Josiah V - Ancestry

Josiah V. Thompson

Uniontown, Pa

Family Record Book


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Enroute to New York City, Saturday Oct 19, 1929 8:44 PM

I left 3627 Lytle Road Shaker Heights, O at 7:42 AM along with Mr & Mrs Frank J. Riley & Pat in their Packard auto with their chauffeur W. Scott Richards driving, taking the road along the lakes to Erie, Pa. Passing through Lake Co, O west of Painesville, O, Mrs Riley saw along the road the name of Henry Merkel Mentor O & a little later saw the name of a Markel along the road.

Ambassador Hotel 14th & K. Sts Washington D.C. Room 1106 Oct 25, 1929 1:44 PM

This is the 49th Anniversary of Andrew's birth & he drove up in his auto from Warrenton, Va to see me here today. I was over this forenoon to see A.W. Mellon, Secy of the Treas & his private Secy Art E. Sixsmith gave me the following directions to go to Smithsburg, Md.

Smithsburg, Md is about 72 miles from Washington D.C. Go to Frederick, then on the Hagerstown Road to Benevola & turn to the right there. Smithsburg is about 20 miles from Benevola, a good road.

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Peoples Banking Co Smithsburg Washington Co, Maryland Oct 26, 1929 about 2 PM

We did not turn off at Benevola, but drove into Hagerstown, Md & got our lunch & drove out here 11 miles north & going in the bank across the way they told me that Lancelot Jacques was not Pres of this bank now & asking what was the matter they said: "Florida" & the banking Dept asked for his resignation. Coming across here, Mr Baird phoned his home here & his wife said he was at his daughter's, Mrs Garvin Hager, Mealey Parkway, Hagerstown, Md or at his farm adjoining. We then drove to his residence, a fine brick, but it was closed & I could get no response to my repeated raps.

Driving back to Hagerstown, Md, we went to above address & found Mrs Hager, mother-in-law to Mrs Garvin Hager & the latter's son, J.G. Hager Junr aged about six years. She said Mrs Hager had gone to the football game, but pointing to a house nearby near a big white farm, she said Mr Jacques was there at his farm as she saw his auto parked there. We then drove down & was:

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At Farm of Lancelot Jacques, Mealey Parkway, edge of Hagerstown, Md Oct 26, 1929 about 4 PM

Going in the house, a woman said Mr Jacques (they pronounce it Jakes) was outside & she called him in. He is a fine looking man with good regular features, rather heavy set, well built & weighing about 190 lbs & about my height.

He told me that his emigrant ancestor, great grandfather, I think, Lancelot Jacques was in partnership there in Frederick Co, Md (before Washington Co was formed) with Thomas Johnson ( he said first Gov) of Maryland in the furnace business from 1765 to 1785 & he has the original contract with him dated Jany 1765 (make slip to see & get copy) & said his sister had the old bibles in storage in Baltimore, Md where she left them when she moved to Calif. He said he had a son at Smithsburg, Md who had ten children. Lancelot Jacques first took up 15,000 A & later got 10,000 A. They had slaves & the Civil War left them broke.

At Oak Hill Sunday 27th, Frank J. Riley weighed 144 lbs, Pat 34 &

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W. Scott Richards born Nov 11, 1905 & 6 ft 2 in & I each 176. I had a talk with Frank Jerome Riley in my room before the wood fire 2 to 3 Am 27th in which I told him I would make an effort to make a quick sale with the U.S. Steel at a probably greatly reduced sale or price as well as area which would most likely reduce his compensation to $40,000 to $50,0000 which he agreed with me was the best thing to do by reason of his exigencies & mine.

Mr Jacques said the original Jacques large land areas were at or near Green Spring or Clear Spring Md now Washington Co, Md about 10 to 12 miles west of Hagerstown & north of the National Road. He said a tract of over 600 A of the old tract was sold at forced sale at the Court House not long ago & he bought it.

Asking him for the name of his son with ten children & his sister's he wrote them on the back of some cks in his check book as follows:

Son: Lancelot Jacques Jr, Smithsburg, Md

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Sisters: Mrs Kate Middlekauff, Dunn Irvin Drive, Hagerstown, Md, Celia Jacques, 71 yrs old Baltimore, Md, Mrs S.E. Eyler, 73 yrs old Washington, D.C.

Elizabeth Jacques Haines aged 79 yrs San Diego, Calif, The Pardo [best guess]

This latter is the oldest sister & I think he said she was 75. She has the old Jacques bibles which he said she had left in storage in Balto, Md when she went to Calif which I think he said was abt 20 yrs ago. I think he said he was 57 yrs old & he told me the date of his birth which I thought I had written down, but don't find it.

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At Frank J. Riley's Nov 10, 1929 1:40 PM

The other night, thinking over the Markle family connections, see Apr 18 & 19th, 1929 Book 22 p [blank] Aurora, Ills, I think that George Markle, father of Gideon 1805-1847 was the son of Gideon who was son of Uncle Peter & who cousin Kate Smith said was caught & convicted of counterfeiting & who had a couple of daughters who dressed well.

From the information gotten May 3, to June 2d 1929 et seq at Clifford, Mich see book 22 p [blank] from David B. Markle I deduce that his grandfather, Barney or Bernard Markle, who the old papers proved was son of Henry Markle who with his brother Abram Markle went from Ulysses NY to Canada & were distillers, and this Abram is he who went back to NY & joined the U.S. in War of 1812 & later fought through Congress & got the land concession in Indiana & settled just north of Terre Haute, Ind established the second mill in the state, which is still going & where I was about Dec 29, 1925 & died there about 1825. I feel sure that Henry & Abram were sons of Bernard Markle, sailor on board the Hyder Ala [best guess] in Revolutionary War & who was son of Uncle Peter Markle. Investigate my Aug 1898 record at Reading Pa

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Nov 10, 1929 7:40 PM

Writing Oct 18, 1929 in answer to my letter of Oct 11, from 1614 Eighth Ave, Seattle Wash, Henry Drum Markle, my second cousin, Prop of the Drum Machine Co there says: I will answer as best I can the seven questions you asked:

1. the date of the last letter I had from you was Sept 2 (no year given) & he knows nothing of a book number

2. My father's name was John Jack Markle born in 1818. He died in West Newton, Pa. Do not remember year of death.

3. My mother was Diana Frear, died in Chenoa, Ills 1893

4. Bell Drum is my full cousin. He has the bible at his home in Gridley, Ills.

5. My full name is Henry Drum Markle. I was born in West Newton, Pa July 24, 1855 Believe I was married about 1884 am not sure of date.

6. My wife's name was Rebecca Anne White born about 1851 at Buchanan, Virginia. Her father was Henry Lawrence White, died in Bloomington, Ills

7. My son is Harry L. Markle

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born Oct 3, about 1885 or 1886. He is now living in St Louis, Mo. I have two sisters younger than I & Elizabeth is living in Chicago, Ills but do not know their married names. Maiden names: Elizabeth Markle & Allie Markle. Allie is in Wilmington, Del now. They were both born in Chenoa, Ills.

Henry Drum Markle

I answered him on Nov 6/29

June 17, 1930 see book 22 page 589.

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I recd a letter dated Oct 20, 1929 from George A. Findley of Grimes, Iowa as follows: in substance. He says he was talking to Henry A. Wallace (of Des Moines, Iowa) who referred him to me as an authority on the Finley family. He says: "I think my grandfather came from Westmoreland, Indiana, Co, Pa in 1843 & settled in Farmington, Iowa. They moved to Dallas Co near Grimes, Iowa in 1860 where he lived until his death 1889. My father was born in Pa 1849 & died 1925. I was born 1877. I have three brothers & a sister living here. I just recd an old record of our family.

First Abel Findley, his children:

1. James born May 10, 1801 died 1818

2. Jane born Dec 119 [sic], 1802, married McCurdy

3. Eliza born May 10, 1804 died young

4. William born Oct 10, 1805 was a doctor when last heard of in Ills. Had a son James.

5. David born July 5, 1807

6. Mary born May 23, 1809

7. Ann Maria born Feby 10, 1811 married Mr Ward

8. Martha born Mch 10, 1813

9. Abel, twin born Mch 10, 1813 died young

10. Harvey born Nov 22, 1814

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11. Nancy Garvin born Oct 13, 1816

12. Abel born May 16, 1819 married Mary Jane Kerr my ancestor

13, Eleanor born Jany 17, 1821 married Mr McKellip

Can you tell me anything of my people. We haven't known anything of them since my people came west. Will be grateful for anything you can tell me.

George A. Findley

I wrote him Nov 5, 1929.

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At Frank Jerome Riley's 3627 Lytle Road, Shaker Heights, O Nov 24, 1929 2:33 PM

Thomas Taylor Seelye 6 ft 4 in tall weighing 215 & born in Cleveland, O July 17, 1897 was here last night from 10:3- PM until 4 AM. He lives in Chagrin Falls, O where his telephone is 432. He is here now & says his ggfather Seth Seelye (whose ancestors came to N.E. in 1630) married Abigail Taylor & had four sons or five of whom one was Pres for 38 yrs of Smith College, Northampton & others viz: Samuel, Henry & his grandfather Thomas Taylor Seelye born July 17, 1818 had a son Thomas Taylor Seelye, who defended & cleared Capt Peter Haynes of NY for the murder of his Junoesque wife's paramour, married Miss Mary Whittaker whose mother was Arrial Hanna, daughter of Robert Hanna who was a first cousin of Mark A. Hanna, Leonard Hanna & Howard Melville Hanna & he said Robert Hanna was a descendant of Robert Hanna of Hannastown

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Westnd Co. He says the second Robert above was the son (or grandson?) of Leonard Hanna who married Ann Leonard, a daughter of Mary Finlay Thompson (daughter of Uncle John Finley 1713-1757) by her second husband James Leonard an Irishman. Mr Seelye my informant has a son, the 4th T.T. born June 13, 1927, the second T.T., his father was born June 13, 1866. Robert Hanna was an eldest child & had the family bible of the Westnd Co Robert with several generations of records. His oldest child, Louis Hanna went west & was Governor of North Dakota & not taking the old bible with him, it went to his sister Arrial & to her daughter Mary W. Seelye & then to my informant Thos Taylor Seelye, who has it locked up in a trunk at home & will bring it here for me to copy when I get back from MY from where I am staring via Pgh on PRR 4:25 PM train today see C.A. Hanna's Ohio Valley Genealogies at Oak Hill.

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Isaac Wood Henderson of Wooster, O RFD about 6 or 8 miles west (a little north) came in to see me yesterday at 2:30 PM at the Statler. He said his brother Steward Henderson RFD Grindstone, Pa living on the old home farm had the bible of his father Samuel Henderson & I wrote to him yesterday for record. I. Wood said he has no children. Mrs Noble is his sister & another sister died when sixteen. He said Robert Hatfied [sic], living abt 4 miles N. West of Wooster, O was a Finley descendant & was a cousin of Eli Finley.

L Ray Lackey of Los Angeles Calif wrote that Emma L. Finley widow of Albert W. Finley, their old Oakland Ave Uniontown, Pa had died in an indigent Institution in San Francisco Calif No 2d or 3d 1929

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At residence of Frank J. Riley, 3627 Lytle Road, Shaker Heights, Ohio Sunday Dec 8, 1929 8:05 PM

Frank J. & I arrived at 55th St & Euclid Ave on PRR at this hour last night after a two weeks trip to NY via of Pgh Pa & were met by Jack O'Hearn who had driven us all four to the 4:35 PM train at same station Sunday Nov 24, 1929.

Thomas Taylor Seelye who says he had never tasted liquor until 1915 when his father to whom he had just come on being kicked out of college sent him as a guide & bodyguard to Wild Bill Taliaferro at the McAlpin Hotel, who for 18 yrs had been sheriff of a county in Texas & had gotten some oil leases & sold them for four million dollars & could not write his name. He was Wild Bill's companion & guide around town at all the prominent cafe's cabarets, hotels & at drinking places for 7 weeks & drank for 3 years, but on Mch 6, 1928, because of his son Thos Taylor Seelye the 4th now 2 1/2 yrs old. Swore off drinking & said he would never again drink whisky, beer or

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anything else intoxicating. He is 6 ft 4 in tall & weighs 212 lbs. He says after last seeing me here, he looked through his trunk in which he found two old bibles, but not the old Hanna Bible he had spoken about, but that his mother, Mary Whittaker Taylor had it at Westfield, NY as he learned by a telephone talk with her in which she said she would send it to him. He told her not to do so & he said he would be there within two weeks & get it & bring it to me here. He says it has some leaves laid in it giving the records from the graveyard at Lisbon, O formerly New Lisbon, O where so many of the Hannas are buried & also in the bible are newspaper clippings & one an obituary of U.S. Senator Mark A. Hanna gives much of the early Hanna history. Mr Seelye lives at Chagrin Falls, O near here, his telephone is No 432. He says

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his mother's mother Arriel Hanna was daughter of Robert Hanna, got the old bible because of being the oldest son of Leonard Hanna whose mother I feel sure was Ann Leonard, daughter of Mary Finley Thompson, daughter of John Finley 1713-1757 by her 2d husband, James Leonard who she married in 1768. He says this Leonard had three sons, Robert, Edward, & Leonard.

He said Robert had several children that died young but only two grew to maturity & left issue viz:

Caseius [sic] who was brilliant but a wild drinker after the Civil War went west & he thinks died under a cloud leaving issue. The other was his grandmother. He said his father & Mother separated when he was a child & he went with his father & went from him which he opposed to the World War & he never wrote him & he has only seen him 2 or 3 times since, but his

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mother wrote him regularly every week or month, so that when he returned from the war being 21 & his own man, he elected to come to his mother who was then living in Cleveland, O. He is just now at 9 PM leaving for home in Frank's car. He said his ggfather, Robert Hanna's brother Edward had a son Edward Jr whose son Edward James Hanna became a Roman Catholic convert & is now an Archbishop in California. I think he said in San Francisco. It was one of these Edwards who had a son Louis & it was his son Louis who became Governor of North Dakota.

The other brother of Robert viz: Leonard Hanna had issue:

1. Mark A. Hanna, U.S. Senator

2. Howard Melville became very rich

3. Leonard who I met, was 20 yrs younger than Mark A.

4. Mrs Prentiss whose only child is Mrs Sawyer who lives here in Cleveland & has issue

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Mary A. Hanna had issue:

Dan R. Hanna, Ruth Hanna McCormick & others.

Dan R. was married four times & had 3 sons & 4 daughters by the four wives. The sons I believe are Mark A., Dan R. Jr, & another & some or all of the daughters are married.

Howard Melville Hanna had a son Howard now at the head of the M.A. Hanna interests & very wealthy & a daughter Kate who married Robert L. Ireland who visited me at Oak Hill with Mike Gallagher when I bought the Cherry Valley Iron Co coal & who went astray with an actress & she divorced him & later married a Harvey & is living here in Cleveland as Kate Harvey & Mrs S. says she is the genealogist of the family. Robt L. Ireland Jr is her son.

Leonard Hanna, brother of Mark A. did not marry until late in life & consequently his son Leonard, now very wealthy is about the age

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of Mark A's grandchildren I believe he said he, or some member of the family married a Mather, probably one of Samuel's children as he said Wm G. Mather was a bachelor until two years ago when he married T.T.S. said he did not know Chas A. Hanna of Montclair NJ & does not know his line of descent. It is now 9:50 PM

Dec 9, 1929 10:30 AM

Dan O'Neill, unmarried, living with & supporting his mother & two single sisters came last night about 9:30 & left shortly after midnight. He was accompanied by Miss Juliet Moff, aged probably 27, Sylvia thought who is a descendant of Olive Wolcott of Conn signer of the Declaration of Independence, whose original signature I told her I had at Oak Hill. She expressed a desire to see it & I invited her to Oak Hill some time when I would be there. Thomas Taylor Seelye came at

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9:55 AM for a 10 o'c appt with Frank who was not yet up & I let him in. He says Westfield, NY is 14 miles beyond Ripley, NY which is just across the line from North East Pa. His mother lives there with his sister Elizabeth who is the wife of Francis William Crandall whose father is retired Pres of the First Natl Bank of Westfield NY & is now on the Federal Reserve Bank of Buffalo NY. They have one child, Francis William Jr called "Billy" & had a daughter which died aged two days. Mr Crandall has been employed by about 20 to 30 banks in Western NY at $500 per year by each as purchaser of securities for them. It is then at her home when their mother has the old Hanna bible.

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Oak Hill, Dec 26, 1929 7:07 PM

Miss Ethel Boughner, daughter of Otto Minor Boughner, one of my Wilsen [sic] relatives through her deceased mother, was out here this afternoon from 2:45 to 4:44 PM seeking information about the marriage of her ancestor Alexander Wilson 1727-1815. I loaned her my main Anjou Book of Wilson records which she said she would return as soon as she could copy what she needed to furnish the D.A.R. at Wash D.C. Ethel is Regent of our Fayette Co Chapter. She said there was litigation for ten yrs or more over the estate of Alexander Wilson & that Monroe M. Hopwood, seeking information for his daughter also a descendant through her mother's mother, had unearthed some old records of testimony of his widow Deborah Wilson 1742-1825 who spoke of Mary Lecky as her daughter when asked why she gave her more blankets (viz six) than she gave the others.

See Monroe M. & see & get full record of what he dug up. Make slip.

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Ethel, as regent, had inquiry about burials at Old Fort Van Swearingen or Swearingen which she found in a most secluded place in Springhill Tp on the old James C. Ramsay farm on road from Morris X Roads to New Geneva on left hand side with big yard in front & the Fort is reached by crossing two fields back of the house & which is a fine natural location for a Fort, with a good outlook in every direction with facility for a road clear around the Fort. She said the ancestor of the Minor family in Greene Co came over in 1630 with Gov Winthrop & a descendant moved to New Jersey where he married an Updyke & moved to Loudon Co Va where I understand his sons William, elder & John, younger of the two were born. They followed the creek beds from there to the Monongahela River & reached what is now Greene Co Pa then thought to be West Augusta Co, Va in 1762. After returning to Va, they came back & settled permanently in Greene Co, Pa & John made the demand later for establishment of Greene Co.

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He, John, married three times & had about 18 children, record of whom she has with births & will give me. His third wife was Jane Wilson Hawkins & he was her third husband. By her, he had two children, she said viz: Lawrence Minor from whom G.W.K. Minor descended & Rebecca? from whom Eda L. Gray through her mother descends. Ethel said her father descended from one of the children of William Minor. She did not recall who Jane Wilson's first husband was, but said her second was a Hawkins from whom Judge Hawkins at Pittsburgh descends & her 3d husband was John Minor above. Jane had a sister who married Theophilus Philips & their descendants are legion among them the Eberharts, Kramers, etc. Another sister was Sarah, who married Joseph Darlinton, a Co Com here about 1792-96 & they went to West Union, Adams Co, O whose record I got in Oct 1925. These three were daughters of George Wilson, killed in Revolutionary War in 1777 I believe, who Ethel did not know was of our line until I told her I had him connected up.

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She said she would copy off & send me these records & send to me. [sic]

She said she prepared record for Jean Snyder Smith wife of James Henry Smith & daughter of the late Henry P. Snyder & through him a descendant of Col Wm Crawford, through his daughter Effie, who married George? McCormick & got her in the D.A.R. She said one of the Sons of Effie McCormick married a twin sister of Col James Paull (father of Joseph Paull whom I knew) & she has much of the Crawford & Effie's record & will send me. Make slip to surely attend to getting these records & also see Ida L. Gray & get her record but Ethel says she made it out for her & will give it to me.

From Morning Herald of Tuesday Dec 24, 1929.

"Joseph & Robert Finley who are employed in Wash D.C. will spend this evening visiting an Aunt, Mrs Elizabeth Kuhns, South Mt Vernon Ave. The boys will stop here on their way home to Scottdale to spend Christmas. Mrs Elizabeth Kuhns r 61 S. Mt Vernon Ave Tel 1057-J. Make slip to see her.

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Oak Hill, Jany 20, 1930, 9:25 PM

This evening abt 5 PM Thos E. Finley Esq accosted me in the B&O depot at Pgh & rode with me to McKeesport, Pa. He told me of the death in Narberth, Pa of Miss Emma Dorothy Power aged abt 28? whose body is being brought to McKeesport, Pa for burial in a day or two. She lived at Narberth, Pa with her mother & sister Marie? She was the the daughter of Henry J. Power who was son of Wm J. Power with whom I used to correspond at McKeesport & as Henry J. was the last one to leave McK, Mr F. thinks he would have gotten his father's bible with record. He will see them at funeral & write in & give addresses of the other children of Wm J. in an effort to help me get record of his descendants. He showed me a good watch which he said he got for burying John Finley, aged he thought 60 to 65 always well dressed & gentlemanly who roomed on 4th Ave near Wabash Depot but who took sick & was taken to a hospital (Allegheny General?) & died there in Feby 1929. He

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bought a single lot in the West Newton Pa cemetery, but so far has not been able to get a tombstone put up. His father, Robert Finley was buried in Rehoboth Cem, but so far has no stone erected, but Noah Speer, once of Belle Vernon, Pa, but now living in WVA a nephew (or possibly his wife is a niece) is under pledge to erect one. Robert was the son of William Finley, who was son of Rev James Finley who left him the farm adjoining Rehoboth Church. Robert married a spendthrift wife who soon run through with the farm & they lost it. Robert had but three children all sons viz:

1. William a bachelor who is now "baching" it or living in a rooming house at Smithton, Pa

2. John, above mentioned who was married, but he thought separated but had no issue.

3. Another son perhaps Alfred? who died without issue so that Robert's line runs out. The three were all musicians.

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Oak Hill, Jany 31, 1930 8:55 PM

The Morning Herald of this morning announced the death of Miss Margaret Drusilla Hellen, yesterday Thursday, Jany 30, 1930 at 11:45 AM in the Uniontown Hospital of heart trouble, surviving one sister Mrs Anna L. Lazier, here & one brother Frank Hellen of Santa Monica, Calif.

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Oak Hill Feby 5, 1930 9:35 PM

The Morning Herald of this morning announced the death of two relatives & fears that a third was dying.

1. Mrs Rachel J. Huston of the Wilson line, through her deceased husband Hugh Thompson Huston died at the Huston home in German Tp yesterday, Tuesday Feby 4, 1930 at 2:58 AM in her 87th year after a two week's illness. She was born Oct 9, 1843, the daughter of John W. Lynch Esq & his wife Elizabeth Sharpnack. She is survived by 3 sons viz:

1. Walter E. Huston, Lambert, Pa

2. Harry L. Huston, Balsinger, Pa

3. Earl Huston, Uniontown, Pa

Funeral tomorrow afternoon. Interment in St Jacobs Lutheran Cemetery German Tp.

2. J. Elliott Cook of our Crawford Elliott line through both his father & mother aged 48 died yesterday Feby 4, 1930 at the Cook homestead in Rostraver Tp Westnd Co, Pa. He is survived by brothers & sisters:

1. John B. Cook at home

2. Robert J. Cook at home

3. Mrs D.N. Watkins of Dormont, Pa

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4. Mrs Bela B. Smith, Connellsville, Pa

5. Miss Matilda Cook, at home

Funeral arrangements to be announced later.

3. William Howard Taft aged 73 yrs of our Jack line through his wife returned to Wash D.C. from Asheville NC where he had gone 3 weeks ago very seriously ill. He was President of the U.S. 1909-1913 & resigned this week as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the U.S.

I went to Pgh this morning on the 6:35 AM PRR train & went out about 10 Am to Wilkinsburg Bank & had a good talk of near two hours with Cousin Robert L. Finley & his son Frank J. Finley.

Rob said his mother, Sallie M. Finley, nee Burchinal was now 93 yrs old & was well, but living so long in a wheel chair she had lost the use of her knees & could not walk. She expressed a desire to see me. Her mother was Elizabeth Thompson as she told me when I last saw her & accordance with what I was told a few

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years ago in Smithfield, Pa she was an illegitimate child of a Thompson girl of what I believe is our George Thompson line, brother of ggfather, William.

I spoke of having recd a letter from Finley Jenkins of Princeton NJ & he told me that his mind has gone wrong. Said that his father, the late Rev Daniel E. Jenkins who married Rob's sister, Annie had been similarly & they have recently learned that this insanity came from the mother of Rev Daniel E. He said his sister Annie was now in Texas with another son & that her son Robert lives in Chicago, Ills where he is an efficiency man for the General Motors Co. A daughter of Annie also lives in Chicago. He says Geo H. Baird now living at Bridgeville, Pa where he got his wife homely & dowdy who was a Morgan. He has no issue & is worth $300,000 to $400,000. His brother Edward J. Baird, living in South Eastern Kansas is well to do & has a farm, but is bitter with George over some angle of his mother's will & drove George off his farm & threatened to shoot him. Robert, another brother is broke & runs a gasoline station out west.

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Rob said his Wilkinsburg Bank Capital $50,000 made $700,000 in last nine years & paid 12% dividends & stock now has a book value of $1000 a share. He does not have quite half of it. He has transferred sufficient of his stock to several of his directors so they could qualify & they have given him a receipt for them with their pledge to return them. He says H.C. McEldowney & B.W. Lewis are having differences, but that H.C. & R.B. Mellon are very friendly as H.C. evidently rubs the fur the right way with R.B. who is very amenable to such treatment.

He said D.G. Kerr is the richest man in their town & he thinks he is worth much over five million dollars. Says D.G. lives on Center St above the Penn Lincoln Hotel across the street, the corner house in the same square & one same side of street in which U.J. Ewing lives at the upper corner.

Geo Weil thinks he can get up a deal with U.S. Steel Corp through "Mont" Hughes who does Farrell's bidding who knew him as a boy in Braddock, Pa.

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Oak Hill, Feby 6, 1930 1:20 PM

Standing in front of the skyscraper this morning about 9:45 AM waiting for my car, John Taylor Robinson came up smoking his pipe & we talked for about 20 minutes. He told of his having gone to college at Wooster, Ohio for two years where he learned to smoke & of smoking a cigar once at the Tent Church when Miss Elizabeth Curstead, sister of Rhoda, coming up grabbed the cigar from his mouth, trampled it underfoot & bade him desist from this baneful practice he had learned at college.

He said he had been 17 years without having a dentist look at his teeth, but learning that his ailments came from his teeth, he had them or some of them pulled & he has since been as hearty as a buck. Asking if he wasn't born in 1856, he said a wrong impression to that effect had gone out by inversion of the last figure & that there was record of his birth, but his father had told him he was born June 14, 1859. He said that his father, Col James Robinson did not marry until late in life when Uncle Wm E. Caruthers introduced him to the widow Saams, one of the older of the seventeen

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children of Isaac Taylor who died in 1863 shortly after the birth of her daughter Emma who Aunt Matilda took & raised. He said his grandfather Isaac Taylor, a tall bony man, father of 17 children was born in Allegheny Co, Pa & died in Westmoreland Co, Pa near Circleville aged 92 yrs & was buried in a Presbyterian g.y. near he thought it was Long Run & John was one of his pallbearers.

John T. said his father, James Robinson was born Nov 26, 1806 at the old Robinson home in Nicholson Tp the late home of Uncle Samuel Robinson, son of John Robinson. He died of apoplexy Apr 11, 1890 having been stricken the day before after his return home from a horseback ride. He was buried at Tent Church g.y. where John said he saw me when he looked up after his father had been lowered in the grave. He said he went with Father to Kentucky four or five times when he went to buy stock & spoke of having been with him at Marysville, Ky, Mason Co in which County Father was born back of Washington KY on Aug 30, 1822

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7 PM 6th

Eva T. Shepler was out this afternoon for an hour & a half until 5:15 PM & brought me a clipping from the NY Herald dated New London, VA (in Caroline Co & only containing 17 inhabitants) Jany 20, 1930 stating that my dear sister-in-law, "Mrs Emelie Anderson Bickel, mother of Karl A. Bickel, Pres of the United Press had died there of pneumonia" & stating that the body was being taken by Karl A. & his sister Miss Sarah Bickel of Lynchburg, Va in Campbell Co to Geneseo, Ills for burial. She was 74 years old. Surviving were:

1. Karl A. Bickel of New York City

2. Sarah Bickel of Lynchburg, Va

3. Mrs Frank White of Rockford, Ills

4. Basel F. Bickel of San Francisco Calif

5. John G. Bickel of Akron, O

6. Frank Bickel of East Moline, Ills

Also one sister,

Mrs H.A. Ainsworth, Dayton Beach, Fla & one brother:

Frank Anderson of Minnesota.

This is the first information I had that brothers-in-law, James & David Anderson had passed away. I had a Christmas card from Emelie postmarked Lynchburgh, Va & on Jany 3, 1930 wrote her to Evington, Va in Campbell Co.

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Oak Hill Feby 12, 1930 11:07 AM

This is the 121st anniversary of Lincoln's birth. I have a letter from Mrs Richard Haines, see book 21 page 588 dated Topeka, Kan RD No 8 Feby 26, 1928 in answer to mine of Dec 6, 1927 in which she enclosed an old 1849 letter & 1926 obituary clipping, the return of which she has several times insistently written for during my absence & which I will now return. I will incorporate her answer in table book 21 p 588 & here if necessary. She gives the name of her Aunt, widow of her Uncle Millard F. Kilgore 1851-1911 as Mattie Kilgore 821 E. 7th Ave, Hutchinson, Kan & I am writing her. It was she who sent Mrs Haines the old letter which was written Mch 7, 18 & 19 from St Clair Co, Mo to Stephen Kilgore, father of Millard, F. who had kept it by Payton Bristow, whose wife evidently was a sister of Stephen's 1st wife Rosannah Owens who was a daughter of John Owens & writes about Samuel Owens having died & the settlement of his estate. Would it not be strange if this was the same Owens family one of whom was the partner of Uncle Wm Logan Thompson

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who was a merchant in Mo & died there of congestive fever about 1840 & his partner Owens got away with his estates. This letter is postmarked Thomasville, Mo Mch 31, 1849. Thomasville Mo now is in Oregon Co where I was in Nov 1922 & which is along the Arkansas line several counties S.E. of St Clair Co Mo. It wad directed to:

Stephen Kilgore, Washington, Daviess Co, Ind. Jefferson Kilgore, son of above Stephen born at Washington, Ind Oct 28, 1848 when 15 yrs old moved with his parents say 1863 to Ottowa, Iowa when six yrs later in 1869 he married Miss Mary A. Bruffey & at once started by wagon for the plains of Kansas & homesteaded some land. After living here 15 years, they returned in 1884 to Ottawa, Iowa to care for Mrs K's mother, a helpless invalid & while she lived, they remained there 7 years where he organized a Sunday School, became its Supt & choir leader, was converted, joined & helped build a church. In 1891, the moved to the Ozark Mountain section of Mo where they lived for 7 years & in 1903 went to a son's in Crescent City, Calif & from there to Woodburn, Oregon where his family joined him in 1904 in Oct. He joined the Meth Epis Church in Iowa in 1891 & was a member of the Mason's Lodge for 40 years. His wife died in Woodburn, Oregon in 1913.

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They had four children:

1. An infant, died in infancy

2. Myrtle Kilgore married a Livesay [sic] & who cared for her father in his last years & lives in Woodburn, Oregon. Am writing her.

3. Ensor E. Kilgore lives at San Lorenzo, Calif

4. Beulah Kilgore married a Johnson & lives at Portland, Oregon.

He had six grandchildren at his death in Woodburn, Oregon Jany 3, 1926.

W.J. Askin, Penna State Secy of the Sons of the American Revolution sent me on Nov 23, 1927 the numbers given me as follows:

National No 45881

State No 2160

The West Newton Times Sun announces the death on Tuesday say Feby 4, 1930 of Mrs Maria Jane Nicewonger Peairs aged 78, widow of J. Boyd Peairs & mother of Dr J. Sherman Peairs of McKeesport, Pa at the home of her daughter Mrs Roy E. Patterson in Elizabeth Tp, Allegheny Co, Pa. She was born in Westmoreland Co, Pa Apr 23, (or 28) 1851. She was

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a member for many years of Old Bethesda U.P. Church & is survived by four sons & three daughters.

1. Elmer E. Peairs, Elizabeth Pa

2. Frank F. Peairs, Elizabeth Tp

3. William Glenn Peairs, Suterville, Pa

4, Dr J. Sherman Peairs, McKeesport, Pa

5. Mrs J.W. Rankin, Elizabeth Tp

6. Mrs Thos D. Billick, Forward, Tp

7. Mrs Roy F. Patterson, Elizabeth Tp

Also 13 grandchildren & one great grandchild. Funeral from Mrs Patterson's Rock Run Road, interment in Round Hill cemetery.

Yesterday's Morning Herald announced the death of James Lytle Skiles son of John & Margaret Skiles on Sunday Feby 9, 1930 at 11 PM at his home at Paisley, Greene Co, Pa. He is survived by his wife Emma Jane & the following children:

1. Mrs Louis Ullery, Clarksville, Pa

2. Mrs Thomas McPeace, Fayette City, Pa

3. Thomas [no surname listed] Carmichaels, Pa

4. Mrs N.L. Livengood, Baron N.

5. William [no surname listed] Carmichaels, Pa

6. Mrs D.L. Murphy Carmichaels, Pa

7. Edward P. Skiles, Carmichaels, Pa

Funeral from the Glades Church & interment in the Church Cemetery.

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Oak Hill, Feby 15, 1930 12:40 PM

This is the 76th anniversary of my birth.

I notice in West Newton Times Sun of 13th inst that Jacob Hepler of Barren Run, South Huntingdon Tp, celebrated his 85th birthday anniversary on Friday Feby 7, 1930 born then Feby 7, 1850. Make slip.

In the June 1928 Sons of American Revolution Magazine Page 160 in Memoriam is noted the death of:

Finley A. Nutt, Indiana Chap, May 12, 1927

This should be Finley A. McNutt of Terre Haute, Ind who I saw about Dec 26 to 28, 1925 to which refer & make note.

Oak Hill Feby 17, 1930 8:20 AM

In the Oct 1928 Minute Man Vol 23 No 2 S.A.R. Mag Page 320 among the new members listed is:

William Hewlett Carothers Mississippi (42930) supplement

Son of Samuel Brown & Mary Terrell (Hewlett) Carothers

grandson of Samuel M. & Naomi (Brown) Carothers

great grandson of William Carothers private in N.E. troops.

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10 PM

In Minute Man for July 1929 S.A.R. Magazine Page 165 is noted among new members:

"J. Edward Jay Jr, Dallas, Texas ( ) son of J. Edward & Jay & great grandson of Andrew Carothers, Lieutenant in N.C. militia"

Am writing him for his line.

Oak Hill Feby 22, 1930 8 PM

A letter from Cousin James C. Harvey dated Santa Fe, N. Mex Feby 18, 1930 says his brother:

Eugene C. Harvey died Tuesday night Feby 11, 1930 at San Gabriel Calif & was buried Friday Feby 14, 1930 in Mountain View cemetery at Pasadena, Calif. He had been sick for a year & had been in Honolulu for his health & on Monday, Feby 10, he arrived by boat at San Pedro, Calif where his wife Helen met him & took him home where he died next night. I saw them both at Boulder Colo Jany 10, 1920 see book 9 page 201-3.

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The West Newton Times Sun of Feby 20, 1930 announces the death of cousin Eva Pollock Markle (see bk 10 page 137 on Aug 7, 1923) widow of David Markle on Wednesday morning Feby 19, 1930 of bronchial pneumonia after a year's illness. She was born in Rostraver Tp & is survived by the following children:

George P. Markle, at home

Mrs Clara Carson, at home

Miss Ada Markle at home

William G. Markle, Versailles, Pa

Mrs W.C. Fulmer, West Newton, Pa

Mrs W.S. Endler, Hazelwood, Pa

Mrs W.C. Heisey, McKeesport, Pa

She is also survived by eleven grandchildren. She was a life long member of the Presbyterian Church. Funeral from her home on N. Second St at 2:30 PM today. Interment in West Newton Cemetery.

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Oak Hill, Feby 26, 1930 10 AM

Yesterday's Morning Herald said that Mr & Mrs James J. Jack of Sharon (Pa?) spent the week-end with Mrs Jack's parents, Mr & Mrs J.R. Wood of Gordon ST.

In the Oct 1928 Magazine (Western Penna Mag) on page 263 is a letter of Mch 12, 1832 from Hon Wm G. Hawkins then at Harrisburg to Hon Wm Wilkins then U.S. Senator at Wash D.C. presented to the Society Richard H. Hawkins. Hunt him up at Pgh & see if he can give the Wm G. Hawkins descendants record for our Wilson line. In same issue is an old early map of Pittsburgh showing locations on page 266 of:

19 Col Wm Butler widow of Marbury & Penn Sts

20 Gen Richard Butler's widow Marbury & Penn Sts

Index reference:

John Carnahan page 98

Thompson, Henry, page 50 page 271

Thompson, James, page 200 page 271

Thompson, Ruth, page 50 page 271

Thompson, William, page 47 page 271

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A letter dated Jany 8, 1930 at Hotel Graystone 66 Geary ST, San Francisco, Calif from Bontwell [sic] Dunlap's is for information about the ancestry of his cousin Superior Court Judge Lile T. Jacks of San Francisco, Calif.

He says he is related through the Judge's mother & hence is related only to those Jacks who descend from his father.

"The judge is son of Richard Jacks, California pioneer & mine owner, grandson of Elias B. Jacks (& Polly Warden), Indian trader & large land holder in Kansas & Missouri, & great grandson of Richard Jacks who was born in 1772 & they have definite trace of him in 1797 in Madison Co, Ky where a son Thomas was born. He joined the Daniel Boone colony to Howard Co, Missouri in 1817 & became a pioneer of Clay Co, Mo in 1821. In 1835, he selected choice claims in the Platte Purchase & after the Indians removal settled on them in 1837. He married Sophia, daughter of Eli Barnes. His son, Benjamin Jacks was the first white child born in Platte Co. Richard died in 1841.

Miss Rorison writing in Jany 4/30 says Martha Thompson married James Taylor & became great grandmother of Pres Zachary Taylor.

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I have a letter dated Feby 8, 1920 from Mrs Elizabeth Thomson Lindsay 1908? Irving Ave, South Minneapolis Minn, wife of James B. Lindsay & daughter of the late James P. Thomson (family home now Maple Plane [sic] Minn) saying her brother Kenneth Thomson had given her my name. She wanted the Thompson crest & coat of arms which I didn't have. I wrote her 14th inst & asked for her record.

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Oak Hill Feby 28, 1930 11 AM

In the Western Penna Magazine for Jany 1929 Page 31, it states that the Indian Chief who befriended Thomas Ridout, the Englishman who was captured down the Ohio River by the Shawanese [sic] Indians in 1788 had died in 1806 under the hospitable care of Mathew Elliot, supt of Indian Affairs at Amherstburg (Canada?) at the entrance of the Detroit River. See if cannot get Mathew Elliot's parentage & brothers through British records & where & when he was born & died.

In same Magazine on Page 72 is record of deaths of members were following relatives, friends & acquaintances:

Mrs J.E. Fulton Dec 24, 1927

Benjamin F. Jones Jr Jany 1, 1928

Frank Thomson Jany 1, 1928

Thomas McCaffrey Mch 20, 1928

Hon Wm C. Sproul, Chester Pa, Mch 21, 1928

Rev Saml B. McCormick, Apr 19, 1928

Wilson A. Shaw, May 10, 1928

Alex S. Guffey, July 16, 1928

Geo Thornton Fleming Nov 18, 1928

On Page 70 is noted Life & times of Hon William Findley by Robert M. Ewing in vol 2 page 240.

Am writing to see if it is printed in pamphlet.

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Yesterday's Morning Herald announces the birth in the Uniontown Hospital on Wednesday morning Feby 26, 1930 of a 9 lb son to the wife of J.A. Lubold, principal of the Uniontown, Senior High School. This is the 3d child & 2d son in the family. Mrs Lubold's mother, Mrs Paull of Harrisburg, Pa has arrived for a visit with the family.

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Oak Hill Mch 3, 1930 8 Am

In the Oct 1929 issue of the Western Penna Magazine is an article on Squirrel Hill on Page 242-3. It says that when the proprietary Gov opened the land office on Apr 3, 1769 among those making applications for land warrants on Squirrel Hill were William Thompson, Anthony Thompson, William Elliott, George Ginty & Simon Ginty & among early settlers on the Hill was James Thompson. Examine the records & see if it shows where they were from & who made deed conveying their lands away & when.

In same article page 252 it mentions as an early old burying ground Beulah graveyard about two miles north east of Wilkinsburg, Pa. Make slips.

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Oak Hill, Mch 5, 1930 8:20 AM

Yesterday's Morning Herald announced the death at his residence on the National Road in Redstone Tp one mile east of Brownsville, Pa on Monday Mch 3, 1930 at 8:30 AM of heart trouble of my first cousin once removed Theodore Van Kirk Hibbs aged 56 yrs 2 mos & 10 days born then say Dec 21, 1873. Funeral which I must attend tomorrow 2:30 PM Interment in Redstone Cem. Brownsville, Pa.

In D.A.R. Magazine for May 1928 page 311 among marriages, among marriage bonds filed in Monongalia Co, Va (now WVA) are:

Oct 7, 1802 Philip Huffman & Elizabeth Corothers, daughter of John Corothers, bondsman, Henry Corothers. Make slip

Page 315

Jany 4, 1806, Abner Greenland & Jane Thompson, daughter of James Thompson bondsman John Thompson

Look for Thompson & Corothers wills. Make slip.

In D.A.R. Mag for Sept 1928 under chap 111 Monongalia Co marriages pages 571-2 are:

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May 14, 1816, Wm Frum & Corrothers, daughter of John Corrothers, bondsman John Corrothers Jr

May 25, 1816, Mathias W. Davis & Ann Thompson, daughter of Daniel Thompson bondsman Daniel Thompson

Aug 24, 1816 James Gray & Jane Corrothers, daughter of John Corrothers, bondsman John Corrothers.

Dec 9, 1916 Moses Kincaid & Rebecca Corrothers, daughter of John Corrothers, bondsman, John Corrothers

Thus on this & preceding page, we see record of 4 daughters of John Corrothers, viz: Elizabeth, Catharine, Jane & Rebecca. Look up his will & those of his sons-in-law.

In same, Sept 1928 D.A.R. Mag Pages 561-4 is record of the Signers of the Oath of Allegiance in Mch 1778 of the residents of Cecil Co, Md among whom I note:

William Thompson, Samuel Thompson, William Kilgore, James Kilgore & before Amos Alexander, justice are the following:

Robert Finley, James Finley, John E. Finley, Samuel R. Finley, William Finley, his mark, William Finley Jr, John Carruthers, his mark, Francis Carruthers, his mark, & Walter Carruthers.

Abraham Mitchell, also a signer was born in Lancaster Co, Pa was

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highly educated & came to Cecil Co Md prior to 1767 & settled at Head of Elk, erected a handsome residence in the village & practiced medicine over Cecil & Harford Cos, Md & New Castle Co, Del & during the Revolution, he turned his home into a hospital. On Nov 19, 1792, he married Mary Thompson, a direct descendant of Augustine Herman who was the first person murdered in in America. Dr Mitchell was a land owner in Cecil Co. He had 8 children, two of whom died in infancy. He died at his home at Fair Hill Sept 30, 1817 in his 84th year. This article by Mollie Howard Ashe says John E. Finley & Samuel R. Finley were probably sons or nephews of Rev Samuel Finley who accepted a call to West Nottingham Pres Church in 1744 where he founded West Nottingham Academy still known as a good preparatory school & where two of the signers of the Dec of Ind were students viz: Benj Rush of Penna & Richard Stockton of NJ. Rev John E. Finley, above was a nephew being oldest child of Rev James Finley & it was he who married my great grandmother, Mrs Mary (Jack) Thompson to John Logan in Muron [sic] Co Ky about 1801 & was ggfather of Finley R. McNutt of Terre Haute, Ind see Dec 27, 1925.

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Oak Hill, Mch 6, 1930 8:40 PM

Wilmer H. Wilkey who married my cousin Mrs Jim E. Wyatt, daughter of J.E. Cook, sat down at table with me tonight on the B&O diner & told me much about his early start in the contract & coke business. He said he was born on the old home farm of his grandfather, James Wilkey (who died abt 1883 aged 82 or 83) in Dunbar Tp, Fayette Co Pa Apr 10, 1878 son of Philip R. Wilkey & his wife Margaret B. Sweeney, who was from Loyalhanna Creek near Latrobe Pa.

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Oak Hill, Mch 9, 1930 9:15 AM

A letter dated Mch 4, 1930 from Cass K. Shelby 534 Hickory St Hollidaysburg, Pa says Mrs C.F. Fendrick of Mercersburg, Pa has given my name as a descendant of William Elliott of Hamilton Tp, Franklin Co, Pa & says he is a descendant of his sister, Mary Elliott who about 1773 or 1775 married James McConnell Jr & not long after moved with him to Kentucky. I am sending him record of his children which I recd from Mrs Ruth E. Plumer Andrews & recorded Oct 4, 1897 in book 1 page 87 & filing copy with his letter & asking him for Mary Elliott McConnell's record.

In D.A.R. Mag Jany 1929 p 24

in marriage bonds of Monongalia Va is that of Andrew Corrothers & Elizabeth Frum, daughter of William Frum, bondsman Solomon Frum.

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In D.A.R. Mch 1929 Magazine, Pages 150-1, has an article on a Real Daughter of the Revolution. Mrs Catherine Harrell Dartt, widow, born Aug 16, 1836 3 miles NE of Enfield, White Co, Ills, daughter of Joel Harrel born in Bertie Co NC in 1748 & died in White Co Ills near Enfield June 30, 1846. She was born Tabitha Catharine Harrel, the youngest of 33 children of Joel Harrel & he was 88 yrs old when she was born. Her mother, Arcadia Smith was his 3d wife & bore him twelve children, another proof of Capt J.M. Hustead's theory that having young children about you is productive of longevity.

In D.A.R. July 1929 Mag Page 426 in answer to queries is 13078 Lee, Joseph, Lee born abt 1780 in Va married a Kilgore from N.Car & had children:

1. Harvey who lived in Ind & later in Iowa

2. Evan

3. Pamelia [sic] who married a Carr

4. Elizabeth

5. Lowanzie [sic] who married an Armstrong

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6. Joe who was a Capt in confederacy & two half brothers, Ben & John,

Mrs R.S. Kuns, Broken Bow, Neb

Write her. Make slip.

Oak Hill Mch 11, 1930 1:33 PM

Ex President & Ex Chief Justice of the U.S., William Howard Taft is buried at 2:30 PM today in Arlington Cemetery overlooking the Potomac River, Washington D.C. He died Saturday Mch 8, 1930 in his Washington D.C. home aged 72 years.

In the D.A.R. Mag for Feby 1930 pages 69-75 is the Strange Case of Captain Mar---(Nicolas Martian) George Washington's first American ancestor. This traces his hitherto little known French Descent see page 73 from Captain Nicolas Martian who in 1627 married Jane Berkeley & whose daughter, Elizabeth married George Reade, & whose daughter Mildred married Angustin Warner & their daughter Mildred married Lawrence Washington & their son Augustine marrying Mary Ball who were the parents of George Washington.

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In the same Mag pages 78-82 is an article "Rejected Pension Papers discord end" [best guess] which was largely the subject of Sec of State Wm J. Bryan's talk to the D.A.R. at their 22d annual meeting in April 1913 in which he tells of clerk James S. Allen of the U.S. district Court finding a package of these claims stored up under the eaves of the court building. These claims had been rejected on technicalities under the Act of 1818, but some were later allowed under Act of June 7, 1832. Bryan admitting himself a genealogist after much search traced these papers to room 311 Federal Bldg, the office of the clerk of the U.S. District Court. He then spent 3 days in the Archives Dept of the State House where the bulk of these papers - 133- had been sent & where each was put in a separate envelope, carefully indexed & alphabetically arranged. (Make slip to search these records). He then went to the U.S. Bureau of Pensions & found data of 50 of the 172 claims whose names are on file in the Revolutionary War section. Also found 36 rejected in 1818 were admitted under Act of 1832.

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On page 90, same Mag under Out tallest President sponsored by Representative Hamilton Fish Jr of New York, evidence is produced showing:

Washington to be 6 ft 2 in & when 40 yrs old in 1772 weighed 210 lbs & in 1759 weighed 175.

Lincoln was 6 ft 4 in almost as he himself stated, he being the tallest

Madison was shortest, 5 ft 4 in

Polk was the leanest

Cleveland the stoutest

Van Buren the tidiest in dress &

Taylor the most careless.

Grindelia is the remedy for poisoning of the skin from nettles or poison ivy.

A letter dated Feby 26, 1930 at Hotel Graystone, 66 Geary St, San Francisco, Calif from Bontwell Dunlap in answer to mine of 14th who writes for his first cousin Judge Lile T. Jacks of San Francisco (he however not a Jacks descendants, their mothers being sisters) says:

The Judge is a great grandson of Richard Jacks who was born in 1772, but they do not know

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where, their first knowledge of him being as a resident of Madison Co, KY (Make slip to go there & see what can be traced). In 1817, he went to Missouri. They have recently recd from a very old member of the family that he was the first Jacks who came over the sea. (If this be true, it eliminates him & he is none of ours) The one who gives this statement is very old & his memory is not good & we do not know whether to accept it or not, but say it is traditional. He reports as finding in census of 1790? New Hampshire, Martha & Nancy Jacks, Rhode Island, Nathan Jacques, Conn, Robert Jacques, Maryland, Denton, Lancelot & Thomas Jacques, New York, William Jacques, Virginia, William H. Jacques, Penna Allen & James Jacks Lancaster Co. He says Richard was a prominent pioneer & he says the early settlers in Madison Co, KY were mostly from Maryland & Virginia & they incline to the belief that Richard springs from the Frederick Co, Md family.

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Mr Dunlap's former letter dated Jany 8, 1920 says:

Judge Jacks is of the Superior Court & is son of Richard Jacks, a pioneer Calif miner & mine owner who was son of Elias B. Jacks (& Polly Warden) Indian Trader & large landholder in Kansas & Missouri, who was son of Richard Jacks, born in 1772 above noted, of whom they have definite trace in Madison Co, Ky in 1797, where a son Thomas was born (perhaps Richard was son of the 1790 Thomas in Md census) Richard joined the Col Daniel Boone colony to Howard Co, Missouri in 1817 & became a pioneer of Clay Co, Mo in 1821. In 1835, he selected choice claims in the Platte Purchase & after the Indians removed, settled on them in 1837. He married Sophia, daughter of Eli Barnes. His son Benjamin Jacks was the first white child born in Platte Co. Richard died in 1841.

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Oak Hill Mch 12, 1930 9:25 AM

Yesterday Morning between 8 & 9, a quick snow fell completely covering the ground which a bright sunshine completely melted by afternoon. Another snow fell last night & the ground is white with full three inches of snow.

A letter dated Feby 27, 1930 from Mrs Janet E. Jay 3809 Bowser Ave, Dallas Texas in answer to mine to her son Joseph Edward Jay Jr S.A.R. National number 48026 State No 365 who is a student in college. She says she has sent copies of my letter to her mother & to her cousin Judge James Stuart Pilcher who wrote the Pilcher book. He lives at Nashville, Tenn.

Andrew & James Carothers were twins & married sisters.

The chart shows no record of Eliza A. Carothers marriage. There were seven in her immediate family & two of them married Carotherses.

The record shows many many children from this group, namely:

A.E. Carothers married Gilliland of Obisonia, Penna & a Maria Carothers living in Penna in 1896 were two of the group.

The chart begins with Robert Carothers who married Margaret

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Gillespie & was born about 1790 & moved from Lancaster, Penna to middle North Carolina (Look up the Pilcher Book in inner hall library & make slips). Our line is:

1. Robert Carothers

2. Andrew Carothers changed the spelling after leaving Scotland for America

3. John Carothers married Mary Hope

4. Rev Jas Neely Carothers married Mary Daskin?

5. Martha C. Carothers married Keith Stuart Moffat

6. Janet Elizabeth Moffat, my informant married Joseph Edward Jay

7. Joseph Edward Jay Jr to whom I wrote.

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I have three letters from Maj Frank S. Wilson, Boston, Mass, one dated Jany 9, 1930 says his friend Maj Gordon L. Finley is not a West Point graduate, but is a lawyer in the Judge Advocate General's office in Wash D.C. but assigned to duty at the Army Base at Boston, Mass.

In another letter dated Feby 24, 1930, Maj Frank S. Wilson of 400 Marlborough St, Boston (17) Mass says that Maj Gordon L. Finley's father, John L? Finley served in the Civil War as a Lieut in Massachusetts 2nd Reg of Cavalry aged 28, came from San Francisco Calif & enlisted Feby 9, 1863.

A letter dated Feby 24, 1930 from Mrs Richard Haines, Route 8, Topeka, Kansas acknowledges receipt of the old letter & clippings she had sent me & speaks of her grandfather Stephen Kilgore's hoary head, long white beard & kindly blue eyes. She says she has a faint recollection of her mother telling her the names of her own Kilgore grandparents & where they came from but she cannot now remember. Says it is 28 yrs since she copied the record from the old bible her Uncle had.

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In Mch 1930 D.A.R. Mag recd today on page 147 is announced the death of Cousin Sarah Gibson Humphreys Chenault who died at her residence in Lexington, Ky Feby 23, 1930. She was Vice Pres General of the D.A. R in 1921-1924. I visited her at her home in company with Miss Estelle Finley of Columbia Tenn in June 1924 or 1925 or 26, just prior to the death of Wm J. Bryan. See my record book & make note.

On page 152, same number, an article on the work of their Genealogical Research committee attention is called to their Genealogical Research Library in Constitutional Hall, Wash D.C. which they say shall be as complete & valuable as any in the country. Make slip to go & see what can be found of interest in my work.

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Oak Hill Mch 14, 1930 9:22 AM

A letter dated Jany 17, 1930 from Mrs Mary E. Gunnett, 709 West Commonwealth Ave, Fullerton, Calif says she got home Christmas Evening from a trip to Penna, Ohio, Illinois & Colorado & had just recd a letter from her cousin Mrs Mary E. Jack Ramsey of Chicago, Ills announcing the sudden death of her husband on Dec 19, 1929.

Another letter from Mrs Gunnett dated Feby 20, 1930 sends me a clipping about Rev Abraham B. Markle which she clipped from last night's Feby 19th Anaheim Calif paper viz: the Anaheim Bulletin under "who is who in Anaheim" viz Rev Abraham B. Markle of 201? South Citron St, who before he entered the ministry was a printer, soldier & school teacher, who was born Mch 13? 1841 in Eastport, Tuscarawas Co, Ohio. He was printer's devil on the Oskaloosa Times, Oskaloosa, Iowa when 14 yrs old, was school teacher in Fairbury, Ills in 1858, joined Union Army Aug 5? 1862, member of Co E 120th Reg Illinois volunteers,

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was in the grand march to the sea with Sherman through Georgia, participated in the Grand review of the Union troops in Wash D.C. on May 23 & 24, 1865, married Miss Cynthia Spence, one of his pupils June 25, 1865 at Newark, Ohio. They have celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary. Delivered his first sermon at Five Mile Grove, Ills for his wife's father who was a minister of the Christian Church, who was too ill to preach. Took charge of the Christian Church, Chanute, Kansas in 1884? his first permanent charge, came to San Diego, Calif in 1889 & to Anaheim Calif in 1904, was Christian minister here for 7 yrs & then retired, Chaplain of Malvern Hill Post Grand Army of Republic. Popularly known as "Abe".

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A letter dated Feby 28, 1930 in answer to mine from Mrs Elizabeth Thomson Lindsay of 1909 Irving Ave, So Minneapolis, Minn. She says she was born Sept 23, 1888 in Minneapolis, Minn & was married same place Oct 23, 1912 to James Batson Lindsay born Dec 18, 1881 in Milwaukee, Wis son of William Lindsay born in Dundee, Scotland July 15, 1840 who died Dec 14, 1928 & his wife Mary Ann Batson born at Westford, NY Oct 2, 1839 died Apr 16, 1918. The firm of Lindsay Bros Co Farm implements is an old established firm in Milwaukee & Minneapolis & her husband is Secy & Treas in Minneapolis. Their children all born in Minneapolis, Minn are:

1. Virginia Hunter Lindsay born Oct 17, 1903

2. Hugh Thomson Lindsay born June 16, 1917

3. Charlotte Edmond Lindsay born Apr 17, 1920 & died Dec 29, 1926

Her letter of Feby 8/30 says she is sister of Kenneth Thomson & daughter of the late James P. Thomson of Maple Place, Minn.

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A letter of Jany 4, 1930 from Miss Arda Bates St Clair Rorison of 7413 Hawthorne Ave Hollywood, Calif says she has found a new ancestor for Mrs Narcissa Vanderlip viz: Robert Thompson of Fredericksville Parish, Albemarle Co, Va. His will in 1777 mentions daughters Jean Crenshaw, Hannah Epperson, Judith Mallory, Sarah Brown, Susanna Strathan, Mary Davis, Elizabeth Langford & a son Robert. David & Hannah Thompson Epperson had children, sons: Robert, James, Thompson, William, John married Elizabeth Bowen. Charles married Sarah Lamb & daughters: Judith Gardner, Elizabeth Proctor, Susanna Langford, Hannah Freeman, & Lucy Burke, Martha Thompson who married James Taylor in 1699 was great grandmother of President Zachary Taylor - descended ie the Taylors from the Earl of Hare.

Geo H. West, son of James West & his wife. Nancy J. Higinbotham here this PM said he was born July 12, 1870 in Redstone Tp at Merrittstown, Pa in old stone house.

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Oak Hill Mch 19, 1930 3:54 PM

A letter dated Jany 10, 1930 from E.C. Finlay 2314 Cochran Ave, South Los Angeles, Calif sent originally to me at the Hollenden Cleveland O says that two months before he sent to me here a long account of George Finlay, the Greek historian which I must hunt up & also the letters he sent me two years ago which he wants me to return, which I must do. He says the article about Geo Finlay gave some family history. He says:

"Battersly [best guess] of Co Cavan, John of Lakefield born 1722. Married 1st Elizabeth Shiel of Monaghan & had a son. Married 2d Sarah Leslie & died 1803, had issue, had a brother Charles married Miss Hastings & died 1755, had a daughter who married 1st ______ Hanna Esq, Married 2 W. Campbell Esq.

The family was related to Finlays, Wybrandts & Cusack. He says he wrote years ago to Mr Hanna who is compiling a history of the Finlay family asking him about Geo Finlay & his daughter Elizabeth who married Mr Shiel, brother of Richard Lalor [sic] Shiel but got no answer, possibly Mr Hanna might answer you".

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A letter dated Jany 27, 1930 from Mrs Florence Findley Jelliff No 125 Carpenter Road, Mansfield, Ohio who says she was referred to me by Miss Emma Miller asks about William Findley who she says came from County Antrim Ireland in 1774 & who was her gr gr gr grandfather & who married Martha Drennen in 1734. His son David with a Revolutionary War record was her gr grandfather. He married Jane Mitchell, Apr 17, 1787 & he & his six sons founded New Concord, Muskingum Co, Ohio.

His son, John, her grandfather & his youngest son William Findley was her father.

Her William is evidently on William of Latrobe, Pa 1741-1821 whose sketch by Robt M. Ewing is in Western Penna Hist Soc Mag Oct 1919 pages 240-51 which I will send her, but might be William Findley who was Governor.

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A letter dated Jany 30, 1930 from Mrs C.N. Welshons of 1885 Shadow Lawn, Jacksonville, Fla who is most anxious to know the names of the parents, brothers & sisters of her ancestor, James Patterson, born 1760 & was a lawyer in Pendleton Co, Va where his son John was born in 1795 & moved to Allegheny Co, Pa where his daughter Ann Elizabeth was born in 1798. His wife was Ann Elizabeth Hull.

She says she can give me the address (& I am writing for it) of a man who comes down on the Finley Family & who has spent years of work on the Finley lines both in America & the old country. Says he has a wonderful lots of records & seems to have them well verified & proven. He is also interested in the Pattersons on account of John Patterson marrying Mary Brown Finley in 1818.

She says she has a very interesting line worked out on McKnights who also married into the Finley family.

She says she will gladly give me copies of any records she has that interest me..

She was referred to me by Clarence M. Smith of 120 Dakota Ave Columbus, O as a letter of same date see page 72 states.

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A letter dated Jany 24, 1930 from Thos E. Finley Esq of Berger Bldg Pgh, Pa sends me two clippings from the McKeesport, Daily News of Jany 21, & 22d about the death of Miss Emma Dorothy Power who was buried there & who the undertaker there told him was 29 yrs old. He says he knows the eldest daughter Helen Marie Power, now Marie P. Sawyer, wife of Walter J. Sawyer, who he says was born about July 1896. He says John I. Power comes between these two sisters in age.

The address of Mr & Mrs Sawyer is 404 Haverford St, Narberth, Pa & Mrs Power & Emma D. made their home with them.


Emma Dorothy Power, daughter of Mrs Ada Irwin Power & the late Dr Henry J. Power died at the home of her sister, Mrs W.J. Sawyer, Narberth, Pa on Saturday Jany 18, 1930. Buried Wednesday Jany 22, 1930 in Versailles cemetery.

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A letter dated Jany 30, 1930 from Clarence M. Smith 120 Dakota Ave, Columbus, O in answer to mine of Jany 3, says he had lost interest in the matter until three seasons ago they had a reunion in their old home town of West Union, O & they have been having them every year since about May 30th. The next reunion is to be held at his cousin's Mrs Rose Dresback near Hallsville, Ross Co, Ohio & he has undertaken to bring the "In Memoriam" to his father John M. Smith up to date. Last fall, he says he visited the Dresbach's at Paris, Ills & also Chicago, Ills where four of the children of his brother Joseph P. Smith live. Through the Dresbachs at Paris, Ills, they got in touch with Mrs C.N. Welshons, see page [not given]. He quotes a letter from her about her Thomas Reed line etc saying John Patterson married Mary Brown Finley in 1813? & sister Mary married Thos Reed born 1791, Shippensburg, Pa a son of Dr Thomas Reed & Stella McKnight & Elizabeth Brandon. He says if he can be of any further use to let him know. Am writing him.

He gives the record of his son, Stanley P. for bk 16 p 164

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where I have filled in the dates of births of the children where the blanks were left & am entering the additional data here. He omitted giving date of the 4th child, Florence Marie.

Stanley P. Smith was born at Lucasville, O Feby 11, 1890 & his wife, Florence Marie Cohagen born Apr 30, 1891

Mildred Louise Smith, their 2d child died Jany 24, 1928

The children were all born in Columbus, O.

See book 16 page 164

See book 14 page 332

See book 23 page 102

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Oak Hill, Mch 20, 1930 11:50 AM

There is a J.H. Kilgore in Altoona, Pa of the National Advertising Service NO 1208 10th St who wrote me Jany 10, 1930 wishing to offer some coal for sale.

I wrote him Jany 27, 1930 asking for his line, but he has not answered. Mch 28/30 yes he answered see pages 100 & 101.

My cousin, Charles Edward Carothers & his new wife were here Sunday 16th from about 4 PM to 10:10 PM returning by auto to Washington Pa & went Monday via West Newton, Gbg & Lincoln Highway to Harrisburg, Pa where his address is c/o Revenue Dept Tel 5151.

He said he was named for our great Uncle Charles Hunter of Port Royal Pa who married grandfather's sister Elizabeth Caruthers. His father wanted to call him Charles Hunter, but his oldest brother, Samuel E. thought he should have a say & insisted on Edward for the middle name for their mother's brother Edward Taylor whose father was Isaac Taylor.

Ed's wife a handsome talented woman was born Sarah Eugene Grover & her father Mr Grover who recently married a 60 yr old wife is 83 yrs old & lives at Condersport, Pa. Ed's wife was a widow & has a

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a son & a daughter aged 20 & 18 yrs. He said his brother Rob's widow Carrie F. Carothers nee Onion of Youngstown, O was worth about $300,000, largely made up from increased value of Rob's tin plate stock. She left it to her two sisters now sojourning in Florida. Her body is in a receiving vault in Youngstown, O as the regulations of the cemetery to not permit the erection of a mausoleum for which she provided in her will. She built a mausoleum for Rob in McKeesport Cemetery & on a trip to France fell in love with a fellow & she thought all plans for marrying him were made & when she came home, she sealed up the mausoleum by a bar across the front & told people she would not be buried there. Then, when the marriage fell through, she did not have the nerve to unseal the mausoleum. She had Uncle Wm E. Caruthers Bible from which she gave me record at Ruben's Bldg McKeesport, Pa when she was living. Ed should see to getting the bible.

Condersport is on the Roosevelt Highway & is the county seat of Potter Co, Pa named for great grand Uncle Genl James Potter.

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A letter dated Jany 7, 1930 from Miss Nellie Woods of 409 Alexander St, Greensburgh, Pa says she is working on a history of the Power family. C. Ed Carothers said Sunday that he referred her to me. She says she is the great granddaughter of Rev Samuel Woods & Margaret Power who went to Union Co, Ohio about 1806 or 1807. This Margaret Power was the 6th child of Col John Power (who was brother of Rev James Power who married Margaret Finley, daughter of Rev James Finley). Says she only knows of three in the Power family viz:

1. Rev James Power b 1756 ob Aug 5, 1830

2. Jane Power b 1752 ob 1805, married Robert Moore & had six children.

3. Col John Power b 1757 ob Apr 11, 1832 married Margaret Finley & had 8 children. She finds in the Penna Archives where Col John Power recd his com as Lieut Colonel. She also finds the name of Patrick Power & asks if he was a brother or the father. She says her grandfather John Power Woods of Ohio was a brother of James F. Woods of Greensburgh, Pa.

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Oak Hill, Mch 22, 1930 7:55 AM

A letter dated Nov 13, 1929 from Mrs Frances Cotner, widow of Eli, Chippewa Lake, Medina Co, Ohio says she visited the graveyard at Canaan Bend last summer & found it in good shape, the township having appropriated money to care for it & it was cleaned up & stones put in place & it showed that Alpheus Markle died Jany 15, 1868 & she said neither one of his brothers nor his father Gideon Markle had headstones. (Refer to my record when at Ottawa, Ills Apr 19, 1929 & note this date there). She says her Aunt (2d wife of Elder Gideon) was the mother of the child Ebenezer who died when a babe. Says she told her that her son Cornelius was accidentally burned or scalded to death when about two years old. She says Gideon, the younger, her first cousin died Feby 11, 1907 at Chippewa Lake, Ohio & that he was first married to Artematia [sic] Heyde in Nov 1869. In Nov 1902 he married Clara Palmer (see my records of Jany 12, 1929). She has not the date of either of his wives death. (I think I have both). Florinda Hawkins who I saw

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at Brunswick, O Mch 15, 1929 died she says at her son Frank's in Cleveland, O Nov 4, 1929 & was buried beside her husband in Brunswick, O cemetery. She had ailing from a bad heart for a year & was born Jany 1, 1845. Says she spent her childhood in her mother's home.

