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chicago referencing examplesRMIT University LibraryUpdated: 16 January 2018Important:?This is a guide only. To avoid losing marks:Confirm referencing requirements of your school with your lectureUse The Chicago Manual of Style. 16th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010 to clarify referencing rules or if you need more examples. The guide is based on this publication. The University of Chicago has developed the Chicago style of referencing. There have been several editions of the Chicago Manual of Style to aid authors in the preparation of manuscripts. There are two systems outlined by the Chicago referencing style: Author-Date and Notes-Bibliography. This guide use examples in the author-date system. The author-date system requires in-text citations within the paper, along with a full bibliographic entry in the reference list at the end of the paper.IN-TEXT REFERENCES_____________________________________________________________________General rules______________________________________________________________________Enclose the author's last name, year of publication and page number(s) in parentheses.Example: (Freeman 2017, 72)For a reference with two or three authors, list the last names, year of publication and, if possible, page numbers.Example: (Edwards, Garden and Jennings 2013, 73)When citing 4 or more authors list the last name for the first author only, followed by et al..Example: (Freeman et al. 2017, 72)When editors, translators, or compilers are used as the author, do not include their role (trans., ed., comp.) in the in-text citation.When the reference list has works by authors with the same last name, include their first initial in the in-text citation.Example: (A. Nelson 2015, 86) (B. Nelson 2013, 101)If an author has published multiple works in the same year, alphabetise the titles in the reference list and then add a, b, c, etc. to the year.(Example: Dickens 2008a, 10) (Dickens 2008b, 91)To cite more than one reference in a single in-text citation, separate the references by semicolons. If the works are by the same author, use just the year and separate with a comma.Example: (Dickens 2008, 122; Lee 1998, 81) When using a direct quote from a reference page number(s) must be cited. To cite specific page(s), add a comma and the page number(s). Example: (White 2011, 41-43) REFERENCE LIST_________________________________________________________________________Use a reference list to include all of the publications you have acknowledged at the end of your work, and use the heading References or Reference List on a new page. General rules_________________________________________________________________________All sources appearing in the reference list must be ordered alphabetically by surname of the first author, or title if no author is identified.The name of the first author is inverted (i.e. Charles Dickens to Dickens, Charles); subsequent author’s names are given in the form in which they appear in the original source publication.The bibliography should be double spaced and hanging indents used for each entry. A hanging indent is where the first line starts at the left margin and subsequent lines are indented about 5 spaces. There are no line spaces between references.Italics is the preferred format for titles of books, journals and videos. Article and chapter titles are put in double quotation marks.Capitalisation within the Chicago style requires all major words to be first letter uppercase. Example reference list_________________________________________________________________________Below is an example of a reference list displaying various resource types including a book, DVD, journal article, legislation, newspaper article, social media entry and thesis. Bolin, Mary K. 2017. The 21st Century Academic Library: Global Patterns of Organization and Discourse. Cambridge, MA: Chandos Publishing. Detlor, Brian. 2010. "Information Management." ?International Journal of Information Management 30, no. 2: 103-08, doi: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2009.12.001. Dickson, Graham. “Immunology: Lecture 4,” ONPS2559: Clinical Immunology, (Melbourne, Vic: RMIT University, Aug 3, 2016). Vodcast/Podcast. Domicile Act 1982 (Commonwealth). Consolidated, July 10, 2008. . Fenna, Alan. 2004. Australian Public Policy. 2nd ed. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia. Hitchcock, Alfred. 2001. “Crop Duster Attack,” North by Northwest, DVD. Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. 1959. Burbank, CA: Warner Home Video.McMichael, Tony. 2005. "Rise of Deadly Disease is a Cultural Thing." The Sydney Morning Herald, October 17. Factiva.Nelson, Renae S., and Philippe Valadon. 2017. "A Universal Phage Display System for the Seamless Construction of Fab Libraries." ?Journal of Immunological Methods 450 (November):41-49. doi: 10.1016/j.jim.2017.07.011. Stokes, Tim. 2014. “How to Manage a Business.” YouTube video, 8:23. Posted November 3. HYPERLINK "" Trask, Steven. 2017. “Adria Village Nursing Home Sanctioned after Aged Care Quality Agency audit.” ?The Canberra Times, August 29.Tudor, Ken. 2015. "Protecting Pets in Abusive Human Relationships." The Daily Vet, June 9. , Kahlid. 