Parthenia Onassis Grant, Ph.D. - Los Angeles Mission College


Parthenia Onassis Grant, Ph.D.

Aka Ruthie O. Grant, Ph.D.

Email: doctorparthenia@

Phone: 323 218 5344

© 2008, 2009

All Rights Reserved

First Edition

This book is written as a source of information only. The information contained herein should by no means be considered a substitute for the advice of a qualified medical professional, who should always be consulted for any health problem or before embarking upon any health program. The author and publisher disclaim all liability for any adverse effect arising from the use or misuse or application of information contained in this book.

Cover Design and Layout

Edwin Jake Frias

Cover Photo and Inside Photos

Adrian Gonzalez

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data has been applied for

ISBN 978-0-9799809-0-9

Shangri La Press






Loving yourself enhances your immune system, changes your cells, and allows you to become immune to toxicities, because the frequency of love is the most powerful force in existence.

-Barbara Marciniac author of Family of Light



Those who are highly motivated can break addictions or kick old habits cold turkey and stick to the change. Motivators that can serve as powerful, positive triggers are a life threatening illness, (Note: some people use their illness to get attention or sympathy from others or to manipulate others and make them feel guilty, obligated or responsible for them because they are sick); the loss of a loved one through a divorce, break up or death; the impulse to attract a new mate will motivate many to lose weight, as will a class reunion, wedding, or an important public appearance. Barring such triggers, most people are so addicted to cooked foods, processed foods and meats, they are not capable of summoning the internal motivation to take action or to stick to a program.

In lieu of the foregoing, it is a good idea to eliminate eating highly addictive foods like meat, fried foods, carbs (white, processed breads, pastas), and/or refined foods, ONE AT A TIME due to the addictive nature of such foods. Even after the physical cravings are gone, old habits die hard. Thus, one has to learn new habits in order to replace old ones. Generally, a person has to practice a new habit for 20-30 days before it becomes engrained. Those who have already tried and failed to lose weight with other diets, may not be desperate enough, motivated enough, or might not have enough will power to bite the bullet and give up addictive foods and substances all at once. Even though cold turkey is the quickest, most effective route to health and weight loss, it also takes the most courage, discipline and inspiration to stick to. So rather than set oneself up for disappointment, take one step at a time by eliminating one addictive food at a time, then tackle the next one.

REMINDER: Please refer to the Alphabetical Index to Health under “Weight Loss” for additional tips for easy weight loss. The Master Cleanse definitely works, but tends to be a bit drastic for most people and is not recommended for those who have not gotten rid of yeast or gotten their sugar levels regulated.

Start out with the smoothies, juices and shakes in this chapter for 7-10 days. Parthenia’s Plasma shake is a perfect transition into the Master Cleanse (See alphabetical Index to Health in Part II of this book under “Master Cleanse”). This smoothie is filling, satisfying and acts as a blood transfusion in that the water of the young coconut was used in WWII for plasma when blood was not available. The two components of blood are plasma and chlorophyll, so adding leafy greens to the shake turns it into a blood transfusion.

This program is designed to detox the blood and clear toxins out of the body. It is meant to be used in conjunction with a total body detox and cleanse of the liver, kidneys and intestines for parasites, heavy metals, Candida and mucous plaque.

First, start with a colon cleanse in conjunction with bentonite clay and a series of colonics to remove impactions and blockages from the colon, then do the other cleanses depending on the state of your health. For instance, if you have problems with sugar levels, yeast, mold or fungus (allergies) then do the Candida cleanse second (which can be done in conjunction with the parasite cleanse. Or, if your liver is toxic, do that one next. Those with kidney or bladder problems should do that one second. Liver and kidney cleanses can be done together.

Everybody has at least four pounds of parasites in their colon, so that cleanse is a priority and can be done in conjunction with the Candida cleanse. The point is: all of the cleanses need to be done. Those accustomed to detoxing regularly can handle doing more than one cleanse at a time, but first timers should do no more than two at a time.

Wait a week between cleanses and drink plenty of water while detoxing to flush toxins out.

