Most types of cancers can be treated with natural ...

Last Updated 25th APRILS 2021 62 Pages* Refer to page 33 : Vitamin C Lipsomal dosing * Refer to page 7-11: Feline and Canine Diet Guide* Refer to page 37 : Slippery Elm Powder * instructions.* Refer to page 26: Topical Salve Application * can test with salve to see if cancerous, or apply on cancer areas.* Refer to page 18: Vitamins, Probiotic SupplementsPage 47-49 Testimonies Cat and Dog – Topical & Oral RSO oilPage 50 Information about RSO oil and Cancer treatmentPage 55 Dosing using RSO oilPage 55 Frankincense Essential Oil – topically adjacent internal tumour or . on as as cloe to tumour if visibleHAMPL NATUROPATHIC medicines & support for your PetHOMEOPATHIC Medicines (clear liquid)How to apply “a dose” : put drops to back of shoulder blades.* Birds: drip a few drops on back in between wings (not need to pat drops in).* Pets with fur, pat in a couple of drops with bottom of bottle, then apply a couple more drops on same spot so it reaches the skin. Can re apply to body or in food as another repeat does and so on. 1. HAMPL CF–1 formula 200C 50ml liquid 2. HAMPL CF-2 formula 200C 50ml liquid 1. ? CANCER FORMULA CF -1 200C ?50ml drops Providing HOMEOPATHICS FOR “SPECIFIC TYPE OF CANCER” different pathogens symptoms caused from growth. * put a couple of drops in food and/or on body, repeating 4 times daily. 2. ? CANCER FORMULA CF-2 200C ?50ml??drops Providing HOMEOPATHIC ORGAN “ CANCER NOSODE MEDICINE?“ * put a couple of drops in food or on body once a day. In morning preferably - but optional. If you have also received other homeopathic medicines and herbs, start these now as well. Please read the label for dosing frequencies, or use when needed. NOTE: We have higher potencies of the CF-1 which next strength is 1M and then 10M. When re ordering please let us know how your pet is doing or contact us sooner if needing higher potency if pet is struggling. Otherwise continue on the same potency that you have been using.Herbal Anti Cancer Properties 1. HAMPL Systemic Detox Immuno 100mlNote: Liquid herbs goes into the blood stream straight away.HERBS medicine extract liquid (it comes in a Brown liquid (strong flavor, and smell) Cannot go on the body, must be diluted first then give orally or mixed some food and had feed. 2, Blushwood Berry tincture 70mlAlso purchase on-line the - See pages Page 7 to 11. Add to herbal mix or oral dose with vitamin c together (the Blushwood berry tincture we are recommending is a tasteless and alcohol free herbal anti cancer one. * sorry we don’t supply this wonderful herb.* Use the HAMPL Pain Eze 32 or HAMPL Bleed-Pain 197 drops on body, if pet seems uncomfortable, bleeds or hiding, panting, breathing oddly. * Contact HAMPL clinic for further distant consultation & help with your pet if needed Note: if the Systemic Detox is too much for your pet, stop and rest for a week and use Immune Mix instead – 3 weeks immune and 1 week systemic detox instead) The herbal label may suggest: Herbal Dosing: Small animal, cat, toy dog, rabbit: Once herbal mix is made (see below instructions)—oral syringe side of mouth small sips at until 1ml is taken or add 2 teaspoon in meals. (add some tasty strong smelling tin food on top of raw meat which helps disguise the strong herbal smell)* Make a new batch every 2 weeks. Small dog or Med size dog: Once herbal mix is made—oral syringe side of mouth small sips at until 3ml-5ml is taken or add 1 tablespoon in meals. Med-Large Pet /Animal: Once herbal mix is made—oral syringe side of mouth small sips at until 5ml is taken or add 2 tablespoon in meals. Horse: 15 drops in apple juice oral syringe it. MAKING HERBAL MIX: Add 1 teaspoon of herbs with 1/4 teaspoon of slippery elm powder into 1 cup of boiled hot water, stir. No need to put in fridge. Make up a new batch when run out. ?* If by any chance you have a cat who is?sensitive to herbs (you will see foaming or drooling from mouth-mucous membrane sensitivity), if this?happens, then dilute in some food and offer.? * due to a horse’s unique metabolism they do not need to take a lot of herbs to get the desired effect. ORAL DOSING HERBSIf your cat or rabbit or toy dog.. wont eat their food with the diluted herbs mixed into it, then try the oral dosing. Above.. gently wrap a large towel around their whole body (legs as well) and allow their head/face to be seen, then do tiny sips at a time to give a dose.Once you have diluted the herbs and cooled, can add homeopathics and Vitamin c to it as well.Continue to use the same mix, until run out, then make another batch. Keep in fridge in the warmer weather.Diluting Dosing Options for canines: dilute into some (unsweetened apple sauce) and oral syringe a dose side of mouth. Small sips at a time. *Can add other supplements (crushed vitamins-alkaline greens etc) to same oral dosing. Repeat—twice to three times a day finish bottle and re-order if needed. For Cancer patients a min of 6 months herbal treatment is important. Or Refer to - bottle Label of suggested amount of drops to give per size of your pet. You can add the Vitamin C (liquid or powder) and supplements to herb mix.A highly fast acting anti Cancer herb. Australian Native Plant found in Far North Queensland This recommended brand is alcohol free and a concentrate. ( a pleasant taste) *If you can, order more than one bottle at a time.This concentrate tincture is good for all size speciesBushwood Berry Tincture 70ml.e.g EBC-46 in the Bush Berry which has the anti cancer component dose if possible. (the herb has no taste)?*Not as effective if adding it to meals. but if you have to do so.Toy dog, Small animal, Cat:? ?approx. 5 -7 drops three times a day, orally (using a small syringe e.g 20ml/cc with a teaspoon of Liposomal Vitamin C)Small to Medium pet or Canine:approx. 8 drops three times a day, orally (using a small or e.g 30ml/cc syringe )Medium to Large Canine or animal:approx. 12 drops three times a day, orally (using e.g 30ml/cc syringe)Less effective, is if need to add to some small piece of food. Not as effective using this method.It may take up to 2 months to see reduction of tumour or on a scan.NOTE: I have found this herb and homeopathics CF- 1 and CF-2 cancer remedies and a teaspoon of Liposomal Vitamin C liquid, work well together.~Medical quality of EBC-46 is only available through QBiotics and EcoBiotics and is their intellectual proberty, however, EBC-46 may become available following FDA approval through Veterinary supplies.ORHUMANS and LARGE PETS~ Liposomal Blushwood Berry 32oz * not suitable for small pets.(this concentrate tincture is good humans and large to med size canines and species)Recommend this brand human and Large animals As one dose is a tablespoon (10ml) or 40 drops as well as 5ml (1 teaspoon) of Liposmal Vitamin c to each dose. Repeat twice a day - oral syringe or second best add to some milk or some food and hand feed (less effective)NOTE: I have found this herb Blushwood berry and homeopathics HAMPL CF- 1 and HAMPL CF-2 cancer remedies and a teaspoon of Liposomal Vitamin C liquid, work well together.OR~ Liposomal Blushwood Berry 32oz Recommend this brand guideFor human - As one dose is a tablespoon (10ml) or 40 drops also add 5ml (1 teaspoon) of Liposmal Vitamin c to each dose. Repeat twice a day - oral syringe or second best add to some milk or some food and hand feed (less effective) NOTE: I have found this Liposomal Vitamin c with the herb Blushwood berry and HAMPL homeopathics CF- 1 and HAMPL CF-2 cancer remedies work well together.Further information about the Plant HerbThe seeds of the berry from the Blushwood tree have been shown to rapidly kill cancer tumours by scientists under Dr.Glen Boyle at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Australia; the tree is found in the Rainforest around the Atherton Tablelands in Northern Queensland.Australian scientists isolate fast acting cancer ’drug’ from the Blushwood Tree BerryA team of cancer scientists at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Australia have extracted a compound from seeds contained in the berry of the Blushwood tree (Fontainea picrosperma) and shown they are rapidly effective against cancer in real life. The tree only grows in the Atherton Tablelands, an area of Rainforest in the North of Queensland.Taking an extract of the natural berry and encapsulating it, or making a concentrate for injection, immediately confers on it the title ‘drug’.The development work is being overseen by Dr. Glen Boyle and the ‘drug’ is being called EBC-46. His experiments started in 2014 with melanoma models as well as cancers of the head, neck and colon. In most cases a single injection starts killing the cancer off in 4-5 hours making this really a ‘wonder’ treatment.EBC-46 Drug produces purpling around tumour within just 5 minutesEarly studies looked at cancers in cats, dogs and horses. Dr. Boyle says that the results are impressive – the drug starts working instantly, producing a purpling around the area of the tumour within 5 minutes. 24 hours later and the tumour is black, and a few days later the tumour falls off.Boyle says the compound works in three ways – it kills the tumour, cuts off the blood supply and activates the immune system to clear the mess up. In more than 70% of the pre-clinical animal model cases, the response and cure were long-term and ‘enduring’ with little or no relapse.The work then moved on to include colon, breast and prostate cancers, and the results showed a 75% success rate.Formal Veterinary clinical trials are already taking place in Australia and America, led by the Brisbane biotechnology company, Qbiotics, having been handed on by EcoBiotics, the company that discovered the berry seeds originally.Human trials of Blushwood berry successfulIn 2015/6 QBiotics moved on to Human trials; 8 different patients with 4 different cancers were treated across Australia. The cancers - melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma and breast adenocarcinoma, were all beaten. Dr. Victoria Gordon, CEO of QBiotics said that none of the patients showed any side-effects.“It’s proving our theory that it’s not species-specific, and it’s not tumour-specific either, because it’s actually working in a range of tumours,” said Gordon. With 11 more patient trials under her belt, she feels the drug will be commercially available within 4 years. The drug is already close to approval for the Veterinary market – the initial trials in America have led to further approvals.Already, people are trying to grow the plant at home and make home-made recipes; so much so that nurseries in Cairns have run out of trees. The berries are actually poisonous, so this doesn’t sound a good idea anyway.Chris Woollams, former Oxford University Biochemist and founder of CANCER active added, "We can only hope that QBiotics gains the approvals needed and controls the delivery of the product itself.The last time we heard of a natural product achieving ‘wonder’ drug status (the herb artemisinin bound to iron), it was immediately sold by its developers to a pharmaceutical company and nothing more was heard about it. The same happened when the herb ‘Feverfew’ beat the lymphoma drugs in a clinical trial. The FDA promised to fast track it. That was 10 years or more ago. Australians have also been the originators of a herbal remedy for skin cancer and breast cancer tumours called ’Black Salve’."* Refer to page 33 : Vitamin C dosing (add to meals/and orally) * Refer to page 37 : Slippery Elm Powder * instructionsSee pictures page 8 ** Warning – NEXT PAGE sorry for such a graphic photo SKIN TUMOURS .. strong smelling-Ulcerating, cauliflour type tumour. Ulcerating cancers (fungating wounds) Ulcerating cancers are also sometimes called fungating tumours. They start when a tumour growing under the skin breaks through the skins surface. Ulcerating tumours can be difficult to cope?with, but there are ways to manage and treat them, naturally.What is a Fungating lesion? A fungating lesion is a skin lesion that, that is, becomes like a fungus in its appearance or growth rate. It is marked by ulcerations and necrosis and usually presents a foul odor. This kind of lesion may occur in many types of cancer, including breast cancer, melanoma, and squamous cell carcinoma, and especially in advanced disease.If that looks like the type of skin growth tumour your pet has please do not use the Black Salve Paste or internal herbs that have BloodRoot in it. Just so you can be aware of this type of tumour, and what it looks like. The back of shoulder - HUMAN Oral mouth-gum - DOG.* SEE formulas “AN311 Fungating Growths” and download HELP SHEET.You have time to make decisions... don't rush into any treatment... many times you can't reverse the side effects from the treatments or surgeries you choose & also that cancer cannot be "Cut" out of you or your pet. It is a systemic disease and you have to get to the root of why you got it in order to get rid of it.Virus + Toxins = CancerNinety-eight percent of the time, cancer is caused by a virus and at least one type of toxin. There are many viruses that can be involved with cancer; the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is one of them. Ever heard of mononucleosis, also called glandular fever or “the kissing disease”? That’s an early stage of EBV, and it’s rampant, though the symptoms are often so mild that they aren’t diagnosed as mono. In a later stage, years after any mono symptoms have disappeared, and in combination with toxins, EBV is the virus responsible for thyroid cancer. (EBV is also responsible for breast cancer, liver cancer, almost all lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, women’s reproductive cancers, leukemia, and many more.Cancer is just a word for damaged cells.?These toxic – damaged cells (called cancer) can cause “cachexia” when already on chemo or other chemical treatments. Definition: syndrome of progressive weight loss, anorexia, and persistent erosion of host body cell mass in response to a malignant growth.Cancer and all degenerative conditions (as the ignorant?medical profession calls “diseases”) are really symptoms of acidosis. The more?severe (the longer and more those acids accumulate in one's cells) the worse the symptoms?and degeneration.?In 1936, Hoxsey opened a clinic in?Dallas, Texas?which became one of the largest privately owned cancer centers in the world.?Hoxsey’s understanding of cancer was that it is a?systemic disease created from metabolic imbalances that needed to be restored.?Herbal medicines help create homeostasis (internal stability), kill cancer cells, and remove the toxins created by killing cancer cells.?Most disease is what we call having an auto immune disorderWe believe 100% of these systemic disorders are caused by exposure to toxins and chemicals in the environment. We live in a toxic environment, a chemical soup .. the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the house we all live in. ? ?Most pets and humans can handle it, some, if not all of it. ? Some individuals cannot handle any of it and it affects their genetic structure. They have a weak chromosome, a weak genetic structure. ?All it takes for these type of people and pets is one small amount of chemicals to alter and shift the