Oak Hill Mch 25, 1930 2 PM

A letter dated Mch 17, 1930 from Mrs Sidney J. Patterson, Apt 305 1835 K. St Washington D.C. says she is one of the numerous White - Hough - Finley descendants being a granddaughter of William White, who settled in Keokuk Co, Iowa around 1850.

She was referred to me by her cousin, Thomas Watts who I saw in Iowa in Mch 1924 see book 11 pages 400, 478 & 486. She will cooperate & exchange. I wrote her 22d inst.

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A letter dated Mch 13, 1930 from Frank M. Power 200 W Ohio St Dallas, Texas says he has seen in Texas 5 yrs next Nov & is still painting & papering & wants a Jack History as soon as it is out. Says he was 60 yrs old yesterday, born then Mch 12, 1870 at Hamilton, White Pine Co, Nevada, son of Calvin B. Power & his wife Mary McKee of Fayette City, Pa. I wrote him 22d inst & asked for his record.

A letter dated Mch 16, 1930 from Cass K. Shelby 524 Hickory St, Hollidaysburg, Pa in answer to mine of 7th inst says on his mother's side, he is descended from the Fayette Co Dawsons, John Littleton Dawson having been his great Uncle. He says the father of my ggf Capt Wm Elliott was Robert Elliott of Hamilton Tp (that part which is now St Thomas Tp) in what is now Franklin Co, Pa. His wife's name was Mary. They were the parents also of his ancestress Mary Elliott who married a neighbor, James com of James & Mary McConnell of Peters Tp about 1770. They both removed to what is now Fayette Co, Ky in 1780.

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The names of the brothers & sisters of William & Mary he got from Mrs Fendrick & are the same as she furnished me viz: Johnston, Thomas, Elizabeth, Catherine, Barbara & Jean (or Janet). These are all that appear in Robert's will. Neither Daniel or a Robert are mentioned. I answered him on 22d & asked for Mary McConnell's descendants.

A letter dated Mch 14, 1930 from Mrs Virginia S. Fendrick, Mercersburg, Pa written from her sick bed to which she has been confined all winter but hopes soon to be downstairs, says I have the Robert Elliott data & that his land in Hamilton Tp was sold by his sons to William Steele. (Make slip to look up this deed probably in Cumb. Co) who sold it to John Wilson. The land is yet known as the Thomas Walker farm & is near St Thomas, Pa.

She says Edmund Hayes Bell of Wash D.C. has proven that Col Robert Elliott of Hagerstown, Md was a son of John Elliott of Path Valley, Pa so stated by a daughter in the south, a sister of Col Robert.

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"That is settled. I have always thot [sic] so". & her affidavit proved it. Our old Robert had no son Robert. He had 210 acres surrounded by Armstrong land & Joseph Armstrong's will which he witnessed gives its bounds. She says there was an early Thomas Elliott, a constable, in New Castle Co Del (make slip) who might have been the father of our Robert. I say this because our Robert had a brother & a son named Thomas. Robert Elliott of Hamilton Tp his will proven 1763 named:

Daughter, Elizabeth Stewart

Daughter, Catharine Lochree

Daughter, Barbara

Daughter, Jane

Daughter, Mary

Sons: Johnston, Thomas & William also a brother Thomas

The above Elizabeth married William Stewart & they lived & died in Franklin Co, Pa (make slip to look up his will & see Goe H.) Mary probably married James McConnell. Johnston, (my ancestor, she says) married Rebecca Mayes of Lancaster Co, Pa. Have never found Thomas.

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A letter dated Mch 6, 1930 from Edmund Hayes Bell now of 305 The Wyoming, Columbia Road & California St, Washington D.C. asks about Daniel Elliott, the Indian trader who he suspects belongs to Col Robert Elliott's family & says he had a son Daniel & he was a younger man & settled in Mississippi. Says he doesn't think Col Robert had a brother Daniel but his father John Elliott, may have had a brother by that name.

Quoting from Egle's Notes & Queries 111 Series Vol 111 page 11, he says:

Daniel Elliott, the father of Mary Hamilton was an Indian trader & probably first in the employ of Col Alexander Lowrey whose daughter Elizabeth born Oct 31, 1757 he married in the year 1772. He was first established on the Susquehanna but later established a store & post near Pittsburgh. He died there. The eldest son, John Elliott inherited the Island farm near Conewago on the Susquehanna. I wrote him on 22d inst.

A.D. Jack writes Mch 11, 1930 from the Texas Co Tulon, Okla that he wants a copy of the Jack History & will send his check.

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A letter dated Dec 17, 1929 from Geo A. Findley, Grimes, Iowa, says he has just recd letters from each of his father's two living sisters Ella Ford & Carrie Findley, Mineola, Fla. They have lost track of all their distant relatives & didn't even know where they got the record which he sent me. He does not know anything of the McCurdys, nor does he know where the first Abel Findley died nor the names of his father or any brothers & sisters. "My Aunt Mary Ewing was her middle name". Says he can't locate the McKollips. The last he heard from them they were in Missouri & his father had a cousin Grant Findley located there. Says the most information he got was from his father's cousin Margaret Morrison of Beaumont, Cal. Her mother was Sally Keer or Kerr, a sister of my grandmother Findley. She married a Stewart & lived in Penna until her husband died & then moved to Kansas. Will copy her letter. It has been 45 years or more since I left Penna. Says she corresponds with her last Stewart Uncle who is 91 yrs young. Most of the Stewart & Findley relatives lived in Indiana & Armstrong Cos, Pa

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Uncle David Finley lived about 12 miles from us near Olivet, Armstrong Co, Pa. Anna Keer was his wife's name, now as I get it, this Uncle Dave & your grandfather were brothers & Uncle Dave & your grandmother were cousins. Uncle Dave's wife, Annie Keer & Mary Keer wife of Uncle Abel Findley were first cousins. We used to visit Uncle Dave & Aunt Annie who were such a lovely old couple. Their children were all married & gone except the two youngest, Nan & Alex & a little granddaughter Maggie Thompson, who was my age was with them. The towns where they lived were "Olivet, Apollo, Kittanning & Freeport, all in Armstrong Co". She signs the letter:

Margaret Morrison

He concludes David Findley was brother of his grandfather Abel Findley. He then goes on to give on a separate sheet, the family record of his grandfather:

Born Place Died

Abel Findley, May 16, 1819 Westnd Co, Pa Mch 14, 1889 Dallas Co, Iowa

Mary Jane Keer June 22, 1824 Armstrong Co, Pa Apr 18, 1900 Dallas Co, Iowa


1. Abigail Ann Feby 1, 1845 Armstrong Co, Pa June 22, 1920

Dallas Co, Iowa 2. Elizabeth Jane Apr 11, 1847 Allegheny Co, Pa Aug 17, 1913

Dallas Co, Iowa

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3. Ulcestas [sic] S. Mch 27, 1849 Allegheny Co, Pa Jany 3, 1924

Dallas Co, Iowa

4. Martha Adelade June 11, 1851 Allegheny Co, Pa Nov 20, 1928 Dallas Co, Iowa

5. Annetta Oct 18, 1853 Lee Co, Iowa Nov 20, 1924 Eugene, Oregon

6. Abel Church Oct 27, 1857 Van Buren Co, Iowa Aug 30, 1858 Van Buren Co, IA

7. Mary Ella Aug 25, 1859 Van Buren Co, Iowa Living in Fla

8. Carrie May July 1, 1863 Polk Co, Iowa Living in Fla.


Minister Abel Findley Indiana Co, Pa Apr 11, 1844 Davidson

Mary Jane Keer

Abigail Ann Dallas Co, Iowa, Aug 29, 1865 Rev Thompson R.R. Rittgus Bird

Elizabeth Dallas Co, Iowa, Apr 11, 1871 Rev Campbell

N.B. Jennings

Ulcestas Polk Co, Iowa Mch 29, 1876 Rev James Lake?

Roanna [sic] Rittgers

Martha Dallas Co, Iowa Jany 29, 1873 Rev Pierson

Geo M. Boss

Annetta Dallas Co, Iowa, Oct 14, 1875 Rev Pierson

Daniel Wilson

Mary Ella McPherson, Va Mch 5, 1903

A.S. Ford

Children of U.S. Findley:

George Abel Findley, Dallas Co, Iowa Jany 24, 1877

Mary Findley, Dallas Co, Iowa Oct 11, 1878 ob Mch 3, 1811

Ray U. Findley, Dallas Co, Iowa May 13, 1880

Charles D. Findley, Dallas Co, Iowa Jany 4, 1883

Wendell J. Findley, Dallas Co, Iowa Oct 14, 1886

Fern C. Findley, Dallas Co, Iowa Aug 11, 1891

Children of George A. Findley

Sidney G. Findley, Dallas Co, Iowa Nov 13, 1903

Virginia E. Findley, Polk Co, Iowa Mch 2, 1910

Craig Wallace Findley, Polk Co, Iowa Apr 3, 1915

Children of Ray U. Findley

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Helen F? Findley born Apr 21, 1911 in Dallas Co, Iowa

Paul Findley born Jany 14, 1915 in Dallas Co, Iowa

Wanda M. Findley born Apr 20, 1918 in Dallas Co, Iowa

Children of Charles D. Findley

Lildred [sic] L. Findley Dec 15, 1907

Mary C. Findley Oct 10, 1909

Charles Findley Nov 12, 1913

Vincent Findley May 10, 1918

Children of W.J. Findley

Donald Findley

Rose M. Findley

Ester Findley

Ruth Findley

Wayne Findley

Fern C. Findley is single.

Miss Estelle Finley of Columbia, Tenn sent me on Dec 11, 1929 the following from the Nashville Banner:

David Finley

Livingston, Tenn Nov 19, 1929 (special). Dave Finley, aged 80 years a farmer of the Fifth dist Overton Co, Tenn died at his home, Sunday Nov 17, 1929 after a protracted illness. He was a native of this county a good citizen, a loyal Democrat & a member of the Methodist Church. In his youth, he married Miss Caroline Qualls & reared a large family.

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He is survived by the following children: Robert Finley, Marvin Finley, John Finley of Missouri, Mrs John Garrett and Mrs C.C. McGowan Burial will be at Okelona Monday. Make slip.

A letter dated Mch 3, 1930 from Mrs Martha A.W. Davis 1526 Richland St, Columbia SC says she was referred to me by Mrs Luella Woods Mackenzie of Moulton, Iowa. She says she is a descendant of Rev John Thomson, who came to the colonies in 1715 with his wife & children through his daughter who married Rev Richard Sankey. Both of these men came to VA. "My native state". Rev Thomson came to North Carolina on a visit but rtd to VA & Pa. From a manuscript in the Alexander or Reid family, she learns that Rev Thomson married for his second wife, the widow of Thomas Reid, who lived near Lancaster, Pa. Thomas Reid died 1732-3. He was a very prominent man & she thinks her name was Mary McKean. Says she has see in some D.A.R.

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Magazines "John Thomson married Dorothy or Lililia [sic] McKean, daughter of Gov McKean of Pa. (She says William McKean was the name given him. It was Thomas). She says Rev John Thomson died 1753 as shown by Hist Soc of Pa & Synod, minutes & records of Don Pres [sic]. Rev John Thomson came from the North of Ireland. Rev Richard Sankey came to America in 1735 & was ordained to the ministry by Donegal Presbytery Synod of Phila. She gives her line of descent as follows:

1, Rev John Thomson married 1st & then married 2d Mary McKean Reid.

2. Sarah Thomson married Rev Richard Sankey

3. Sarah Sankey married Wm Hamer Iley

4. William Hamer Iley married Susannah Jones

5. Rev William Hamer Iley married Malinda Hays

6. Sarah Elizabeth Hamer Iley married David Williamson

7. Martha A. Williamson, my informant married in Clifton Forge, Va June 20, 1894, Edmund P. Davis of Columbia SC

She sends a "Clan Campbell" printed page

She is chairman for SC

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Oak Hill, Mch 26, 1930 8:26 PM

I went to Pittsburgh this morning with Thos R. Aubrey, shff aged 38 in his Essex car, leaving abt 6:45 AM & arriving 8:50 going via Oliver, Phillips, Star Junction, Perryopolis, Monongahela, Finleyville, Library, Castle Shannon, Saw Mill Run, & the tubes & returned same way 3:30 to 5:30 PM. I took him in at 9:30 AM & introduced him to H.C. McEldowney who sent us over to Frick Annex to see Mr Bryce who we met & waited about a half hour for Wm L. Mellon to come in to whom I introduced Mr Aubrey & told him he was our Fayette Co candidate for Lieut Governor. He told us Gen Shannon (of Columbia, Pa) had been slated for that post, but he would do all he could for us. I then went to Jno F. Hudson's office & met him, Wm R. Smith, Dr E.S. McIlvaine & J.B.F. Rinehart. At 11 Am, I went to Parlor D 17th floor of the Trustees of W&J College & had lunch leaving at 2:30 PM. Had a nice talk with trustee Matthews of NY class of 1893 whose father was of the firm of Chambers & Matthews. Dry Goods when I was in college 1868-71. He said Herbert DuPuy was his boss & he is still with the Crucible steel.

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I then went back to John F. Hudson's for over half an hour where Wm R. S. told us that H.B.N. Luttet [sic] was to have a meeting with his purchasers of the Rowe et al coal at 4 PM today & said if he could not close it this month, he would tell me who his people were & just how far he had it advanced with them & give us the proofs to warrant us in giving him ten days more & said his people said they would not buy it except through us.

Tom Aubrey said that Andrew M. Linn had married Pauline Theakston of Centerville, Pa much younger than A.M. who at one time lived in Sam E. Taylor's family.

Tom said his mother's father, Samuel McCrory related to Lewis McCrory went from this country to California in the gold rush or 1849 & that when he came back, his mother a child didn't know him. He said Samuel's sister married out there Spreckels of the rich sugar family. Tom is wearing today cuff buttons that his parents had made for him out of the gold his grandfather dug & brought back with him. Tom's grandfather Thomas Aubrey went to Oskaloosa, Iowa & lived on a farm near there & eked out a precarious existence getting coffee, but once a month. His father Robert Lawson Aubrey called "Loss" of the Aubrey Lumber Co when he died 1925 I think, had hundreds of commercial notes aggregating $360,000 which he had taken for lumber, house,

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etc which he had endorsed & had discounted at National Deposit Bank, Brownsville, Pa which he had gotten all paying he having to take up $5000 of them. His father insisted that Tom's middle name was Reed named for Czar Reed of the U.S. Congress & his mother claimed it was Rodgers for my old friend Capt Wm B. Rodgers. Tom's wife was Macdonald of Mercer Co, Pa, both of whose parents were natives of Scotland & came to Pa from there & her father went in the Civil War. He died when Tom's wife was four years old. She is now 39 & her mother raised the eleven children but four additional that she took to raise. Her name was Tenant. I told him of Rev James Power who came over the mountains in 1776 having married a daughter of Rev William Tenant & of their 8 daughters all marrying Presbyterian preachers & elders. Tom's wife was thrown from a horse & injured when a young girl resulting in reversing her womb. She had four operations in efforts to have children & & lost one at 5 mos when she almost died & the doctors told them she could not carry a child longer than that. Tom wants to show her through the house & I told him I would be glad to do so if he would bring her out.

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Oak Hill, Mch 27, 1930 7 PM

I have a letter dated Oct 27, 1929 from Winford Lecky Mattoon No 415 Spahr Building 60? E Broad St Columbus, O who I visited there as well as his mother in July, 1922 & other relatives at Homesville, O etc.

He says his mother died in Mch 1925 (hunt up record when at her home & make note). Her brother Theodore Lecky died in Wooster, O 3 years ago last May (ie in May 1926.) Her sister Anna Fitch is still living Beech St, Hillcrest, Little Rock Arkansas past 80. Will Lecky the youngest living at Holmesville. Rev Francis F. Fitch, my cousin & quite a genealogist on Penna Families is living at Sterling, Ills.

Aunt Anna & Uncle Will Fitch picked up Mary Lewis, the Metropolitan Opera singer as a waif & raised her into her teens & Uncle Will taught her her early music. W.L. sent me an elaborate blueprint chart of his family line which is written so fine that I can't make it out.

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M.M. Markle of New Bethlehem, Pa on May 23, 1929 sent me the New Bethlehem Leader Vindicator of that date in which was announced the death of George W. Markle aged 81 yrs 9 mos & 20 days on Saturday May 4, 1929 at 3:15 PM at his home 111 Meadville Pike following a two weeks illness. He was born July 21, 1847 in Penna & came to Franklin 3 1/2 years ago from the vicinity of New Bethlehem where he had resided a number of years. He was the son of Abe Markle & his wife Mary Jane Anthony. In 1876, he married Miss Annie Mack who survives him together with the following children:

1. William D. Markle of Santa Paulo, Calif

2. Miss Sarah Markle at home

3. James H. Markle of New Bethlehem, Pa

4. Mrs D.L. Henry of Dayton, Pa

5. Mrs Jacob Shrecongost, of Echo, Pa

6. Mrs S.S. Coates of Freedom, Pa

7. Miss Lottie Markle of Washington D.C.

8. Miss Elsie Markle at home.

Two sisters, Mrs Margaret Adams of New Bethlehem, Pa & Mrs Hannah Davis of Swandale WVA & also two brothers Jacob & John also of WVA survive. He was a member of the Brethren Church of New Bethlehem. Funeral May 6, interment in Franklin Cemetery.

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On Nov 12, 1929, I was at Hotel Manchester, Middleton, O to see Geo M. Verity, Pres of the American Rolling Mill Co & noticed the following names in the Bell Tel Book for the fall of 1929

There were no Caruthers, Dreibelbis, Fetterolfs, Markle, Redburn, Rothermel or Zolls.

Finlay, Erma 308 Vandeveer Tel 1595-J

Jack, Karl r 304 Stanley Tel 1497-W

Kilgour, J.R. r 1118 LaFayette Ave Tel 3329-W

Trenton, O

Merkel, Frank Tel 515

Merkel, Frank J. Meat Market Tel 49

When at Hotel Kreider, Wadsworth, O, Mr C.B. Curtis referred me to his relative:

Mrs Geneva Long, Seville, O, also to Miss Noyes, Seville, O north part. This was in Jany 1929.

In Morning Herald of Nov 4, 1929 was death notice of cousin Mary Fuller Bowie, wife of Theophilus Bowie who died at her home Union St Nov 2, 1929. She was daughter of Dr John M. Fuller & his wife Belle Modisette. Survived by her husband, daughter Belle, son Robert & sister, Helen Fuller Barker.

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The Morning Herald also announces the death of Mrs Emma L. Finley in San Francisco, Calif, Sunday Nov 3, 1929 body sent to Uniontown, Pa for burial in Oak Grove Cemetery. She was the daughter of William & Lydia Moser & was born at Walnut Hill in Georges Tp Aug 21, 1850? She united with the Pres Ch when a young woman & was organist at New Salem & Dunlaps Creek Churches for many years.

She married July 14, 1872 Albert W. Finley who died in 1902 after which she went to California.

Cousin Florence Baird Hess who was here one night recently said the widow of his brother Huston, Mrs Carrie Cope Finley now 84 lives in Chicago, Ills & was here recently on a visit. She says she will send me her address.

I loaned them the two vols of Maryland Records by Dr G.M. Brumbaugh to look up the Finley records therein & return.

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The Morning Herald announces the death of my cousin, Mrs S. Hunter Richey who died at her home here, Nov 12, 1929 after a brief illness. Before her marriage in 1880, she was Miss Louisa Nelson Mead, daughter of John Nelson Mead & his wife Elizabeth Mackey of Clark Co, Va & was born in 1852.

The following children survive:

Mrs Roy M. Adney of Lebanon, Ind

Hunter Richey of New York City &

Catherine F. Richey, at home also five grandchildren.

Four children died in infancy. Funeral services in St Peters Epis Ch Burial in Oak Grove Cemetery.

A letter dated Oct 19, 1929 from Emma B. Albright (Mrs J.E. Albright) 262? North Prospect St, Ravenna, Ohio says she will send me her record (Finley) as soon as she can see her brother which will be very soon.

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A letter dated Nov 13, 1929 in answer to mine of 7th from Cousin Henry Drum Markle of the Drum Machine Co No 1614 Eighth Ave Seattle Wash, shows a willingness to help, but his letters are not very intelligible. Says, "My sister living in Wilmington, Del is married (don't give her name). One brother last heard from in Chicago (don't give his name) & one sister with Kellogg (don't say where nor give her name). "No my wife we are living together. One child only & he is living in St Louis, Mo I cannot tell just when my father died. He died & is buried in West Newton, Pa."

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A letter dated Nov 6, 1929 from Mrs Isabella Churchill No 2170 Fourth St, San Diego, Calif says she cannot go any further back on her Finley line than the mere statement that her great grandfather Thomas Finley (she told me Alexander Finley in Dec 1922 & that is what the Hist of Ashland Co. O says) & that he married a Miss Williams, of Pennsylvania. Further than this, she knows nothing.

She says her grandfather, Nathan Van Osdall was the fifth son of Simon Van Osdelle & his wife Ann Quigley who were married Dec 2, 1794 & in due course, Nathan was born to them Nov 30, 1809. He married Sarah Finley & they had seven children:

1. Jesse Van Osdall

2. John Van Osdall (my father)

3. Elizabeth Van Osdall

4. Amelia Van Osdall

5. Sarah Van Osdall

6. Clarke Van Osdall

7. Simon Van Osdall

8. Nathan Van Osdall

Clarke has seven sons, one of these, Arthur Van Osdall is postmaster at Ashland, O. Uncle Clarke told his children that his grandfather's name was Thomas (evidently this is where she gets Thomas)

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She says cousin Oliver J. Stough had many scrapbooks & she doesn't know which one he promised me, but thinks it was the one with "jokes for men only" & if so, she will send it to me. She says the estate is unsettled & no distribution has been made.

Says she has several grandsons in college & her one granddaughter is a big 13 yr old girl. They live in Pasadena & she hasn't seen them since Christmas.

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Oak Hill Mch 28, 1930 10:22 AM

A letter dated Feby 8, 1900 from James H. Kilgore of 922 24th Ave, Altoona, Pa who is with the National Advertising Service in answer to mine, sends me from his records, his line as follows:

1. James Kilgore b Mch 2, 1781 ob Apr 14, 1828

wife: Nancy Kilgore ob Oct 6, 1838. He is evidently son of one of the 18 sons. Look up J. Kilgore Johnston's records & see which one.

2. John Kilgore b Dec 10, 1816 ob Nov 20, 1865

Margaret (Enslow) b Mch 4, 1804 ob Sept 24, 1867

3. James H. Kilgore b Sept 9, 1844 ob Feby 12, 1921

Emma J. (Rogers) b Mch 11, 1845 ob Jany 24, 1907

The last two are my parents. My father had a brother William Harrison Kilgore & a sister, the latter dying the day of her birth. His brother only lived a few years. Our family consists of the following:

Irene Kilgore b Nov 22, 1873 ob Mch 31, 1916

Winfield S. Kilgore b Mch 10, 1876

James Harvey Kilgore b Feby 2, 1879

Dessa S. Kilgore b Sept 20, 1882

Clare F. Kilgore b Sept 20, 1882, ob Jany 22, 1923

Ethel M. Kilgore b Dec 3, 1885

My brother W.S. Kilgore is married & has two boys & two girls. The writer (James Harvey) & my two sisters Dessa & Ethel are single. My father was born near Port Royal in Juniata Co, Pa & no doubt his forebears came over from Cumberland Valley.

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Miss Zoe Lenore Gray of Warren, Ills stopped in to see us several years ago & said one of her ancestors was a Kilgore. You might write her & she probably could give you additional information. He hopes I will keep my health & finish the history. He says he wants a copy. See page 144.

A letter dated May 21, 1929 from Miss Estelle Finley Columbia, Tenn says her father always said his grandfather fought in battle of Kings Mountain.

Mrs C.E. Selmlay [best guess] route 1 Hazleton Kansas writing May 5, 1929 wants a Finley book when it comes out.

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Refer back to pages 72 & 73

A letter dated Mch 26, 1930 in answer to mine of 22d inst from Clarence M. Smith of 120 Dakota Ave, Columbus, O says his idea is to publish in pamphlet form if enough will contribute to help in order to continue to date the family records his brother Joe P. put out & carry the Finley line back to Michael the emigrant. He wants to put a copy in the Ohio Archaeological & Historical Society of the Ohio State University at Columbus, O.

I have entered date of Florence Marie Smith's birth in place on book 16 page 164.

Mr Smith says he has had two boys married since I was at his place Mch 16, 1926 viz:

1. Allyne Howell Smith, his 10th child & 5th son, and Ruth Steele of Circleville, O born Dec 27, 1899 were married at Covington, Kentucky, May 6, 1926 see b 26 p 232. They have no children.

2. Ivan Campbell Smith his 11th child & 6th son & Miss Eleanor Hogle of Detroit, Mich were married at Detroit, Mich. They have one child born at Detroit, Mich, viz:

Arden Louise Smith born June 1929

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Mr Smith is a practicing physician located at Youngstown, O. I will get the details & send to you later on.

The Richard B. Mezerek Family:

Rev Richard Bruno Mezerek born at Berlin, Germany & Virginia Patterson Smith second child of Joseph P. Smith were married at Lakewood, O Feby 17, 1912. They have five children all born at Oak Park, Ills where they now reside viz:

1. Richard Bruno, Jr born Mch 12, 1915

2. Antoinette Mary born Sept 1, 1916

3. Frederna Margaret born Feby 9, 1918

4. Robert Arnold born Apr 9, 1920

5. Virginia Patterson born June 4, 1922

Rudolph F. Mezerek Family

Rudolph Ferdinand Mezerek born at Berlin, Germany Sept 12, 1892 & Antoinette Barker Smith third child of Joseph P. & Margaret Hutches Smith were married Mch 18, 1916. They have had two children:

1. Johanna Mary born Dec 25, 1917

2. Rudolph Ferdinand Jr born Nov 2, 1920 died May 4, 1924 through an auto accident.

They live at River Forest, Ills.

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The Ralph C. McDonald Family

1. Ralph Coulson McDonald born at Urbana, O Feby 15, 1887 and Mary Stowe Smith 4th child of Joseph P. Smith were married at Lakewood, O June 17, 1913 by Dr Thomas A. King. They have had two children both born at Urbana, O where they live.

1. Nancy Coulson born Mch 15, 1914

2. Maryneal born June 9, 1916

The John Mitchell Smith Family

John Mitchell Smith 5th Child & 2nd son of Joseph P. Smith and Miss Annabelle Erickson born in Morris, Pa Mch 17, 1900 were married Nov 27, 1920. They have no children.

The Wm McK Smith Family

William McKinley Smith, 6th child & 3d son of Joseph P. Smith and Miss Agnes Lilas born May 14, 1896 were married at Chicago, Ills June 1925. They have one child:

1. Patricia Mary born Dec 24, 1927

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The Joseph Patterson Smith Family

Joseph Patterson Smith 7th child & 4th son of Joseph P. Smith & wife and Althia Churchill born Oct 24, 1907 at Grays Lake, Ills were married June 1925. They have no children.

This completes the round of my brother Joe's family except Frank Smith. I will try to get the record from his sisters in Chicago, Ills. I know he was married twice. He was unfortunate in the World War but was more sinned against than sinning. He was given the title of Hard Boiled Smith (but he wants me to keep this confidential) & was much reviled. Since the war, he has been living in the south incognito.

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Oak Hill, Apr 6, 1930 12:50 PM

A letter dated Mch 31, 1930 from Frank M. Power 200 West Ohio St Dallas Texas in answer to mine, says he is the son of Calvin B. Power & his second wife Mary McKee & was born at Hamilton, White Pine County, Nevada Mch 2d, 1870. His wife Esther Clark daughter of Benjamin Clark & his wife Esther Williams was born at Brinman, Wales, Dec 13, 1875. They were married at Uniontown, Pa Mch 25, 1891. Their only child Calvin B. Power Jr was born at Boswell, Somerset Co, Pa Dec 13, 1918. Have had no deaths in the family except her parents. Says he had just recd a letter from his father who celebrated his 92d birthday on Mch 26th born Mch 26, 1838. I sent him a brief sketch of his Jack, Power & Finley ancestry.

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A letter dated May 24, 1928 from Mrs Ira Hastings of 3404 Washington Ave Cairo, Ills in answer to mine see book 21 page 349. She says her husband's grandmother, Ann Finley was born in 1791 in what is now Noble Co, O & married Samuel Hastings. She says recently she found an old letter from a brother-in-law of her husband's father advising him of the death of his sister in 1867 which said that none of the

Beaver (make slip for Beaver, Pa & hunt up Mrs C.W. Adams' Finleys there) folks had been to see them except James Finley & his wife. She says "So this grandmother must have had relatives living there in Ohio". The only Beaver I find in Ohio in Pike Co & I think it meant Beaver, Pa. She goes on to say that this grandmother had a brother Robert Finley living in Grundy Co, Ills (make slip to go there & look up). His wife was Mary Hastings, sister of Samuel Hastings above who married Ann Finley. She does not know what became of the Samuel Hastings bible. Says he came to Ohio in 1824 & Hezekiah was born in 1825 & sister Elizabeth married Samuel Gilliland

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& there was a son Hiram & a daughter, Lydia. The parents are buried in Lutheran Cemetery near to Batesville, Ohio. She wants a book.

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A letter dated May 30, 1928 from Mrs May H. Smith 637 East "U" ST Ontario, Calif had heard of my connection with Col Wm Crawford & asks if I know who Abigail Crawford was, who in 1810 married Valentine Phillips & says he was born in 1788 & died in 1840. I wrote & asked if she was of our Crawford line.

A letter dated Mch 1? 1930 from Mrs Mary E. Ramsay 472 North Austin, Austin Boulevard, Oak Park, Ills. She says her husband Frank P. Ramsay died suddenly of heart trouble on Dec 19, 1929. I sent her a copy of the Jack line I had prepared for Dora E. Gunnett.

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In going through & assorting out the mail, which had accumulated since I left home Apr 24, 1928, I find an unanswered letter dated May 3, 1928 from S.M. Carothers, Box 421, Sumter SC, who had been referred to me by Manville Carothers of Kirkville, Mo & Mrs Flower of Carlisle, Pa. He says he has great masses of records gathered about members of the family in Pa, Va, NJ, NC, SC, Ga, Tenn, KY, Texas & other localities which he will be glad to let me have the use of as he has no intention of publishing it, but hears that I have & if so, he wants a book. He says the only published data he has found is in the book of Mrs James Pilcher & in the Ewing genealogy of NJ. I have these lines both connected up if my eyesight would permit searching through my records. AS I recall, the NJ Ewing branch descends from Richard Caruthers. S.M. gives much interesting data & deductions.

He says as far back as he has been able to trace his line is to John Carothers of Cumberland Co, Pa who made his will in 1767 re-

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corded at Carlisle, Pa in 1783 & his wife Sarah both of whose wills I have. He says three of his sons went to Mecklenberg Co, NC just before the Revolutionary War in which all three served. John remained in NC. Robert went to Tenn in 1790 & James, my ancestor went to York Co SC in 1803 where he settled.

Sarah the widow of John after 1783 went to NC & died there in 1798 (I got copy of her will when at Charlotte NC in Apr 1924)

Andrew another son mentioned in the Bryson letter as buried at Silver Springs Church, Cumb Co, Pa & Archibald remained in Cumb Co, Pa. I have not trace of the three other sons, William Samuel & Ezekiel.

Hugh Carothers was in Mecklenberg Co, NC as early as 1760. His will recorded in Charlotte NC 1782 (which I got there Apr 1925) mentions wife Sarah & sons: Robert, John, Hugh & James & daughters Esther Ross & Sarah Purviance Durant. He thinks this Hugh was the father of his ancestor John who died in Pa in 1783 as Hugh deeded him 300 A of land in NC which John, Robert & James the same tract

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Hugh deeded this land to John in 1768 & in his will 1782. Hugh says he had already given his sons John & Robert, their shares in his estate. (The wills of the two prove Hugh & John to be father & son, along with this deed). He believes Hugh is brother of John who died in 1763? (my gggfather) who left James, John, Hugh & Rebecca, all minors. In this, I think he is right & that he is a full brother & that he is a full brother of Robert 1690-1771 & John born 1698 & was probably born between them or after John see my Anjou Caruthers family pages 61-63.

Mrs Flower has sent him record of many wills & court proceedings at Carlisle, Pa. He says he has record of a James Caruthers who served in the NC Continental Line 1776-1779 who in 1785 was granted a tract of 1000 A of land in Fayette Co, Ky (then Va) by Patrick Henry the Gov of Va (Make slip to go to Lexington, Ky & trace) for said services. He seemed to have a brother Thomas who served at same time & settled in Scott Co, KY. Make slip.

James died in Jessamine in 1835. Thomas in Scott Co in 1820. Both drew pensions. Add to slips & get Pension data from Gov.

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Both were related to Hugh. There was a Rev Samuel Carothers Alexander who came to Mecklenburg Co NC in 1861 & was pastor at Steel Creek, Pres Ch until 1865. He married a Miss Price there in 1862 & returned to Pa in 1865?

In a letter dated Dec 14, 1929 from Manville Carothers, Kirksville, Mo he sends me a two page closely typewritten record of Carothers data from the above S.M. Carothers from which I will copy.

He says Hugh Carothers first appeared in Mecklenberg Co NC in 1760 in which year he bought 300 A of land from Moses Ferguson deed recorded at Charlotte. In deeding this in 1768 he is styled Hugh Carithers & his son John Carithers: same as was my gggf John at Carlisle, Pa. In Hugh's will 1782, he mentions wife Sarah, sons, John, Robert, James & Hugh, the last three then in Mecklenberg Co NC in part cut off in 1792 as Caberrus Co & daughters

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Esther Ross and Sarah Purviance Dinsmore (did not her mother most probably give her her own maiden name, Sarah Purviance). The three last sons were shown to be in Charlotte Co in census of 1790 after 1792 Cabarrus Co. He can't trace these three any further at this time, but is working on a clue which he thinks will bring results. No further accounts of Esther & Sarah. Make slips to examine for Ross & Dinsmore wills in Mecklenburg Co, Pa. John made deed in 1772 to his sons Robert & James for the 300 A he got in 1768 stating that at the time, 1772 he was living in Cumb Co, Pa

Laying aside 8 PM, poor light.

Resuming Apr 8/30 9:46 AM

This same John Carothers (son of Hugh) made his will in 1767 recorded at Carlisle, Pa in 1783 in which he names as heirs:

Wife: Sarah

Sons: Robert, James, John, William, Andrew, Samuel, Ezekiel & Archibald

Daughters: Margaret, Isabel & an unborn children (Jean)

He willed to sons Robert & James the 300 A in Mecklenberg Co NC above mentioned & bals of estate equally to wife Sarah & other chil-

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dren, mentioning the farm in Cumb Co, Pa on which he lived. Make slip to see when & by whom this land was conveyed.

In the widow Sarah's will at Charlotte NC in 1798, she names six sons in some order omitting Samuel & Ezekial & daughters, Margaret Sloan & her husband Samuel, Isabel & Absalom Woodward, her husband & Samuel Neely, son-in-law & several grandchildren. She died in 1798 & is buried at Steel Creek Pres Ch Cemetery, Mecklenberg Co NC. He says Hugh died 1782.

To continue my line, the second son of John & Sarah was James. We have his family bible in which the record is:

James Carothers was born 1750 on April 17th

James & Mary Carothers married Jany 11, 1776. After giving record of their two sons & two daughters, then says: Mary Carothers died Sept 10, 1784. James & Agnes Carothers married June 9, 1785.

It then gives their children in the following order:

Samuel, James, Mary, Thomas Neely & William

The second son, James Carothers is my line. He was born Oct 25, 1787 & then goes on to give:

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James Carothers, the first died Dec 7, 1836

Agnes Carothers, died Nov 24, 1814

Samuel Carothers died in Tipton Co in 1847

Thomas Neely Carothers died Dec 10, 1820 in Mecklenberg Co NC

Williams Carothers died Feby 25, 1843 in York Co SC

James Carothers, the 2nd died Apr 1, 1854 in York Co, SC. This last James is my line continued.

He came from Pa to Mecklenberg Co NC & settled 12 miles south of Charlotte near Blackstock Church 3 miles from where the town of Pineville is now built. On Nov 25, 1803, he came to SC & settled on West he came to SC & settled on West bank of the Catawba River in York Dist. The other families coming York Dist about the same time where were the Neelys, Dinsmore et al.

I have a little more of the record of Hugh's children viz & am still working on their record of John & Sarah's children but have James practically completed.

James have sketched above

Robert married in Mecklenberg Co NC & had a family there in 1790 census shortly thereafter he went

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to Tennessee & I have a pretty good account of his descendants but not completed. He is down in some of the histories in the Regulation War of NC in 1771 as one of the Black Boys of Cabarrus. At least he supposes he is the same Robert, but there were three Roberts in NC.

John, the next son of John & Sarah came to Mecklenberg Co NC in 1778 & married & died there in 1838. He had served in the Penna militia before coming to NC & his brothers Robert & James served in the Mecklenberg Co militia during the Revolutionary War. John & Robert recd a Pension after 1832 but so far as they know James never applied. Make slip & apply to Pension Dept. William the next son of John & Sarah sold his interest in the land in Cumb Co, Pa & moved to Western Pa about 1790.

(Refer to June 16, 1926 Book 16 when I was at Mrs Summers & note what her Aunt Ellen Carothers aged 87 saying about her grandfather having come from Cumb Co, Pa & see if this William won't tally up as the father of Charles who was father of Ellen.

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Andrew married Mary & died in Cumberland Co, Pa in 1817 leaving a will recorded at Carlisle, Pa.

Samuel sold his interest in the lands to William & we do not have much further account of him, but have the record of two Samuels either of which may be his but not certain.

They think Ezekial died between 1767 & 1798. They have a record of Ezekial Caruthers who was in the skirmishes with the Cherokee Indians in Tenn in 1793 & suppose he was killed or died there.

Archibald kept his part of the lad & was married & living in Cumberland Co, Pa in 1790. Look up my records in Adams Co, O in 1925 & to Oxford, O in 1926 to see Rev McSurely 94 yrs old.

Margaret Carothers Sloan & her husband Samuel Sloan sold their interest in the land to Isabel (her sister) & Absalom Woodward in 1790 & they in turn sold it to Samuel Strom of York Co, Pa in same year.

Both of these families seem to have moved to Western Penna about this time & are in the

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1790 census report.

Jean, the unborn child, married Samuel Neely & came to Mecklenberg Co, NC before 1790 & she died there in 1797 & is buried near Sarah at Steele Creek Pres Church.

Says can give me a complete record of his direct line. He says there was a Carruthers family in the North Eastern County of NC as early as 1720 of which he has some data, but he has not been able to connect it with his own branch & thinks they came direct from Scotland to NC. Has a short sketch of two Virginia branches in 1748 sent him by Prof Elmer Irving Carruthers of University of Va.

A letter dated Dec 14, 1929 from Manville Carothers, Kirksville, Mo enclosed the above data which he had that day from S.M. Carothers, Sumter SC for me. I having written to get S.M's line for me. He says that Mrs Wilson (who ever she is I have written to know) is satisfied that Manville's

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great grandfather James Carothers was son of James Carothers the Cooper of West Pennsborough Tp, Cumb Co, Pa & that he went to the wilds of Western Penna with his brother John probably about 1803, as they were declared legally dead in 1806, they having made an assignment to David Watts in 1804 of their lands in Cumb Co, Pa. In Orphan Court process on estate of James Carothers, the cooper, see my book 1 page about 199, his children are given as Margaret, Elizabeth, Jane, John, James Esther, Rebecca & Isabella. Says he was at Clarence Mo Thanksgiving & took dinner with his second cousin James Franklin Carothers, who has a bible showing Manville's grandfather's Louis Ferree Carothers sister Mary married John H. Carothers (grandson of Andrew Carothers crippled lawyer who studied law in office of David Watts, Cumb Co, Pa) in 1844. He was supposed to have been, perhaps a second cousin of his wife.

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Oak Hill, Apr 8, 1930 3:40 PM

This morning's Herald announces the death from apoplexy of my distant relative J. Newton Hibbs at his home near Fairbanks, Fayette Co, Pa last night, Apr 7, 1930 at about 10 PM. He was born in this Co Mch 4, 1866 & is survived by his widow, Hattie Stacy Hibbs at home & 3 daughters, Mrs Howard Hopwood, Cleveland, O, Mrs Smith Fuller, Uniontown, Pa, Mrs A.E. Coughanour, McClellandtown, Pa & one sister Mrs Debbie Wheeler Uniontown, Pa.

A letter dated Jany 20, 1929 from Mrs Hannah E. Lawther, West Newton, Pa says that her mother's brother Mark Smith of West Newton, Pa died at 10 AM that morning in a McKeesport Hospital where he had been taken two weeks before suffering from bladder trouble. Funeral Tuesday 22d Jany & funeral of Will L. School [sic, does he mean Scholl?] Senr is same day. Mark was in his 84th year, the last of her mother's family & her Aunt Kitty (Kate L. Markle, living at York SC) is the only one left of her father's families.

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Oak Hill, Apr 12, 1930 4:22 PM

The New England Hist. & Gen. Register for Apr 1925 on page 164 among the vital records kept by Wm Watson records the death of Rev Jedediah Morse D.D., L.L.D. at New Haven, Conn on June 9, 1826 aged 65 born say 1761.

Col William Thompson, East Windsor abt Apr 11, 1829 aged 66 (p 166). Mr William Thompson at Baltimore July 22, 1833 aged 111.

In Western Penna Hist Magazine for Jany 1928 on page 55 there is note of Col Jed Ferree's Regiment in the War of 1812 in which Elias Smurr is named as Quarter Master's Sergeant.

In Western Penna Hist Magazine for July 1928 page 199 is noted a gift to the Society No 435 by Omer S. Decker of a book of old clippings giving much Historical data

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in the History of Ashland Co, O by H.S. Knapp Phila 1863. We find the following references:

Page 279

Robert Finley was the second settler in Vermilion Tp where he settled early in Apr 1811 & settled on NE 1/4 of section 12 on which farm he died on July 4, 1825 aged 65 years born say 1760.

At the time the book was written his son Eli was the oldest settler of the Tp & whose marriage was the second one solemnized in the Tp & in Jany 1862 he was the only surviving member of his father's family. Make slip.

Page 409-412

Alexander Finley, brother of Robert above removed from the place now occupied by the own of Mt Vernon, Knox Co, O to the farm on which Tylertown (Lake Fort P.O.) is now 1862 located Apr 17, 1809. His family then consisted of his wife & the following children: James, Benjamin, John & Hannah. At the time of his settlement there in 1809, himself & family were the only white inhabitants in what now 1862 constitutes the county of Ashland, O. At this time, there

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was only one family in the town of Wooster, Wayne Co, O his nearest neighbor. The head of this family was Benjamin Miller (whose wife was I think the sister of Augustus Markle's 1827-1928 father George). William & Joseph Larwill were then young men & boarded in the Miller family. Alexander Finley died Dec 1825 aged 55 years. Make slips for Ashland & Wooster.

The American Banker & Financier Blue Book on page 152 gives William Franklin Finley Banker, Cleveland, O President of the St Clair Market? Co & of the Cleveland Trust Co. In 1907 he married Miss Grace Morgan & they have one son & two daughters & reside at 1830 Chapman Ave East Cleveland, O. Go see him. Make slip.

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Oak Hill, Apr 14, 1930 11 PM

In an effort today to get the proper endorsement on a $4.99, 2% div ck of Alice Tanner Decd, I phoned Geo W. Tanners [sic] & his daughter sent me to A.D. Williams & he sent me to Milton M. Darby of Fairchance, Pa & going abt 6 PM to his residence, 2d house east of Baptist Church his big wholesome handsome young daughter said he had just gone to his office 4th house south from Pres Church where I waited more than half an hour for his return. He said his gggfather served in the Revolutionary War from NJ & that he died just across the line in Preston Co now WVA & is buried on top of a high hill south of Elliottsville in Wharton Tp, Fayette Co, Pa where the tombstone states that he died in 1850 aged 98 yrs. His son Samuel had a son Harrison of Springhill Tp & his son John L. Darby lumber dealer of Fairchance was the father of my informant. He said Rev C.D.A. Hoon whose wife was a Thompson wanted to see me so he phoned him & he came in. He said his wife's grandfather was Alexander Thompson of McLaughlintown, now Laughlintown, Westnd Co, Pa between Ligonier & Mt Pleasant & who moved to Mercer, Pa but then went to Pgh & died there in 1876.

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He had a brother William Beatty Thompson who moved to Phila & was prominent there. Alexander's son Samuel R. Thompson, who died 1884? was the father of Mrs Hoon. He was a reporter on the Pgh Dispatch or Gazette & died there.

Oak Hill Apr 16, 1930 4:20 PM

Make slip to order Alexander's "Log College" in which is a biography of Rev Samuel Finley D.D. of Princeton, according to the 1st Col 1st page of the 4 page History of the "Finleys of Bucks". This [blotted word] "Finleys of Bucks" states that Michael Finley after landing at Phila, Sept 28, 1734 settled in Bucks Co, but moved to Sadsbury Tp, Chester Co, Pa prior to 1747 & that two of his sons Samuel & James graduated from Tennants Log College located on the banks of the Neshaminy & became eminent Presbyterian divines.

Michael's son John removed to Lurgan Tp, Cumb Co, Pa

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where he was killed by the Indians in William Stimson's field July 17, 1757.

Archibald Finley, brother of Michael settled in Little Britain Tp, Bucks Co, Pa & bought land on agreement on North west line of Tp where he died Mch 11, 1749-50.

The deed was made Dec 11, 1750 to his widow Margaret Finley & his two eldest sons John & Henry Finley as Exrs of Archibald. His will was a nuncupative one & was as follows:

States that on Mch 11, 1749-50 Archibald Finley of Little Britain Tp, Bucks Co, Pa, Mason, being very sick & weak, wishes his wife Margaret & two oldest sons John & Henry to be exrs. This was certified to as his oral will on Mch 20, 1749-50 by

Robert Lalor, Henry Kelso & James Finley

who said he died shortly after. He left to survive him two other sons, Alexander & Archibald & a daughter Agnes, the wife of Henry Kelso. On Jany 1, 1749-50, Alexander Finley bought 78 A on opposite side of the State Road from his father's.

Alexander Finley died on this farm in 1776 leaving to survive him a widow Mary an only

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son James who died on the same farm in 1836 and daughters, Jane, Mary, Martha & Sarah. Make slips to trace them & James & their Aunt Agnes Kelso see Walter S. Eby of Doylestown, Pa. Archibald Finley became the landlord of the old hotel in the present borough of Chalfont in 1762 & ran the hotel 3 yrs & got the license again in 1766 & after that, they have no further record of him & think he removed with others of the family to Loudon Co VA about that time.

Henry Finley, the second son married Elizabeth, daughter of William Walker, who owned much land in Warrington Tp & he joined in sale of same about 1760 when he lived in Hilltown Tp, the present site of Dublin. He soon after removed to London Co Va & from there to Kentucky in 1788 as recited in the "American Ararat" which try to get. Make slips. Little is known of his family except that one of his daughters married Lieut John Wallace who removed with the family to KY. Look up Lieut John Wallace's descendants & also where Henry Finley's estate was settled & get list of his children. Refer to my visit to Dr Finley in June 1925.

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They fully believe that John Finley the eldest son of Archibald was the wilderness Pilot who took Daniel Boone, a native of Bucks Co, Pa into Ky. They had both served in the Braddock Campaign in 1755 where they were companions. See Chas A. Hanna's Scotch-Irish Vol 2 p 38.

For reference to John Finley's marriage to Elizabeth Harris in 1744 see record of Paxtang marriages in Dr W.H. Egle's Notes & Queries.

John Finley, late of the Province of SC by deed dated Sept 20, 1772 recorded in Cumb Co, Pa releases to his daughters, lands in Newberry & Paxtang inherited from his late wife Elizabeth Finley, daughter of the late John Harris of Paxtang. John Finley was licensed as an Indian trader by Penna in 1748. Hales Trans-Allegheny Pioneers says: John Finley, the old time frontiersman being old & poor & wounded asks Washington Co, Va for aid. Howes Va gives the court record of this appeals as follows: He made it appear to the satisfaction of the court that he is disabled from a wound in the thigh in a battle with the Cherokees on July 30, 1776 at the Great Island in the Holston River in East Tenn. The court recommends his plea to the Commissioners.

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Rev James Bradley Finley in his autobiography says his paternal grandfather, a Scotch Irishman came to America to seek his fortune & settled in Bucks Co, Pa where he married Mary Patterson & where his father Rev Robert W. Finley was born. He attended Princeton College, was licensed to preach & went to NC & for three consecutive years preached in NC, SC & Ga. At the end of this period, he married Miss Rebecca Bradley whose father James Bradley had sold his land on the banks of the Delaware & moved to NC. He was married in 1780 & I was born July 1, 1781. Having heard of the rich lands across the mountains in KY, he in the Spring of 1781 & being personally acquainted with Daniel Boone & taking with him two of his brothers (why didn't he name them & his grandfather) after the close of the Revolutionary War in which four of his mother's brothers met their death & went in the Spring of 1784 on a trip of exploration to KY. He rtd in summer of 1784 having made his plans to move to KY, but his wife's parents were not willing to go there or have her leave them so he moved to Va settling between the north & south branches of the Potomac

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where he preached to two congregations for two years.

He then crossed the mountains to Georges Creek near the present town of New Geneva in the Redstone Country (About this period a dispute over the psalmody inclined him toward Methodism). He preached some near Uniontown at Laurel Hill Meeting House & in the fall of 1788 & he & others cut loose from their moorings at the mouth of Georges Creek & taking boats, floated down the Ohio & his grandmother died the day before they reached Limestone, Mayorville, Ky & was buried on the banks of the Ohio.

Rev R.W. Finley located at Washington, Mason Co, Ky where he remained until the next Spring, 1789 & here I first met Simon Kenton. In the Spring of 1789, he bought land at Stockton's present site of Flemingsburg, Ky & sold out in 1790 & moved to Bourbon Co, KY where he had two congregations: Little Mountain & Concord.

In 1796, he moved to Chillicothe, O being the first minister in that section & where the first Legislature of Ohio met on the banks of the Scioto River.

Rev John Patterson Finley also son of Rev Robt W. Finley was born in NC in 1810 died in Ohio in 1825. See my Mch 1924 records.

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Rev J.B. Finley's trip down the river corresponds almost identically with report given by Rev J.W. Wallace of Independence, MO, son of Lieut John Wallace who came from Loudon Co Va with many others including Henry Finley who the writer believes was the father of Rev Robert W. Finley, notwithstanding the discrepancy given in the account of his paternal grandmother with the record herein given of the wife of Henry Finley's wife [sic]. He believes he have [sic] gotten the generations mixed.

If Rev Robt W. was the son of Henry Finley, his mother's brother was Robert Walker & her sister married Robert Weir. Rev James Finley 1725-1795 was educated at Faggs Manor Chester Co, Pa & was pastor of the Rock Church, East Nottingham Tp Chester Co, Pa

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A letter dated Apr 7, 1930 in answer to mine of Mch 22, 1930 from Mrs Sidney J. Patterson of No 505 1835 St NW Washington D.C. referred to the Finleys of Bucks occasioning the records just preceding. I think her former letter referred to an old relative. Speaking of Uncle Arch Finley, she says she is the daughter of Emily Ellen White (who married J.A. Malin) daughter of Elender Hough (see book 11 page 495. She says her stepmother's first husband was a son of her Uncle Sam Hough (her mother's Uncle) & she may be able to dig up something when she goes back home in June. She says she works in an office during the day & keeps an apartment in the evening & her time is fully occupied.

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Oak Hill, Apr 18, 1930 3:22 PM

The Morning Herald of Apr 15, 1930 announced the death of James A. McWilliams aged 77 years, a life long resident of McClellandtown, Pa at the home of a daughter there, Mrs Harry Clifford on Monday Apr 14, 1930 about 10:30 PM after an illness of 3 mos. He is survived by his widow, Mrs Anna Langley McWilliams & one daughter, Mrs Clifford. His son Harold McWilliams preceded him, having given his life to his country in the World War. Make slip to get record.

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A letter dated Apr 7, 1930 from Mrs E.E. Crommett Box 996 Eldorado, Kansas in answer to mine to her mother, Mrs M.A. Kilgore, says her mother thinks Stephen Kilgore came from Virginia, but she does not know from what town or county. She remembers a brother Hiram Kilgore. Make a Va slip. She says they have several Kilgores in Eldorado Kan & I have written her for their names & addresses. She signs her name Mrs Floy Crommett & gives the record below. My letter to her mother was dated Feby 14, 1930 & she is her oldest daughter.

See pages 37-8 this book & also book 21 page 589.

She says her Uncle Michael M. Kilgore married Georgianna Burghman & he died in Omaha, Neb about 1899 leaving children, Loyd [sic], Rayburn & Linnie. Make Omaha slip. They have not heard from the children since his death. She says Rosanna Owens was born Aug 6, 1808. I have it 1803 in book 21 p 588. Her mother does not remember anything about her husband's grandparents, or their names ie the Kilgores. She says her mother, now at 4401 So Banneck, Denver Col gave her these records. Also says that Warren Kilgore is a druggist in Des Moines, Iowa.

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[descendant chart]

Millard Fillmore Kilgore born Sept 3, 1851 died Oct 6, 1912, married June 6, 1883 Mattie A. Clark born Mch 8, 1854 in Wabash Co, Ind daughter of Thomas Wilson Clark. She is still living.


Floy Kilgore b Mch 31, 1884 at Randall, Jewell Co, Kansas, married Sept 5, 1905 at Sterling, Kansas to Everett Elmore Crommett, born July 26, 1883 at Sterling Kan, son of Robert Thomas Crommett & wife Emma Clark. She is my informant for this record. They have 7 children the first five born at Sterling, Kan, the sixth at Dodge City, Kan & the 7th at Eldorado, Kan

Zelda Emma Crommett b Apr 8, 1907 married Nov 5, 1927 to Virgil Biregno b Nov 28, 1907 at Eldorado, Kansas

Retta Estyl Crommett b Jany 26, 1909 married Nov 18, 1929 to Will Sherman

Robert Filmore Crommett b Aug 4, 1910

Harold Everett Crommett b Sept 23, 1912

Sadie Elvira Crommett b Dec 1, 1914

Thelma Floy Crommett b Apr 5, 1916

Ralph LeRoy Crommett b Nov 11, 1922

Jennie Kilgore b Nov 28, 1885 at Downs, Kans. She is feeble minded.

Catherine Hanley Kilgore b Mch 17, 1887 at LaCrosse, Rush Co, Kan married Nov 3, 1907 at Sterling, Ks Mervale E.A. Totten b Apr 23, 1884 at Huntsville, Reno Co, Kan, son of Trustman B. Totten & wife Anna H. Mervale. They have 3 children.

Howard Arthur Totten b Mch 14, 1909 at Plevna, Reno Co, Kan

Hattie Isa Totten b Sept 14, 1910 at Inman, Ks

Millard Totten b Apr 24, 1915 at Hutchinson, Ks

Maud Estella Kilgore b May 19, 1889 at LaCrosse, Rush Co, Kan married May 13, 1914 Howard V. Welch b Jany 12, 1885 at Lawrence, Kan son of David Hillis Welch & wife Mollie Elizabeth ______. They have two children.

Laurence Welch b Feby 28, 1915 at Macksville, Ks

Wayne Welch b Nov 3, 1921 at Denver, Col

Millard Fillmore Kilgore Jr b Oct 29, 1891 at Pawnee Rock, Pawnee Co, Kansas. He left home June 1913, whereabouts unknown.

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Oak Hill, Apr 20, 1930 12:40 PM Easter

A letter or card, rather, dated Apr 23, 1928 from Nettie Allen, Basking Ridge, NJ to Mrs Mary D. Brown, Lincoln, Ills says in examining the Sessional Records of Basking Ridge, NJ Pres Church, she finds that James Finley & his wife Sophia joined the church by certificate in May 1803. She says: "This is not Dr Robert Finley's brother's wife is it? If not, I think it must be his mother's name, but there is no marker for her if she is buried at Basking Ridge".

Mrs Brown adds that her ggfather, Dr Robt Finley went to Basking Ridge in 1794, was pastor of above church from Apr 1795 to 1817.

She says there is a Charles Finley a lawyer in Phila, Pa who is of same line as Matilda Finley McKee. Finley's wife was Angus or Angres see book 22 p 260 & 262.

In a letter dated May 4, 1928 she says that Chas B. Finley, the lawyer of Phila is in the Commonwealth Bldg & is of the Elkton Md family. I saw him at his office in July 1926 see my book 16.

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A letter dated may 1, 1928 from Mrs Etta C. Grove Jamison (Mrs J.F.) 2247 West Tenth Place, Gary, Ind writes for data so her data [sic] can join the D.A.R. Am writing her today for her line.

A letter dated Jany 30, 1929 from Maude Moss Kiedaisch (Mrs J. Albert Kiedaisch) 423 Franklin St, Keokuk, Iowa asks for information to join the D.A.R. She is descended from Joseph Moss born 1749 & died 1841 who married Ann Thompson, daughter of Jacob Thompson & his wife Ann Downard & had five daughters & two sons. Mrs K. descends through their son Jacob Moss & his son Ebenezer Finley Moss & his son Charles H. Moss who was her father. Am writing for record of her line. There is conflict the Registrar General Wash D.C. with the papers on which they admitted Miss Ann McBurney of Cambridge, O. Write her for her line also now. She speaks of Miss Jane Moss of Grand Ridge, Ills as her aunt.

Mch 28, 1931 see b 24 p 465-73

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A letter dated June 24, 1929 from Major Gordon L. Finley, Major U.S. Army, Army Base, Boston, Mass says he was referred to me by Mrs Carrie Breese Chandler (Mrs L.L. Chandler) of Cottonwood Falls, Kansas (Make slip to go see her as she don't send in her record). He says he is son of John L. Finley, decd & his wife Rebecca Trickle of Dodge City Kansas & he was son of John Finley & wife Rebecca Gaffney of Stark Co, Ills & he was son of Robert Finley supposed to be a native of Maryland who married Miss Mary Craig also of Maryland & both died residents of Ashland Co, Ohio. See book 22 page 525 et seq.

A letter dated may 25, 1928 from Kenneth H. Thomson of Cregagh Farm, Maple Place Minn, route 2? announces the death of his father from heart failure May 19, 1928 aged 75 years. He knew Abraham Lincoln & was on the speakers platform with his father at Aledo, Ills when Lincoln debated there with Douglas. He left to his children the heritage of an untarnished name & a memory that is fragrant [sic]

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Oak Hill, Apr 23, 1930 7:33 AM

A letter dated Apr 17, 1930 in answer to mine from Bontwell Dunlap of Hotel Graystone 66 Geary St, San Francisco, Calif says they have found that his friend Judge Jacks great grandfather, Richard Jacks born 1772 was a resident of Madison Co, Ky (make slip) before moving to Mo in 1817, there was living nearby at the same time & in the same County was a William Jacks who he thinks may have been a brother. This William Jacks married Nancy White in 1810. Richard Jacks married Sophia Barnes in 1797 in the same county.

A letter dated Apr 7, 1930 from Mrs Sidney J. Patterson of No 505 1835 K st NW Washington D.C. says her stepmother's first husband was a son of her Uncle Sam Hough whose wife was the eccentric Amanda Helm. She is going back home in June & may dig up something from her. She says Robert (white) is the only child of Wm & Elender now living at Macon, Mo. A daughter by his 2d wife Melissa who married Joseph Watts is living in Idaho.

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In the Apr 1930 "Minute Man" of S.A.R. page 501-2 No 488-3 "Eakman - Jack" W.B.R. asks for information about Joseph Eakman who died intestate in Kiskiminta [best guess] Tp Westmoreland Co Pa in 1854 or 1855 possibly 1834 or 1835. His wife was Deborah & he had 7 sons & 3 daughters. One son, Richard married Martha Jack daughter of John of James of William Jack & lived in Allegheny Tp, Armstrong Co, Pa. He asks for Rev Service of William Jack or his son James whose wife was Mattie Morrison W.B.R. is William Blose Reed 6700 Conn Av Chevy Chase, Md. Am writing him today.

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In same magazine page 502 No 491 G.P.M. asks about James Finley who married Catharine Gantz in Baltimore Md in 1798 by Rev Mr Kurtz, a Lutheran minister G.P.M. is: George P. McCeney 417 Prince George St, Laurel, Md.

Oak Hill Apr 24, 1930 8:22 Am

The D.A.R. Magazine for Apr 1928 page 247 gives abstract of will of Moses Shelby of Mecklenburg Co NC dated Sept 2, 1775 probated, recorded Will book F office of clerk of Superior court, Mecklenberg Co. Mentions wife & sons: William, John not yet 21, Evan, Thomas & Moses & daughters: Catharine Shelby, Margaret Shelby, Rachel Shelby, Isabella Shelby Eleanor Caruthers & Mary Wylie. Exr is wife, Oliver Wylie & sons Evan & Thomas

Make slip for both NC & Tenn.

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A letter dated Apr 14, 1930 on bottom of mine of Apr 1, from Miss Zoe Lenore Gray of Warren Ills says she has just returned from Florida & finds no record in their family bible but says she is a cousin of James H. Kilgore of Altoona, Pa who gave me her name & address. She is very anxious to join the D.A.R. so I wrote her again. Make slip to see her. See page 101.

A letter dated Apr 10, 1930 in answer to mine from Mrs Isabella Churchill 2170 Fourth St, San Diego, Calif in a ten page letter gives some of her immediate line from which I am starting a genealogical table following. See also page 98 of this book. See also book 9 page 121 for table made in Calif when I was there in Dec 1922.

In looking in Knapps History of Ashland Co, O page 399 where Alexander Finley was elected J.P. in Mohican Tp in 1820 & that Francis Carrothers was elected J.P. in same Tp in 1825 & re-elected in 1828 & 1831. Make slip.

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Mrs C. says her gggfather, Philip Van Arsdale was born 1734 & died 1776 married Margaret Stryker who was born 1741 & died 1819. A daughter Ida born Apr 28, 1762 married Joseph Gaston born May 2, 1763 died Oct 19, 1796, lived Somerset NJ. Philip & Margaret had a son Simon born June 6, 1770 & died Dec 30, 1852 who on Dec 2, 1794 married Ann Quigley a daughter of James Quigley an officer in the Revolutionary War from Md & his wife, Mary _____. Simon & Ann had 7 children: John, William, Nancy? Simon M., Ann, Priscilla, Aunt Polly & Nathan.

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[descendant chart]

Alexander Finley see bk 9 page 121 where he seemingly appears as on a level with the children of Robert on preceding page whereas he was a brother of Robert born say 1770 died in Mohican Tp, Ashland Co O Dec 1825 aged 55, he having settled there Apr 7, 1809, being the first settler in Ashland Co, O see H.S. Knapp's History of Ashland Co, O page 409 at which time he had 4 children, being the first four given below & the last four were given me Dec 29, 1922 at Long Beach, Calif see b 9 p 118 by Miss Jane Leonora Fox who has the John Finley bible presented to her by her great Aunt Priscilla Jane Lane, oldest daughter of John Finley. Alexander Finley was J.P. in Mohican Tp, Ashland Co, O elected in 1820 see above Ashland Co, p 399. Mrs Churchill says he married a Miss Williams of Pa. I think he is a son of Archibald Finley of Bucks Co, Pa who was son of Archibald the brother of our Michael as reinforced by what Mrs Churchill's father said, see below.


James Finley, ob

Benjamin Finley, ob

John Finley, ob

Hannah Finley, ob, married

Harriet Finley, ob married, had 3 or 4 children

Elizabeth Finley, ob

Rhoda Finley, ob

Sarah Finley, ob, married abt 1831 to Nathan Van Osdell (Van Arsdale) son of Simon (of Philip) Van Arsdale & his wife Ann Quigley. Had 7 or 8 children born in Wayne & Ashland Cos, O. Nathan was the 5th son & was born in Ashland Co, O Nov 30, 1807 & died Feby 15, 1883 in Ashland, O. Mrs C. never saw a family bible of theirs & thinks if they had one it was lost or destroyed.

Jesse Van Osdall ob, served in Civil War

John Van Osdall b Mch 13, 1834 ob Dec 31, 1891 served in Civil War, married 1860 Eliza Jane Gierhart, youngest daughter of James H. Gierhart & his wife Susan Stough, sister of Uncle Jonas Stough. Eliza Jane was born May 22, 1842 & died Aug 13, 1915. He left Ohio in 1864. Mrs C. says her father used often to speak of "old Uncle Arch Finley" who would like be an Uncle of his mother & a brother of Alexander above & a son of Archibald Jr see page 128 this book & Finleys of Bucks Co, Pa Carried to next page. Had three children die young.

Elizabeth Van Osdall ob married Wm Orcutt

Amelia Van Osdall ob married Hinckley

Sarah Van Osdall, ob married Fred Shepherd

Clark Van Osdall, ob married Belle Willis

Simon Van Osdall, ob married Miss Closson

Nathan Van Osdall Jr, ob unmarried.

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[descendant chart]

John Van Osdall see the two pages preceding [which state:] b Mch 13, 1834 ob Dec 31, 1891 served in Civil War, married 1860 Eliza Jane Gierhart, youngest daughter of James H. Gierhart & his wife Susan Stough, sister of Uncle Jonas Stough. Eliza Jane was born May 22, 1842 & died Aug 13, 1915. He left Ohio in 1864. Mrs C. says her father used often to speak of "old Uncle Arch Finley" who would like be an Uncle of his mother & a brother of Alexander above & a son of Archibald Jr see page 128 this book & Finleys of Bucks Co, Pa Carried to next page. Had three children die young.


Solutha Isabella Van Osdall b Nov 20, 1863, my informant for this record, married June 6, 1882 Henry Elmer Churchill of Benton Co, Iowa of New England stock. Have 3 children. She lives at 2170 Fourth St, San Diego, Calif at the Manse the old home of cousin Oliver J. Stough.

Flossie Emelie Churchill b May 26, 1883 married Jany 11? 1911 to Arthur Josiah Casebeer & have 3 children

Arthur Josiah Casebeer Jr b Oct 16, 1911

William Van Osdall Casebeer b May 25, 1914

Annabelle Casebeer b Jany 1, 1917

Harry Van Osdall Churchill b May 10, 1886 married June 30, 1910 to may Auld, 2 sons:

Murray Van Osdall Churchill

John Raynor Churchill

Isabel Lovejoy Churchill b Feby 4, 1889 married July 8, 1913 to Calvin DeVoe Lester. Have one son.