It is also important to use a dry sauna to sweat out toxins and impurities, or if you do not have access to one, do some form of exercise that causes sweating.



In Hollywood there is an old adage that says: One can never be too rich or too thin. I always point this out to clients who want to gain weight (mostly men who are actually more interested in building muscle mass. Those concerned about losing muscle mass while on a live/raw food diet, need not be concerned because the thiamin in Vitamin B1 actually builds muscle mass.

Those who are already thin and are worried about losing weight on this diet need not be concerned either. When clients ask me how to gain weight, my answer is: When the body is detoxed of heavy metals, parasites, colon impactions and other toxins, then fed proper nutrition through live foods and supplements, it will automatically decrease the weight of those who need to lose weight and increase the weight of those who need to gain. Our bodies are magnificently designed and more intelligent than any computer; it knows what to do to maintain health, beauty and vitality when we give it a break from having to protect us from all of the toxins we bombard it with on a daily basis.

Deficiencies of Magnesium, Vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D, and Nicotinic Acid will result in an inability to lose weight, or if one is under weight, will prevent one from gaining weight as well.

Vitamin B1 (thiamin) deficiencies can cause: atrophy of muscles, diminished reflexes; poor endurance in walking. Best sources of Vitamin B1 (thiamin) are wheat germ, dried soy beans, brazil nuts, pecans, peanuts, hazel nuts, oats, whole wheat, dried peas and dried beans.

A deficiency of Vitamin D can cause: flabby, weak muscles; rheumatic pains in limbs, softened bones; joint swellings. Best sources of Vitamin D: egg yolk, butter, milk metabolized with vitamin D, whole, dried milk.

Potassium assures the elasticity of the muscular tissues and balances the acids in the body. A deficiency will result in constipation, incomplete digestion and weak muscular control. The best sources of potassium are tomato, kale, lettuce, celery, cabbage, Swiss chard, and cucumber.


Keep in mind the following ratio in daily food selection:

10% Dried fruits, nuts, beans and peas (constructive)

20% Whole Grains and Starches (reconstructive) includes bananas and potatoes

30% Raw Vegetables (eliminative), includes raw milk products and salad dressings

40% Raw Juicy Fruits (strongly eliminative)

NOTE: Those who are diabetic or have Candida yeast should eliminate all fruits, carbs and sugars for 30 days to starve the yeast and get the infection under control first. During this time, focus on healthy fats like avocadoes and olive oil, and omega three oils like flax seeds, to regenerate the liver.



• provides more substance than the Master Cleanse

• is satisfying to the taste buds,

• feels like a real meal on the stomach

• provides enough energy for workouts

• one cannot workout or do strenuous work on the Master Cleanse

• One will lose 7-8 pounds per week

• One does not feel tired, bored or food deprived

• One can substitute any combination of fresh fruits and vegetables


• Bananas are a carb and tend to constipate and too dense;

• broccoli and cauliflower create gas and increase weight gain

• Potatoes and beans are carbs

Remember to drink your minimum daily requirement of water while on a liquid fast, take a laxative tea or magnesium before going to bed, drink a cup of apple cider vinegar tea first thing in the morning and be sure to administer enemas, if not having three bowel movements a day.


For a Liquid Fast Choose any of the Following Juices or Smoothies

• 8-12 ounces of Parthenia’s Plasma Shake, or

• 6-8 ounces of any of the following fresh squeezed juices:

• orange juice (squeezed and blended in blender)

• pineapple juice (made in the blender)

• pink grapefruit (juiced and blended in the blender)

• apple juice (made in the juicer)

• grape juice (made in juicer)

Young coconuts are a staple item. They are white and shaved to a peak at the top. The water from young coconuts is identical to blood plasma. Thus, a shake with the water and tender meat from a young cocoanut thrown into a blender with spinach and arugula become a blood transfusion because the chlorophyll from the green plants make up the other component of blood (Eating For Beauty, David Wolfe)


