartUp Grants were presented by Terry Plummer

Ms. Plummer stated that this was a comprehensive program for Emerging Arts organizations. There are currently seven participants in the program. This program offers training and tools to develop newly emerging nonprofit arts organizations. Classes were held from September to May. Much of training has been offered this past year which included a component to create certain documents following the training they received. Trainers gave back feedback to these organizations and gave revised documents back to Ms. Plummer. Eight groups have expressed interest in entering the program next year.

All StartUp workshops were publicized to all grantees. Organizations that had enrolled in the StartUp program attended for free and all others were welcome to attend for a nominal fee. A Certificate of Attendance is presented to attendees upon completion of the program.

A motion was made to approve the recommendations as proposed by Ruth Sokolowski, seconded by Richard Givens, and approved unanimously.

Break for lunch at 11:50 a.m.

Resumed at 12:30

Lise Monty reminded Council members that all discussions are strictly confidential at this time, since no final funding announcements can be made until the state budget is passed. Grantees will be notified by mid-July regarding grant awards.

American Reinvestment & Recovery Act (ARRA) recommendations were presented by Susan Salkin

Ms. Salkin stated that the Division was awarded $290,400 in federal stimulus funding from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). Funding supports one-time grants to help preserve jobs in the nonprofit arts sector. Delaware arts organization recipients of general operating support and state agency partners were eligible to apply. The NEA had very specific parameters for distributing these funds and a very short turn-around time.

The Division received thirty applications with requests totaling nearly $1 million. Funds are intended to support existing paid positions that were recently eliminated or in jeopardy of being eliminated due to the economic downturn. Funds could not be used to establish new positions, convert volunteer to paid positions, or restore positions eliminated prior to the economic downturn. There is a high level of interest at both the Federal and State level regarding these funds, so it is particularly important processes be transparent.

Four Council members were engaged in the review process. The applications were reviewed and scored, using a rubric of four criteria points: significance of position to the organization’s core operations; immediate impact on the workforce, impact of the organization on its community/economy, and identified staffing needs clearly relating to challenges identified in organization’s interim report for general operating support. The recommendation of the Council committee that reviewed the applications was to fund the proposals in order of ranking until the funds are expended.

There was a question about the #1 ranked application from the Division of Parks and Recreation. Paul Weagraff explained that the state folklorist position was vacated, but not re-filled due to the state hiring freeze. This grant would permit them to fill the position contractually for the coming year. Division has a long-established partnership with Parks & Recreation in support of their arts folklife and broader arts programming.

Susan Salkin noted that seven applicant organizations were also eligible to apply directly to the NEA for American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds. Since organizations are permitted to receive a federal stimulus grant from only one source, those seven applicants were notified by the Division that if they are awarded funding from the NEA, the organizations would be withdrawn from the state’s pool of applicants. The Division will announce its grant awards after they learn which Delaware organizations have been approved for funding from the NEA.

John Ranney made a motion to approve the ranking and methodology for funding eligible applicants and authorize staff to award money based upon appropriations for ARRA, using the ranking order as far down the list as possible. The motion was seconded by Carson Zullinger with unanimous approval.

Lise Monty requested that the Council be informed of the final funding outcome and be provided with an outline of the criteria and review process in case they get any questions.

Paul Weagraff stated the necessity of adhering to and being consistent with the NEA guidelines. There is a monthly and quarterly burden of reporting for use of these funds.

This concluded the review of the FY2010 grant applications and funding recommendations.

Paul Weagraff presented an update on a recent initiative with ArtCo. Mr. Weagraff reported that the Delaware Arts Stabilization Fund was created in the early nineties. Five million dollars from the General Assembly was matched by corporate contributions. The original investment was $21.5 million which is managed by the Delaware Community Fund. At its peak the principal was valued at 31 million. At the last quarterly report it was estimated to be at approximately $17 million. This is a nine-member organization in which seven are Wilmington based, one is Sussex based, and the Division is the ninth member.

The Delaware Division of the Arts has 5% of the original investment to draw upon. The other 95 percent is divided up between the other eight organizations to subsidize facility-related expenditures. Under the bylaws, the Division is instructed to be able take the draw to re-grant to non-ArtCo member arts organizations throughout the state. The ArtCo board, consisting of a voting and non-voting representative from each of the member organizations, oversees management of funds.

Several member organizations have requested that they be permitted to make a special draw because of the economic downturn. The ArtCo board has asked an attorney to render a legal opinion on amending the bylaws and funding agreement. The attorney determined that the ArtCo board does have the authority to amend the bylaws. A small subcommittee was formed to draft an amendment authorizing a special draw. This proposal is still in process.

For ratification of the amendment, all member organizations’ boards must approved, both the Division of the Arts and Delaware Community Foundation must approve, and the ArtCo board must approve by a two-thirds majority of the voting members.