replication of cell structures within the body and you have a much much higher susceptibility to disease. As a result, allopathic practitioners are not familiar or choose not to be aware of the impact of the chemical abundance that surrounds each individual - pet and humans. Some pets and humans are genetically impacted by chemicals of the body.?The medical community like to just treat the problem, so it goes after the specific cancer cells with all kinds of complex and sometimes barbaric methods.??When acids burn away at the cells they can burn away and spread. ?But the real problem is simply a?toxic lymph system?with a compromised immune system.We have seen that the best way to move the toxic cells (cancer) from the body is to begin the cleansing of the body (system). ?The cellular structure begins to replicate from toxins and cancer develops.MMS solution – has been proven to be so effective for so many pets and people as a detox of all pathogens and heavy metals. But must go very slow and only small amounts while detoxing is allowed. Loose stools, sinus drainage, mild headaches, fatigue are all symptoms of pathogens dying off in your pets (or humans body). So stop if symptoms like this appear, then resume at a lower dose or less per week, for a few more weeks, then try and do more days, so symptoms are reduced.We are fully dedicated to helping you and your pet. We can work in conjunction with your Vet if you decide to also use chemotherapy drugs. However, both cancer and/or chemo treatment may lead to low blood counts. You can reverse this condition using vitamin K2 (K2 supplement e.g Jarrow formula brand) MK-7 capsules, and Cod liver oil. The herb Echinacea and minerals magnesium and potassium will help increase red blood cell levels. The chemo can also cause residual bone marrow damage.... meaning that the bone marrow becomes a sponge - like substance and will not produce any more blood cells ever. This causes pain all day long. You can fix this within weeks by feeding Bone Broth and Cannabis. A success rate can be much higher when the pet has had no, or minimal, chemotherapy or surgery or radiation (radiation, if you asked the oncologist, will break up cancer cells, which can spread cancer as well), prior to commencing natural therapies. This is because toxins in chemotherapy have serious side effects, surgery is both invasive and traumatic, and the routine drugs associated with cancer treatment can have a seriously detrimental effect on the animal's immune function. We provide ongoing guidance through the our clinic’s Our free On-line Animal Health Service through "Contact Us" on the clinic website. Please keep us updated weekly or fortnightly on your pet’s current health status. To progress any hurdles, we can provide individualized remedies through a distant consultation using the SCIO biofeedback system, which may detect additional issues e.g. infection etc. Please provide a fur sample of your pet, age and name of pet.Snap shot of CANINE MEALS EAT ORGANIC food for yourselves and your pets.Diet: Incorporate less meat, if already feeding a home prepared natural diet.Two weeks of 50/50 ORGANIC Vegetable pulp or mashed & ORGANIC Meat Ratio with fruit meals separate. Incorporate mono meals. If feeding meat meals every day, start reducing them to eventually leading to a 3 x week raw meat meals if you can. If not just alternate between OGANIC fruit meals and veggie & meat meals. We typically see dogs do better on 25-30% raw meat, 10% Bone, and the rest Veggies and Fruits. Fruit meals and snacks separate to meat meals.Other: ORGANIC Tumeric powder, Coconut oil, Dates, Raw Carrots, Dried Fruit, Nuts, Seeds, Squashes, Spinach, Kale, Lightly Steamed Broccoli etc. (no sultanas or raisins)Pulverise all the veggies for optimal absorption. e.g if you have vegetable smoothies feed the leftover pulp to your dog and see the difference it makes in their coat, eyes and wellness. Fasting: Liquid meals Fasting 24 hours once a week. You can start with 12 hours and work your way up. Optional - Cottage Cheese and Organic Flaxseed Oil - snacksFeed a little plain “Cottage Cheese” with some Organic Flaxseed oil” combined and feed three times a day. E.g ? to 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil (depending on size of dog) in half a cup or less of cottage cheese. Some dogs may not like much cheese. So it does not matter if they have a lot or very little of the cheese.This is a reminder to all that feel diet and nutrition are not as important as people make them out to be when it comes to beating cancer NATURALLY.... Let's think about this for a bit... If "DIET" & "NUTRITION" are not that important then why is it that people been known to beat cancer with diet (e.g. lots of juicing) alone?The cancer-fighting ketogenic diet “formula” is roughly 75% fat, 23% protein, and 2% carbs. Dr D’Agostina notes that it is the underlying inflammation from these high carbohydrate diets that promotes cancer, but also other diseases such as diabetes, obesity and Alzheimer’s.Here is some of what the diet would include.1 cup of organic ground beef, fish or poultry, spiced with turmeric, salt substituteCook the protein in olive oil or coconut oil1 cup of cottage cheese or ricotta cheeseFlax seed 1 teaspoon per 10lbsFlax oil or fish oil- you want a dose equivalent to 1000mg of EFA/10lbsMeat is a Protein, and protein are acidic and mucus forming, this clogs the your pet’s lymphatic system. As do dairy foods. The lymphatic system helps clear and prevent cancer (toxic waste protein cells) from forming. Pain and Inflammation are an acidosis experience. The HAMPL System Detox herbal formula will also help with reducing acidosis in body. * But please reduce meat intake and provide at least 80% of fruit and vegetables. Must be mulched for easy digestion (as dogs have a short digestive tract compared to humans) ~ Canines can be vegetarians, but a little meat three times a week is good. (so if possible reduce any meat intake, and DEFINITELY no tin foods or rolls or kibble-58% SUGAR and CARCINOGENIC CHEMICALS in commercial pets food) Feline Diet ~ Felines do need to eat organic fresh raw meat to stay healthy. NO KIBBLE.If possible add a pinch of Spirulina powder, a few drops of ReMag Magnesium (mineral) and a few drops of ReMyte Minerals supplement. Or add these to the herbal Systemic formula only after you have already diluted 10-20 drops of the herbs in hot water from kettle.IMPORTANTCompletely ALL avoid artificial foods (junk foods), and using chemical sprays, shampoos, worming, flea, household chemical sprays, lawn and garden chemical poisons. So important to OMIT all toxic chemicals for the health of your pet/s and your family. By doing this can mean prevention or healing from mutations of cancer cells toxic wastes.EAT ORGANIC food for yourselves and your pets, when you can afford it.Cottage Cheese and Organic Flaxseed Oil Feed a little plain “Cottage Cheese” with some Organic Flaxseed oil” combined and feed three times a day. E.g SEVERAL DROPS of flaxseed oil in A TABLESPOON OR MORE plain cottage cheese. Some pets may not like much cheese. So it does not matter if they have a lot or very little of the cheese.Felines "Unique" Nutritional Needs??Unwittingly, many caring cat owners who feed vegetarian diets to their pet cats actually run the risk of causing them chronic malnutrition.?Two (2) essential amino acids:?Taurine and Arginine, are the most important amino acids which are present in meat but missing from plants.?1.? Amino Acid - Taurine (L-Taurine)??This particular amino acid is vital for cats’ well-being. While other species can manufacture it in their bodies, cats cannot.? L-Taurine is found This essential amino acid is only found in foods of animal origin, such as meat, egg yolk and fish. Example: high amounts of taurine can also be found in the dark meat of turkey and chicken, cow’s milk.?Deficiency Taurine in felines? Taurine deficiency in a cat?causes a host of metabolic and clinical problems, including feline central retinal degeneration and blindness, as the taurine is vital for a healthy retina (that part of the eye where images are formed), deafness, cardiomyopathy and heart failure (a disease where the heart muscle turns flabby, losing its ability to pump), inadequate immune response or dysfunction, poor neonatal growth, reproductive failure, and congenital defects, growth problems as well as deficiencies of the nervous system. Unlike Arginine, a taurine deficiency usually takes some time to develop. Unlike other mammals, cats do need this amino acid to be present in their organism.?If acted upon quickly, some of these conditions can be reversed.?Taurine is mainly available from animal sources with only trace amounts found in plants.?All pet food manufacturers use synthetic taurine. But once the artificial food goes through the cooking “heat process” these vital nutrients are destroyed. Taurine is one of the most important amino acids that is present in meat but is missing from plants.?Therefore, a cat's diet must provide taurine. It also helps for the diet to be rich in sulfur-containing amino acids.?Diets low in protein (or inability to absorb or digest protein properly – malabsorption problem in the gut), and therefore sulfur-amino acids, are more likely to induce taurine deficiency. Within the last decade two diseases, dilated cardiomyopathy, and central retinal degeneration appeared in cats fed commercial diets containing insufficient taurine. Even though the label says Taurine added, once the food is heat processed any nutrition is lost over a certain temperature.?Unfortunately, cats cannot synthesize sufficient amounts of taurine from other amino acids for their body to properly function. Symptoms can take 4- 5 months or more to appear. From my experience degeneration started less time - 2.5 to 3 months)??Only some of these problems can be reversed with taurine supplementation. Since some problems cannot be corrected, it is important to assure that the content of taurine is adequate for any feline diet.?CATS raised and living in the country or in the wild. (not in the cities) Taurine deficiency does not appear in cats living under natural conditions, catching their own food (mice, rats), or where the animal is eating what nature designs a carnivore to eat real meat.?CATS and Kittens raised and living who are (homeless) .. feral or semi-feral or previously owned.?However, from my own experience, caring for kittens and adults who have been surviving in cities will be depleted in minerals and amino acids. Often dying early infant, or only getting ill in teenage years. Depleted immune system and malabsorption is a big one for them.?EXAMPLE … if a person chooses to cook the meat for their cats or kitten, it should really be done in a small amount of water so that it can all be incorporated back into the food. .. Cooking MEAT for cats, by itself does not change the amino acid in any way. It just leeches the taurine out from the meat into the water.?ORAL DOSING TAURINE?* this may be a good way of getting the taurine in a kitten or cat that has a malabsorption problem (runt of the litter etc) as in liquid form it will go into the bloodstream rather than as food (meat) that has to break down in the gut. Oral syringe the juice of the turkey meat or chicken twice a day and also add a tablespoon in milk drinks.?2.? ?Amino Acid Arginine (L-Arginine).?Cats cannot synthesize the essential amino acid citrulline that is low in any food. Cats can convert arginine to citrulline, however, and that means that feline diets must contain arginine to meet the need for citrulline.?Cats fed a diet lacking arginine develop hyperammonemia and show clinical signs of illness within several hours. Ammonia accumulates because it is not converted to urea; arginine and citrulline are needed for that conversion.?Feline diets must contain arginine. L-Arginine amino acid is an essential amino acid.?Deficiency Arginine in felines ?an arginine-free diet for a kitten will not only fail to grow but also lose body mass at a very fast rate. Other signs are vocalization (moaning), tetanic spasms, extended limbs with exposed claws, apnea (absence of breath) and, finally, death.??The best food sources of L-Arginine?“amino acid”You'll find the highest amount of arginine in the?Turkey breast, then next down the line is?Chicken, Spirulina, Dairy.?Spirulina powder besides having “l-arginine?amino acids” in?Spirulina?it also has the important “minerals”?like..?potassium, magnesium, zinc, calcium, manganese, selenium, iron, and phosphorus.Other “vitamin and minerals” are found in the?Thyme herb?This herb contains potent antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals… It is rich in iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese,?vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, etc.Thyme TeaIngredients:? 1/2 - 1 spring of organic fresh thyme, approx. 1 - 2 cup hot water from kettle.Preparation?- Place fresh thyme in a mug and pour hot water over, allow to steep for 5 min or more. Remove thyme springs or strain. Alternatively, a thyme-infused water can be made by soaking fresh thyme springs overnight in a pitcher of room temperature water and adding a tablespoon in daily meals and milk and water drinks.This herb is also a potent anti-viral properties and is essential for Hepatitis, Influenza, Feline Herpes, Cytomegalovirus etc. If taken on a regular basis it can significantly help to reduce the viral load in the body.LYMPHATIC SYSTEM ie. Systemic Detox HERBAL formulaLymphatic formula has been scientifically found to destroy cancer cells and/or inhibit cancer cells from growing. to cleanse (detoxify) and strengthen the lymphatic tissues and nodes of the body, and also to enhance the immune system. Some of the Lymphatic herbs are: Burdock RootCleavers RootRed RootFenugreek SeedWe must first of all have clean bodies beginning with our lymphatic system. If this system - along with our blood and bowels - is not clean, we cannot utilise these remedies as we should. Dr Morse stresses that the lymphatic system must be cleansed first and foremost. By cleansing the body and taking alkaline anti-inflammatory foods we build up our immunity and we change our bodies from acidic to alkaline, but we must continue to keep them alkaline. Cancer cannot grow in an alkaline oxygenated environment. Herbs and homeopathic “Lymphatic Drainer and Detoxing”After being on this healing protocol (one to two weeks) you will see the lymph nodes started to swell; this a normal positive reaction, and a sign it's working. The job of your lymph nodes is to get rid of toxins. My understanding of lymph nodes and the lymphatic system leads me to believe that the cancer cells are being drawn into the lymph nodes so that they may be broken down and expelled from the body. Hence swollen lymph nodes (even larger in a pet with already swollen glands – e.g Canine or Feline lymphosarcoma). Don't panic: this is normal does not always mean there is infection, but check with your Vet. To help the process we have included some lymph drainage remedies, such as Burdock, Cleavers, Red Clover, Blue Violet to help your body, and also turmeric to reduce the inflammation.Cut and paste this text to see the talk on: Artemisinin: A Cancer Smart Bomb by Len Saputo, MD Youtube* Note: Sweet Chinese wormwood (Sweet Annie) herb is called “Artemisinin”HealingSwelling?in lymph nodes - becomes more so when clearing lymphatic system.The job of your lymph nodes is to get rid of toxins. After being on this healing protocol (a week to two weeks) you will see the lymph nodes start to swell, and later other areas of lymph glands of your dog or cat depending on the type of cancer your pet has ?