Oliver DeVoe Lester b Nov 8, 1917

Stanley Van Osdall, married, no issue

Grace Beatrice Van Osdall b Mch 5, 1876 married 1, John Waddington, married 2 Frank A. Gerritt

Inez Eliza [doesn't give surname] married Charles Drake McCommons. Have three children.

Janet McCommons

Charles McCommons

John McCommons

V23 Page 150

D.A.R. Magazine for June 1928 has on pages 349-354 an interesting article on James Agnew, his forbears & descendants.

An on page 388 is noted Will of Adam Shoemaker of Daviess Co, Ky dated Mch 13, 1827 recorded book A-B which is witnessed by Martha R. Shelton, John Fitts, Rachel Stephens, Anthony Thompson, Anthony Finley Thompson & R. Moseley?

D.A.R. Mag for July 1928 pages 456-7 is noted records of wills of Pattersons in Franklin Co, VA which I believe are the Finley descts mentioned by Anjou in his Finley Hist viz:

Samuel Patterson dated Jany 6, 1799 probated Oct 7, 1799 recorded will book 1 p 184 & Andrew Patterson dated Nov 2, 1844. Probated Aug 7, 1848 recorded will book 6 p 375. Many heirs mentioned in each. Make


V23 Page 151

Oak Hill, Apr 25, 1930 3:42 PM

Yesterday's West Newton Times-Sun announces the death on Saturday Apr 19, 1930 of Mrs Anna Mary Keck Finley aged 70 yrs, wife of John Finley of Collinsburg, Pa. (make slip to see him). She was born in West Newton, Pa daughter of late Michael & Barbara Keck & is survived by her husband & one son John Kelly & four grandchildren. Burial in West Newton Cemetery.

Same paper announces the death in McKeesport Hospital on Apr 18, 1930 of Thomas Robertson of Rostraver Tp in his 75th year having been struck by a truck in front of his residence Mch 31, last fracturing his leg & skull. Buried in West Newton Cemetery. He is survived by three brothers & three sisters, Alexander & Calvin Knox at home & Attomy [sic] O.P. of Crafton and the Misses Jennie Belle & Elizabeth at home

He was a son of Andrew Robertson & his wife Rebecca Irwin whose record I got a few years ago. Two years ago, his brother William died under similar circumstances.

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Oak Hill Apr 26, 1930 9:15 AM

This morning about 9:30 AM, I went in the Wm Penn to see a city directory to hunt up the location of Mrs Emma E. Russell whose address had been given me in San Francisco, Calif Jany 5, 1923 by her brother Franklin K. Carothers & which I ran across the other day when hunting something else.

The directory gave:

Emma E. Russell, widow of Edward P. Russell, teacher, Jno Morrow School 1202 Linden Place. We called up information & got the number & was told that Mrs Russell had left there last Sept to Porterfield St which had been changed to Poplar St. I then called Fairfax 7537 listed under name of Edward P. Russell No 1219 Porterfield St & Mrs Russell answered & said her brother was mistaken that she did not have any Carothers side records, that it was the bible & record of her mother she had. She said she was the daughter of George Duffy Carothers, a Penna RR Co conductor born at East Liverpool, Columbiana Co, Ohio 1845 & died I think in 1891. She said his mother died when he was a child

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& he was taken & raised by her relatives, the McClanes & was practically abandoned by his father & hence had no kindly feeling for the Carothers nor had she. He had a McClane cousin whose daughter is Librarian or in the library at East Liverpool, O who might be able to help me. Make slip. She said her father had a full sister, Rose who used to visit them when she was a child, but she does not know whether she ever married or not.

Her grandfather Carothers whose name she didn't know, married again & had children by the second wife named Carothers who are still living at East Liverpool, O or at Baden. I don't find such a place in Ohio. I wonder if it is in Pa or WVA. Make slip & look up & see if they would not have their father's bible record.

She was loathe to make an appointment to see me saying none of them were President when I said: "they were that Gen Grant was a Caruthers descendant" & she then said that was all right & made an appointment to come to see next Saturday, May 3, at 10 Am as she teaches through the week.

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Oak Hill, May 1, 1930 12:20 PM

In Anjou's Caruthers History in volume treating of Agnes Caruthers born in Paisley Scotland, Dec 2, 1699 daughter of Robert Caruthers & sister of my gggf John, married James Beatty & her third child Agnes Beatty born Dec 19, 1718 married John Barkley (Barclay) of Newtown in Limavady & after many moved, came to Fayette Co, Pa where he died in 1785. See pages 1 & 2 Anjou's History. Have many pages of her & his descendants who went to KY. Make slip & see if he had a will.

In another Agnes Beatty volume page 74 & 75 et seq is noted Hugh Murray, another descendant 14th & youngest child of Patrick Murray was born Mch 4, 1816 in Ashland Co, O & died June 12, 1850 in Orange Tp Ashland Co, O. Resided near Nankin P.O. Ashland Co, O & had issue.

On page 109 Agnes Beatty another descendant married a Robert Finlay in 1772 & left many descendants.

V23 Page 155

In going over my conferences in Cumb Valley in July about 24th with Mrs Josephine Ralston & with Mary Mellinger, my age, on Aug 5, 1926 at Middle Springs Pa, I note that they reported Martin, whose graveyard I visited as a cousin of Josiah (see if he was son of Andrew). He married Ellen Duffy, sister of John Duffy & her brother Thomas Duffy married Martha Elizabeth Carothers, daughter of "Red" Billy of Armstrong & they were parents of Mrs Ralston.

Mrs Mary Mellinger born 1854 is daughter of George Carothers who married Hannah Duffy daughter of John. Geo Carothers was son of John Rodgers Carothers, the son of Rodgers Carothers. Mrs Mellinger said her mother told her that her father-in-law, John R. Carothers was a second cousin of Martin Carothers who married her Aunt Ellen Duffy. She also said they told her that old Rodgers had a son Benjamin. The father of Rev Samuel Crothers was Benjamin, but I believe his father was William. See book 17 p 152-8 at Mrs Ralstons, See book 17 p 160 at Mrs Bishop's. See book 17 197 or 297 at Mrs Mellinger.

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Oak Hill May 2, 1930 6:42 PM

I left this morning in our car with Pallini driving at 8:45 AM for Washington Pa to attend a political meeting at the Geo Washington Hotel which cousin Chas Edwd Carothers Co chairman at which Gen Edwd Martin, Genl E.S. Shannon, C.E. Carothers & Francis Shunk Brown & others spoke all with telling effect & we got home 6:30 PM. The meeting was a great success. We went to his residence at 9 AM & got Wm Cook McKean & he accompanied us. His talk was very edifying, interesting & instructive. He pointed to some trees he had set out & told me that his father taught him how. He dug a big wide hole about 2 to 3 ft square & 18 inches deep. He put in 2 inches of good rich soil. He then put in the tree & spread the roots out to their full extant & then put 2 or 3 inches more of good rich soil. He then put bone dust over that. He said his father always had the women always save the soap suds when they washed & he would spray the fruit trees with them. He said he recently sprayed a young Chestnut tree with soap suds & warded off the blight whereas his neighbor, Wendell Stone just

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across the fence who did not spray, lost his from blight. He said his father, [does he mean grandfather? see next sentence] John McKean was born in 1786 & died in 1868. His father, Thos A. McKean who saw mother fall at the front field gate when she had the sunstroke & rode rapidly to town for father & a doctor was born in 1829 & died Oct 10, 1890, having fallen backward going in the house from the pump & broke the femur of his leg which led to his death.

He said when he came to cast his first vote (I having said as we turned off at Searights that I had cast my first vote there in Feby 1875) his father asked him who he was going to vote for & he said: "the Democratic ticket". His father said that was good partisanship, but why? You should be able to give a reason if there is an unfit candidate on the ticket & a very good opposing man on the other ticket you should vote for the other ticket. That is good citizenship. Then if your friend is on the opposing ticket you should vote for you friend. My friend Genl S.M. Baily is a candidate on the Republican ticket & I would like you to vote for him & he did.

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He spoke of being a pall bearer at funeral of James A. McWilliams, natural son of Jesse Evans McWilliams by Miss Mary Jane Hostetler. He said a barber in town said to him a few days ago that G.S. Harah would not be much missed that he had been shaved there for years & had never paid one cent of a tip there or in any shop in town. W.C. said that from the time he "was 24 yrs old, he bossed & ruled the home". He, G.S. went to Atlantic City reporting he would be gone two weeks. Accordingly, his mother employed John Gadd Stevens to do some painting & papering. G.S. returned in one week & stopped the work instanter [sic]. W.C. got this from a man to whom Jno G. Stevens had told it. His nephew, one of the Frost boys, wanted to bury him in a copper casket but his brother John S. Jr would not permit it saying it would cost too much. He said he would not fix the porch at his home until it fell down recently. He also said he has never built the much advertised nurses home for the hospital.

I met Edward W. Hague over at the Presidents suite 10th floor Geo W. Hotel

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& he said Ed D. Brown told him this morning that so far they have not found any will of G.S. Harah. Edward W. said he was named for Judge Edward Campbell & Rev White of Masontown, Pa & is the son of Jefferson Hague, son of Reuben of Isaac. He says he bought the Mary R. Post home on Maple Street for $6481 & values it now at $11,500. He says Jay Hague, 65 yrs old, now living in Oklahoma, son of Jeffries Hague married the widow of Will ("Wid") his brother who had 2 children & she has two more by him. He says his home, the Post property has 18 inch outside walls & 14 inch inside walls. I met Francis Shunk Brown, Gen Shannon, Gen Martin, Judge Drew, Cousin C. Carothers, Judge Cummins & his brother Judge James I. Brownson D.S.S. Baker, Judges Reppert & Monon, John R. Byrne, J.V. Clark & many others at Wash, Pa.

Stopped and got cks endorsed at Mary K. Catlin's nee Marshall, now Cullins on Front St, Brownsville & Mrs Alice Conwell at the big store house in Merrittstown & at N.W. Coffman,

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son of Paritt W. Coffman was most kind & helpful in locating Daniel B. Craft.

W.C. once got wind of Morgan A. Bowman being framed by a married woman he was too intimate with & went right down to the bank as his friend, not as an Atty & told Morg. Morg in great alarm told him to go & fix it up & he would pay anything that was necessary rather than have it become public. He said you can't pay me one cent. I am telling you what is brewing & you can handle it any way you please. It was hushed up. He spoke of Geo B. Kaine sending for him to come to Markleton to write his will & of George B. who at W.C.'s suggested [sic] made citizens T & I.C. Exr but W.C. had him put in the will that the Beaver Co farm should not be sold without Pattis consent in writing (to which Geo B. said she knew nothing about business, but W.C. said he wd help her). Sam S. Patterson went to see it, get a $30,000 offer & came back & said they were going to sell it. W.C. posted Pattis, they got $100,000 for it.

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Ed W. Hague said that G.S. Harah & his brother John S. had two farms of about 400 A each & John was out on them in Iowa when notified of "Shells" serious & final illness. I saw Will Crow at the meeting & he said he was 6 ft 1 1/2 inches tall & his father U.S. Senator Wm E. Crow decd was 6 ft 1 inch.

V23 Page 162 [blank]

V23 Page 163 [blank]

V23 Page 164

At home of Mrs Emma E. Russell No 1219 Porterfield St Allegheny [faded word] Pittsburgh, May 3d, 1930.

Mrs Russell says her father, Geo Duffy Carothers was born Oct 2[unreadable] 1845 [unreadable word] Baden, Pa & was killed at Wellsville, O shops of the PRR in a collision on a train which he was pulolmy [sic or fulolmy, writing is very shaky suddenly] on Oct 17, 1892 (1893) World Fa trcen [sic or treen or heen] his mother died when he was an infant & [he] was raised by an Aunt where he was not given the education which he so much wished & was blamed for the mischief done by others which resulted in his joining the Union Army in 1861 when a boy & served 4 yrs & was honorably discharged after the close of the war & was in the review at Washington D.C. He belonged to

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battery H Penna Independent Light Artillery. He was sergeant. When he returned from the war, he didn't go back to the family that raised him, came here to the home of his older brother Joe. He also had an older brother John & a sister Rose & another sister, both of whom were married & Mrs Russell will try to get me their names & where they lived. The aunt who raised him was a Mrs Patterson whose husband was the living [in] the home being a farm back of East Liverpool, O. Mrs McLane, a cousin of Geo D. lived at East Liverpool, O & her daughter Miss McLane is in the library there & can give information. Mrs Russell says she feels sure that the mother of her father's father was a Duffy. See if Geo D's father was

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not a son of Martin Carothers whose married Ellen Duffy & whose old home & g.y. I visited July 17, 1926. See book 17. Geo D's father married a second [time] in Baden, Pa? & some of his sons by 2d wife are now living there. Make slip to look them up.

Mrs R's aunt Rose married a Carroll, her husband was a Carroll. John is a Catholic, Mrs R is a Pres which was the faith in which she was raised. Her Uncle Joe had a big family, a number of whom died young. Living here are Charles in Allegheny, Robert, Benjamin living on north side. She thinks the youngest one. She says Benjamin can tell more about the family of his Uncle John, one of whose sons was a Robert.

V23 Page 167

George D. Carothers was married at Wellsville, O Apr 14, 1870 to Esther E. Keck born in Mercer Co, Pa Oct 5, 1848 daughter of Abraham Keck & his wife Catharine Carrier. It was Abraham Keck who was one of twelve children that Franklin D. Carothers spoke of Jany 4 or 5, 1923 in San Francisco, Calif. Geo D. Carothers who was a passenger conductor on PRR running largely out of Cleveland, O where he lived & where his seven children were all born & all are now living but the oldest son George A.

1. Emma Elizabeth b Feby 1, 1871

2. George A. born Apr 28, 1873

3. Daniel born Feby 18, 1875

4. Clara born Jany 6, 1877

5. Eva Leona born Jany 28, 1880

6. Frank Keck born July 28, 1883?

7. Jane born may 11, 1886

1. Emma E. was married June 23, 1897 at Ravenna, O where she was teaching & living at the time,

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by the Meth minister there Rev Dr [not listed] to Edward Pollard Russell born Feby 6, 1868 at Canton, O son of Charles Edward Russell & wife Helen Johnson & died Jany 15, 1920 & is buried at Ravenna, O. He was an architect of the firm of Rutan & Russell. The Hotel Schenley was one of his buildings. No issue. The Russells were from Nantucket Island & Mrs R's great grandfather was a whaler & Mrs R. has a remarkably well preserved warming pan & a chauffer [sic] ie a box abt 1 foot cube which they took to the unheated churches of the period filled with charcoal to keep warm. Mrs Russell is teaching in the Pittsburgh Public Schools. Her mother died Oct 11, 1913 in Chanute, Kansas while there on a visit & is buried beside her husband in the cemetery at Ravenna, O.

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2. Geo A. Carothers was married Dec 25, 1894 in Cleveland, O to Miss Clara Moore of New Cumberland, WVA. She died of smallpox in Cleveland, O the year of the smallpox epidemic there & is buried there but probably no marker. Geo A. died July 31, 1926 after his wife & is buried in Toledo, O. Geo A. was yardmaster at Toledo of a trunk line road. He had one child by 1st wife:

1. Hazel Carothers born in Cleveland O Sept 29, 1896 who married Sumner Carlon [sic] of Beaver, Pa where they now live & have one child.

1. Sumner Carlon Jr aged 4

Geo A. married 2d a French Catholic widow who survived him but by whom fortunately he had no issue.

3. Daniel married Edna Poole from Findlay, O where her father was in oil business

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They were married in Findlay O. He travels for an undertaking firm of Galion, O & both are living in the Carothers homestead at 83 West Main St, Ravenna O & have had two children both born at Ravenna, O

I. Daniel 1st died in infancy

II. Daniel 2d born about 1912 or 1913 as he is now in Oberlin College, O a freshman.

4. Clara married Apr 20, 1903 in Ravenna, O to William Manning Fowler of Kokomo, Ind who was abt 22 yrs older than she. He died in Kokomo, Ind abt 1923 & is buried there & has a marker. He was a hotel manager. She now lives at 426 Ohio Ave Warwood, WVA near Wheeling WVA. She had one child

I. William Manning Fowler Jr born at Ravenna, O aged abt 23 or 24. He is miner [best guess]

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5. Eva Leonora was married at Ravenna, O to Guy A. Philbrick of a New England [family?] & both now at Cuyahoga Falls, O where he has a position with the city. Have but one child born in Cuyahoga Falls, O.

I. Josephine Philbrick who married Anthony Koval of a Bohemian family. He has just graduated from a school & passed the Ohio State Board.

6. Frank K. was married in San Francisco, Calif to a Calif girl from Chico, Calif & both are living at 1695 Filbert St San Francisco, Calif where he is a public account. No issue.

7. Jane called Jennie married May 20, 1903 at Ravenna, O to John C. Mather of Alliance O where he is a foreman in a steel mill. Both living at Alliance, O at 536 East College Ave

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Have 3 children all born near Alliance, O

I. Edna Mather

II. John C. Mather Jr

III. Robert Mather

Mr Mather comes from the old Cotton Mather family.

Mrs Russell knows of an elderly lady living in Allegheny probably in her 80's & whose name may be Machesney who is some connection of the family & from whom she thinks she can get some information for me. Wm M. Fowler Jr was born Jany 26, 1904.

Clara Moore, wife of Geo A. C. died May 8, 1904

Leaving 12:45 PM

Home 8:30 PM

Mrs Russell treated me with royal kindness & courtesy & is a fine woman with

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intelligence & strong mind. She said her brother Frank was a mischievous boy & his father would not reprove him saying he had been the same kind of a boy & could not, recalling his own youth, punish him. She said her father was proud & would not talk of his Carothers relatives or let them visit them. The reason was that all of his brothers were hard drinkers & John & Joe particularly would very often get reeling drunk. Frank came to school to her & by reason of his pranks, others of the family deserted him, but she stuck to him & her influence & care were the big factors in making of him the man he is.

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Oak Hill, May 4, 1930 7:55 PM

In "Kentucky Records" by Mrs W.B. Ardery, I find the following:

Page 46 Harrison Co Ky wills:

Abraham Crossdale, will book A page 177 dated May 21, 1811, probated Nov 1812, James Finley, witness.

James Darrough's will, will book C page 225 dated July 20, 1833? probated 1834 witness Thomas Thompson

Will of Morgan Desha will book A page 372 witness Mr Kilgore

Pages 48-49

Will of George Finley will book A page 415 names wife Polly, daughters Jane & Polly, dated May 10, 1812 probated July 1812? executors George Parmer & wife Polly Finley. Witnesses Benj Oversake, George Parmer, Polly Barry.

Make slip for all

Page 92 Shelby Co Ky wills

Inventory Mch 1790? of Hardy Hill says that Sarah Hill married 5-31-1808? Thomas Carithers. Make slip.

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In ancestry of Gen Grant by E.C. Marshall 1869 see page 30 for Martha Huntington & note the encomiums on other Huntingtons (see if Caruthers desct) & see also page 168 showing she was born Dec 9, 1696 & on June 12, 1717 married the first Noah Grant. She daughter of John Huntington & wife Abigail Lathrop. Make slip for Huntington notice.

The Scotch Ancestry of William McKinley traces back to the Finleys & states that William McKinley of the reign of James VI was the eldest son of Findla Mor [sic] see further when can see better. All above books in bookcase in outer hall sixth section.

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Oak Hill, Monday May 5, 1930 9:05 PM

We started this morning in our car with Pallini driving at 8:44 AM & got back at 5:44 PM on a mission of getting some of the 2% Div Cks endorsed, having covered 93 miles on our trip. I first went to John M. Jenkins barber shop where he shaved me. I then got three income tax affidavits sworn to by Chas T. Cramer. I then went through Searights & Royal to Daniel B. Crafts, son of Clark beyond Brier Hill, about a $106.32 ck to his mother-in-law Elizabeth Cowell of whom he is Exr & he & his wife said she had another note of $900 of mine which I had not paid, so I gave him the ck. I paid my note of $3500 to her. We then drove through Grindstone to Brownsville & stopped at Monongahela NBK & learned I had a balance of $1206.70 to my acct as Exr of James West & that his stock in the bank has not yet been transferred. We then drove through West B'ville, Vestaburg, Fredericktown, Clyde, Millsboro, Dry Tavern, Carmichaels, Pierceville & via Minor settlement,

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Whiteley, Newton, to Forney Fox's & was admitted by his daughter Ethel Mae Fox born Feby 14, 1921 & met her mother Ethel J. Fox born July 2, 1888 who treated me with great kindness & endorsed the ck & also met her older daughter Eva Maxine. I had stopped beyond Whiteley at her home at Mrs Brown's & had her endorse ck to her father Amada Rice of whose will she is Exrx. We drove back from Mrs Fox to Newtown & through a light rain I walked up to her home & met Mrs McNeely, mother of Mrs John F. Hudson's mother who was born Feby 7, 1835, slender & vigorous, who said her granddaughter Sarah with her husband Cliff Lake had been to see her yesterday & had brought her a radio. I told her I had called to get acquainted so she would invite me to her 100th anniversary. The rain having made it slippery, we took the improved road over the Gordon Hill to Doysburgh, Jefferson, Dry Tavern, Carmichaels, Paisley, to Masontown where Earl D. Longanecker, standing on the public corner directed me what house

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Arthur H. Ross lived in & we continued on via Lardins, & Leckrone to the:

Residence of Arthur Hannaniah Ross on Eastern edge of Leckrone in German Tp May 5, 1930 3:30 PM

I was admitted by Irene who called her mother & I found that Arthur was at work in the field & Irene went after him & while she was gone, Mrs Ross gave me their family record for my history (see book 1 back end I believe). She said her husband was born Aug 28, 1857 & on Oct 10, 1882, they were married in Uniontown, Pa in the Old Clinton House where the New Court House stands by Rev N.P. Kerr, Meth. Minister. Her name being Anna Louisa Huhn, born in German Tp Apr 30, 1859 daughter of John Huhn & his wife Hannah Rider, half sister of John D. Rider. They have had three children, all living & all born in German Tp, Fayette Co, Pa viz:

1. Charles Blaine Ross born July 29, 1884 (or 1883?)

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& married to Carrie Angle, a Pittsburgh girl date & her record not known. Both living on the Brownfield Road a short distance from the Morgantown, Road adjg Sam E. Hogsett. He is a carpenter. No issue. Make slip to see him & get record completed. I think his birth should be 1883.

2. Irene, born Jany 4, 1885. At home, single & who when she came in, gave the Coffman dates.

3. Addie Florence Ross born Dec 11, 1886 married May 11, 1913? at Fairmont WVA to Jonah Andrew Coffman, son of William A. Coffman & his 2d wife Elizabeth Arison, daughter of Jonah Arison. Both living on the old Coffman farm which he owns & farms near Puritan. Make slip to get date of his birth. Have three children, all born in German Tp & all living.

1. Eugene b Nov 5, 1914

2. Howard Andrew b Aug 12, 1917

3. Arthur Ross b Oct 19, 1919

Irene then came back

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with her father & we had over a half hours friendly visit & he endorsed the ck as admr of his mother. Just as I was leaving, Eugene Coffman a handsome fine faced boy came in & I told him I would have him in my book.

Mrs Ross is well preserved & does not look to be 70.

Left about 5 PM

We then drove down to the Ross School house & turning to the left went through Puritan, McClellandtown, Balsinger, Revere & by my old home, Springdale & via Barton place to Oak Hill.

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Oak Hill May 6, 1930 11:11 PM

Rev C.D.A. Hoon & Milton M. Darby of Fairchance, Pa came about 3 hours ago & have just gone. Rev Hoon had an inscription from Mercer, Pa of Ruthie Thompson, wife or widow of Samuel Thompson born 1774 & died 1859. They had sons Alexander Thompson & Robert Beatty Thompson from one of whom, Mrs Hoon descends. Another descendant, William Thompson of Phila prepared a history of the Thompson family back to 1660 (that is date of my Hugh's birth) & his niece, Mrs Wiegands of Phila, Pa notifies Rev Hoon that he gave the history to his cousin, Mrs Emma McKelvy nee Thompson of Franklin, Pa who died aged abt 80, but her son, William McKelvy did not answer his letter, but writing next to his wife, she answered that they did not have any records that would interest him. Make slip to go see him & approach him adroitly.

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I showed him my Anjou Thompson History, where on page 94, Alexander Thompson had land 300 A on Beaver Dam Creek, Washington Tp, Westmoreland Co & 100 Am in Franklin Co, Pa. Alexander's widow Agnes married Nathaniel McBrier, Alexander evidently had but 4 children.

1. Samuel, eldest who we figure would be right age for Ruthie's husband. He was of age.

2. Sarah, of age, married James Jackson. Look for his will or deeds to him.

3. Elizabeth, a minor, Samuel Beatty, her guardian, possibly her mother's brother. Look up my Anjou vol in Madame DuBarry room closet for descendants of Agnes Caruthers who married James Beatty.

4. William, a minor of whom John Quin was guardian.

Samuel & William Thompson on Dec 25, 1796 sold the 100 A in Franklin Co, Pa to Nathaniel McBrier. Make slip to look up this deed & when & to whom the 300 A was sold & see if old marriage records give them.

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Mr Darby says he is descended from Albert S? Miller who married Frances Britt, daughter of Robert Britt & Asenath Greenlee, daughter of William Greenlee, his mother being a daughter of Albert & Francis & his wife is a daughter of Jefferson N. Smiley who now lives with them.

Albert Miller was son of Wm Miller & his wife Mary Davis who was daughter of James Davis & his wife Keziah Phillips, see if she descends from Theophilus Phillips who I think married a daughter of George Wilson who was killed in Revolutionary War in NJ in 1777. William Miller above was son of David Miller who married Catharine Ambrose, widow of Peter Ambrose & daughter of Baltus Getzendanner & her sister, Magdalena, married Joseph Leatherman & they were parents of my old friend Joel Getzendanner & that would make Gabriel Getzendanner, son of Baltus, as his daughter Mary Ann Getzendanner was first cousin of Joel G. Leatherman.

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Oak Hill, May 9, 1930 11 AM

Make slip to examine at Carlisle, Pa for will of John Stevenson & see if he names a daughter Eleaner Jack. See my book 1 page 200 where in 1761 he was Exr of Hugh Thompson who I think was brother of gggfather Thomas Thompson.

Oak Hill, May 10, 1930 1:00 PM

Mrs Floy Crommett of Eldorado, Kansas see page 136 this book writes May 7/30 that her cousin Myrtle Livesay see page 38 this book daughter of Jefferson Kilgore had lost her home in Woodburn, Oregon & had gone to Portland, Oregon to live with her sister Beulah. She is trying to get her address for me.

She says the Kilgores there are Virgil Kilgore 605 S. Denver St Eldorado, Ks, R.H. Kilgore 128 N. Emporia. Am writing them.

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Oak Hill, May 11th, 1930 9 PM Mother's Day

I have a letter dated May 9, 1930 from S.M. Carrothers of Sumter SC enclosing separate records from Mrs Flower of Carlisle, Pa. He has also sent the Col. Stirmont record by separate cover all to be rtd. He says the Stormont [sic] records are at variance with those of Miss Burnham of Tenn & also to some extent with Mrs Pilcher's as well. He thinks there is something wrong or lacking saying that Esther French certainly could not have been born in 1740, as her youngest son, Andrew Caruthers was born in 1793 when she was 53. I do not agree with him as I know of least two mothers in this county who bore children at 55. He thinks they have both confused the two Andrew Caruthers & says he is sure this Andrew Carithers [sic] is the one who served in the "Battle of Kings Mountain" under Col John Sevier, but Mrs Pilcher claims him as their ancestor.

The Andrew Caruthers referred to in this sketch of Hist Col of NC for pay for wagon hire, he says is Mrs Pilcher's husband's ancestor (see page 23 of Stormont record) of which she is not aware. The account of the other is in

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Drapers "Kings Mountain & its Heroes" & is the other Andrew as I see it, he says.

He says he is sure the other Andrew Carithers had other sons beside the Andrew who married Esther French but he does not know their names or what became of them.

Mrs Flower's records:

1st will of Robert Carothers 1690-1771, brother of gggfather John, he gives £50 to his only daughter, Jannet Nailor to be divided among her children as she directs. See if she made direction by will or if can trace her descendants & learn of them whether Robert had any sons other than John who was poisoned 1798.

2d Deed of Archibald Caruthers & his wife Christian (was it Christina) to Nicholas Cooper book I pages 510 dated Aug 1, 1791 in which he is of East Pennsborough Tp & conveys 46 A 103 P. in that Tp being his 1/9 of 419 A he got by will from his father John. See if this date conforms with the date of going to Ohio by the Archibald Caruthers whose descendants I found there in 1925 & 1926. Make slip to hunt up my visit to Rev Jasper McSurely at Oxford, O. I think in 1926 witnesses John Carothers & John Schaffer.

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3d Chester Co wills etc. Will of Alexander Caruthers Book 4 page 532 wife Margaret, son John.

James to whom he wills 1st vol of Flavents Redemption left bequests to his grandsons, Alexander & James to be paid by testator's son John when said grandsons become 21 yrs of age.

Granddaughter, Margaret

Grandson, David

Granddaughter, Jane

Executor John Carothers

Will dated Oct 4, 1764

Witnesses Alexander Caruthers *Michael Finley, Elizabeth Criswell, William Boyd.

*Make slip to go & see this will & get photo static copy of this signature & see if it was written by an 81 yr old man or a 45 yr old one. I think this if my ggggfather born 1683 & landed in Phila Sept 28, 1734 & who went to Chester Co, Pa. Look there for his will.

Will of John Carothers says Carruthers of West Fallowfield, book 8 page 83 sons Alexander, James, William, John & Robert. Daughters Margaret, Isabelle, Rachel

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Will made Aug 15, 1786 proven Sept 16, 1786 witnesses John (his x mark) Carothers, John Boyd, Margaret (her x mark) Cowden, Sarah (her x mark) Causland.

I have felt for some years that Robert Caruthers of Ramorksville who died in 1694, my gggggfather, page 51, Anjou hist should have more sons than Robert & if we could find record of their births in Scotland, we might trace Alexander above died 1764 & others from them.

Orphans Court docket 3 page 78 Cumb Co, Pa at Carlisle, Pa. At an Orphan's court held Aug 10, 1790 by John Jordan, David McClure, John Carothers, Samuel Blair, & Ephraim Steele, associates Justices etc, came into court John Carothers, surviving Exr of John Carothers decd & court approved his acct showing £115.1.13 for distribution. Distributed 1-

To Sarah the widow, £38.7.1 & to Margaret, John, William, Andrew, Samuel, Archibald, Isabella & Jane each £8.108.5p showing that Ezekial was dead without issue at that time.

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Oak Hill May 12, 1930 9:15 AM

In deed of Wm Carothers & Jean, his wife, Isabel Woodward & Absalom her husband to Samuel Strohn dated Mch 1, 1790 recorded Apr 9, 1799 vol 1 book N. Page 152 Cumb Co, Pa for land in East Pennsborough Tp it appears that Samuel Strohn (& not Samuel Sloan) had married Margaret Carothers, third of the 11 children 8 boys & 3 girls of John & Sarah Carothers.

This deed is witnessed by Robert Bell & Thomas Carothers. John poisoned in 1798 son of Robert 1690-1771 had a son Thomas

Lancaster Co, Pa wills:

Will of Robert Carothers book A page 232 dated Nov 10, 1770 proven Dec 15, 1770, he being known as Robert Carothers Jr of Derry Tp, Mentions well beloved wife Elinor, speaks of Robert Carothers & next sentence gives books to his Uncle without naming him (Mrs Flower adds that Robert Sr below may have been his Uncle or father)

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Executors Robert Carothers R & Jacob Cook. Witnesses Mary Carothers, Alexander Craig.

Will of Robert Carithers Book B? page 655 dated Mch 21, 1772 proven 1772 testator lived in Derry Tp. Had daughter Mary & grandsons: Jacob & Robert Coughran (perhaps Cochran)


Robert McCartney

daughter Sarah McCartney

son-in-law Henry Taylor

Five daughters:

Elener (was this Robert Jr's widow)




Mary (unmarried)

Executors Jacob Cook & David Montgomery.

signed Robert Carithers. witnesses James Shaw, William Shaw.

make slip to get the records from Raphoe, North of Ireland.

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Deed from Samuel Carothers et al vol 1 book H or B page 173? dated Nov 28, 1798 [date uncertain, last digit written over] recorded Feby 10, 1807 for land in East Pennsboro Tp Cumb Co, Pa

Deed between Samuel Carothers of Smith Tp, Wash Co, Pa & Polly, his wife, & George Trimble of East Pennsboro Tp & Martha, his wife of the one part & John Waugh, James Waugh, Richard Waugh & William Waugh of Cumb Co, Pa of the second part. This deed recites that John Waugh at the time of his death in 1782? had a wife & eight children viz:

John Waugh, eldest son

Esther Waugh, married Samuel Huston?

Jennie Waugh, married John Rankin?

Polly Waugh, married Samuel Carothers

James Waugh

Richard Waugh

William Waugh

Martha Waugh married George Trimble

The above 3 pages are from records sent by Mrs Flower to Sm Carothers & by him sent to me & which I am rtg to him as per his letter of Apr 25/30. S.M.C. thinks this Samuel Carothers who married Mary Waugh was the son of his ancestors John & Sarah Carothers,

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the same who was appointed guardian of his children John Waugh Carothers, Mary & Jane in Feby 1802 at Carlisle, Pa as I had advised him.

He thinks Rev Samuel Carothers Alexander born in Western Pennsylvania 1830-1835 was a grandson & that he went in 1862 to Steel Creek Pres Church Mecklenburg Co NC because of his Carothers relatives being prominent & dominant there. While there, he married Miss Price who was a Neely descendant.

S.M. Carothers, Sumter SC in his letter of Apr 24, 1920 sends me record of descendants of John & Sarah Carothers & also a Robinson record, but I have not yet recorded the. The Robinson sketch & that of another Andrew Caruthers (different from his Andrew) was sent to him by Miss Pearl Burnham of Etowah Tenn. He says the record she sends is authentic. He says this family at one time was located in Lancaster Co, Pa.

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Oak Hill May 18, 1930 5:35 PM

Going down on the 6:35 AM PRR Co train Tuesday morning 13th inst, Judge Edmund H. Reppert born I think he said Oct 5, 1855 came & sat down in the seat with me. I questioned him about his forbears & he said his father Benjamin H. Reppert was the son of Christian Reppert Sen whose wife was a Deffenbaugh. Christian Senr's father (he didn't know his name) lived at Strasburg on the Rhine & was making preparations to emigrate to America when he died & his widow with her children came across a short time thereafter. Christian Senr started a tannery in Greensboro, Pa which he later turned over to his son Christian & moved to Rosedale in Dunkard Tp, Greene Co, Pa where the judge was born. His mother Rhoda Kendall, sister of Capt Isaac Phillips Kendall & his wife Sarah Phillips who was daughter of Isaac Phillips Senr whose wife I think he said was a Conn. Isaac Phillips Sen was a son of Theophilus Phillips who I think married one of the daughters of my relative George Wilson who was killed in the Revolutionary War 1777 at Quibbletown, NJ

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Judge spoke of the large land holding Theophilus had in the old Frame section & said he would make me a record of it & of his will. Isaac Phillips Sen had a son Isaac Phillips who first married a Core, sister of Henry W. Core & Aunt of James R, John H. & Rachel. After she died, he married Miss Ellen Lenox, who was raised with relatives in Steubenville, O & who survived her husband many years & was the "Aunt Ellen L. Phillips of Smithsfield, Pa whom I well knew. This Isaac Phillips Jr had no issue by either wife.

John T. Hudson told me Friday evening that the next day was his birthday anniversary & that he was 72 born May 17, 1858. He said his wife was born Oct 25, 1862 & would be 68 next October. He said his cousin Mrs Sarah M. Lantz's [sic] wife of John F. was just a day older born Oct 24, 1862 & that she had died at her home in Whiteley Tp last Sunday May 11, 1930 & was taken to Morgantown, WVA for burial. Judge Reppert said H.C. Frick had sent for him when he ran for Judge, but we had then reached Pgh & he said he would tell me about it later.

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Oak Hill, May 20, 1930 10:15 PM

I voted for Grundy & Brown this morning at the primaries & at 8:25 AM started with Pallini driving to Washington, Pa & returned at 5:25 PM. I saw H.A. Lindley & arranged for him to take 3 mos at $200 per acre instead of $250 on such of his 3800 A as he could get & wd pay him $10 per acre com. Also saw J. Howard Clark & arranged for him top take 7800 A up to 12,000 A at $200 & pay him $50 com & on 98 & last [best guess] coal on 981 A Clark Coal & $5 on bals. He has offered 4700 A of it at $200 per acre to Youngstown, Sheet & Tube & they have had Geo? Porter, their engineer over it twice to report & he wanted 3 days to hear from them. Saw J.V. Clark, B.G. Hughes, R.W. Knox, the two latter representing Andrews heirs & the former speaking for himself, Mrs Dodds, the Phelans et al & all agreed to renewals at $250 as did Jesse P. Miller for his & Charlie's int in the Murtons [best guess]. Saw W.A.H. McIlvaine about the Pgh & NY Heinze 9200 A which they paid $60 per acre for & he took me to lunch with me & he is going to try to get Wash Trust Co 1900 A at abt $24 & 3100 A at $35 sold for taxes.

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I told him to get it as low as he could & I wd arrange for 10% for him. I did not get to see R.W. Parkinson Jr.

I went in to Andrew M. Linn & Joseph C. Spriggs Esq in his office with his second wife nee Theakston & his six year old twin sons, Andrew Morrison Linn & Joseph T. (Theakston or Taylor) Linn. He said his mother, Rebecca E. Linn, living at Monongahela, Pa with her son George H. was 94 yrs old.

B.G. Hughes & J.V. Clark said T. Jeff Duncan was fairly well & was 87 yrs old.

A letter recd yesterday dated May 16, 1930, in answer to mine of Apr 2d last from Wm C. McCune Jr of Elizabeth, Pa gives me the following information:

His mother:

Sarah Brown Power b Oct 5, 1864 at Elizabeth Pa daughter of Calvin B. Power & his first wife married at same place Mch 16, 1882 William Charles McCune born also at Elizabeth, Pa Nov 20, 1861 son of Thomas McCune & his wife Sarah Jane Spear

They had three children all born at Elizabeth, Pa viz:

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1. Bessie McCune born Aug 16, 1883

2. Harriet Power McCune born Sept 21, 1886

3. William Charles McCune Jr born Nov 28, 1893

The latter, my informant, lived at Dravosburg, Pa from age of six yrs until after the World War where his father owned & operated the Dravosburg, Doak Co

He graduated at the Haverford School in 1914 & entered the University of Penna at Phila, Pa but left same on outbreak of World War & enlisted & after peace was declared, he did not return to the University. He has been working at the Carnegie Steel works at Clairton, Pa for past 9 yrs & lives with his sister in the house that belonged to his mother's grandmother Gertrude Van Kirk Wycoff. His father died during World War. Am writing him for date & to complete record.

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A letter recd today dated May 16, 1930 from Mrs Jean Butter Holdeman (Mrs Geo H.) York Neb says she has been corresponding with Fulton Jack & wants information about the Revolutionary service of our ancestor, James Jack. She says she is a descendant of Rebecca Jack who married Henry Fulton & that Mrs Rebecca E. Linn is her great Aunt & her mother is Mrs Anna Gambell Butter of York, Neb. She says her father came from Scotland & his mother, Isabella Jack was a daughter of Adam Jack. Turn to Book 9 in Jany 1923 when I was in York Neb to see her mother which was on Jany 18, 1923 see book 9 page 280.

Make slip to see what I can find in Chester Co, Pa about the John & James Jack who went to Woodford Co, Ky & then to Warren Co, O who had an Adam Jack whose descendants I found there. Am writing to her to get name of town or Co her father came for [sic] & for copy of record that her mother sent in Nov 1922 to Rebecca E. Linn now 94 which I question whether I ever got. Miss Jessie Butter of what Cheer, Iowa may have given me the place in Scotland from which they came.

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Oak Hill May 22, 1930 2 PM

I met Alfred Johnson this forenoon in front of the Blackstone building & he said he was 76, born Nov 23, 1853. He said his brother Samuel C. Johnson was 87, born Mch 10, 1843 & was now living at their church home at Windber, Pa. I met Benj Franklin Humbert in front of Skyscraper & he said he was born Feby 1, 1857 & when building the church in Brownsville, Pa in July 1895, fell with a scantling [sic] on his shoulder, astraddle another scantling [does he mean scaffolding?] causing serious injury to his private organs & he went to Dr McCaun of Pgh, Pa who operated on him & then told him that the poison might at times accumulate & wd go up his spine to the base of his brain. This first occurred in Cincinnati, O where he fell on the street & he has so fallen here three times.

A letter dated May 7, 1930 in answer to mine of Mch 22, 1930 from Cass K. Shelby of Hollidaysburg, Pa refers to the will of his ancestor Robert Elliott of Hamilton Tp, Cumb Valley where he names children: Johnston, William, Thomas, Elizabeth, Catherine, Barbara, Jean & Mary & he speaks of Col Robert Elliott then living at Hagerstown, Md & of there being proof that his father was John.

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He says he gives on a separate sheet a list of Mary Elliott's children & a sketch of her connections but does not have a record of all of her descendants. As to his Dawson line, he says he is a grandson of Ellen Dawson of Brownsville, Pa who married Geo W. Cass, Capt in U.S. Army, Prest of Adams Express Co who was a nephew of Gov Lewis Cass of Michigan.

Ellen Dawson was a sister of John Littleton Dawson & a daughter of George Dawson & his wife Mary Kennedy of Brownsville, Pa & he was son of Nicholas Dawson & his wife Violette? Littleton of Fayette Co & Maryland. He says his mother, Mary Cass was born in Brownsville, Pa & met his father, William R. Shelby in 1869 when she was on a visit to Ky, his home. He came to Penna & married her. They moved to Grand Rapids, Mich where my informant was brought & which was his home until recent years.

His parents are both living now aged 87 & 83 respectively. He himself is living at Hollidaysburg, Pa because he is connected with the Penna RR Co. I am putting the information in a genealogical table commencing on page 202. Peters Tp is now St Thomas Tp.

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[descendant chart]

Robert Elliott of Hamilton Tp, Cumberland Co (now Franklin Co) Pa made his will recorded at Carlisle, Pa see my book no 1 Aug 1898 in which he mentions 8 children, listed below. Married Mary______.


Johnston Elliott ob, married, lived in Peters Tp Cumb Co, Pa near Fort Loudon in 1769.

William Elliott ob

Thomas Elliott ob

Elizabeth Elliott, ob

Catherine Elliott, ob

Barbara Elliott, ob

Jean Elliott, ob

Mary Elliott born after 1744. In 1769 lived with brother, Johnston near Ft Loudon, Pa ob in Ky after 1801. Married in 1769 or 1770 James McConnell Jr son of James & Mary McConnell, neighbors of Peters Tp & in 1780 moved to what is now Fayette Co, KY & settled at McConnells Sta erected 5 yrs before by his brother Francis with James Jr went a brother-in-law, Johnston Wallace. They had 7 children, the first two probably born in Pa & the others in KY.

James McConnell, ob Married Sarah Thurman of Lincoln Co, KY

Mary McConnell born in Pa abt 1773 & married abt 1796 Elijah Humphreys, son of Joshua Humphreys & his wife Ann Katherine Jones who had come to Ky from Va. Elijah died young, leaving two young children born in Fayette Co, Ky

Ann Katherine Humphreys b Mch 10, 1797 ob Apr 18, 1884 Married 1, 1819, Peyton Pleasant, who died shortly after. Married 2, Mch 19, 1820 Dr Joseph Kinloch Knight of Shelby Co, Ky son of Dr John Knight, surgeon of the 1782 ill fated Crawford expedition & his wife Mary Stephenson niece of Col Wm Crawford of northern Va & Pa. They moved to Louisville, Ky where she died leaving four daughters born in Shelby Co, Ky.

Mary Humphreys Knight oldest child born Jany 7, 1821 ob Feby 10, 1908 in Chicago, Ills married Jany 16, 1838 John Warren Shelby, son of Evan Shelby & his wife Nancy Wilcox Warren of Lincoln Co, Ky. She was survived by a son born in Lincoln Co, Ky see page 204. [included here for clarity]

William Read Shelby born Dec 4, 1842 & still living, son of Mary Humphreys Knight, married June 16, 1869 in Allegheny Co, Pa Mary Kennedy Cass, daughter of Geo W. Cass Jr & his wife Ellen Kennedy Dawson. She is 83 yrs old & still living.

Cass Knight Shelby, my informant born in Allegheny Co, Pa Sept 18, 1870 married Oct 10, 1900 in Hollidaysburg, Pa to Letitia Holcombe Landis, daughter of the late Judge Augustus Stephenson Landis of Blair Co, Pa & his wife Eleanor Porter. Have two children:

Joseph Landis Shelby

Mary Warren Shelby

James Hughes Humphreys [son of Elijah Humphreys & Mary McConnell] ob in New Orleans, unmarried

Margaret McConnell ob, married William Willson

William McConnell ob, married

Francis McConnell ob, unmarried

John McConnell, ob

Elizabeth McConnell, ob married Thos J. McKesson.

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Oak Hill, May 25, 1930 5:11 PM

A letter dated May 21, 1930 from Mrs Margaret Sadler McCeney (Mrs George P.) of 402 Main St, Laurel, Md in answer to one I wrote upon seeing their query in the "Minute Man". She says she is descended from the Finleys & gives her line which I append below which she says she got from Maj Albert Finley France of 267 Hanover St, Annapolis, Md to whom she paid $50 for it. He takes the first four generations from my history which he has copied when I loaned it to him. He errs in his 2d generation in making his 2d generation John, the father of Andrew who he gives as 3d generation, whereas John is a younger brother of Andrew & hence I eliminate him & one generation. I don't know where he got the line from the second James down. She says she is the daughter of Robert Henry Sadler & his wife Mrs Margaret Miller Jackson. She says her Colonial ancestor, Col Robert Finley came to America with a party of Presbyterians under the supervision of

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Ninian Beall. He first settled in Charles Co, Md & thence to Talbot Co, Md where he held various offices such as Col, Commissary of Arms, Clerk of the courts & Justice of the Peace.

The Finleys married into representative families of the Eastern Shore of Maryland.

My Revolutionary ancestor, George Finley served in 6th Co 3d Regiment Queen Annes Co 1776-80 (Md Archives Vol XVIII) & received large tracts of land for his services. My great grandfather was the first to leave the Eastern Shore & came to Baltimore to live. She says she has proof of all her ancestors & will give it to me if I wish. Says the Eastern Shore of Md has taken very good care of its records both county & church. She now wishes to learn about her ggrandmother Catherine Gantz.

"Finleys in Scotland & America"

1. John Finley of Kethyk Tp, Scotland 1457

2. Andrew Finley married Janet Hays 1508

3. James Finley b Sept 15, 1530 married Elizabeth Warrender

4. James Finley b Oct 25, 1583 married Mary ____ see page 22 my Anjou Finley Hist.

5. James Finley b 1614 married Martha ______

6. James Finley b 1641 married Jean ______

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7. Robert Finley b 1666 married Jane Johnson

8. Charles Finley b 1688 married Apr 11, 1711? Elizabeth Harris

9. James Finley b Apr 15, 1728 married 1748 Margaret Norton

10. George Finley b 1749 married 1769 Margaret Gould, Revolutionary ancestor.

11. James Finley b Sept 20, 1777 married Sept 19, 1798 Catharine Gantz

12. Mary Ann Finley b Aug 6, 1808 married Sept 14, 1824 Thomas Sadler

13. Robert H. Sadler, b Mch 23, 1839 married Sept 19, 1879 Mrs Jackson

14. Margaret M. Sadler b Apr 19, 1882 married June 30, 1903 George P. McCeney.

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A letter dated May 8, 1930 in answer to mine of 7th inst from Edmund Hayes Bell 305 The Wyoming, Columbia Road & California St, Washington D.C. says William Elliott Esq of Pat Valley married by the Rev John King of the Presbyterian Church Mercersburg, Pa on Feby 4, 1774 to Rosanna Craig.

(May 25, 1930. This may have been ggfather as she may have died & he may have married Ruth Crawford for his 2d wife as their first child Ellen was born on Feby 22, 1778 see b 1 p 87)

However, he & his wife Rose deeded land in Path Valley & elsewhere. Make slip to get dates. He was a delegate from Cumberland Co to the Provincial Conferences at Carpenters Hall, Phila, Pa June 18, 1773.

Robert Elliott of Phila, Pa merchant & Jean his wife made deed on Mch 30, 1780 to Benjamin Elliott of Huntingdon for 200 A of land on north side of Juniata River. This was Col Robert Elliott & his first wife Jean or Jane Wilson. The witnesses were William Elliott & Rose Elliott of Path Valley.

A former letter from Mr Bell dated Apr 30, 1930 which I answered on 7th inst said: John Elliott of Fannett Tp, Cumb Co

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had two wives. His 2d wife, Frances Childerstone, widow of Richard Childerstone born Frances Knox or Knot had two children by her first husband who are named in John Elliott's will. John Elliott's first wife is said to have been named Quigley, so stated in a manuscript History of the Elliott family prepared by Genl Washington Elliott. He says he has been unable to locate this manuscript History. I wonder if Mrs Fendrick would know of it. He thinks the 2d wife had but one Elliott child, viz:

9. Hannah Elliott, married Ephraim Harris.

John Elliott's children by his first wife appear to have been:

1. Margaret Elliott married 1. Garret Pendergrast, Married 2. ____ Wilson, see below.

2. James Elliott, married

3. John Elliott, married

4. William Elliott, married Rose Craig

5. Barbara Elliott, married William Elliott of the Bullock Pens

6. Benjamin Elliott, married

7. Col Robert Elliott, married 1, Jean Wilson, married 2 Anna Duncan

8. Jane or Jean Elliott married Capt Robert Wilson Nov 4, 1777

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The U.S. pension papers of Capt Robert Wilson & his wife Jane Elliott supply evidence as to who she was. They were married at Hagerstown, Md & lived for many years in Ky. Statements made by descendants in Ky & Ala say that Jane Elliott Wilson & Margaret Elliott Pendergrast were sisters & they were Aunts to Com. Jesse Duncan Elliott U.S.N. Jesse Duncan Elliott, they say, was son of a brother living in Maryland. We know this to have been Col Robert Elliott. The husband of Margaret Elliott Pendergrast was killed by the Indians at Harrodsburg, Ky in 1777, leaving children, one of whom was Garrett Elliott Pendergrast born at Harrodsburg Ky in 1776, who died in Louisville, Ky July 24, 1850. He was a distinguished physician of Louisville, Ky & Cincinnati, O. He had a brother or a nephew Dr Frank Pendergrast who killed a man in Ky & fled to his Elliott kinsman in Canada. He lived there until he died when his body was brought back to Ky & buried with his family.

As to the connection between

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these Penna Elliotts & Capt Matthew Elliott of Fort Pitt who went over to the British in 1778 & who lived in Detroit as long as the British held it, & when the Americans took it, he moved over to Canada & lived at Sandwich. He later had a commission in the British army. Col Robert Elliott's son, William later lived at Sandwich. The Elliott-Wilson descendants say the Elliott family was split during the Revolution, part of them adhering to the Patriotic cause & some of them continuing in the King's party. The latter were the ones who settled in Canada.

In support of this, take the statement made by Col John Johnston. He was a Scotch Irishman who was born at Ballyshannon, Ireland & as a young man came to Penna. He was in the Quartermaster's Dept of Genl Wayne's army, was Indian Agt, appointed by Prest Madison & located for 30 years at Upper Piqua, Ohio, where he controlled the affairs of 10,000 Indians. He was afterwards Prest of the Historical & Philosophical Society of Ohio & left historical notes.

He says Capt Matthew Elliott was an Uncle by his father's side to Commodore Elliott.

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I now think Matthew Elliott was a brother of John Elliott of Cumb Co, Pa, An Uncle of Col Robert & a great Uncle of Com Elliott. I refer you to Col Johnston's statement published in Howe's Historical Collections Vol II. In speaking of the McKee & Elliott, both of whom fled from Pittsburgh to the British lines, he says: "McKee & Elliott were Pennsylvanians, the latter of Irish birth, I think. They resided at the commencement of the Revolution at Path Valley, Pa. A brother & brother-in-law of mine lived in same neighborhood. I therefor have undoubted authority for these facts. A number of Tories resided in the Tp, McKee & Elliott, being leaders."

Capt Matthew Elliott in making claim against the British Gov. for compensation for property lost when he fled from Fort Pitt, swears he was born in Ireland & came to America in 1761. Col Robert Elliott's father must have come to Penna much earlier. Com Elliott said his father was born in Penna & Col Robert Elliott was said to have been well along in years when he was killed in 1794. Jane Elliott, wife of Capt Robert Wilson, was born in 1753 & her sister

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Margaret Elliott Pendergrast, I believe to have been somewhat older, as was Col Robert. I am still searching for further facts concerning these people. Col Elliott's family belonged in Co Donegal, Ireland (make slip) & in some way were related to my great grandmother, Mrs Jacob Bowman born Isabella Lowry at Castle Fin, County Donegal in 1767, daughter of Major James Lowrie 49th Reg of Foot British Army. You will note by the will of Benjamin Elliott, Bedford Co, Pa filed in 1791, he mentions his brother, James Elliott, son of John Elliott of Loughnagan, Kingdom of Ireland & also? his brother Matthew Elliott of Letterkenny, Kingdom of Ireland which is in Co Donegal.

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Oak Hill, May 26, 1930 3:33 PM

A letter dated Apr 28, 1930 in answer to mine of Apr 21, from Bontwell Dunlap, Hotel Graystone 66 Geary St, San Francisco, Calif says a compendium of Judge Jacks' ancestors is being published & further that many of the descendants with dates of his ancestor, Richard Jacks 1772-1841 appear in W.M. Paxton's History of Platte Co, Mo. Also says L.V. Jacks, Phd, 2027 Dodge St, Omaha Neb. He is a Phd of the Catholic University of America, Wash D.C. & a writer of some note who has accumulated some data on the descendants of a British soldier John Jacks who came to this country about 1776.

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A letter dated Apr 23, 1930 in answer to mine of Apr 5, on letterhead of Hastings Cannery. Ira Hastings, owner, Cairo, Ills from Mrs Ira Hastings, now temporarily residing across the river at No 28, North Ellis St, Cape Girardean, Mo says it is just across the River from McClure, Ill, where their cannery is located, which is a college town where her two boys can go to school & is beautifully located on a spur of the Ozark Hills.

Says she has found her Ann Finley line after 2 or 3 yrs patient work. Says she bought from Major Finley France of Annapolis, Md his book on the Finley families, taking them back to Scotland & Ireland. Recently, I loaned the book to my husband's cousin in Columbus, O but expect it home soon. Mr France is preparing to publish a book soon. The one I bought is written in longhand & I prize it highly, but will buy his printed book if it does not come too high. I also got the Finley coat of arms from him. From what I gather, I think your Finleys & ours were cousins. Am making a list of Ann's descendants for Mr France & will make a copy for you.

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Oak Hill, May 27, 1930 8:11 PM

I went in about 11:30 Am to see David Howard Brown & his brother, William Albert Copeland Brown (named for Wm B. Copeland) said he had gone to the Jenkins Arcade Bldg to see a doctor, he having had a painful stoppage of the urine last night. While waiting there for over an hour, I questioned Wm A.C. between customers about his forebears & he told me their Browns had gone over from Scotland to the North of Ireland & were in the siege of Derry. He said his grandfather seven generations back was a Matthew Brown, a Genl who led his Regiment across the Boyne & Up the hill on the other side in which he was wounded, but was victorious. They have his sword, very old which is marked on the hilt "No 8 Co E? 16th Regiment". His great grandson, Also Matthew Brown came, he thought from County Antrim to America following his children, landing after a six weeks voyage, in Delaware (Dover?). His son David went back to bring the rest of the family abt 1774. They settled at Green Castle, Franklin Co, Pa & Matthew is buried in the Churchyard there. While the boys were all away at war, Cornwallis came & burned his home etc & took

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his stock. About 1798, his son, David Brown moved to a 260 A farm in the wilderness in Salem Tp, Westmoreland Co, Pa which they still own & farm. They have a smaller farm across the Loyalhanna Creek in the extreme lower end Derry Tp. David was buried in the Covenanter Church g.y. in New Alexandria, Pa where Wm A.C. recently copied from his tombstone that he died Jany 23, 1841 aged 82 yrs 6 mos & 10 days born then July 13, 1758. His wife was Harriet Oliver. His son, James Brown whose large likeness hangs in their office was born on the Salem Tp farm in 1808 & died in 1886 aged 78 yrs. He did not marry until he was 50 yrs old, his wife being a Wilson who was only 19 yrs old, who died one week after the birth of her sixth child aged 29 yrs. Her husband did not remarry. His sons, D. Howard & Wm A.C. evidently followed in his footsteps, neither marrying until they were past 50 I believe, but neither have any children & Howard told J.B.F. Rinehart, so he told me last Saturday that his "much younger wife had too much pep for him, but he had seen the time when he could have satisfied her." A fool to so talk. I went back at 1:30 PM & saw D. Howard & he

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said Tom Cristo had recd a four line letter today from Texas from Yost of Cleveland, O one time of Albuquerke [sic] NM who said he wd soon be home & wanted them to come out to see him. He is a close friend of Eaton & tells Cristo who he looks on as a son that they have to have coal & are going to buy from him.

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Oak Hill, May 28, 1930 11:54 PM

Cousin Sara Gorley & her husband J. Harry Gorley have just left after a pleasant 3 hours call. She left me the following in which she had copied from:

"Page 208, Albert Marshall's scrap book in Uniontown Public Library.

From the Brownsville Gazette Aug 14, 1809


The copartnership of John Elliott & Co is this day dissolved by mutual consent, all those who stand indebted to the said firm either by note or book account are hereby requested to call on Jacob Bowman (with whom the books are left for collection) & discharge the same without delay.

Jacob Bowman

John Elliott

Brownsville, 25th July, 1809"

Sara thought this John was

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a brother of our William & I wonder if he is not a son of Col Robert. Sara says the D.A.R. got this historical papers in the court house & among them are two bound volumes of Cramer's Almanacs with Julia A. Brownsfield's name on & they are now in the Public Library, but she will get them & bring them out to me so I can make notes from them. J. Harry thinks John Baily Dawson aged abt 37, son of E.B. Dawson also has some & he will see him & let me know. John B. abt a year ago, married Madelaine Brownfield, youngest of the four children of Saml M. Brownfield of Nathaniel. They say that the g.y. out by Merrittstown was of the Little Bethel Baptist Church, deeded by Abraham Merritt & wife see deed book No 1 is on the Struble farm I once bough reached by crossing the creek & RR at Merrittstown, Pa & turn to left & at the first bend in the road (before crossing bridge) up to the right about 200 feet, the gravestones are visible. Sarah

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says the tombstone of Lacey Hibbs who married Sarah Craft, daughter of the first George Craft is there with inscription. I think this Lacy was father of:

1. John Hibbs who married Jane Finley

2. Samuel C. Hibbs, father of Lacy & Elliott

3. David Hibbs, father of Jeff W., George L. & John Gibson Hibbs. Sara says the Fayette Co Minute Book No 1 downstairs in the Prothonotary's office back in the corner in a filing cabinet in the new part of the court house shows payment of pensions by the county for many years to Hannah Crawford, widow of Col Wm Crawford of £100 for first year or so & then of $100 per year & also to Col Crawford's daughter Mrs Harrison (Sarah, I think) for many many years stating that she afterwards married a Springer & lived to be very old. She said that some of the McCormick children were also pensioned on the Crawford acct. Make slips.

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Oak Hill, May 30, 1930 5:40 PM

Cousin Cyrus P.M. Tinstman of Turtle Creek Pa drove up in his auto about 2 PM accompanied by his good wife & two daughters of over two hours during which I showed them through the first & second floors & they left shortly after four. Cyrus weighed 123, his wife 137, Cornelia born in 1907 117 & Nancy, named for her mother's sister born in 1910, 115 & I 178.

They say that Paul Larimer married & living in Wilkinsburg, Pa without issue is the only one of Cousin Emily Larimer's children living. He has cut the home near them into four apartments & has six others on the property, ten in all from which he gets a good rental. They say that Cousin Rachel McMaster Miller living on Morewood Ave, Pgh Pa has two children, Torrence & Rachel, the latter being the wife of Roy A. Hunt, Treas of the Aluminum Co of America & they have four sons cousin Cornelia Tinstman works for the Aluminum Co in their overflow offices (from the Oliver Bldg) in the Smithfield St Bldg opposite Gimbels. Get Hunt record.

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A letter dated May 27, 1930 from Rev C.D.A. Hoon, Fairchance, Pa says he has finally got some records, but short of what he expected, from the Franklin, Pa relative & he gives me Mrs Hoon's Thompson line as below. He says he was in Phila last week where he confirmed his former belief that Samuel Thompson's wife was Ruthie Rankin, daughter of William Rankin & his wife Annie Gillespie of Franklin Co, Pa. He goes next month to Synod at Chambersburg, Pa & is going to look up the records there. He says Samuel Thompson was born in 1782 & died in 1845 or 1849. His wife was born 1784 & died in 1859.

Samuel Thompson, 1782-1845 or 49 married Nov 12, 1807 Ruthie Rankin born June 10, 1784 ob Jany 14, 1859, daughter of William Rankin & Anne Gillespie Rankin of Franklin Co, Pa.

Their children were:

1. William T. Thompson

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2. Robert Beatty Thompson born 1810 married Sarah Elwell Pew

3. Charlotte Thompson married Samuel McClelland

4. Winfield Thompson

5. Frank T. Thompson

6. Alexander Thompson born 1817 married Martha A. Sheriff. They had a son Samuel Rankin Thompson who was the father of Mrs Hoon.

I am well satisfied that Samuel Thompson born 1782 was the son of Alexander Thompson, Rev. soldier, brother of ggfather William Thompson, whose estate was settled at Greensburgh, Pa in the 1790s. See my record book 1.

Andrew's two younger sons called in at noon to see me saying they came home by auto the day before, Newton driving. Andrew A. Thompson Jr said he was seven born Dec 2, 1922 & Gilbert Markle Thompson said he was six born Mch 13, 1924.

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Oak Hill, May 31, 1930 5:27 PM

Miss L. Ethel Boughner & her mother's first cousin Miss Ida L. Gray have just left in her car after a pleasant call, they having come shortly after 3 PM. She brought back my Wilson Anjou History which she used with the D.A.R. at Washington D.C. to finally satisfy them of the Revolutionary services of her ancestor Alexander Wilson 1727-1815 which they finally passed, after cavilling over & holding up for six years. She said his daughter, Mary Lecky was only 14 years younger than her mother & I told her that the tombstone record of her oldest child, Elizabeth Reed out in Ohio showed that she was born before her mother was 14 yrs old. She brought me over two large sheet type-written pages of the record of the children of George Wilson, killed in Rev. Service at Quibbletown, NJ in Aug? 1777 & of his son-in-law Theophilus Phillips etc which I will copy below.

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She said Geo Wilson's daughter, Jane Wilson married 1 a Bullitt. No issue. Married 2 a Hawkins & had 1 child, married 3 John Minor & had two children. She said Col John Minor came to Greene Co in 1764 (it was then Cumberland Co) & that he was married three times & had 14 children. He was Jane's third husband & she, being his third wife. She said Ida L. Gray, present wit her, was & also G.W.K. Minor were descended from Jane. One of their two children was Lawrence Lewis Minor named for Washington's relatives, who were friends. Speaking about Washington's proposal to Sarah Wilson & her refusal favoring Darlinton, rather, I said to Ethel that she almost got the Father of our Country in her family. She said "well, his wife Martha Dandridge was a cousin of some of the Wilson connection" See what can be learned about that. When they came, I was reading Robert A. Sherman's narrative of the Wonderful Escape of Col James Paull 1757-1841

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on June 6, 1782 from the Indians in the Col Wm Crawford Expedition to Upper Sandusky, O. She said it had been currently reported that Col James Paull & his sister, Jean were twins, but records found her to be ten years younger than him. I said they were children of George Paull from the Martinsburg, WVA neighborhood whose wife was a Jack & she said yes, I got in my records of the Jacks, the dates of birth of the four children of Geo Paull, which I must look up. She said Jean Paull married George Allen, whose descendant married Wm B. McCormick & his granddaughters, the Brook girls, were wanting to join the D.A.R. on George Allen's record. Ethel said when in Washington D.C. the D.A.Rs told her they had George Allen's will & a list of his children at their Continental Hall in Genealogical Dep. Make slip to get this record. Ethel said she had never been able to find his will. Make slips to look for it here & in Westmoreland & Washington Cos.

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She said the Williams & Eberharts families of New Geneva Section & Monongahela Tp all came from the Wilson & Phillips families but that tracing & establishing of their records was impossible as they had kept no records whatever.

She said Rev John Corbley of Greene Co, Pa, Baptist preacher, had been arrested by the Gov or someone & thrown in prison in the east & that Col John Minor organized a company of Riflemen & taking them & a swarm of slaves, went east & released him & brought him back to Green Co, Pa. She said the descendants of Jacob Beeson could not produce evidence of any Rev. service as Jacob was afraid of Adam Brown (who lived on our Alfred Brown Sr farm) a Tory, but they found from Va records that Richard Beeson who married Ann Brown, father of Henry & Jacob had given such assistance as would let all of the Beeson connection here in.

Ethel says she has the record of the descendants

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of John Huston, son of Samuel Huston & his wife Agnes or Nancy Lecky & also of John Minor & his wife Jane Wilson Hawkins all of which she will copy & send me & also the address of Mrs Gains Brumbaugh of Washington D.C. who she says is the most experienced & expert indexer she knows. She said Col John Minor was the son of Stephen Minor & his wife Athalia Updyke of NJ

See continuation on page 251.

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Oak Hill, June 2, 1930 9:40 AM

When in Washington, Pa on Monday 2d inst to a meeting of the Trustees of W&J College, Mr C.N. Brady, next below me in seniority as a trustee said he celebrated his 81st birthday last Thursday born then May 29, 1849, being then I guess one day younger than my sister Lenora T. Niccolls. George B. Moredock, here Sunday 1st inst, said he was born on Oct 8, 1864.