Carson Zullinger and Guillermina Gonzalez expressed serious concerns about this proposal and what its implications are for the organizations requesting the draw, as well as the potential negative impact on the fund and other arts organizations, both members and non-members of ArtCo. Steve Boyden voiced his support of the proposal, acknowledging that he was initially opposed to it, but had come to believe that it is the best of a number of unattractive alternatives.

Old Business –

New Business –

Gail Lear made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 2:00 p.m. which was seconded by Carson Zullinger with unanimous approval.

A. Joint Sunset Committee

• The Division of the Arts received notification from the Joint Sunset Committee that they have concluded their review of our agency.

o Regulations regarding grant eligibility and review procedures have been drafted by the Division’s Deputy Attorney General and will be submitted for public comment once final revisions have been completed.

B. Fiscal Outlook for FYFY2010

• Most recent financial forecasting (June DEFAC)

o Deficit is approximately $800 million, or 25% of state’s budget.

o Some of the deficit will be addressed with increased gambling revenue, one-time federal stimulus funding, some degree of employee wage/benefit cuts

o Budget must be balanced and passed by June 30.

• Current proposed FY2010 budget calls for a 15% cut in grant line ($216,400) over the original FY09 budget, which experienced a $138,000 cut in the grant line. Cumulative effect of state cuts since FY2008 is approximately $320,000 or (21% reduction in state grant line).

C. Strategic Planning

• Individual interviews of stakeholders, Council, and staff are completed

• Next step is focus groups, staff/Council retreat, public forums

• Adoption of new strategic plan (Fall 2009)

D. Dover Space Consolidation

• Vacate current space with Libraries

• Likelihood that Division will share space with Historical and Cultural Affairs

E. Communications Updates

• Migrating to electronic communications (email for Arts E-News, , Grant Information, Mezzanine Gallery)

• Online updating of contact information (inviting people to update contact information in Summit postcard mailing, home page of web site, Arts E-News)

F. Arts Summit

• Governor Markell is slated to attend as part of the opening activities

• Robert Lynch from Americans for the Arts will be keynote speaker. His first visit to Delaware

• First time for corporate/business sponsorships and engagement

o Comcast

o Freeman Foundation

o NPowerDE

o WSFS Bank

o Your Part-Time Controller

• Online registration. Summit brochure will present highlights and point to online information and registration forms

Conflict of Interest Report

Delaware State Arts Council Meeting

June 17, 2009

Buena Vista Conference Center

|Council Member |Conflict |

|Lou Braithwaite |Coastal Concerts |

|Joann Browning |University of Delaware |

|Rick Givens |Biggs Museum of American Art |

| |Smyrna Opera House |

|Guillermina Gonzalez |Delaware College of Art & Design |

| |Voices Without Borders |

|Gail Lear |DCCA |

|John Ranney |Southern DE Choral Society |

|Lise Monty |Wellness Community-DE |

|Joyce Hill Stoner |University of DE |

| |Winterthur Museum |

| |Delaware Art Museum |

|Debbie Wicks |Boys & Girls Clubs |

|Carson Zullinger |Biggs Museum of American Art |

| |DCCA |

No Conflicts:

Steve Boyden

Margaret Johnson

Elisabeth Poole

Ruth Sokolowski

Debbie Wicks

Staff Conflicts:

Paul Weagraff New Candlelight Theater; Wilmington Drama League; Chapel Street

Terry Plummer Lewes Public Library

Susan Salkin Division of Parks & Recreation

Description of Division of the Arts Grant Categories for FY2010 Review

Arts Organizations – Non-profit Delaware organizations whose primary mission is the promotion, production, presentation, or teaching of the arts

General Operating Support (GOS) – support of annual operating expenses to ensure that year-round participation in the arts is available to the people of Delaware. All current GOS recipients were asked to submit an Interim Report, rather than a full application for FY2010.

Arts Stabilization (ASF) – funding for improvements to facilities owned and operated by the organization. ASF grants are funded through the Division of the Arts’ participation in the Arts Consortium of Delaware, Inc. (ArtCo) endowment.

StartUp – a comprehensive program of financial support, training and consultant input to develop and strengthen the management capacity of emerging arts organizations so that they can operate in a sustainable manner.

American Reinvestment & Recovery Act (ARRA) - One-time grants to help preserve jobs in the nonprofit arts sector during the current economic downturn. ARRA stimulus funds were awarded to the Division by the National Endowment for the Arts to distribute in Delaware.

