Anna Cameron

Med 09

Ambulatory block


Patient ID: OH#: 35908821 Date of Study: June 4, 2008

Type of Study: Chest x-ray

1. Clinical Indication: Shortness of breath, decreased oxygen saturation in a 22 yo male.

2. Picture:


2. Describe the radiological findings:

Cardiac silhouette is unremarkable. No evidence of failure or pneumonia seen. No pleural effusions are noted. A small pneumomediastinum is noted. There is no apparent pneumothorax. No displaced fractures are noted.

3. Provide possible diagnosis(es):

- pneumomediastinum

- pneumomediastinum with a pneumothorax

4. What would you recommend next for this patient?

- No specific treatment is required.

- Inhalation of 100 percent oxygen is recommended to increase resorption of extra-alveolar gas.

- A mediastinotomy may be required to relieve a tension pneumomediastinum.

5. Is the use of this test/procedure appropriate?

- A chest x-ray is the best diagnostic test for a pneumomediastinum

6. Is(are) there any alternate test(s)?

- There are no other tests required or necessary but more information on the pneumomediastinum could be revealed by doing a chest CT.

7. How would you explain to the patient about the possible risks and benefits of this test?

- A chest x-ray is a non-invasive procedure that is readily available. This is what makes an x-ray an easy and quick test that is also very reliable as a primary diagnostic tool.

- The risk of many imaging tests is the exposure to radiation. The amount of radiation from a single PA chest x-ray is approximately the equivalent of 3 days of natural back round radiation. This amount of radiation is much lower than most other radiological diagnostic tests.

8. What is the cost of this test?

Compared to other diagnostic imaging technique the x-ray is the most inexpensive. A single chest xray costs $22, while an PA and lateral chest xrays cost $33.


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