A letter dated May 18, 1930 from Sallie D. Brown, formerly of Manchester, O now residing with her brother across the river at Brown Farms P.O. Mentor, Ky says her dear mother died after several weeks illness at their home in Manchester, O Sept 21, 1929. She would have been 81 yrs old Feby following born then in Feby 1849. She was a true Crawford.

A letter dated May 25, 1930 from S.M. Carothers Sumter SC speaks of John Carothers son of Robert 1690-1771 who was poisoned in 1798 being born in 1736. His Hugh [sic] died in 1782 when all of his children were married & John died in 1783 when but 3 of his children were married

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his 3d son, John, having married in 1788. He queries whether Hugh & John are father & son or brothers but is sure Hugh was eldest.

In several letters I have from Alex S. Graham, Registrar of Rutgers University, New Brunswick NJ, all the information, he can give about the parties he asked me about is:

1. Rev John H. Carothers, class of 1833 is San Francisco, Calif.

2. Rev Daniel N. Carithers class of 1834 is Newburgh, NY

This looks to me to be their locations as preachers & not their homes when in college, which is what I sought.

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Oak Hill, June 5, 1930 8 AM

Seventy one years ago this morning June 5, 1859 was the big frost.

I come to slip made over two years ago at Hotel Lincoln, East Palestine, O on May 12, 1928 which is a skeleton sketch which I had thought to record earlier. It is:

"James Wister Shreve born Martins Ferry, O

Thomas Wister Shreve, ob Martins Ferry, O

Chas R. Shreve grandson, great grandson of Lieut John in Revolutionary War when 16, son of:

Col Israel Shreve of Fayette Co, Doctor Shreve lives at 275 N. Market St, East Palestine, O. Mrs Shreve, who wrote some letters for me & who is in her 30s is daughter of Jno N. Ward of Gallipolis, O. She says Dr Shreve's mother is worth $110,000.

Ernest Bradshaw Shreve, Overlook Drive, Alliance, O. He married late in life about 5 yrs ago a rich wife who drives a car & have a son & daughter" Probably he can give information. Make slip.

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I made mem. May 13, 1928 at 11 PM at the Hotel Lincoln East Palestine, O:

"There is a marker 3 1/5 miles west of Power Point & 5 miles south of here on road from Lisbon to East Liverpool, O marking the spot where Confederate Gen J. H. Morgan, in the famous Morgan's raid surrendered with his men on July 26, 1863 to Col? Geo W. Rue, which spot is the farthest North that anybody of Confederate Soldiers ever reached in the Civil War".

A letter dated Dayton, O Dec 30, 1928 from Abraham T. Secrest of Pleasant City, O states he had been here the summer before in my absence & that he now had the data for Abraham & Joseph Thompson & their sister Anna Rich completed, but not perfect because one of the descendants (of Joseph I think) who I trailed down & is in hiding & don't want to give his record. Some others have not been found. In Kansas, I ran on the trail of a Theodore W. Thompson of southern Illinois who got in touch with the descendants there

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of James Thompson 1758-1835 & excited them about a great Thompson fortune coming from Scotland or Ireland & when they heard nothing more from him the supposed he had died. He left a sketch of his family, which I append below which is practically what we have. I found where David, one of the twins, had gone before a notary & made affidavit of the early family which is the same as his brother Abraham Thompson, my ancestor, had recorded in his bible.

have not found any of Mary France's descendants, but think they are in Indiana.

1. John Thompson born in Scotland removed to County Fermanagh, Ireland. Make slip & investigate.

2. Jacob Thompson, his son born in Ireland & removed to Chester Co, Pa married Ann Downard. Make slip.

Gives three of their children:

3.1. William Thompson who had a son Joshua Thompson SR Aug 10, 1773-Dec 12, 1838, who had a son Joshua Thompson Jr June 12, 1812-Nov 27, 1885 born in Jefferson Co, O who had son Theodore W. Thompson, born in 1840 in Ills above referred to. Joshua Sr born at Redstone Settlement in 1773, removed to Short Creek Jefferson Co, O in 1827 removed to Wolfe Creek Ill in 1827.

3.2. Jane Thompson married David Frame

3.3. James Thompson married Mary Jackson & came to Senecaville, O.

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A letter dated June 22, 1928 from M.G. Caldwell of New Athens, O sent me a brief memoir (small pamphlet of 20 pages 4 1/2 & 6 3/4 in) of the line of Rev Joseph Scroggs D.D. which said he died Apr 21, 1873 at his residence in Ligonier, Pa after a four days illness in his 81st year & in the 60th of his ministry & 58th of his pastorate of Fairfield & Donegal Congregations. A few days before his death. his daughter dreamed she saw him crossing a stream on a white horse & walking up the bank where he was met by an innumerable throng & disappeared upon telling him this. He said his end would soon come, as a member of his father's family had a similar dream a short time before he died.

It was his daughter, Mrs Cochran who had this dream ten days before he died.

He was born in Cumberland Co, Pa, Mch 1, 1793 when he was 8 yrs old, his parents, James & Margaret Scroggs moved to Washington Co, Pa. At the early age of 11 yrs (same age that I entered Madison College) he entered Jefferson College & graduated with honors in 1809 aged 16 yrs. My impaired vision interferes with my reading further in the pamphlet now. See b 25 p 107. It was printed at Pgh 1874 by U.P. [unreadable word]

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A letter dated Apr 24, 1928, the day I left home, from Miss Clair Painter, says her brother Sam's youngest boy, Thomas Wible Patiner aged two years had recently died. She gives me the following address:

Katherine P. Blyholder, Schuyler Arms Apr 304 1954 Columbus Road NW Washington D.C. I believe this is her sister.

A letter dated Aug 16, 1928 from Mrs Cora A. Antrim No 1716 N 17th St Phila, Pa says she is living there with her son John on his earnings & that her daughter Pauline had married the May previous, but she didn't say to whom.

A letter dated Jany 22, 1929 at Smithport, Pa from Mrs Jane Bean Livermore & which I noted in Book 22 p 253 which see. Enclosed a 4 page letter I had written Dec 26,1895 to Mrs Lyde Davitt Holland & I will note in a genealogical table on the following pages.

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[descendant chart]



James Caruthers, my ggfather, served in Revolutionary War, b Sept 12, 1744.

Elizabeth Caruthers ob married Charles Hunter. No issue

Jane Caruthers, ob married John Richey. Had issue

Martha Caruthers, ob married Wm? Kiker, issue

John Caruthers, b 1779 ob, had issue

Samuel Caruthers, b 1779 ob 1849 married Ruth Elliott 7 children.

Eliza Caruthers b Jany 6, 1821 ob Oct 31, 1897 married Jasper M. Thompson

James Caruthers, ob, had issue.

John Caruthers served in Revolutionary War b Oct 11, 1750 in Ireland.

John C. Carothers

Daughter Carothers married Stokley who I visited over 50 yrs ago.

Hugh Caruthers b May 3, 1749

Rebecca Caruthers b Aug 2, 1745 died in 1817 in Westmoreland Co, Pa married Col John Carnahan & lived at the Willow Tree, South Huntingdon Tp Westnd Co, Pa. He served in Revolutionary War & died in Venango Co, Pa in 1824.

James Carnahan

John Carnahan

Finley Carnahan

Elizabeth Carnahan

Nellie Carnahan

Jane Carnahan, married James Davitt

Rebecca Davitt b Oct 21, 1798 married Hunter. I saw her in the 96s at Washington Pa, she being totally blind.

Joseph R. Hunter, ob

John Carnahan Davitt b 1803? ob Dec 1877 or Jany 1878

Lyde Davitt, married Saml S. Holland

William Carnahan

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A letter dated Jany 16, 1929 from James Axton Britton No 125 Allison Ave, Washington Pa says he is descended from Elisha Peairs & his wife Elizabeth Jack & wants to arrange a meeting to exchange information. Am writing him to that end.

Oak Hill, June 6, 1930 7:40 AM

On June 20, 1928 at 1:30 PM, cousin Walter Arthur Finley brought me for lunch into the Chinese Restaurant to Tai Hon Low 925 Wood St, Wilkinsburg, Pa where I took down the following data which I have just come to & am now transcribing.

He says that in 1895, he met a Dr William Finley at Monticello, Iowa, then an elderly man, say aged 75 yrs, universally known in that neighborhood where he & his wife were living who hailed from NC. W.A. was located at Cass, Iowa, 30 miles, rode down 30 miles by bicycle Ad. Med. to child, could speak the language etc. [sic]

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W.A. Finley, chiropractor, was born in Menallen Tp, Fayette Co, Pa June 30, 1875, married Feby 20, 1907 at Brownsville, Pa by Rev Wm Plumer, Pres to Miss Sara Isabella Simpson born July 2, 1865 in Redstone Tp, Fayette Co, Pa daughter of John D. Simpson & Gertrude Aleph Russell. Both living at DeLand, Fla since 1920 where they moved from here (Wilkinsburg).

W.A. was educated in Pittsburgh Pa High Schools & Wooster O University & Parsons College, Fairfield, Iowa. Mrs Finley was educated in the public schools & California Pa Normal. No issue. He graduated from the Universal Chiropractic College, Pittsburgh, Pa & Lindlahr School of Natural Therapeutics Chicago, Ills. He is V.P. of the America Chiropractic Assn of the State of Florida.

Dr John A. Tilden, Denver, Colo is an address he gave me for some purpose.


George B. Burchinal, son of Wm Jarrett Burchinal is with a fire Brick Co of Uniontown Pa with which Whyel is

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connected & can tell about the Burchinals. He now, June 1930 lives at No 30 Kerr St, Tel 370J)

He says John L. Gams [best guess] of the C'ville Courier is getting up the Burchinal History & Geo B. is helping him.

W.A. attributes much of his knowledge of how to live to Dr John H. Tilden of Denver, Colorado, who says he has practiced medicine for 25 yrs with medicine (& his father was a doctor) & 25 yrs without medicine, as now he uses only foods & Dr Crandall's school here follows his methods. He studied the natural instincts of animals who can't be made to eat when sick (this was father's practice) so he has his patients stop eating when sic. Frank Finley, son of Robt L. spoke of a Forshay here whose mother now here visiting aged probably 65 yrs was a Finley from Louisville, Ky. Frank said he would come for me sometime & take me to see her (but he didn't'). She is away today. W.A. said his grandfather was Luther Burchinal & his

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grandmother, Mary Ann Jarrett. He says he is going west this fall & will see his mother & get her records & write me. I told him to ask her about Elizabeth Thompson (he never wrote but I saw her later at Robs & she said Elizabeth Thompson was her mother).

He spoke of C.F. Volney's Decay of Empires or Collapse of Nations 1 Vol. He was a Frenchman & when it became unsafe to think aloud there, he went to India & Persia & wrote his book.

On June 28, 1928 in the morning, W.A. Finley came to my room 521 Penn Lincoln Hotel Wilkinsburg, Pa & said that Dr Robert J. Cunningham, decd dentist, a Finley relative, lived at Wooster, was a wonderfully bright man & his son Rob, also a dentist now lives in Wooster, O but has a ranch in Colorado. W.A. will see his mother & write me.

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Transcribing ten pages of notes taken on scratch paper:

At residence of Robert L. Finley 871 Graham Boulevard, Wilkinsburg, Pa Tel Franklin 5526-M Sept 16, 1928

Cousin Rob L. Finley came to the Morrowfield Apts for me at 2:40 PM in his fine new car & drove me out here to his home, his daughter, Mrs Margaret Lynch driving & they drove me back accompanied by Mr Lynch, reaching the hotel again at 6:06 PM

He told me coming over, there was an article in today's Sun-Tel on Uniontown, Pa so I got one when I got back & found the article. His daughter lives just near him with a 3 A place owned by Chalfants in between & which we crossed along a foot path through the grass to his house both frame houses. Setting on his porch was his brother, W.A. Finley & Amos Wood Guiler, son of Caleb J. Guiler, whom he greatly resembles & who lives on the S.S. here. They both married daughters of John D. Simpson's & these daughters look much alike. Mrs Guilder said her father lived to be 84 or 85. They said they two owned abt 290 A of Pgh vein coal in Aleppo Tp Green Co, Pa

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which their father bought from Isaac H. Brownfield & they bought out their brothers 73 A share & owned three tracts outright lying over near the WVA line & Mr Guiler said one was the Wm Courtright tract. They said J.B.F. Rinehart of Wbg Pa had 15,000 A optioned over there & had written them offering $100 per acre.

Rob & Arthur went upstairs & carried their mother Mrs Sallie M. Finley, widow of my 1st cousin, Samuel Elliott Finley, how is paralyzed on one side & sat her down on the porch where she remained until a short time before I left when Arthur & Mr Lynch carried her back upstairs.

Mr Lynch & his wife came over & Rob's wife came out & a large heavy set nurse who looks after Mrs Finley was there a few minutes. Mrs Finley came about two weeks ago. She has changed very little & does not look to be in her 92d year. I asked her when she was born & she said Mch 30, 1837 & Rob says it was on Grassy Runs, Fayette Co, Pa beyond Springhill Tp, Gans Sta

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She said her father, Luther Burchinal is buried in Smithfield, Pa cemetery & that his father's name was Luther & then later said Jeremiah Luther Burchinal. I asked her what her mother's name was & she said Elizabeth Thompson, who was 95 yrs old when she died. I asked her the name of her mother's father & she said she didn't know, nor did she know the name of her mother. She was an illegitimate child, but I don't know whether Sallie knows that or not. She said she was related to "A. Jack Thompson" who she thought was a brother, but the records I got at Smithfield & from George W. Brown, father of Ed D., show different, I think. W. Arthur says she died in 1901 or 1902 & was 94 yrs old & says she is buried in Mt Moriah Cemetery & has a marker with inscriptions. Make slip. This would make her born in 1807 or 1808. Her unmarried daughter, Mollie Burchinal, who died in 1914 is buried beside her. They two lived together in Fairchance, Pa where they both died & where, I think Cousin Elliott often visited them.

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Arthur thought that Finley Burchinal living in Point Marion, Pa, son of his Uncle Lewis C. Burchinal would have the bible record of his grandfather, Luther Burchinal. Arthur said he had always been told that the name of his mother's mother was Jarrett. That may have been the name of her father (or was it mother?). Sallie didn't know me. Rob's wife said her father, Holmes, I think, a native of England, came over with his parents when 16 yrs old & lived at West Overton Pa & knew H.C. Frick & moved from there to Streator, Ills. Her mother was also born in England & was brought over when 8 yrs old & lived in Ky & then drifted to Ills. Rob don't know anything about where he father's bible is, nor the Luther Burchinal bible either. He said he wanted to have me out for a meal & I said I wanted to go out sometime when they didn't have company & get their record.

He said John L. Gans of Connellsville, Pa had the Burchinal record. See him & Finley Burchinal at Pt Marion, Pa & go to Mt Moriah Cemetery.

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Sallie said that Elliott's gf Ebenezer Finley had been married 4 times & was talking of taking a fifth wife when he died. The road in front of Rob's house is the Wilkinsburg Line & across the road, it is Penn Tp. They have a fine view. Sallie said she worked for VanKirks & I think for Uncle Theodore VanKirk when she went to Dunlaps Creek Academy to school JVT 10:25 PM

Lee Stern, here from 3 to 5 PM today said his brother Sam's ailment as diagnosed by Drs Brown of NY & Barker of Johns Hopkins of Balt, Md was a rare one ie the marrow in his bones did not make sufficient blood to properly care for the body. He said his brother Joe's recent trouble was an ulcer on the colon where it takes off from the stomach which caused great loss of blood, but nature gradually took care of it & he did not have an operation & is now well on the way to recovery. Their father, Julius Stern was the first Jew I ever knew.

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A letter dated Aug 30, 1929 from Miss Estelle Finley 307 W 9th St Columbia Tenn, gives the following:

"Frank Finley, route 1 Hampshire Tenn, gives the following:

1. James Finley came to America during the Revolution & served under Washington.

2. John Finley, son of James Finley moved from South Carolina to Marshall Co, Tenn. He was married three times. Number of children, 20. At least seven were boys. He died 30 or 40 years ago at Cooper, Texas. Buried in Cooper g.y. aged 90 years (say born then 1800 to 1811?)

3. Frank Finley who gives this information born in Marshall Co, Tenn Mch 8, 1852 10th child of John Finley. He married Pollyanna Mills of Lake Co, Tenn, daughter of N.B. Mills. Now lives at Hampshire, Tenn R 1. May be able to get more later. This is three generations & goes back to the Revolution. Writing him tonight.

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Miss Finley also sent me a little later, two clippings announcing the death of Reid Looney Caruthers of Nashville, Tenn at his residence 2011 East Greenwood Ave on Sept 7, 1928.

He was born Sept 28, 1863 at Lebanon, Tenn, son of William A. & Fanny McCall Caruthers & grandson of Judge Abram Caruthers. He came to Nashville, Tenn in 1882 & has been in the wholesale drug business for over 40 yrs.

He is survived by his wife Nancy Andrews Caruthers & 3 daughters & 2 sons viz:

1. Mrs M.M. Gilliam

2. Mrs Dorian E. Clark

3. Miss Nancy Reid Caruthers

4. Abraham Caruthers Jr &

5. Alfred Caruthers

& four brothers:

1. Allen Caruthers of NY

2. Judge John Caruthers of Okmulgee, Okla

3. Abram Caruthers ob Nashville, Tenn

4. William Caruthers of Los Angeles or Ontario, Calif

Look up the records I got of this family when in Nashville, Tenn.

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Refer back to pages 226-230

Miss L. Ethel Boughner on May 31, 1930 left me the following record of Col George William Wilson & his children etc.

"Col George William Wilson

George William Wilson was born in Scotland in 1729. Served at Lt. Col in eighth Penna Regiment. Died at Quibbletown, NJ in April 1777 from exposure. Had served as an officer in the English Army see page 130 Monongahela of Oled [sic]

Col Wilson married Elizabeth Crawford McCreary in 1750.

Children of George & Elizabeth

1. John, a Capt in the 8th Penna Reg.

2. William

3. George J.P. Springhill Tp 1789, founder of Wilsonport, later New Geneva, Pa.

4. Samuel

5. Agnes, married _______Humphreys

6. Elizabeth married Samuel Kincade

7. Mary Anne

8. Sarah

9. Phoebe

10. Jane married 1. Mr Bullitt, married 2 Mr Hawkins whose son Hon Wm G. Hawkins, State Senator, married 3 Col John Minor of Greene Co, Pa probably other children, Married in 1800 [children as follows:]

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1. Sarah Minerva born 1803 married John Crawford in 1834. Sarah died in 1884.

1. Lawrence Crawford, son of Sarah & John Crawford was born in 1834, married Lucinda Sackett in 1856. Lucinda born 1836 died in 1911


I. Ortta [sic] born 1857 married Christian Reppert in 1884. Christian was born 1843 & died in 1898?

II. George married Eunice Boughner. No children.

Only child of Ortta & Christina Reppert:

Lucille born 1885 married George C. Watson. No children.

2. Lawrence Lewis Minor

Proven D.A.R. 72,763 or 72,783

I thought Col Theophilus Phillips had married a daughter, but Ethel gives proof from D.A.R. 222232 showing that he married Joanna

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Prather, daughter of Col Thomas Prather of Frederick Co, Md, so I am not listing the ten children & other information she gives about him, but filing all away with large envelopes.

Says see national Number 238,168?

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Oak Hill, June 7, 1930 12:15 PM

A letter dated Mch 19, 1930 from Col Richard H. Hawkins 1405 Squirrel Hill Ave Pittsburgh, Pa says that personally he "is not much interested in family trees" but sends me two pages of interesting records which I note below:

"In the Family bible (published by McCarty & Davis No 171 Market St Phila Pa in 1829) now in possession of Col Richard H. Hawkins, Pittsburgh, Pa appears under the heading "Births" and in the handwriting of William George Hawkins (1799-1876) the following under heading "Maternal ancestor"

"Grandfather, George Wilson born in the County of Tyrone, Ireland in the year 1729 & died at Quibbletown, NJ in 1777. He had issue twelve children by Elizabeth McCreary, his first wife & one by Sabilla Stewart, his second wife. Four by his first wife died in Infancy. Nancy, John, Elizabeth, Jane, Mary Ann, George, Sarah & Phoebe lived to years of maturity.

Samuel Lewis, the child by the second wife died in infancy.

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Grandfather Wilson had one brother in this country named Samuel. He was killed by the Indians at Kenhorse (?) New Jersey (?).

Jane Wilson was born 27th of April 1761"

And Jane Wilson married William Hawkins one of the 13 children of John Hawkins (1713-1791) & of Mary Simpkins Hawkins. The father of John Hawkins emigrated from England about the year 1660 & his wife from Wales. The thirteen children of John Hawkins & Mary Simpkins Hawkins were:

1. Austin

2. Elizabeth

3. John

4. Priscilla

5. Joseph

6. Ruth

7. Reason

8. Thomas

9. William

10. Nicholas

11. Charles

12. Rebecca

12. Caleb

One of the children of William Hawkins & Jane Wilson Hawkins was William George Hawkins. William for William Hawkins & George for George Wilson, who was born in 1799 & died Apr 11, 1876. William George Hawkins married

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Elizabeth Hill, daughter of Col Rees Hill of Greene Co, Pa in Aug 1820. They had two children:

1. Jane Minor Hawkins who married Joseph Milligan & was survived by:

I. Indiana Jane Milligan

2. Rees Hill Hawkins died in 1851 unmarried. He was a practicing attorney in Pittsburgh & appeared in several reported cases decided by the Supreme Court.

Elizabeth Hill Hawkins died in 1824 & is buried on a farm now owned by Mr John Buchanan on the banks of Ten Mile Creek about a mile from Waynesburg, Greene Co, Pa.

William George Hawkins during the time of his first wife's life practicing law in Waynesburg, Pa. He was elected to the Legislature & served until 1832. In the pamphlet Last of Smiths Laws of Pennsylvania, all the acts of assembly during 1828, 1829 & 1830 were signed Wm G. Hawkins, speaker.

At Harrisburg, Pa the "Speaker of the House" met & married in 1829 Margaret Dillinger of Phila & Allentown. When Greene Co elected another man to Legislature, Mr Hawkins bid goodbye to the Co & went to Pittsburgh purchasing 300 A in Allegheny Co, Pa now in the

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Bouroughs of Rankin & Swissvale at Hawkins Sta. on the Penna RR. Col Hawkins, a title awarded as a member of Pennsylvania's Governor's Military Staff, engaged in farming & developer of R.E. & as adviser in legal matters among his neighbors.

The children of Wm George Hawkins & Margaret Dillinger Hawkins were:

3. Anna Hawkins married A.S. Milligan

4. Minerva Hawkins died unmarried

5. James Hawkins died unmarried

6. John D. Hawkins died unmarried

7. William George Hawkins Jr married Jennie W. Hays

8. Mary Hawkins died unmarried.

William George Hawkins Jr (1840-1913) was graduated at Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Pa (now Washington & Jefferson College) then practiced law in Pittsburgh & from 1875 until 1913 was President Judge of Allegheny County's orphan Court, Judge Hawkins was survived by his widow & following children:

I. Margaret H. married Marcus Wilson Acheson Jr of Pittsburgh, Pa Atty a descendant of those Wilsons of Tyrone.

II. Col Richard H. Hawkins of Pgh, Atty, my informant

III. Jeannette H. married D.M. Ferry of Detroit, Mich, the seed man.

IV. Beatrice, Pgh, Pa, unmarried

V. Rees Hawkins of Charleston, SC

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[descendant chart]

George William Wilson born 1729 in Co Tyrone, Ireland died Apr 1777 at Quibbletown, NJ from exposure while a Col in Revolutionary War. My Anjou books gives his connection with our line. Married 1 Elizabeth Crawford McCreary, who bore 12 children, four of whom died in infancy. see page 254. Their marriage was in 1750. Married 2. Sabilla Stewart who bore one child which died in infancy. Look up his will at our C.H. & see if deeds to his property don't give data. Make slip.


Nancy or Agnes Wilson, married Humphreys

John Wilson a Capt in Revolutionary War

William Wilson, ob in infancy

Elizabeth Wilson, married Samuel Kincade

Child died in infancy

Jane Wilson b Apr 27, 1761, ob, married 1 Bullitt. No issue. Married 2. William Hawkins, issue. Married 3 Col John Minor in 1800 & had issue

William George Hawkins b 1799 ob Apr 11, 1876, married 1 Elizabeth Hill. Had 2 children. Married Aug 1820. Married 2 Margaret Dillinger. Had 6 children. Married 1829.

Jane Minor Hawkins, married Joseph Milligan

Indiana Jane Milligan

Rees Hawkins ob 1851, lawyer, unmarried

Anna Hawkins married A.S. Milligan

Minerva Hawkins, ob unmarried

James Hawkins, ob unmarried

John D. Hawkins ob unmarried

William George Hawkins Jr b 1840 ob 1913, Judge of Orphans Court 1875-1913, married Jennie W. Hays

Margaret H. Hawkins married M.W. Acheson Jr

Col Richard H. Hawkins, my informant

Jeannette H. Hawkins married D.M. Ferry

Beatrice Hawkins, unmarried

Rees Hawkins lives Charleston, SC.

Mary Hawkins, ob unmarried

Sarah Minerva Minor, daughter of John Minor & Jane Wilson] b 1803 ob 1884 married 1834 to John Crawford.

Lawrence L. Crawford, b 1834, ob married 1856 Lucinda Sackett b 1836 ob 1911

Ortta Crawford b 1857 married 1884 Christian Reppert 1843-1898?

Lucille Reppert b 1885 only child, married Geo C. Watson. No issue.

George H. Crawford married Eunice Boughner. No issue.

Lawrence Lewis Minor ob, probably father of G.W.K.

A child [of George William Wilson] died in infancy

A child died in infancy

Mary Ann Wilson

George Wilson was a J.P. in 1789 Springhill Tp

Sarah Wilson married Darlinton, see my records in Oct 1925 at West Union, O

Phoebe Wilson

Samuel Lewis Wilson, ob in infancy by 2d wife.

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A letter dated June 4, 1930 from Rev C.D.A. Hoon of Fairchance, Pa in answer to mine of May 31, 1930 gives the address of our relative William Thompson McKelvey as 517 15th St, Franklin, Pa. I must see him & get him to let me see the Thompson record he has. He says he located the grave of Ruthie, the wife of Samuel Thompson in Mercer Pa & believes he will find that he is buried in some of the old cemeteries there. Make slips & look for his will.

He says he has the inscription from her tombstone.

He says he has written the great granddaughter of Robert Beatty Thompson whose address is Miss Helen Wiegand 833 Windsor Square, Phila, Pa for information & hope soon to hear from her. Says he is working on the births, marriages & deaths of as many of the Thompsons as he can trace & will let me have it.

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Oak Hill, June 8, 1930 3 PM

A letter dated June 16, 1929 in answer to mine of June 10th from Eldon Carothers of 104 Ackin St, London, Ontario, said he attended the Carothers reunion there on Friday & traced the Mark, David & Michael Carothers Family bible to Detroit, Mich & would follow it up. I answered him June 18/29 but have no answer & am now writing him again.

Says he is trying to locate their own family bible & is gathering information of the families & forward to me which so far he has not done. See my records when there May 29, 1929 in book 22.

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I have 8 letters dating from Aug 20, 1928 to Sept 11, 1929 from Mrs Dora E. Gunnett of 709 West Commonwealth Ave, Fullerton Calif & am going over them chronologically & making note of any new data given that I desire.

Hers of Aug 20/29 mentions her John Jack & Mary Mason being married Dec 1, 1789 in Woodford Co, Ky & gives my Jack references in book 5 p 580 & b 15 p 393 & she enclosing a clipping from a Los Angeles Calif paper of Aug 14, 1928 announcing: "Survivor of Mexican War died Aged 101.

Lodi, O Aug 14, 1928

Augustus, Markel aged 101, one of the few survivors of the Mexican War is dead here at the home of a son. Markel observed his 101st birthday only a week ago. The veteran enlisted as a drummer boy when 19 & served under Ulysses S. Grant then a Lieutenant. He later enlisted in the Ohio volunteer Infantry & served in the Civil War.

Her letter of Nov 24, 1928 fr Springfield, Ills says she found the record of the marriage of her grandfather, Wm Jack & Sarah Burch in Gallatin Co, Ky. William was eldest son of John Jack who educated his second son Samuel Jack for the Presbyterian ministry.

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Her letter of Dec 8, 1928 from Chicago, Ills says that yesterday, she went to the Newberry Library & found several Jack families listed in Heitmans Historical Register. Make slip. She speaks of her John Jack being born 1766 & marrying Mary Mason Dec 1, 1789 & mentions from what she found there:

Matthew Jack, Westnd Co, Pa Rev. soldier 1776-1777

Samuel Jack, a Col in Georgia Militia Rev Soldier 1776-1781

William Jack 2d Lieut in Moorhead's Co Guard at Kittanning, Pa 1777-1778

Patrick Jack, Franklin Co, Pa

John Jack, York Co, Pa

John Jack, Mifflin Co, Pa

John Jack, Huntingdon

Andrew Jack, Sadsbury Tp, Chester Co, Pa

Charles Jack, Chester Co, Pa

James Jack, Cumberland Co, Pa

James Jack, Montgomery Co, Pa

James Jack, Fayette Co, Pa

Thomas Jack, Westmoreland Co, Pa

William Jack, Mifflin Co, Pa

William Jack, Hempfield Tp Westnd Co, Pa had 3 sons & 4 daughters besides 5 children under 16 yrs of age.

I thought one of these may have been our ancestor & the names of William, Samuel, John, James & Thomas seem to have

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been carried down in our family.

Her letter of June 18, 1929 enclosing a clipping from their local papers of the day before giving standing pictures of Rev Abraham B. Markle of Anaheim, Calif who were celebrating the 64th anniversary of their marriage. I got their record when at his home near Christmas 1922 see book 9.

Her letter of July 15, 1929 says her ggfather, John Jack 1766-1822 & wife Mary Mason moved to Switzerland Co, Indian in 1818

10:44 PM

I had several visitors this evening, the John F. Hudsons were here between 5 & 6 PM having left home after 2 PM coming via Library, Monongahela, & Fayette City & missed getting to Vanderbilt from where they started.

John F. Hudson weighed 184 lbs

Mrs Hudson weighed 167 lbs

Sarah Hudson Lake weighed 137 lbs

Clifford Lake weighed 152 lbs

& I weighed 176 lbs

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Rika & Evelyn came in about 7:30 PM, they having left Warrenton, Va at 8:30 AM, changed at Wash D.C. & came by B&O to C'ville, Pa where Andrew met them & brought them up.

Joe V. Thompson II born June 22, 1915 weighed 142 lbs

C. Fredrika Thompson born Nov 29, 1916 weighed 98 lbs

Evelyn Louise Thompson born Jany 16, 1918 weighed 87 lbs

They all have grown apace since I left home Apr 24, 1928 & it has been over two years since I saw them. They are a fine looking crowd of youngsters & I am very proud of them all.

11 PM

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Oak Hill, June 10, 1930 6 PM

Mrs Eleanor Rankin Thompson announces the marriage of her daughter Carolyn Rankin Thompson to Mr Milton Merrill Chesley on Saturday evening June 30, 1929, Riverside, Calif.

A letter dated Jany 15, 1929 in answer to mine of June 2, 1926 from Mrs Nellie Jane Drew, then of 1675 Liberty St, Santa Clara Calif sent the record I asked for which I have recorded in place bk 15 p 597. She says she has the "original record of grandfather Markle's family" if I want it. I am writing her for it tonight.

A letter dated June 21, 1929 from D.F. Jones of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Sta, New Haven, Conn, says he is writing a history of Luther Burbank, whose mother was a Ross & asks me for information about the Ross family, he having been referred to my by H.A. Wallace of Des Moines, Iowa.

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A letter dated Sept 12, 1928 from Mrs Belle F. Welsh (Mrs J.J.) 1403 E. Olive St, Bloomington, Ills speaks of Lois Welch [sic] Morrow at 215 Columbus Terrace Peoria, Ills & says her daughter, Doris Birks & husband were east in June & stopped here to see me, but found no one.

She says she find in Penna Archives Series 111 vol 23 page 315 James Fulton, Ranger from Westnd Co, Pa & wonders if he was the one who married Agnes Thompson. I don't think there was any other James there then. In a book Scotch-Irish, by James Shaw, an old friend of their family, she infers the Thompsons were prominent in the early settlement. Am writing her tonight for title of book & where & when published.

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Oak Hill, June 11, 1930 12:03 PM

I have two letters dated Feby 18, 1929 & Mch 26, 1929 from Mrs Bonnie H. Mayse (Mrs Roy A.) of 712? West Nelson St, Marion, Indiana, saying she was referred to me by Miss Ferguson of the State Library at Harrisburg, Pa seeking information about the Thompson family saying she was descended from Elizabeth Thompson, a woman of large strong build & spartan temperament, daughter of James & Mary Ann Thompson. (James being a Revolutionary Soldier) who on Nov 28, 1809, married Joseph Dille of Washington Co, Pa & she was probably of same neighborhood. She named one of her sons Hugh & another George Hester. She died in 1861.

A letter dated June 4, 1928 from Miss Marietta D. Finley, (daughter of Leighton) of 614 East 32nd St, Indianapolis, Ind asks about the progress of my work on the Finley book & says she hopes to be advised of its completion as she & several of her family are interested in getting a copy. Asks me when traveling west to stop & see her.

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A letter dated July 30, 1929 from Mrs James Bryan 3002 South Rach St, Marion, Ind says she is a granddaughter of Jonathan Kilgore, who was a brother of David Kilgore whose descendants I found in Muncie, Ind in Nov 1926 which see. She says they have a Kilgore reunion every year on 2d Monday of August, being on Aug 11, that year at Galloway Park, Elwood, Ind. She says she was young when her grandfather died & says he did not tell them much about his ancestors. She asks if he had any sisters & also asks for information about Hugh Kilgore & John & Cyrus Kilgore & their families. Make slip to go see her & also make slip to trace the descendants of Hugh Kilgore who was son of James & Elizabeth Kilgore & who I think went over Mifflin Co way.

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I have four letters dated in 1928 & 1929 during my absence from home from Mrs Fred Roberts 305 East Ohio St, Monticello, Ind. She says they have chosen her great grandfather Christian Merkle or Markle through whom to join the D.A.R. & in her letter of June 29, 1928 says they have his pension papers & record of his services from Harrisburg, Pa under seal. Christian Markle was the name used in pension papers & Christian Merkle was used in service papers.

She asks the name of Solomon Dill's father. Make slips to look for Dill wills at Reading, Pa & go to Dillsburg, Pa & see who it was named for & what can be found. She wants a book & asks the price.

I phoned Thomas B Semans Tel 1789 at 10:30 AM & asked him if he still wanted me to try to sell his Boileau [Boilean?] Block 1/7 on the same terms as in the last option he had given me at $300 per acre & he said he did & for me to go ahead on that basis.

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Oak Hill, June 13, 1930 7:55 AM

In the June 1930 D.A.R. Magazine, we find among marriage bonds in Monongalia Co, Va Morgantown, Now WVA by Thomas Ray Dille, the last one in this issue on page 369 is:

:Andrew F. Ritchie & Laverna A. Barns, daughter of John S. Barns, who signed the bond"

On page 390 genealogical dep No 13478 wanted inf about James Ralston who married Elizabeth Stover in Wayne Co, Ind abt 1828. He died 1833 leaving children, Sarah, Joseph & Elizabeth

Wanted also ancestry of the parents of Elizabeth Stover who were Jose & Esther or Hester Young Stover originally from N.Car or Tenn.

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Chas Thomas McKee of Pgh, Pa interested in the S.A.R. was here at the noon hour & says that a Dr Albert McKee of Leland Stanford University, California was, he thought, a grandson of Rev McKee who married a daughter of great Uncle John Carothers. He will get me his address.

He spoke of being at the old Derry g.y. which is abt 3 miles out of Derry in Derry Tp at the old Presbyterian Church there. I asked him about the grave of Samuel Finley, a Revolutionary soldier buried there & he said there was no tombstone, but that the church records gave date of his death & his aged & he would get this data & bring with him when he came up next week. He said one of those Finleys married a McKee from whom Finley McKee descends.

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A letter dated Mch 4, 1929 from Q.M. Watts Holstein, Iowa says he still wants a book of the Finley history.

I have three letters dated July 4, Sept 9, & Nov 11, 1928 from Mrs Malinda R. Harper, says she recd letter from Mollie Salisbury, Richmond, Ind 113 Lincoln St, saying Ellen Gibson Hays of Muncie, Ind 323 E. N. St was buried Decoration Day, May 30, 1928.

she says the address of Alice McLucas of California as sent to me by Jennie Pickering which she couldn't make out. I make it Soquel, Calif c/o J.M. Murphy. She gives the address of H.C. White D.D.S. 308-309 Model Building 738 Broadway, Gary, Ind phone 4416. I can't make out her letter to indicate who he is neither can Pallini.

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A letter dated Nov 23, 1928 from Miss Edith R. Odle of Spencer, Iowa gives the following additional information but does not mention book & page. She says:

My mother, Josephine Houser Odle died Nov 11, 1927

Lina Odle, wife of Frank Odle a son of Robert Odle of Portland, Ind died Nov 8, 1927

Leah Odle, wife of Thomas W. Odle of Ridgeville, Ind died July 18, 1928.

In the list of descendants of Robert Jack, which she went among the children of her parents, she gave Vera Leona Vickers which for the first time in the settlement of her mother's estate should not have been given as she is no Jack, but is a daughter of a sister of Mrs Odle who she took & raised because the second husband of the sister was unwilling to take. Edith says to eliminate her, her husband & their daughter from my records which I must do.

She says five different people have asked her to get them copies of this Jack History.

V23 Page 275

A letter dated Dec 31, 1928 from Mrs Mary E. Watkinson 606 S. C St, Arkansas City, Kansas said her Aunt Sarah Logan was then in California. She wants a Thompson history.

A letter dated Jany 30, 1929 from Mrs W.T. Packwood, who with her husband are Proprs of the Luxor Hotel, Coffeyville, Kansas writes that she is the eldest child of James Weakley & is much interested in the family history & says there are ten of his children living & that her mother (Jame's wife) passed over on Jany 18, 1929 aged 88 yrs 1 mo & 20 days. Am writing tonight for her own record. She speaks of James Weakley being of Vourance? Kansas.

Mch 28, 1931 see book 24 pages 450-462

V23 Page 278

On the back of a 1928 Christmas card, Mrs Elizabeth McIntire Campbell of Council Grove, Kansas, advises me that her grandson Taylor Campbell Harvey was married Sept 1928 to Beatrice Bassett of Lapeer, Mich & then lived in Manchester, NH

She said she had been accepted by the D.A.R. on her Finley line.

V23 Page 279

Oak Hill June 14, 1930 3:42 PM

Amerigo Pallini completes 13 years today born here June 14, 1917.

I have a letter dated Jany 5, 1929 from Mrs Carrie Breese Chandler, wife of Hon. L.L. Chandler member of the Legislature of Cottonwood Falls, Kansas in answer to mine of Mch 17, 1927 which had been laid aside during an 18 mos siege of sickness she has had. She expresses much interest in my work, but does not send in her record except briefly which I am entering in table on next page & am writing her to send in answers to the questionnaire I sent her in 1927. I am making the table a continuation of the one made at San Diego, Calif Dec 22? 1922 at Andrew J. Finleys first cousin of her mother see book 9 page 120. She says A.J. Finley placed her mother at once saying her mother, Hannah Finley was a sister of his father, John. She says she has a letter written in 1872 to her mother, Margaret Finley Breese, her cousin then living she thought in Brookfield, Mo in which she said "Uncle John Finley has just been visiting us who in his unconsciousness of evil & gentle goodness reminded her of Uncle Barclay Finley". Kate afterwards taught mathematics in Lindenwood College at St Charles, Mo see page 280

V23 Page 278 & V23 Page 279

[descendant chart]

Robert Finley born 1760 died July 5, 1825 in Ashland Co, Ohio see bk 9 p 120 married Mary Craig born Apr 17, 1767 died 1847 Mrs Chandler don't know who got his bible.

[their daughter]

Hannah Finley born in Fayette Co, Pa Jany 10, 1805, died in Mt Gilead, O Dec 2, 1862 which dates she gets from her mother's journal. Married Wm W. Irwin who was born in Penna in 1797 & died at Mt Gilead, Ohio, Aug 15, 1865. He was born in Chester Co, Pa son of John Irwin & wife Margaret Martin who with their oldest son Robert Irwin came from Co Monaghan, Ireland to America about 1790 or near that date. Had 5 children all born in Ohio.

1. William Smith Irwin ob married 1 Arminda House. Had 2 children. Married 2d Belle Knox. No issue. See page 572

William C. Irwin

Adah Irwin

2. John Milton Irwin b 1830 ob 1870 in Oregon. Never married. He was in regular army & went to Oregon abt 1855

3. Hannah Irwin ob Aug 21, 1861, married 1856 to Samuel McClarren. He took the children to Kansas & they were lost sight of. She left 2 children see page 572.

Margaret McClarren

William McClarren Sidney A. Breese sent the Wm W. & Hannah Irwin bible to him & it was lost trace of.

4. Margaret Martin Irwin b 1838 at Zanesville, O ob Sept 9, 1873 at Mt Gilead, O married Apr 19, 1861 Sidney A. Breese b Oct 4, 1836 at Mt Gilead O ob Sept 29, 1903 at Cottonwood Falls, Kan, son of Alfred Breese (& wife Rachel Lyon) who in 1830 moved from Dover NJ to Mt Gilead, O.

Caroline W. Breese see p 570 b Oct 27, 1865 married Nov 1, 1916 Levi Leland Chandler. He is now a member of the Kansas Legislature.

Margaret B. Breese b June 23, 1868 married Sept 14, 1892 to Erastus Replogle B July 23, 1860 son of David Replogle & wife ______ Diltz.

Sidney Breese Replogle b Sept 3, 1893 married Apr 3, 1919 Helen [unreadable initial] Burnett daughter of Chas & Hattie Burnett.

Margaret Irwin Replogle b Feby 16, 1921

Burnett Replogle b Apr 1, 1925

Charles Burnett Replogle, b Apr 28, 1927

5. Barclay Finley Irwin ob, served through the Civil War & came to Kansas & Peter moved to Delaware. His 3 sons live in NJ. Married 1 Sarah Connor, ob. No issue. Married 2 Marcia Preston, a widow by whom he had 3 sons.

Edward Irwin of Lindenwold, NJ married & has issue

Albert or Alfred Irwin of Lindenwold, NJ married & has issue.

William Irwin, unmarried

V23 Page 280

Make slip to look at Mansfield, O for marriage license of Hannah Finley born Jany 5, 1805 & John? W. Irwin. Also to look up at out C.H. & see in what Tp Robert Finley was assessed in 1802-05. She says her gggrandparents Irwin lived in Steubenville, O (does she mean her grandparents) but that she was born herself in Mt Gilead, O but said both of her grandparents had died before she was born.

She says she joined the D.A.R. on the record of her gggfather, Henry Breese of NJ who was a cousin of Samuel Breese who married Rebecca Finley, daughter of Rev Dr Samuel Finley 1715-1766, their fathers being brothers, see records of the Breese family which holds reunions each year in August at Horseheads, NY. She enclosed a clipping of the death of Alice Finley Gallaher of Mt Gilead, O. Says her father, Lewis Finley was a cousin of her mother & she thinks he was a son of Barclay Finley.

V23 Page 281

A letter dated Jany 16, 1929 in answer to mine of 12th Jany from Lancelot Jacques Sr then Pres of the Peoples Banking Co of Smithsburg, Md says the only family by the name of Jack is at Winchester, Va where they built the Hotel Jack & he says he understands that family were arrivals here about 1740. He says my great grandfather, Lancelot Jacques & his nephew (my Anjou records say his brother) Denton Jacques landed here at Annapolis, Md about 1746. If you will get the life of Thomas Johnston, the first Governor of Md written by Delaplaine of Frederick Md, it will give you a rather complete history of the life of Lancelot Jacques who was a partner of Johnston in operating an Iron Furnace (Make slip to get this book) at Green spring 16 miles west of Hagerstown, Md & also the Catoctin Furnace 12 miles north of Frederick Md. I happen to own the latter property now, a card of which I am enclosing you. I am Lancelot the 4th & I have a son & a grandson who is Lancelot the 6th. I also have a grand? son Denton. The crop of Jacques seem to have pretty well scattered. About 1800, George went west & another one located in the vicinity of NJ (Make slip)

V23 Page 282

My family is the only Jacques in Md, excepting 1 son of my only brother. I am not very long on the Jacques genealogy as I happen to be the youngest of our family of five girls & two boys & as I happened to drop in shortly after the Civil War which put my father in very sad circumstances. I had to go to work when quite small & I have been at it ever since. I have a sister 78 yrs old living in Calif who eats & sleeps on the great ancestors those old Jacques folks were, but I have never seen any of them that I thought could jar the earth from its axis, so I am not a very good one in the genealogy end of it. Green spring furnace was operated by Jacques family with negro slaves from 1760 until the Civil War in 1865.

Lancelot Jacques Sr

I hunted him up Oct 26, 1929 see pages 2 to 5 inclusive in this book.

V23 Page 283

Miss Hinch, ex-governess for Andrew's two younger boys, gray haired & aged probably 55 to 60 years was here tonight with Gilbert, "her baby" as she called him & said she was going over to her old home, Dublin, Ireland this summer. Miss Ranier, former Governess for Andrew's children was going to meet her in London & go with her. She said Trinity College was the high educational institution of Great Britain & that Ireland & Dublin were educational centers before there were any in England. Perhaps she & Miss Ranier could do some research work for me at Letterkenny, Ardstraw, Raphoe etc.

She said when she used to be up all hours of the night with Andrew & Gilbert when they had the croup, she would see a light in my room with me at work. The children here tonight weighed:

C. Fredricka Thompson 100 lbs

Evelyn Louise Thompson 84 lbs

Andrew A. Thompson Jr 66 lbs

Gilbert Markle Thompson 57 lbs

Joe V. who came in later was not weighed.

V23 Page 284

Oak Hill, June 15, 1930 10 AM

A letter dated July 5, 1929 from Manville Carothers of Kirksville, Mo asks about my progress in the Carothers History. He says he has been in correspondence with Mrs Letitia P. Wilson of Baltimore, Md who is working on it & has been twice to Carlisle, Pa & conferred with Mrs Flower & who assures him that the D.A.Rs will accept his daughters on his Carothers line (they already being members on his mother's line.) Am writing him for her address & the data she gives him. He says he has been in correspondence with Samuel M. Carothers of Sumter,SC whose line he thinks is different from his.

He says his father died there Jany 6, 1929 having been in failing health for about 3 years, but was only bedfast for about three days. See my records when there about Nov 2, 1922 in book No 8.

V23 Page 285

A letter dated May 3, 1928 of 1009 9th Ave Helena, Mont asks how I was getting on with my family histories. Letter was from Mrs Nellie McFarland.

A letter dated Dec 29, 1928 from Miss Grace H. Glass, Bassett, Neb gives my reference to Book 7 page 133 & says:

Her mother Hattie Yarnell Liston was born Nov 19, 1872[1]* (see table book 7 p 133 where date is given as Dec 2, 1878. This date which she now gives is no doubt right). She says she is teaching in Bassett, Neb & in the summer in Altoona, Kansas, where she is the widow of Wm Dudley & goes, no doubt under name of Harriet Yarnell Dudley. Ask about her first child, Chas W. Haynes born Apr 10, 1891 which confirms as it is 2 mos prior to her first marriage. Grace wants a book. See also page 464 this book

V23 Page 286

A letter dated Jany 12, 1929 from James C. Harvey, Santa Fe, NM says he took his wife Gladys to the San [sic] on the 9th & on the next day at 10:30, their first child, John Carothers Harvey was born weighing 7 lbs 13 1/2 oz big frame & a very plump baby with brownish red hair & a long face. A later letter from him dated Feby 9, 1929 I find was recorded in book 22 p 264

A letter dated Oct 25, 1929 from the Secretary of John Markle No 2 Rector St, says Mr Markle wishes to know just how I am related to the Markles. I wrote him on Oct 31, advising him.

A letter dated Jany 1, 1929 from John H. Finley of the New York Times says if I am ever in New York, he will be glad to show me the data he has gathered about the Finley Family.

V23 Page 287

I have another letter dated Aug 22, 1928 from John H. Finley of the NY Times in which he says he has a History of the Finley family in genealogical typewritten form back to 1530 or thereabouts from a Mr France whose middle name is Finley of Baltimore, so France is making capital of my Anjou Finley History which he copied when I loaned it to him & this accounts for his ceasing to write me - this consciousness of wrong doing. Mr Finley sends me a two page copy of an ode he wrote on the 200th Anniversary of the founding of the "Log College" entitled Lux in Tenebris" & says he regrets that he cannot be at the celebration at Rehoboth today. You can note the reference to his great great grandfather, Rev James Finley in the ode which I copy on next page.

V23 Page 288

"Lux in Tenebris

I still can hear him singing in the night

His one small prairie cottage room alight

And the miles of silent darkness round

Still hear across the threescore years the sound

Of that far voice which seems far older than

Old Homer's singing on the call of Pan

Or Davids playing to the soul of Paul

Still hear the migrant hymn - back of them all

"I'm a pilgrim

And I'm a stranger

I can tarry

But a night

Do not detain me

For I am going

To where the fountains

Are overflowing

I'm a pilgrim

And I'm a stranger

I can tarry

I can tarry

But a night"

He was a scion of the Tennant Creed

He was a pilgrim of a sterner breed

Than they who landed on the Plymouth coast

And long have been our prideful patriot boast

His great grandsire had been the first to bear

The Tennant light across the Laurel Mountains where

The first of Presbyteries was begun

that reached (as writ) "Unto the setting sun"

So ventured forth these pilgrims of the night

Who'd caught into their lamps "Log College" light

The prior territory of that estate

Whose further portal is the Golden Gate

V23 Page 289

The farflung array of those first waves of war

That broke through mountain pass & glen

Scotch-Irish bred precursors such as he

Who sang of that one better land to be

This humble College "Contemptuous" name

The mother of a noble breed became

Small was the roster of her sons - scarce more

Than those of Christ's Disciples - but they bore

The Gospel of her teaching till it reached

Where'ere the Presbyterian word was preached

Out in the Appalachian Mountain vales

Or where the prairie Schooner reefed it sails

She's Alma Mater to no living son

Gone is the House of Logs, gone every one

But she is Alma Avia today

To thousands for whose feet shelest [sic] the way

To Christian schools & noble college halls

Encrowned with towers & girt with storied walls

Here was a chapter in our Genesis

Here was a shining Lux in Tenebris"

The above is worthy of reproduction in my Finley history. I must go see him. Make slip.

V23 Page 290

Oak Hill, June 16, 1930 7:37 AM

A letter dated Aug 15, 1929 from J.L. Jack General Merchandise 1293 Indianola Ave, Columbus, Ohio said he stopped overnight in Uniontown, Pa last Saturday night & wants a book.

I have two letters dated May 26, 1928 & June 19, 1928 from Mrs Ethel Denune Young of 1968 Denune Ave, Columbus, Ohio who says her husband was Norvil Finley Young, a descendant of Rev James Finley 1725-1795, through a grandmother who was a Thompson whose people came from Penna to southern Ohio. She is a member of the N.E. Historic Genealogical Society where she had made searches & saw my Thomas Thompson - Martha Finley memorial tablet & also heard of me through a brother-in-law's sister. See my record book 7 page 201, when at Nellie Burns in Senecaville, O in July 1922

V23 Page 291

A letter dated Apr 23, 1928 in answer to mine of Feby 1, 1928 from Mrs Susan T. Cook of Peebles, O says she has not been able to locate the bible of her grandfather, Samuel Thoroman which Geo W. Thoroman told me Oct 30, 1925 had gone to Salvatore Thoroman who gave it to his wife, who Geo W. thought would give it to her sister, the mother of Mrs Cook.

Mrs Cook says her brother, Thomas Thoroman has gone to Indiana to live & she does not know his address, but will try & find out & write & see if he has it, or knows who has.

Died Tuesday May 8, 1928, John Carruthers, son of the late George & Jane Carruthers. Funeral service at his late residence 424 Mansion St, Extension Hazlewood, Pa, was a Mason, Rochester NY & Roscoe Pa Papers please copy.

V23 Page 292

Mrs Anna Elizabeth Woodward aged 81 yrs 1 mo & 9 days died at her home in Franklin Tp, Fayette Co, Pa wife of John W. Woodward on Sunday. She was a daughter of the late Robert & Susan Boyer, pioneer residents of Vanderbilt, Pa being born Mch 3, 1847. She resided at Vanderbilt until her marriage in July 1864 when she removed to Franklin Tp & ever after lived. She was a member of the Laurel Hill Pres church, a devout & prominent member & loved by all for her kindness. She is survived by her husband & seven children:

1. David Woodward, Keisterville, Pa

2. Robert Woodward, Smock, Pa

3. Mrs John A. Allen, Smock, Pa

4. Mrs W.E. Bittner, Fredericktown, Pa

5. John A. Woodward, Hickory Bottom, Pa

6. Mrs D.M. Wade Perryopolis, Pa

7. Mrs Frank B. Galley Vanderbilt, Pa

Also 23 grandchildren, two of whom she raised to manhood viz: Curtis Woodward at home & Ray Woodward at Cleveland together with & [sic] 13 great grandchildren survive.

V23 Page 293

A letter dated Dec 10, 1928 in answer to mine of June 3, 1926 from [2]*Nathan Ashby of 2458 Warren St Toledo, O gives information asked for about his wife as follows:

1. Mary Harriet Ashby born Mch 25, 1919 at New Rochelle, NY

2. Wallace Little Ashby born June 14, 1920 Duluth, Minn

3. William Clark Ashby born July 6, 1922 Duluth, Minn

4. Nancy Chamberlin Ashby born Nov 3, 1924 Meadowlands, Minn

5. Martha Josephine Ashby born Jany 3, 1927 Proctor, Minn

The address of Dr James G.? Simmons is 30 Myrtle Ave Pittsburg, Mass. Am sorry I cannot give any particulars about his birth & parentage.

He writes again Dec 17, 1928 in answer to mine of Dec 15, giving reference to my book 16 p 61 [3]*where I have him listed as William Wallace Ashby born Aug 23, 1890 a member of the Wallace end of the Finley family as given to me Feby 27, 1926 by his Aunt Josephine Martha Wallace. I don't know why he has taken the name Nathan. Am writing for his wife's parentage & why his change of name.

V23 Page 294

A letter dated June 2, 1928 from Mrs W.S. Critzer (Mabel) Route 1 Urbana, O writes to know how I am progressing with the Crawford book. Make slip to go see her & get her record if I do not already have it & see just where she comes in & get book & page if she has it.

V23 Page 295

Oak Hill, June 17, 1930 11:27 AM

I have a card announcing the marriage of Eugenia Grover Benn to Charles Edward Carothers on Dec 15, 1928 at Condersport, Pa

A newspaper clipping mailed from Mckeesport, Pa Nov 9, 1928 by his widow, Ida, announces the sudden death of William H. Graeser, aged 68 years on Saturday evening (no date given) at his home 1002 Walnut St. Says he was born in Cincinnati O & came to McKeesport Pa 35 years ago & conducted a grocery store on Walnut St near Ninth, was a member of First Pres Ch there & is survived by his widow Ida Elliott Graeser. One daughter, Mrs Nell Graeser Miller at home & one grandson Billie Graeser Miller. Burial in the Brownsville, Pa cemetery.

Have card of M.C.J. Markle, Gettysburg, Pa son of M.M. Markle of New Bethlehem Pa who flew to Uniontown, Pa Aug 23,-5, 1928 during my absence from home.

V23 Page 296

A letter dated Oct 5, 1928 from Mrs Cora A. Antrim of 1523 Columbia Ave, Phila, Pa gives her records for the Jack Hist as follows:

Cora Augusta Wyatt was born in Uniontown, Pa Feby 21, 1874, daughter of William Wyatt & his second wife Hannah Matilda Hagan, widow of John Hagan whose maiden name was Hannah Matilda Linton of Masontown, Pa born there Apr 20, 1833 died Mch 20, 1897. Cora was married June 15, 1900 to William Gibson Antrim whom she divorced Apr 1920 at Elkton, Nevada.. They had three children:

1. Phyllis Antrim born Feby 7, 1902 married Mch 2, 1926 in Louisville Ky by Rector Wallincraft of Calvary Episcopal Church there to Agust [sic] David Roeder a reporter on the Louisville Courier Journal son of Agust Roeder Sr & his wife Mary Green

2. John Henderson Antrim Jr born Dec 24, 1903, unmarried

3. Mary Pauline Antrim born June 21, 1906 married May 28, 1928 at Phila, Pa.

V23 Page 297

by Rev Samuel W. Purvis D.D. Methodist to Frank George Frederick born Mch 25, 1894 at Port Chester, NY son of Peter L. Frederick of NY City & his wife Mary Elizabeth Dornin. He is a Mechanical & Electrical engineer & is Asst Supt of manufcatoring [sic] for the American Tee Co of Phila Pa where they live. I.N. Hagan writes that his father married Hannah Linton his stepmother Jany 25, 1855.

A letter dated June 13, 1929 from Robert L. Finley, Pres of the Wilkinsburg Bank, Pa says his mother celebrated her 93d (I think it 92nd) birthday recently & is in her usual good health. He says his brother & sister are there from Florida & that he, Arthur is going to Europe this summer & his sister is in very poor health.

V23 Page 298

A letter dated July 29, 1929 from Mrs Rose S. Maloney of 157 S. Fairmont Ave Pittsburgh, Pa sends a picture in a Sunday newspaper of Drayton Manor, Staffordshire, England (make slip) the ancestral home of Sir Robert Peel, who invited her & Virginia to visit him. He came over on the boat with them & his wife, Beatrice Lillie, the actress & their son met him at the pier. She says Rosemary & John are incessant readers.

On the same page with Drayton Manor is a picture of the Princess Hatzfeld who is mentioned as the adopted daughter of Collis P. Huntington whose heirs are contesting her strange will seeking to find her missing millions. Am filing with Rose's letter.

A card from Wm E. Hankins says Justice Van VanDelbenter? [sic] who called wished to be remembered to J.V. Thompson. No date.

V23 Page 299

A letter postmarked Nov 17, 1928 from Mrs Rose LeMoyne Kelly, (widow of Dr George M. Kelly) of No 112 E. Maiden St, Washington, Pa sends me a photo of myself taken in 1869 when I was 15 which she found among some cherished effects that had been sent her of her darling little sister, Mrs Madeleine Romainde LeMoyne Alexander, wife of Thomas Rush Alexander Jr who died, she said suddenly on Feby 17, 1928 after a short illness from tonsilitis a short time after the death of Rose's husband, Dr Geo M. Kelly. She says Madeleine prized this picture of mine so highly & wd never let anyone take it. Aside from my dear sister, Ruth Ann born May 16, 1847 & Genl Marshall Independence Ludington born July 4, 1839, she is the only one who proffered & gave me any money in my financial distress. She sent me a bill of one hundred dollars which I kept as a reserve & fell back upon dozens of times, always replenishing again when funds again [sic]. I had always intended returning it to her ten fold, but have not yet been in funds to do so. And to who now?

I file this among my family letters, but put photo in flap of my present C.A. Book.

V23 Page 300

A letter dated Mch 19, 1929 from Frances H. Cone, wife of Roscoe Edwin Cone of 429? Idaho Ave S.E. Huron, South Dakota thanks me for the information I gave her about her ancestor Capt Joseph Mendenhall, which enabled her to join the D.A.R.. Says at the library of the Penna Hist Soc Phila where she spent four days last spring. She found the marriage of Joseph Mendenhall, grandfather of Capt Joseph to Ruth Gilpin which enabled her to trace her line back to 1206.

The information I gave her about Capt John Moore through her resulted in starting a Capt John Moore chapter here of the D.A.R.

Her daughter was then teaching history in the high school at Confluence, Pa. Her great [sic think he means regret] was that she did not meet me when here last spring.

V23 Page 301

A letter dated Apr 25, 1928 the day after I left home from Miss Estelle Finley of Columbia, Tenn enclosed a clipping from the Nashville, Tenn Courier announcing the death at her son's in Los Angeles, Calif on Tuesday of last week (no doubt Apr 1928) of Mrs John W. Hart, nee Fannie Caruthers, the last survivor of the twelve children of Judge Abram Caruthers of Lebanon, Tenn, who was noted for her wit & brilliancy & her sweet disposition. She was the aunt of Robt L. Caruthers since decd & Abe Caruthers of Nashville. Upon her marriage to John W. Hart, she moved to Nashville in 1895? & in 1904? moved to Calif. Her trusted negro servant "Vick" in the family for 30 years went with her to take care of Miss Fannie, a semi-invalid. She is survived by her son, Winslow C. Hart of Los Angeles, Calif & Abram C. Hart of San Francisco & the following grandchildren: Frances Ann, John Winslow, Mary, Anna, Robert Abram, Roslyn, Fannie May, James Winslow & Abram Caruthers Hart.

V23 Page 302

A letter I sent Sept 4, 1929 to Marion Finley, route 1, Hampshire, Tenn, was returned undelivered.

His father, John Finley is said to have come from NC to Tenn in 1818 see my book 22 p 559. John is said to have married four times.

A letter dated July 1, 1929 from Mrs Blanche Finley Stoaks (Mrs Chas E.) of 253 Virginia Ave, Chester WVA says Mrs Ella M. Everhard had asked her to send me her branch of the Finley family in accordance with which she gives her line as below which she says is as far back as she can go "I am the daughter of Robert A. Finley. His father was John Ramsay Finley who was a son of Thomas P. Finley. Thomas P. Finley was born in Washington Co, Pa I believe. Anyway, he brought my grandfather

V23 Page 303

to Hancock Co WVA in 1831. My grandfather, John R. Finley was born in Washington Co, Pa April 8, 1924"

She says her branch of the family are lumber dealers & contractors & if I think they belong to our branch, she will get & send me fuller data & thinks she can get some from bible records. Their family has been in Chester WVA since it was first settled, their farm being just at the edge of town.

Says if I wish a complete history of their branch, she will be glad to see what she can do. Says all the older members of the family have died, but thinks she can get information from family bibles. Am writing her again tonight as she did not answer my letter of July 22, 1929.

V23 Page 304

When at the office of John Spoor Stover 14 Wall St, 30th floor of Bankers Trust Co Bldg, NY on Oct 22, 1929, he gave me a letterhead of his father's firm: Stover & Stover, Attorneys & Counsellors Mills Building, Milwaukee, Wis. Firm Names: James, M. Stover, Paul Stover, John S. Stover, Samuel M.? Stover, Henry? P. Stover. Make slip.

A letter dated July 15, 1929 from Cousin Miss Grace Hope Glass, then at 733 S. Wolcott St, Casper, Wyoming, for summer study, wants me to write her another letter of encouragement to put her through the last year of her self appointed task of educating her brothers & sister, her youngest brother, Harry having but one more year to put him through school. Says she has written a book which she understands the publishers have accepted. I wrote her July 27, 1929.

V23 Page 305

Oak Hill, June 18, 1930 3:35 PM

A letter dated Nov 19, 1929 from Mrs Mary E. Ramsay 472 N. Austin Blvd, Oak Park, Ills enclosed in letter of Dora E. Gunnett who is visiting her, says they have just heard of the death of Mrs J.N. Searcy of Patriot, Ind 89 yrs old who I visited there in Oct, 1921. She was the daughter of John F. Jack & was buried in the cemetery on the old home place where five generations of the family are buried. She hopes I will get to Chicago & make them a visit. Mrs Gunnett tells of her visit at York, Pa with Mr Gunnett's relatives who took her to Gettysburg & Valley Forge, Baltimore, Washington D.C., Alexandria, Va & Mt Vernon.

V23 Page 306

In assorting the papers in my stern satchel today, I find a lot of family papers that had been there since my trips to Kansas, Miss, etc in Feby & Mch 1926 & to the Sesqui-Centennial & the Cumberland Valley Pa in June, July & Aug 1926. Some of the papers of gggfather Thomas Thompson estate, who died in 1782 in a large & small envelope & a 11 page copy of descendants of Hugh Rippey unrecorded, which Geo H. Stewart Senr of Shippensburg, Pa loaned & others I am filing away in my standing desk in the Empire room where I am now writing and I am making note below of other mem. which have probably not been heretofore noted in Books 16 & 17 which was then using others that have been recorded. I am filing away with family envelopes, large & small.

V23 Page 307

I find the following addresses of parties to see:

W. Morris Deisher, Secy of Mutual Fire Ins Co, Reading, Pa

Harvey Shomo, Secy of American Casualty Co, Reading, Pa

I don't recall who wrote down these addresses for me.

I have a photo, evidently gotten in Aug 1926 under which is "Middlespring Presbyterian Church near Chambersburg, Pa" On back is written: "near Shippensburg, Pa Built in 1780 & stood for 70 years. It was a stone building & for its day, was of more than ordinary elegance" Filing in standing desk.

I find three pages of closely written Molly Pitcher Hotel note size sheets of references to wills, admr etc taken at Carlisle, Pa July 17, 1926 (I think before my record b 17 came) which I used as working sheets & I was so very

V23 Page 308

busy the entire month from July 17, 1926 that I didn't get time to transcribe same in my record book 17 which I have just leafed through & don't find. I am filing with papers named above, in this desk for future use if going back to take along as helps.

Am also laying away with these papers, six sheets & six envelopes I had made up for working sheets on said trip one env for Harrisburg, Pa not having been used yet.

At Christs Church Graveyard, Phila, Pa 1217 PM (Probably July 7, to 16th, 1926


John Wagner's family vault:

1748 John Wagner 1832

1760 Mary Wagner 1839

1789 Susan Byerly 1851

1826 William Byerly 1851

1838 Julia Wells Crosby? 1866

1823 Edmund Byerly 1898

1818 Mary Retz Wells 1843

1842 Capt Andrew Byerly 1904

1826 Susan Wells Menghoh [best guess] 1906

1842 Sarah Dutton Wells 1917

V23 Page 309

Oak Hill, June 19, 1930 7:55 PM

A letter dated June 16, 1930 from George A. Findley, Grimes, Iowa, sends me a genealogical chart which I am recording on the two pages following which he says he has just recd from a cousin which was sent her by Rev William F. Findley, Winnebago, Neb & he wishes me to let him know when I get anything about his family. This chart definitely establishes that he is of the Findley family & not of our Finley family. He notes that this record does not exactly agree with what he sent me before in that Jane Findley, 1802 in it, married a McCurdy & in this, she married Saml Sheely & Mrs Long and Mary Ewing 1809 is Polly in this one. See book 15 page 390 & 392.