Schools/Arts Organizations – Delaware pre-K through 12 public schools, school districts, or consortia, professional arts service or arts education organizations, non-profit arts organizations

Education Resource – funds to strengthen school-based arts education projects, programs, and activities that utilize the arts education resources of the Delaware arts community or to strengthen arts organizations’ capacity to serve as professional development resources for teaching artists and educators

Education Partnership - support of multi-year partnerships where schools, arts organizations, and artists work together to strengthen arts instruction the schools. Interim Reports were submitted for FY2010 from organizations in their final year of funding for a multiyear project. No new applications were accepted this year or last.

Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) – Non-profit Delaware organizations, colleges and universities, and government entities that do not have the arts as their primary mission.

Project Support – funding to support arts programs provided by CBOs that assist in the growth of a vibrant cultural environment by encouraging the continued development of arts activities in communities throughout the state. Note: College and university projects must be non-credit and serve the general community.

Project Support Recommendations

|App |Applicant |DSAC Recommendation |

|5523 |University of Delaware |20,000 |

|5521 |READ-ALOUD Delaware |5,500 |

|5507 |Cityfest, Inc. (Children's Chorus) |11,000 |

|5503 |Boys & Girls Clubs of Delaware |20,000 |

|5519 |Newark^City of |4,500 |

|5511 |First and Central Presbyterian Church |4,000 |

|5502 |Arden Club (Concert Gild) |7,000 |

|5522 |Seaford^City of |3,000 |

|5508 |Corbit-Calloway Memorial Library |2,500 |

|5525 |Wellness Community-Delaware^The |3,500 |

|5527 |Wilmington Library |3,500 |

|5506 |Cityfest, Inc. (Art on the Town) |3,750 |

|5501 |Arden Club (Bootless Artwork) |500 |

|5510 |Dover Public Library |2,750 |

|5513 |First Night Wilmington |5,000 |

|5516 |Lewes Public Library |2,250 |

|5526 |Wesley College |3,500 |

|5515 |Lewes^City of |2,250 |

|5528 |YMCA of Delaware |3,500 |

|5518 |Middletown Main Street |0 |

|5509 |DE College of Art and Design |0 |

|5512 |First Night Dover, Inc. |0 |

|5505 |Citizens Hose Company Band |0 |

|5524 |Voices Without Borders |0 |

|5504 |Chinese American Community Center |0 |

| |Average score |108,000 |

| |Budget |108,000 |

|Arts Stabilization Recommendations | |

|App |Applicant |DSAC Recommendation |

|5539 |First State Ballet Theatre |$5,000 |

|5541 |Wilmington Drama League |$6,500 |

|5538 |Dover Art League |$5,000 |

|5536 |Center for the Creative Arts |$17,500 |

|5537 |DE Center for the Contemporary Arts |$6,000 |

|5540 |Milton Development Corporation |n/a |

| |Average score |$40,000 |

|Education Partnerships Recommendations | |

|App |Applicant |DSAC Recommendation |

|5550 |Art Therapy Express, Inc. |15,000 |

|5551 |Kuumba Academy Charter School |15,000 |

| |Average score |30,000 |

| | | |

|Education Resource Recommendations | |

|App |Applicant |DSAC |

|5546 |Delaware Symphony Orchestra |20,000 |

|5544 |Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts |20,000 |

|5548 |Grand Opera House |15,000 |

|5549 |Opera Delaware |15,000 |

|5545 |Delaware Chamber Music Festival |2,500 |

|5543 |Delaware Art Museum |7,500 |

|5547 |Delaware Theatre Company |10,000 |

|5542 |Biggs Museum of American Art |2,000 |

| |Average score (out of 5) |92,000 |

| | | |

| | | |

General Operating Support Recommendations

|App |Applicant |DSAC Recommendation |

|5552 |Biggs Museum of American Art |47,250 |

|5553 |Brandywine Baroque |12,380 |

|5554 |Center for the Creative Arts |43,340 |

|5555 |Chapel Street Players |6,430 |

|5556 |Chesapeake Silver Cornet Brass Band |940 |

|5557 |Children's Theatre of Dover and Kent County |2,030 |

|5558 |Chorus of the Brandywine |2,690 |

|5559 |Christina Cultural Arts Center |65,230 |

|5560 |City Theater Company |5,700 |

|5561 |Clear Space Productions |34,500 |

|5562 |Coastal Concerts, Inc. |5,430 |

|5563 |Concerts at the Beach, Inc. |970 |

|5564 |CoroAllegro |1,610 |

|5565 |DE Art Museum |85,280 |

|5566 |DE Ballet |5,880 |

|5567 |Delaware By Hand |2,930 |