Makes enough for four people

Drink this every day, whether fasting or not, since it curbs the appetite, speeds up or regulates the metabolism, and the ingredients build the blood in that water from a young coconut has the same ingredients as plasma, minus the chlorophyll. That is the reason for adding green spinach and arugula. The chlorophyll in them creates a green blood transfusion. Blood in our bodies is actually blue green and only turns red when exposed to oxygen. Use your favorite fruits. The following are the fruits and vegetables I prefer and why:


1 young coconut (water and flesh)

1 mango (very high in antioxidants and beta carotene)

1 cup of pineapple (contains digestive enzymes)

1 cup of papaya (contains digestive enzymes)

1 handful of spinach (anti aging, prevents cancer and macular degeneration of the eye) and arugula (contains vitamin C, E and beta carotene)

or spinach and cilantro (cilantro kills parasites and cleanses heavy metals). Note: Both arugula and cilantro are pungent so mixing them together can create a really strong taste, so use one or the other, if unable to handle the pungent taste of both

ice or water to create the coldness and consistency desired

1 tablespoon of raw cacao (a super food full of vitamins and minerals)

1 tablespoon of maca (for energy or male potency)

1 tablespoon of hemp (powerful protein)

1 teaspoon Super Greens powder (choose your favorite but include spirulina)

1 teaspoon of orange, vanilla, or lemon extract

Dash of cinnamon, allspice, cloves (to kill parasites) and nutmeg

¼ teaspoon of cayenne pepper (blood purifier that cleanses the arteries and raises metabolism)

Pour the remaining plasma in a cold thermos, chill in the freezer to drink during the day.


(makes one glass)

1 large, young coconut

1 tablespoon of orange extract

Ice Cubes

2 pitted dates

For chocolate milk add 2 tbls of raw carob or raw chocolate then blend

Pour the water and scraped meat from the young coconut into blender along with the orange extract, dates and ice. Blend.

This is a filling drink that satisfies hunger and cuts the appetite.


Use as many dark, leafy green vegetables as possible because of their high content of B vitamins and calcium, especially kale, chard, water cress, bok choi, mustard, turnip, collars, cilantro, arugula, and cabbage.

Cabbage and cilantro are known to kill intestinal worms, while cilantro is a blood purifier and heavy metal cleanser. Combine leafy greens with carrots, beets, apples, carrots or pineapple to sweeten. Pineapples contain digestive enzymes.

Fresh, vegetable juice provides the best source of antioxidants and blood purifiers available to reverse the aging clock and induce weight loss for those who need it or to increase weight for those who are under weight. Drink a glass of vegetable juice a day whether fasting or not.


3 large beets

3 bunches of Kale

3 large or six small Fuji or Gala apples

This should make a quart. Drink within two days. It is very filling.

The following soups will suffice for dinner with flax seed crackers sprinkled on top (available at Whole Foods). Alternatively, the juice and meat of a young cocoanut will suffice for dinner or a filling snack.


Choice of vegetables can be varied according to individual taste.

Do not leave out the avocado, basil, cilantro or dill.


1 large avocado or 2 small avocadoes

½ cup of chopped leeks

1 small turnip or daikon radish

1 handful of spinach, or bok choi, or watercress

1 handful of arugula

1 half bunch of cilantro

1 sprig of fresh basil

1 sprig of fresh rosemary (1/2 length of index finger)

1 small sprig of fresh dill

2 cubes of low sodium vegetable bullion (from Whole Foods)

1 fresh lemon (squeezed)

1 cup of baby carrots

1 jalapeno pepper (take out seeds)

1 slice of onion

½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper

1 lime

1 lemon

2 cups of hot water

Lay out vegetables so that they are room temperature, before placing into the blender. If they are fresh out of the fridge, run hot water over them so that they are not cold.

Dump all of the ingredients into your blender except for the lemon juice. Pour two cups of boiling water into the blender until the blender is almost half full of water. This hot water will not destroy the enzymes in the vegetables because the vegetables themselves are not boiled.

Blend until smooth in the blender. Squeeze the lemon/lemon juice into the blender after ingredients are smooth, and then blend again. Serve immediately. Soup best served warm.