V23 Page 310 & V23 Page 311

[descendant chart]



James Findley, had 3 brothers, see next page. Also some half brothers & sisters, see bk 15 pages 390-2.

Martha Findley, married James Hutchinson

Bessie Hutchinson, married Morrow

Rebecca Hutchinson, married Ashkettle

John Hutchinson, married Sloan

Jane Hutchinson, married John Findley, no issue

Nancy Hutchinson, married Trimble

Rosanna Hutchinson, married Black

Findley Hutchinson

Abel Findley, ob, married see record, this book

James Findley, b 1801

Jane Findley, b 1802, married Sam Sheeley, married Tobias Long

Eliza Findley, b 1804 married Moses Dray?

William Findley, b Apr 10, 1805, ob married Polly McLaughlin, married Mary Forsythe

David Findley b 1807 ob, married Anne Kerr

Polly Findley, b 1809 married Joseph Kelmer or Hillman

Anna Findley b Mch 23,? 1811 ob married Dr Wade

Harvey Findley b 1814 married Elizabeth Wheatley

Thomas Findley b 1815 died early

Nancy Findley b 1816 never married

Abel Findley b 1819 ob married Mary Jane Kerr

Eleanor Findley married James McKallip. I wonder if these are parents of Katharine who married Henry W. Beeson.

Robert Findley [son of James] ob "I know nothing of him"

David Findley, ob "I know nothing"

Abel Findley [brother of James] my gt gt grandfather of father's side evidently so stated by Rev Wm F. Findley

William Findley, Congressman for 22 years. Also my gt grandfather on mother's side evidently so stated by Rev Wm F. Findley. He lived at Latrobe, Pa

Samuel Findley. It is just possible that this is the grandfather of Mrs Elizabeth Finley [sic] Gregg 1840-1926 see book 15 pages 390 & 392 who I visited Dec 25, 1925 & that the family took to spelling the name Finley. Make slip to hunt wills of Samuel Findley & Jane Findley at Greensburg, Pa.

copied Rev Wm F. Findley Winnebago, Nev.

V23 Page 312

A letter dated May 30, 1930 in answer to one written her in 1928 from Bertha C. Dawson (Mrs E.E.) of Petersburg, Ills, but written from Lancaster, Pa speaks of Miss Price referring me to her about the Crawford Genealogy. She speaks of the passing of her mother & breaking up housekeeping at her father's old home. She says she does not know whether she is descended from Col Wm Crawford or not, but says William is a name that has been kept in their family until the present when she commenced tracing her Crawfords. All she knew was that her ggfather was buried in a little cemetery in our county. (She don't say where) & her father said he had served in the War of 1812 from Ky, his name being Alexander Crawford. She finds that James Crawford born in Augusta, Va was his father who served in the Revolutionary War in Va drawing his pension in KY where he went in an early day. He reared a large family I think there were fourteen children.

V23 Page 313

I have the names (which I copied from the family bible) at home. Since coming east, I visited Fincastle, Va where I had learned my great great grandfather James Crawford had obtained a marriage license at least was a petition of Isaiah Vansant that his daughter, Sarah Vansant might marry James Crawford. This was on Oct 21, 1786. She thinks the father of James was William but she has no proof of it. She says there is quite a lot of Crawford data at Fincastle, Va & records are well kept. Says there seem to have been three elderly Crawfords there, Andrew, William & John. Andrew & Wm were brothers. I do not know about John. A will made by Andrew Crawford in 1791 bequeaths a part of his estate, some land in Ky, to his daughter Margaret Vansant - yet there was a record of Andrew Crawford's marriage in 1788 to Euphies [sic] Batey. This wd prove that Euphates Batey was not Margaret's mother, but she may have been a second wife.

V23 Page 314

A deed executed in 1787 by Isaiah Vansant shows his wife's name to be Margaret. This looks like Isaiah's wife was daughter of Andrew Crawford by a former marriage & if so, James probably married his cousin.

She says she is a D.A.R. on James Crawford's record & says he is buried in Fleming Co, Ky on the farm he went to & settled on in an early day & the farm is still in the family. John S. Crawford if he still lives owns it. The family bible is in the possession of Luther Crawford of Cal [sic]. She says if I want a record of James Crawford, she will be glad to send them & I wrote for them & the bible record she referred to on the 14th.

5:54 PM

Cousin Anna M. Sauter, here this afternoon, said her father, Austin McCully died at her home in Shaker Heights, O at 11:55 PM last night June 18, 1930 aged, she thought, 67. Her mother was 4 yrs older. He was stricken with apoplexy, she thinks as he had one before yesterday morning. She left for 6 PM train for Westover, Pa, her brother, Boyd having taken the body today.

V23 Page 315

A letter dated June 7, 1930 in answer to mine of Jay 31, 1930 from Jean B. Holdeman (Mrs Geo H.) of 305 College Ave, York, Neb encloses the record of Mrs Margaret Jane Fulton Gambell, see book 9 pages 152 & 280 & book 23 p 198, which her mother sent to Rebecca E. Linn for me in Nov 1922 & which I don't think Mrs Linn ever sent me. The record includes that of Mrs Holdeman, her husband, children. She has seven lines to the D.A.R. & will now aim to enter also on the Jack line.

She says her Aunt, Miss Jennie Butler, who lived in Iowa (I believe at What Cheer) sister of her father, died in 1924.

She says her father was born in Dundee, Scotland & his mother was Isabella Jack, daughter of Adam Jack & Margaret Peterson, both of Glenisla, Forfarshire, Scotland. Make slip to try to trace this family at the Round House, Edingburgh & see what members of this family came to America, to Chester Co, Pa & when. The record is as follows:

V23 Page 316 & V23 Page 317

[descendant chart]

Margaret Jane Fulton born Westnd Co, Pa Jany 24, 1842 daughter of Abram Fulton who was son of Henry Fulton & his first wife, Rebecca Jack see book 9 p 152. She died May 12, 1921, buried Winfield, Iowa, married Apr 16, 1862 John Cooper Gambell who was born at Shelby, O Oct 24, 1837 & died at Winfield, Iowa Oct 25, 1903. He was son of Harvey Gambell, born Shelby O Jany 25, 1812 ob Winfield, Iowa Dec 1868 & his wife Catharine Cooper born Wash Co, Pa Apr 20, 1816 died Winfield, Iowa Mch 8, 1890. They had six children all born in Winfield, Iowa.


Sylvanus Cooper Gambell b Mch 8, 1863 ob May 27, 1898 married Aug 3, 1890 Nellie Webster b Apr 8, 1874 at Rhoades Iowa & died May 27, 1898. Both lost at sea in Pacific ocean.

Margaret Gambell, b at St Lawrence, Island, Apr 1897 drowned at Sea may 27, 1898.

Anna Rachel Gambell b Mch 19, 1865 married July 1, 1885 Rev James B. Butter born at Dundee, Scotland July 31, 195- ob Oct 11, 1922 son of Donald Butter & wife Isabella Jack buried at Winfield Iowa. He died at Hubbell, Neb. Had four children, the first two born in Winfield, Iowa & the third in Blairstown, Iowa

Donald Butter b July 9, 1886 married July 29, 1915 Irene Fonda b July 29, 1886 Amsterdam NY, daughter of Frank Fonda & Ada Stevens.

Bettie May B July 20, 1909 Schenectady NY

Margaret Jean Butter b July 13, 1887, my informant for this married Apr 19, 1921 at Alexandria Neb to George H. Holdeman born Lebanon Co, Pa Dec 12, 1868 son of Thomas Holdeman & Sallie Hedrick. Have 2 children born at York, Neb.

Rachel Jean Holdeman b Mch 28, 1923

Mary Margaret Holdeman b May 8, 1925

Marion Jack b Oct 31, 1889 ob Dec 18, 1890 born & died at Blairstown, Iowa [Note: This may be Marian. Boy or girl?]

John Gambell Butter b Jany 3, 1895 married Nov 18, 1921 to Helen Hayes born July 32, 1895 [unreadable location] daughter of Frank Hayes & Wilhelmina Woodrich. One child, born at Atlantic, Iowa

Margaret Jean Butter b Feby 18, 1927

John Herbert Fulton Gambell [son of John Cooper Gambell] b June 10, 1868 married May 3, 1907 at Manila P.F. to Ruth Swain born Oct 26, 1876 daughter of William Swain & wife Eliza Drake.

Francis Harvey Gambell, b Apr 3, 1870 married Oct 15, 1902 Helen Fernstrom born Lone Tree Iowa Oct 15, 1875 daughter of Charles Fernstrom born in Sweden & wife Sarah Evans. Have had six children all born at Thief River Falls, Minn. He is a doctor living at Willows Calif.

Charles Francis Gambell b July 20, 1903

John Cooper Gambell, b Mch 19, 1906 married 1927 Reagan

John Gambell b 1928 Oakland, Calif

George Fernstrom Gambell b July 13, 1908

Wm Bryan Gambell b Jany 29, 1911

Robt Fulton Gambell b Nov 24, 1913

Alice Margaret Gambell b Mch 31, 1916 ob Apr 2, 1916

Kate Gambell, [daughter of John Cooper Gambell b 1837] b Sept 9, 1872 ob Jany 16, 1922 Willows, Calif married Mch 8, 1894 Jerome I. Rawhauser B Feb 9, 1869 at Columbus City, Iowa, son of Chas Rawhauser & wife Anna Winff, born Prussia. Have 3 children born 1st at Tipton, Iowa 2d at Lone Tree, Iowa & 3d at Central Point, Oregon.

Anna Rawhauser b June 20, 1896 married 1918 Harrison Jopes b in Missouri, 1897

William Jopes b June 15, 1923 Willows, Calif

John Lee Jopes b June 1930 Oakland, Calif

John Gambell Rawhauser b Sept 6, 1899

Jerome Leo Rawhauser, b Aug 5, 1908

Elizabeth Fulton Gambell, [daughter of John Cooper Gambell b 1837] b Oct 25, 1876 married May 31, 1900 Fred C. Burks born 1874 in Ills son of George Burks of Ky & Lucy Burks. Have had 7 children, the first three & last one born Philipsburg, Mont, 4th at Helena Mont & 5th & 6th at Missoula, Montana.

Edwin George Burks b Apr 1901

Margaret Elizabeth Burks b July 1903 married Francis Perry son of Emil Perry & [unreadable word] Suppger [best guess, smudged] 2 children born at [unreadable]

Francis Perry Jr b 1924

Edwina Perry b 1929

Fred C. Burks Jr b Nov 1903 [sic, dates as written]

Oscar Burks b Feby 1905

John Gambell Burks b Apr 1906

James Burks b Oct 1907

Ruth Francis Burks b 1910 ob 1915 at Philipsburg, Montana

V23 Page 318

Two letters dated April 28, 1930 & June 15, 1930 from Mrs Mary Williams Lloyd (Mrs W.H.) of 63 E. Broad St, West Point, Miss writing in an effort to prove up D.A.R. papers for her friend, Mrs Mary Louise McKnight, Dalton, also of West Point, Miss sends, genealogical charts in each showing Mrs Dalton as the great great granddaughter of Samuel Jack see my book 20 p 610, who she says married Jane Davis. I am well satisfied that this Samuel is son of John Jack (brother of James the bearer) see Dr C.L. Hunter's Sketches of Western N.C. Page 74 & my books 20 p 610 & an earlier letter of Saml C. Jack of 1880 to Samuel Sloan Jack which is copied as about the first of the S.S. Jack letters which I copied.

Mrs Lloyd gives in first chart some Thomas Church & Fox lines I can't see where they connect bk 20 page 610 shows that after William Jack died in 1840, his widow took her children & went back to Tenn & married Robert Church.

In her 2d chart, she also gives Jane Davis as wife of Samuel Jack & says he went from Charlotte Dist SC (should be NC) to Maury Co Tenn (make slip) & says his brothers, Andrew & William went from NC to Texas see b 20 p 610

V23 Page 219

Oak Hill June 22/30 9:40 AM

A couple of old clippings, one from the West Newton Times-Sun Death Roll announces the death of Mrs Mary Hannah Porter, widow of Oliver Porter & daughter of the late Joseph & Mary Stevens Houseman was born in Wash Tp, Fayette Co, Pa Dec 3, 1835 & died Thursday July 22, 1926 aged 90 yrs 7 mos & 19 days. She resided on the farm on which she died in Rostraver Tp, Westnd Co, Pa for 66 years since her marriage to Oliver Porter. She is survived by six children:

1. Mrs Ella Waltz at home

2. Mrs D.O. McNutt Wick Haven, Pa

3. Mrs Frank Browneller, Chambersburg, Pa

4. O.T. Porter, Wick Haven, Pa

5. Charles M. Porter, at home

6. Margaret M. Porter, at home

Ten grandchildren:

1. Mrs John Travin

2. William McNutt

3. M. Russell Browneller

4. Miss Alberta Browneller

5. Mary Joe Porter

6. Sarah Porter

7. C.V. Porter Jr

8. Oliver Porter

10. John Davis Porter

& two great grandchildren: Elizabeth Browneller & Billy Jean Travin. She was a member of Rehoboth Pres Church.

V23 Page 320

The other announced the sudden death of J.H. Thompson one of the best known farmers of New Wilmington, Pa on June 1926. He was a member of Neshannock Pres Ch since boyhood of which he was an Elder for many years & was gifted with a splendid Christian character. He was married to Miss Sabis [sic] Kirk & they celebrated their fiftieth anniversary in Jany of this year. Besides his wife, he leaves the following children:

1. Harry F. Thompson of Cortland, Pa

2. James LeRoy Thompson of New Wilmington, Pa

3. Arthur Kirk Thompson of Ellwood City, Pa

He also leaves two sisters, Mrs Will Hayes & Miss Ada M. Thompson of New Wilmington, Pa & one brother, Plumer Thompson of Mercer Co. Funeral took place June 18, 1926 from his home in New Wilmington Pa, interment in Neshanock [sic] Cem. He was born in Pulaski Tp 77 years ago. I must have taken from some paper dated July 7. Make slips.

Joe V. Thompson 11, is fifteen years old today, born on June 22, 1915. I was in NY at the time & got a telegram from Andrew.

V23 Page 321

A letter dated June 18, 1930 from Eliza Jane Holmes (Mrs W.E.) of 426 NY St Aurora Ills gives the name of J.H. Sigenfus as the party who on Oct 1 [best guess] 1844 wrote to her grandfather Gideon Markle his older half brother. I was uncertain when copying this letter when in Aurora Ills about Apr 20, 1929 whether the first letter was S. or Z. Mrs Holmes says she is about to break up housekeeping & sell many of her old treasured books, the oldest dated 1559. She just had a parchment reframed which was signed by Presidents Thos Jefferson & James Madison.

A clipping dated Cadiz, O May 8, 1930 sent me by Alberta H. Lynn gave the picture of Miss Margaret Jack of Harrisville (is it Penna?) who was on her way enroute to Panama to meet her husband to be who is with the U.S. Navy stationed in the canal zone.

V23 Page 322

Oak Hill, June 25, 1930 6:40 AM

About 4 PM yesterday, the lightning struck our wires with a terrific crash & put our lights out of commission & they are still off. Mrs Pallini was telling me here in this Empire Room about 8 PM in the darkness of the effective use of some common sense home remedies she had used in saving lives, in one case that of the Mazzini boy. He had commenced getting cold. She gave him a cup of tepid hot water with a teaspoonful of salt in it & after he had vomited, gave him castor oil & his life was safed [sic]. He evidently was dying from acute indigestion.

In a case of ptomaine poisoning, she took a tablespoonful of mustard, put it in a large cup & poured cool milk on it gradually pouring in a glassful to dissolve it & then drinking it & thus quickly emptying the stomach & thereby saving the patient's life. If the former case had been used with Austin C. McCully at Shaker Heights, O who had eaten a cucumber without salt or vinegar a week ago today, his life would have been saved. And if the latter remedy

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had been used by Mrs Julian Kennedy of Pgh, Pa at the Hotel in Florida where she had eaten salmon, her life would have been saved. The fool house doctor tried to empty her stomach by putting some tube down through her nose so Julian Kennedy told me.

I was telling Geo Weil at his office Monday noon 23d inst of Joseph H. Choate's wonderful readiness as a wit, notably his judgment of what the sweetest thing in the world was & of the Englishman mistaking him for a waiter & asking him to "call him a cab" [unreadable small word] "Make 'em laugh" when George who had met him saying he had a remarkably big head & must have worn a number 8 hat.

He said Joseph H's Uncle, the able Rufus Choate, thinking it best when Joseph H. was ready to begin practice to not take him in his office gave him a six line letter to Wm M. Evarts of NY to whom he sent him which letter for its length expressed more than any he ever saw. He said he wd get it for me.

V23 Page 324

A letter dated Jany 21, 1928 from Dr Lawrence Pearsall Jacks of Oxford, of Shotover Edge, Headington Oxford in answer to mine asking about his family line, says their information about his forebears is scant & that they were obscure people from the Orkney Islands. He says he has a sister Mrs T.E. Sharp who will write & tell me what she can remember which is all they know of the family. He says he is interested in the result of my investigations.

The tradition is that the family came from the Orkney Islands & were descended from Huguenot refugees. My great grandfather, Robert Jacks was a petty officer in the Royal Navy during the latter part of the 18th century, his ship being the frigate Nonsuch. I also remember a story in my childhood that he or it may have been his father was kidnapped by a Prince Sang in the Orkney Islands & forced to serve in the Navy.

There is a lady named Mrs Moral living at

V23 Page 325

Bickham Manor, Turubuxrub? [best guess] Taunton, Somerset, who is the daughter of a William Jacks of Bristol. I have never been able to establish any connection between this William Jacks & our family, but she might be able to add further information. Am writing her today.

An undated letter, but written early in 1928 from Louisa Sharp (Mrs T.E.) of Lane End, Headington, Oxford, England. She says she is writing at the request of her brother, Dr Jack [sic] & has no authentic information back of her ggfather, Robert Jacks except what her father, great Aunt Ann Jacks Sircoe & her grandmother Jack told her in her childhood.

I am recording the information she gives me in a genealogical table commencing on page 328. The tapestry he wove in 1783 was a scroll of sailcloth. Her father told her the family were of French Huguenot descent & originally spelled the name Jacques. Fifty years after her grand-

V23 Page 326

father's death the church were he ministered through some law was sold & the vault beneath the church which contained his remains had to be emptied & her father, having died, her Uncle Ebenezer, who was the infant when his father & who had never seen him, went to arrange for his removal to a cemetery. On doing so, the lid fell off & he saw his father's skeleton which crumbled into dust as he gazed upon it. She mentioned it as an isolated incident in a life's experience. She doesn't know why her brother asked her to write as he is far more capable unless it would be what Mr Gladstone spoke of in that she possessed the melancholy superiority of age.

She gives a description of the tapestry scroll which she says is in a perfect state of preservation being on sail cloth. There are 42 different designs worked in it, allegorical & others. At the bottom is a series of lettering which when put together reads:

I, Robert Jacks workd this on board His Majesty's Ship the "Non Such" in the West Indies in the year of our Lord 1783"

Across the design is another

V23 Page 327

Legend "When this you see, pray think of me. My heart was true to none but you".

Am writing her tonight.

V23 Page 328 & V23 Page 329

[descendant chart]

Robert Jacks was a petty officer in the Royal Navy & served on frigate "nonsuch" vs the French in 1783 when stationed at the West Indies where he wove a wonderful tapestry using the threads from French flags taken from the ships they captured. This tapestry is 14 ft long & six inches wide, is now in possession of his ggdaughter, Mrs Louisa Sharp (nee Jacks), my informant for this table. He was descended from Huguenot French Refugees. He or his father was kidnapped as Dr L.P. Jacks writes was a tradition in their family & put in the Naval service at the Orkney Islands, his ancestors having settled in the Scottish Highlands. He was of Plymouth, England & died abt the year 1800, leaving two sons & a daughter. He served in Admiral Rodney's squadron. The many things he gathered on his trips indicated he was a man of culture & education. His daughter, Ann said the threads with which the scroll is embroidered were drawn from the French flags which the Nonsuch captured.


Ann Jacks ob abt 1815 at St Charles the Martyr Ch, Plymouth. Married John Sercoe of Mavagussy, Cornwall. Never heard of any children. He was a sailmaker. Had one son who died aged 9 yrs.

James Jacks b June 1, 1794 ob Jany 22, 1829 aged 35 yrs. Married Jemima Bell at St Charles the Martyr Church of Plymouth, England. Jemima was born at Bixeford, Devon, Jany 18, 1796 ob 1878 at Nottingham, daughter of Com. Wm Bell. Married in 1815. He [James Jacks] was a Congregationalist preacher & died suddenly from an overwrought effort preaching to a large congregation at Nottingham England leaving a young widow & a large family of young children of whom only four grew up, one an infant.

Robert Jacks died aged 19 yrs, single b 1820 ob 1839

Jemima Lindsey Jacks b Feby 23, 1816

Jabez Jacks b May 9, 1826 ob May 1, 1874 married May 5, 1853 Anne Steere, daughter of Wm Steere of Nottingham, Eng. Left 2 sons & 2 daughters. See b 24 p 576.

Leonard James Jacks b Feby 16, 1854 ob Nov 13, 1883

Annie Mary Jane Jacks b Mch 16, 1856

Louisa Jacks b Jany 20, 1853 married 1883 Thomas Edmund Sharp. She my informant

Lawrence Pearsall Jacks, prof in Oxford University.

7. Ebenezer Jacks b Feby 9, 1828 ob Sept 9, 1903 the youngest. Has 2 sons living in London. Ebenezer Jacks was a chemist & druggist. Married Dec 1856 Elizabeth Adams in Cong. Chapel, High Branch? Herts.

David Russell Jacks b Oct 22, 1857

Martyn Hewton Jacks b May 16, 1860

Elizabeth Beesley Jacks b Mch 1862, ob

Alice Lilian Jacks b Feby 12, 1864

Ebenezer Franklin Jacks b Dec 22, 1866, ob

Jessie Evelyn Jacks b Feby 15, 1869, ob

2. James Jacks Jr b 1818 ob abt 1831

4. Richard Quarm [sic] Jacks b 1822, ob 1836

5. Jane Hepzibah Jacks b 1824

Robert Jacks [son of Robert, subject of this chart] was older than James listed above. ob aged 19 years, unmarried. [see son of James named Robert. Could these two be confused? Much of the information on this chart was obviously added at a later date after JVT acquired more complete info including all dates given.]

V23 Page 330

A letter dated June 21, 1930 recd today from Margery J. Kilgore of 603 So Denume St, El Dorado, Kansas in answer to mine to her father Virgil Kilgore regrets that she cannot give the information I desire. She says her sister has the information she feels quite sure & says she will be glad to help in any way possible. Her address is: Mrs Burke Sinclair 404 N. 31st St Billings, Montana. She wants me to let her know when the book is published. Am writing them both.

Mrs Anna M. Sauter, here twice today said her father Austin C. McCully who died last week June 18, 1930 at 11:55 PM from acute indigestion from eating a cucumber without salt or vinegar aged 67 yrs had an old 150 yrs old clock that had belonged to his great great grandfather, McCully & had been in the family ever since. He also had 15 valuable guns worth $150 each she said.

V23 Page 331

A letter dated Feby 7, 1927 in answer to mine of Jany 31, 1927 written to Fairhope, Ala from Evaline Bloxham says their home is at Etna Green, Kosarusko [best guess] Co Indiana to where they will return Mch 1st having just gone to Alabama for the winter. Answering my question but in part only she says I. Evaline Kilgore, daughter of Hercules Snow Kilgore & his 1st wife Margaret Jane New Kirk was born near Point Isabel, Grant Co, Ind Sept 15, 1865, married Dec 13, 1883 to Marion F. Bloxham of Swayzee, Ind & have four children as below all born near Swayzee, Ind. See b 20 p 139 & b 19 p 451

1. Earnest Milton

2. Carleton Leroy

3. Ralph Hercules

4. Verti Austin

Am writing her tonight for:

1. Her husband's birth & parentage

2. Dates of her 4 children's births & their marriages & full records to date.

Make slip to get this in case she does not answer.

3. Name this book & page

Refer to book 20 pages 138-9. Refer to book 19 pages 451-2

V23 Page 332

Oak Hill, June 26, 1920 6:33 AM

A letter dated June 19, 1926 from Wm C. Jack atty at law, Douglass Arizona, said he expected his mother there in a few days from Los Angeles, Calif & would then answer my questions more fully. I think he did.

A letter dated Feby 6, 1928 from Mrs Dora E. Gunnett of 709 West Commonwealth Ave, Fullerton, Calif gives much that I already have & also names of her grandfather William Jack's children which I think I have, but for fear I don't have the, I list them here viz: See book 5 page 580 [best guess] Wm was married in Woodford Co, Ky in 1819. John Percival, William Granville, Josephine Stapleton, Mary E. Benjamin Burch, Seburn F., Eliza Jane, Frances Ann, Preston E. & James Thomas, ten in all.

She gives children of John Jack & Polly Mason: William, Samuel, Preston, Jane, Frances, America, Polly, James Younger, Cynthia & John Franklin Jack the youngest born in 1812. Also 10 children.

V23 Page 333

A letter dated Feby 6, 1928 from Mrs Ella Rankin Thompson of 124 Westmoreland Road, Riverside Calif in answer to mine to her daughter Carolyn, see book 22 p 41 says they do not know any more of their Thompson line than appears in Thompson history she sent me, but says an old man, if not dead, viz: R.R. Steward of Mansfield, O, don't know his number, might be able to tell. He visited Riverside 8 or 10 yrs ago with his wife & daughter. Also refers me to her husband's brother J.A. Thompson of Tarkio, Mo who is the eldest among the Thompsons now & might give you more information.

She says S.F. Thompson died at Redding, Iowa on May 17, 1912, was with his daughter Mrs McClanahan.

V23 Page 334

A letter dated Apr 16, 1928 in answer to mine of Nov 12, 1927 from Mrs Mary Ruth Marshall Stokes of 2302 W. Vermigo ST, Colorado Springs Colo gives data about her daughter-in-law which I have noted in place book 20 p 520. She is the daughter of Joseph Huston Marshall whose grandfather, Capt John Marshall on Nov 10, 1791 married Anna Hadden of Uniontown, Pa. She says there are only two sons of the Marshall name living & they are sons of her Uncle John Smilie Marshall, brother of my father & both live in the west & my oldest brother has 3 sons & they live in Ills.

A letter dated Mch 21, 1928 from Mrs Fannie K. Wood of 1462 Columbia Road, Washington D.C. says she has my name from her cousin, Mrs A.V. Stallworth who she has been visiting & asks for a copy of the Kilgore record as she has for years been trying to get enough together to write a history. I think the letter was sidetracked & never answered.

V23 Page 335

A letter dated Apr 3, 1926 from Edmund Hayes Bell then of 411 The Rochambeau Washington D.C. asks if I had heard anything further from Anjou for his authority for the parentage of Genl Wm Thompson.

He says Dr Wm H. Egle, State Librarian years ago compiled a book "Some Women of the Revolution" (Make slip to get this book) in which he said Genl William Thompson was the son of Robert Thompson & was born in the North of Ireland, June 5, 1736. Ancestors in the possession of his lineal descendants which have been handed down in the family (make slip to demand verification from Anjou). Egle also states that Charles Thomson, Secy of Continental Congress was son of William Thomson & was born at Maghera, County Derry in 1729 now the Ulster Journal of Archeology Vol II No 1 October 1895 under the head of :"Ulster Settler in America" states that Genl William Thompson was brother of Charles Thomson Secy of Congress & was born at Maghera, Co Derry in 1727.

V23 Page 336

You will note that these statements do no agree with each other & neither agrees with your (my) Thompson genealogy. And all three disagree with the General Thompson record I have.

In a statement made by Jacob Bowman Esq of Brownsville, Pa to his son James Lowry Bowman record recently found, he says Col Robert Elliott with whom he was intimately associated in the commissary Dept, Western Armies, had been an Indian Trader & was well acquainted with the western Indians & the leading chiefs. I don't think Elliott had a Penna License to trade with the Indians. He must have had either a Maryland or Virginia license.

V23 Page 337

Oak Hill, June 27, 1930 7:50 AM

A letter dated Munich, Germany, June 16, 1930 recd last night from Edmund Hayes Bell of Washington, D.C. in answer to mine of May 31st who is now traveling in Europe with his wife, gives the following about the children of Col Robert Elliott who were widely scattered. He says by his two wives, he had about a dozen children. He speaks of the following sons:

1. William, settled in Canada

2. Robert settled in Mississippi

3. Daniel Duncan settled in Mississippi

4. St Clair settled in Ohio after leaving the army.

5. John, at one time was living in Allegheny Co, Pa & perhaps lived there until his death (make slip to search there for his will). He thinks without doubt he is the John Elliott mentioned in the dissolution of partnership which he hadn't seen between Jacob Bowman & himself, which Sarah Gorley called to my attention & recorded in this book in May.

6. Commodore Jesse Duncan Elliott

7. Wilson Elliott at one time a lawyer at Hagerstown, Md. He is compiling a record of Col Robert's children. Also has recently got trace of some of the lineal descendants of Capt Matthew Elliott the Fort Pitt Tory & will continue his investigations when he gets back to the U.S.

V23 Page 338

A letter dated Mch 18, 1928 at Lake Wales, Fla from Mrs Slettin Skiff [sic] Janotta of Chicago then sojourning in Florida, says she has from the family bible of her ggreat grandfather, Anthony Thompson that he was born near Shippensburg, Pa March 18, 1759 & was married in Westmoreland Co, Pa to Rachel Handley March 6, 1781 by Rev James Power. The records says they resided in Westnd Co, Pa until 1798 & then removed to Daviess Co, Ky where he died on his farm May 21, 1834. The record says he went to Ky in 1786. His mother's maiden name was Finley. Some records giving his name as Anthony Finley Thompson. He named a son that. A tradition in the family said his father was a brother of Charles Thomson, Sec of Continental Congress, but I think that was born of desire rather than fact.

V23 Page 339

A letter dated Oct 26, 1926 from Mary Cahal Osborn (Mrs W.A.) of 972 Myrtle Street, Atlanta, Ga encloses some extended newspaper clippings dated 1882 on the life of her Uncle, Judge Robert Looney Caruthers of Lebanon, Tenn which I am filing away for use in writing the Caruthers history.

A letter dated Oct 26, 1927 from Mrs Ira Hasting of No 3404 Washington Ave, Cairo Ills says her husband's ancestor, Samuel Hastings married Ann Finley who had a brother, Robert Finley who lived in Grundy Co, Illinois near Gardner during the 1850 something ie in the eighteen fifties. Make slip.

V23 Page 340

A letter dated June 9, 1898 from Charles A. Hanna, then of Chicago, Ills replying to mine of June 8, 1898 says he has among his Penna wills those of the following Jacks:

James Jack, East Caln Tp, Chester Co, died 1790

John Jack, West Caln Tp, Chester Co, died 1784 or 1714

Samuel Jack Sadsbury Tp Chester Co, died 1740

James Jack Newton Tp Cumb Co died 1776

Robert Jack Chambersburg, Cumb Co, died 1778

James Jacks, Lancaster Bor Lan Co died 1802

John Jack, Huntingdon Tp Westnd Co, died 1808

Thos S. Jack (son of John Westnd Co, died 1814

Also some North Carolina Jacks & probably others in Penna

I will publish all of the above with names of children as given in wills. Makes slips.

A letter dated Feby 12, 1925 from Mrs Fannie E. Finley of 361 Douglas Ave Elgin Ills in answer to mine to Miss Elinor? Finley of Chicago, Ills to whom she says she is a cousin by marriage has been referred for answer to her as her husband, still living is the last of the Robert Finley family who remains.

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She says she has collected the following information from the old family bible. I am recording it on the next two pages in a genealogical table.

There was a Finley family living at Wheaton, DuPage Co, Ills abt 20 miles from Elgin viz:

William Finley, Pres of the C.N.W. RR Co with offices in Chicago, Ills. I think I went once to see him.

She devotes a page to the missionary & educational work of Rev James B. Finley, Methodist Epis, minister & tells of his going about 1820 to see Pres. Monroe & enlisting his support of a measure to educate the Indians. She thinks the Finleys are long lived. Am writing her again today.

V23 Page 342 & V23 Page 343

[descendant chart]

John Finley was born Sept 28, 1760. He lived in 1801 in Wheeling WVA where his son Robert was born & with whom he lived the latter part of his life at St Charles, Kane Co, Ills where he died Mch 11, 1846 aged 85 yrs 5 mos & 13 days. Married July 28, 1796 Sarah Moore born Oct 20, 1765 & died May 27, 1823 aged 57 yrs 7 mos & 7 days


David F. Finley b Feby 6, 1798 ob Nov 26, 1872 at Sycamore, DeKalb Co, Ills Married Dec 11, 1823 Mary Avery or Drury "not sure of 1st letter" She can give more data abt this family & the younger generation.

Agnes Finley b Nov 23, 1800 ob Dec 10, 1834 married Feby 12, 1824 as Nancy Finley to Joseph Harter who died May 19, 1831.

Joseph Samuel Harter b Mch 23, 1825

John Andrew Harter b Dec 20, 1827

Robert Finley b Nov 12, 1801 ob May 17, 1877 married Betsy Elizabeth Riley born in Wilkesborough, Pa (no doubt Wilkes-Barre, Pa) in 1807 & died July 29, 1875. They moved to Ohio & thence to St Charles, Ills

Joseph Smith Finley ob

John Moore Finley ob

David Riley Finley, ob

Ezra Finley ob. His family is living at Whittier Calif on Oct 3/30

Mary Jane Finley ob Jany 27, 1925. She married a Cook

Isaac Finley, ob

Sarah Elizabeth Finley ob in infancy

Mary Elizabeth Finley ob in infancy

George Henry Finley b say 1854 aged 74 married Fanny E. ___ who is my good informant for this record. Live at 361 Douglass Ave Elgin Ills. He died Sept 22, 1925 see b 24 p 335

Sally Finley b Dec 17, 1804 ob 1872 aged 68 married Leonard

Jane Finley b Aug 27, 1807 ob Mch 16, 1840 married Leonard

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Two letters dated Feby 9 & Mch 26, 1928 from Arley Earl Bunn of Olney, Ills in answer to mine of Feby 2, 1928 in which I referred to book 21 pages 468 & 584, gives information which I have mostly entered there except that he announces the death of his father, Joseph Bunn died Jany 7, 1928. He was a great help to my informant in preparing the Bunn Book in which he is collaborating with Charles Newton French of Chicago, Ills, who tells him he has some materials of the Finleys in colonial times.

He passed through Uniontown in the summer of 1925 going on a visit to his Uncle John Charles Bunn at Washington D.C.

V23 Page 345

Oak Hill, June 28, 1930 7:24 AM

A letter dated Mch 19, 1938 from Mrs Lois W. Morrow (Mrs Thayer K.) of 215 Columbia Terrace, Peoria Ills asks for dates of Samuel Thompson's children which I wish I had. She mentions the references I gave her viz: Book 7 page 122 & book 20 p 267. She sends an abstract of Samuel Thompson's will which Mrs Chas T. McGrew of Long Beach, Calif sent her & which I have & gives the additional which I do not have.

From Penna Genealogical Society Vol V 1912-14 (make slip to get this) Dr Samuel Thompson died in North Huntingdon Tp, Westnd Co, Penna about 1746. Lived in Cumb Co, Pa during the Revolutionary War.

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A letter dated Jany 17, 1927 in answer to mine of 8th inst from Annie J. Fort Box 69 Stronghurst, Ills says Evelyn Fort married Mr Sillar last Summer in July 1926 which she thinks she sent me. She speaks of Uncle Edward Carothers having three children married & youngest of C.E. family was Evalyn. If I have this, I have all unless a letter she speaks of having sent has gone astray.

A clipping from Thursday's Morning Herald announced the death on Wednesday June 25, 1930 at 3:30 PM at her home in Whyel Apts, Morgantown St, (old Methodist Church) of Elma Breading aged 78, daughter of Nathaniel & Elma Brownfield & widow of John C. Breading. Funeral 2:30 PM today from Francis Asbury Methodist Epis Ch Beeson Ave. Interment in Oak Grove Cem.

I met this forenoon in front of skyscraper Thomas Barton Gaddis who said he was born in Sept 1851.

V23 Page 347

A letter dated Jany 26, 1927 from Miss Mary Isabella Thompson from Warsaw, Ills answers mine to her father Ezekial P. Thompson at Fulton, Ills saying he & her mother are there visiting & will not return home until May when he will supplement with dates etc the records & table she made up at his direction & enclosed. The Thompson table I have verified & recorded in books 7 p 144-7 & B 21 p 212 & the Kilgore table I am putting in table on the following pages. I had his name from Mrs Elizabeth Crawford Wise see b 20 p 112 who says she is a granddaughter of Ezekiel Kilgore, son of William see next page. Mrs Wise gave me the name of Mrs Edith Barnes Bishop of 754 Hobart Blvd, Los Angeles Calif who she says is a great granddaughter of Col Samuel Mathers Kilgore, see next page. I must look & see if Ezekiel P. Thompson sent record in May 1927 & if he did not, I must write to his daughter Mary Isabella.

V23 Page 348 & V23 Page 349

[descendant chart]

Elizabeth Jack born in Ardstraw, Ireland Dec 9, 1727 & died in Cumberland Co Pa in 1792. She was sister of my gggfather John Jack 1726-1808, married James Kilgore who died in Cumb Co, Pa in 1771. They had 18 sons & one daughter. Am listing some of their son William's descendants. See book 20 page 112.

[their son]

William Kilgore lived in Cumberland Valley & I think I got his tombstone record at Big Spring Pr Ch, Newville, Pa July or Aug 1926 see bk 17 b 1756 ob 1823 on Oct 4. Married Apr 15, 1784 Isabella Mathers. She now says he was born in 1760. Isabella Mathers was born in 1762 & died Feby 18, 1826.


1. Elizabeth Kilgore b Mch 15, 1785 ob Jany 14, 1848 now reports that she never married.

2. Jane Kilgore b Oct 18, 1878 ob Mch 11, 1883 married May 2, 1816 Robt McFarlane see p 352 & 545

3. Ezekiel Kilgore b May 30, 1790 ob married Nov 9, 1825 Elizabeth Graham. Mrs E.E. Wise, Sterling Ills is granddaughter.

4. Samuel Mathers Kilgore b Aug 1, 1792 in Cumb Co, Pa ob Apr 26, 1862 in Albany Ills Mch 14, 1816 Susannah Thompson daughter of William Thompson see bk 7 page 145. She died Dec 3, 1874 see p 356

5. William Kilgore b Aug 11, 1794 ob

6. Joseph Kilgore b May 15, 1796 married Rachel Sterrett

7. Nancy Kilgore b June 5, 1798 ob Sept 24, 1878 married Nov 14, 1823 James Ramsay Montgomery b 1794 ob Aug 28, 1856. The ten children given below are reported to me by their granddaughter, Mary A. wife of Ezekiel P. Thompson, Fulton, Ills.

1. William Kilgore Montgomery b Apr 14, 1825 ob Aug 19, 1898 never married

2. Samuel Montgomery b May 7, 1827 Cumb Co, Pa ob Sept 24, 1906 report 3 children born in Whiteside Co, Ills see b 24 p 108

1. James Ramsey Montgomery b Feby 9, 1864 ob Mch 6, 1864

2. Mary A. Montgomery b Mch 23, 1866 married Nov 10, 1897 Ezekiel P. Thompson

Mary Isabella Thompson b May 13, 1900, my informant

3. William Montgomery b Aug 28, 1868 ob Dec 30, 1907 married Apr 3, 1895 Zulu Synder [sic] see b 24 p 106

Abbeline Montgomery [best guess on first name] b 1896

Ruth Montgomery b 1900

4. A. Stephen Montgomery b May 18, 1870 married Sept 14, 1897 Isabel Eaton, born 1879 see b 24 p 106

Rankin Montgomery b 1897, married

Isabel Montgomery b Nov 3, 1899

3. James Ramsey Montgomery [son of Nancy Kilgore & James R. Montgomery] b Sept 8, 1829 ob Oct 11, 1862 in Battle of Perryville. Battle was on Oct 8, 1862.

4. Isabella Mary Montgomery b Sept 8, 1829 ob, married see p 357 see b 24 0 108.

5. Elizabeth Jane Montgomery b July 12, 1833 ob May 22, 1851, single.

6. Robert MacFarlane Montgomery b July 12, 1833 ob Nov 21, 1912 never married

7. Jesse Edmund Montgomery b Sept 11, 1836 ob Mch 19, 1920 never married

8. Charles Alfred Montgomery b Dec 1, 1838 ob Oct 31, 1883 married 1868 Fannie Bigelow who died Jany 1891. Had two children both born at Irving Kansas.

Julia May Montgomery b Nov 26, 1876 ob Dec 3, 1907, married Jany 1, 1907 to George Pearson b May 21, 1861 ob Mch 26, 1921.

May Pearson b Nov 23, 1907. Lives 302 Bannock St, Denver Colo writing. B 24 p 267 [best guess on reference]

William Bigelow Montgomery b Aug 13, 1869 at Irving Kan married June 18, 1910 to Mary E. McCormick daughter of James B. & Rebecca J. McCormick. Lives 901 Montrose Ave Chicago, Ills. Writing. No issue see b 24 p 157. She was born Feby 13, 1870 & b 24 p 256

9. Joseph Humphrey Montgomery b Sept 9, 1844 ob sometime after 1910, married. Had one child

May Montgomery. Have lost trace of her. Am writing her relative Lou Parson Chadron, Neb for her address.

10. Ferdinand Rankin Montgomery b Jany 20, 1841 ob Sept 23, 1922 never married.

8. Isabella Kilgore [daughter of William Kilgore] b July 3, 1800 married Nov 19, 1835 to James Thompson see bk 7 p 145. no issue

9. Jesse Kilgore b Jany 20, 1804, ob, married Mary Quigley.

V23 Page 350

A letter dated Feby 28, 1928 from Mrs E. Jeannette Briney Kelly, see book 2 pages 361 & 365 & book 22 p 102 who writes on letterhead of the J. Briney Co 521 Temple Bldg No 77 W. Washington St, Chicago, Ills, but says they are still at the old number 514 W. Garfield St, Chicago, Ills Tel Yards 6172 where I was to see them Sept 23, 1919 see bk 2 page 361-5 etc.

She now says that I can get more records from her cousin Maurice Trimble, an architect of Ben Avon, Pa (look for his No in Tel book & make slip). Says he is much interested in Family matters. He is son of Ann Elizabeth McAllister 1835-1905 see bk 2 p 42, daughter of John McAllister & his wife Lavinia Jack, daughter of James Jack 1758-1823. She asks if I have death of his brother, which I do not have & marriage of his daughter. I should go to see him & get Lavinia's descendants. Am writing Jeannette tonight.

V23 Page 351

Oak Hill, June 29, 1930 9:30 AM

A letter dated Feby 5, 1927 answering one from me from Mrs Edith Barnes Bishop (Mrs Harry) of 754 South Hobart Blvd, Los Angeles, Calif says she has been in bad health for some years, but has considerable family history data which she hopes to compile. I answered her on Feby 28, 1927. She says her father, Samuel Walters Barnes is 80 yrs old. Also she has copy of some wills secured years ago from an elderly lawyer which she will mail to me to be copied & returned. She has a sister, Mrs F.W. Abbott in Phila, Pa who is quite prominent in musical circles. She is Pres of Phila Music League Civic Organization. She was Clara Barnes.

She signs the letter Edith MacFarlane Barnes Bishop. She gives some Kilgore records here which I am tabling on pages 354-5. She says James Kilgore was married twice & that Elizabeth Jack was his second wife & that he had 21 children of which then two were by his first wife

V23 Page 352

She says that many of the dates she gives in the table are taken from the records & g.y. of the Big Spring Pres Ch at Newville, Pa see for verification my records in Book 17 taken July-Aug 1926

She gives a James, who I never heard of before & who is not named in either James or Elizabeth's will but I am listing him as she gives it.

She says her ancestor, John Thompson's 1722-1777 will was probated May 2, 1777 & had 11 children that I have the names of. One, Jane, see book 7 p 144 she says married Robert MacFarlane on May 2, 1816. She was born Oct 8, 1878 & died Mch 11, 1833. I have her as marrying a Bratton & think MacFarlane was a second husband. They were parents of Judge MacFarlane of Minneapolis, Minn. Make slip. This was not Jane Thompson who married a Bratton, but was Jane Kilgore, daughter of William see page 348 this book. She says Elizabeth, daughter of Wm Kilgore page 348 never married. Miss Mary I. Thompson had her down as marrying a MacFarlane.

V23 Page 353

Continuing June 30/30 7:40 AM

My father is a member of the Sons of the Revolution, has five lines & my sister Mrs Abbott are members or the D.A.R. I have two half sisters, Mrs Thomas Grant Springer of Beechwood, NJ & Mrs Frederick W. Abbott of Phila. Their mother & mine were sisters.

She thinks there were seven children by first wife & says Patrick was first child by Elizabeth Jack.

She speaks about Col Benj Kilgore being in Greenville Dist SC & thinks she got this from her Aunt Belle Barnes of S.

[blank] Ills & being oldest of my father's family, knew the history. She says James, who was a brother of Benjamin was last of the first wife's children. He died in Ala aged 100 yrs. She says will go through old letters & see what she can find for me. Col Buck Kilgore was grandson of James & she feels certain that he visited her Uncle Ed Barnes at his home in Iowa many years ago. Abt 12 yrs ago, she corresponded with a lawyer in Carlisle, Pa, Jacob Miller then in his 80s. To page 362.

V23 Page 354 & V23 Page 355

[descendant chart]

James Kilgore died in 1771 in Cumberland Co, Pa. He was of Newton Tp a farmer & made will Aug 23, 1771 probated Sept 10, 1771 see will book B page 109 Carlisle, Pa also my book 1 page 186. He had 20 boys & 1 girl. Married 1 ______ by whom he had two sons. Married 2 Elizabeth Jack born Dec 9, 1727 at Ardstraw, Ireland & died Feby 1792. On Aug 14, 1782, she made her will as of Newton Tp, Cumb Co, Pa which on Feby 14, 1792 was proven at Carlisle, Pa see will book E p 243 & my book 1 p 207. She had 18 boys & 1 girl. Probably six sons died young.


Charles Kilgore ob

Samuel Kilgore ob

Hugh Kilgore, ob

Benjamin Kilgore ob 1785 Col In Revolutionary War fr SC Married 1, Married 2

Mary Kilgore ob, married a Borland

Joseph Kilgore ob

James Kilgore ob, in Ala aged over 100 yrs. Says Col Buck Kilgore was his grandson

Oliver Kilgore, ob

Patrick Kilgore ob. in Revolutionary War fr Penna was a surgeon.

David Kilgore ob. Col in Revolutionary War. Married

Ezekiel Kilgore ob 1775 in Carlisle, Pa. No issue

John Kilgore, ob, settled near Columbus, O, married

John Kilgore ob

David Kilgore, ob

They lived at Garden Plain Whiteside Co, Ills

Jonathan Kilgore ob in Carlisle, Pa

William Kilgore b 1756 ob Oct 11, 1823 married Apr 15, 1784 Isabella Mathers see page 348. He was 18th child. She was born in Oct 1761 & died Feby 18, 1826. Both members of Big Spring Pres Ch & are buried in its g.y. Had 9 children born in Cumb Co, Pa

Jesse Kilgore b Dec 11, 1763 married Aug 19, 1792 Jane Clark daughter of Robin Clark

Robert Kilgore

V23 Page 356 & V23 Page 357

[descendant chart]

Col Samuel Mathers Kilgore see page 348, born Aug 1, 1792 in Cumberland Co, Pa & died Apr 26, 1862 at Albany, near Garden Plains, Whiteside Co, Ills. Married Mch 14, 1816 Susannah Thompson b Jany 21, 1792 died Dec 30, 1874 daughter of William Thompson see b 7 page 145.


William Kilgore b Jany 18, 1817 ob say 1818 aged 1 year

Jane MacFarlane Kilgore b Jany 1, 1819 ob May 19, 1882 married Sept 26, 1839 married Harry B. Barnes in Marshall Co, Ills

Isabella Kilgore Barnes b Feby 28, 1841 ob Feby 23, 1921, unmarried.

Louisa Barnes (living) b Sept 28, 1843 married Wm Mathers Kilgore

Samuel Mathers Barnes b Dec 4, 1846 married Augustus Erwin, married 2 Ella Erwin

Henry Edmund Wilgus [sic] Barnes b Apr 4, 1850 married Anna Eliza Erwin

Olive Sinai Barnes married John J. Brown. She was born between 1850 & 1854

Dr Erastus Thomas Barnes b Feby 1, 1858 ob Dec 6, 1858

Isabella Mathers Kilgore b Mch 18, 1821 ob Apr 7, 1877 married Feby 18, 1845 to Moses Thompson see b 21 p 212

Susannah Thompson Kilgore b Apr 12, 1823 ob Apr 26, 1894, married Griswold

Ezekiel Kilgore b June 7, 1825 ob Apr 28, 1904 married Dec 12, 1848 to Isabella Mathers Montgomery see p 348 see b 24 p 108

Samuel Parsons Kilgore b Dec 15, 1828 ob Sept 29, 1912 married Jany 26, 1858 to Elizabeth Buckner

Margaret Leacy Kilgore b Aug 4, 1832 ob Oct 26, 1869 married Jany 7, 1869 Ithamar Johnson

V23 Page 358 [blank]

V23 Page 359 [blank]

V23 Page 360 [blank]

V23 Page 361 [blank]

V23 Page 362

From Page 353

He secured much data. I will go through it & send you what I think you wd need. My father & mother's people all were from about Newville, Pa. One of our MacFarlanes married a Finley & she was a descendant of Rev James Finley I feel sure.

She is a descendant of James MacFarlane born in County Tyrone, Ireland Dec 24, 1695 who emigrated to America 1781 to 1720, married in 1724 Margaret Buchanan, daughter of Robert. They are among the oldest graves in Big Spring g.y. at Newville, Pa. Their son Capt Andrew MacFarlane who married Margaret Graham was in my line. She says Ezekiel Kilgore left no family & was killed near Carlisle, Pa in 1775. Says will send me data of Jesse Kilgore that was sent me many years ago by one of his descendants, but it is not complete. Much of their dates of James Kilgore came

V23 Page 363

to us from Judge John J. MacFarlane, Grand Treas, K.F. of Minnesota 1877-1897 a fine distinguished old gentleman & also from Judge James R. MacFarlane Pgh, Pa. Says all of them believe James Kilgore was married twice, Patrick being the first son of Elizabeth Jack. Five of James Kilgore's children died when young. I have the names of the other sixteen:

1. Hugh O. settled in Shermans Valley, Perry Co, Pa

2. Joseph, Path Valley, Franklin Co, Pa. She then sends:

Kilgore History

written Mch 25, 1914 from copy of J.G. MacFarlane, died in Minneapolis, Minn date not known by Isabella Barnes.

James Kilgore came from Ireland to America, settled near Green Springs, Cumb Co, Pa. Had one brother, Charles & five step brothers. Was married twice, first wife's name not known, second

V23 Page 364

wife's name Elizabeth Jack. He had 21 children born to him. First wife's children were: Charles, Oliver, Daniel 4th, Benjamin fifth, Hugh, Sixth, Joseph 7th, a number died young

Second wife's were:

8. Patrick

9. David

10. John

11. Jonathan

12. Ezekiel

13. William

14. Jesse

15. Robert

16. A daughter supposed to be Dinah (it was Mary).

Hugh settled in Sherman Valley, Perry Co

Joseph settled in Path Valley, Franklin Co

Patrick, surgeon in Revolutionary War settled between Pittsburg, & Mrcuria? [sic] somewhere near Pittsburgh, Pa.

David, Col in Revolutionary War & lived near Greensburgh, Pa

John settled near Columbus, O had 2 sons John & David who lived in Garden Plains, Ills & died there. They were married & left families.

Jonathan, No 11, settled in Maria Co (could it be Mercer)

Ezekiel left no family

V23 Page 365

killed near Carlisle, Pa

William, no 13 married Isabella Mathers Apr 15, 1784. Their children were first, Elizabeth, unmarried

2d Jane, married Robt Macfarlane [sic] May 2, 1816 born Oct 8, 1787 ob Mch 11, 1833. They had 3 children, Robert M., William Kilgore, John Geddes

3d Ezekiel married Elizabeth Graham & had: Nancy Jane who married John Crawford, William M. married Mary Junkin, Ezekiel died in Civil War. Martha Belle died Dec 14, 1867 Ezekiel & Belle never married.

4th Samuel married Susannah Thompson Mch 16, 1816. Their children:

William died one year old

Jane Macfarlane b Jany 1, 1819

Isabella Mathers b Mch 8, 1821

Susannah Thompson b Apr 12, 1823

Ezekiel b June 7, 1825

Samuel Parsons b Dec 14, 1829

Margaret Lucy b Aug 4, 1832

All born in Franklin Co, O.

This was sent to her by Aunt Belle Barnes & she wants it rtd. I think it was Marion Co O where Patrick & Jonathan Kilgore went. Slip

V23 Page 366

Oak Hill July 1, 1930 6:17 AM

A letter dated Dec 2, 1927 mailed Feby 8, 1928 from Leonidas Compton of Swayzee, Ind see bk 20 p 352 where I record some of the information he gives & for lack of space there am entering balance here.

He says he & his brother, John were both born in Adams Co, O. Also that his wife, Emma Allred was born July 29, 1869, daughter of B.F. Allred & his wife Mary J. Brook.

He does not have the exact dates of his brother John's birth & death but thinks he died in 1864. Says he does not have any Carothers bible. He did not know the date of birth of his Aunt Susannah Jane Carothers Nesbitt, but gave dates of her & her husband's deaths & place of their marriage which I have entered in place.

Yesterday forenoon when standing in front of the skyscraper waiting for Pallini, P.G. Mahoney came along & stopped & spoke of always getting from me every banking accommodation he asked for on his own note. Once in 1914, when I was away, he asked for $600 & Mr Hackney

V23 Page 367

wanted an endorser, which he would not give, but put up 50 shares of Crucible steel. He said he came here from Bradys Bend, Pa where he knew my relatives, the Dr Wallaces. (Make slip) because of Maurice Healy being here, Healey's mother was a sister of P.G's father. P.G's only sister married a brother of J.R. Cray who also came here from Brady's Bend, Pa coming first to Dunbar, Pa after learning the harness making trade in Pittsburg, Pa where he worked at it for $35 a year & board. P.G. said he worked at Percy, Pa for 30 yrs. He told of Bliss & Marshall buying at Shffs sale for $4000 which I well remember, the Thos H. Frost property consisting of 69 A of coal with entry driven [best guess] 200 ft 120 A of surface 14 houses, 50 coke ovens & equipment galore. This was the basis of Bliss & Marshall's fortune. They had come to Dunbar, Pa as clerks at the Dunbar Furnace Co when out of college & without means. P.G. said he had nine children, the youngest a young man grown was with him.

V23 Page 368

A letter dated Dec 1, 1925 from Miss Stella Robinson Fox of 619 N. Salisbury St, LaFayette, Ind to James B. Robinson who handed it to me, says she is a descendant of William, the last named of eight brothers & sisters viz: Samuel, Robert, James, Joshua, John, Mary, Rachel & William born Aug 7, 1864 of whom Robert went to Adams Co, O, Joshua was killed by the Indians, John, did he marry Mary McClean, Mary married Baird or Beard & Rachel a McClean. Do not know if this list is complete, whether in proper order & have no dates, but last & do not have names of parents. The court records of Fayette Co, Pa have several references of wills, guardianships etc of these brothers & sisters of William Robinson which was furnished her by John L. Robinson who gave her James B's name. Don't know whether they were born in Fayette Co or not. State records at Harrisburg, Pa show that James, Joseph, Thomas & James Jr served in Revolutionary War from Westnd Co, fr which Fayette was taken.

Nelsons Hist of Fayette Co, Pa Page 1091 says John Robinson born near Carlisle, Pa in 1775 removed to Westnd Co, Pa

V23 Page 369

and in 1780 came to George Tp. He married Mary McClean in 1805 & had two sons James, born 1806 & Samuel born 1808 (I think his father was Henry Robinson buried at Old Frame g.y.)

Col James Robinson son of John & Mary McClean Robinson born in Georges Tp Nov 27, 1806 married twice 1st on Jany 27, 1857 to Mrs Catherine Saams (nee Taylor) of Allegheny Co, Pa & had three children, 2d Feby 13, 1865 Lavinia Caldwell of St Joseph, Mo & had two children.

From court records of Fayette Co, Pa. In 1796 William Robinson was appointed gdn of John, James, Robert Finley, Sarah & Joshua Robinson, minor children of Joshua Robinson decd. The next year, James Robinson filed his acct as admr of Joshua Robinson decd. In Sept 1801 John Robinson of Georges Tp was apptd gdn of these same minors in lieu of those formerly apptd. In 1811 in partition proceeding in estate of Joshua Robinson, it appears he left a widow Elizabeth & five children, James H. John, Sarah, Joshua & Robert Finley, the last named being then dead without issue. Am tabling Wm Robinson's record as she gives it on next two pages.

V23 Page 370 & V23 Page 371

[descendant chart]

William Robinson born Aug 7, 1764 ob Aug 8, 1822 buried in Union Meeting house Cem Ross Co, O. He & his family migrated to Ross Co, O near Chillicothe & later made a permanent settlement near Bloomingburg, Fayette Co, Ohio. Married 1 Sept 4, 1787 Jane Carson who died Dec 8, 1795 having had five children all probably born in Fayette Co, Pa. Married 2 Aug 29, 1797 Sally Conwell b June 6, 1772 ob Jany 12, 1845 & buried Bloomingburg, O, daughter of Capt Wm Conwell & wife Comfort Coulter of Fay Co, Pa. They had nine children.


Sally Robinson b July 29, 1788 married Robertson, Robison or Robinson

Jane Robinson b May 1, 1790 married James Stewart

Mary Finley Robinson Dec 25, 1791 married Gillespie [4]*

Rachel Robinson B Dec 3, 1793 married Adam Steele

Elizabeth Dodd Robinson b Nov 1795 married Noah Evans

Henry Kennedy Robinson b Aug 10, 1798 ob Aug 24, 1812

James Allen Robinson b Aug 31, 1800 drowned Aug 19, 1802

Comfort Robinson b June 10, 1802 married Mch 22, 1827 Oliver Morrison

William M. Robinson b June 20, 1804 married June 29, 1824 Mary Crumpton

Lydia Robinson b Mch 8, 1806 married July 26, 1825 Wm Mitchell

James Kennedy Robinson b Apr 17, 1808 married Dec 20, 1832 to Ann Jane Morrison

Joshua Campbell Robinson b Feby 3, 1810 married June 19, 1834 Eliza Ann Stitt

Margaret Coulter Robinson b Nov 20, 1813 married

Sally Ann Robinson b Apr 30, 1816 married Mch 22, 1848 Joel Carman Elam.

V23 Page 372

A letter dated Jany 17, 1928 in answer to mine of Nov 18, 1927 from Clara Theo Tousley gives the record of Willis Roy Tousley who married two of the daughters of Mathew G. Jack see bk 21 pages 204-5 & as there is not room there to give the very full, explicit & perfect information she gives & in the most perfect handwriting possible, I am tabling it on pages 374-5. Clara Theo Tousley is of 414 11th St, Logansport, Ind. She speaks of Emeline E. Jack 1846-1921 b 21 p 204 as Emeline E. Jack-Miller Cosner & says Agnes daughter, Mrs May (Miller) Meyers 11146 Normal Ave Chicago, Ills as one to give information so am writing her tonight. Make slip also.

She says the widow & children of James Madison Jack 1847-1915 did live at Cherryville, Kansas but is not sure of their address, but will try to find out & let me know.

She says her father, Willis Ray Tousley was first a telegraph operator & then agent at Anoka, Ind & worked for the

V23 Page 373

Penna RR Co for 53 yrs retiring when 71, was fond of sports, baseball & basketball until his stroke Nov 9, 1925 after which he never walked without help.

She copies from the Jack Bible much of which I have at B 21 p 204 but some I don't have & here enter:


Jacob Miller & Emeline E. Jack were married Aug 31, 1856


Emeline E. Agner died May 16, 1921

V23 Page 374 & V23 Page 375

[descendant chart]

Willis Ray [Roy?] Tousley see book 21 pages 204 & 205 was born at Clinton, Mich Feby 19, 1848. He died July 27, 1927 at 414 11th St Logansport, Ind & is buried there at Mt Hope Cem. He was son of Isaac N. Tousley & his wife John A. Murdock. He was paralyzed on right side & for 20 mos could only speak to say "yes" & "hello". Married 1 Sept 15, 1870 Alice B. Jack B Apr 3, 1842 ob Feby 18, 1874 & is buried at Mt Hope Cem, Logansport, Ind. Had one child born on Jack farm abt 5 miles N.E. of Logansport, Ind. Married 2 Mch 1, 1875 Susan K. Jack b Oct 29, 1851 & living at the home 414 11st St Logansport, Ind. Had 4 children.


Charles E. Tousley b Aug 11, 1871 married Jany 25, 1905 Christina Olson born in Sweden. Live at 840 Mott Ave NY City where he is wire chief of W.U. Tel Co. No issue

Matthew G. Tousley b Oct 19, 1875 at Jack farm, Telegraph operator ob Mch 4, 1900 at Anoka, Ind buried in Mt Hope, Cem Logansport, Ind.

Cleo A. Tousley, b Dec 29, 1876 at Anoka, Ind married Nov 1909 Nettie Railsback born in Logansport, Ind, daughter of John H. Railsback & wife Kate Schomleffel. His address is Guaranty Bldg West Palm Beach, Fla where he is manager of the building. Have 1 son born in Logansport, Ind.

John Willis Tousley b Mch 30, 1911

Lillian Tousley b Nov 3, 1878 at Anoka, Ind married Feby 27, 1903 John Philip Nicodemus B Dec 2, 1882 RFD Logansport, Ind. He is an M.D. son of Jacob Nicodemus & wife Laura Carney, divorced Sept 1916. She is the Cass Co abstract & Loan Co & lives at home no 414 11th ST, Logansport, Ind.

Clara Theo Tousley b May 19, 1893 at Anoka, Ind at present resides at home. She is a perfect penman with good mind for records & could great [sic] help me in my work.

V23 Page 376 & V23 Page 377

[descendant chart]



Rebecca Ann Jack see b 21 p 204 b Apr 10, 1840 ob June 9, 1919 & buried in Mt Hope Cem, Logansport, Ind married Aug 14, 1859 Abraham Sturgeon born in Cass Co, Ind July 37, 1836 ob June 4, 1921 & was buried in Mt Hope Cem, Logansport, Ind. She died in Logansport, Ind. Had two children born in Cass Co, Ind.

1. Eva Sturgeon b June 24, 1860 married June 24, 1882 Sanford Ezra Fields. Lives 516 W. Jackson St, Kokomo, Ind & can give record. Writing. He was born Aug 19, 1850 in Scott Co, Ind. He died Feby 28, 1921 buried in Crown Point Cem Kokomo, Ind. No issue. He was in R.E. business

2. James Arthur Sturgeon b Oct 28, 1861 ob Nov 7, 1927. Married. Have 3 children. He was a telegraph operator. He died in 1927 & is buried in Mt Hope Cem, Logansport, Ind. Am writing 10/1/30 to his daughter, Mrs Dorothy Gable, Havre, Mon. Box 867.

William H. Jack see book 21 p 204, b Dec 11, 1843 ob Sept 18, 1899 Married 1 Nov 28, 1867 Rachel Ann Richason. Married 2. Second wife is living in Florida. To his first wife, a daughter was born & by second wife he had 4 children.

Gertrude Jack ob in Calif

Howard Jack, married & lives out west

Dulcia Jack, with her mother in Fla

Harvey Jack, in Fla

V23 Page 378

Oak Hill, July 2, 1930 8:55 AM

A letter dated Feby 7, 1928 from Mrs Fred Roberts 305 E. Ohio St Monticello, Ind seeking the name of the father of her ancestor, Solomon Dill who married Sarah Markle see book 9 p 211. Says he died in 1809 when the twins, Solomon & David Dill were 3 yrs old & the children were put out with relatives & friends to be raised. The mother of Solomon was Barbara Pflants, who came out to Indiana after her oldest son, John Dill was married, living in Wayne Co, Ind where he died in 1844 or 1845 & he is buried in the Dill family cem. No record kept. She says three Dill brothers came west at different times & then says they came to Indiana in 1835.

She wrote me Jany 29, 1928 giving some records, but no book & page so I am writing her for them. I was at her cousin's Solomon Dill Rouls Dec 26, 1925 see bk 15 p 337.

V23 Page 379

At residence of Harvey J. Elliott, Jefferson Tp, Fayette Co, Pa (P.O. Fayette City RFD 22 Pa) July 2, 1930 2:15 PM

I arrived here with David S. Richey in his car 15 minutes ago & he has gotten out his father, James C. Elliott's bible from which he is reading & I am taking the data from it & what he & Dave tell me in a genealogical table which I am starting on page No [blank]. Both William & Joseph S. Elliott, brothers of James C. inherited farms from their father & Robert got the home place from his father Capt William Elliott.

Leaving 4 PM

Back home 5:46 PM

Coming back, we turned to the right just east of the church & took the Grindstone Road

V23 Page 380

between the James C. & Robert Elliott farms & a mile or so beyond passed near the William Elliott farm & a little further on, Dave pointed out the farm where Capt A.C. Nutt was raised.

Dave said their family came to the South Union Tp farm in Sept 1867 (his oldest brother, John coming however in Apr) & his father Andrew Finley Richey (he spelled it Ritchie) who had been an invalid for 9 yrs died two mos after coming in Nov 1867 aged 57 yrs being born in 1810. One of his lungs was badly affected & had a cavity. He said his sister, Louisa Isabella Richey leased her share of the coal near Wheeling WVA which we set off to her at ten cents a ton requiring them to pay $1200 a month whether taken out or not & they are still paying that royalty monthly. He said his mother was born in 1812 & died May 5, 1893, the delicate one in her family, but lived the longest.

V23 Page 382

We reached home a little before 5 PM when Rev Wm M. Hudson phoned & came out with his daughter Florence (one of three) & remained a half hour, leaving at 5:40 PM. He has been visiting his mother Harriet Mestrezat Hudson born in 1846 at Waynesburg, Pa. He asked me to take up with Cumberland Coal Co a trade for their 328 A in Whiteley Tp for the C.A. Mestrezat coal 184 A in Monon Tp. He is willing to trade & give two acres for one. He said Senator Wm B. McKinley decd has a sister, Mrs R.R. Mattis (whose husband is a banker) living in Champaign Ills who must be in her 70s as she is 2 yrs older than Wm B. They have a brother living in Calif & nephews & nieces in WVA, he thinks near Moundsville. They are descendants perhaps children of Hannah Finley. Make slip to go see Mrs Mattis.