(e.g ?lymphosarcoma) ? this a normal positive reaction. This is a sign it's working.Infection and FeverMany times an underlying infection is common. If your pet is sleeping on a cold surface or seems hot, then chances are they may also need a natural antibiotic from time to time. ? If you would like to use an alternative immune formula eg a homeopathic or herbal one (can be used in conjunction with antibiotic drugs), options are:NATURAL ANTIBIOTICS~ Homeopathic antibiotic "HAMPL Infection Clear drops (AN070) that goes on the body or~ A more potent antibiotic is the herbal formula that can be added into meals or diluted and oral syringed – HAMPL Infection Fighter 71 50ml (AN071).? Consider these?if you don’t want to use chemical antibiotics, or some people use both. Use this every half hour for 5 repeats, repeat for another 3 days at 3 x daily if all is well again. ?It's fine to continue at 5 x daily if required for a bit longer. ?You can temporarily stop the other herbal medicines whilst you treat infection anywhere in the body with the antibiotic herbs.If chemical antibiotics are used, also provide a strong Probiotic like RAW PROBIOTICS (garden of life) 100 billion CPU’s (add powder from capsule) once a day for 2 months.Other common issues that you or your vet may find are for your pet (especially felines) to have an underlying bladder chronic infection. Here is where the (AN014) HAMPL Cystitis Clear 14 formula drops are needed (especially if you pet has been brought up on artificial diet).? For tooth and gum abscesses and infection see AN290 HAMPL Smelly Mouth with easy dosing on body, along with the helpful HAMPL DrawOut 16 formula drops, are a good options.Omit all toxic chemical products, drugs, sprays, injections – use alternative safe medicines.ALL poisons - chemical products - drugs.? i.e.? ?vaccines, heartworm, wormers, flea products, antibiotics, tick treatments, arthritic drugs, steroids, cortisones, vaccinations etc.? Use alternative safe products eg homeopathic and herbal formulas. If you allow a vet or vets still insist on vaccinations when your pet is sick, this would be like pouring petrol (gasoline) on fire. Avoiding any type of drugs or chemical products—toxic to body, use safe natural alternative medicines. Avoid all artificial chemical foods. (all high in carbs – sugars 57% and carcinogenic chemicals)Cleansing and detox from past vaccinations (if your pet has had previous vaccinations).? However, if you continue to vaccinate your pet, we cannot guarantee that this remedy will stop any acute side effects. Usually, signs of vaccine-related chronic illness will often appear 2 months afterward. ??The Vet will not relate to the vaccine.WHAT IS VACCINOSIS??Vaccinosis?is a psychotic condition brought on by side effects of the chemicals toxins in vaccination.?Neuralgias inveterate skin eruptions, chilliness indigestion with great flatulent distention, are leading features of the Vaccinosis miasm.? Whooping cough- short of breath, chilly with shaking.? It has skin eruptions, new growths, psychotic condition.? Restlessness.? General malaise. Natural fatigue.Example?some or many may show:MIND -? irritable. impatient, nervous.CLINICAL? - eczema, keloids, leprosy, nevus, nephritis, psychosis, tumors, vaccinosis, whooping cough, keratitis after vaccination.FOOD?- appetite is gone.KIDNEYS?- Nephritis with albuminuria, hematuria, and dropsy,?developed eleven days after vaccination.SKIN -? hot and dry.? Eruption like viral.? Small pimples develop at the point of vaccination.? Red pimples or blotches in various parts, most evident when warm.? An eruption of pustules with a dark-red base and round or oblong elevation, filled with the pus of a greenish-yellow color.? Very itchy.?We see many of these health conditions appear in 2 months after vaccination unless acute reaction on the?same?day of injection. There has been such a devastating health hazard from vaccination in animals and people that we now have a medical term,?Vaccinosis, for illness produced by vaccines.?If you type the search words animal vaccinosis in Google, (Jan 2005) you will find over 3000 links of Vaccinosis articles written by independent scientific researchers, veterinarians and breeders. With each article, they may reference 2-3 other sites that means we are talking upwards of 6000+ articles written on this very serious health problem in animals. We also believe IMT (immune-mediated thrombocytopenia) also is caused by vaccinations. * As vaccines severely deplete a pet of vitamin C. Vitamin C is was cures IMT (bleeding) and Feline Leukaemia mon Vaccine ReactionsThat said, the vaccine reactions that dogs commonly experience often indicate homeopathic?Thuja or Silica. Some of these symptoms include:~ Generals, convulsions, vaccination?after:? ?Silica, Thuja~ Mentals, anxiety, vaccination?after:???Thuja~ Eye, inflammation, vaccination?after:? ?Thuja~ Stomach, nausea, vaccination?after:? ?Silica~ Rectum, diarrhea, vaccination?after:? ?Silica, Thuja~ Respiration, asthmatic, vaccination?after:??Thuja~ Cough, vaccination?after:? ?Thuja~ Extremities, paralysis, lower limbs, vaccination?after:??Thuja~ Extremities, swelling general, upper limbs, vaccination?after:? ??Silica, Sulphur, Thuja?(in dogs, this generally corresponds to a lump at the injection site)~ Skin, eczema, vaccination?after:???Mezereum?(thick, hard scabs),??Sulphur?(red, itchy eruptions)Other Homeopathic Treatment For Vaccine ReactionsWhen treating reactions to a rabies vaccine,?Belladonna?and?Lyssin?(also known as Hydrophobinum) should be considered. Belladonna can be indicated if the dog suddenly develops a high fever, especially if he/she has glassy eyes with dilated pupils. This is also a remedy to consider if the dog develops aggressive or compulsive?behaviour?(e.g. turning in circles repeatedly), or?seizure activity.Many times, just removing the noxious effects of the vaccinations produced a remarkable improvement. Specifically, Rabies vaccines of any kind have been absolutely devastating, ranging from paralysis to deranged Central Nervous System symptoms. Some animals would chase imaginary objects in the air, snapping their jaws in the air at nothing, or suddenly a loving animal has a personality change to a snarling beast and attacks members of the household. Dr Dodd also states that she has found Rabies vaccine, Canine Distemper vaccine, and Aluminum, lead and mercury (as part of the vaccine ingredient, but also as a pollutant in the food chain and water) to be causative factors of skin problems, endocrine and digestion deficiencies, allergies, toxicities of the liver, kidney and heart with resulting failure of these organs. I have found cysts and tumors produced in the ovary and pancreas with resulting extreme abdominal pain and insulin coma in the latter. This widespread involvement of the body's pathology is not surprising since all three go to the brain and nervous system that touches every organ in the body.?Symptomatology?is expressed first in those organs that are weak in your pet. If acute reactions, illness show immediately and develops into a full-blown virus they were vaccinated against - as they are putting the live virus protein toxin into the body. If your pet is old, sick or has an autoimmune disorder or most commonly the very young who have not developed a strong immune system - these animals cannot fight off the virus it was given. Thus they die from the injection a few weeks later.HEAVY METAL Detoxing(a)? ? e.g.? For Seizure after vaccination.? Use?Belladonna 200C?-??pat in 3-4 drops on the back of shoulder blades, repeat three-four times a day. Following day, repeat three times, and then watch and see if the remedy is needed again, like once a day for a bit longer.??(b)? ? ?PLUS?Add the?Activated Charcoal powder? - for a puppy give approx: 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon of the powder to meals or milk drinks -?twice a day for one to two months?to help detox from the heavy metals from the vaccines. * You should be able to order online or buy from a health food store the capsules or powder.(c)?? ?PLUS?5-10 drops of the?Magnesium liquid (eg. ReMag magnesium liquid) - is a muscle relaxant add to milk drink dilute in a little water and oral syringe - 3 x daily.(d)? Heavy Metal Toxicity?(from the vaccine)Detox from heavy metals - Using?NEEM POWDER -??add 1/4 of the capsule?of Neem powder (Organic India Neem leaves, flowers capsules – )?in meals three times a week. Continue for a month.? If its too strong do only once a week or very second week.(d)? ?Vitamin C?in daily meals - ongoing. * See page 29Download pdf HELP SHEET? AN040 for further help and information. Vaccinium (vaccine nosode) detoxDetoxing SupplementUsing?Activated Charcoal powder? Pulls out 4,000 toxins a day.PUPPY OR KITTEN?give approx: 1/4 teaspoon of the powder to meals or milk drinks.?ADULT PETS:??use 1 capsules of the powder or 1/2 a teaspoon in meals and/or milk drinks.? ?MULTIPLE PETS?(cats and dogs), add 2 capsules or 1 teaspoon the powder into a jar with a screw lid (one or 2 cups of filtered water) and can add the homeopathic detox remedies (along with) things like the Bioplasma drops (tissue salts) is great for growing infants and run down pets and kittens who may have had parents who were?mal-nutrition?or feral etc, homeopathic?ParaExpel wormer ?and?Drawing out 16 drops?if teeth or skin issues.?Shake before adding to each meal or/milk drinks. pour about a tablespoon or so of the liquid each time.?TWICE?a day for one month?to help detox from the heavy metals from the vaccines.? After a month, one can continue adding activated charcoal to meals daily for optimum health.* You should be able to order online or buy from a health food store the capsules or powderHydration – if needed at anytime.Your vet can help you with this – when your pet is not eating much, or licking at food, and has been lethargic for a number of days or longer it is important to ask your friendly Vet to provide fluids under the skin i.e. Sub-Q fluids (only take 5 minutes to do). *not the same as I.V fluids (which is given in the vein).Many people learn to do this at home for their pet. Example: warm plain saline solution for small pet or felines of approx. 80ml of warm to 38-40 Celsius (we us a simple digital infrared thermometer) of plain saline solution (Hartmanns or Ringers Lactate depending what country you live in) dribbled just under the skin, takes 5 minutes to each day. This will help your pet feel better and improve appetite. Please ask about us supplying or ask Vet.Makes them feel better as well.SupplementationsNaturopathic Suggestion & Options - for all family members – four legged and two leggedWe highly recommending purchasing and using the below supplements to restore the good?"gut flora defense system"PROBIOTIC Powder *for the whole familyThere are many different strengths and types of Probiotics. For example here are some of the ones we like below (as the whole family can take it also)"ProBiotic 12 Powder" * 100 Billion CFU’s (brand - Seeking Health) from - USA or - AustraliThey are expensive, but they work the best I have ever tried. I have tried many and they just didn’t make a difference. Many of the Probiotics are very weak, these are all strong probiotics, so you don’t need much per day. If initially it upsets stomach, or loose stools, what works is to take a lower strength of a Probiotic for 2 weeks, then go back to the powerful one and all will be good, Pets and whole family can take these. It takes 2 months to fully restore gut flora.And COLOSTRUM powderWe find animals and pets who have been under alot of stress e.g rescue cats and dogs and kittens need colostrum due to stress or malnutrition when growing up or inherited from parents.~ This Colostrum - SYMBIOTICS COLOSTRUM.... is very good ~ Colostrum chewable yummy tablets * dogs and kids love these. Colostrum-LD? Liposomal Delivery Powderfrom? ? or? GENERAL DOSAGE GUIDE:Pets:? 1/2 to 2 teaspoons depending on size of pet.? Mix in small amount of water or milk prior to meals or away from meals and oral syringe or offer in bowl. If feline wont drink water or milk, then second best is add to food.EXAMPLE USING POWDERCAT and KITTENS, INFANT PUPPY~ A good pinch in milk drinks to share for cats and kittens or pups twice a day.ALL OTHER SIZES~ DOUBLE the amount of Colostrum Powder for larger pets and farm animals. eg. calves, foals - add the powder to water and oral syringe or add with an herbal antibiotic in apple juice. Repeat up to 6 times a day if having gut issues.*USING CHEWABLE TABLETS?(more suitable?for med to larger animals and canines, humans and children)~ Two or more a day chewable tabs for medium to larger pets.?DOGS will take them from your hand as they are so tasty. Maybe for toy dog or cats use the powder in meals. Add to milk drinks and to meals ongoing but after one to two months you will see how much better digestion is and wellness. Or a good pinch of the Colostrum powder in felines and toy dogs meals and milk drinks twice or more a day if possible. Take ongoing.Will repair leaky gut syndrome - which most pets and people have and don't know it. Sorts out Leaky gut syndrome, allergies, skin conditions (can use in conjunction with herbal and homeopathic treatments. If there is also constipation, this can be from a deficiency in minerals - potassium and magnesium.3. The Vitamin C e.g Liposomal Vitamin C liquid * a potent antioxidant vitamin C – a must to give to your pet * See page 294 . Using?Activated Charcoal Capsules Pulls out 4,000 toxins a day.5. Bromelain Enzyme CapsulesEnzymes which contain Bromlain that breakdown the coating around the tumour. A. Bromelain (Only Bromelain - Nothing Else in with it): 1,000 mg(humans and canines, ? dose for cats) 3 times a day on an empty stomach (1 1/2 hours after eating). OR add to Herbal Mix oral dosing. The GDU value needs to be at least 2,000. You will find the Bromelain in 500 mg capsules, but must read through each particular version to make sure of the GDU value. You will, obviously, need to take 2 capsules at a time. You then need to wait 1/2 hour before eating or drinking anything food wise. B. Protease: There are various varieties of Protease. So, you will need to look at the label. Protease is found as a combination "package". This is what you are looking for. It will have 5 or 6 other enzymes along with it depending on the brand purchased. The product you originally described might actually be a Protease, but check your label first. You need a Protease product that contains Bromelain in it. Doesn't matter how much whatever it is, is fine. you would take this according to the serving size for the particular brand of Protease you purchase/have. This is taken at the same exact time as the Bromelain and 3 times in a given day. Again on an empty stomach and waiting for 1/2 after taking before eating. Another natural product is Glutathione powder a pinch in daily meals is recommended.6. CELL STOP 120 Capsules *Optimal Health Optimal Health Knowledge, our 20 year study of the clinical research on such natural, plant based substances has led us to design a comprehensive 17 ingredient formula called Cell Stop, collecting the?most powerful of these ingredients known to science.Curcumin (turmeric)?is nature’s most effective, broad spectrum cancer preventative and therapeutic. It turns on tumor suppressing genes. (1) Curcumin?inhibits the growth factors cancers cells use to proliferate?and?suppresses the growth of cancer stem cells. (2) In human breast, esophageal, and colon cancer, curcumin increased the malignant cells’ sensitivity to chemotherapy drugs and to the effects of radiation treatments. (3) The Curcumin in Cell Stop is?BCM-95, the clinically studied, trademarked form of Curcumin with 7 times the bioavailabilty of standard Curcumin, containing essential oils of the root like Ar-Tumerone.Green Tea?contains a polyphenol called EGCG, which has been shown to?suppress tumor growth?by blocking the growth of new blood vessels to supply the tumor. (4) Exciting studies show that EGCG?suppresses the growth and invasion of human breast cancer cells. (5) Green Tea also?increased apoptosis, or programmed cell death, in cancer cells. (6)?Our Green Tea contains 45% EGCG.Astragalus Root Extract?is known worldwide for its ability to boost white blood cell production from our bone marrow. (7) It has also been shown to?inhibit proliferation of breast cancer cells?