(serves two)

2 Large Heirloom tomatoes, chopped

½ cup basil

1 small sprig of rosemary (1/2 size of index finger)

1 cup of chopped cilantro leaves

2 limes

1 tbl apple cider vinegar

2 tbl Nana Shoyu Soy Sauce or balsamic vinegar

2 tbl herbed white wine vinegar

1 large jalapeno pepper, seeded and chopped

1 small bottle of seedless Kalamata olives cut in half for garnish

½ to one cup of hot water (depending on thickness of soup)

½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper

Dash of Himalayan sea salt to taste

Dump vegetables into blender with seasonings and hot water. Blend until smooth. Garnish with kalamata olives along with a little of their juice and a few leaves of basil or chopped basil.


(From Raw Food/Real World by Matthew Kenney and Sarma Melngailis)

Celeriac, a member of the celery family7, is an ugly, knobby root. It has a nice half-celery, half-parsley flavor, though, and is especially valuable as an ingredient in soups. Here, the woodsy, naturally salty freshness of the celeriac’s essence complements the tartness of green apple and the earthiness of black truffles or raw, dark chocolate shavings. In addition, celeriac is extremely low in calories, with no fat or cholesterol, immensely high in fiber, uniquely rich in flavor and full of raw recipe potential.

4 cups peeled, chopped celeriac

1 ½ cup chopped green apple

1 ½ cups raw macadamia nuts, soaked for 1 hour or more

1 ½ cups filtered water

2 tablespoons coconut butter

6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

¼ cup lemon juice

sea salt to taste

freshly ground cayenne pepper

¼ cup minced chives

1 small, fresh black truffle, shaved or julienned (optional)

Substitute sprinkles of raw, dark chocolate shavings (1 tablespoon)

½ cup black truffle oil

¼ cup of chopped chervil leaves or cilantro leaves

Blend the celeriac and green apple until smooth, then strain. Pour juice back into blender then put in other ingredients, except for oil, then blend until smooth. If it tastes too grainy because of the macadamia nuts, strain again. Serve room temperature with oil drizzled on top.


with jalapeno, green onion and cilantro

(From Raw Food/Real World by Matthew Kenney and Sarma Melngailis)

4 cups chopped, peeled cucumbers

4 cups fresh, chopped pineapple

1 cup fresh pineapple juice

1 jalapeno pepper, chopped

1 green onion, white with one inch of green

1 tablespoon lime juice

2 teaspoons sea salt

1 handful cilantro leaves

3 tablespoons avocado oil, macadamia oil, or olive oil

1 handful of soaked, chopped macadamia nuts

Puree in blender, serve cold.


(From Raw Food/Real World by Matthew Kenney and Sarma Melngailis)

3 cups of carrot juice

1 small, ripe avocado

1/3 cup coconut meat

¼ cup lime juice

2 tablespoons of agave nectar

1 tablespoon minced ginger

¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper

¼ teaspoon sea salt

2 tablespoons of chopped cilantro leaves

Puree in blender until completely smooth. Taste for seasoning. Serve chilled in summer or gently warmed in winter over a slow heat stirring constantly, testing with finger to see that it is warm. Pour into a warm bowl.


(A variation from Juliano’s Raw The UNcook Book)

½ to 1 cup fresh Portobello mushrooms

¼ cup fresh cilantro, chopped and packed

1 tablespoon fresh basil leaves, chopped

1 tablespoon fresh fennel, de-stemmed and chopped

2 tablespoon fresh dill, de-stemmed and chopped

½ teaspoon sage leaves (pineapple sage) chopped

½ teaspoon fresh lemon thyme, de-stemmed and chopped

½ teaspoon fresh oregano leaves, chopped

1 teaspoon fresh parsley, chopped

¾ cup tomato chopped (preferably heirloom)

¼ cup olive oil

3 tablespoons of Nama Shoyu soy sauce or 2 teaspoons of Himalayan Sea Salt

¼ cup of coconut water, fresh squeezed orange juice, or 2 cubes vegetable broth

½ teaspoon fresh squeezed lemon juice (optional)

½ teaspoon minced ginger (optional)

½ teaspoon minced garlic (optional)

Puree in blender until completely smooth. Serve immediately.