V23 Page 383 & V23 Page 384

[descendant chart]

James Cunningham Elliott, son of James Elliott was born on the Robert Elliott farm adjg also in this Tp Feby 28, 1816 & he died in this house June 6, 1894 & is buried in Redstone Cem at Brownsville, Pa. He was a member of Little Redstone Pres Ch adjg from early life. He was educated in the public schools of the Tp, was a Republican & farmer all his life. Married Oct 25, 1845 to Jane McKee Dixon born Oct 1, 1825 in this Tp, daughter of Nathan Dixon & his wife Eliza Forsythe. She died Jany 25, 1903, also in this house & was buried in the Brownsville, Redstone Cem. She too was a member of Little Redstone Pres Ch from early life. He built the present residence, a fine brick house in 1854 & the present barn in 1859 on his 160 A farm inherited from his father. They had eight children all born on this farm some of the older ones in the log house he moved in when married.


Nathan Dixon Elliott b Mch 21, 1847 ob June 17, 1850 buried in Little Redstone Pres Ch Cem adjg & has marker

Mary Josephine Elliott b July 23, 1849 married Dec 23, 1875 in this house by Rev Gailey, Pres to David Stewart Richey b Feby 1, 1848 in Marion Co now WVA. Living & here with me today. Have had 3 children all born in South Union Tp Fay Co, Pa

Unnamed daughter, B Feby 18, 1877 & died same day 2 hours later Feby 18, 1877

Laverna Jane Richey b Sept 25, 1878 married Nov 12, 1898 [best guess] at Uniontown, Pa by Rev Wm H. Spence see page 403.

Mary Belle Richey b Nov 6, 1886 ob Mch 22, 1922 at Mamaronak [best guess] NY & buried in Oak Grove Cem at Uniontown, Pa, married Apr 26, 1910 at Uniontown, Pa by Rev Wm H. Spence. See page 403.

John Richey Elliott b Mch 17, 1852 ob in his farm in Wash Co, Pa & is buried in Redstone Cem, B'ville, Pa. Was a farmer. Married Jane Ruth Lilley born in Wash Co, Pa, daughter of Thomas Lilley & wife. She is living on her farm on National road in East Pike Run Tp, Wash Co, Pa. Have had 7 children, six living, all born where she lives. See page 384.

Edward Johnson Elliott b Sept 24, 1854 ob on the J.J. Bailey farm in this Tp. Was a farmer. Married Mch 28, 1884 in Jefferson Tp Annie E. Baily, daughter of Eli Baily & wife. She is living on the Baily farm this Tp.

Mary Baily Elliott b Sept 10, 1885 in this Tp. Married Edgar Kelly son of Theodore Kelly. Both living at Fairmont, WVA. No issue.

Elizabeth Dixon Elliott b Sept 1, 1857, still living. Married Dec 25, 1890 in this house to Charles Phillips son of Wm S. Phillips & his wife. Both living at Granville, O & have two children born near Cadiz, O

William Glenroy Phillips b Oct 2, 1891 at home, unmarried

Helen Annabelle Phillips b Aug 22, 1893 at home, unmarried Annette Ruth Elliott b June 11, 1860 ob June 5, 1862 in infancy & buried in Little Redstone Pres Ch Cem & has a tombstone. Tombstone says aged 11 mos & 25 days.

James Harvey Elliott b Aug 27, 1863, my informant. He writes his name Harvey J. Elliott & lives here in the old homestead. He is a member of the Little Redstone Pres Ch & is unmarried.

Annabelle Elliott b Nov 1, 1866 ob Nov 7, 1927 in this house, buried Cem B'ville, Pa. She was a member of Little Redstone Pres Ch & was never married.

V23 Page 384 & V23 Page 385

[descendant chart]

John Richey Elliott see page 382


Thomas Dixon Elliott b Jany 10, 1885 living with his mother, married & separated, 4 children

Edna Blanche Elliott b Sept 12, 1886 married Cleaver Jones. Both living south B'Ville, 2 children

Donnabelle Elliott b Sept 28, 1888, ob aged abt 8 yrs, buried Redstone Cem, Brownsville

James Forsythe Elliott b Oct 18, 1890 married & lives adjg his mother on the Pike. No issue

Susan Jane Elliott b Mch 14, 1892 married to Philip Chew, a farmer. Both living in East Pike Run Tp on one of Mrs Elliott's farms. 3 children

Lilley Elliott b Aug 29, 1894 married John Smith, a laborer. Both living on the Pike this side of her mother's. No issue.

Jacob Harvey Elliott b Feby 22, 1899. Has never married. Stays with his mother & works at the Lilley mine when it is running.

V23 Page 386

Oak Hill, July 3, 1930 7:30 Am

A letter dated June 29, 1930 in answer to mine of Apr 1, 1930 from Emma Beazell Albright (Mrs J.E.) of 232? South Prospect St Ravenna, o says she just rtd two weeks ago from Florida where Mrs Everhard met her last year & encloses a two page list of the line of her ancestors. She gives no dates & her statements in part are confusing & occasionally incorrect, but I am making a skeleton table following embracing the names she gives to work from. I turned an extra leaf & it is on pages 390 & 391.

She gave her grandfather Cunningham's brothers & sisters which do not come in table as follows:

William Cunningham

James Cunningham

Matilda Cunningham Cook (sons Rob & Joe)

Nancy Cunningham Caldwell

Effie Cunningham Bell

Paul Cunningham

Robert Cunningham (Alpha Armstrong's grandfather, Fredericksburg)

Eliza Cunningham

Am writing her for dates of her immediate family

V23 Page 387

A letter dated June 22, 1930 in answer to mine of June 14, 1930 from Mrs Nettie J. Drew of 1675 Liberty St, Santa Clara, Calif sends two leaves & a half ctg the bible record of her grandfather, Moses Markle 1799-1860 which bible it says he bought for $1 Jany 15, 1850 after his 12 children were born & then recorded their names & births therein which I am now verifying with record his only surviving child (the mother of Mrs Drew, Sarah Smith Hutchingson born July 31, 1843 gave me in Kansas, Haskell Co Feby 19, 1926 see book 15 page 596 where I have changed date of death of her mother from June 1855 to correct date as shown in bible viz June 1, 1856.) Mrs Hutchingson gave me the dates from birth cfts & memory. Mrs Drew says her mother's health is very poorly at present & says she wants to buy a book when completed. Also says she sent copy of bible record long ago which I never recd. Am rtg leaves by reg. mail.

V23 Page 388

I changed dates of Lewis C. to 1847 from 1845 & Mary Ann's from 1847 to 1849 & at book 12 p 572 changed Elias Markle's birth as given to me by his son Turney W. Markle on Oct 30, 1924 birth date from 1827 to 1828 to comply with bible record & eliminate conflicts & also inserted in book 15 p 597 both birth & death of Christiana Markle which her sister, Mrs Hutchingson was unable to give.

I see b 15 p 597 gives reference to Mary Ann 1849-1919. Mrs Perry to book 20 p 584. I am writing Mrs Drew for data to complete her son's record on page 597 book 15.

V23 Page 389

A letter dated Feby 4, 1927 in answer to mine from Mrs Retta Gordon, Russiaville, Howard Co, Ind says she, Retta Kilgore was born July 5, 1863 in Grant Co, Ind daughter of Hercules Snow Kilgore & his 1st wife Margaret Jane Newkirk, married Mch 14, 1885 at Marion, Ind Charles H. Gordon, son of William F. Gordon & wife Harriet Williams. He was born in 1862 at or near Russiaville, Ind. We have two children:

1. Claude S. Gordon b Nov 4, 1886 3 miles N.E. of Russiaville, Howard Co, Ind

His daughter, Irene Gordon b Dec 22, 1911 at Detroit, Mich. Refer to book 19 page 451, book 20 page 138, book 23 page 331. Writing her this evening to supply her husband's birth & Irene's month [obviously filled in later]

Feby 21, 1931. Claud [sic] S. Gordon of 714 W. Madison St, Chicago, Ills writing Jany 26, 1931 in answer to mine of July 5/31 says Mrs Retta Gordon, his mother, died Oct 2, 1928 at Park Ridge, Ills & was buried at Russiaville, Ind. He was married to Laura I. Kell in Jany 1911. My daughter Irene is to be married in June 1931 to Vincent Manka.

V23 Page 390 & V23 Page 391

[descendant chart]

Ebenezer Finley 1760-1849, son of Rev James Finley 1725-1795 married 4 times. Just listing such of his 14 children as she gives.


Samuel Finley

A daughter

Harry Secrist

Hannah Finley married Cunningham

Violet Cunningham burned to death at old log cabin home

Rebecca Cunningham burned to death at old log cabin home

William Cunningham

Silas Cunningham

Alvinza Cunningham

Horace Cunningham

James Cunningham 9 yrs

Elizabeth Cunningham

Jennie Cunningham, lives at Wooster O. Make slip to see her listing all these families

Josephine Cunningham

Lyman Cunningham 4 yrs

Nancy Cunningham [daughter of Hannah Finley Cunningham]

Elizabeth Cunningham married Mackey

Bert Mackey

Jane Mackey, unmarried

John Mackey living with son on farm near Fredericksburg, O

Jane Cunningham married Mackey

Robert Mackey decd Millersburg, Ohio

Harriet Mackey decd, married Christy

Nettie Mackey, decd married Foster

Visla Mackey married Thompson. Lives near Wooster, O

Burt Mackey lives near Burton City, Wayne Co, O

Harry Mackey

Ebenezer Cunningham

Florence Alta Cunningham, married Kiser

William Finley [son of Ebenezer Finley] Mrs Ella M. Everhard's line

Jane Finley, married John Hibbs

Elliott Hibbs

Lacy Hibbs

Elizabeth Hibbs, married Beal

Robert Beal

Hannah Cunningham Beal married Beazell

James Harvey Beazell, ob married

Lennabel Beazell

Grace Beazell

Albert Neal Beazell, ob

Clarissa Jane Beazell, ob

William Sherman Beazell, ob

Franklin Raymond Beazell, married, lives Kent, O

James Beazell

Catherine Beazell

Emma Beazell married J. E. Albright live at Ravenna, she my informant.

Paul Elliott Albright b Ravenna, O

Annabel Albright married Wilson live Forest Hills

Anne Albright Wilson

John Hyman Albright Wilson

Anita Harriet Albright, b Ravenna, O

Rebecca Finley [daughter of Ebenezer Finley] married Patterson

Martha Patterson, married Willett

Margaret Patterson, married Reeser

Rebecca Patterson, married Steele

James Patterson

William Patterson

Matilda Patterson married Hatfield

Ebenezer Finley

Robert Finley

V23 Page 392

A letter dated Feby 5, 1927 in answer to mine from Lucinda Kell of Rochester, Indiana gives her name Lucinda Eldora Kilgore born in Grant Co, Ind July 13, 1871 married June 24, 1893 to James Kelley born in Grant Co, Ind Nov 17, 1870 son of James Kelley Senior & his wife Susanna McClain. My parents, Hercules S. Kilgore & wife Margaret Jane Newkirk. Our children are:

1. Emily Alfaretta b May 27, 1894

2. Orlando Vernon b Sept 15, 1897

3. Ancil LeRoy b June 14, 1900

4. Bernice Lorraine b Oct 8, 1903

5. Loren Wayne b Apr 22, 1907

6. Denata b Sept 5, 1909

7. Aubry Lowell b Oct 4, 1912

8. Merle Leon b July 8, 1915

Two children are deceased viz:

Orlando Vernon died Apr 7, 1898

Denata died Feby 11, 1912

See book 19 p 451

see book 20 p 139

see book 23 p 331 & 389

The first six were born in Grant Co, Ind & the last two born in Kosciusko Co, Ind.

V23 Page 393 [blank]

V23 Page 394

Oak Hill July 4, 1930 8:15 AM

A letter dated Jany 25, 1927 from Marion Jack 703 E. Arch St, Portland, Ind being 19 pages of note size papers giving additional records to supplement what he gave me Nov 25, 1926 at his home see book 19 pages 483-492 also book 20 page 207 where the name of his father Robert Morris Jack in the table is continued on pages 396 et seq in this book from the records he now sends.

He states in this letter that his brother Harrison died Christmas day 1909. The record he gave me from the bible was Dec 26, 1906, see book 19 & page 485 page 397 this book. I have noted in the tables following the descendants of Robert M. Jack which he says number 64. You will note that the dates of birth as now given of his sisters Edna & Cora are different from those given me when at his home book 19 p 482 & which he then told me was not correct as they were younger than the dates then given indicated.

V23 Page 395 [blank]

V23 Page 396 & V23 Page 397

[descendant chart]

Robert Morris Jack son of Robert L. Jack see book 20 page 207 was born Jany 30, 1827 in Warren Co, O near Fort Ancient ob 1902 in Oregon. From there he was brought by his parents to Randolph Co, Indiana & settled near Ridgeville, Ind where he grew to manhood. They came in 1837. Married 1 June 14, 1849 Asenath Ann Odle born Nov 18, 1830, ob, daughter of Wm Odle & wife Elizabeth Franklin, grand niece of Benj Franklin see b 20 p 206. They had nine children. Continued page 400


Marion Jack b Mch 25, 1851 my informant for this record living 703 E. Arch St, Portland, Ind. He moved Mch 1, 1861 with his parents to Jay Co, Ind 5 miles south of Portland, attended log school of Dist & Ridgeville College for 3 yrs & taught school & farmed until 1914. Married 1 Mch 8, 1874 Elma Rhodes b Jany 25, 1853 in Jany Co, Ind ob Mch 18, 1922 (he had told me 1923) & is buried in Green Park Cem Portland, Ind. She was daughter of John Rhodes & Susan Crosier. Had 5 sons all born in Pike Tp, Jay Co. Married 2d Oct 13, 1923 at Bryant, Ind Mrs Almaretta Jane Macklin, widow of Israel M. Macklin who died Nov 27, 1918 & daughter of Wm Francis Smith & wife Barbara Whiteman. Her father was born in Highland Co, O Dec 8, 1826 & died here Apr 3, 1926. Both living. No issue, but she has 4 sons & 2 daughters by her first husband. See page 398. In 1901 was elected to Legislature from Jay Co. In 1923 made a tour of the western states.

Rebecca Jane Jack b Mch 22, 1853 recd a college education & taught in public schools of Indiana. Married 1878 Prof G.A. Jacobs a graduate of Ann Arbor, Mich who died 1918 in Wayne Co, NY where they had moved to when married & both taught school for many years & then retired to a farm in Wayne Co, NY where she still lives with her three children.

Anna Jacobs college graduate, teacher, single

Emma Jacobs, college graduate, teacher, single

Jesse Jacobs, farmer, single

Harrison Jack, b Dec 31, 1855 educated at Ridgeville Ind College & became a teacher. Married Jennie Hollowell. Farmer, trustee of Franklin Tp & merchant at Union City Ind & treas Randolph Co, Ind. He died Dec 25, 1909. Had 4 children, 2 sons & 2 daughters

Perin Jack ob in early childhood

Fred Jack married. Lives in Tampa. Fla electrician in U.S. Navy

Iva Jack educated in Union City, Ind married Harry E._____ mail carrier at South Bend, Ind.

Duncan aged 20 drug clk in Chicago

Maxine in school

Mary Melisa [sic] Jack b Jany 30, 1858 ob Oct 6, 1858

Infant son b Oct 31, 1860 ob Nov 17, 1860

Robert Elmer Jack b Dec 22, 1862 educated at Ridgeville, Ind College & became a teacher. Married Susie French. They moved to Chicago, then to Wisconsin, then to Arlington S. Dak & thence to Bismark N. Dak where he had a business college. Had 3 sons & 1 daughter

Charles Jack married & has 3 children, banker at Hadley, Minn

Russell Jack married & has 4 children contractor in Pasadena, Calif

Rolla Jack is a merchant in Arlington S. Dak, married but no issue

Vera Jack married Eugene Maxwell a hardware dealer. Have two children.

V23 Page 398 & V23 Page 399

[descendant chart]

Marion Jack b Mch 25, 1851 paged 396, my informant


Orin Leroy Jack b 1874 was killed on a RR switch at age of 14

Forrest Alton Jack b June 25, 1876. Took a college course, became a teacher at which he still continues in connection with farming. Married 1 1898 Lettie Ayers who died 1903 of tuberculosis, leaving one child. Married 2 in 1906 her sister, Margaret Ayers. Both living on his farm 5 miles south of Portland, Ind.

Donna Jack ob of typhoid fever aged 16 yrs

Harry Alva Jack b Apr 19, 1878. In 1902, he entered the U.S. mail service RFD 5 Portland & has served faithfully for 25 yrs & now lives with his family on edge of Portland, Ind. Married 1903 Thetis Frazee & have two sons.

Gerald Jack, b 1910, in high school

Marion Jack Jr b 1916

Merle Rhodes Jack b Aug 25, 1880. He was a farmer until 1913 & manager of cemeteries since then. Married 1906 Pearl Waters ob 1926 Canton, O & buried in Green Park Cem in Portland, Ind. Had 3 children.

Elma A. Jack b 1907 married 1925 Charles James of Canton, O Live Canton, O. Have two boys

Jack James

Paul James

Ruth Irene Jack b 1909, has finished school & is training for a nurse

Ralph Jack b 1912 in school at Canton, O

Ivan Ray Jack b Nov 17, 1886. He is a farmer & breeder of jersey cattle. Lives on his farm 1 mile east of Portland, Ind married 1910 Mabel George. Have three children.

Robert M. Jack b 1915 aged 12

Maxine Jack b 1918 aged 9

Dorothy M. Jack b 1920 aged 7

V23 Page 400 & V23 Page 401

[descendant chart]

Robert Morris Jack born Jany 30, 1827 see page 396 & also at book 20 page 207. In 1883, he removed to Kansas where he married 2d ______ where twin sons & a daughter were born this union. They moved further west & finally located at Eagle Point, Oregon where he died in 1902.


Sarah Elizabeth Jack b Jany 31, 1865 was educated for a teacher & taught 4 yrs. Married Dr Willis M. Hall. She died Sept 3, 1911 & left one daughter

Lela Hall married 1 a dentist who was killed in auto accident. Married 2 Robert Stevenson a RR accountant & both live at Eugene, Oregon.

Edna Alice Jack b Jany 30, 1867 5 miles south of Portland, Ind married 1 Nat Millner, had 1 son & moved to Denver, Col where he died & she moved back. Married 2d Dr Wm M. Hall who died 1924 & married 3 Dr Summerville Light, pastor of the M.E. church at Decatur, Ind where they now live.

Carlos Millner, married. He is an accountant & lives in Cleveland, O. Have one child

A son

Cora May Jack b Mch 31, 1869 educated at Ridgeville, taught school 2 yrs & married Sater Smithson. He was a grocer in Marion, Ind & by reason of ill health, moved to Denver, Col & then to Long Beach, Calif where they now live. Had one child died in infancy

Wilber Jack ob married a daughter of John Nicols & wife. Had 2 sons & a daughter. He was shot & killed by a cowboy. She lives at Eagles Point, Oregon with her son.

oldest son, ob


daughter, is married

Wilfred Jack married Elizabeth V. _____ only daughter of _____. Have 3 sons & 2 daughters all in school & live at Eagle Point, Oregon

Ruby Jack married Hayden & live 15 924 Sherwood St Missoula, Montana & have three children

V23 Page 402

At residence of David S. Richey 45 Maple St, Uniontown Pa July 4, 1930 2:15 PM

I arrived here from home at 12:30 PM & have had a very good dinner & Joe has given me the record of her children as entered on page 382 which for lack of space I am transferring to next page. From A.F. Ritchie's bible:

Andrew F. Richey born Feby 20, 1810

Laverna Mary Ann Barnes born Feby 19, 1812

Married Jany 1, 1835

Their children:

1. John Scott Richey born Mch 8, 1836

2. Susan Virginia Richey born Oct 18, 1837

3. Cordelia Ellen Richey born May 6, 1839

4. Louisa Belle Richey born Apr 17, 1841

5. Elizabeth Drusilla Richey born Mch 16, 1843

6. Samuel Hunter Richey born Jany 27, 1846

7. David Stewart Richey born Feby 1, 1848

8. Mary Rosena Minerva Richey born Nov 15, 1854


Andrew F. Richey died Nov 21, 1867

John S. Richey died Oct 5, 1875

Susan V. Young died Nov 22, 1921

Samuel Hunter Richey died Oct 16, 1924

Louisa B. Richey died Oct 9, 1928

Mary R. Post died Feby 1, 1929

Laverna P.A. Richey died May 5, 1893?

Elizabeth D. Richey died Sept 28, 1909

to page 404

V23 Page 403

[descendant chart]

Mary Josephine Elliott see page 382 married David S. Richey


Laverna Jane Richey page 382, married James Sherman Amend born July 1, 186- Westnd Co, Pa near Derry, Pa. Both living at 522 N. maple Ave Greensburgh, Pa. No issue. They adopted his niece, daughter of his brother John viz: Marian Amend who lives with them. He is with the Jamison Coal & Coke Co & has been with them 15 years. Had been Auditor for H.S. Frick Coke Co for 15 years. She joined the 1st Pres Ch here about 1896

Mary Belle Richey page 382 married Brooks Johnson Goodin born May 1886 at Cincinnati, O son of Benjamin Goodin & wife Lucy Johnson. He is living having remarried & his 2d wife now dead & buried at Coshocton, O. Mary had two children born on Shady Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa. She was a member of 1st Pres Ch here which she joined about 1902.

Mary Josephine Goodin b Nov 22, 1912 ob Nov 24, 1912

Laverna Richey Goodin b Dec 7, 1914 is in the high school in Greensburgh, Pa where she lives with her Aunt, Mrs Amend.

V23 Page 404

From Page 402

Cordelia E. Smith died Apr 29, 1914

Charles L. Smith died Mch 15, 1920

Louisa Mead Richey died Nov 13, 1929


Cordelia E. Richey to Charles L. Smith on Feby 27, 1862 in Marion Co, WVA

John S. Richey to Emma E. Davis Apr 10, 1862 in Marion Co, WVA

Susan V. Richey & Rev Samuel Young on Dec 25, 1874 in South Union Tp, Fay Co, Pa

David S. Richey & Mary Josephine Elliott Dec 23, 1875

S. Hunter Richey & Louisa Mead Apr 29, 1880 near Winchester, VA

Mary R. Richey & Elias E. Post Apr 27, 1881 in Uniontown, Pa

Charles L. Smith was born June 24, 1838 in Marion Co WVA & died Mch 15, 1920 in Uniontown, Pa

Samuel Young born Jany 15, 1828 & died Nov 3, 1885 in Waynesburg, Pa

Elias E. Post born Feby 7, 1846 & died Mch 28, 1914 in Pittsburgh, Pa

Louisa Mead Richey born Jany 5, 1852

This bible was printed in NY by American Bible Soc in 1851

Leaving 3:15 PM

V23 Page 405

Oak Hill, July 4, 1930 8:30 PM

I got back from D.S. Richey's at 3:25 PM & at 3:30, Rev C.D.A. Hoon came & left me two pages of records he gathered at Chambersburg, Pa while there at Synod 7 I loaned him the book of Chester Co, Pa records wh [sic] recently bought & he left at 4:45 PM & Hugh S. Darsie Jr of the Erie Trust Co, Pa who was then here, having driven from Washington, Pa to see me about the Wash Co Coal of his father-in-law W.H. Ulery, left at 6:05 PM & at 6:30, I went over to Andrew's for dinner & have just gotten back. Mrs Hoon's ancestor Alexander Thompson was son of Samuel, who we think is son of Alexander of our Thomas. He is going to Mercer, Pa on Monday to a funeral & is going to look there for the grave of her Samuel. Some of the records he brings conflict with our hitherto hypotheses.

V23 Page 406

Records from the Court House in Chambersburg, Pa

Thomas Thompson to Alexander Thompson of Westnd Co, Hempfield Tp Bushy Run, land bought by Thomas Thompson from John Huston borders on land owned by Samuel Thompson, Thomas Thompson, Samuel McCutcheon & from Huston line to Dickinson line Date Feby 27, 1775 ackd July 15, 1776 recorded Jany 23, 1796 book 3 page 478 signed Thomas Thompson

Deed Thomas Thompson heirs to Francis Robinson Date Apr 4, 1785 b 4 p 176 rec July 14, 1795 between Samuel Thompson & his wife Elizabeth, Wm Archibald & his wife Margaret, Mary Thompson, George Thompson legatees of Hamilton Tp, Franklin Co & Francis Robinson of Hamilton Tp, Franklin Co, Pa original owners. Wm Adair sold to John Holiday John Holiday sold to John Huston. John Huston sold to Thomas Thompson

V23 Page 407

Letter granted to Elizabeth Thompson, wife of Samuel Thompson date June 14, 1786. No settlement recorded.

Marriage record by Robert Kennedy, pastor of East Conococheague which means the Presbyterian Pastor over Greencastle & Welsh Run.

Robert Merrit & Anne Thompson date July 2, 1807

Samuel Thompson & Ruth Rankin date Nov 12, 1807

William Beatty born 1738 died 1802 aged 64 married Mary Johnston born 1746 daughter of James Johnston died 1785 (or 1764) wife Elizabeth (Brown) Finley, widow of Samuel Finley.

His record is not very clear nor does he give consideration area or location of land in the deeds.

Make slip & look for other deeds from Alexander, William & Joseph Thompson & also at Carlisle, Pa whether Martha took out letters on Thomas's estate or whether she was then dead.

Joe Richey said today that she had a card last Christmas from Mrs Marsh, daughter of her Uncle Alex Elliott who lived at Mt Pleasant, Pa. Make slip.

V23 Page 408

Oak Hill, July 6, 1930 8:33 PM

A letter dated July 4, 1930 from S.M. Carothers, Sumter S.C. enclosed a letter from the Biblio Co Pompton Lakes NJ (W.M. Clemens) dated Dec 7, 1926 stated that they do not find the marriages asked for except a James & Mary (Carothers?) in July 27, 1780.

Also a Mary who married Peter Sutter in Penna in 1793. We have four North Carolina wills of Carothers 1743, 1781, 1782 & 1788. Also the will of Samuel Caruthers of Rockbridge Co, Va who names his sons Robert, James & John & daughters Esther, wife Rebecca & sister Rachel. This will is dated Oct 5, 1779. He asks that I return the above which I will do tomorrow. Mr C. says below are two items to be inserted in his letter of June 5th to me for Page 5 for the records of James Caruthers descendants.

Martha Ann (Garrison) Carothers died Jany 19, 1908

Isabel Erwin Carothers born Nov 26, 1895

V23 Page 409

He says "In your letter of May 1, 1930 in the account furnished by your genealogist states that Esther Caruthers born Nov 4, 1744 married Henry McClung was a daughter of James Carothers & wife Esther Quigley". The record of the Virginia Carothers a copy of which I sent you states that the Esther who married Henry McClung was a daughter of William Carothers & wife Margaret. By them being buried at Timber Ridge, Va in a measure substantiates this. "Your genealogist also states that Richard Caruthers born Dec 28, 1741 was a son of this same James, but in Ewing Family, Joseph Lyons Ewing 1910 Stratford NJ, it is stated this Richard is a son of James & Lydia Caruthers & that this James was in NJ as early as 1735".

The account says that Andrew & twin brother James were born Aug 4, 1746? but Mrs Pilcher & descendants of Andrew claim he was born in May 1739. I simply call these discrepancies to your attention for reconciliation if possible.

V23 Page 410

Oak Hill, July 9, 1930 7:30 AM

A notice in Monday's Morning Herald, announces the death Sunday forenoon at her home in Connellsville St, from a sudden heart attack of Mrs Ella McFadden Stevens, wife of Charles C. Stevens on July 6, 1930. She is survived by her husband & one daughter Miss Emelie Stevens at home. Another daughter Eleanor died about 12 years ago. She was a member of Third Pres Ch & a daughter of the late James W. McFadden. Interment in Oak Grove Cem.

In the same paper is announced the death on July 4, 1930 at his home in South Brownsville, Pa of Elisha P. Moore aged 42? years, son of Emily Frances & Geo L. Moore who was born Jany 9, 1888?

Besides his widow, Mrs Grace Moore, two sons Geo L. & William E. & one daughter Betty, all at home & four brothers:

Frank L. Moore of Luzeme Tp

Guy G., Charles L. & Carl F. all of south Brownsville survive. Burial in Redstone Cem B'ville. The above two deaths both come in the Jack family.

V23 Page 411

Yesterday's Morning Herald announced the death of Mrs Ruth Nutt Steele, aged 78 yrs on July 7, 1930 in St Margaret's Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa after a short attack of pneumonia. She was a native & life long resident of Jefferson Tp, widow of Harvey J. Steele & daughter of the late Stephen R. Nutt & his wife Sarah Wells. She was visiting her son John in Aspinwall when taken ill. She is survived by her son John Steele of Aspinwall, Pa, Mrs Charles Hough of Denver Colo, Mrs Stuart McKean of Charleroi, Pa, fourteen grandchildren. Burial today in Brownsville Cem. She is in Elliott line.

V23 Page 412

A letter dated Jany 25, 1928 from Troy Fox, Rossville, Ind sends six pages of records for book 20 p 128 & book 21 p 522 in answer to my letter to his grandmother Mary Young Shaw in which I asked information about Jane McLucas who married Wm Young.

Elizabeth & Martha McLucas never married & died at or near Dayton, O where they tended the toll gate. See book 20 p 179. Says Jane McLucas married Wm Young, a Scotchman & died in Indiana, occupation farmers, all died at relatively young age, short life seeming to young [sic] in this family. Wm Gadfrey Shaw died Mch 12, 1912 & is buried at Alexandria, Ind & has marker & his widow will be buried there.

William Young was well to do

Robert Young page 414 had 4 children viz: Ira, Plina, George & Alice. For record, write Mrs Laura Carter at 1403 S. J. St Elwood Ind.

John Young p 414 married Jane Summer, five children: Jessie, Jane, Susie, Minnie, & Walter. For inf write to Walter Young RFD Alexandria or Franklin, Indiana

Nancy Young married Perry Tharp & had four girls:

V23 Page 413

Jane, Alice, Ida & Emma. Write to Mrs John[5]* Moser Frankton, Ind.

LeRoy Young married Mary Jane Riny & have children: Darr, Samuel & Arthur. Write Samuel Young, Orestes, Ind. The other children were not married.

V23 Page 414 & V23 Page 415

[descendant chart]

Jane McLucas born Jany 2, 1805 in Pa see bk 20 p 179 & died in Indiana in 1878. Both buried at Lily Creek Cem 1 mile E & 1 mile N of Orestes, Ind. Married Feby 5, 1824 William Young, a tailor born in Scotland Dec 8, 1797 & died Dec 1853. Several of the children are also buried at Lily Creek Cem & have a fairly good marker on their graves. Cemetery is poorly kept. They had ten children born near Orestes, Ind.


Margaret Young b Jany 12, 1825 ob not known. Married 1 Edmund Franklin. Married 2 James Judd.

Caroline Franklin

Martha Franklin

George Judd write him for record RFD Alexandria, Ind

Emma Judd married Fernsler.

Malinda Young b Jany 4, 1827 ob not known married Oron Carver

Marvin Carver lives 1998 East Yamhill, Portland, Oregon

Hetty Carver

Luva Carver

Jane Carver

Robert Young b Mch 2, 1829 ob Mch 11, 1877 not known, married Elizabeth Ellis see 412 & 416.

Mary Young b Jany 1, 1831 ob Mch 1831

John Young b Nov 28, 1832 ob not known see 412

Nancy Young b Mch 20, 1835 ob not known, married Perry Tharp see 412

George Young b Dec 9, 1838 ob Sept 21, 1869 unmarried

William Young b Jany 27, 1841 ob Oct 4, 1860 unmarried

LeRoy Young b Nov 14, 1843 ob not known see 413

Mary Jane Young b Oct 20, 1847 only surviving child now 80 yrs old married Mch 10, 1869 at Orestes, Ind, William Godfrey Shaw farmer. Their children:

Emily Ellen Shaw B Dec 2, 1870 ob Nov 23, 1925 buried at Alexandria, Ind. Married at Orestes, Ind Ambrose Johnson, farmer

Herbert Johnson. He is a mechanic b June 19, 1897 at Orestes, Ind. Married July 25, 1919 Grace Catherine Cunningham of Summitville, Ind at Anderson, Ind. Children born at Orestes

Paul Eugene Johnson b Sept 8, 1921

Max Philip Johnson b Sept 7, 1922

Olive Jane Shaw b Jany 21, 1872 married Mch 3, 1893 to Benj Franklin Fox

Troy Fox b Jany 29, 1895 teacher in High school Rossville, Ind, my informant married Apr 26, 1924 at Anderson, Ind Rose Welborn.

Charles Harry Fox b Feby 6, 1925

Mary Olive Fox b Dec 3, 1926

Charles Everett Shaw b Jany 18, 1880 ob Feby 8, 1925. He died unmarried in Washington Pa & was buried at Alexandria, Ind. Boxmaker.

V23 Page 416 & V23 Page 417

[descendant chart]

Robert Young see page 414 b Mch 2, 1829 ob Mch 11, 1877, married Mch 5, 1854 Elizabeth Ellis b Mch 29, 1832 ob Mch 9, 1914. She was born in North Carolina. Both of them & their 3 children below all buried in Lilly Creek Cem N.W. of Alexandria, Ind. They & all their descendants, members of Christian Church. Dates below from their family bible given by Mrs Young to her daughter, Laura


William Ira Young b Apr 13, 1855 ob Jany 2, 1863

Pauline Francis Young b Oct 13, 1858 living she says b 1857. Married 1 Sept 23, 1877 to Francis Marion Sells born June 22, 1856. A painter, says she hasn't seen him for 46 yrs. Married 2 Jany 3, 1889 to Francis Marion Winks b Oct 9, 1859 ob Aug 10, 1929. He was a miller by trade. Am writing her at 2274 Main St, Stockton, Calif for children.

June V. Sells b June 17, 1878 ob Feby 1, 1907

Nola B. Sells b Jany 6, 1880

Daisy A. Sells b Oct 13, 1883

Ethel B. Winks b Nov 18, 1889

Floyd F. Winks b Dec 2, 1891 ob Dec 30, 1892

George E. Winks b Dec 18, 1895, ob Sept 13, 1895

Miles E. Winks b Sept 26, 1897

Frieda M. Winks b Nov 10, 1902

Olive Jane Young b May 17, 1860 ob Sept 14, 1861

Almira Caroline Young b Dec 28, 1861 living, married to Robert L. Pigg & live at 203 E. Sixth St Pittsburgh, Kan

Charles C. Young b Aug 24, 1864 ob Feby 12, 1865

George Ellis Young b Sept 1, 1867 living at No 1002 E. Washington St, Clinton, Illinois

Laura Victoria Young b July 30, 1870 living, married Jany 2, 1890 to William Harmon Carter b July 4, 1869 in Hartford City, Ind son of Isaac Job Carter & wife Mary Ann Reynolds. She is my informant for this record. They live 1203 S. Anderson St, Elwood, Ind.

Guy L. Carter b Oct 9, 1890 in Fairmont, Ind. Married Nov 20, 1923 to Lois Elizabeth Miller b at Mt Orab, O

Lauranell Carter b Aug 21, 1924 in Elwood, Ind.

V23 Page 418

Oak Hill, July 10, 1930 9 AM

A letter dated Mch 27, 1926 from Finley A. McNutt of the legal firm of McNutt, Wallace, Harris & Randel, Terre Haute, Ind says he is sending me under separate cover today's copy of the Terre Haute Star which gives an interesting account of Abraham Markle which designates him as the founder of Terre Haute, Ind. Will look this up.

Three letters dated Feby 15, 1926, Feby 19, 1927 & Feby 19, 1928 from A.R. Markle, Utility Engineer Box 506 Terre Haute, Ind the first refers to book 15 page 454. His letter of Feby 9, 1927 refers to my still having his cards giving descendants of Frederick, Joseph & Napoleon Bonaparte, the three younger sons of Abraham Markle 1770-1826 & asks me to return them & as I have now come to them, I will record them & then return to him by Reg. mail. He says he was through here Aug 11, 1926 & found me away. I was then in the Cumberland Valley, Pa.

V23 Page 419

In his letter of Feby 19, 1928 he asks if I have anything on Jacob Markle who in the census of 1790 appeared in Northampton Co, Penna. He thinks it possible that his descent might be from Frederick & this Jacob as father & grandfather of his great grandfather, Abraham Markle 1770-1826.

I wrote him a month or so ago about what I found in Canada & Clifford, Mich which apparently indicated that his Abraham 1770-1826 was son of Bernard, son of Peter of Christian 1678-1766. I have made record on the 8 pages following of the 49 cards covering the descendants of the three youngest sons of Abraham as noted above & am writing A.R. tonight asking him to fill what blanks in the table he can, which I am listing to him & am returning by reg mail the 49 cards which I got from him last week of Dec, 1925.

V23 Page 420 & V23 Page 421

[descendant chart]

Frederick C. Markle see book 15 page 429 b Nov 27, 1809 ob Oct 12, 1866, son of Abraham Markle 1770-1826 had ten children. He & his wife & the children who died young all buried in Markle Cem.


Abraham Markle b Nov 9, 1839 ob Jany 31, 1916 in Terre Haute, Ind married Dec 1, 1859 to Mary E. Kemp b July 31, 1831 in Parke Co, Ind died Mch 17, 1912 in Terre Haute. Had 5 children all born in Vigo Co, Ind.

John Markle b Oct 12, 1860 ob 1873

Sarah (Dolly) Markle b May 2, 1864 married Joseph C. Pierce. Have six children, 1st two born in Terre Haute, 3d in Wichita Kan & last three in Detroit, Mich. No more data.

Harvey Pierce, ob married

Clyde Pierce, ob married

Mary Pierce, ob married

Joseph Pierce, ob married

Doris Pierce, ob married

Ed (or Juan) Pierce ob married

Essie Markle b July 21, 1870, unmarried

Walter E. Markle b Feby 27, 1880 married June 8, 1905 Julia Porter b Dec 11, 1879 at State Line, Ills daughter of Henry Porter & wife Harriet Anderson

Edna Markle b Dec 28, 1881 married Mch 21, 1905 Ernest Swift b 122 N. Oriental St Indianapolis

Virginia Belle Swift

Ernest Arthur Swift b Oct 1, 1913

William D. Markle b Aug 20, 1841 married Apr 29, 1869 Anna E. Rogers. Six children see page 422.

James Markle married 1865 Harriet Parsons, see page 423

Nelson Markle ob Sept 1909 married Kate R. Stewart see page 423

Frederick F. Markle b May 22, 1848 married 1st Ella B. Nutt b May 3, 1850 ob Nov 9, 1877 daughter of Nicholas Nutt & his wife Dorcas Williams see page 424. He married 2d Mary Musgrove

Perry Markle b July 30, 1850 ob July 8, 1881 married Elizabeth R. Donelson born June 6, 1851 & died Oct 4, 1877

Julia Markle married James Piety

Ruth Piety

Louise Piety

Harold Piety

Perry Markle Jr b Nov 10, 1873 ob May 1, 1874

David Markle b Jany 29, 1853 ob June 26, 1864

Merch Markle b Feby 28, 1855 ob Mch 19, 1859

George R. Markle b Sept 15, 1857 ob Jany 27, 1898 married Alice Smith

Maud Rose Markle born Oct 13, 1883 married 1, July 4, 1904 John F. Schwartz. She born in Otter Creek Tp Vigo Co, Ind. Had one child. Married May 8, 1907 Franklin B. Johnston, one child.

Ruth Alice Schwartz b Dec 8, 1904

Georgia May Johnston b Jany 16, 1908

Sarah Emily Markle b Jany 31, 1862 ob July 31, 1864

V23 Page 422 & V23 Page 423

[descendant chart]



William D. Markle b Aug 20, 1841 see page 420

Mary H. Markle b Mch 9, 1870 ob Dec 17, 1874

Frederick Markle b Oct 8, 1871 ob Sept 16, 1872 Herbert M. Markle b Jany 4, 1873, ob married

David D. Markle b Sept 7, 1875

Mabel Markle b Jany 1, 1878 married Jany 1, 1902 Walter C. Weir

Anna Mabel Weir

Charles Ray Markle b Aug 25, 1885

James Markle see page 420

William Markle b Aug 24, 1867 ob Aug 1, 1897 never married

Sarah Markle b Jany 9, 1869 never married

Frank Markle b Dec 13, 1871 married Caroline Brotherton

Nelson Markle see page 420

Kate E. Markle b Apr 16, 1869 ob Feby 10, 1870

Harry Denny Markle b Oct 28, 1871 married Carrie Smock

Byron Jasper Markle b Sept 18, 1903

Owen Nelson Markle b Oct 26, 1907

Gertrude Markle

Ed King Markle married Ethel Coffee

Della Stewart Markle

Harvey Markle

Charles R. Markle b Jany 19, 1876 ob May 19, 1876

Richard B. Markle b Oct 2, 1880 ob Aug 2, 1881

V23 Page 424 & V23 Page 425

[descendant chart]

Frederick F. Markle born May 22, 1848 see page 420 married 2d Mary Musgrove


Anna Markle

Wallace Markle

Dora D. Markle b July 7, 1872 ob Aug 22, 1873

Marvin Markle b June 24, 1877 married Dec 10, 1906 Lela E. Cox, Oct 15, 1913 Y.M.C.A. Balto, Md [no idea what last date applies to]

John Frederick Markle b Mch 28, 1909

Lehman Markle b Dec 4, 1884

Jonathan Markle b Oct 18, 1885 married Oct 20, 1906 Beulah D. Nutt daughter of Albert Warren Nutt & wife Mary Lockgard

Mildred Markle b Aug 7, 1907

Edith Markle b Aug 7, 1890 married June 6, 1913 Clifford O'Brien son of Enoch O'Brien & wife Christina Sarah Cole. Have 4 children.

Mary Christina O'Brien b Jany 2, 1917

Edith Naomi O'Brien b July 11, 1918

Clifford Warren O'Brien b Dec 26, 1920

Charlotte Elizabeth O'Brien b Oct 15, 1927

Robert Markle b Jany 14, 1889 married 1913 Liza Redifer daughter of Edward Redifer & wife Mary Jarvis.

V23 Page 426 & V23 Page 427

[descendant chart]



Joseph Willcocks Markle see b 15 p 429 born Mch 30, 1812 died Dec 2, 1867 son of Abraham Markle 1770-1826 married Feby 27, 1853 Ann McDonald born Apr 3, 1832 & died Oct 8, 1908 daughter of Dr J.H. McDonald & wife Ann Wilson. Joseph was born in Parke Co, Ind & the other two children in Vigo Co, Ind.

Joseph Markle b Feby 24, 1854 not married

May A.M. Markle b Jany 22, 1859 not married

Clay Markle b Sept 10, 1862, married

Napoleon Bonaparte Markle b June 1, 1819 in Vigo Co, Ind married May 14, 1841 to Mary Ann McFadden born in Vigo Co, Ind 1818 & died. Daughter of Macon McFadden. He went to New Orleans, La & was never heard of thereafter. See book 15 pages 429 & 562. Had 10 children.

Sarah Markle

Bright Markle married Apr 30, 1877 Florence Markle, given divorce from Bright & the custody of Warren Markle. Now, Apr 14, 1931 A.R.M. writes that on Aug 3, 1873, he married Helen Alvis

7 others, all died young

Mary Markle ob aged 10 years

V23 Page 428

Oak Hill, July 11, 1930 8:20 AM

A letter dated Dec 16, 1925 in answer to mine of Dec 11th from Solomon Dill Rouls of Tipton, Ind graciously acknowledges the inf I gave him about his grandmother Sarah Markle (see book 9 Jany 10 & 11, 1923 at Littleton, Col) who married Solomon Dill & said that in 1850, they moved from Penna to Iowa as he learned from his mother & in 1866 or 1867 they moved to Eastern Kansas about 1868 or 1869 his grandmother Sarah Markle Dill died followed by the death of her husband Solomon Dill soon thereafter (see my book 15 Feby 17 or 8th, 1926 when at their son, John W. Dill's & see what information of their deaths I got from him)

A letter dated July 5, 1926 from R.R. Nesbitt Esq Des Moines Iowa gives Mrs Miller's address as 425 E. 3rd (or 32d) St, Davenport, Iowa. I can't now place who she is or what I wanted to write her about.

V23 Page 429

A letter dated Feby 22, 1928 in answer to mine of Dec 6, 1927 from Mrs Malinda R. Harper of Redfield, Iowa then at Des Moines 1307 th Ave, she says Geo Bowdle died Jany 13. I suppose she means that year 1928.

Says Jimmy Pickering will know about his father's family. Says I haven't said anything about her Aunt Becca Gibson's family & says she has mentioned Ella Gibson Hays several times. Now for Aunt Martha Smith, her daughter Malinda Smith Posy went to Moonsocke S.D. & raised a big family. She says she has written to relatives there & letter was returned. Also wrote Shenandoah, Iowa & no answer to niece & nephew of Martin Knight. Her niece's name is Anna Blackenfure. Says she can go no further than her grandfather & grandmother.

V23 Page 430

A letter dated Mch 13, 1926 in answer to one I had written her some time before from Sarah M. Stiles, Redfield, Iowa gives my reference No B 21 p 453 & encloses a 3 page note sized undated letter from Chas E. McLucas her cousin from Dayton, Ind giving data about his family. She has had the flu & thought she told Stella Tice all she knew with old bible records which did not give marriages & deaths. Says she knows so little about her mother's family & that the McLucas's moved about so much it was hard to track them. She says her mother went back to the funeral of Polly Scott McLucas (grandmother of the writer) in 1864 but don't know day or month. She says she was only 9 yrs old when her mother married the second time & they came to Iowa soon thereafter.

Mrs Stiles says her great grandfather, Samuel Webster married Elizabeth Bagly. He & a brother came from Wales, Scottaner? to America during the Revolutionary War. The brother settled in Massachusetts & he settled in Virginia. Her grandfather was born in Virginia & finally settled in Laporte, Ind where he died in 1850. He was in the War of 1812 & had

V23 Page 431

8 children of whom two were born in Va & others in Indiana. His name name was James Webster & his wife Martha. She thinks her mother was born somewhere in Ohio, but don't know where she met her father but they moved to Laporte, Ind just after their marriage. Three daughters were born to them. He & the oldest daughter are buried in Vankake Cem. After her father's death, her mother took her two little girls & went to live with her brother, Alexander McLucas at Jacksonburg, Ind with whom their mother Polly Scott McLucas was living. There she met & married Dr Macy Maulsby & moved to Iowa in ox teams & covered wagons among the four families going was James McLucas, father of Malinda R. Harper. They settled at what was then Irish Town, now Redfield, Iowa where Dr Maulsby built up a large & successful practice.

She says she & her grandson Myle Harper Stiles are all that is left of her family see book 21 page 453. Says she knows nothing of Emily Howorth, my 9th question nor to what branch of the McLucas family she belongs. Says her Uncle John McLucas & wife Sarah Ann Boyle & family came to Iowa in 1858. Her husband & others buried in East Linn Cem. Says she wd love to have one of the books if she is on earth when they come out.

V23 Page 432

Oak Hill July 12, 1930 7:11 AM

A letter dated Feby 6, 1928 in answer to mine of Feby 2, 1928 from Mrs Elizabeth Jane Fee, referred to my book 20 p 180 where & in b 21 p 453 & 454 I have proved up & noted much that she sent.

She also says that Geo D. Parks is dead. See book 20 page 180 where I have no room to record it. Bible record gives name of Belinda's husband as A.S. Williams & another record she sent as J.M. Williams. I have it as A.L. Williams b 21 p 453. Am writing her for his full name & whereabouts. She gave name of H. [best guess] M. Fisher 641 E. Morrison St, Portland Oregon as party who could give maiden name of Pennianah Howarth for b 20 p 181 & I have written him.

V23 Page 433

Oak Hill, July 13, 1930 9:30 Am

I have two letters dated Sept 13, 1927 & Mch 14, 1928 from Miss Edith R. Odle, Spencer, Iowa, the latter enclosing three letters which she wants rtd after I have noted the records, one of the letters dated Dec 11, 1927 is from Irma Wilmore & gives record of her father David H. Wilmore which I am tabling on next page. She lives at 527 Culvert St, Sidney, O & expresses interest in the history. She can't give record of her Uncle John Wilmore's family. A letter dated Jany 1, 1928 to Miss Odle from Blanche O. Wilmore of 15 N. Summit St, Dayton, O gives record of her father John R. Wilmore. Her mother still living put down a record of events but the bible ctg it was lost in the flood. A letter signed Iona has following on back:

No 1. Willis C. Wilmore, Mother ______ Love

No 2. 1820, Winchester, Ind

No 3. 1845, Winchester, Ind

No 4. 1849 Reitenour Cemetery Ridgeville, Ind

No 5. 1846 Randolph Co, Ind

No 6. No. This means that Willis, son of Sarah did not marry

No 7. Buried on same lot as his father, 1904

No 8. 1851, Winchester, Ind

No 9. 1892 Ridgeville, Ind

No 10. Sidney, Ohio 1899

these questions relate to Harrison Wilmore see b 20 p 206 & his birth in 1820 in Winchester, Ind. Also his marriage to Sarah Jack there in 1845 & her death in 1849 & buried in Reitenour Cem. These should be noted under Sarah on b 20 p 206 but there is not room.

Sarah Jack & Harrison Wilmore had one child, Willis Wilmore who was born Randolph Co, Ind in 1846 & who never married & was buried in 1904 same lot as his father who died 1899 at Sidney, O.

V23 Page 434 & V23 Page 435

[descendant chart]



David Harrison Wilmore see b 20 p 206 born Oct 4, 1858 ob Mch 29, 1925 buried at Sidney, O son of Elizabeth Ann Jack married Nov 24, 1878 Mary Belle Minton b July 13, 1860, still living, daughter of Wm Harrison Minton b Nov 28, 1815 ob Dec 13, 1879 married Sept 13, 1835 to Mary Ann Elizabeth O'Neal b Jany 25, 1820 ob Jany 31, 1901. They had 8 children.

Walter C. Wilmore b Oct 11, 1879 ob Mch 8, 1888

Stillborn child

Cora Blanche Wilmore b Aug 21, 1885 died same day

Alice Hazel Wilmore b Jany 24, 1887 married Nov 21, 1908 to Clarence Hagelburger b Jany 25, 1887. Have one son.

Dwight Edgar Hagelburger b Mch 11, 1919

Wm Harrison Wilmore b Dec 2, 1888 died same day

Symes Clayton Wilmore b Dec 16, 1891 married Mch 28, 1914 Adell Simmons b Jany 15, 1895, daughter of _______. Have 3 children

Robert Harold Wilmore b Mch 15, 1915

Rosella Ruth Wilmore b Dec 29, 1918

Billy Wilmore b Aug 3, 1924

Alva Marshall Wilmore b Aug 16, 1895

Irma Ruth Wilmore b Sept 23, 1900 informant for this record, lives 527 Culvert St, Sidney, O

John Robert Wilmore see b 20 p 206 b Apr 11, 1855 ob Apr 29, 1898 in Dayton, O buried at Dayton, O son of Elizabeth Ann Jack. This death date & other dates are given by his daughter Blanche & while 10 yrs earlier than what I had at b 20 p 206 are no doubt correct. Married July 31, 1885 Martha Ann ______ b Oct 5, 1855 & still living.

Blanche Olive Wilmore b Oct 23, 1889 informant for this record lives 15 N. Summit St, Dayton, O

Hebert [sic] Harrison Wilmore b Nov 5, 1893 married Oct 28, 1921 to Miss Margaret Snyder. Have one child

Kathryn Louise Wilmore b June 6, 1923

V23 Page 436

Oak Hill July 17, 1930 7:44 AM

Yesterday's Morning Herald announced the death the day before, July 15, 1930 in the Uniontown Hospital of Harold Lee Robinson who was born in Oregon, Holt Co, Missouri in 1864 & had the proud distinction of having had five sons abroad in the World War at the same time. He died of cancer of the liver & spine.

A letter dated Feby 16, 1928 in answer to mine of Jany 27, 1928 from Selden H. Kilgore of 1200 California Ave, Topeka, Kansas says Jacob Kilgore decd of Wiser, Va came from the Penna Kilgores while my descendants (he means ancestors) were the New England Kilgores, landing in America in 1718, while the Penna Kilgores came to America several years before.

V23 Page 437

A letter dated Dec 14, 1925 in answer to mine of 11th inst from A.J.A. Alexander of Woodburn Farm, Spring Station, Ky gives six pages of large sheets of the family records see bk 13 p 330.

Gen Joseph Scott Fullerton 1835-1897 went to Miami Univ Oxford, O & studied law. He entered the Union Army as a volunteer & reached grade of Brevet Brigadier General of the volunteers was on staff of Genl Gordon Gregor & was in battles of Chickamauga & Missionary Ridge.

After war, practiced law in St Louis, Mo & amassed a fortune & was chairman of the Chickamauga Park Com & moved to Wash D.C. & is buried at Chillicothe, O.

V23 Page 438 & V23 Page 439

[descendant chart]

Elizabeth Thompson Scott married Humphrey Fullerton see b 13 p 333


Gen Joseph Scott Fullerton see b 13 p 332 see b 23 p 437

Catherine Fullerton born Oct 24, 1837 ob Mch (only) 1922 aged 84 yrs married Dec 20, 1860 John Stillwell

Elizabeth Fullerton Stillwell b Apr 26, 1862 unmarried, living in Chicago, Ills

Mary Stillwell b Sept 7, 1864 unmarried, living Chicago

H. Fullerton Stillwell b July 12, 1866 ob Feby 17, 1867

H. John Stillwell b Sept 23, 1868 ob Oct 8, 1868

James Stillwell b Apr 1, 1872 married Oct 1905 Carol Thatcher living in Pgh, Pa where he is counsel to Penna Lines West

Katherine Stillwell b May 2, 1907

Frances Stillwell b May 2, 1907

Joseph Fullerton Stillwell b June 27, 1874 unmarried, lives in Calif

Katherine Fullerton Stillwell b Nov 28, 1876 married Oct 5, 1897 Jesse Mather Watkins, now living in Chicago

Jesse Mather Watkins Jr b Aug 14, 1902

Elizabeth Stillwell Watkins b Sept 11, 1908

V23 Page 440 & V23 Page 441

[descendant chart]

Lucy Mary Fullerton b Feby 14, 1845 ob see b 13 p 332 married Oct 5, 1871 "Sir" Alexander John Alexander b Oct 7, 1824 & died Dec 2, 1902. She was his 2d wife, he having first married her cousin see b 13 p 332.


Robert Aitcheson [sic] Alexander b Aug 27, 1872 ob Oct 16, 1872

Elizabeth Fullerton Alexander b Sept 19, 1873 ob May 5, 1876

Alexander John Aitcheson Alexander b Aug 5, 1875 my informant for these records married Apr 26, 1905 Kate Lee Holloway daughter of James M. Holloway & wife Evelyn Byrd McCoy of Kansas City, Mo. James M. Holliday [sic] was grandson of Dr Joseph Scott & his second wife Lucy Webb.

Alexander John Alexander b Jany 13, 1907

James Holloway Alexander b Apr 12, 1909

Evelyn Byrd Alexander B Feby 7, 1912 ob Jany 14, 1914

Katherine Holloway Alexander b Mch 4, 1916 ob Sept 27, 1917

Lucy Fullerton Alexander b May 4, 1878 married Oct 5, 1901 William E. Simms son of Wm E. Simms of Paris, Ky & wife Lucy B. Lythe

Elizabeth Fullerton Simms b June 23, 1903

William Erskine Simms Jr b Aug 14, 1905 ob Apr 22, 1907

Lucy Blythe Simms b Feby 29, 1912

Humphrey Fullerton Alexander b May 30, 1880 ob Aug 20, 1893

Claude Aitcheson Alexander b June 14, 1883 ob Apr 9, 1904

Joseph Scott Alexander ob June 16, 1885 ob May 23, 1908, unmarried

Kenneth Deedes Alexander b Aug 23, 1888 married June 10, 1919 Mary R. King. Have two children

Kenneth Deedes Jr B July 12, 1920

Robert Aitcheson Deedes b June 11, 1923

V23 Page 442

Oak Hill July 19, 1930 8 AM

A letter dated Feby 7, 1928 in answer to one just recd from me from Minnie A. Dietz (Mrs C.F.) of Wheatland, Wyoming refers to book 22 p 78 says she is not descended from John Crawford, but from his father, William & then goes on to give most valuable information as handed down in their family. I am starting a genealogical table on page 444 from Anjou's Crawford History pages 103-130 & will embody in it the information she gives although she names Col William Crawford's grandfather as William (a common traditional error in Christian name of an early ancestor) instead of John as shown in my records. She says however that Wm the gf of Col Wm married in Delaware a "Huguenot lady of distinction" & their son, William married Honoria Valentine. After William Crawford's death, his widow, Honoria Valentine Crawford married Richard Stephenson & had seven sons she says (I think it was seven sons in all, two by Crawford & five by Stephenson)

Col Wm Crawford's daughter Ann married Zachariah Connell

V23 Page 443

& had four children, William, James, Nancy & Polly. Mrs Dietz says Nancy was her great grandmother. She married James Carson & moved to Tenn. She goes on to say "My grandmother (does she mean ggmother) remembers her grandmother Crawford very well as she visited them in company with Aunt Polly Knight several times in her girlhood & she wanted one of the girls to call one of their daughters Honoria in honor of her husband's mother & to call one of their sons Valentine, her husband's mother's maiden name to keep the name alive in the family. She wants Vance records & also would like pictures of Col Wm Crawford, Zachariah Connell & his wife Ann. She says her mother died Mch 18, 1927 aged 82 yrs & to her I owe what I know of the family. We had many records, but they were burned but [unreadable word ending wat] of them had been copied. She is anxious to see a copy of my book when completed, says another Crawford descendant, Mrs George Marshall Crawford of 276 North Lewis St, Staunton, Va is writing a history of the Crawford family. I am writing her today.

V23 Page 444 & V23 Page 445

[descendant chart]

John Crawford born in Glasgow, Scotland June 19, 1663 see Anjou Crawford hist page 103, married Aug 4, 1693 Elizabeth Duncan b May 16, 1674 daughter of Patrick Duncan & wife Elizabeth Campbell of the Duncan Campbell Ferguson clans, a lady of distinction Anjou gives seven sons born at various places as below stated with records of many descendants.


John Crawford b July 4, 1694 at Crawfordsburne, Scotland see p 109-13 Anjou

James Crawford b Aug 19, 1695 in Glasgow, Scotland see pages 114-5 Anjou

Hugh Crawford b May 3, 1703 in Glasgow, see p 115-6 Anjou

William Crawford b Sept 9, 1706 in Letterkenny, Ireland see p 116-7 Anjou, married Honoria Valentine & had two sons.

Valentine Crawford named for his mother's maiden name

Col William Crawford born say 1732 burned at the stake at Sandusky, Ohio by the Indians June 9, 1782. Married Hannah Vance & had 4 children as given by Mrs Dietz.

John Crawford b 1750 ob 1816 on his farm in Adams Co, O was a Lieut in Revolutionary War. Mrs Dietz thinks he left Penna shortly after his father's tragic death.

Ophelia Crawford called "Effie" ob married William McCormick. had a daughter Effie, many children

Sarah Crawford ob said to be the most beautiful woman in the west & was told in their family that because she jilted Simon Girty, he turned renegade. He told the Indians to burn her father. Married 1 William Harrison who was killed in the Sandusky Expedition June 8? 1782 Married 2 Major Uriah Springer.

Ann Crawford married Zachariah Connell & had 4 children

William Connell, ob

James Connell, ob

Nancy Connell, ob married James Carson & moved to Tenn where all her children were born & she is buried near Nashville, Tenn.

Polly Connell ob married Knight

Robert Crawford [son of John] b Nov 4, 1708 in Ballyshannon, Ireland see pages 117-8 Anjou Ancestor of the Thoromans of Adams Co, O see Oct 1925

Edward Crawford b July 3, 1710 at Letterkenny Ireland see p 118-130 Anjou My gggfather

Patrick Crawford b Dec 20, 1771 in Glasgow, Scotland, see p 118-9 Anjou

V23 Page 446

An answer on mine of 2d inst mailed Feby 12, 1928 from Finley M. Taylor 510 Harwood Ave, Govans, Md (not Balto) gives answers to many of my 15 questions & directs me to write to several parties which I am doing & for lack of room in b 20 p 541, I am transferring two of his children to next page.

A letter dated Sept 29, 1924 in answer to mine of 16th inst from H.M. Hoke 219 Commonwealth Ave Chestnut Hills, Mass says he cannot answer all the questions I ask, but referred my letter to his brother John W. Hoke of Chambersburg, Pa who I saw there in Aug 1926 see book 17. He says the records are in Chambersburg or McConnellsburgh, Pa & says his mother died Nov 21, 1892 & his father in Nov 1896. He says there were 8 boys in their family, Edward Stenger, Henry Eyster, George McMurran, Walter Scott, Charles, John Wesley, Howard Markle, himself, born Oct 25, 1857. One boy, William Stenger died in early infancy. He gives his own record born as above in Chambersburg, Pa. He was married June 4, 1891 in Harrisburg, Pa.

see page 448

V23 Page 447

[descendant chart]

Finley Monroe Taylor see b 20 p 541 born Jany 21, 1855


Finley McNear Taylor 512 Sylvan Ave, Glen Olden, Pa b July 5, 1882 married July 5, 1906 Elizabeth Priscilla Dunn

Pauline Taylor married Samuel Phillips

Louise Taylor

Alliene Dorothy Taylor b Aug 7, 1885 married Dec 3, 1914 Edward David Gordon Jr who is a scale mfr of Buffalo Ny & lives at 21 Hamilton Blvd, Kenmore, NY & had then 1928 two children aged 9 & 3 yrs born at Washington D.C. & Buffalo NY respectively. He was born Feby 3, 1891 at Phila, Pa son of Edward David Gordon Sr & his wife Louisa Smith Vaughn.

Edward David Gordon 3rd b Mch 23, 1919

Mary Virginia Gordon b July 18, 1925

V23 Page 448

From page 446

To Bertha Kayms [best guess, very smudged] Keet born at Harrisburg, Pa Jany 2, 1865 daughter of Asahel Gunn Keet born at Deerfield, Mass Dec 19, 1827 & his wife Fannie Smiley born at Shermansdale, Perry Co, Pa Apr 18, 1834 who were married Mch 15, 1855.

They have one son:

Russell Allen Hoke born June 17, 1895

He said he had a typewritten history of the Hoke family but it was lost in moving up here but I feel my brother in Chambersburg, Pa has a copy.

I don't know who has my grandfather Stenger's bible but feel sure my Aunt Hannah Mary Diehl at Marion, Pa has it or knows who has. I saw her in Aug 1926 & got the record, see book 17. He does not know anything about his grand Uncles or grand Aunts on either side. Thinks Mrs Diehl would know about the Stenger side

I got in touch with him through the publication of a story he had in "Forward" & says the same Magazine that month had accepted stories both from his son & himself.

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Oak Hill July 20, 1930 1:30 PM

See page 452 & 531

A letter dated Sept 7, 1927 in answer to mine of Aug 17, 1927 forwarded to him from Boston from Prof John G. Jack of Harvard University from where he writes says he has again written his sister, Mrs Torrance to send me the address of their cousin (not named) son of his Uncle James, who he thinks has some family records. Have also asked if she has or can get the address of the family of a James Jack who lived in Paisley, Scotland & who I visited in 1891, but has since died leaving several children. He was interested in the family history & used to write to my sister. Make slip. I was not interested & lost address of any of the family. My grandfather (John Jack) married Elizabeth Long. Both dead. Children were:

1. Robert Jack (my father) who married Annie Linda Hayes (both dead)

2. James Jack who married Gertrude MacPherson (both dead)

3. Andrew Jack who married Rebecca DeWitt (both dead)

4. John Jack who married Rebecca Black (both dead)

5. Elizabeth Jack who married Charles DeWitt (both dead)

6. Jane Jack who married Robert Lang (both dead)

7. George Jack, I have heard

V23 Page 450

mention of him as dying when quite young. In fact, I was named for him as well as for my grandfather & Uncle John. Am sorry I can't help you more on the genealogy, but I never gave any thought to the matter. My permanent address is "East Walpole, Mass"

John George Jack

Mrs Robert Clark, a daughter of Jane Jack & Robert Lang may be able to give you some points in family history. I practically know nothing. But he gives me address & I am writing him. I am starting a table on page 452

V23 Page 451 [blank]

V23 Page 452 & V23 Page 453

[descendant chart]

John Jack married Elizabeth Long


Robert Jack ob, married Annie Linda Hayes

John George Jack lives East Walpole, Mass

Mrs Torrance route 1 Woodlands, Chateauguay, Prov of Quebec, Can.

James Jack, ob married Gertrude MacPherson

Andrew Jack ob married Rebecca DeWitt, ob

John Jack ob married Rebecca Black ob

Elizabeth Jack ob married Charles DeWitt ob

Jane Jack ob married Robert Lang ob

A daughter married Robert Craik [sic] am writing for her address

George Jack ob when a young man

V23 Page 454

A letter dated Sept 13, 1925 in answer to mine recd that day from Mrs Mary Martha Offord Peairs, widow of Wm Allen Peairs of Cameron Mo gives six large page sheets of records for book 14 page 87 in very good from for record of her immediate family written very plain & heavy for one 77 yrs old & which I can well read. She says her husband, Wm A. did not have the family bible of his father, William Peairs born 1800, but his brother, Joseph had it. (she called him Uncle Joe) but he & his wife Becky are both dead but Becky had sent her the dates of birth of the ten children copied from the bible which I am incorporating in a table commencing on page 456 & writing to ask her if Becky sent the marriages & deaths also & if so to let me have them. Her father-in-law William was son of Joseph 1760-1807 who was son of Elisha Peairs & wife Elizabeth Jack & was evidently next older brother of Isaac Peairs 1802-1880 whose record I got Aug 27, 1825 see book 14 p 88. She said that "Aunt" Becky died at the home of her daughter Mrs Lillian Kenyon whose last address known to her was Nebraska City, Neb & she is sure she has it

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or can tell who has. Am writing her tonight.

V23 Page 456 & V23 Page 457

[descendant chart]

William Peairs son of Joseph Peairs 1760-1807 was born Oct 8, 1800 & died May 2, 1873. Married Jane Mahan born April 1806 & died Aug 2, 1876. They had ten children. See b 14 p 88 for his brother Isaac's record.