(8) Our Astragalus is a 10:1 extract.Turkey Tail?(Trametes versicolor) mushroom has over 15 clinical studies that show it reduces tumor growth. (9) In a phase I clinical study of women with breast cancer, it was shown to?increase Natural Killer Cell activity, the immune cells that target cancer.?(10) Our Turkey Tail mushroom extract is standardized to 10% polysaccharides.Maitake?mushroom has decades of studies showing that it boosts the activity of our white blood cells. (11) Clinical studies?show systemic anti-tumor immune response. (12) Our Maitake mushroom extract is standardized to 10% polysaccharides.Reishi?mushroom has been shown to boost apoptosis, or the destruction of the cancer cell, through the Caspase pathway. (13) It was also shown to?reduce tumor growth and rate in Inflammatory Breast Cancer?in human trials. (14) Our Reishi mushroom extract is standardized to 10% polysaccharides.Quercetin?exerts broad spectrum anti-tumor activity through multiple pathways. (15) Quercetin has shown?synergistic effects when combined?with chemotherapeutic agents or radiotherapy,?while at the same time protecting healthy cells from the damage of such treatments, in a variety of cancers. (16)Broccoli Extract?contains components like Sulforaphane and BITC, that induce cancer cell apoptosis. (17)?Sulforaphane?mediates a number of?anticancer pathways, including the activation of apoptosis, induction of cell cycle arrest, and inhibition of NFκB. (18) 4 to 1 extract.Bitter Melon Extract?has shown multiple actions against Pancreatic cancer cells. (19) It?overcomes Cisplatin resistance in Ovarian Cancer?cells by exerting anticancer effects through activation of AMPK and suppression of the mTOR. (20)?Mangosteen Fruit Rind Extract?contains a minimum of 30% a-Mangostin, which has been shown to inhibit cell growth in many cancers. (21) a-Mangosteen was shown to?inhibit growth and induce apoptosis of breast cancer cells. (22)Boswellia Extract?powerfully inhibits NF-kB and 5-LOX, initiators of inflammation, and increases apoptosis. (23)?Boswellia increased the cytotoxicity of doxorubicin and cisplatin in Triple Negative Breast Cancer cells. (24)?Our Boswellia extract is the clinically studied, patented?5-Loxin, which is 30% AKBA, the most active Boswellic acid.Milk Thistle Extract, in addition to liver protection, has shown an ability to prevent UVB-induced skin cancers. (25) Milk Thistle component?Silymarin?effectively?suppressed cell growth and arrested cell cycle progression in Ovarian Cancer. (26)?We standardize to 80% Silymarin.Beta Glucan?1,3/1,6 is a well known stimulator of white blood cell maturation and activity. (27)?β-(1,3/1,6)-d-glucan?boosted dendritic cells (DCs) maturation, and cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses. (28)Chamomile Extract?contains Apigenin, which inhibits migration in many cancers. (29) Apigenin suppressed tumor growth, lowered proliferation and enhanced apoptosis in prostate cancer. (30)Flaxseed Lignan Extract?reduces growth and metastasis in breast cancer according to studies. (31)Pterostilbene?selectively kills breast cancer stem cells, often responsible for reoccurrence of the cancer. (32)Se-Methylselenocysteine, the natural form of Selenium found in vegetables, inhibits growth of prostate cancer. (33)Vegan/Non-Gmo/Gluten Free. Whether you are adding Cell Stop to your existing treatment of chemotherapy and radiation, or have already decided to fight cancer naturally, add Cell Stop and it's 17 powerful plant compounds that work together?to target and disrupt abnormal cell growth on a cellular level.?7. Cannabis Oil - The oil must contain at least 80-95% THC (for cancer cases) * See page 39This oil has saved pets in advanced stages of ill health. e.g. Order from bluebird- * Currently all the commercial medical plants grown and sold to patients have been treated with many chemicals and pesticides therefore would be unhealthy to the body.Rick Simpson on Utube on this subject. Treating pets and humans. There is a product called "buzzkill" it's a liquid tincture it can help with reducing the high, therefore it's helping a lot of people get their doses up.? us for details on buying Cannabis Oil in Australia. Email: animalnaturopathy@8. Juicing for Humans Page 25Most types of cancers can be treated with natural medicines. Please also consider also having daily consumption of 2 litres of Juicing. People are having great results with this juicing regime. (Or just juicing organic carrots only)* Some people have also stated that they have add the Therapeutic Cannabis Oil to their daily regime. Read more about this here. MMS drops – for Pets and HumansA potent and effect detox – pathogens and heavy metals. Ships Worldwide “Juicing Regime “below is the biggest support for healing the body.? JUICING for humans Do not mix fruit and vegetable juices together.? The juicing formulas below are from people that were successful in reversing and complete healing of various cancers.? Quotations and articles from:? “I escaped from death row – Cancer Jail”? Author Barry Thomson.? ISBN:? 978-0-646-48457-0???? Read more in this book.??? Must be 2 litres (not 1 litre) of “slow juiced” (e.g champion juicer) (72-80 Revolutions per minute)? juicing of Raw Organic (if possible) ??Beetroots and CarrotsLemons with skins ?(chop three into very small pieces to juice)Organic Garlic cloves ?(adding two cloves)Organic Ginger? ? (two cube inches) Or Natural Pet Pharmacy, can supply the Garlic and Ginger liquid extract to add to juicing each time you make it up. ORRochway - ?Wheatgrass, beetroot and Carrot (750ml) Rochway? - ?Papaya 35 (500ml) ProbioticOR just organic Carrot juice. Mix all ingredients together.Refrigerate in two litre air tight container.? Human - consume of a period of 24 hours. Serious cancer survivors will and have adopted a vegan diet – with no animal protein or dairy products or foods.? Taking a B12 capsule daily if vegan living.? The results are seen within 2 months of juicing daily of 2 litres. OR / ANDTake the MMS solution Detox drops. And eat home-prepared food (avoiding fast foods, sugar foods, etc)Topical application (external and internal organ tumours) External - Apply topically to visible tumours, skin cancer areas or if not known if cancerous growth, you can try some small amount of salve to a small area leave to 24hours and see if it reacts, if it dosent react then its not cancerous cells. The Salve only reacts to toxic cancer cells not health tissue cells. Internal - cancer … people also apply topically to were the growth is showing on the MRI scan. E.G breast cancer, lung cancer (apply to back were lungs sit). It is important to take or give your pet internal treatment support as well in the way of herbal formulas to support organs, detox, lymphatic drainage and repair. *Suggest Joining FB Groups e.g called. Black Salve Healing Support Group & The Bloodroot discussion group.Black Salve Paste 15ml Jar Topical Do NOT apply too much Salve.BLACK SALVE Paste Current ingredients: Black Salve is a herbal based product, featuring two principal herbs that are said historically to have pharmacologically demonstrated anti-cancer propertiesBlood Root (Sanguinaria canadensis)?Chaparral(Larrea mexicata). Galangal root (Alpinia officinarium) Graviola leaf (Annona muricata). The dried herbs contained in Black Salve are compounded in simmering water with a zinc chloride (ZnCl2) base, a small amount of DMSO (a carrier, a delivery system molecule), and some glycerine (a humectant, to help to maintain the moisture of the salve).? Anywhere from about 4mm "cubed" amount is plenty. Given the small spot to large spot range.? TIME FRAME FOR INITIAL SALVE APPLICATION:Anywhere from 24 to 72 hours. * Min 4 hours if pet keeps licking it off or rubs off, no harm done and safe to ingest? Before Applying the Salve, drip a couple of the Clove Oil essential oil on the area first, then under a bandage for 24 to 36 hours, (if its possible or not don’t worry about it) and if no reaction, (or not the right reaction), just wait a day or two, then apply the Salve and bandage again. (Some people like to rough up their own skin site a bit when treating themselves) This is a Choice. If no reaction after a couple of re applying over a week period then its not cancerous.? Once you have the reaction, you should if possible leave it without any bandage around it at all, and do not touch it. It should be going hard and slightly risen at this stage.?? NOTE: At this point the body and your immune system will take the controls, and your patience is the main focus.NOTE: Great healing using honey and turmeric paste for all dressings after initial BLACK SALVE PASTE application.Or Golden Cream 15ml * Topical Use * used for non cancer lumps Contains - organic lecithin, turmeric, coconut oilOr GoldBlack Paste 15ml *Topical Use * used for areas around delicate places & face, genitals, penis. Contains organic lecithin, turmeric, coconut oil small amount of Black Salve 40%~ Itchy Spots Often the lumps or areas over the internal cancer areas may become itchy with humans (not so much for pets) If there is severe itching here are some suggestions for relief: Mix equal proportions 50/50 of White Vinegar and Apple Cider Vinegar and apply to the itchy area, to soothe. Or Spray or drip 1 -2 drop of Clove Bud Oil (essential oil) on itchy area, or tumour. The skin cancers will dry up and drop off, and internal cancers will also shrink and die off and pass through the lymphatic system. Supporting immune and lymph system (using the Herb Immune) will avoid lymph nodes will become inflamed with swelling. TOPICAL Pain prevention : Before treating topically always apply the Clove Bud essential Oil - lightly spray on area, or apply a couple of drops of the HAMPL Clove Oil drops. Repeat as often as needed. Also add some organic (petroleum free) Paw Paw ointment around tumour to keep area clean and moist , if needed, however it’s a little harder to do this with furry species. ALSO, great healing (APPLYING) using honey and turmeric paste for all dressings after initial bs application . ~ Cellulitis Humans tend to be susceptible to swelling of the skin. Therefore we have a homeopathic formula called HAMPL Skin Cellulitis 243-4 30ml drops. This remedy can be used as prevention or relief.Cellulitis?is a common and sometimes painful bacterial skin infection. It may first appear as a red, swollen area that feels hot and tender to the touch. The redness and swelling can spread quickly. It most often affects the skin of the lower legs, although the infection can occur anywhere on your body or face. Only very rare occasional this may happen, could also take internally the HAMPL Infection Fighter 71 50ml drops as well as a natural herbal antibiotic.~ To help PREVENT ANY DISCOMFORT when treating “topically”.Use “Clove Bud Oil” - essential oil and / or Izulant 30ml from ()Apply drops directly to the whole area before applying the MUSTARD PASTE. If orally or on face (can use a Q-tip-cotton bud to apply) Re apply or spray drops of clove oil / Izulant tincture directly onto or over area prevent any possible discomfort. Good brands of essential oils are – DoTerra, or Living Young – essentials oils. They are potent so only a drop or two is all that is needed. Its fine if more than 1or 2 drops on used.~ TOPICALLY for skin cancers and other tumours.You may choose to use some or all of these:~ Black Salve Paste (topically) at the same time. ~ Cannabis Oil (THC-CBD combo) as well (internally and externally) using Topically (worked for some people and pets but its not just this that will cure its more than one healing protocols) You will need high levels of THC oil (chemical tetrahydrocannabinol) (many oils and oils called “medical cannabis oil” are high in CBD only) however try to get more of the chemical THC in the oil and apply topically. But first - Warm and mix it with coconut oil... Before you apply make sure you clean the area well. Applying a hot wet rag for a minute or two to open up the pores will help the topical application sink further. Some people have applied a heap of the oil (using a toothpick) onto the raw skin after the eschar has lifted (cancer cells scab) and this helps soothes the skin. It is also been used topically for skin cancers.Contact our clinic to help us guide you. “Medical Cannabis Oil “ support for all species in Australia and/ or The Rick Simpson E-Book Email: animalnaturopathy @ ~ GoldBlack Paste (mixed with some Golden cream and small amount of BS)If a very large tumour, then it maybe better just to use the GoldBlack Cream with 30% of Black Salve paste and 70% Golden cream, topically and/ cannabis Oil, in conjunction with taking internally the HERBAL Systemic Detox 50ml drops and HERBAL Immune Mix 50ml drops (bloodroot herb mix, Essiac herb mix) * If smelly fungating tumour, avoid any herbs internally or topically that has BloodRoot in it.Vitamin C A POWERFUL ANTIOXIDANTINSTRUCTION GUIDES Using Liposomal C for oral use for all Species and AgesThis is just a guideline or suggestion,?please give more if not getting the results within 24 hours improvement.???* Small satchels of gel ? ? ?or? ??* Capsules of gel ? ? ?or ? ? * Liquid from bottle.?(1) one satchel of gel = 1,000mg? ? ? ? 2 capsules + 1,000mg? ? ? ? ? ?? ? 1 teaspoon of liquid =1,000mgWHEN USING “LIQUID” LIPOSOMAL C E.G We like and supply the brand - BioCeutical or Designs For HealthORAL Dosing: ?Small Animal, Infants? ?(kitten, puppy etc,)?PREPARE:?1 teaspoon in 5ml of water or milk.Using small oral syringe give liquid in small sips in side of mouth until liquid is gone. ALTERNATIVE DOSING: ??Mix 1 teaspoon straight from bottle of vitamin c into meals (if eating okay) ?ORAL Dosing: Cat, toy dog:?PREPARE:? two?teaspoon into a small dish, add to approx. 