(A variation from Juliano’s Raw The UNcook Book)

1 cup of beet juice

1 fresh jalapeno pepper chopped

2 large cloves of garlic

1 tablespoon of minced baby ginger

5 cups fresh squeezed orange juice

¼ cup chopped green onion

1 cup grated cabbage

1 teaspoon of fresh chopped dill

1 teaspoon of fresh chopped basil

¼ bunch of chopped cilantro

2 large avocadoes, sliced

½ cup carrot juice

2/3 cup of olive oil

½ cup lemon or lime juice

1 cup of apple juice

1 teaspoon Himalayan Sea Salt

Puree in blender until completely smooth, chill and serve. Keep the rest of soup in a glass jar in refrigerator or pour in a chilled thermos to drink throughout the day.


From Juliano’s Raw The UNCook Book

2 cups fresh squeezed tomato, carrot, and or vegetable juice

2 cups chopped spinach

½ medium sized avocado

2 tablespoons minced garlic

1 jalapeno

1 teaspoon of minced ginger

2 tablespoons chopped green onions

¼ cup of Nama Shoyu (unpasteurized soy sauce) or

1 ½ teaspoons of Himalayan Sea Salt

½ fresh lime

1 tablespoon fresh mint leaves, chopped

¼ bunch of chopped cilantro leaves

½ cup olive oil

1/8 cup white wine vinegar

¼ cup shallots

½ cup Portobello mushrooms

Puree in blender, chill and serve.


Choose from the following:

• Lots of fresh water (preferably structured)

• Leafy green juices mixed with apple, beet or carrot juices

• Plain carrot, apple, or beet juice

• 2-4 ounces of apple butter, peach butter, fig butter or other fruit butter

• 8 ounces of plain or chocolate coconut milk mixed in the blender


• eating small portions more frequently

• ceasing to eat once the hunger signal is gone

• leaving food on the plate

• savor each mouthful by chewing it slowly and thoroughly

• drink Parthenia’s Coconut Plasma everyday whether fasting or not





Start off each day with a glass of Parthenia’s Plasma or a glass of your favorite fresh squeezed juice or smoothie listed under breakfast smoothies. Those who are not fasting will enjoy the following filling and satisfying breakfast cereal:

Parthenia’s Sprouted Buckwheat Cereal With

Apples, Blueberries, Raisins and Coconut Cream

2 cups sprouted buckwheat soaked for 2-4 hours and drained

1 large Fuji apple, chopped with skin

1 large mango, chopped

½ cup mixed raisins

½ cup dried or fresh blueberries

3 young coconuts (scrape the flesh and use ½ cup of juice for cream)

2 tablespoons of vanilla extract

2 tablespoons of orange extract

½ cup agave nectar

½ teaspoon cinnamon

½ teaspoon nutmeg

Place all ingredients into a bowl, except the coconut meat and coconut water, and mix. To make the coconut cream, scrape the meat/flesh from inside the young coconut and put into blender with one half cup of the coconut water, save the rest of the water to drink later. Blend until smooth and creamy. Add one teaspoon of orange extract to the coconut cream. Mix one half of the coconut cream into the cereal and use the other half to dollop on top when serving.

This mixture will serve four people and will last one person for several days in the refrigerator.




Serves two people

For those who are just going raw and feel they cannot exist without meat, crevice is a good transition. It is also rich in omega oils. The cilantro is good for cleaning the liver and heavy metals and the apple cider vinegar is NOT optional as it alkalizes the acid in the fish, kills any bacteria, and aids in digestion of meat protein.

1 package of cold smoked salmon, organic, wild caught

1 large jalapeno pepper thinly sliced

½ cup chopped cilantro

1 tomato, chopped

1 avocado, chopped

¼ cup olive oil

2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

2 tablespoons Nama Shoyu soy sauce

½ teaspoon Himalayan sea salt

½ teaspoon cayenne pepper

2 limes (squeezed)


This salad is rich in fiber and B vitamins. It is really good for cleansing and soothing the intestinal tract. Each mouthful feels divinely satisfying. The limes cook the okra.