Elizabeth McAllen Peairs b Jan 29, 1827, ob

James Mahan Peairs b Aug 29, 1828 ob

David Peairs b May 7, 1830 ob

Margaret Peairs b Mch 7, 1833 ob

Mary Jane Peairs b Apr 22, 1835, ob

Joseph Fulton Peairs b Jany 15, 1837 ob, married

Lillian Peairs married Kenyon Lives Nebraska City, Neb. Have written.

Isabella Peairs b Apr 7, 1839, ob

Susannah Peairs b May 26, 1841 ob

Sarah Nancy Peairs b Dec 1, 1843 ob

William Allen Peairs b July 6, 1848 in Muskingum Co, O married Mch 8, 1871 to Mary Martha Offord born in McConnellsville, O July 4, 1850 daughter of Alex Offord & wife Hannah Agnes Callahan. She my good informant for this record. He died Sept 6, 1921 at Cameron, Mo

Ella C. Peairs b Mch 12, 1872 married Oct 25, 1891 to Curtis Skiles. Both living at Edwardsville, Ills. Have 2 children

Beulah Skiles b Apr 27, 1894 married Nov 11, 1919 to Andrew Foehrhalb

Lester Skiles married Nov 1922 to Mabel McCune. Both living at Wood River, Ills

Lilly May Peairs b Apr 6, 1873 married Nov 1, 1894 to James Eggleston & moved to Burlington, Iowa. Have had 2 children.

Agnes Amy Eggleston b July 20, 1896 ob Dec 29, 1900

Robert Clyde Eggleston b Nov 25, 1897 married July 13, 1922 to Ora Parton. Have rooms with me 4 generations together.

William Clyde Eggleston b May 12, 1923

James Allen Peairs b Aug 29, 1874 ob Aug 29, 1901

Chester Franklin Peairs b Sept 30, 1890 married Feby 4, 1915 to Faye Franks living at Silvis, Ills. No issue.

V23 Page 458

Oak Hill, July 21, 1930 6:54 AM

A letter dated Feby 20, 1926 from Julia A. Jewitt (Mrs Charles Neil Jewett [sic]) 5183 Raymond Ave St Louis, Mo following my call upon her a few days before, says that Watson Thompson went to Lewiston, Iowa where his cousin Peggy Lewis was or lived. His children were:

Ann Elizabeth




& Nancy

She also sends three pages abt the Hamiltons which I file away with her letter unrecorded see book 15 pages 544-6

I was in Chicago, Ills Feby 12, 1926 & saw F.E. Jack see bk 15 p 539-41 & in St Louis Mo Feby 14, 1926 to see his sister, Mrs R.J. Russell see bk 15 p 547-9 & on Feby 29, 1926, she mailed me the bible record of her father, James Anderson Jack which I am copying below

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Record from Bible presented by his mother to James A. Jack Detroit, Mich Mch 25, 1869 & from notes in possession of Mrs R.J. Russell brought up to date Feby 14, 1926

James Anderson Jack b Mch 25, 1835 at Detroit, Mich ob June 15, 1921 Webster Grove, MO

Harriet Ann Riley b June 5, 1839 at Detroit, Mich ob Jany 2, 1916 Webster Grove, Mo.

They were married Dec 1, 1858 at Detroit, Mich & had following children:

1. James William Jack b Oct 5, 1859 at Detroit, Mich ob June 16, 1881 Kansas City, Mo

2. Frank Ellsworth Jack b Jany 27, 1862 married Mch 25, 1890 Clara Helen Spousler, Chicago Ills & have children:

1. Helen Jack b July 26, 1893 Chicago, Ills married Oct 5, 1914 at Lake Geneva, Minn to James A. Crutchfield, who was a Lt Commander in charge of a submarine during the World War

2. Francis Jack b May 23, 1895 in Chicago, Ills married Apr 17, 1914 at Chicago Ingram Sowell who was also a Lt Com of a submarine during World War

3. James Anderson Jack b May 6, 1901 in Cincinnati, O ob May 26, 1902

3. George Gilman Jack b July 29, 1863 at Toledo, O ob June 26, 1864

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4. George Richard Jack b July 31, 1856 at Toledo, O ob Apr 26, 1904 New York City, married Dec 5, 1895 Lizzie A. Lecke

5. Harry John Jack b July 13, 1867 at Toledo, O ob Sept 23, 1867 at Toledo, O

6. Bert Haskill Jack b July 17, 1871 at Toledo, O married Apr 16, 1919 Rosanna Bell Minton, St Louis, Mo

7. Harriet Elizabeth Jack b Jany 14, 1876 at Toledo, O my informant for this record married May 25, 1898 at Cincinnati O Reuben J. Russell

Bert Haskell [sic] Jack has the following children:

1. Russell Haskill Minton Jack b Sept 20, 1920 at St Louis, MO

2. Bert Haskill Jack Jr b Sept 20, 1922 at St Louis, Mo

3. James Frank Jack b Sept 20, 1922 at St Louis, Mo

4. Harry Ellsworth Jack b June 21, 1924 at St Louis, Mo

Helen Jack b July 26, 1893 daughter of Frank E. Jack married Jas A. Crutchfield & had children:

A. Jack R. Crutchfield b July 24, 1915 at San Francisco Calif

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B. Jas A. Crutchfield b Sept 9, 1918 at New London, Conn

Frances [sic] Jack also daughter of Frank E. Jack married Ingram C. Sowell & has children:

A. Mary Ellen Sowell b Dec 22, 1919 at New London, Conn

B. Francis Sowell b June 16, 1921 at New London, Conn

C. Ingram C. Sowell Jr b Dec 1, 1922 at New London, Conn

V23 Page 462

Oak Hill July 23, 1930 8:30 AM

My good loyal & very able friend, William Cook McKean died Monday evening at 5:57 PM July 21, 1930 in a hospital in Phila, Pa aged 70 yrs 4 mos & 11 days, having been born in McClellandtown, Pa Mch 10, 1860. He died from an erroneously so called minor operation for cancer of the rectum performed on the 15th inst, being an operation that was identical with one performed on Robinson F. Downey Esq of Waynesburg, Pa who died 3 days later & also with one performed on the honored & able Chris Magee of Pittsburgh, Pa for the same ailment, quickly followed by his death.

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A letter dated Jany 21, 1928 in answer to mine from Thos P. Findley, Braham, Minn refers to book 20 page 620 where I have a genealogical table which shows his father's name to be Lawrence & his grandfather Andrew, instead of Hugh. Probably Andrew is the ggfather who came from Inverness, Scotland, instead of the grandfather. My correspondent, Thomas P. Findley, who lives at Braham (not Brainerd) Minn says he was born at Ottowa, Canada Aug 1, 1857 married on Aug 10, 1882 Helen McAndrews. He says his father's father was Hugh Findley & that he & his five sons & two daughters were all born in Co Wexford, Ireland. He gives their names as John, Philip, Lars (Lawrence, his father) Thomas, Edward, Mary & Katherine. He says this gf told him that his great grandfather came from Scotland. I think this is Andrew as shown on b 20 p 620 & b 21 p 516 & 517 where I have added his Aunt's name. I think John that he gives is same as Martin in table named probably John Martin & also that the party who gave me the information before left out one generation.

He says his mother's father was also Hugh Findley, also born

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is Co Wexford, Ireland but no blood relation. He says his grandfather told him his ggfather Findley emigrated from Scotland to Co Wexford Ireland.

A letter dated Mch 1, 1928 from Robert Finley, Knob, Montana reports him as enjoying good health in his 80th year & gives wonderful yields from his crops 70 bus of flint corn from one acre & 50 bus of fine large potatoes from one bushel planted etc.

A letter dated Mch 27, 1926 in answer to mine of Sept 14, 1925 from Miss Grace Glass of Bassett, Neb where she was teaching see page 285 this book & book 7 page 133.

Answering my questions she says Richard, Beatrice, Robert & herself were born at Hoag, Neb & Harry was born on a farm near Red Cloud, Neb. She says her mother was born in Iowa Nov 19, 1873. Why can't she give it twice alike. On page 285 this book she said 1872. Says three of her mother's children are married.

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1. Charles W. Haynes see b 7 p 133 married Florence _______ (she does not know when nor her maiden name) & have three children: Pershing, Charles W. Jr & she don't know the baby's name, nor does she give its sex.

2. Nellie Haynes married Aug 10, 1910 (she gave it June before) at Beatrice, Neb. Ira J. Kitchen. He was born Mch 4, 1881 at Prairie City, Iowa whose mother, Margaret Wade was born Oct 1, 1850 in Iowa & his father Nehemiah William Kitchen was born in Canada Aug 25, 1832 & died Aug 2, 1905 at Beatrice, Neb. Nellie & Ira have children:

1. Helen Kitchen b Feby 25, 1912 at Beatrice, Neb

2. Virginia Kitchen b Oct 2, 1916 in Omaha, Neb & died same day

3. Robert Glass married June 17, 1924 at Concordia Kan to Rose Brahac [sic] born born July 11, 1907 at Hubbell, Neb daughter of Joseph Brahac & have child:

I. Harold Wayne Glass born at Hubbell Neb Dec 19, 1925

Eva Yarnall's address is Courtland, Neb

Nellie Haynes Kitchen died on Apr 15, 1919

V23 Page 466

A letter dated June 29, 1926 in answer to mine of 3d inst from H.P. Kaho of 4011 Lafayette Ave, Omaha, Neb connected with the Missouri lines in First Natl Bk Building there says he mailed me their family record shortly after I was there last week of Feby 1926 & didn't keep a copy, but said he would make up another & send me. I don't think I ever recd either. Will see if it turns up among the large envelopes.

A letter postmarked June 10, 1926 in answer to mine of May 24, 1926 from Robert Arndt Finley of 2603 Fowler Ave, Omaha, Neb says he is the son of Erastus Finley, son of Robert & Phoebe Finley born Aug 15, 1819 in Ohio & his father, Robert Finley was born in Virginia near Staunton & died at Monmouth Ills. My father died at College Springs, Iowa. I have no records further back & don't know whether I am descended from one of the six brothers or not.

V23 Page 467

Oak Hill July 26, 1930 1:30 PM

A letter dated June 26, 1926 in answer to one from me from Dr Thomas Alexander Finley of Rockville, Mo, one of the doctors whose addresses had been given me by Dr Geo W. Finley of Brazil, Ind see b 16 p 426 says he is near 81 yrs old & very busy with his practice.

He says his great grandfather was John Finley, grandfather, Alexander born July 4, 1776. Says he thinks he can assist me & is very willing to do so [small unreadable word] I wrote him on 21st inst. Says he can't be certain of the family further back than John Finley who was a chum of the Boum [Born? Bom?] family in MO. Says he will send me a copy of the Finley family record as he has it. I hope he is still living.

V23 Page 468

A letter dated July 16, 1930 in answer to mine of 8th inst from Miss Mary T. Thompson of 511 E. Washington St, Iowa City, Iowa where she is attending the State Univ of Iowa refers to B 23 p 348 is miffed at a letter I wrote in 1927 taking exceptions to some dates given & say the address of her father Ezekiel Thompson is 1003 Tenth Ave, Fulton, Ills. I wrote them both on 21st inst & since have recd a long letter with bible records etc from her.

A letter dated July 17, 1930 in answer to one some time ago from me, from Mrs Florence Findley Jelliff, 125 Carpenter Road, Mansfield, Ohio says she finds that Congressman William Findley of Latrobe, Pa about whom I sent her a magazine article says he is a son of her gggfather William Findley & a half brother of her ancestor, David Findley, who served in the Revolutionary War as a lad with his father, William Findley. She says the names William, David, John & Samuel are repeated in every generation

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making it confusing to trace. Says D.A.R. Mag Aug 1927 has much about William Findley, the Congressman, who she says married very young in Co Antrim, Ireland Margot Russel [sic]. They had several children. Margot Russel died in Ireland in 1761. He then came in 1763 with his children to America & married 2d Mary Cochran born in Franklin Co, Pa. That tallies with the Magazine Article which says he taught school in Franklin Co, Pa. Then the D.A.R. article says he married 3d Mrs Mary Caruthers, a widow. This data is from the genealogical Society of Penna vol 12 Pa Hist Society Spruce St, Phila. I got my D.A.R. papers made out & accepted. Am now anxious to learn more about William Findley the father of the Congressman who came from County Antrim Ireland after his son William in 1774. I referred her to Anjou with explanations & caution.

V23 Page 470

A letter dated Sept 14, 1926 from L.R. Merrill (Mrs Charles Henry Merrill) of 62 Front St Exeter, New Hampshire who had my name from Wm E. Rothermel of Chicago, Ills says she is a granddaughter of Samuel Hunter Rothermel of Phila & wants a book & information about the family. Am writing her.

A letter dated Jany 12, 1927 from Chas A. Hanna of Montclair NJ written from NY where he is examiner for the New York Clearing House with address there at 77-83 Cedar St, New York City sends me a copy of Miss Jane Burroughs Tilton of 229 Maple St, Carlisle, Ky, letter of Jany 6, 1927 to him & his answer of Jany 12 to her. He gives some valuable data which I will note but he mistakes my ggf William Thompson for Genl William Thompson. Miss Tilton says she is great granddaughter of Major John Finley of Upper Blue Licks, Ky. I am writing her for her line & am also writing Mr Hanna belated though it is. Miss Tilton says Judge Sam Wilson of Lexington Ky is writing for the Filson club

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an article on Genl Wm Thompson surveying party to Ky. She says her ggfather, Major John Finley accompanied Genl Wm Thompson on this surveying trip down the Ohio in flat boats in 1773. I will start a table for him on page 474 & embody what Mr Hanna gives about him & will hope to get record of his descendants from her.

Collins History of Ky states that James Perry, James Hamilton, & Joshua Archer were also in the Gen Wm Thompson party to Ky in 1773 referred to in pages 474-475

John & Adam Carnahan were brothers & sons of James & Hannah Power Carnahan of Cumb Co, Pa John Carnahan was probably the first shff of Westnd Co, Pa & was certainly Sheriff in 1775. Their sister Jean Elizabeth had married Clements Finley.

The John Thompson who was the first husband of Mary Finley was not a son of Thomas & Martha Finley Thompson & not a brother of Wm Thompson, but may have been otherwise related to him.

V23 Page 472

He says that Maj A.F. France then of Balto wrote him that George Finley born abt 1726 (it was 1727) son of Michael & his wife Ann O'Neill had sons James, John, Robert & George. That he went from Nottingham to Cape Fear County NC & that his son Robert was same as Rev Robert Wilkes Finley who preached in this Fayette Co, 1786-7 & removed to Ky 1790-2. This may be true but I thought he was a grandson of Archibald. Maj France is right that John, the guide was son of Archibald of Bucks Co, Pa who was brother of Michael. France also speaks of Mrs Honeywell who I saw Dec 31, 1920 saying her ancestor John Finley Jr was son of John & his wife Elizabeth Haris [sic] Finley & says that John Jr's son David Finley named one of his daughters Elizabeth Harris Finley after his grandmother. Mr Hanna adds that in all of Dr Egle's accounts

V23 Page 473

of John & Elizabeth Finley he makes no mention of a son.

V23 Page 474 & V23 Page 475

[descendant chart]

[obviously, no additional data was received]

Major John Finley son of John Finley 1713-1757 & his wife Martha Barclay as I remember is their youngest child & born in 1754. According to Chas A. Hanna of Jany 12, 1927 to his great granddaughter, Miss Jane Burroughs Tilton of 229 Maple St, Carlisle, Ky, he was promoted from 1st Lieut to Captain of 7th Penna Regiment Continental Line Oct 22, 1777 transferred to 5th Penna Jany 17, 1781 & to 2nd Penna Jany 1, 1783. Her served as Major & Asst Q.M. General in Wayne's American Legion at Pittsburgh, Pa & Legionville 1792-1793 & I suppose entirely through Wayne's campaign against the Indians. In Thwaite's Frontier advance & retreat on the Upper Ohio is published the orderly book of the 8th Penna for 1778 which shows Capt John Finley to have been Deputy Judge Advocate. A reference from Mrs Helm of Ky in Egle's Notes & Queries 3d Series pages 359-60 states that John, Andrew & Clement Finley brothers & John & Adam Carnahan descended the Ohio River from South Huntingdon Tp, Westnd Co, Pa their home in 1772 & the following year 1773 accompanied by Genl William Thompson, took up lands in Ky in what is now Marion & Nichols Cos.

Oak Hill July 27, 1930 7:40 Am

A letter dated Mch 23, 1926 in answer to mine of Jany 22/26 from Col John P. Finley of the U.S. Army retired of 336 W. 58th St New York City suggests a printed questionnaire which is worthy of considering & which I am filing inside my desk in top pigeon hole inside next to window. As an aid, he suggests writing the editor of the Indiana Magazine of History who publishes a $2 magazine in the History Dept of the Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. I am writing them.

Two cards dated Aug 26, 1925 in answer to my letter from Mrs Abner Alexander of Route No 20 Huntersville, NC says she had been very sick & is still weak & nervous but will gladly tell me what she can about her Jack ancestry & says that Patrick Jack & Lillis McAdoo Jack, his wife had eight children: Capt. James Jack was the oldest child, Margaret Jack, youngest daughter married Samuel Wilson Senr. She was my great grandmother. She was the third & last wife of Samuel Wilson Sr

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Her oldest son, Robert Wilson was my grandfather. We still own the old Wilson ancestral home. She says they have the Jack family tree slightly blurred in one place which belongs to Mrs Spratt of Mt Holly (I got one) She refers me to:

Mrs Lilly Doyle Dunlap Ansonville, NC

She is a Jack descendant & is writing a history of the Jacks, Wilsons etc. She is a wonderful woman, young & intelligent & she tells many facts which the historians have left out. Am writing her. Mrs John Van Landingham 500 East Ave, Charlotte, NC might be able to help. she is the one I think who told at a D.A.R. meeting that there was but one lineal descendant living of Capt James Jack (there are myriads of them) write her again too. She speaks of Dr J.E.S. Davidson of Charlotte NC having Dr Hunter's sketches. Says she called up our hotel in Charlotte NC just after we left & was sorry she missed seeing me & speaks of her being the one lineal descendant there.

She thinks F.B. McDowel of Charlotte NC might give some help. Says she is at my service if there is anything she can do.

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My mother, Cynthia Jack (Wilson no doubt) says she was so named, it being a family name. Says she inherited quite a lot of property in Charlotte NC from her great grandfather Patrick Jack.

The fact of their still owning the old Wilson home would indicate that the old Wilson bibles would be there from which much of Margaret Jack's line could be had. Am writing asking her. Make slip.

A letter dated July 23, 1898 in answer to mine from Samuel Thompson who was then president of the Fourth National Bank Cadiz O says his grandfather Thompson was born & raised near Chambersburg, Pa, was living there at the time of the Revolutionary War, was in the Army with Washington 3 1/2 years, had command of a supply train of 32 wagons, was in but one hard battle which was Brandywine, was with Washington at Valley Forge, the cold winter of 1778. After the war, he moved out to Westmoreland Co, Pa owned a farm 3 miles south of Irwin, Pa (make slip to hunt g.y.) at which place he lived & died.

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My grandfather had several sisters. One married a Mr Fulton the ancestor of all the Fultons. One married Mr Jolly & lived Butler Co, Pa (make slip). One married Mungo Cambell of them I knew little. I think he was killed by Indians in a battle at Maumee, Ohio. One married a Mr McLucas of them I know nothing. One married a Mr Carothers of them I have no knowledge. Am not sure of the Christian name of my grandfather. I thought it was Hugh Thompson, but my sister says his name was William (she was right). I think my gf had brother. I will narrate my reason for thinking so. An Uncle with family started to move from Pa to Miami Co in Ohio. In the family were two sons, young men. On the way out, one son by an accident killed his brother which so shocked & grieved the parents that they turned their teams & went back to Pa but afterwards moved to Dayton, O. I have heard Wm Fulton, an Uncle

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of John C. Fulton, yr townsman say he visited that Mr Thompson at his farm near Dayton, O. This was at least 30 years since & he was a very old man (say 1868 or earlier) at that time. The Thompsons were said to be Scotch folks & I will say for myself that I am a plain farmer & am an old man & was born on the farm on which I now reside. My father bought this farm in 1812. I was born there Sept 18, 1822 so you see my sands of time is nearly run, but you have excited my curiosity in this pedigree business. I hope you will keep it up & write me again. My best regards to Mr John C. Fulton. Yours truly,

Samuel Thompson Box 378 Cadiz, O

the Mr Jolly & Mr Carothers must be husbands of two of the 3 or 4 who Miss Sarah E. Logan said her mother told her had married second husbands. Look up marriage records in Westnd Co, Pa. Might be Mrs Shannon, Mrs Jeffries, Mrs Oliver or Mrs Campbell see what Carothers.

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Oak Hill Thursday July 31, 1930 8:30 PM

While sitting in the lawyer's conference room 2d floor front in the old court house at 9:20 AM waiting for Judge J.W. Dawson's court in which I was due to appear on opening at 10 AM. My good friend, Dr Jacob S. Hackney came in & we talked for half an hour before going across the hall to the large court room. He told of his having come to me & asked if when his son Henry Eastman Hackney came home for his summer vacation if I couldn't give him a position at one of the coke plants & of my seeing later in the papers that he was home from school & called him up & asked him to send Eastman around & of his telling Eastman to take whatever I offered & of me giving him a position in the bank & of Eastman often telling him of the inestimable benefit this banking training had been to him & he remarked that none of us have or ever will forget it.

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He told of a 3036 miles drive without a single puncture to Detroit, Mich to see their daughter there & then through Canada visiting Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, etc & then across to Vermont & New Hampshire where they saw the farm house where Mrs Hackney's father, Dr Henry Eastman was born stating that his father Nehemiah Eastman had married Austriss Woodbury (for whom Austriss W. Struble is named) a sister of Levi Woodbury who was a cabinet officer in Andrew Jackson's cabinet & also were at Concord, NH where in a public park is a fine monument to Ebenezer Eastman, the founder of the town & the father of Nehemiah. He said Nehemiah died in 1859 & he thought Ebenezer died the thought about the year 1800. We had a hard contested fight in the court above noted from 10 AM to 3:30 PM but the remarkably able & powerful fight made by my attorneys E.C. Higbee & Jesse K. Spurgeon

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drove the court against his will & burning desire to grant the order on my petition under the insolvency act of June 1, 1915 & admitting me to bail on two bonds of $12,500 each in the two cases which was furnished by O.M. Boughner, Chas H. Gorley, Frank E. Merts & Lee Stern & Sept 22, 1930 was set as the day for the hearing & arguments on the merit of the case.

Joe & Lee Stern came out to see me at 5:30 & were here until 7:30 PM & we advised together. Joe said he had talked this week with Judge E.H. Reppert who had told him that I was the most capable wonderful banker Uniontown had ever had & there never had been one since quite worthy of the name. Joe complimented me on my wonderfully retentive memory, the like of which he said he had never seen or known. He told of Frederick II the Great inviting

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Mendelssohn to a banquet & when Mendelssohn came, Frederick handed him a paper on which was written in German "Mendelssohn, you are a fool, Frederick II" which Mendelssohn stuck in his pocket. Frederick said read it aloud, whereupon he pulled it out & read: "Mendelssohn, you are one fool, Frederick the second" thus dubbing himself the second fool. I said to Joe that that same Frederick the Great was responsible for that fine memory of mine that he had just commended by his visiting the home of one of my ancestors & finding six very tall massive sons said he must have them for his bodyguard & army whereupon the fled down the Rhine immediately on his departure & came to Berks Co, Pa & to that Rothermel line, I am indebted more than any other one line for my wonderful memory, attested by Amzi Smith & Kate Smith. What I learned in Pgh Monday about the perfidy of Judge J.W. Dawson growing out of my conference

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with him a week ago this afternoon at T.J. McClernan's office was doubly evidenced & proven, when after court adjourned today, McClernan came to where I had been sitting for 5 1/2 hours & told of John L. Hatfield trying to get the West Point Marion property from Myrtie Sterling & lyingly telling her he had the Sarlbor[unreadable] for which he, McClernen has & also told of John W. Stewart being up there & also of Judge John W. Dawson being up to Morgantown WVA night before last to see his cousin John L. Hatfield. McClernan was at Dawson's house last night between 8 & 9 & the judge gave him the card of Robert Aubry, brother of our shff who is running of J.P. or something there & handed it to the Judge when he was in Morgantown.

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Oak Hill Aug 2, 1930 8:11 AM

The Morning Herald Tuesday July 29, announced the death of John Dempsey Boyd aged 84 years on Monday afternoon July 28, 1930 at the residence of his wife's sister, Mrs James C. Work, here in West Main St from complications. He is survived by his widow, Josephine Null Boyd of here, Harrison Null Boyd of Greensburg, Burgess B. Boyd of Hostetler, Pa, Mrs Harold D. North of Cleveland, O & Logan D. Boyd.

The Herald of Wednesday announced plans for funeral of David C. Hoon aged 21 years son of Rev & Mrs C.D.A. Hoon Fairchance Pa a member of the U.S. Marine corps who died Sunday July 27, 1930 from the accidental discharge of his gun which he was cleaning & did not know it was loaded.

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A letter dated July 12, 1930 in answer to mine from Mrs W.E. Holmes 426 New York St Aurora, Ills says she will remain in her old home for a year at least & speaks of having in one volume the speeches of the Long Parliament from 1640 to June 1641.

Also says she has recd from Seville, O a doll dressed in the 50s by her mother nee Belinda Markle for her half sister Maria Markle & when she died, it was given to a little girl who cared for it in a jar & she is thankful to Mrs Bernice Carlton of Seville, O for it.

She has the letter of J.H. Zigenfus or Ziegenfus younger half brother of her gf Gideon Markle framed between two glasses.

A letter dated July 15, 1930 from Mrs Georgia D. Roat No 376 or 316 E. Mahoning St, Milton, Pa asks for the name of the father (it was Peter) of her ancestor Christian Markle whose fine big bible she has & the names of his brothers & sisters which I sent her under date of July 21, 1930

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A letter dated July 15, 1930 in answer to mine from Finley D. Jenkins, now at Geneva Hall, Montrest NC says the Maj A.F. France History of the Finley family is written by hand, but says he has a typewritten copy which he will loan me so I wrote him on July 21, 1930 to send it to me by Registered mail & I would return it same way.

A letter dated July 17, 1930 in answer to one I had sent Mrs Mary Jane Wachob aged abt 96 from her nephew Joseph F. Guffey, Pittsburgh, Pa confirms in statement by her to him when at her home in West Newton, Pa that Col Wm Crawford when starting on his trip to Sandusky O vs the Indians stopped overnight the first night out with their ancestor Col Edward Cook whose wife nee Martha Crawford was first cousin of Col Wm Crawford. Mr Guffey who had visited Mrs Wachob the day before says they were full cousins. He sends me an extract from the life of Col Edward Cook written by his late brother Alexander S. Guffey, but not yet published. He says I may rest assured it is accurate as his brother, like myself was most thorough in details. It says:

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I have spoken before of the Sandusky expedition of June 1782 which ended so disastrous. Its outstanding features were the frightful burning of its commander, Wm Crawford. I have also spoken of the burning of Hannastown in July 1782 by the Indians & some "Renegade Whites". We are so accustomed to look upon these bloodthirsty atrocities that we pass by unnoticed what I think the most disgraceful act of all time & that is the murder of the Christian Moravian Indians at Muskingum, Ohio earlier in the same year, but hear what Col Edward Cook says of it remembering that in the meantime Col Crawford had been burned at the stake & Hannastown had been burned.

Lt Col Edward Cook to President Moore, Westmoreland Co Sept 2, 1782.

It may be necessary to inform your Excellency that upon an application made tome by some of the distressed inhabitants of Hannastown & vicinity I have allowed them to enroll themselves under Captain Brice & draw rations upon their making ever exertion in their power to keep up the line of the frontier. The ranging Co consisting of abt 22 privates & two officers are stationed at Ligonier for the protection of that section.

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The intended excursion against the Indians under the Command of Brig Genl Irvine is supposed to set out on the 15th inst but no mills to grind offers difficulties.....

I am informed that you have it reported that the massacre of the Moravian Indians obtain the approbation of every man on this side of the mountain which I assure your excellency is false, that the better part of the community are of opinion that the perpetrators of that wicked deed ought to be brought to condign [sic] punishment that without something is done by the Government in the matter it will disgrace the annals of the United States & be an everlasting Plea & cover for British Cruelty.

I have the honour to be your excellency's most obedient, most humble servant.

Edwd Cook Lt Wd Cty


His Excellency William Moore Esq President of Pennsylvania Philadelphia Townsend Ward in his excellent article on the "Insurrection of the year 1791 in the Western Co of Penna speaks of the letter as follows:

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"A careful search fails to discover in the Penna Archives or in accessible manuscript letters a single other instance of testimony borne against this wholesale murder of a friendly people".

A circular advertising "Historic Sketches of Campbell, Pilcher & Kindred families including Bowen, Carothers, Hope & others by Margaret

Campbell Pilcher (which I have) Nashville, Tenn was sent to me Mch 20, 1930 by L.O. Pilcher 1701 Division St, Nashville, Tenn. I am filing it within this standing desk upper pigeon hole left wing.

A letter dated Oct 24, 1927 from Mrs L.B. Frazier of Caldwell, O speaks of the difficulty of getting answers to her genealogical queries & causes me to hunt up the record of her family which she left with me when here July 16, 1927 & start therefrom on Page 494 a genealogical table from the information it gives.

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Her pamphlet of 10 pages 8x11 inches is headed:

"Some of the descendants of Harriet Jackson Thompson (dau of Judge Wm Thompson & Elizabeth Finley Thompson) and her husband Henry Taylor (son of John Taylor & his wife Lucretia Southworth) Furnished by Mrs L.B. Frazier Caldwell, Ohio from bible records & public records & monument inscriptions July 16, 1927

Oak Hill Aug 23, 1930 6 AM

Oak Hill Aug 4, 1930 5 PM

I went to Brownsville, Pa this forenoon on the James West Sr estate & stopped at Sarah Thornton West's & was her & her two fine children Joseph Thornton West & Julia Thornton West & paid the latter the $50 legacy due her under the will. I then went & got Geo H. & went up in the cemetery & saw the headstone put up & the other work done about the monument. I then went to the T.S. Wright's son Marble shop & paid the bill for the work $225 & found the shop in charge of Mrs Ada Wright formerly Ada Abrams nee Miller daughter of Squire Wm H. Miller of Uniontown coming back I stopped to see cousin Mary B. Hibbs at Uncle Theodore VanKirk's home 150 A

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of which she now is the sole owner. She says her husband Theodore Van Kirk Hibbs was born Dec 12, 1873 & died in that house Mch 3, 1930 aged 56 yrs. He was dressing to go in town getting ready to drive a day or two later to Florida & stepped across the hall to the bathroom where he slumped dead, the doctor saying he was dead before he fell from a blood clot on his heart. She said that when he was up to see me in 1913, I had told him to make his will & he came home & wrote it himself & left everything to her & put it in an envelope with some tax receipts & gave it to her to put in her box at the bank, but never told her what it was & she did not know until she found it since his death after a search. She said her father Dr H.J. English died in Oct 1923

See page 510

V23 Page 494 & V23 Page 495

[descendant chart]

Harriet Jackson Thompson daughter of Judge William Thompson 1783-1833 & his wife Elizabeth Finley 1786-1860 was born Apr 27, 1819 & died Jany 1901 in Caldwell, O & is buried in the Olive Cem there. Married Oct 19, 1837 to Henry Taylor son of John Taylor & wife Lucretia Southworth. He was born at Morgantown, WVA Oct 5, 1815 & died at Caldwell, O Apr 19, 1901 & is buried in Olive Cem there. Lived at Senecaville, O & in 1845, moved to Mt Ephraim O & in 1851 moved to Freedom now Whigville Noble Co O. He was a merchant & was the second auditor of Noble Co, O. They had 9 children born say the first four at Senecaville, O the next two at Mt Ephraim & last three at Freedom or Whigville, O.


Elizabeth Taylor B July 14, 1838 ob July 26, 1920 married Nov 24, 1858 to Simon Kruzen Young b Feby 19, 1837 at Sarahsville, O & died June 22, 1898 at Caldwell, O & he & his wife both buried there in Olive Cem. He was a farmer & was 2d Lieut Co G 161st Ohio V. Inf & was son of Wm J. Young & wife Jane McCann. He enlisted Aug 28, 1864 resigned Feby 16, 1865. had eleven children the first seven born at or near Sarahsville, Noble Co, O & last four born at Caldwell, Noble Co, Ohio see page 496

Norvel Wilson Taylor b Dec 19, 1839 ob, married Aug 8, 1865 by Rev A.L. Morrison to Margaret E. McWilliams daughter of Hugh McWilliams

John William Taylor b Feby 17, 1842 ob married Annie E. Richards

George Washington Taylor b Oct 21, 1843 ob married May 12, 1867 Mary Hill daughter of Dr Noah Hill. She was born Aug 14, 1846 see bk 7 page 418 (also other pages there & at 201) for record he gave me in July 1922 reproduced below.

Lizzie Taylor b Apr 16, 1868 d.y.

Lillian H. Taylor b Sept 23, 1870 married, 2 children

Myra A. Taylor b Dec 29, 1872 single

Candace H. Taylor b Apr 16, 1876 single

Bessie B. Taylor b July 5, 1878 single

Mary H. Taylor b Oct 30, 1880 married, 4 children

George H. Taylor b Oct 18, 1882 single

Henry D. Taylor b Apr 25, 1886 married, 1 child

Charles F. Taylor b Aug 17, 1888 married, 2 children

Edgar Taylor b June 6, 1845 ob June 7, 1847

Cynthia Jane Taylor b Mch 31, 1850 ob Mch 13, 1852

Susan Louisa Taylor b Apr 6, 1852 ob married Sept 25, 1870 Wilbert Saltsgaver, son of Jacob Saltsgaver by Rev A.L. Morrison

Melville Evans Taylor b Aug 3, 1854 married Oct 11, 1879 at Cambridge O Columbia Edith Glidden daughter of Wm Glidden & wife Sarah Davis. Live N. High St Columbus, O

Thomas Henry Taylor b Feby 6, 1859 married Susan McNeely

V23 Page 496 & V23 Page 497

[descendant chart]

Elizabeth Taylor see page 494 b July 14, 1838 ob July 26, 1920 married Nov 24, 1858 Simon Kruzen Young


Harriet Jane Young b Jany 31, 1860 ob Sept 10, 1908 married May 28, 1881 at Caldwell, O by James McCune J.P. to Chas Wellington Clymer McKee son of Dr Wm McKee & Martha Clymer. Had 5 children. He was born Oct 26, 1859 see page 498 [which I include here for clarity]

Estella Miriam McKee married, no issue

Gamail Lund McKee married Bond

Minnie May McVay McKee b Oct 6, 1887 in Noble Co, O married Mch 25, 1908 at Caldwell, O by Rev Acorn to Clyde Williams born May 15, 1887 son of George Williams & wife Elizabeth. They live at 470 S. 9th ST Cuyahoga Falls, O

Robert Roy Williams b Aug 31, 1909

Doris Pauline Williams b Aug 7, 1912 ob Aug 24, 1914

Thelma Beatrice Williams b Dec 21, 1917

Jessie Matilda McKee married Samuel Wells

William McKee married Marie

William Henry Young b Jany 18, 1862 married Mch 2, 1897 Mary Caldwell at Canton, O daughter of Ezra Caldwell & wife Sarah Beckett. He is a tel operator & coal land promoter. He died Aug 27, 1927 & is buried in Olive Cem Caldwell, O

William Caldwell Young b Sept 8, 1899 graduate of Amhurst College

Margaret Young B July 2, 1901 ob in infancy

Elizabeth Young b Sept 22, 1907

Minnie Louisa Young b Dec 25, 1863 ob May 9, 1864

Charles Melville Young b Feby 26, 1865 ob Oct 28, 1912 school teacher & supt, bachelor

Jessie Idelle Young b Jany 28, 1868 ob. My informant for this record married May 7, 1896 at Caldwell, O by Rev J.J. Billingsly to Lewis Baker Frazier born at Caldwell, O Mch 4, 1869 son of Judge William [unreadable middle name] Frazier & wife Minerva Evaline Staats educated at Ohio Wesleyan, Wooster & Ohio State Universities. Practiced law in Caldwell, O since 1895. Have one child.

Minerva Elizabeth Frazier b Jany 8, 1899 B.A. Ohio State Univ. Head of English Dept, Caldwell Co High Schools

John Taylor Young b Nov 17, 1869 married Apr 16, 1896 at Cincin, O by Rev E. E. Lee to Mary Jane Collins. She was born at Belle Valley, O Feby 16, 1877 daughter of Lucius Collins & wife Mahala Wilson. He is a tel. op express agt & oil operator in Okla & Ohio. Have two children.

Lucien Collins Young b Sept 29, 1901 graduated 1927 in law at Ada O from Ohio Northern, Univ

Clair Addison Young b Feby 11, 1907

Alma Lucretia Young b Jany 31, 1872 ob July 28, 1894 buried in Olive Cem, Caldwell O never married

Norville Finley Young b Mch 24, 1874 ob Dec 28, 1921 married May 31, 1902 at Columbus, O Ethel Denvue daughter of John Denvue. Buried Riverside Cem N.E. of Columbus, O. He graduated as D.D.S. from Ohio Medical University. Have two children born at Columbus, O. She born May 31, 1881

Hoylande Denvue Young b June 26, 1902 graduate of Ohio State University

Hilda P. Young b Mch 20, 1905

Samuel Noble Young b Mch 27, 1876 married Feby 10, 1908 at Cincin, O Clara Stock & both practice dentistry there. No issue. She born Feby 10, 1883.

Martha Pearl Young b Aug 16, 1878 married May 5, 1926 to Chas H. White son of John White & wife Lettie Emily Thompson b Aug 31, 1839 daughter of William Thompson (Feby 6, 1807-Apr 26, 1857) & his wife Mary Conner

He was son of Robert Thompson & wife Esther Torrence. Both living at Chandlersville, O RFD which is near Spratt Sta on O.R.&W Ry

Walter Belford Young b Dec 2, 1880 married Jany 5, 1908 Rhoda E. McBride. She died Mch 4, 1909 buried with babe in cem at Carlisle, O

Ina Elizabeth Young b Jany 9, 1909 ob Apr 1909

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At residence of Susannah Rothermel No 326 27th St (formerly Brown Ave 11th Ward) McKeesport, Pa (formerly Christy Park) Aug 8, 1930 11:30 AM

We arrived here half an hour ago having left Oak Hill with Pallini driving at 7:30 AM & coming via Perryopolis, Pa reached the Scholl home in West Newton, Pa & James C. Scholl drove us down from there in his own car. Mrs Rothermel is in her 86th yr, a fine old lady who is sitting by my right hand while I write this on the dining room table in her home.

I will commence on page 504 a genealogical table of her mother. Her father John Pool married a second wife some years after her mother died & has six children by her.

John F. Pool married second when my informant was abt 16, say abt 1861, Martha Tallhamer who was raised on Barren Run, who survived him about 10 yrs. Their six children were: 1. Fenton, in the far west & not heard from for a long time

2. Ella, married Ed Henry. She is dead, but he is living in Gbg, Pa

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& has the old bible of my informant's mother, which was given to her by her mother, Susannah Scholl & has the record of her children in it but Mr Pool did not enter in it the record of his 2d wife's children. He lives with his daughter, Grace in Gbg who does not have any children. Make slip to get record from the bible.

3. Ida May married Wilson Shotts, a painter by trade, living in Gbg

4. Clarence Pool, a widower, living in South America where he had an immense acreage raising rubber.

5. Cora married Harry Smail & live in Gbg.

6. Scott Pool lives in Gbg

Ethel Hoak's boys are grown & two of them have children. Her three girls are young, one of them being a baby.

Lucetta don't know who would have record of the children's births of her sister Eliza who married Robert Franklin Markle.

Lucetta says Ed Henry lives on Seminary Ave, Gbg, but she don't know the number.

Ed Henry's daughter is Grace Ames

Leaving 3:11 PM

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Oak Hill, Friday Aug 8, 1930 6:30 PM

We got back home 3/4 of an hour ago. Mrs Rothermel said there was "but one of the many children of Sheppard Markle of Uncle Gasper (Black Shep) viz Mrs Myers, the youngest, but she did not know where she lived. I am trying to get trace of the record if any of his children. Returning to West Newton a little after 4 PM, Jim Scholl drove me to Miss Harriet Fries aged 97 yrs, but she could not tell

anything about Mrs Myers. Jim Scholl said he went abroad in the World War May 31, 1918, was in 3 or 4 Argonne Drives & rtd home May 30, 1919. He said he saw Mrs Mary Jane Wachob aged 96 almost blind, on the street recently. At Jasper Scholl's I saw his wife & him, the 3 girls that were up here Sunday, also Millard F. Jr aged 21 weighing 230 lbs, Joe aged 15 who looks much like his father & Heber [best guess] aged 6 yrs very solid & heavy. Their other child, Robert aged 15 yrs was out. Called over at Hannah E. Lawther's & no one was home but just as I got in the car, her sister Eva Markle

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came along, but knew nothing about Mrs Myers, but said she wasn't more than half right in her head & she thought she was dead. Said she & the family used to beg off of her mother & the Mill Grove Markles & that her daughter was around recently begging. Said Miss Grace Markle at Mill Grove might help Me. Hannah was in Pittsburgh today about her teeth.

At the incoming of the day at midnight, it was 34 years since my dear Mary died. Mrs Parke said today that her mother had four great great grandchildren.

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V23 Page 506 & V23 Page 507

V23 Page 508 & V23 Page 509

[descendant chart]

Lucetta Salome Scholl, youngest child of Chas J. Scholl & his wife Susannah Markle, oldest full sister of my grandmother, Leah, was born Sept 1824 in the old Scholl farm in South Huntingdon Tp, Westnd Co, Pa the recent home of Wm L. Scholl Senr in what was then the new stone house which has since burned & torn down & she being the only one of the children born in it. She says M.F. Scholl told her this farm had for 115 yrs their gf Chas J. Scholl having bought it from David Shields a very rich man down below Pittsburgh, Pa. She died Aug 4, 1852 about 2 miles from Madison. She thinks in Sewickley Tp Westnd Co, Pa on a farm her husband had bought something like a month short of 30 yrs old, leaving three children, all daughters of which my informant, the only survivor was the oldest. She is buried in the Markle cemetery near the Scholl lots & has a tombstone. She was a member of the old Sewickley Pres Church. Married June 1844 at the old home in which she was born by Rev Abram [best guess Anna?] to John F. Pool born Aug 1820 on a farm now on the edge of Greensburgh, Pa, son of Zachariah Pool who lived to be 98, a shoemaker who on his rounds as shoemaker in Berks Co, Pa met at her home there Barbara Hoffman of a well to do family & they eloped as her parents opposed him because he was a shoemaker. John F. Pool worked at his trade of shoemaker for 7 yrs & then became a farmer. He choked to death of laryngitis aged abt 63 & died on the farm on which he was born near Gbg & is buried there by his 2d wife. My informant was born in Harrison City, Westnd Co, Pa & her two sisters were born at Mill Grove, Pa. He was not a member but a faithful attendant of the Pres Ch.


Susannah Scholl Pool b Apr 18, 1845 at Harrison City, my informant, married Oct 19, 1862 in Greensburg, Pa by the Pres preacher to Peter Absalom Rothermel b Oct 16, 1838 on the old Rothermel farm in South Huntingdon Tp where all of the ten children of his parents, Benjamin Rothermel & wife Eliza Longanecker. He died Apr 13, 1921 aged 83 in this house & is buried at Markle Cem. He was a farmer. Had six children, the oldest one born in South Huntingdon Tp, the next two at Highhouse, Fay Co, Pa the next two in West Newton, Pa & the last & youngest in Rostraver Tp

Strickler J. Rothermel b Aug 6, 1863 ob Mch 1919 in this house & is buried in Markle Cem, unmarried

Eliza Rothermel b July 25, 1865 ob Oct 1910 here in McKeesport, Pa & is buried in Versailles Cem. Married in Spring of 1882 to Robert Franklin Markle son of Sheppard (Black Shep) Markle of Uncle Gasper of Casper & his wife Druscilla Monroe. She had 9 children all born in & about McKeesport, Pa [record appears on pages 508 & 509 as follows:]

Ethel Markle b abt 1883 married Herbert Hoak both living at Port Vue, Pa across the river where he is a mill worker. Have 3 boys & 3 girls [lists two]

Roderick Hoak, married

Herbert Hoak, married

Clyde Markle married & lives in far west. Has 4 children, one a daughter married lately.

Erda Markle ob 1918 of the flu. Married Chas Hoak, a brother of Herbert. He lives in Port Vue & she had six children, the oldest girl is married & has a child.

Strickler Markle ob abt 1925 in Glassport, Pa, married & left 2 children. She is living

Lucetta Markle ob abt 10 yrs ago here in McK & is buried in Versailles Cem, unmarried

Violet Markle ob aged 9 or 10 & is buried in Versailles Cem. She was an invalid

Robert Franklin Markle Jr married & lives in Glassport, Pa. His wife is also living. Have one child living & one dead.

Oretha Markle married LaVerne Jones & both living in Glassport, Pa. Have 4 children, all single

Marion Markle ob died when a baby. She was a girl, buried in Versailles, Cem.

John Pool Rothermel b May 5, 1868 ob Mch 14, 1927 married May 1898 in Pittsburgh, Pa by a Pres preacher to Margaret Kelley b Nov 13, 1875 in Boston, Mass daughter of Richard Kelley & wife Margaret. He is buried in Mt Vernon Cem near here & she lives here on 5th Ave. Have two children born here in McK.

Bertrue Elden Rotharmel [sic] b Nov 20, 1899 married Feby 21, 1927 in Pgh at C.H. to Jean Bortz

Phyllis Rotharmel b Feby 22, 1928

Margaret Rotharmel b May 5, 1904 married 1921 in Pgh to Peter Phillips

Dorothy Phillips b May 5, 1923 in McKeesport, Pa

Benjamin Franklin Rothermel b Mch 11, 1871 single & lives here with his mother.

Leonora Martin Rothermel b Dec 9, 1874 ob Oct 3, 1903 in McK & is buried in Versailles Cem. Married here in McK by Rev J.J. McCarrell to George Crawford. He lives here. Had one child born here & died young.

Azelma M. Crawford, ob

Lucetta Hazel Rotharmel [sic] b Oct 31, 1879 married Dec 7, 1898 McK by Rev J.J. McCarrell at the parsonage to Bertrue Elden Parke b Nov 3, 1875 in Laughlintown, Westnd Co, Pa 3 miles from Ligonier Pa son of John Parke & wife Cora Paden. He is official photographer for U.S. Steel Corp having served since Aug 9, 1894. Both living at 508 Sinclair St, McKeesport, Pa. Have had two children both born in McKeesport, she is my informant for much of this record.

Bertrue Elden Parke Jr b Sept 28, 1900 ob Aug 3, 1921 unmarried was in officers training camp of World War when armistice was signed.

Byron Lavinas Parke b Sept 5, 1903 married Apr 20, 1927 here in McK by Rev Rea, a Catholic to Ruth Barrett, b Apr 25, 1903 daughter of Richard Barrett & wife. No issue. Live here Private Sec to Manager of Steel Co.

V23 Page 510

From page 493

Oak Hill Aug 9, 1930 1 PM

In the pamphlet Mrs L.B. Frazier of Caldwell, O sent me was:

Extract from "Lives of Illustrious men of America" by W.L. Barne Cincinnati, O W.A. Clarke, Publisher 1860

Page 498. Andrew Jackson. He was born in the Waxhaw Settlement of South Carolina Mch 15, 1767. His parents were of Scotch descent. They removed from Scotland to Ulster, Ireland long before the birth of our subject or policy had dictated emigration to this country. His grandfather Hugh Jackson followed the business of a draper while in Ireland. He had four sons, the youngest of whom named Andrew was the father of our Andrew. The two eldest were born before he (meaning no doubt Andrew Senr) came to America. The vessel in which they sailed came into the harbor in Charleston SC in 1765 & at once settled on the banks of Waxhaw Creek where Andrew was born 2 yrs later. Upon his birth, Mrs Jackson lost her husband & was left with a very small property, but little means & four young sons. She had to make provision

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for rearing her family & their education. Among those who first fell as the Revolutionary War rolled southward was Hugh, the elder brother of Andrew. He was killed at the battle of Stons (or was it Stone River). At thirteen, Andrew volunteered. His first attack was in the attack made by Sumpter against the British at Hanging Rock. His brother Robert was also in this engagement.

(Robert died from the wound inflicted by the British officer when he refused to black his boots after it became infected with small pox on his return to their home at Waxhaw). His mother died later of the same affliction.

Of the Jackson family who had fled persecution & fled in vain, Andrew was now the sole representative. Page 504.

V23 Page 512

A letter dated June 27, 1927 in answer to mine of June 8th from Mrs Mary Hurst Archinal of 1527 Yale Ave, N.W. Canton, O is disappointing for while she says she has been bred & raised on family history, she gives no adequate record. See her record as given me by Dora E. Gunnett in book 20 p 524 & she says the information she spoke of in a former letter abt Capt Jack was obtained from "Std Rfr Works Vol 2 Blv-Cor" whatever that means. She says her Aunt Ray is Mrs Frank Hurst of Mt Pleasant Pa. She gives dates below as copied by her 3 yrs before from an old bible belonging to Sarah Hurst Neel of Mt Pleasant Pa which is no doubt the same I got years ago when at Wm B. Neel's there.

John I. Hurst died 1754 widow Ann Hurst

James Hurst born May 13, 1775 Sarah Blackiston born Nov 13, 1776 married May 30, 1797

Pressley Hurst born Sept 15, 1816 Mt Pleasant

Susan Power born Oct 2, 1818 Mt Pleasant

James Power Hurst b Oct 13, 1839

Amanda Anderson b Dec 8, 1843 married in Mt Pleasant Pa Nov 1868

Harry L. Archinal b Apr 7, Richville, O

Mary Christine Hurst b Nov 1, 1876 Canton, O, date of marriage not given nor year of his birth.

Our children born in Canton, O

V23 Page 513

1. Gertrude Louise Archinal Dec 6, 1908

2. Mary Katherine Archinal b Mch 22, 1911. She says her father-in-law, William Archinal was born in Prussia & his wife Katharine in Switzerland.

James Power Hurst, my father's children are:

1. Lulu Maud Hurst b Oct 17, 1870

2. Susan Ellen Hurst b Feby 20, 1872

3. Mary Christine Hurst b Nov 1, 1876

4. Gertrude Eliza Hurst b Aug 3, 1879

She says Pressly Hurst's children were:





Frank (Carney living at Youngwood, Pa)

& Tom

Second wife Men [sic] Herron Judge Herron of Cincinnati O sister

Sue Hurst, Washington Pa

Will Hurst (deceased)

Make slips to get records of this 2d wife & children & those also of her (that is Mrs A's) sisters above.

V23 Page 514

Oak Hill Aug 13, 1930 8:20 PM

Miss Emma E. Laughlin of Barnesville, O called here a half hour this evening from 5:40 to 6:10 PM & had with her a Mrs Teggart of Brownsville, Pa nee Laughlin, her cousin who she is visiting to ask two questions:

1. whether Polly or Mary Breading, wife of her ancestor Hugh Laughlin was a sister of Nathaniel, David & James E. Breading, sons of James & I told her I thought she was.

2. whether David Frame's wife was Jane Thompson (both buried near the infirmary in Guernsey Co, O ) & I told her she was, being a daughter of Jacob Thompson & his wife Ann Downard.

She said that Owen Frame, a school teacher, still teaching & living in Senecaville, O had the old Frame Family records so see him. Make slip.

Miss Laughlin is descended from David Frame & wife Jane Thompson through Josiah Robe so she said.

V23 Page 515

Oak Hill Aug 20, 1830 5:33 PM

A letter dated Aug 7, 1930 in answer to mine of June 14, 1930 from Eldon Carrothers 104 Askin St, London, Ont says the Michael Carrothers bible, if there ever was one, is in the hands of a great grandson (who he does not name) once of Detroit, Mich, but who has moved farther west. He says he is trying to get his address.

Says he went yesterday to see Mrs Robert Carrothers, who is closely related to that family & she is helping to trace him. He says Mark Carrothers died July 31, 1930. Also says he can not get trace of David's family. Says there is a daughter who he has not seen yet who was last to leave the old home. He gives my reference as Book 23 page 261.

He thinks their own family bible was burned by a careless nephew near Strathroy, Ont who says he burned a great lot of old books & rubbish after his parents died.

He says he will keep pegging away & will send me anything he gets in the future. I was at his home May 28-29, 1929.

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A letter dated July 6, 1930 in answer to mine from Bontwell Dunlap, The Hotel Greystone, 66 Geary St, San Francisco, Calif thinks that Richard Jacks 1772-1841, ancestor of his friend there, Jude Jacks, was a descendant of Thomas Jacks mentioned in the will of John Power Jr of Anne Arundel Co, Maryland, who names his mother, Elizabeth Jacks & wills his estate "Powells Inheritance" on South River, Anne Arundel Co Md to her. After her death to pass to brother Joseph & heirs. Should Joseph die without issue, said lands to pass to Richard Jacks & heirs. He also devises to brothers Christopher Walters, to Thomas Jacks Jr, son of Thomas Jacks Senr to Elizabeth Jacks, daughter of Thomas & Barbary Jacks.

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Oak Hill, Aug 23, 1930 8:30 AM

A letter dated Aug 1, 1930 from Joseph F. Guffey, Pittsburg, Pa says that in tracing the ancestry of Mrs Martha Crawford Cook, wife of Col Edward Cook who was his great great grandmother whose mother was a Sterrett, says he obtained copies of the will of John Sterret dated May 11, 1748 & of Martha Sterrett probated May 20, 1754 & kindly sends me copies of same.

Will of John Sterrett of Lancaster Co, Pa Will book A p 146 states that on Apr 5, 1784 John Sterrett of Lancaster Co, Pa being then sick & lying on his dying bed, where on he died later died verbally made his will as follows:

Gave his wife Martha Sterrett 1/3 of personal property & 1/3 of the profits of plantation for life & have her home on same during her widowhood.

His lands eventually & his personal property to be equally divided between his sons James & Joseph the former to have 300 gallons of liquor & the latter to have the copper still & his daughter Mary Sterrett to have £30 a bay mare with foal, bed & furniture & be maintained out of estate until provided for.

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His daughter, Ann Sterrett to have £30, his 3 yr old bay pacing horse, bed & furniture & be maintained out of estate until provided for. His daughter Rebecca to have £30, a bay colt 3 mos old, bed & furniture & be maintained out of estate until provided for. His daughter Elizabeth, wife of Edward Crawford to have £5 & Edward Crawford to have his great coat.

His daughter Martha, wife of James Wilson should have £5 & said James should have his slip on coat.

His daughter Sarah to have £5 & her husband Abraham Lowry to have 4 yards of broad cloth then in the house & that each of his three grandchildren, children of William Young should have a 3 yr old heifer to be delivered in 2 or 3 yrs.

Andrew Work to have his best hat & wigg. [sic] His wife, Martha, son James & brother-in-law Andrew Work to be executors, and shortly after within two hours, the said John Sterrett departed this life. To which we have subscribed this May 10, 1748. Samuel Scott, William Wallace. Proven May 11, 1748 before Thomas Cookson deputy registrar.

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Will of Martha Sterrett, Lancaster Co, Pa Will book b page 50? Nov 11, 1751. I, Martha Sterrett of Raho Tp, being very sick make this my last will:

To my beloved daughter Mary Smith £5

To my beloved daughter Ann Sterret, my bed I commonly lie on & all of its bed clothes

To my beloved daughter Rebecca Sterrett all my clothes, both muslin & linen, my chest & 3/4 of remainder of my property & 1/4 to my grandson John Sterret, son of James & appoint Andrew Work & son Joseph Sterret Exrs. Martha her x mark Sterrett. Witnesses Mary Sterrett, Samuel Scott.

Will proven May 20, 1754

Colonial service of John Sterrett of Lancaster Co, Pa John Sterrett was elected to serve as sheriff of Lancaster Co, Pa Oct 4, 1744. Penna Archives Second Services Vol 9 page 787. The above service gives eligibility for Colonial Dames membership

V23 Page 520

Oak Hill Aug 25, 1930 8:20 AM

The Morning Herald of 21st inst announced the death of Thos Jefferson Duncan Esq of Washington Pa aged 85 years. My recollection is that he was born near Brownsville Pa Feby 1, 1845 & he died Aug 20, 1930 on a train near Niagara Falls when on a vacation trip accompanied by his wife. He had been a member of the Washington Co, Pa bar for 65 yrs. He had been presidents of the Real estate Trust Co of Washington Pa before it merged with the First National Bank there.

A letter dated July 22, 1930 in answer to mine of last year from Mrs Carrie Redburn Maves [best guess] gives my book no 5 page 343 & says her mother, Mary Ann Funk was born Sept 20, 1842 in Allegheny Co, Pa & when 4 yrs old, moved with her parents to near Leavenworth Kansas & her father, Joseph Benton Redburn was born May 28, 1835 in Fayette Co, Pa near Masontown & moved with his parents to Guernsey Co, Ohio about 4 years later. Correct statement of Mrs Robertson's in 1921 book 5 page 342-3 who said

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he was born in Ohio which I thought was wrong.

She says her Aunt Lou Quinche passed away a year ago last winter say in the winter of 1928-1929 & that her daughter Kittie some years ago see book 8 pages 605-606 front flyleaf. She says her cousin Henriette married daughter of Uncle Henry Redburn is living in Oskaloosa, Iowa.

She says Sherman Medill's mother was a sister of her father, but their records were burned when their house burned some time ago. Thinks she has been dead 50 years. Says she had two daughters both dead, she thinks leaving on Sherman's family & one granddaughter. Says her father knew a great deal abt the family but he did not keep records. He used to like to tell her but she don't remember. She says they did not go east last summer but says her son Joe went to the State University at Iowa city, Iowa & took his M.A. is inclined to journalism & wants to get a job east in that line. Has good habits, ready & thinks don't smoke, drink or chew, is 6 ft 2 in tall & hard as iron. She sends me two of his photos front & side view. I think I could recommend him to John H. Finley of the New York Times.

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A card dated June 22, 1930 from Mrs Mary J. Strouse of 151 E. Broadway, Danville, Ind speaks of the serious illness & death of her husband & says she is having trouble with her eyes which greatly interferes with her research work, but says she is going to southern Indiana & to Harrisburg, Ky where her Thompsons settled & will send me her record later.

Oak Hill Aug 26, 1930 11 AM

A letter dated Oct 11, 1926 in answer to mine to her sisters I believe who were then in Europe from Mrs Mary Biddle Ponting (Mrs H.G.) written from 830 Brown St, Columbus, Ga where she was visiting her daughter & son-in-law but whose home address is 2535 College Ave Berkeley, Calif, where I have today written her states she was young when they moved to Calif & never visited much back east, but did when she was 7 yrs old know

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her grandmother Elliott & her Aunt Fanny Elliott Spangler who has been dead many years. She speaks of several Aunts but says her father was an only son. She says her personal effects are packed away at her home in Calif

A letter dated June 28, 1930 from William Finley Speer of 31 Stowe St, Ingram, Pittsburgh, Pa says the Belle Vernon Finleys told him about me & says he is a great grandson of Jane Finley born Apr 28, 1816 died Mch 16, 1857 (who was daughter of "Billy" or William Finley, son of Rev James Finley 1725-1795) & her husband Louis M. Speer born July 26, 1816 & died Sept 15, 1883. He also says that his grandmother Mary Power Speer who died in 1920 was the granddaughter of Mary E. Stuart Power & Major John Finley Power who was son of Col John Power & Margaret Finley, daughter of said Rev James Finley. He wants a book. Have written him today. See b 24 p 528-540.

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Oak Hill, Uniontown, Pa Aug 29, 1930 8:22 Pm

I went about 10:30 AM this morning driven by Virginia Maloney in her car to 1619 Shady Ave E.E. Pittsburgh, Pa to see my second cousin, Mrs Emma McCune in answer too belated unfortunately to her letter of Mch 17, 1928 which came just before I left home in Apr 25, 1928. A colored man admitted me & he called Mrs Hite & her daughter who told me, they being housekeepers, that Mrs McCune had died three weeks ago yesterday on Aug 7, 1930 in the hospital at Cambridge Springs, Pa without pain or a struggle. She had been taken there a few days before on advice of her Doctor (Dr Simpson? I believe) & her condition not being good, she was taken to the hospital. She was buried in the Homewood Cemetery Pgh, Pa in the Pargny lot alongside of her sister, Mrs Tuman, mother of Mrs Pargny, who died about 24 yrs ago. The Hites said Edna Markle who had been with

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Mrs McCune had left sometime ago & gone back to Steubenville where she worked in a store there & whose address was Miss Edna Markle 615 N. 5th St, Steubenville, Ohio.

Mr Frank McCune, husband had gone to his office with the American Sheet & Tinplate Co No 1402 Frick Building, Pittsburgh, Pa where Virginia drove me & I saw him 11:30 to 12 o'c noon where he was very cordial, kind & loyal & said he would write me giving the information I sought & I had him write down a general questionnaire of what I wanted. He said Mrs Pargny was Pres of American Sheet & tinplate Co, but said they had no children. Mr McCune has one child a son who is married & lives in Pittsburgh, Pa & has a son.

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Oak Hill, Sept 9, 1930 11:25 Am

A letter dated Aug 24, 1930 in answer to mine to her at Haddington, Eng from Mrs Louisa Sharp now of Copie Close, Long Crendon Thame, Oxon? Eng says they now live in one of the most beautiful parts of Buckinghamshire & says she will do her utmost to get for me the records of the Jacks family I wrote her for. She says she has written her cousin, Russell Jacks, eldest son of her Uncle Ebenezer Jacks who she says has his father's records of the family. She & her husband were in NY in 1918 & then in New Brunswick & Nova Scotia where they have a married daughter living in the Annapolis Valley. They have a son living in Alberta, Canada & returned to England 3 yrs ago. I asked them in my letter today to make me a visit when they next come to America.

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Oak Hill, Sept 13, 1930 5 PM

Mr & Mrs Anson C. Fry of 3523 Paxton Road, Cincinnati, O traveling in their auto from Wash D.C. reached the Summit Hotel late last night & she phoned me & they came down & were with me this forenoon from 10:20 to 11:55 Am & left by route 51 for Pgh, Pa. She was Mary Finley, daughter of Levi Finley 1844-1928 of Sarahsville & Mt Ephraim,O & Levi was son of William Finley born 1807 who lived there also but in his latter years removed to Allerton, Iowa. William was son of John & Susannah Finley but she knew nothing of his or her record or her maiden name. She is going to try to find out & let me know. She left me ten typewritten pages of records of her immediate line which I will record later. He is in the job printing business. They invited me to come to their home & they would loan me their auto & chauffeur.

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In D.A.R. Magazine for Sept 1930 Genealogical Dept Page 588 2d Column is query No 16357 Finley, wanted parentage, name of Wife & all information possible of family of James Finley who died Nov 2, 1859 in LaPorte Co, Indiana. He lived in Onandago Co NY in 1803, was in Shelby Co, Indiana in 1819. He was in the Battle of Lundys Lane NY in 1812, wanted also genealogy of his wife & Rev. record of her ancestors.

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Oak Hill, Sept 24, 1930 10:10 AM

A letter dated Sept 17, 1930 from my second cousin W.L. Markle of Oxford, Pa congratulates me on my acquittal on 16th inst & speaks of my being at the funeral of his father, David Markle Mt Pleasant Tp Westnd Co, Pa which was in the nineties. Make slip to call & get his personal record.

A letter dated Sept 16, 1930 in answer to mine of Sept 12th from Prof John G. Jack, home address East Walpole Mass see page 449 this book says his grandfather, John Jack died before he was born at Chateauguay Basin Province of Quebec, Canada & he thinks Mrs Robert Craik living at that address can tell who got his bible. I am writing to her today.

Prof Jack says the address of his sister is Mrs Torrence route 1 Woodlands, Chateauguay, Prov of Quebec, Canada.

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Oak Hill Sept 28, 1930 2:05 PM

When we returned from Church today, we found cousins Sallie Brown & her daughter Emily B. Brown, with their neighbor, Miss Margaret (Peggy) Tesh, across the street from them in Dormont, Pa who had driven up route 51 from home in 2 hrs & 10 min in Emily's Chevrolet. Mrs Brown, who said she was 67, told of having driven to Roanoke, Va recently taking in Natural Bridge, Endless Caverns etc. She said she had lived in Roanoke 40 yrs ago when her children, Charles & Emily were young & where her husband worked for the Norfolk & Western RR Co in office of Joseph B. Lacey who she met on this trip. When passing through Kingwood, WVA, she stopped at the old home of her Uncle Peter Smith, brother of cousin Kate Smith & 3 yrs her senior who had been county supt of schools of Preston Co WVA & stopped & saw his unmarried daughter to has a goiter & who has been missing her sister Anna 4 yrs her junior. Make slip to see them. Miss Tesh told Pallini she was 45, but she don't look it.

Emily B. spoke of meeting a Mrs A.W. Gillespie of Wilkinsburg, Pa nee Wallace a relative, who said I

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had once visited them at Bradys Bend, Pa. She lives at No 1213 Center St, Make slip to go see her & get her record. Emily says she is a fine woman.

The Times-Sun of West Newton, Pa in last week's issue announced the death on Sept 18, 1930 at her home in Elizabeth Tp, Allegheny Co, Pa near Round Hill Church in the house in which she was born, of Miss Margaret Peairs, daughter of Joseph Peairs & his wife Margaret Fife. She was a brother [sic think he means member] of Round Hill Pres ch & is survived by a brother & three sisters viz:

Mrs J.W. McKinney

Mrs John R. Nicholls

Mr Bill Peairs

Also by an adopted sister Mrs J.M. Simpson of St Louis, Mo. Funeral Monday 22, interment in round Hill. Cem. I visited them a few years ago & got their record.

The Morning Herald announces the death on Friday morning Sept 26, 1930 at his home in Mapletown, Pa of Noah Minor aged 76 from a stroke of paralysis. He was born Feby 28, 1854 son of the late John & Frances Minor. He is survived by his widow, Mrs Orpha South Minor & the following children:

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Claine [sic] Minor of Mapletown, Pa

Mrs C.A. Barb of Mapletown, Pa

Mrs Asia Williamson

& one sister, Laura Minor of Mapletown, Pa. Funeral today in Monongahela Hill Cem.