5ml of water or milk, stir in well. Using?small oral syringe?give liquid in small sips in?side of mouth until liquid is gone. ALTERNATIVE DOSING:???Mix 1 -2 teaspoon straight from vitamin c bottle into meals (if eating okay) ?ORAL Dosing: Med–Large dog, animal:PREPARE:??two?teaspoon into a small dish, add to approx. 5ml of water or milk, stir in well. ?Using?small oral syringe?give liquid in small sips in?side of mouth until liquid is gone. ALTERNATIVE DOSING:??Mix 3 -4?teaspoon straight from vitamin c bottle into meals (if eating okay) ?Frequency: Repeat half hourly. 6 –10 repeats in a day (depending on severity of illness, infections) Next day can do ORAL dosing or 1 teaspoon into every meal for another week or longer as needed.Humans need to take - 1 teaspoon—6 x times daily. Can order more bottles from eBay.* Cancer pets—continue at 4 times daily on going. General Information on Vitamin CHow much vitamin C to use? Vitamin C is completely non-toxic, so it cannot harm your animal if you give him more than he needs. However, there is a simple method, called the bowel tolerance method, that will help you to work out how much C your animal needs (each animal’s requirement will vary, the sicker they are the more they will take and need until it causes loose stools/ diarrhoea. This is not dangerous - simply reduce the dose and the diarrhoea stops. Vitamin C is water-soluble, which means that any excess will leave the body with the pet's urine. Example: A daily supplement of vitamin C at the rate of about 50-100mg per kilogram your dog weighs will do no harm and can only ensure the continuing good health of your dog. For example: a dog undergoing slight stress should be fed 100mg per kg; moderately stressed dogs should be given 200mg per kg; those suffering heavy stress should be given 300mg per kg; and those subject to very heavy stress should have 350mg of vitamin C per kg of their own weight. However Cancer pets need large amounts regularly. If I told you that there was a magic vitamin that would help your dog to stay young and supple; that it would maintain healthy bones, teeth, blood system, and sex organs; and help to prevent allergic reactions . . . If I told you that this magic vitamin would protect your dog against toxic insults - from substances like arsenic and lead which are all too common in our modern world; and that it would help him to resist infectious diseases and overcome stress . . . And if I told you that bleeding gums, loose teeth, muscle and joint pains, weakness, gingivitis, irritability and skin, eye and nose hemorrhages might be due to the fact that he isn't given this magic vitamin . . . would you rush out and get some? Luckily, there's nothing magic about it, for this vitamin in question is the common or garden Fact: every pet should be given extra vitamin C in his diet. Example: small dogs or cats: give a pinch in each meal given. It's one of the most important vitamins on the planet. And while you're at it, take some yourself! Here's are a few other facts about vitamin C . . . a high concentration of vitamin C is needed by the adrenal gland to produce anti-stress hormones - so if your pet is undergoing stress of any sort, extra vitamin C will be most beneficial. If he works, or takes lots of physical exercise, C will ensure the full potential of muscle energy. Animals with anaemia caused by iron deficiency should take vitamin C with every dose of iron supplementation. Vit C can help animals with respiratory problems by reducing the symptoms of attack, and by increasing resistance to bacterial and viral infections. Malignant cancers can be treated with high doses of vitamin C is as used in bladder cancer, breast cancer (mammary tumours), and cancer of the colon. Vaccinations severely deplete a animal of Vitamin C. Avoid any further toxic insult the body. If you allowed another vaccination when your pet is sick or has cancer, it would be like pouring gasoline (petrol) on the fire.The essential vitamin known as vitamin C is one of the most important elements in an individual’s daily diet. We need Vitamin C to help contribute to good cellular growth, promote function of the circulatory system, and generally help our bodies to develop and maintain themselves. A vitamin C deficiency is a serious issue, and should be caught early and treated with natural foods or dietary supplements that contain plenty of this critical ingredient. Lots of medical experts agree that a vitamin C deficiency is fairly uncommon in most modern societies. Infant formulas and other food sources are fortified with vitamin C in order to prevent some forms of deficiency of this essential nutrient. If you are forced into proving your pet is fully covered with antibodies, then do the VacciCheck (in house antibodies immunity test), your vet will have to order the kit into his clinic, it is $70AUD and only takes 20 minutes to get test and get results. The Kits are available worldwide. But you will need to request that your vet orders the kit in his clinic so you can have this in-house testing done.Using a natural vitamin c to restore your pets health. E.g “wholefood vitamin C” e.g. Kakadu plum adding powder from caps in daily meals ongoing. DigestionCancer patients also exhibit shifts in the composition of their gut microbiota - a phenomenon called dysbiosis - but it's unclear whether changes in the microbiome drive the development of cancer or the cancer drives changes in the microbiome. How Problems with Digestion Can Cause Illness AnywhereJeffrey Anderson, M.D., wrote an article “How Problems with Digestion Can Cause Illness Anywhere”this article he explains why you should address the health of the gastrointestinal tract first, no matter what the name of the degenerative disease.? He explains that new information on the dynamics of the body make it clear that conditions in the digestive tract affect the entire system.? The degradation of the gastrointestinal environment is one of the primary points at which health is lost.? What we now know is that the same toxins associated with GI dysfunction are frequently absorbed and distributed to other parts of the body.? First they place a burden on the liver and the immune system.? If liver overload occurs, there will be spill over, and some of the toxins will be passed on to other organs or tissues.? Often, it’s a weak link in the system that will be hit by the damage - an organ that can be anywhere in the body that is most likely to be vulnerable.? The vulnerability may be inherited, caused by physical injury, toxic exposure, or poor diet.? For example, if the sensitive system is the lungs, toxins that originate in the gut and circulate in the bloodstream may manifest as asthma or allergies.Len Saputo, M.D., in his article, ”Harmful Flora”also believes that if the gastrointestinal tract becomes out of balance and the liver detoxification system breaks down, our entire immune system can malfunction in three ways. First, it can be weakened and the result called immune suppression disease, such as cancer and AIDS.? Second, it can overreact and become hyper-responsive to normal stimuli; this occurs in asthma, migraine, and food allergies.? Third, a malfunctioning immune system can cause auto immune reactions, where antibodies target our own tissues, as in rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. Dr. Saputo explains that the gastrointestinal tract is the largest immune organ in our body.? 80 percent of all our protective immune globulins are produced in the digestive tract.? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that when this large, strategically placed immune system member isn’t working well, our defenses are lowered and once our barriers are down, it becomes more difficult to defend against invaders. Taking a Probiotic supplement that provides 50 billion CFUs (colony forming units) of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria species. Good brands are: VSL3 satchels, Renew Life, and Garden of Life brands. And my very favorite - Probiotic 12 Powder maxium support with 100+ Billion CFU’s Because intestinal bacteria should repopulate fairly quickly, 4-8 weeks of probiotic replacement usually suffices. (Continuing need can signal that something else continues to disrupt resumption of healthy bowel flora that may require further investigation.) If this dose of probiotic is rough on your gastrointestinal tract, a lower potency preparation may be better tolerated, e.g., 10 - 25 billion, for the first few weeks. Long-term, you can nourish healthy bowel flora by including a special variety of fiber, often called “resistant starches,” that yield a “prebiotic,” or bacteria-nourishing, effect that helps intestinal healing (especially if an inflammatory bowel condition is present), reduces risk for colon cancer, and translates into metabolic benefits such as lower blood sugar and triglycerides..OTHER helpful herbs if needed anytime.Slippery Elm Powder * available from Health food storeSoothes and heals many conditions, quickly and naturally without the need of any further drugs or invasive procedures. What can slippery elm help with?For example: “Acute” or chronic diarrhoea / scouringGive some mixture every couple of hours, stop or reduce frequency when improved.If “chronic inflammations” or occasional diarrhoea – inflammation’s. can add mixture (with plenty of water) to daily meals. then reduce frequency when back to normal bowels.Healing stomach or mouth “ulcers” stomach cancer or Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome, IBS, Intestinal inflammation. ( ie Gastritis etc). Give orally before every meal or add to every meal given.Nutrition Support. If giving slippery elm as nutrition and healing food you can also add vitamins (crushed) herbal formulas and liquids as suggested or herbal antibiotic or general healing herbs to the mix. (Slipper Elm powder is 100 % natural powder and highly nutritional supplement.)InstructionsMake up a mixture for small animals: Mix 1 teaspoon of slippery elm powder in a little water (1 tablespoon) to make a liquid mix paste – hot or cold water. Using boiled water from kettle add more water … say half cup of hot water, stir well and then let cool before giving some to pet in meals or small amount orally.Suggested Dosage amount: Cat/Toy dog /small species: gently & slowly squirt at the side of mouth 1 ml. or add to mealsLarger pets (dog, Horse, Calf, Foal etc) - give APPROX. 20ml – 50ml or add to some food.NOTE: If mixture gets too thick or gluggy – continue to add more fluids to keep it a loose runny liquid mix which will quickly help soothe over mouth ulcers. Repeat before meals for a couple of days (or longer if needed) (also heals stomach ulcers etc) FACTS Turning off the Cancer Switch. Reported by Bill SardiIt wasn’t just conventional medicine that got sidetracked by Warburg’s discovery. In “the Warburg Effect,” tumor cells expel lactic acid as a byproduct, and this later became known as the alkalinity acidity theory of cancer promoted by many pseudo scientists. This spawned a number of books that mistakenly advocated an alkaline diet would cure or prevent cancer. Actually, cancer cells are a bit more acid immediately outside their boundaries than inside due to the expelling of lactic acid. The pursuit of a state of alkalinity appears to be nonsensical. Not only does the absence of acidity in the gastric tract and bladder establish an environment that is conducive to tumor growth, the control of blood pH (alkalinity/acidity) is automatically controlled in a neutral pH range (7.2—7.4). The diet has little influence over the pH of the blood. In 1987 an experiment was conducted where the effects of alkalinity or acidity were examined in bladder cancer. Animals were fed a diet that was somewhat acidic, mildly alkaline or more alkaline. Bladder tumors occurred in 39% of the acidic group, 65% of the alkaline group and 71% of the more alkaline group. Many alternative medical practitioners inexplicably recommend acid forming supplements (Lactobacillus acidophilus) for cancer patients, yet they contrarily suggest an alkaline diet. An experiment conducted in 1980 showed that the provision of acid forming bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus) reduced chemicallyinduced colon cancer in animals from 77% to 40%. Enough said about misdirection since Warburg’s discovery. Two of these natural molecules, quercetin (pronounced kwerseetin), which has been shown to produce 80% inhibition of lactic acid at high concentration, and resveratrol (pronounced rezvairawtrawl), have already been demonstrated to significantly inhibit lactate production and the growth of tumor cells. They are available as dietary supplements.Quercetin plus resveratrol works far better in this regard over use of either molecule alone. A number of natural molecules strongly influence tyrosine phosphorylation. Among them, vitamin D is a master hormone/vitamin regulator of tyrosine phosphorylation and has been shown to exhibit anticancer effects, particularly via its ability to inhibit the pyruvate kinase enzyme and lactic acid. Quercetin has also been found to inhibit tyrosine phosphorylation. You won’t hear of any of these natural molecules from your oncologist, but they are among the most promising anticancer molecules in existence. Consider the fact that resveratrol blocks cancer at all three stages of development — initiation, growth and spread (metastasis), something no cancer drug can claim. These natural molecules have already been demonstrated to outperform chemotherapy drugs in animal studies. But there is a lot of foot dragging to conduct human studies. Oncologists respond that these natural molecular medicine approaches to cancer prevention or treatment are unproven, but we hear no cry to put them to the test. Recognize modern cancer therapies have largely been disproven. While there is treatment for cancer, there are no cures. If there were, so many cancer patients wouldn’t be on an unguided search to find one. Alternative cancer therapies are belittled by conventional medicine when its armamentarium against cancer has a rather limited effect. For example, cancer chemotherapy has been shown to contribute to the 5 year survival of cancer patients only about 2% of the time. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy for cancer cannot penetrate solid tumors and therefore are largely ineffective. Why do pets become ill or diseased?Inflammation and infection are signs of toxicities in the body. We continually find the commercial pet food industry guilty of producing an inferior product compared to the normal, natural diet of the early carnivore. Instead of raw meat, with live vital energy force, and nutrients, we now have a product that is not only lacking of nutrition, but actually contains many harmful chemicals damaging to the physiology of the body. These come from pesticides, herbicides and fungicides applied to the grains and vegetables and heavy metal (vaccines) contamination from water and soil, as well as the vaccinations, antibiotics, wormers and flea and heartworm and mange treatments and products (is a toxic insecticide products), steroids and cortisones alike.The adrenal gland is responsible for balancing blood sugar, response to stress, and inflammatory conditions. The liver is the paramount organ in the body; it is not part of the endocrine system but is responsible for the health of the endocrine system and all organs by its ability to detoxify all foreign chemicals, its function as part of the immune system and producing bile necessary for the breakdown of fats. Effects of toxic overload in different parts of the body: Arthritis-the toxins go to the joints. Renal failure-the kidneys can no longer function properly as a result of toxic overload. Liver failure-the liver cannot function because it is full of contaminates, cancer always start from the Liver/weakness. Liver damage happens from the drugs we give them monthly, bi monthly and yearly.? Breathing difficulty-the lungs are full of contaminates causing oxygen deprivation among other difficulties.? All of us know oxygen is paramount to health. Inhalant pesticides or insecticide sprays etc. Tumors-the body is trying to push the toxins out of the body.? It has found a weakness in a particular tissue and now you see the tumor with your naked eye.? Cysts (protein wastes) are resulting. Skin problems-the skin is the largest organ of the body, hence the first clues of toxic overload or reaction usually appear as skin problems and itching. Cancer-contaminated blood will cause irregular cells which are how cancer is medically described. Ear problems-continual use of antibiotics and other toxic drugs will cause severe ear issues. Diabetes-as a result of nutritional deficiencies. Epileptic seizures- toxin of the chemicals where a pet has sensitivity to many chemicals has reached the brain tissues. Therefore by switching to a natural diet only, and only using natural products, is a start to good health. There is very limited success in any kind of therapy until the body is detoxified and can maximally utilize the aerobic of, homeopathy, herbs, vitamin supplements, or other healing modalities.Where do these Toxicities come from?Mercury - Insecticides, pesticides and chemical fertilizers and from canned fish.Medical drugs and latex paints: Eg. Copper from water pipes, meat (feed Additives) copper pots, hormones and water-softening chemicals. Veterinary / Medical drugs including anaesthetics, antibiotics, sulfa type drugs, diuretics, anti-convulsants and steroids, heart worm, flea, wormer and mange drugs (are all insecticides that poisons the blood) – all these toxins cause Liver damage, not just from short term, but many animals have an overuse, Or overdosing on more than one type of drugs at the same time.Lead - found in canned commercial food, tap water, drug insecticides (i.e. wormer, flea, heartworm, mange).Aluminium - Aluminium cans, cookware and food bowls, foil and tap water.CANCER in Pets starts at the liver (damaged/weakened Liver) Known Carcinogenic foods which have food additives, dyes, preserves, by product meats, which ALL contain Liver damaging chemicals FOUND in our pet tin food. Be safe and home prepared meals – inexpensive way. EG. Ethoxyquin is used as a preservative. (EG . IAMS & UKANUBA BISCUITS ) and BHA/BHT in pet foods have been implicated in Liver damage and Liver cancers, as have nitrites/nitrates, sodium benzoate (highly toxic to cats Liver) and propyl gallate. Commercial Diets too low in protein, high in ash, phosphors, fats and sugars (tooth plaque), also causing liver and Kidney damage. Change the diet, omit all chemical toxic insult to the body and see the health changes! The Importance of the Function of the Lymphatic SystemThe lymphatic system works in close cooperation with other body systems to perform these important functions:?? ??The lymphatic system aids the immune system in destroying pathogens and filtering waste so that the lymph can be safely returned to the circulatory system. ? ???To remove excess fluid, waste, debris, dead blood cells, pathogens, cancer cells, and toxins from these cells and the tissue spaces between them. ? ???The lymphatic system also works with the circulatory system to deliver nutrients,?oxygen, and hormones from the blood to the cells that make up the tissues of?the body. In lymphedema affected tissues, the lymph is unable to drain properly. Instead within these swollen tissues the protein-rich lymph becomes stagnant. When bacteria enter this fluid through a break in the skin, they thrive on this protein-rich fluid. It is for this reason that lymphedema affected tissues are prone to infections.???The five most universal and obvious symptoms of a lymph system in distress.…. ?fatigue, …. fever, …. loss of appetite, …. irregular sleep.? EXAMPLE: There are seven (7) stages resulting from a lymph system that gets over burdened with toxins.Stage One??? ??ENERGY? when body starts being overloaded with toxins. ??Symptoms are seen as: Less energy?? (energy is being zapped). Some loss of appetite at various times. With PETS you may notice not such a big eater anymore, or lack of interest in eating as much food , turning up for food and not really eating that much each time or occasionally not eating a meal.?If not corrected or more chemical foods or toxic drugs are given then stage? (2) two develops.Stage Two ????????FEVER???? Toxaemia of the body?? Toxemia:? A medical condition that occurs when there is a release of toxins from bacteria within the bloodstream).??Heat is necessary to accelerate the elimination of toxins.? Heat acts as a catalyst which causes the toxins to liquefy and pass into the bloodstream, where they are transported to the organs of elimination (bowels, bladder, lungs, and skin) and thus out of the body. Symptoms are seen as: Fever, Hypotension, Rash, Diarrhoea, Vomiting , Myalgia, Mucosal inflammation, Disorientation, Confusion, Hallucination, Tachycardia, Pharyngitis, Conjunctivitis.? Multisystem dysfunction - Septicemia, Bacteremia. Local bacterial infection - although not in the blood, the toxins from local bacteria can cause toxemia from certain infections:? Diphtheria, Tetanus, Toxin shock syndrome. If not corrected or more chemical foods or toxic drugs are given then stage three(3) develops.Stage Three?: IRRITATION?The skin is not only the body’s largest organ but also an organ of elimination.? Not everyone (human or pet) experiences itchy skin in a state of irritation. Symptoms are seen as: maybe less inclined to eat in the mornings.? Feeling some nausea, particularly in the mornings when the body is in its elimination cycles.??? (Elimination cycle is 4am to 12 noon).? Some loss of appetite, not such a big eater anymore, or lack of interest in eating as much etc.?Another form of irritation is a persistent tickling sensation in the nose.? Pets or humans act jumpy or uneasy? or? on edge,? so that you “fly off the handle” or over reacting to noise etc.? for no real apparent reason.? Other symptoms for humans Nervousness, Depression, Anxiety and Worry, Headaches, Minor aches in body, Difficulty falling asleep, Gaining weight, Bad breath.??? Pet symptoms: Allergic? Bronchitis, Sinusitis, Miliary Eczema, and other Skin Problems, depression, anxious, jumpy.?Stage Four?: INFLAMMATION?? causes painToxins have usually been concentrated in a particular organ or a particular area of the body for a massive eliminative effort. ?? Common Pet symptoms: IBS - Inflammatory bowel diseases are classified according to the type of inflammatory cell infiltrating the gastrointestinal wall. ?Eosinophilic Enterocolitis is the second most common form of IBD, eosinophils may be found in the stomach, small intestine or colon, Granulomatous (Regional) Enteritis in which macrophages are found in the lower small intestine & colon. If the inflammation is restricted to the large intestine it is referred to as colitis, if the small intestine is involved it is referred to as enteritis & if both the large & small intestine are involved it is referred to enterocolitis, if the stomach is involved it is referred to as gastritis.? That area becomes inflamed due to the constant irritation of toxic material.?In general Symptoms are seen as:? Lots of pain and discomfort. Lymph system is in major STRESS!??? If not corrected or more chemical foods or toxic drugs are given then stage (5) five develops.Stage Five?: ULCERATIONSLesions or ulcers can occur inside or outside of the body.?The body will heal the ulcers if the level of toxaemia is sufficiently lowered. Symptoms are seen as:? Gastritis in dogs and cats and Ulcerative Colitis ie?? Stomach ulcers, (deep ulcers are punched-out areas involving all layers of the stomach wall.?? Ulcers can be single or multiple, and can range in size from less than 1 inch (2.5 cm) to several inches in diameter. Ulcers occur more often in the stomach than in the duodenum). Mouth ulcers, externally sores on body.??? Eg? Humans we see in the elderly Canker sores on arms and legs. If not corrected or more chemical foods or toxic drugs are given then stage? (6) six develops.Stage Six?: INDURATION?? Induration? means, in terms of pathology, (pathology is the study & diagnosis of disease through examination of organs, tissues, cells and bodily fluids) (a)? hardening of an area of the body as a reaction to inflammation, hyperemia, or neoplastic infiltration,? or (b)? an area or part of the body that has undergone such a reaction. Most often this term is used to describe dermatologic findings.? ?Symptoms are seen as:? scarring is a form of indurations.? The toxic material that is threatening the well-being of the body is encapsulated in a sac of hardened tissue.? The sac is a type of tumour and is very often diagnosed as cancer when, in fact, no cancer exists.?? If toxins continue (constant poisoning) cells will go wild in this manner the condition is called cancer.?? Stage (7) seven develops.Stage Seven?: CANCER? At this stage, cells multiply wildly in an unorganised manner.? Cancer can still be arrested and reversed,? but it would take a diligent, concentrated effort. If warning signals are suppressed with more drugs or ignored, the toxic overload will not be removed,?more serious illness will ensure with the final end point being cells driven crazy.?? Offer Liquid meals ONLY for one day per week for animal. This will help the lymphatic system detox.? In conjunction with using the homeopathic Lymph formulas.?Reference - TO READ MORE We highly recommend reading Harvey Diamond’s book “ Fit for Life - A New Beginning”$7 in conjunction with HAMPL REMEDIES the CBD-THC oil See Rick Simpsom Discussions (NOT just CBD oil) People and pets have success when they have growth their own plant, which is called RSO this would then be Rick Simpsom's success with treating cancer. Many of the oils sold today including medical majuana it has been altered and does not have the full ratio of THC in the medicine)TREATING YOUR DOG’S OR CAT’S CANCERCANINEIn my opinion, there is no better medicine to give to an animal. I treated my own dog with wonderful results. It is a known fact that?dogs?have a much faster metabolism then humans. In many cases dogs heals so rapidly, that you can almost see it happening.If you have the proper oil, I do not know of any treatment that is more effective to treat cancer in dogs or humans and usually dogs can be cured of this dreaded disease in a very short time.? Usually dogs only require a few grams of this oil to rid themselves of cancer, so if I were you I would get the dog on the oil as soon as possible.When treating dogs?internally?with the oil there is very little to be concerned about, for if the oil was produced from strong medicinal strains of Indica they have a very sedative effect and even if you gave a dog far too much it would simply go to sleep, but once the dog awakened you will find that it has not been harmed.If I were you I would?start the treatment with two drops a day, once in the morning and once in the evening and then slightly?increase the amount the dog is taking every four days until the dog is cured. As for?treating?the dog?externally, all you have to do is apply the oil and cover it with a bandage and then apply more oil every three days, I hope this will answer your questions about treating this dog properly.FELINEDogs love to take the oil, but often?cats?can be somewhat indifferent so you may encounter some problems in getting the oil into the?cat, so I would just?try to mix a small amount of oil in with their food.? Animals heal very quickly when compared to humans and since the oil presents no danger, there is no need to worry about the oil harming your?cat, even if you were to give the animal far too much.??I would?start the?cat?off by giving it two doses a day twelve hours apart and I would give the?cat?about a half a drop per dose, then after four days at this dosage it can be raised to one drop per dose.? I think you will find that your?cat?will respond very quickly to this treatment and don’t be concerned if the animal sleeps a great deal, for this is the effect the oil is supposed to cause.? It usually takes only a small amount of oil to heal a?cat?and once the animal has ingested one or two grams, I think you will witness quite a dramatic improvement in the animals overall health. Using RSO Oil TREATING YOUR DOG’S OR CAT’S CANCERRick SimpsonIn my opinion, there is no better medicine to give to an animal. I treated my own dog with wonderful results.It is a known fact that dogs have a much faster metabolism then humans. In many cases dogs heals so rapidly, that you can almost see it happening. Therefore, do not need as much. Whereas felines are fine with alot more of the oil.If you have the proper oil, (home grown), I do not know of any treatment that is more effective to treat cancer in dogs or humans and usually dogs can be cured of this dreaded disease in a very short time. Usually dogs only require a few grams of this oil to rid themselves of cancer, so if I were you I would get the dog on the oil as soon as possible.When treating dogs internally with the oil there is very little to be concerned about, for if the oil was produced from strong medicinal strains of Indica they have a very sedative effect and even if you gave a dog far too much it would simply go to sleep, but once the dog awakened you will find that it has not been harmed.The oil cannot cause harm to the dog even if you were to give the dog far too much, if you have the proper oil all it would do is cause the dog to sleep and when it awakens it will be unharmed. If I were you I would start the treatment with two drops a day, once in the morning and once in the evening and then slightly increase the amount the dog is taking every four days until the dog is cured. As for treating the dog externally, all you have to do is apply the oil and cover it with a bandage and then apply more oil every three days, I hope this will answer your questions about treating this dog properly.CATDogs love to take the oil, but often cats can be somewhat indifferent to taking strong tasting herbs, so you may encounter some problems in getting the oil into the cat, so I would just try to mix a small amount of oil in with their food. Animals heal very quickly when compared to humans and since the oil presents no danger, there is no need to worry about the oil harming your cat, even if you were to give the animal far too much. I would start the CAT off by giving it two doses a day twelve hours apart and I would give the cat about a half a drop per dose, then after four days at this dosage it can be raised to one drop per dose. I think you will find that your cat will respond very quickly to this treatment and don’t be concerned if the animal sleeps a great deal, for this is the effect the oil is supposed to cause. It usually takes only a small amount of oil to heal a cat and once the animal has ingested one or two grams, I think you will witness quite a dramatic improvement in the animals overall health.Cannabis is NOT too strong for a cat.I used my tincture, which is agave not alcohol based, CBD oil, FECO and hash water to cure my 14 year old Siamese mix of stage 4 liver failure and stage 4 liver cancer in both lobes last year. July 18, 2016 Sasha was given 1-3 weeks. By August 31 her liver completely regenerated itself. I have the chem panels as proof.It's dogs you have to be very careful with. Their metabolisms are different and they don't tolerate cannabis the way cats do.Hemp and Cannabis: Is there any difference?When trying to wrap your head around the differences between hemp and marijuana, it is important to begin with this simple fact: both hemp and marijuana come from the same species of plant.