2 cups of sliced okra

2 cups of sliced mushrooms

1 chopped avocado (firm, not too ripe)

1 cup of chopped cilantro

2 chopped jalapeno peppers (seeded)

3 large limes (roll before squeezing and scraping)

1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper

½ to ¾ cup of Nama Shoyu Soy Sauce

2 tablespoons dried parsley

½ cup kalamata olive oil

Mix ingredients in a bowl, stir together, let sit for 10 minutes to marinade, serve.


Serves four people

This salad satisfies the body’s cravings for bitter, sweet, sour, pungent, and spicy foods: One may omit or substitute items according to taste buds.



Purple onions

Fresh jalapeno pepper or chili pepper

Cayenne pepper to taste (a blood purifier)

Red, yellow and green bell peppers

Half a bunch of chopped cilantro (this is a blood purifier and parasite killer)

Baby spinach

Romaine lettuce

Purple cabbage (rich in vitamin C)


Dried cranberries, dried raisins, or fresh pomegranates

Almonds that have been soaked for 12 hours and drained

Flax seed crackers crumbled on top, or a tbl of whole flax seeds

Green olives stuffed with jalapenos

Kalamata olives

Grated raw parmesan cheese or Rawmesan (a substitute for parmesan cheese). Note: Those trying to lose weight should use Rawmesan instead of cheese.

Chop up ingredients, toss with dressing, sprinkle grated cheese and cayenne pepper on top of salad then crumble raw flax seed crackers on top.

Balsamic Sesame Dressing:

Equal amounts of:

Fresh lemon juice

Olive oil

Sesame seed oil (raw)

Balsamic vinegar

Raspberry Vinaigrette Dressing:

-Alissa Cohen


1 ½ cups of raspberries

¼ cup fresh orange juice

2 tablespoons of olive oil

½ teaspoon of fresh lemon juice

Sea salt and pepper to taste


1 cup macadamia nuts

½ cup sunflower seeds, soaked 12 hours and drained

½ cup pumpkin seeds, soaked 12 hours and drained

1 Cup extra virgin olive oil

Juice of one large lemon or 2 small lemons

Juice of one large lime or 2 small limes

2 large cloves of garlic

¼-1/5 cup of Nama Shoyu Soy Sauce (raw)

1 large bunch of fresh Cilantro

Up to ¾ cup of pure water

Blend all ingredients in blender except for water. Add water as needed to bring blend to desired consistency. Taste and correct seasoning, if necessary.

It is not necessary to soak seeds if you are planning on making this dressing a few hours before serving.


Rawvolution cookbook by Matt Amsden

Onion Bread Recipe:

3 yellow onions

¾ cup of Raw Flax Seeds

¾ cup Raw Sunflower Seeds

1/3 cup of Olive Oil

1/3 cup of Nama Shoyu Soy Sauce (it’s raw)

Grind the fax seeds and sunflower seeds in a coffee grinder to make the flour.

Pour flour into a bowl, and then use your food processor or a knife to cut the onions into round slices. Put them in the bowl with the flour. Pour olive oil and soy sauce on top then mix with a spatula until it is blended.

Spread dough onto your dehydrator sheet to a thickness of no more than a fourth or a half of an inch; otherwise it will be difficult to dry. It takes 24 to 48 hours to dehydrate at 117 degrees, depending on the thickness of your loaf. You may need to turn the bread over to dry both sides evenly.


Chop up avocadoes, cilantro, chives, your favorite olives, shredded lettuce, and toss with a favorite dressing from the free raw food cookbook available at



2 cups of pistachios (or pumpkin seeds)

2 cups of sunflower seeds

Soak seeds 12 hours then drain

1-2 cloves of garlic

1 red bell pepper

1-2 teaspoons of cumin

2 tablespoons of purple onion, chopped

½ teaspoon – 1 tablespoon Cayenne Pepper

lemon or lime juice instead of salt

Puree in food processor or blender until smooth. Taste and adjust seasoning.