Oak Hill Sept 29, 1930 12:17 PM

A letter dated Sept 22, 1930 in answer to mine from cousin Carrie Redburn McKee of Stuart, Iowa, says Aunt Harriet Cordelia Redburn is living in Oskaloosa, Iowa, with her daughter, but is in poor health, being bedfast much of the time. She says Aunt Lou Quinche died in Topeka, Kansas in the winter of 1928 & her daughter Katherine Quinche (Kittie) died 3 or 4 yrs ago in E. Las Vegas NM. She is trying to locate cousin Charles Quinche in Topeka, Kan & get the exact dates & when she does, will let me know. Aunt Lou's daughter, Ida Emert is living she says in Tulsa, Okla. Cousin Carrie says her son Joe is not ready yet to go to NY but when he is, she will let me know. Refer to book 5 page 343. & refer to book 8 page 605 & 606.

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A letter of congratulation dated Sept 17th, 1930 from Mrs Josephine B. Thompson 903 Oakland Ave Indiana, Pa recalls my visit to their home several years ago, says her husband Robert A. Thompson who died some years ago was often taken for me.

A letter dated Sept 16, 1930 in answer to mine of Sept 12, from John L. Gans Connellsville, Pa says he does not know of any photographs extant of Col Wm Crawford or Zachariah Connell. He refers me to Mrs Clarence M. McFarland 228 Lincoln Ave, Connellsville, Pa their lineal descendant & thinks she could give address of an Army officer also a lineal descendant who was there a year or so ago collecting data. I have written to her tonight see page 445, this book for their genealogical table.

John L. says his Burchinal Hist is not yet completed.

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A letter dated Sept 13, 1930 in answer to mine of Sept 9, from Cousin Florence Caruthers from Kiowa, Kan where she is visiting her daughter Fannie tells of three cyclones that struck her daughter Mary's & of a surprise visit recently from cousin Robt Baird who is running a filling station in Kansas City. Says his wife died two years ago & that he has two sons & two daughters, all married. I had not seen him for 42 years. He is 72 years old & very fleshy.

She says this is the hottest & dryest year in Kansas that the oldest settlers can remember.

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Oak Hill, Sept 30, 1930 8:18 AM

It is 41 years today since I made through H.C. Frick, the first of my many sales of coal lands to the H.C. Frick Coke Co.

A letter dated Aug 13, 1930 from Miss Emma Hinch, then at Black Rock, Dublin, Ireland, boys' nurse at Andrew's, says she had not had success regarding the records I asked her about. She said her sister had a friend in Letterkenny & he wrote that the records had all been sent 50 years ago to the record house in Dublin Ireland & they were blown up in 1922, but another friend has taken it up at Belfast with the House of Assembly where the records of the Presbyterian Church are kept & I may get more information from him.

A letter dated Aug 26, 1930 in answer to mine of July 21, 1930 from Mrs Nellie McFarland of 1009 Ninth St, Helena, Montana gives a brief outline of her immediate family which I am tabling on next page & writing her for dates & fuller information

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[descendant chart]

Margery Thompson Davidson born in Newville, Pa July 12, 1837 & died Apr 27, 1901 at Boulder, Montana & was buried in Lanark, Ills. She was the youngest of five sisters. Married Oct 21, 1858 in Newville, Pa to Samuel S. Wild who was born in Newville, Pa where their children were born except the last one. He was born Dec 1, 1834 & died May 3, 1911 at Lanark, Ill. See b 24 p 337-9.


William Greason Wild b Aug 19, 1859 lives at Lanark, Ills married, write him

Nellie Davidson Wild b May 10, 1861 married June 5, 1895 Lucius G. McFarland. She my informant for this record. Born at Eau Clair Wis Mch 24, 1853 son of Osgood McFarland & wife Caroline Griswold all of Vt.

Earl O. McFarland b Aug 30, 1898 at Helena Mont. Married Nov 19, 1919 at Great Falls, Mont. Lives at Billings, Mont. Wife is Ruby Pearl Von Sampson daughter of Edgar Raul Von Sampson & wife Bertha Rose Henck. Ruby b May 26, 1880 in East Helena, Mont.

Jack Richard McFarland b Aug 16, 1921 at Helena, Mont

Phyllis Jean McFarland b Feby 6, 1926 at Helena, Mont

Edgar John Wild b Oct 12, 1863, lives at Boulder Mont write him for marriage record. No issue

Fred Nelson Wild b May 25, 1873 ob July 25, 1924 at Clinton, Iowa born in Paola, Kan married Feby 22, 1917 Miss Sadie Sailhamner at Morrison, Ill. No issue. He was a newspaper editor & owner & was buried in Kingsbury Cemetery Midway between Erie & Albany. She, Sarah Elizabeth Sailhamner b July 31, 1873 was daughter of Joshua Sailhamner & wife Rachel Ann Miller.

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A letter dated Sept 1, 1930 in answer to mine of Aug 23, 1930 from Lily Doyle Dunlap of Ansonville, NC says it is a history of Anson Co NC from which Mecklenberg Co was formed that she is writing & not a history of the Jack & Wilson families. She says that through her mother's mother, she has kinship with the Jacks but does not know just how, but wishes she did. She then gives the following. She says she does not know any of her Jack kin.

"My maternal grandmother was Margaret Watson Guyton, daughter of Aaron Guyton & Margaret McCurdy. Said Margaret McCurdy was daughter of Robert McCurdy & his wife Mary Watson? or it might have been Jack instead of Watson. Aaron Guyton was son of Joseph & Hannah Guyton. The Jack kinship would have to come in through some of these lines. I think that Patrick Jack died in Elbert Co, Ga. I saw the date of his death in a paper in the Historical Commission in Raleigh NC & took it down but can't put my hand on it just now. However, I know where the paper was &

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when I go to Raleigh, I will get it for you. Capt Jack left a will in Mecklenberg Co which was made May 19, 1780. I presume you have this. She says she has abstracts of all Wilson sills in Mecklenberg Co & if I want copies she would make them for me & would delight to help me. See when above will was probated.

See page 584-5

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Oak Hill Oct 1, 1930 11:25 AM

A letter dated Aug 16, 1930 in answer to mine from Mrs Geo H. Pinney 330 S. Berenalo St Los Angeles Calif states there has been several changes since she last sent me dates. I find reference on page 447 this book & then book 20 p 548 & book 22 p 90 & make record there of the information she sent.

7:11 PM, A lady came here abt 5 PM who said she was Mrs Ida Louise Markle of 426 S. Lafayette St, Grand Rapids Mich widow of Sylvester Markle. She sd she had been away from home 5 weeks, trying to get trace of "granddad Jacob Markle who she said was of Unity, Westnd Pa but a man she talked to in Pgh yesterday told her of a Jacob Markle in Derry, Pa who he knew who wd now be in his 80s & whose father he thought was Jacob. She has been at Harrisburg, Easton York, Reading, Clarion, Red Bank, Dillsburg, Greensburg, Pa & many other places & Cyrus Markle of Gbg sent her to me. She left at 6:11 PM rtg to Gbg

She said there was a rich Merckel or Merkle in Allentown. Make slip.

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I am making on this page a table of what I gleaned from her

[descendant chart]

Jacob Markle died she thought at the home of his son Jacob Jr possibly in Derry, Pa or in Unity, Pa. She thinks he left some money to his son John which she is trying to trace. Someone told John he had moved west. She said he was a Lieut in War of 1812, serving from Sept to Aug & that he died in 1864. I think she has him confounded with great Uncle Jacob Markle 1786-8164 & so told her. She only knew of 5 children who I list here. Thought he was in his 80s when he died.


John Shaffer Markle b 1833 ob 1881. He died in a Chicago Hospital of an unknown disease, claimed was smallpox & did not return to body. Old home was at Wayland, Mich. She spoke of Allegan Co, Mich.

Marcus Irvin Markle b Dec 1855 oldest, lives at 9408 57th Ave Portland Oregon. Wrote today Oct 28/30 see p 600

Sarah Markle b Jany 1859? married Frank Ayers & have 5 children see p 600

Sylvester Markle b Sept 5, 1863 ob Oct 27, 1920 in Allegan Co Mich, old home Wayland. Married Nov 16, 1891 to Ida Louise Weick b Jany 9, 1869

Pansy May Markle b Oct 6, 1892 married a Witkinson, is divorced & she is about to marry Edward Cape. See b 24 p 172 & b 24 p 405 & 486. She died Feby 19, 1931

Jessie M. Markle married Homer Boyles who has died & she is a widow. See p 600.

William John Walter Markle youngest b Dec 1870 married, no issue.

Eli Markle

Jacob Markle Jr

Anna Markle married a Hutchinson knew nothing of descendants

Sarah Markle married a Schupenglock? knew nothing of descendants

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Oak Hill Oct 2, 1930 4:36 PM

A letter dated July 19, 1930 in answer to mine from Miss Mary I. Thompson of 1003 Tenth Ave Fulton, Ills gives many dates which I have entered in this book pages 346, 348 & 356 & in book 21 page 212 & see bk 7 pages 145, 147 etc. She gives some Kilgore history which I copy viz:

"James Kilgore (original name Gore "Kil" is the Celtic for Water meaning a a Gore that lived by the water) came from Ireland to America. He settled near Green Spring, Cumberland Co, Pa. He had one brother, Charles & five step-brothers Charles & five step brothers (Is she just repeating or did she mean five step sisters?)

He was married twice, first wife's name not known. His second wife's name was Elizabeth Jack. He was the father of twenty-one children, twenty boys & one girl, five children dying when young. James was the last of the first wife's children that lived.

His two oldest sons by his second wife were in the Revolutionary War. Patrick was a surgeon & David was a Colonel. Both enlisted from Penna.

James had by first wife (she says)

Charles, Oliver, Samuel, James, Benjamin, Hugh O., Joseph & James

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By his 2d wife, Elizabeth Jack, he had Patrick, David, John, Jonathan, Ezekiel, William (our ancestor born 1760 died 1823) Jesse, Robert & Dinah Hugh"

Jane Kilgore 1787-1833 see page 348 married Robert McFarlane & had three children:

1. Robert McFarlane

2. Wm Kilgore McFarlane

3. John Gaddis or Geddes McFarlane"

The latter John G. McFarlane lived in Minneapolis, Minn for many years & was Grand Treasr of the Knights Templar of Minn from 1877 to 1897 & died in Minneapolis, Minn. He compiled much of the Kilgore history. Make slip & see if can get it.

Isabella Montgomery born Sept 8, 1829 see page 348 died many years ago about 1856 at Eldora, Hardin Co, Iowa where Miss Mary I. Thompson writes I might find date. On page 438 I show that she married & give reference to page 357 which evidently is a wrong page.

She gives:

Augustine Parsons Kilgore B Mch 1, 1850

Elizabeth Jane Kilgore b Apr 3, 1852

William Thompson b Mch 9, 1853

Samuel Mathers Kilgore b July 19, 1856

A.M. Thompson & Maggie Heart were married Sept 12, 1872 see b 21 p 212

She wants a book.

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Oak Hill Oct 4, 1930 4 PM

A letter dated Sept 21, 1930 in answer to mine from Miss Jennie B. Tilton of Carlisle, Ky says she has had a nervous breakdown & has been laid up in bed but when she gets well, she will answer my questions. She says they unveiled a monument last Oct to her great grandfather, Maj John Knox at the ancestral home at Upper Blue Licks, Ky in that Co. She says Mrs C.D. Chenault of Lexington, Ky died last March.

A letter dated Oct 2, 1930 at Decatur Ga asks me to send the A.F. France Finley family History he loaned me to him care of Columbia Theo Seminary Decatur Georgia, so I have done it up this evening & will register it on Monday. I got it from Virginia Maloney with the copy she made & compared with her mother. He speaks of having been at Wilkesboro, NC where he found 40 Finleys & others in Spartanburg & York SC at Birmingham Ala.

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Oak Hill Oct 5, 1930 10 AM

A letter dated Aug 15, 1930 in answer to one from me just recd from Jeannette Briney Kelly No 514 W. Garfield Blvd Chicago, Ills gives my references of book 2 p 42 & 361 & book 22 p 102 & book 23 p 350. She says if I would tell her the name of the cemetery I visited, she would have her cousin Edith Ross Sheldon, daughter of Isabel McAllister hunt it up, but I do not recall what g.y. it was. (Isabel McAllister Ross was daughter of S.G. McAllister)

She says Maurice Trimble's office in one of the big buildings in the heart of the city where he is a prominent architect & much interested in family history. He lives in Ben Avon.

She says her cousin Edith Ross Sheldon has a son William Ross Sheldon born Feby 21, 1926 & that she herself, Mrs Jeannette Briney Kelly has a son viz Edward Lawrence Kelly Jr born in Chicago, Ills on Aug 3, 1929 when she was 42 yrs old, her first child & born with a miracle of ease.

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Oak Hill Oct 6, 1930 7:40 AM

A letter dated Aug 12, 1930 pursuant to request of a couple of years ago from Mrs Mae J. York of 511 E. Main St, Logansport, Ind sends me a five page copy of record she spoke of her cousin May Myers of Chicago, Ills having which had been gathered by her mother many years ago, her mother Emeline E. Jack, Miller Cosner Agner to William Jackson, her brother. "Did I ever tell you that Uncle William & Uncle James had their names changed from Jack to Jackson". She says she does not have all of the information I asked for a couple of years ago but still has the letter & some of the data & is sending out letters & will send to me later.

The letter referred to above is dated Fort Wayne, Ind Jany 10, 1874. says she is just giving an outline of the history as her time is limited & she is sick, suffering from third day ague but while home will copy it. I will begin with mother's grandparent. Mother's grandfather on her side named Fisher was a Hessian

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came as a soldier during the Revolution. At the close of the war, he settled in one of the eastern states & married a Welsh woman & settled in Eastern Penna about 18 miles from Phila near the memorable battlefield of Paoli.

When mother was 3 or 4 yrs old, her mother moved to New Holland, Lancaster Co, Pa. Mother was born in 1815 in the eastern part of Chester Co, Pa & was 8 weeks old when her father went in the War of 1812. In the year 1823 grandmother remarried & mother was compelled to go out among strangers to earn her living. At the age of 16, she went home & learned the trade of cigar making. She joined church at a camp meeting in 1832. She was married on Oct 13, 1836 at the residence of Rev J.N. Crane in New Holland, Pa. In Spring of 1837, they emigrated westward, father bought a one horse Dearborn wagon in which he stored his chest of tools, a covered wagon. Stopping at Washington, Pa & hunted up Uncle George Aiken & stayed over Sunday

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They arrived at their destination May 26, 1837 having started May 4, & went to keeping house in Gintown, O? & lived there two years. Lewis was born there May 26, 1838. From Gintown, they moved to Pekin where father bought 6 1/4 A of land on which was a small dwelling & wagon shop. The Dayton Pike ran by the lot. In 1848, father sold the home in Pekin, receiving $800 for it & bought the old farm on Gander Run. They moved in the spring of 1848. Alice, Rebecca, William Emeline & James were born at Pekin. They lived on the farm 7 years then sold & moved to the farm on which they now live in the spring of 1855. I will now begin with father's ancestors. His grandfather on his father's side was a native of Ireland named James Jack, his wife to the best of father's knowledge was a native of America, perhaps of English descent. They settled in Chester Co, Pa 37 miles west of Phila. He was father of 4 children, 3 boys & 1 girl.

The oldest brother, James, moved west at an early day & settled at Lexington, Ky where he died.

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Mary, the daughter married a man named Black & moved to western part of Penna where they were lost sight of. The middle son Robert, remained unmarried until a bachelor, then married a widow who was blessed with a large family of children. He died at grandfather's when father was quite young.

Robert & James were both in the Revolutionary War toward its close. James was noted for being a great marksman. When he went home after the war, he carried with him the talons of an eagle he had shot in Virginia.

Grandfather could remember the firing of cannon on May 4th, don't know what year, which he heard of a battle on Long Island. His father lost considerable property during the war which was taken to supply the army & at the close of the war had considerable continental money which was worthless.

The youngest son, Adam inherited one of his father's farms, the old place you have heard father speak of. Robert inherited the other. For some reason, James was cut off with only enough to secure the legality of his father's will viz: £25. The family was proud & aristocratic.

V23 Page 552

I have heard father speak of the silver shoe & knee buckles that were in their possession that once belonged to his grandfather.

Grandfather remained single until he arrived at bachelorhood when he married a widow named Ann Dalrymple. Her maiden name was Terns?

She had two children by her first husband, Sarah & Ann, when grown to womanhood, they married two brothers named Widner. The names of grandfather's children were Mary, Phebe, James, Josiah, Susan & Matthew see book 21 p 204 where it says he married Eliza Ann Akins etc in 1836 when he was only 24 (not an old bachelor). It was not Matthew G. she referred to as an old bachelor when he married, but his father, Adam Jack who married the widow Ann Dalrymple mentioned above. Their son Josiah Jack moved from Germantown, Pa to Tolston, Beaver Co, Pa in 1836. In 1848 he went to California with the Pillsburg (most probably Pittsburg Co) going by boat from Pittsburg to St Louis, Mo & then took mule & ox teams overland & he was Captain Jack in charge of the Co & had many tribulations. They reached their destination of NE of San Francisco, Calif & he worked at mining & his trade. One day in hot dry weather, he was filing a saw under the shade of a tree

V23 Page 553

& looking up to speak to a comrade, he glanced over the sand hills on which the sun glistened & when he looked back to his work & could not see the saw. Soon his sight was entirely gone & his regular remittances to his family ceased & they thought him dead until seven years later, the lady where he boarded wrote to his family. They sent him money & he took steamer to the Isthmus of Panama which he crossed & took steamer to NY where his eldest son, Lewis met him. His wife died of Congestive chills two years after he got home.

When he came back, she was living in Tolston Pa with her children. Lewis's wife died soon after & they moved to his home & she kept house until she died. After that, her daughter May kept house for him until he married again.

Uncle visited us in the summer of 1873 & stayed abt six weeks from July until in Sept he traveled alone bad as his sight was from Phila to Dayton, O. Cousin Sallie & her husband came with him from Dayton, O. He could not distinguish our features & only knew us by our voices. He rtd home to Pa. In last March, he left home to go to Ephrata, Pa & put up at a hotel where he was found unconscious next morning.

V23 Page 554

His son, Lewis was set for & stayed with him through the day, but he died the following morning Mch 20, 1874 (that would look as though date of this letter should be Jany 10, 1975 instead of 1874). He was buried in Germantown, Pa beside his wife. It was just one month from the day Alice was buried when he died. I do not know how many children Uncle Josiah had, but several died in infancy & five grew up, three boys & two girls. One son died of hardships incurred from a long imprisonment at Belle Island during the Civil War. He was brought home & died & left one child, a little daughter.

One of the daughters was a teacher. She died 5 or 6 yrs ago of consumption. I don't know the names.

Lewis, the oldest son learned the dentist trade. He married in Tolston, Pa & moved to Phila, Pa where he set up in business for himself & became quite wealthy. He married a second time a lady in Phila, Pa. When we last heard from him, he had no heirs by his second wife, but he had three children by his first wife, one a son almost grown.

Mary, the other daughter

V23 Page 555

was married a short time before Uncle visited us to a merchant in Phila & lives there.

Richard, the other son remained with his mother & took care of her during the Civil War. He left home after Uncle came back & learned trade of glass blowing which not agreeing with him, he went to Dayton O & learned the trade of bricklaying with Walter Zourm. He visited us the summer of 1869 from Saturday until Monday. We have not heard from him since Uncle's death. At last account he was working at his trade in Memphis, Tenn (he has died. I saw his daughter in Mo. either Kansas City or St Louis & have genealogical table of this line). Aunt Susan was married in Chester Co, Pa & settled there for a time on Brandywine Creek. From there they moved to Tolston, Pa. They lived there a few years & then moved to Hamilton O & then to Dayton, O in 1841. Eight of their children lived to grow up, three died in infancy. Two are buried in Tolston, Pa. I do not remember the date of Uncle Will's death. He died during the war of erysipelas. Mary died a year or two before of consumption. Joseph as you know came home from the war in poor health & died in a few months of consumption.

V23 Page 556

Matthew Grier Jack see b 21 p 204 was born July 8, 1812 in Chester Co, Pa between the two Brandywine Creeks & one mile south of the Brandywine Church. Joined the M.E. Church in June 1840. Mother was born Jany 3, 1815 in Chester Co, Pa & joined the M.E. Church in her 16th year. Their daughter, Alice B. Jack born Apr 3, 1842 joined the church & was baptized June 30, 1858.

Their son James M. Jack born Oct 23, 1847, joined church in 1864 & licensed to preach in the spring of 1867.

Eva May Miller was born Nov 28, 1866, this is daughter of Emeline E. who was writing this sketch in Jany 1875

Eddie Earl Jackson was born in Farmland, Randolph Co, Ind & will be a year old in Mch born then in Mch 1874. This is probably a son of her brother James M. who was married on Mch 6, 1873 & this letter is written to her other brother Wm H. Jack, both of whom changed their names to Jackson.

V23 Page 557

Oak Hill Oct 7, 1930 12:35 PM

A letter dated Aug 2, 1930 from Mrs Carrie Jack Kinter (Mrs E.E.) of 7 Wallace Ave, New Castle, Pa asks for information about the Jack family & says her daughter has searched in the NY library trying to find a Revolutionary War ancestor. She says her father was:

Samuel Smith Jack of Apollo, Pa, son of Samuel Jack & wife Catharine Beck & he son of John Jack who was son of James Jack.

I wrote to her this morning for dates & data of these ancestors & invited her to come see me.

Mch 16, 1931 see book 24 p 386-90

V23 Page 558 & V23 Page 559

[descendant chart]

Susan Jack daughter of Adam Jack see b 21 p 204 & 207 & this book p 555 et seq. In 1874, she was living in Dayton, O with her sons Wm & Levi. Married William Zourm & lived there after on Brandywine Creek Chester Co, Pa, Tolston, Beaver Co, Pa, Hamilton O & settled in Dayton, O in 1841. He died during the Civil War of Erysipelas. Had eleven children, 3 died in infancy & 8 grew up.


Mary Zourm died of consumption a year or two before her father.

Joseph Zourm rtd from Civil War in poor health & died soon of consumption.

Walter Zourm living in Dayton, O in 1874 a wealthy building contractor. Family consisted of himself & wife & dog.

Annie Zourm married abt 1870 to a Mr Blair & lived in Dayton, O. Not wealthy but doing nicely & in 1874 had 2 children.

Sallie Zourm, married abt 1865 to Moses Gaskil who is very kind to her very industrious, a member of Baptist Church & getting along well. They took their Uncle Josiah to visit their Uncle Matthew G. She weighs 200 lbs

William Gaskil

A daughter died young

William Zourm a bricklayer. They [William & brother Levi, below] live in the central part of Dayton, O with their mother & take care of her.

Levi Zourm a machinist

John Zourm married abt 1868 an Irish Catholic woman with bad temper & no refinement who he met in Cincinnati. Have separated twice & for good & he has become a rover. Have two children.

William Zourm his grandmother, above took him but he died about 1870

A daughter her father put her somewhere to be brought up where the mother wd never find her.

V23 Page 560

Mary Finley Fry, wife of Anson C. Fry of 3523 Paxton Road, Cincinnati, O on their way home by auto from the east phoned me about a month ago from the Summit Hotel & she & her husband stopped to see me & left me ten 9x11 inch pages of her Finley line record, including some of our own which I already have. I am making a table commencing on page 562 of her line which I do not have back to her great grandfather, John Finley who so far we do not have connected up with our line.

Mr Finley is a mfr of playing cards & other printing & when I told them I had references to see about 100 people in Cincinnati, O, they very kindly offered to put me up & put their auto with chauffeur at my service which I told them I would be glad to accept.

Mrs Fry is a cousin of the Young side of Mrs Jessie Young Frazier late of Caldwell, O who visited me.

There was one page of Young data from which I infer that Jane Young who married Levi William Finley page 562 was a daughter of Wm J. Young born Mch 17, 1815 at Lippetts Mills Rhode Island & his wife Jane McCann born July 30, 1816.

V23 Page 561

Mrs Jessie Young Frazier of Caldwell Ohio died Mch 19, 1929. She was granddaughter of Henry Taylor & his wife Harriet Jackson Thompson, daughter of Judge William Thompson & his wife Elizabeth Finley daughter of Ebenezer Finley 1760-1849 son of Rev James Finley 1725-1795.

V23 Page 562 & V23 Page 563

[descendant chart]

John Finley died aged 82 but the record does not say where or when. Susanna Finley, his wife died aged 84 records does not say where or when.


William Finley born Sept 13, 1807 ob Jany 22, 1886 married Sept 15, 1832 Rachel Glover born June 25, 1813 ob Dec 14, 1875. She had several brothers, very fine people. They had nine children & their record of births, marriages, & deaths given below were taken from their old bible sent to Mrs Fry by her cousin Geo B. Gibson of Sarahsville, O RFD

1. Rebecca Finley b June 13, 1834 ob 1905 married May 10, 1853 to George Miley

2. Susanna Finley b Mch 22, 1836 ob Oct 8, 1907 married Apr 5, 1855 to James W. Gibson

3. Louisa Finley b Mch 1, 1838 ob, Married May 13, 1858 as Eliza Finley to Levi Keller. He lived at Chandler Okla when last heard from.

4. John Finley b Nov 14, 1839 ob Oct 2, 1849

5. Jacob Finley b Jany 17, 1842 ob, married Dec 24, 1864 to Mary A. Nicolson. She was living at Palisade, Col when last heard from see page 577.

6. Levi Wm Finley b Mch 11, 1844 in Noble Co, O ob Oct 27, 1927 or 1928 married Nov 24, 1866 to Jane Young at Sarahsville, O. she was born in Noble Co, O Aug 7, 1847 & died Apr 11, 1910. She gives his death as Oct 14, 1928. First six children born in Sarahsville, O & last one in Whigville, O.

William Lawrence Finley b Feby 22, 1868 ob Mch 22, 1922 at Whigville, O. He married Feby 16, 1887 Emma Hancher A.B. Ada O. Have 6 children all born in Caldwell & except last one born in Kenton, O see page 564

Marion Floy Finley b Nov 4, 1887 married June 28? 1910 at Kenton, O Richard Anton Baxter

Myra Jane Baxter b July 26, 1911 Seeover Mont

Richard Wm Finley b Dec 24, 1889 A.B. Miami Univ M.D. Western Reserve see p 564

Myra Jane Finley b Jany 22, 1892 unmarried Cham. Com. Cleveland, O

John Hancher Finley b Jany 15, 1894 A.B. Miami Un. p 564

Ellen Finley b May 7, 1895 A.B. Miami, see p 565

Margaret Finley b Feby 24, 1900 A.B. Miami see p George Renan Finley [son of Levi Wm] b Oct 17, 1870 see p 566

Mary Jane Finley b Mch 5, 1872 my informant see page 567

Rachel Finley b Apr 20, 1874 ob Jany 30, 1875

Rachel May Finley b Jany 25, 1876 married Nov 24, 1898 at Whigville, O John Belton Sparling & have four children all A.B.s from Miami, Univ

George Finley Sparling b Jany 31, 1900

Mary Jane Sparling b Aug 1, 1901 married June 21, 1929 at Cincin, O Robert Lut of Oakland, Calif.

Rachel May Sparling b Nov 4, 1905

John Belton Sparling Jr b Oct 4, 1909

Charles Earl Finley b Apr 8, 1878 ob Oct 28, 1890

Joseph Levi Finley b Dec 15, 1888 ob Nov 11, 1912 A.B. Hiram O died 2 yrs Lan-Cin, [sic] O

7. Isaac Finley [son of Wm b 1807] b July 12, 1846 ob May 18, 1864

8. Samuel Finley b Oct 27, 1848 ob married Mch 6, 1872 to Delila Camblin when last heard from she was living at Allertown, Iowa see p 576 top

9. George M. Finley b Dec 7, 1853, ob, married to Hannah _______

V23 Page 564 & V23 Page 565

[descendant chart]

William Lawrence Finley from page 562


Marion Floy Finley married Richard Anton Baxter

Myra Jane Baxter b July 26, 1911 in Montana

David William Baxter b Oct 28, at Kenton, O

Barbara Baxter b at Boston Mass

Sally Baxter b Aug 11, at Boston, Mass

Richard William Finley b Dec 24, 1889 married Sept 25, 1926 Helen Price & they live in Cleveland O where he is a practicing physician

Hope Finley b July 27, 1928

John Hancher Finley b Jany 15, 1894 married Oct, Mildred Bratman of Galliopolis, O. Live at Spartenberg NC where he is a Frigidaire Sales manager. No issue

Ellen Finley married June 19, 1920 William Dwight Woodward born Feby 21, 1895 in Urbana, O son of Wm Alan Woodward & wife Emily Rawlings.

William Finley b June 23, 1921 in Urabana O

James Alan Finley b Sept 9, 1924 at Watertown, Mass

Margaret Finley b Feby 24, 1900 married Sept 15 at Dayton, O Earl Edwin Rice of Urbana O & have two children born in Boston, Mass

Philip Rice b Jany 18, 1924

Susan Rice b Apr 5, 1928

V23 Page 566 & V23 Page 567

[descendant chart]



George Renan Finley b Oct 17, 1870 see page 563 married Dec 31, 1892 Iona McClintock at Whigville, O farmer Westerville, O. Have 8 children all born at Whigville, O

Thelma Jane Finley b Nov 11, 1895 married Sept 3, 1926 [unreadable initial] P. Lockler. No issue

Harry Clarence Finley b July 23, 1897 married Nov 19, 1924 Iona Virginia Bobbitt. No issue

Alida Finley b Aug 25, 1899 married June 1, 1918 Solon Thayer

Iona June Thayer b Feby 27, 1919

Richard Thayer b Nov 25, 1922

Glenna Finley b Jany 15, 1904

Frank Finley married Sept 1926 Frances Carroll

Rhea Finley married Sept 9, 1927 Fred Renes

Fred McIntyre Renes b Mch 27, 1938

Vera Finley b Oct 3, 1907 unmarried

Marion Finley b Jany 20, 1910 unmarried [male or female? this spelling was used for a female in this family earlier. CW

Mary Jane Finley see p 563 b Mch 5, 1872 my informant married Nov 24, 1896 at Whigville, O Anson Clifton Fry b Feby 28, 1871 at Mt Ephraim, O son of John A. Fry born Feby 11, 1849 who on May 20, 1870 married Ann Miller born June 18, 1849. Anson C. Fry is a mfr at Cincinnati, O and lives at 3523 Paxton Road, Cincinnati, O. Have one son born at Whigville, O

William Finley Fry b Sept 11, 1897 A.B. Miami Univ. M.A. Columbia Univ. Married June 23, 1923 at Cincinnati, O Sylvia Luebbert. Have 3 children. He is a mfr at Cin, O

William Finley Fry Jr b Mch 25, 1924

Nancy Jane Fry b Oct 13, 1926 at Cincinnati, O

Sylvia Ann Fry b Apr 3, 1929

V23 Page 568

Oak Hill Oct 9, 1930 10:20 AM

I have two letters from Mrs Carrie Breese Chandler (Mrs L.L.) of Cottonwood Falls, Kansas dated July 3d & 30th 1930 in answer to mine of June 21, 1930 & Mch 17, 1927 in which she sends me records of her grandmother Hannah Finley & her husband Wm W. Irwin & their descendants which I am noting in this book at pages 278-9 & following. She also sends me letters from Andrew J. Finley & Isabella Churchill of San Diego, Calif.

Robert Irwin oldest brother of Mrs Chandler's grandfather Wm W. Irwin was born in Ireland & served in the War of 1812 on the American side.

See books 9 p 120 b 15 p 622-3-8 & b 23 p 468 at which latter reference I show that Eli Finley's first wife was Catherine Palmer & Mrs Swackhamer's letter of Aug 1926 to Mrs Chandler says he married Polly Palmer. She also states that Eli's sisters Mary & Elizabeth died young whereas on b 15 p 628 my record says Elizabeth (Betsy) died an old maid & that Mary married, but had no issue. Wm W. Irwin who married Hannah Finley was a big strong man

V23 Page 569

& in his younger days taught school. He was a natural born politician. She does not know whether they had any children who died young.

Mrs Chandler says her mother Margaret Martin Irwin Breese spent most of her married life in Cottonwood Falls, Kan but died in Mt Gilead, O & was buried in the Irwin family burying ground in the cemetery at Mt Gilead, O. Says her father, Sidney A. Breese died at Cottonwood Falls, Kansas Sept 27, 1903 & was buried in Prairie Grove Cemetery there. She gives her Breese line as follows:

Rebecca Finley, daughter of Rev Dr Samuel Finley 1715-1766 married Samuel Breese son of Sidney Breese, whose brother John Breese, whose son Harry Breese a Revolutionary soldier from NJ had a son Stephen whose son Alfred was father of Sidney A. Breese the father of Caroline H. Chandler who says she was born in Mt Gilead, O & her sister Margaret B. was born in Chase Co, Kansas.

V23 Page 570

She says that Sidney E. Morse brother of S.F.B. Morse wrote the famous Morse's Geography (I thought that was written by his father Rev Jedediah Morse) and his brother Richard Morse founded the New York Observer Margaret B. Breese's husband Erastus D. Replogle was the son of David Replogle of Martinsburg, Penna

Her own husband Levi Leland Chandler is son of Roswell H. Chandler & his wife Mary E. Leland, late of Chester, Windsor Co, Vermont. She now gives the middle son of Barclay Finley Irwin as Albert Beltz Irwin.

John & Margaret Martin Irwin who in the 1790s emigrated from County Monaghan Ireland to Chester Co, Pa moved about 1807 to Steubenville, O where she died in 1857 aged 90 yrs & both are buried in the cemetery there. Their second son Wm W. tall & large, a born leader taught school & then studied law & was an elder in the Presbyterian church at Mt Gilead, O.

V23 Page 571

Jane Finley, daughter of Robert 1760-1825 married John King. Her brother Barclay Finley married Nellie Eckley & lived in Morrow Co, O. Make slip.

She says that Johnny Appleseed is Jonathan Chapman used to stop overnight with the Finleys & the only piece of land is known to have owned, he got of Alexander Finley 1770?-1825? brother of ggf Robert Finley 1760-1825

Wm W. Irwin & family lived many years in Mansfield, O but in 1852 moved to Mt Gilead O in Morrow Co, O lately organized in 1848.

Sidney A. Breese went to Kansas Territory in 1857 & studied law a year at Lawrence Kan. In Dec 1858 he rode on his pony & took up a claim on which Cottonwood Falls, Kan is now located & early in 1859 helped organize Chase Co, Kan & was on first board of Co Com & was first register of Deeds. In 1861, he enlisted in the Union Army at Rolla, Mo & served through the war as Capt of Co A 6th Mo Cav. He & his wife went from Mt Gilead to Kansas Nov 3, 1866 to page 574

V23 Page 572

[descendant chart]

Hannah Finley married William W. Irwin


William Smith Irwin went to Calif as an 1849er. Later raised a Reg in Civil War & made Col. Home was in Mt Gilead, O until he died.

William C. Irwin b 1858 ob July 1926 buried in Mt Gilead, O married in San Francisco Calif & wife killed in earthquake. left two daughters.

A daughter left in San F.

A daughter went with her father & lived with her father in Columbus, O where she married & went to Buenos Aires

Adah Irwin ob young, Married abt 1873 John Thomas lost one child Jennie an infant

Hannah Irwin see page 278

Margaret b prob 1857 married Ed Rice of Iola, Kan moved, died or lost track of. Had several children.

Sidney Rice named for Sidney A. Breese

William b say 1859 the old Irwin bible was sent to him. Make slip & see if can get trace of it.

V23 Page 573 [blank]

V23 Page 574

From Page 571

Mrs Chandler's mother was tall & slender with brown eyes & auburn hair & was a charter member of the Congregationalist church at Cottonwood Falls, Kan & her health declining, her husband, Sidney A. Breese in the summer of 1873 took her back to Mt Gilead, O & she died there in Sept 9, 1873. On Oct 1876, Sidney A. Breese married for his second wife, Miss Theresa L. Young of Cottonwood Falls, Kan, daughter of S.P. & Elizabeth Young, late of Washington, Iowa, a woman of much character & refinement to whom were born two sons:

1. Harry Y. Breese, now of Dodge City, Kan

2. Sidney I. Breese of Chicago, Ills.

After Hannah Irwin McClarren died, her husband Samuel McClarren married again & took her two children to Kansas & did not give them a proper education & they lost sight of them.

Hugh Finley, son of Robert 1760-1825 was a cripple.

Make slip to search the tombstone records in lot of Wm W & Hannah Irwin & the Finleys in cemetery at Mt Gilead, Morrow Co, O

V23 Page 575

Veronica Callaghan of 229 S. Prospect St, Connellsville, Pa was here this afternoon & said she had been to see Mrs Estella? Cunningham who was a McCormick, a sister or near relative of Mrs Rock Marietta decd who is a Col Wm Crawford descendant & can give much information. She lives on Apple St 3 doors off Prospect St three squares above the Callaghan home. She says Mrs Dull is also well informed. Veronica says the Biography of Anthony Wayne gives considerable about Col Crawford. She read from C. Hale Sipes, Indian Chiefs of Penna that Zachariah Connell who married 1 Ann Crawford, married 2 a Miss Wallace & that he & Anne are buried on the Springer farm just beyond John Freeman's on east Crawford Ave & a broken slab marks their graves. Make slip.

V23 Page 576

A letter dated Oct 10, 1930 in answer to mine of 7th inst from W.H. Hall P.M. Allerton, Iowa says Mrs Delia Finley & five of her children get their mail there. I have written her. See page 563.

In the October 1930 D.A.R. Magazine Page 619 bottom is an article on:

The Brownsville g.y. Asccn which was organized Nov 4, 1929 by the Franklin Co, Pa Chapter to preserve this old g.y. which is in Antrim Tp, where many of its pioneers lie in unmarked graves, including the Browns, Potters, Fulltertons, etc. The following Rev. soldiers have grave stones standing:

Capt James Poe

Thomas Brown

Robt & John Clugston

Rob & John McClean

Nathan McDowell

Henry Powling

William Reynolds

Richard Wright

& Joseph Cooke, son-in-law of Thos Brown Sr, a bronze tablet marks grave

James Potter

V23 Page 577

Oak Hill, Oct 15, 1930 8:44 PM

A letter dated Oct 11, 1930 in answer to mine of 7th inst from Roswell H. Bancroft, Postmaster at Palisade, Colo says Mrs Mary A. Finley has a daughter living there viz: Mrs Nellie Hubert, wife of Milton Hubert, to whom she was married about two years ago P.O. Palisade, Colo. I have written her tonight. She had been Mrs Nellie Hutchins, maiden name Nellie Finley.

V23 Page 578

In going over the old Gallagher papers I got yesterday from my safe deposit box 372 at Fayette Title & Trust Co, I find some very old letters, one 150 yrs old which my bad vision prevents my reading. I find too a new red flexible back small day book with stamp of Geo W. Litman Jr as seller in which Jacob B. Gallagher 1827-1910 of whose will I was executor had written the following record of his grandparents, his parents & that of his own brothers & sisters.

James Gallagher born Mch 12, 1748 died Apr 6, 1819

Diana Askren Gallagher born Dec 21, 1759 died Jany 15, 1831

John Gallagher born Mch 8, 1784 died Jany 1, 1869

Mary Black Gallagher born Jany 16, 1797 died Feby 20, 1872

Jacob Black Gallagher born June 10, 1827

Mary Louisa Gallagher born Jany 31, 1829 died Feby 10, 1908

John Gallagher born Apr 3, 1832 died Feby 8, 1908

V23 Page 579

Catherine Fletcher Black born died June 21, 1825 aged 88 years

Elizabeth D. Gallagher born Feby 20, 1825 died Sept 1, 1881

I believe it was written in the book by Chas I. Cramer. I also found some old notes of the "Bank of Fayette Co"

V23 Page 580

Oak Hill Oct 16, 1930 10 AM

It was 38 yrs ago this morning since John A. Niccolls aged 46 yrs died at Veech Place Uniontown, Pa on Oct 16, 1892 abt 7:30 Am of pneumonia.

When I was in West Newton, Pa Aug 7, 1923, Mrs Charlotte Milligan gave me two photographs, one of Andrew Finley born July 27, 1797 son of Andrew Finley Esq 1750-1829 & his wife Ginsey Jack taken by J.M. Jacobs Photographer, Forest Hill, Calif. Make slip & have new picture taken as it is fading. Miss Milligan was born Apr 8, 1844.

The other was of the second wife of above Andrew Finley of Andrew Esq also taken by J.M. Jacobs Photographer but of Gold Run Calif. Make slip.

Forest Hill, Placer Co has inhab 651

Gold Run, Placer Co has inhab 80

These photos are in the flap pocket of C.A. Book S.

Today's Morning Herald announced the death of Mrs Marietta Wilson aged 70 widow of Morgan S. Wilson from a stroke of paralysis 3 weeks ago at home of her son James Wilson 817 Jefferson St, Washington, Pa. Yesterday Oct 15, 1930. Burial tomorrow afternoon at Church Hill [unreadable small word] McClellandtown, Pa. Morgan died 1916.

V23 Page 581


Oak Hill Oct 18, 1930 11 PM

When in Kansas City, Mo in the last week of Oct 1922 on my western trip to the coast see B 8 abt page 370, I found the name of Dorothy Markle & found her keeping the news & confectionery stand in front of the Elevators in an office building & she said her husband, Charles Markle had been drowned in an arroyo in Old Mexico leaving no issue, but his father, Jesse Bowman Markle lived at Littleton, Colorado & on Jany 10, & 11, 1923 I went there & saw him & got wonderful record from him see book 9 p 210 etc.

In Oct, Not & Dec, 1923, I went to N.E. Penna & found many of same family & there are many records in Book 11 see pages 46, 180, 203 etc & I found that he had omitted a sister of his father - Catharine Markle who married John Wiest, the wealthiest man in Klingerstown, Pa whose descendants I must yet look up. Make slip.

V23 Page 582

On Oct 30, 1924, I was in Kittanning, Pa going to see Jane C. Shadle & found name of Guy Turney Markle in telephone book & got further records of this family see b 12 p 569-79

On Oct 1, 1930 see pages 542-3, Mrs Ida Louise Markle of Grand Rapids Mich came here to see me being sent over from Gbg, Pa by cousin Cyrus P. Markle of C.C. & said she was widow of Sylvester Markle, whose father was John Markle born 1833 & she thought his name was John Shaffer Markle, but said his oldest son, Marcus Irvin Markle very poor, was living in Portland, Oregon, so I wrote to him & his wife Alice has just answered giving bible record of John Markle which I will later record & giving his name as John Weist Markle which I feel should be John Wiest Markle & evidently named for John Wiest above, so I think he comes from that family. I can't find that he comes from Jacob, son of Christian, but he may come from the oldest son Daniel as a grandson as I have not traced his children. Make slip to do so See b 9 p 210 & page 600 this book.

V23 Page 583 [blank]

V23 Page 584

Oak Hill Oct 24, 1930 3:50 PM

A letter dated Oct 16, 1930 from Mrs Malinda P. Harper, Redfield, Iowa, writing for Mrs Sarah M. Stiles whose sight is bad, in answer to mine, gives date noted in b 21 p 453. Says that Cora Mabel Harper Stiles, widow of John Webster Stiles is now wife of Grover Buckley & is now living in San Francisco, Calif.

A letter dated Oct 19, 1930 in answer to mine from Mrs Sally Doyle Dunlap of Ansonville NC refers me to the 20 odd pages of Jack history in Dr C.L. Hunter's Sketches of Western NC & I have written her today that if her Wilson records cover the descendants of Margaret? Jack, daughter of Patrick who married Samuel Wilson, I would like her to send them.

She says her great grandmother, Margaret McCurdy Guyton was born Dec 2, 1773 & married on Oct 6, 1789 & died 1861. She was the daughter of

V23 Page 585

Robert & Mary McCurdy who had a grant of land Nov 14, 1771 witnesses Wm Greer & George Plaxes (Plaxico), Robert McCurdy died in 1803. He had a brother Archibald McCurdy who married Margaret Seller & a sister Margaret McCurdy who married Col Samuel Martin. We don't know who Mary the wife of Robert McCurdy was. She may have been a Jack or a Watson. See this book page 540.

V23 Page 586

Oak Hill Oct 25, 1930 9:25 Am

Andrew is 50 years old today, born in the upstairs front room front at the "Holler" 139 W. Main St. Uniontown, Pa Oct 25, 1880

I will now make such notes as I want to preserve from the remaining papers sent to me some months ago by Samuel McKnight Carothers of Sumter SC. The sketches he sent of Judges Robert L. Caruthers & Abraham Caruthers I am sending with Rose for Virginia to copy so I can return the papers to him.

A letter dated Sept 27, 1928 to him from H.H. Shenk Harrisburg, Pa giving the records of James & Robert Carothers as shown by Penna archives. He says you will notice that several men by these names served in the war of the Revolution & it is hard to distinguish one from the other.

Record of James Carothers variously spelled:

Gives record of Provincial services at Kittanning in 1756. This is not ggf as he was then but 12 yrs old & states about his being wounded at Green Spring, Va by being shot in both heels & further says he died

V23 Page 587

Feby 18, 1801 which is, I think, about the date of ggfather's death.

Private in Capt John Carothers Co, Cumb Co militia 1781, also private in Capt Geo Bell's Co 5th Battalion, Cumb Co militia 1778, Private 4th Co 2d Battalion, Cumb Co militia 1781 which may have been ggfather.

Robert Carothers record:

Private enlisted July 1, 1775 at Derry's Mill Col Wm Thompson's battalion of riflemen, private Capt Casper Wetzel's Co Penna rifle regiment, missing since the battle of Long Island Aug 27, 1776. On list of privates of Col Miles & Atlee's battalion exchanged Dec 9, 1776. Matross Nov 4, 1778 Capt Theophilus Parks Co of artillery Artificers Continental Line private on depreciation pay list of Westmoreland Co, private on list of Robinson's rangers, private on list of soldiers from Northumberland Co, private 2d battalion Cumberland Co, 1781 private on the list of rangers on the frontier Cumb Co.

V23 Page 588

Record of Will of James Caruthers of Monaghan Tp, York Co, Pa dated Aug 3, 1782 names:

wife Jean Caruthers & sons John, James, Andrew, Thomas &

daughter Mary, wife of Moses Starr,

Signed James Caruthers, witnesses John Thompson David Coulson

S.M.C. says this may have been the father of James & Andrew who married the Neely sisters in 1767 or father of James & Thos who died in Ky in 1835 or 1820. Exrs were Chas Coulson & Wm Godfrey.

A record of the account of John Carothers, surviving exr on Aug 10, 1790 distributes a balance of £115.1.3 in Cumb Co, Pa courts to Sarah Caruthers, widow & following children:

Margaret £8.10.5

John 8.10.5

William 8.10.5

Andrew 8.10.5

Samuel 8.10.5

Ezekiel 8.10.5

Archibald 8.10.5

Isabell 8.10.5

Jean 8.10.5

V23 Page 589

Deed dated Mch 1, 1790 between William Carothers & wife Jean & Absalom Woodward & Isabell, his wife (nee Carothers) all of Cumb Co, Pa to Samuel Strohm yeoman of Huntingdon Tp, York Co, Pa ctg 419 A conveys 2/9

See pages 408-9 where on July 6, 1930 I made note of corrections reported in his letter of July 4, 1930

A letter from Lillian M. Cain genealogist, St Mathews SC dated Jany 19, 1928 to S.M.C. gives my immediate line as follows:

1. Robert Carruthers, Scotland 1694

2. Robert Caruthers 1668-173- from Scotland to Ireland

3. John 1698-1761 began to write name Caruthers from Ireland to America & settled in Cumb Co, Pa married Mary Orr of the North of Ireland.

4. James 1744-1802 Pa in American Revolution, married Catharine Potter daughter of Lieut Jno Potter. She tells S.M.C. that she takes this James (my ggf) to be a cousin of his Rev ancestor James Pa 1750 died SC 1836, but this

V23 Page 590

remains to be proven.

A letter dated Sept 29, 1926 from O.W. Chilton of the Democratic Argus 142 W. 3d St, Caruthersville, Mo now County seat to S.M.C. says the town was named for an old time Congressman Samuel Caruthers. He says a Mr E.P. Caruthers lived at Kenneth Mo who left no sons, but one or two daughters, editor of Dunklin Democrat at Kenneth Mo married one of the daughters. Make slip.

A letter to S.M.C. from Elmer Irving Carruthers of the University of Va at Charlottesville, Va dated May 14, 1928 in which he says that his progenitor James Carruthers settled in London Co, Va in 1740, coming, he thought from Penna or from NC. His old home was at Bull Run in London Co, Va. He has a copy of the history of the Rockbridge Co Va family. Make slip.

A will dated Apr 9, 1820 made by John Caruthers of Roan Co, NC gives slaves etc to:

son James $50 etc

grandson John Caruthers

daughter Margaret Holton

daughter Elizabeth Caldwell

grandson Samuel Caldwell

Granddaughter Jane Caruthers $1

She is the daughter of Hugh & Margaret Caruthers

V23 Page 591

& balance to divide equally between my son James Caruthers & daughters Margaret Holton & Sarah Morrison.

James Caruthers & Moses Rogers Exrs.

S.M.C. says This is Hunting John & may have been son of Hugh & Sarah Caruthers. See Mrs Pilcher's sketch. He was born 1743 died 1822.

Deed dated Aug 4, 1774 between John Caruthers of Cumb Co, Pa & James Carothers of Mecklenberg Co, NC for £10 conveys land in Mecklenburg Co beginning at Robert Caruthers ctg 150 A

Another deed of same date from John Carothers above to Robert Caruthers conveys for £10, 150 A in Mecklenberg Co adjg Wm Barnett witnessed by James Polley & Agnes Polley who also witnessed deed above to James.

A deed dated Nov 27, 1768 between Hugh Carithers of Mecklenberg Co NC & John Caruthers of same Co for 5 shillings conveys 300 A in said Col on north Fork of Steel Creek adjg Wm Barnett's lower line. Signed by Hugh, by his mark & witnessed by Alex Wallace & W. Hemphill.

V23 Page 592

A deed dated Dec 4, 1760 made by Moses Ferguson, schoolmaster of Mecklenberg Co NC to Hugh Carrothers of same place for 5 shillings conveys 300 A in said Co on North Fork of Steel Creek adjg Wm Barnett being same land above mentioned.

Oak Hill Oct 26, 1930 12:44 PM

I am continuing recording of the S.M. Carothers papers sent me six months ago by tabling the record he had recd Mch 6, 1929 from C.C. Carothers of San Antonio, Texas, so I can return these papers to him as asked for in his letter of 16th inst.

3:30 PM [the following is in another handwriting]

Mrs Laura Sage Jones wife of Bernard L. Jones 504 Walworth Ave Delavan Wisconsin where he is in the lumber and coal business. Mrs Jones is here this afternoon with her mother Mrs Clara McCormack Sage born in Warrusalosa [best guess] Wisconsin Oct 13th 1856 wife of Charles A. Sage with whom Mrs Jones lives. Mrs Sage is the daughter of

V23 Page 593

Smith McCormack 1825-1908 born in Berkley Co Virginia son of Thomas McCormack 1788- and his wife Catherine Fisher who were married 1810. She was daughter of Peter and Catherine Fisher.

Smith McCormack's wife was Rhoda Martha Ross born in Aug 9, 1826-1905 Nov, who was daughter of John Ross born 1765 who was son of John Ross and wife Deborah Jane Johnston who is referred to in Old Redstone minutes in 1783-1787

Mrs Jones & her mother came out in her Ford which she has driven from Wisconsin about 1 PM as arranged by phone abt 10 Am & they have just left at 4:11 PM for the McClelland House where they are stopping. I referred them to Sara C. Gorley & Ethel Boughner. They were referred to me by Johnson D. VanKirk for Merrittstown Pa. She says when I come to D'slavon Wis S.E. corner of the State, she will drive me about & to Madison where she was educated.

V23 Page 594 & V23 Page 595

[descendant chart]

Samuel Caruthers appeared in East Tenn. He died in 1813. He Married 2d in 1806 & had 2 children viz: Nancy who married Robt Maupin & Josiah. He was stricken with paralysis in 1810 & lingered 3 yrs helpless & speechless. Married 1787 Miss Jane Looney, daughter of Col David Looney in Sullivan Co. He reports 7 children. He had a brother Robert Caruthers who lived in Columbia Tenn see Pilcher book.


Mary Caruthers b June 10, 1790 married Wm Crawford East Tenn

William Caruthers b June 10, 1791 married in Kentucky

Adam Caruthers birth & marriage unknown 10 children reported

McClure Caruthers ob

John Caruthers ob

Stephen Caruthers ob

Samuel Caruthers ob

Madison Caruthers ob

George Caruthers ob

Adley Caruthers ob

Ochittree [sic] Caruthers ob

Jane Caruthers ob

Margaret Caruthers ob

Elizabeth Caruthers b Sept 22, 1798 married Solomon DeBow

David Looney Caruthers b Nov 30, 1795 ob Feby 10, 1844 married Feby 13, 1817 Mary Britton, Smith Co, Tenna moved to Madison Co MO see p 596

Sarah Caruthers b Mch 18, 1798 married Wm Lawrence, Tenn

Robert Looney b July 31, 1800 married 1827 Sallie Saunders. He was educated by his Uncle Robt Looney of Ky who was wealthy

Abraham Caruthers b Jany 14, 1803, ob in Georgia during Civil War. Married 1828 Eliza Allen. Had 12 children see record I got in Nashville Tenn in June 21, 1925 see b 13 p 298-9 or near there & compare.

William A. Caruthers b 1829 ob

Samuel G. Caruthers b 1830 ob

Mary A. Caruthers b 1832 ob

Jane E. Caruthers b 1834 ob

Louisa Dixon Caruthers b 1836 ob

Robert Looney Caruthers b 1839 ob

Rebecca Caruthers b 1840

Sallie Caruthers b 1843

Eliza Caruthers b 1845

Betty J. Caruthers b 1847

Fanny Caruthers b 1850

Kate H. Caruthers b 1854

V23 Page 596 & V23 Page 597

[descendant chart]

David Looney Caruthers see p 594 b Nov 30, 1795 ob Feby 1844. He reports 11 children.


Eliza Caruthers b Nov 18, 1818 ob Sept 21, 1898 married 1840 Duncan Arnett 3 children.

John Milton Arnett b 1841 ob married 1866 Betty Valandingham Five children.

Rose Bell Arnett married John Cundiff

Valandingham Arnett

George Arnett

Nellie Arnett

Jessie Arnett

Robert Caruthers Arnett

Luella Arnett

Samuel Caruthers b Oct 13, 1820 ob married Sophronia Smith, 2 children.

Solomon DeBow Caruthers b Feby 25, 1822 ob married Adeline Sheppard. No issue. Married 2, May 31, 1849 Mary Jane Harris 5 children see p 598 [included here for clarity]

Elizabeth Caruthers b Feby 1851 married 1871 Chas C. Barrol 4 children.

Harry C. Barrol

Mamie Barrol

Nellie Barrol

Ed C. Barrol

Amanda Caruthers b Feb 1853 married A.K. Harris

Edith Harris b 1881 married R.M. Talbert

Edgar Pruitt Caruthers b Oct 27, 1854 married 1 1874 Mary L. Fleming 5 children

Ashley B. Caruthers b 1876 ob

Wirtie Caruthers b 1877 married Will A. Jones

Albert Bowen Caruthers b Oct 13, 1879 in Panama

Robert Looney Caruthers b Nov 21, 1881

Jessie Lucille Caruthers b Nov 19, 1887

Samuel Harris Caruthers b Mch 29, 1856 married Mary E. Chilton 2 children

Charles Chilton Caruthers b June 20, 1883 informant for these records. Married 1913 Dorothy Stark.

Elizabeth Caruthers b Dec 16, 1914

Dorothy Caruthers b June 10, 1918

Sam DeBow Caruthers born Dec 15, 1894 ob Jany 22, 1929

Charles Bowen Caruthers b 1858 ob 1864

Elizabeth Caruthers [daughter of David Looney Caruthers] b Apr 11, 1825 ob married 1842 Geo W. Nifong six children see p 599 [included here for clarity]

Katie Nifong married James Hill

Mary Nifong married 1866 J.M. Blanks

Lilly Nifong married Wm Oaks

Lafayette Nifong married Lina Davis

George A. Nifong married Katie Shulte

Birdie Nifong Amanda Caruthers b Oct 1, 1827 ob married Tom J. Nifong seven children see p 599 [included here for clarity]

Samuel Nifong

Cyrus Nifong

Laura Nifong married Henry Chilton brother of Mary E. Chilton [who married Samuel Harris Caruthers] p 598

Lily Chilton married 1 Ed Buckner married 2 E.P. Lampkins

Jesse Nifong

Sophronia Nifong

Jefferson Nifong

Jenny Nifong

Robert Looney Caruthers b Feby 20, 1830 ob no family

Jesse C. Caruthers b Aug 7, 1832 ob married Emma Swayze 3 children All in Vasco Co Miss

Swayze Caruthers b 1876

Henry Yandell Caruthers b 1882

Jesse B. Caruthers b 1889

Jane H. Caruthers b Feb 10, 1835 ob married 1 1857 Mark Anthony married 2 Rufus Baird & in 1904 she was living in Fredericktown, Mo & gave information for this record to her grand nephew C.C. Carothers of 402 St San Antonio b 1889 in Texas then there on a visit to her.

Caruthers Anthony b 1858

Katie Anthony b 1869 married George Herzinger

Eugene Herzinger in navy

Abraham Caruthers b Aug 12, 1837 ob 1895 no family

Lafayette Caruthers b Nov 20, 1840 ob married 1868 Jennie Swayze. No issue

David Looney Caruthers Jr b Apr 12, 1843 ob in Federal prison

V23 Page 600 & V23 Page 601

[descendant chart]

John Wiest Markle see page 543 (probably son of Jacob Markle as there tabled) was born in Penna in 1833 as written by him Dec 25, 1855 the date of his marriage in his own family bible. His name being John Wiest or Weist Markle & not John Shaffer as vaguely stated by his daughter-in-law page 543 leads me to think he was named for John Wiest richest man of Klingerstown, Schuylkill Co, Pa. Make slip to get his will etc, who married Catharine Markle, daughter of Christian see book 9 page 210 & see pages 581-2 this book. Married Dec 25, 1855 Sarah Anne Fox (Sarah Anne Fox b Dec 20, 1834. Hunt this. The dates here given are correct, as against these on Page 543 which Mrs Markle was guessing at. The bible from which these are taken is now owned by his son Marcus Irvin Markle, Portland, Oregon, Mrs Markle answered for her husband & said his father had brother Eli & Jake & also three other brothers who were killed in the war see page 453. I wonder if she has this confused with Moses Markle's three sons, Samuel, David, & Lewis who were killed in the Lawrence Kansas raid see book 9 p 211 & also book 15? Feby 1926 when at Sublett, Kan.


Marcus Irvin Markle b Dec 5, 1856 in [unreadable word, cut off] of Park, St Joe Co, Mich, married May 20, 1886 in Plainwell, Mich to Alice May Gackeler born Nov 21, 1866 in Leighton, Allegan Co, Mich daughter of John Gackeler born in Germany Feby 4, 1829 & died Apr 20, 1880 & his wife Hannah Lavisa Gage born in Ohio June 17, 1840 & died Mch 20, 1903. They have three children, the oldest one born in Wayland, Mich & the other two in Grand Rapids, Mich.

Ernest Irvin Markle b July 27, 1887 married Mch 17, 1919 in Vancouver Wash to Elinora Hetzer B Oct 22, 1886 in Sharpsburg, Pa. No issue see b 24 p 398-9

John Glen Markle b Mch 18, 1891 married Apr 12, 1912 at Portland, Ore Mae Cummings ob July 10, 1916. Two children. Married 2 Nov 22, 1918 at Portland Ore, Lillian Elfrieda Matson (Butler) widow of Ben Butler, b Dec 25, 1894 2 children, His first 3 children born in Portland Ore last one in Salt Lake City, Utah see b 24 p 398.

Glen Irvin Markle b Jany 3, 1913

Orin Russell Markle b Sept 11, 1915

Violet Love Markle b Oct 1, 1919 ob June 20, 1926 at Portland, Ore

Charlotte May Markle b Apr 22, 1922

Ivah Lova Markle b Apr 6, 1902 married Apr 7, 1922 in Portland, Ore to Earl John Hedge b 1900 in Mich. Have 1 child born in Portland Ore

Betty Jean Markle b Nov 23, 1922

Mary LaVena Markle [daughter of John Wiest Markle] b Jany 14, 1860 ob Jany 31, 1862

Sarah LaVena Markle b Jany 14, 1860 bap by Rev Fisher see p 543

Sylvester Markle b Sept 10, 1861 ob Oct 27, 1920 see p 543

Arminty Allivery Markle b Mch 16, 1864 ob Aug 31, 1864

Jessie May Markle b June 14, 1867 see page 543

William John Walter Markle b Dec 14, 1870 see p 543 lives 225 S. Division Ave Grand Rapids, Mich writing 1/1/31 married Dec 24, 1900 at Iona Mich Mabel Curtice of Iona, Mich. b Jany 18, 1882 in Mortcalm [sic] Co Mich.

V23 Page 602

Oak Hill Oct 29, 1930 11:11 AM

After going to bed last night & ruminating over the John Wiest Markle on the two pages preceding & the letter from the wife of his oldest child Marcus Irvin Markle of 9408 57th St S.E. Portland, Oregon, I concluded that his brother Eli mentioned by her was probably same as Elias, the son of Moses & this coupled with the statement on Oct 1, see pages 542-3 that a sister had married a Hutchinson & Mrs Alice Markle's letter that three brothers had been killed in Civil War led me to look up my records book 9 p 210-1 book 12 p 572-4 & book 15 page 596 at which latter place is proved absolutely that John Wiest Markle is the fifth child of Moses Markle 1799-1860 son of Christian. The reference in book 12 p 572 confirms Ida L. Markle's mentioning Red Bank Tp, Armstrong Co, Pa which is where Moses settled & Ida's quest in Northampton Co, Pa is accounted for in book 15 p 596-7 in that Moses Markle's wife was Christina Schafer 1806-1856 of Northampton Co, Pa & from this she vaguely spoke wrongfully of him as John Schafer Markle. I wrote Mrs Marcus I. Markle Portland Ore a nine page letter giving her data to connect them up.

V23 Page 603

A letter dated Oct 20, 1930 in answer to mine from Mrs Georgia Markle Derickson Roat of 376 E. Mahoning St, Milton, Pa see book 10 p 394-404 et seq for my visit to her on Oct 5, 1923 says she is a granddaughter of Catherine, youngest daughter of Christian Markle of Peter, who married Philip Follmer & will send me her record if I want. I think I got that record when there but will have to look when my eyesight is better & see what I yet need to complete it.

V23 Page 604

Oak Hill Oct 30, 1930 8:08 PM

This morning, Mrs Francis Clarke Breckenridge accosted me at the PRR Sta & went to Pgh on the 6:35 AM train. She spoke of having gone some yrs ago to Dr Robeson & now went to consult his partner, Dr Markle, a fine man in the Westinghouse Building. I think I went to see him several years ago & thought he was of the York Co Markles.

I went to see Albert B. Shaw at the Union Trust Co near 11 Am & he told me that William McCormick who came from Winchester VA built the first house in Connellsville, Pa & he married Effie Crawford, daughter of Col Wm Crawford & his will is on record at Uniontown, Pa which see. Make slip. He sd she had illegitimate children Moses, Provance & George McCormick (the latter not the butcher who may have gone to Illinois). Moses went before the Legislature & had himself legitimatized but the other two did not. Moses married Elizabeth Buttermore whose father was a Revolutionary soldier. Dr Smith Buttermore was of this same family. Sarah, the daughter of Moses

V23 Page 605

married Reuben Shaw son of James, whose father James was first child of Nathan Shaw, also a Revolutionary soldier. Albert B. Shaw, my informant is son of Reuben & Sarah & now lives at 100 Race Street, Edgewood, Pgh, Pa. He says that Franklin Ellis, in getting information for his history of Fayette Co, Pa which he thought was in 1875 as he remembers it, got incorrect information from someone & he wrongfully published in sd history that Zachariah Connell married Ann, daughter of Col Wm Crawford & he says Henry P. Snyder knew this & also of the above illegitimates & in the Centennial History of Connellsville, Pa he gave what he knew to be correct viz: that it was James, brother of Zachariah who married Ann, daughter of Col Wm Crawford. He says Buttermores Hist of the Sandusky Expedition gives much of interest about them. He says the mother of Col Wm Crawford was Honora Grimes (not Valentine as my Wyoming correspondent says) & that she was a very large strong powerful woman & by her second husband Stephenson, had five sons & one daughter, Elizabeth, the latter dying young. Wm Henry Flint told me at B&O Sta at 5 PM that he was born on Oct 27, 1859 & that our coal deal was making good progress.

V23 Page 606

Oak Hill Oct 31, 1930 9:05 AM

It is 33 years today since my dear devoted darling mother Eliza Caruthers Thompson died of anemia at her home at Springdale on the McClellandtown Road in Menallen Tp, Fayette Co, Pa. She was born Jany 6, 1821 on the banks of Sewickley Creek in Westmoreland Co, Pa, the daughter of Samuel Caruthers 1779-1849 & his wife Ruth Elliott. Her life was one of industry, toil & devotion, militant with Christian Charity virtue & helpfulness. I never knew her to be idle. She had an innate modesty delicacy & force that added conviction to her precepts & filled those with whom she came in contact with a love & loyalty that with unwavering fidelity always honored & respected her injunctions.

William McCormick of Bullskin Tp in will dated Dec 24, 1808 probated Aug 5, 1816 recorded will book 1 p 165 (& 528) leaves home farm in Bullskin to wife Effie during widowhood & to son Wm viz 230 A & also 515 A on Licking in Pendleton Co, Ky & names children also Jack, an idiot, James & Charles who ran off from home & daughters Nancy, Mollie, Sarah, Hannah, Jane & Ephelia, the latter named for her mother.


*1 July 23/30 at Page 464 bottom, she says 1873.

*2 He writes July 2, 1930 that this was not Nathan, but Wallace as he has dropped William from [last words cut off]

*Refer to Footnote #2

*1 William names a daughter Mary Finley & Joshua names a son Robert Finley. William named his first son Henry K. indicative of his father being Henry. Make slip to look up at Carlisle, Pa if a Henry Robison married a Finley.

*2 Mch 1931 should be Mason. She is dead but he is living see b 24 p 395


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