|5568 |DE Center for the Contemporary Arts |59,630 |

|5569 |DE Chamber Music Festival |5,200 |

|5570 |DE Children's Theatre |13,870 |

|5571 |DE Choral Society |1,680 |

|5572 |DE Dance Company |34,970 |

|5573 |DE Friends of Folk |2,420 |

|5574 |DE Institute for the Arts in Education |19,310 |

|5575 |DE Photographic Society |1,920 |

|5576 |DE Shakespeare Festival |6,920 |

|5577 |DE Symphony Orchestra |76,290 |

|5578 |DE Theatre Company |77,940 |

|5579 |DE Valley Chorale |3,550 |

|5580 |Diamond State Chorus of Sweet Adelines |2,160 |

| |International | |

|5581 |Distant Voices Touring Theatre |1,420 |

|5582 |Dover Art League |8,630 |

|5583 |Dover Symphony Orchestra |5,000 |

|5584 |ecarte dance theatre |1,320 |

|5585 |El Centro Cultural |4,640 |

|5586 |First State Ballet Theatre |17,210 |

|5587 |First State Strings Inc |1,480 |

|5588 |First State Symphonic Band |540 |

|5589 |Grand Opera House |85,820 |

|5590 |Inner City Cultural League |4,140 |

|5591 |Mid-Atlantic Ballet |19,190 |

|5592 |Millsboro Art League |1,250 |

|5593 |Milton Development Corporation |19,290 |

|5594 |Music School of Delaware^The |76,870 |

|5595 |Newark Arts Alliance |10,910 |

|5596 |Newark Symphony Orchestra |7,160 |

|5597 |Opera Delaware Inc |58,420 |

|5598 |Possum Point Players |16,260 |

|5599 |Rainbow Chorale of Delaware |4,710 |

|5600 |Rehoboth Art League |56,340 |

|5601 |Rehoboth Beach Film Society |30,160 |

|5602 |Rehoboth Summer Children's Theatre |7,020 |

|5603 |Schwartz Center for the Arts |41,070 |

|5604 |Second Street Players |7,540 |

|5605 |Smyrna-Clayton Heritage Association/Smyrna Opera|28,860 |

| |House | |

|5606 |Southern DE Choral Society |5,770 |

|5607 |VSA Delaware |11,090 |

|5608 |Wilmington Drama League |14,640 |

|5609 |Winterthur Museum & Country Estate |15,600 |

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

|Organization |Position |DSAC Recommendation |

|DE Division of Parks/Folklife |Folklorist |35,000 |

|DE Art Museum |Curator |50,000 |

|Wilmington Drama League |Administrator |20,000 |

|DE Institute for Arts in Education |Artistic Director |5,000 |

|DE Theatre Company |Light/Elec. & Sound Eng., Asst Stage & Comp.Man. |50,000 |

|DE Symphony Orchestra |Education & Operations Associate |50,000 |

|Grand Opera House |Comm. Engagement Manager, Education Manager |50,000 |

|Christina Cultural Arts Center |Marketing/Audience Relationship |20,000 |

|Newark Arts Alliance |Executive Director, Administrative Assistant |20,000 |

StartUp Program Support

|App |Applicant |DSAC Recommendation |

|5529 |Capital Ringers Inc |500 |

|5530 |DE Charitable Music Inc |2,000 |

|5531 |Melomanie |2,000 |

|5532 |Milford Community Band |2,000 |

|5533 |Mispillion Art League |2,500 |

|5534 |New Candlelight Theatre |5,000 |

|5535 |Wilmington Wintergrass |2,500 |

Gallery Panel Recommendations

Delaware Division of the Arts

Date of Panel Meeting: Thursday, June 4, 2009

Location: Conference Room, Delaware Division of Libraries, Edgehill

Shopping Center, Dover

Panel Members Present: Carson Zullinger (Wilmington), Delaware State Arts Council member and chair of panel; artist

Dennis Beach (Wilmington), artist; Mezzanine Gallery artist May 2009

Connie Costigan (Lewes), Professor Emeritus of Fine Arts, George Washington University; artist

Lori Crawford (Dover), Associate Professor of Art at

Delaware State University; artist

Staff Members Present: Kristin Pleasanton, Art & Artists Services Coordinator

Roxanne Stanulis, Communications Coordinator

Margarita Dallas, Mezzanine Gallery Intern

The work of 37 artists was reviewed for exhibitions in the Mezzanine Gallery for the 2010 calendar year. The panel ranked the top ten artists. Exhibitions will be offered to a limited number of these artists and to Individual Artist Fellowship winners as space allows:

1. Hunter Clarke, Ardencroft painting

2. Renee Benson, Bear painting

3. Roberta Tucci, Wilmington painting

4. Carol Woolworth, Wilmington painting

5. Victor Letonoff, Lewes painting

6. Gregg Morris, Newark painting

7. Ellen Priest, Wilmington painting

8. Mark Houlday, Hockessin photography

9. Lisa Ashley, Wilmington painting

10. Paul Rendel, Lewes painting


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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