3-4 CUPS Fresh tomatoes, chopped

1 red onion, chopped

1-2 Fresh Jalapeno Peppers, chopped finely

1 bunch fresh cilantro chopped

Blend well and strain through a fine strainer to get the runny juices out. Taste and adjust the flavors. Let salsa sit for 1-2 hours before serving. Strain again if too watery.


Use whole leaves of Napa cabbage, romaine lettuce or collard greens (organic)


Slice ripe avocadoes.


Lay out green leaf on a plate. Drop a generous amount of the Mexican pate down the center of the leaf, top with 2-3 slices of avocado, then fresh salsa.


Rachel Carr is the award winning chef at Cru Vegan Raw Restaurant in Silver lake, California. She is an intuitive, self taught chef who comes up with one of the most creative and amazingly original menus of raw food and desserts in Los Angeles. I never get tired of eating at her restaurant because she always has some kind of new special for me to try out. You have not lived until you’ve tried her chocolate raspberry crepes with coconut custard ice cream. I’ve included that in the list of recipes. I am also a big fan of her pesto and mushroom ravioli. You’ll have to go to the restaurant to enjoy that recipe.


1 cup each of walnuts, pecans, and pumpkin seeds

1 teaspoon oregano

1 tablespoon chili powder

4 tablespoons Harissa (see recipe below)

¼ teaspoon ground cloves

½ teaspoon Sea Salt

½ teaspoon black pepper

¼ cup olive oil

Grind nuts and seeds in a food processor. Mix with all the other ingredients in a bowl. Throw in some fresh pomegranate seeds or dried cranberries for a burst of flavor.

Can be served in your favorite lettuce wrap as a taco, garnished with mango salsa and guacamole.

Or the chorizo can also be wrapped in thin slices of zucchini to make a sausage. Use a mandolin slicer to get the zucchini thin enough. Then use a bamboo sushi wrap to lay the slices of zucchini on, overlapping each other, then spread the chorizo on the zucchini, fold and roll the bamboo sushi wrap tightly to create a sausage look. Cut in half and serve with salsa and guacamole.


5 dried red chilies

2 to 3 peeled, cloves of garlic, minced

3 tbsp. olive oil

1 tsp. cumin seeds

1 tsp. coriander seeds

Pinch of salt

Grind in food processor


1 large mango, minced

1 dried chili pepper, seeded and minced

¼ cup cilantro, chopped

1 tablespoon of lime juice

¼ teaspoon of salt

1/8 tsp. black pepper

1 minced shallot or other onion

Mix in a bowl and enjoy with your chorizo sausage or chorizo taco with guacamole.


1 cup shredded jicama (squeeze out excess water in muslin)

1 tablespoon olive oil

½ onion (red), finely chopped

½ bell pepper (red) finely chopped

1 fresh jalapeno pepper, chopped

1 tomato, seeded and chopped

Sea salt and pepper to taste

½ teaspoon ground cumin

½ cup chopped fresh cilantro

1 clove minced garlic

Serve with your taco or alone as an entrée









(Serves 8)


3 small baskets of blueberries, raspberries, blackberries or strawberries.

OR 3 Cups of Ripe White Peaches, sliced or diced

2 large mangos, diced (for custard)

3 young coconuts (the meat or flesh scraped from inside)

¾-1 cup of raw, dried coconut powder (aka dried coconut milk) for creaminess

vanilla extract or vanilla beans (for custard and crust)

orange extract (for custard and syrup)

almond extract (for crust)

1 cup of dates (pitted)

A dash of nutmeg, allspice or cinnamon in crust and in fruit syrup

2 cups of walnuts, almonds OR pecans (or your favorite nut)

2 heaping tablespoons of raw cacao powder (crust)

1 fresh orange (for syrup)

½ cup of dried cranberries

½ cup of dried raisins

½ cup of dried white peaches or apricots

½ cup dried mixed berries

2 tablespoons of agar agar in ½ cup of boiling water, stirring constantly over boiling water until dissolved.