“A Practical and Natural Taxonomy for Cannabis”?explains it since 1976:“Both hemp varieties and marijuana varieties are of the same genus, Cannabis, and the same species, Cannabis sativa. Further, there are countless varieties that fall into further classifications within the species Cannabis Sativa.”The main difference, especially regarding the oils, is in a number of?cannabinoids;?THC and CBD, that they contain.There are close to four hundred natural compounds in both marijuana and hemp, understanding the two that stand out the most:?tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD)?is the key to understanding hemp oil and cannabis oil. THC is the cannabinoid that is responsible for giving a high or ‘stoned’ feeling. CBD, on the other hand, is not psychoactive and has attracted a lot of attention from researchers and experts.HEMP OIL Vs CBD OIL: The need for ClarityHemp Seed OilHemp seed oil is a hemp extract taken from the seeds of the plant.?Industrial hemp?is the only plant used for this type of hemp oil. The seeds of the hemp plant can be cold pressed peeled and unpeeled (preferably cold), to create a?delicious oil. There are no cannabinoids such as THC or CBD present in the oil since hemp seeds are not psychoactive.?Hemp oil is legal?in most countries?and can be found in food markets, together with more common?types of oil, like olive oil.Hemp seeds oil is known for its great taste?and for the?high values of unsaturated fats, such as Omega 3 and Omega 6. It can be used in many different applications such as?Lotions or soaps, a base for plastics, instead of petroleum and eco-friendly paints.Cannabis OilCannabis oil is made by extracting the resin of the female cannabis plant, for example with a solvent. After the resin is dissolved in the solvent, the solvent is evaporated to leave the concentrated extract behind. What is left is an extract with THC and/or CBD, that can be blended with hemp seeds oil, olive oil or other types of oil to facilitate ingestion.CBD OilCBD-Rich Oil is a specific oil that contains?CBD and?doesn’t?contain THC.CBD-Rich oil is obtained via extraction made from cannabis flowers, most of the times from hemp strains rich in CBD. Then this extract can be mixed with hemp seeds oil, olive oil or other types of oil to facilitate ingestion.?These CBD-Rich oil products are non-psychoactive. Quote on Quote: by Rick Simpson“THC is the chemical that kills cancer cells” *CBD in hormonal driven cancer is of some benefit, (e.g. Breast cancer) otherwise all other cancers the higher the THC, the better. The higher it is the better chance of being healed. You gotta have the THC.It will make you high, but you will come immune to it, within a month (which you will be gradually built up to taking 1 gram a day of oil). There is a product called "buzzkill" it's a liquid tincture it can help with reducing the high, therefore it's helping a lot of people get their doses up.? does help seizure cases, but you will see that the pet or human still continue have some seizures, but if you add some THC to it, so no more seizures. … Never underestimate THC. Autism for example, giving CBD does not work, but if you give THC, yes it has a positive effect. There is well over 100 canaboids, and they are trying to separate them and saying this is good for this and this one is good for this etc. No, just take the whole plant.Low Blood Pressure Be aware when commencing treatment with “Cannabis oil” that it will “lower your blood pressure”, so if you or your pet are currently taking blood pressure medication, it is very likely that you will no longer require its use. If you or your pet aren’t on high blood pressure drugs, and are getting low blood pressure symptoms, one can take the Herb Licorice Root tincture (liquid) in some tasty liquid or in capsule form. Repeat a capsule three times a day. Or 20 drops in some juice three times a day. If not enough, take 2 capsules 3 x daily with banana (potassium). Or add three dropperfuls in some juice or water and take three times a day .(add powder or liquid to some taste liquid for canines, but pets seem to handle cannabis better than humans)Also Potassium BiCarbonate powder dissolved in a little water and added to meals will also help with low pressure. * You can give both Potassium and Licorice Root Herb tea or tincture.System using Rick Simpson Oil ?(step by step). * which is not “medical grade CBD oil” (which has very little THC in it)1. ?Purchase 21 plus Grams of oil from a dispensary or You can make it. Also purchase a tub of Coconut oil. 2. ? Purchase large capsules at a Health Food store. 3. ?Purchase 6-5 Gram syringes at the drugstore. 4 ? Warm up the tar-like oil in a pan of water on the stove, just enough to allow the oil to be sucked up into the syringes, filling 4 syringes. Set aside. 5. ?Right before filling each capsule, put a cup of water in the microwave for 30 seconds and then place the syringe in the water to warm for 4-5 minutes. 6. ? Take capsule apart and in the large end, using the heated oil-filled syringe, inject the oil till it is full. In the small end fill 1/2 of it with the coconut oil. (You may have to warm the coconut oil-filled syringe). ?Put both halves together. 7. ? Have patient lie down on his side, use paper plates (plastic coated is nice) and put some coconut oil in the plate. Rub the capsule in the oil and generously rub the coconut oil on the outside of the rectum. Insert the capsule pass the sphincter muscle (just inside the rectum). You'll know when it's in there good. 8. ? Have the patient lie on his side for at least 20 minutes. 9. ? Have patient use a pad with his underware and proceed to the vapping. 10. ?Fill the Cannibus Vap (purifier) with good bud. Take 2-3 hits (inhale). 11. ? Night night. Repeat this every night and watch Cancer go bye bye!12. ? Once you get the word "remission" you can cut this back for your maintenance.Instead of heating the oil in a pan on stove we used a small glass jar or measuring cup and used a candle warmer to heat it. ?Keep plastic wrap or lid to cover whatever oil is left for next time. ?Also, oil is very sticky and hard to remove from anything it comes into contact with however it can be easily removed with GermX / hand sanitizer.FURTHER INFORMATION"THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the major active component of marijuana, has anti-cancer properties. This compound is known to act through a specific family of cell receptors called cannabinoid receptors," says Dr. Peter McCormick, from UEA's School of Pharmacy.Must use a oil that has a high amount of the chemical THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) from Indica strain plant (cannabis indica). Forget CBD oils and make Rick Simpson Oil using high levels of THC from Cannabis Indica plant. Cannabidiol lacks the psychoactive properties of THC, but it also lacks comprehensive medicinal efficacy.The cannabis plant contains a complex combination of hundreds of medically powerful compounds that work together to benefit the human body. When legislators try to isolate only the ‘politically safe cannabinoids’ for medical use, we get ineffective, politically-safe policiesBecause it is proven that CBD oil alone is not an effective epilepsy treatment, anyone who supports “CBD only” legislation either has political and financial interests involved or is uninformed on the subject. By Daniel Macris, founder and CEO of Halcyon Organics. not use just CBD oils alone for cancer.. the powerful combination is also combining with THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) oils from Cannabis. The best oils to use will contain 98% THC and only 1%CBD. It’s the THC is needed to cure cancer safely. … Buy half ounce or ounce of Indica plant and follow the simple instructions on how to make your own oil. Discreetly source the cannabis from friends and family if necessary. If you are in an access state - should be easy to find! Or buy seeds and grow your own plant, then make your own natural medicine. Today, it is widely accepted that marijuana has two different species: Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa. Cross-breeding of the two types has led to a wide variety of hybrid strains with unique characteristics.Cannabis Sativa plants?are tall, loosely branched and have long, narrow leaves. They are usually grown outdoors and can reach heights of up to 20 feet. ~ uplifting and energeticCannabis Indica plants?are short, densely branched and have wider leaves. They are better suited for growing indoors. ~ relaxing and calmingJAR RECIPEMaking your own RSO OIL using the Jar method recipeUsing a canning jar with a lid and a crockpot - break up plant - put in jar - cover about an inch or two with good quality organic cold pressed coconut oil - put on lid - put in warm crockpot water up to the level of the coconut oil - bring up to a low simmer and leave the jar in there at least 24 hours to 36 hours - that low and slow will decarb and get as much cannabinoids as the plant has - strain well while hot into a small very clean holding jar - don't put jar from crockpot on a cold surface when taking out put on a towel - start dosing that 1/8th teaspoon every night for several night - a little less for small doggie - goal is building saturation with comfort!Dosing:For humans the dose to get up to is 1grain per day.Ideally using the oil should contain at least 80% of the THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) with approx. 10-20% CBD.Its the THC is what will be treating of cancer cells. So, unless your animal is the same size as a human, it will be a lower dose. I used a rice grain sized dose daily to cure my cat of cancer and it only took 2 weeks. The higher the dose you can get them up to, the faster it is able to cure. Saturation is the goal.Example Cat Case:Cat – was given ? a rice grain size of cannabis oil (undiluted) repeating (2) twice a day. The oil was placed on back of tongue – as close to the throat tumour. This was a large tumour in throat and had trouble breathing and unable to eat. It took 2 weeks to resolve tumour growth. The oil was straight oil of 80% THC in the oil. However, for less acute cases, one could start off with ? grain size once or twice a day for a week or two then go up to ? a rice grain size for felines or toy dogs. Here is the full story. Cat Cured of Squamous Cell Carcinoma By Charlie Renaud on Monday, May 19, 2014 at 2:49am(used an extract from Phoneix Tears Cannabis Oil FB ) I cured my 14 yr old house cat from cancer using Cannabis Oil. On May 31/12 - my 14 yr old cat, George, suddenly curled up in a closet to die, and stopped eating. All of a sudden. He was gagging, like he had something stuck in his throat, or trying to vomit. I called my vet and described the swelling I saw at the back of his mouth, on the left side (his right). His right eye was also beginning to bulge out. Vet said it could be 2 things, a tooth abscess or cancer. I made an appointment to bring him to them in the morning and immediately gave him a dose of Oil. In the meantime, he was not eating and clearly dehydrated. So, I asked them how I could feed him, since they advised me cats cannot go without food for days like we can. So, I had to mix his food with water and feed him with a syringe and give him supplemental water with a syringe also.June 1/12 - We took him to the vet in the morning for him to officially diagnose him, and he confirmed immediately that it was Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Deadly and common for older cats. He said the eye bulging was tumour growth...spreading. They said euthanasia was the only option, it was fatal and fast moving! I told him that I was going to treat him with Cannabis Oil, and in fact, had already given him his first dose. His eyebrows raised and he got silent. DOSAGE: 1/2 rice grain drop of oil (1) once daily for the first 2 days, then twice (2) daily for a week, then once daily for the last few days. The eye bulging stopped and receded 2.5 days into treatment so I knew it was working! June 8/12 - I brought him back in exactly 7 days later and the tumour that had been the size of a Toonie on June 1st, now on June 8th, was less than the size of a dime!!!! The vet said, "Miracles DO happen". My cat finally began eating again on his own on day 5 of treatment with the oil. I stopped giving him the Oil after 12 days, since he was totally back to normal and has been since. In fact, I think he is healthier now! Feb1/14 - my now 15.5 years old cat, whom has always been a small 7 lbs, now weighs 9.6lbs! So, he IS healthier for having had the Treatment. He doesn't seem to need any maintenance dose, but I do open and check his mouth on a regular basis to ensure it hasn't come back. He is also much healthier and vibrant than his full brother. Example Dog Case..Med size CanineOne lady said she made some infused coconut oil with a half oz of street weed (Blue Dream $200) and about 7 oz of coconut oil. Tested it first and one teaspoon was a mild high for me. I gave her a half a teaspoon. Within 90 minutes she was wolfing down food and asking for more. I think the half dose was still a little too strong for her, I could tell she didn't like it. She slept for about 4 hours and when she woke up she was a little dizzy and disoriented for a short time but she was OK. She had lost 8 pounds in the 13 days so she was very weak and exhausted. I continued giving her oil for another week, she ate 6 times the 2nd day and each day she got better and more energetic and soon gained her weight back. I have since learned that I gave her almost double the dose I should have but it's OK because researchers have been unable to find any amount of cannabis that can kill an animal, it is literally impossible to overdose on cannabis both for animals and humans.HOW TO DOSE A PET in GENERALSince it is very sticky and comes in a syringe (1 gram) what to