CREAM: Drain water from young coconuts, scrape the flesh out, pat dry with a clean paper towel and put in blender along with flesh from the two mangos. Pour in the dried coconut powder, a half cup of agave syrup, a tablespoon of vanilla, and 1 tablespoon of orange extract. Blend in food processor or blender until creamy and smooth. Add a dash of allspice. Put in freezer for a half hour to an hour to thicken.

CRUST: In food processor put 2 tablespoons of cacao powder, 1/2 cup of agave syrup, 1 cup of dates, walnuts, soaked and drained almonds, OR whatever nuts you choose, a tablespoon of almond extract, a tablespoon of vanilla, a tablespoon of orange extract, a dash of nutmeg or cinnamon and dried fruits in the food processor and blend until doughy, but still crunchy.

FRUIT SYRUP: Blend one cup of your favorite berries or peaches with the juice of one orange, two tablespoons of agave nectar sweetener and 1 teaspoon of orange extract.

Spread crust on bottom of pan, pour coconut mango cream on top, and arrange berries on top of cream. Before serving, drizzle syrup on top of fruit.


2 cups of soft meat from young coconuts

½ cup of raw carob powder (if you like milk chocolate) or

½ cup of raw chocolate if you like dark chocolate

½ cup of agave cactus syrup

1 tablespoon of vanilla extract

1 tablespoon of banana extract (omit for chocolate pudding)

1 tablespoon of orange extract

1 dash of nutmeg or cinnamon (optional)

Blend ingredients until smooth. Chill in the fridge. Serve cold.

FOR BANANA PUDDING add a banana rubbed with lemon juice, omit the chocolate, then thinly slice two bananas, drizzle with lemon juice to keep their color, and place on top of the pudding. Use the same crust as fruit cobbler. Set aside a half cup of the crust to pinch into cookie crumbs, sprinkle crumbs on top of pie.


Rawvolution Cookbook

3 cups of dry, shredded, raw coconut

½ cup of raw carob powder

¾ cup of coconut butter

½ cup of agave cactus syrup

1 tablespoon of vanilla

1 dash of nutmeg or cinnamon

Mix ingredients, scoop into little balls with a melon scooper and place in the freezer for a half hour before serving.


(Use this same recipe for any fruit butter you like, fig, peach, plum, berries, etc)

4 Fuji or gala apples (peeled, cored and juiced). Use the pulp to make the butter

2 dates (pitted)

2 tablespoons agave nectar

1 tablespoon vanilla

1 tablespoon orange extract

1 dash of cinnamon

Take pulp from the juicer, put into blender and mix with other ingredients until smooth. Serve chilled. Try coconut or almond extract with peach or fig butter.



2 cups coconut meat

2 cups water

1 cup flax seed, ground

1 tsp. salt

3 tbsp. agave

2 tsp cinnamon

1 banana

2 cups strawberries

Blend everything together for one and a half minutes. Spread very thin on a solid dehydrator sheet. Dehydrate at 115 degrees for 6-8 hours. Remove from dehydrator as a solid sheet and cut to the desired shape with a knife, using a large plastic top as a guide.

Chocolate Filling:

4 small avocados

1 cup raw chocolate powder

1.5 cups of agave

4 tbsp. coconut oil

¼ teaspoon sea salt

1 tbsp coconut cream powder (from Erewhon)

Zest of one orange

To assemble: Scoop 1 generous tablespoon of chocolate filling into the finished crepe shell. Add a row of fresh raspberries. Roll closed. Serve with Rachel’s Delightful Coconut Custard Ice Cream


2 cups of almond milk (soak 2 cups of almonds 8 hours in 4 cups water, blend, pour through a fine mesh sieve, and sweeten with agave and cinnamon)

1 tbsp. coconut oil

1 pinch salt

1 pinch cinnamon

¼ tsp cinnamon

3 cups coconut cream powder (from Erewhon)

1 cup agave nectar

1 cup coconut meat

Blend for 2 minutes and make in your ice cream maker according to directions.


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