do is to measure by eyesight for the half grain or fourth and get a small piece of turkey or chicken and wipe the top of the syringe to get the RSO. Rolled it a bit and put it in her mouth. This way I know she is getting the full amount. As you may feel more comfortable than putting it on her food and it is very difficult getting it off of the syringe. Can help by warming the syringe and add to the RSO for salve for her face and eye or area needing it (adjacent to growth if its not visable) 3 x day and as directed, RSO internally 2 x day.Can add to food.DOSAGE INSTRUCTIONS for humans By Rick Simpson This cancer protocol has been used on humans and Pets. Just the amount for pets is less than for human. It usually takes the average person about 90 days to ingest the full 60gram or 60ml oil treatment. I suggest that people start with three doses per day, about the size of a half a grain of short grained dry rice. The patient should take this dosage every 8 hours, early in the morning, then again in the afternoon and then they should take their final dose of the day, about an hour before bedtime. It should also be noted that as a patient begins to ingest this oil, the patient does not normally feel the oils effects until about an hour after they have taken their dosage, so please be aware of this fact. A beginner’s dose such as I am describing would equal about ? of a drop.After four days at this dosage which should be taken three times a day, most people are then able to increase their doses by doubling the amount of their dosage every four days. By following this simple procedure, many patients have reported that they felt that they had not experienced the high, which this oil can cause. But in truth no two of us are the same and we all have different tolerances, so some will be able to up their dosages more quickly than others. In reality, even if one does become what is commonly referred to as being high this will not harm them in any way, if the oil they are ingesting was produced from the sedative strains of Indica, which I recommend and the resulting oil was produced in the proper way.It takes the average person anywhere from 3 to 5 weeks to get to the point where they can ingest 1gram or 1ml per day. Once they reach this dosage they can continue at this rate until their medical issues are brought under control. This means that after the patient has become accustomed to the oils use, each dose they are ingesting will equal 8 to 9 drops every 8 hours and in many cases, I have seen patients that have had no trouble ingesting even far more. It takes a dosage roughly the size of two grains of short grained dry rice to equal one drop, so once the patient has become accustomed to the oils use they are actually ingesting doses which equal 16 to 18 grains of rice per dose.In some cases I have even seen patients who had no fear of this medication, ingest the full 60 gram treatment in one month and after doing so, many of them were declared to be cancer free.By using the method which I am describing, it allows your body time to build up a tolerance for this medication slowly and once the patient becomes accustomed to the oils effects, most patients actually report that they enjoy taking it.We all have different tolerances for any medication and your size or body weight has little to do with your tolerance for hemp oil and even children can take the same dosage as adults, with no detrimental effects.WARNING ABOUT THE USE OF THIS MEDICATION WHEN USING OTHER DRUGSBe aware when commencing treatment with Cannabis oil that it will lower your blood pressure, as it’s a relaxant so if you are currently taking blood pressure medication, it is very likely that you will no longer require its use. Often patient’s will try to continue using their blood pressure medication, but if it is taken along with the oil their combined effect, can bring the patient’s blood pressure down too uncomfortable levels.? It’s a good idea for those beginning treatment with the oil, to check their blood pressure often and then reduce their intake of other blood pressure medications as their blood pressure levels reduce. In the event that a patient is already suffering with low blood pressure, I have had reports from people who have this condition and they stated that simply drinking some water when they began to feel uncomfortable did help to some degree. Those who have low blood pressure, may in some cases find it necessary to ingest even smaller doses of this medication and to increase their dosages accordingly. But since this medication really does not present a danger, I think that their bodies will adjust to the oils effects in a short time, after which they should experience little or no difficulty with its use. Diabetics should also be aware that they will usually find that their need for insulin will be reduced and it may even decrease to the point, where they will no longer require its use at all and the same goes for most other pharmaceuticals as well. Diabetics are diagnosed with type1 or type 2 diabetes and no matter what type you suffer from, it is still beneficial to use this oil because not only will it decrease your need for insulin, it will also protect your body from all the other harm this disease can cause.HUMAN DOSAGESMany people today are suggesting that patients should be placing the dosage they are ingesting under their tongue, or they should be sticking their dosage to their gums, which is now known as tacking. Although methods such as this can get the medicinal cannabinoids into the patient’s body, I really do not agree with these methods because oils can often have a bad taste that can linger in the mouth for quite some time. I feel that by simply placing the dosage in the patient’s mouth, would have benefits for those who have gum infections and problems of this nature, but in most cases I believe that their dosage should just be swallowed. The proper oil is a thick grease like substance, so when I ingest my dosage I simply put it on my finger and then place it on my teeth, after which I drink cold water and then use my tongue to remove it from my teeth and then I swallow. By using this method, I can usually take my dosages without hardly tasting the oil at all and I think that most patients would prefer to do the same, but there are also other simple methods which can be used to avoid the bad taste.The patient’s dosage can be placed on a small piece of bread and the bread can then be folded over to cover the dosage and then it can be placed in the patient’s mouth and swallowed much like a pill with water. Another good method to avoid the taste, is to place the dosage between two thin slices of fruit such as bananas and then place it in the patient’s mouth so it can be swallowed as well. If the oil is produced properly, often it really does not have an unpleasant taste that will linger, but the simple methods I have described should help patients ingest their dosages more easily. The name of the game, is to simply get the oil into the patient’s body in the easiest and most pleasant way possible, so I think following the methods I have described should be given serious consideration.Backdoor Method FOR HUMANSSUPPOSITORIES For quite some time now, many people have been showing an interest in using this medication in suppository form, because they think that by doing so they can avoid becoming high and for some, this might be somewhat true. I have used this oil in suppository form myself, but when I took quite a large dose in this manner I cannot say that I did not feel its effects. I actually think that in some cases using suppositories is a very good idea, since I believe the oil should be placed as close as possible, to the medical problem which is being treated. Therefore, for someone who is suffering with something such as prostate or bowel cancer, I believe that it could be more beneficial for their medical problems, to use the oil in this manner. But still, I have seen many patients with these same medical disorders, heal themselves by simply ingesting their dosages by mouth, so I will leave the method you wish to use up to you. When the oil is used as a suppository, the medicinal cannabinoids this oil contains go directly into the blood stream by passing the liver.… I think you should flood your system with the Canabis Oil. It's certainly not going to hurt you.? It's just my opinion but I'd start out with 1gram suppository a day for a couple of weeks and work up to 2 grams from there.? You need to find a dispensary and get on a pill high in a variety of?CBD's,? also with THC.??My husband was given 2-4 months to live in April and has clean PT scans.? (USA client)READ SOME TESTIMONIES(available also are oral syringe, suppositories mold makers, empty capsules)CASE STUDYACUTE MYELOID LEUKEMIA. March 11th I spoke with a Mom who's 6 year old had just been diagnosed with a very aggressive cancer, Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Got them pointed in the right direction and on oil. Here's the update 3 weeks later. ***** is using the 68.5% thc ratio up from the 27% thc ratio...he is at 6 long grain rice amounts per day and upping every 5 days. I firmly believe it has helped him so much already. His blood and bone marrow shows the cancer is gone...but because of his gene biopsy he still needs the bone marrow transplant and another couple of chemos...the oil has made it so that he has had no nasty side effects to the chemo too. I am eager to see how he bounces back after this round of chemo that just finished now that he's on more of the oil.MAKING YOUR OWN HEALING “CANCER OIL”WE would highly recommend making your own Cannabis Oil. Starting with some seeds and growing your very own healing plant. Here is the strain of plant you need for cancer treatment. OG Kush Indica seeds (seems to have 26% THC) which is still very low, but better than nothing. However, see if a friend in the USA who has a medical card order the already made RSO oil and post to you. Available from Perth. (WA) .au is a medical cannabis dispensary and the only Australian Seed Bank where you can buy marijuana seeds. We are helping people obtain the necessary resources so they can make their own cannabis oil?to help in the treatment of various medical ailments and conditions. Australian residents, please contact us for further details to obtaining Cannabis (with high THC) capsules here in Australia. $3.00 per capsule (4gm of active cannabis oil in one caps.ADULT HUMAN - Dosages by Rick Simpson * Modified Protocol for PETS by Diana Hayes.HUMAN Or Large dog (slightly less than HUMAN amount DOSING guide BELOW)Small to Medium size pets?(half the amount OF HUMAN amount DOSING guide BELOW)Toy dog, Cat?? -? ? (quarter the amount OF THE HUMAN amount DOSING guide BELOW)TOPICALLYApply RSO topically as well – around or on tumour or adjacent if internally.e.g mix RSO with coconut oil for salving on tumour area. * ORAL or BRAIN Tumour, apply with a cotton bud a couple of drops of the (LivingYoung or DoTerra) Frankincense oil, apply on skin - back of head and under throat. Repeat twice a day or more if possible. We supply a small bottle diluted with Coconut oil and half DoTerra Frankincense Essentail Oil with our TOPICAL KIT set.PREPARATION starting WEEKSDay 1? (week 1):?? Half a grain RSO? (-0.01 gram)??? 3 times a day????e.g? 1/4 grain for CAT - 2 times a day.Day 2? (week 1):?? Half a grain RSO? (-0.01 gram)??? 3 times a dayDay 3? (week 1):?? Half a grain RSO? (-0.01 gram)??? 3 times a dayDay 4? (week 1):?? Half a grain RSO? (-0.01 gram)??? 3 times a day__________________________________________________Day 5? (week 1):??? one? grain RSO? (-0.02 gram)?? 3 times a day?????? e.g 1/2 grain for a CAT - 2 twice a day.Day 6? (week 1):??? one grain RSO? (-0.02 gram)??? 3 times a dayDay 7 (week 1):???? one? grain RSO? (-0.02 gram)?? 3 times a dayDay 8 (week 2):???? one grain RSO? (-0.02 gram)??? 3 times a day________________________________________________Day 9??? (week 2):??? 2 grains? RSO? (-0.04 gram)??? 3 times a day????e.g?? 1 grain for a CAT-? 2 twice a day? * stay at this, however if no? change or very little increase amount other if positive?healing stay at this amount for remaining time – total of 7 weeksDay 10? (week 2):??? 2 grains? RSO? (-0.04 gram)??? 3 times a dayDay 11? (week 2):??? 2 grains?? RSO? (-0.04 gram)?? 3 times a dayDay 12? (week 2):??? 2 grains?? RSO? (-0.04 gram)?? 3 times a day_________________________________________________Day 13? (week 2):????? 4 grains? RSO? (-0.08 gram)?? 3 times a day?Day 14?? (week 2):???? 4 grains? RSO? (-0.08 gram)?? 3 times a dayDay 15?? (week 3):???? 4 grains? RSO? (-0.08 gram)?? 3 times a dayDay 16?? (week 3):???? 4 grains? RSO? (-0.08 gram)?? 3 times a day__________________________________________________Day 17?? (week 3):??? 8 grains? RSO? (-0.16 gram)??? 3 times a dayDay 18?? (week 3):??? 8 grains? RSO? (-0.16 gram)??? 3 times a dayDay 19?? (week 3):??? 8 grains? RSO? (-0.16 gram)??? 3 times a dayDay 20?? (week 3):??? 8 grains? RSO? (-0.16 gram)??? 3 times a dayTREATMENT WEEKS? (?1 GRAM of RSO a day for 6 weeks )Finished on -? Day 43? (week 4)????????? ( 7 week treatment) How to buy RSO oil in the USA (the oil that treats cancer)Certain states have laws?that will not allow the sale of cannabis that is more than 0.03 THC.For example – Illinois is one of the states that is?legal to get the stronger RSO oil. Or if you know someone with a medical card that goes to dispensary for you.? We encourage anyone that can gain access to a legal state and go there?to purchase, which you can do without a medical card.?I have attached a site that shows the states that have legalized the sale of recreational cannabis and if you have a medical card. As you will see, there are very few states that allow medical or recreational sale. The THRIVE website (link below) is were a friend gets the RSO for me when in the USA. We can go get it ourselves but not supposed to cross the state line and it is much cheaper if someone has a medical card as opposed to me going and purchasing it.You cannot have it mailed to you, you have to go in person. * One thing to be aware of is some of the RSO and cannabis flower blends have flavors or synthetic. The one from THRIVE etc. do not.When you go on the website THRIVE look for concentration and it will show the RSOWe suggest to get and use the RSO - Hammer 1gram INDICA 85 percent THC high in CBD, lower THC . This seems to work really well for the inflammation.ORAL DOSING A PETSince it is very sticky and comes in a syringe (1 gram) what to do is to measure by eyesight for the half grain or fourth and get a small piece of turkey or chicken and wipe the top of the syringe to get the RSO. Rolled it a bit and put it in her mouth. This way I know she is getting the full amount. As you may feel more comfortable than putting it on her food and it is very difficult getting it off of the syringe. Can warm the syringe and add to the RSO for salve for her face and eye. 3 x day and as directed, RSO internally 2 x day. An example above when bought in the USA from a person with a medical card. 81 % THC which perfect.I hope this helps you and the websites I attached for you. ................

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