2016. “3D Simultaneous Localization and Mapping in Texture-less and Structure-less Environments Using Rank Order Statistics.” Ph.D., RMIT University. Books______________________________________________________Book with single authorRule:Author's Last name, First name. Year. Title of Book: Subtitle of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher's Name. ?Example:Webb, Jela. 2008. Strategic Information Management: A Practitioner's Guide. Oxford: Chandos.Book with two or three authorsRule:Author #1's Last Name, Author #1's First Name, and Author #2's First and Last Names.Year. Title of the Book: Sub-Title of the Book. Place of Publication: Publisher's Name.(For a book with two or 3 authors, only the first-listed name is inverted in the reference list and bibliography) ??????????????????????????Example:Megginson, William L, Mary Jane Byrd, and Leon C. Megginson. 2000. Small Business Management: an Entrepreneur's Guidebook. 3rd ed. Boston: Irwin/McGraw-Hill. Book with four or more authorsRule:Author #1's Last Name, Author #1's First Name, Author #2's First and Last Names, Author #3's First and Last Names and Author #4's First and Last Names, Year.Title of the Book : Subtitle of Book. Edition Number. Place of Publication: Publisher's Name. Example:Bartol, Kathryn, Margaret Tein, Graham Matthews, Bishnu Sharma, and Brenda Scott-Ladd. 2011. ?Management Foundations: a Pacific Rim Focus. 3rd ed. North Ryde, NSW. McGraw-Hill Australia. Book with an edition numberRule:Editor's Last name, First name. Year. Title of Book: Subtitle of Book. Edition. Place of Publication: Publisher's Name.Example: Kizza, Joseph Migga. 2014. Computer Network Security and Cyber Ethics. 4th ed. Jefferson, NC: McFarland. Chapter from an Edited bookRule: Chapter Author’s Last name, First name. Year. “Title of Chapter”. In Title of Book, Editors(s) names, ed., chapter page range. Place of Publication: Publisher's Name. Example:Glanville, Ranulph. 2016. "Design Prepositions". In Design as Research: Positions, Arguments, Perspectives, edited by Gesche Joost, Katharina Bredies, Michelle Christensen, Florian Conradi and Andreas Unteidig, 153-165. Basel: Birkhauser. Book with organisation as authorRule:Name of Group/Organisation. Year. Title of Book: Subtitle of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher's Name. Example:Australian Government Publishing Service. 1995. Australian Print Standards. Canberra: AGPS Press. Electronic bookRule:Author's Last name, First name. Year. Title of Book: Subtitle of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher's Name. Media marker. Example:Edwards, Andres R. 2010. Thriving Beyond Sustainability: Pathways to a Resilient Society. Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers. ProQuest eBook Central. Journal articles_____________________________________________________________________Journal article (Print)Rule:Author's Last Name, First Name. Year. "Article Title." Title of Publication vol no, issue no: page number(s). Example:Parikh, Mihir. 2002. ?"Utilizing Internet Technologies to Support Learning: An EmpiricalAnalysis." International Journal of Information Management 22, no. 1: 27-46. Journal article (Electronic)General rules:- ??DOI indicates the article was consulted online and is preferable to a URL- ??DOI in lowercase followed by colon, no space- ??Use URL address is no DOI assigned Rule:Author's Last Name, First Name. Year. "Article Title." Title of Publication vol no, issue no: page number(s). doi: Example:Binks, Rachel. 2017. "District Nursing in the Digital Era." British Journal of Community Nursing 22, no. 10: 478-483. doi: 10.12968/bjcn.2017.22.10.478. ?News Sources_______________________________________________________________General rules:It is usually sufficient to cite newspaper articles in the body of the text by referring to the newspaper title and date in parentheses - e.g., if referring to the example article below: (The Age, October 15, 2015). If a bibliography entry were included, it would appear as follows:Newspaper article (Print)Rule:Author's Last name, First name. Year. "Article Title," Publication Name, date.Example:Carey, Adam. 2015. “Gas Wars Fire up in Victoria as Consumers Feel the Heat”, The Age, October 15. Newspaper (Online/Database)Rule:Author's?Last Name, First name. Year. "Article Title," Publication Name, Date of issue, URL. Example:Hannam, Peter. 2017. “How Twin Bursts of ‘Unprecedented’ Early-season Heat Scorched Eastern Australian.” The Sydney Morning Herald, October 7. News Broadcast (Aired on Television) Rule: “News Item Title”. Program Title. Network. Date Broadcast. Type of broadcast. Example:“New Face set to keep Austrian Conservatives in Power.” Lateline. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Thursday October 12, 2017. Television broadcast. News Broadcast (Online or in a database)Rule:“News Item Title”. Program Title. Network. Date Broadcast. type of broadcast. URL. Example:“Few developments in Australia have aroused as much passion, as the proposal by Indian mining colossus, Adani. To build a giant coal mine in Queensland's, Galilee basin.”. Four Corners. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Monday 2 October, 2017. ?Television Broadcast. Audio visual material_______________________________________________________________DVD/VHSRule:Producer's Last Name, First Name. Year. Title of Production. Medium. ?Directed by Director(s). Place of Publication: Publisher. Example:Rowling, Joanne. K. and Chris Columbus. 2001. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. DVD. Directed by Chris Columbus. Neutral Bay, NSW: Warner Bros. Entertainment Australia. Podcasts/VodcastsRule:“Title of pod/vodcast,” Year, ?Program, ?Medium, date. URL.Example:“Episode 01: The Alibi.” 2014. Serial, podcast audio, October 3, 's Last Name, First Name. Year. “Title of Episode.” Title of Series, episode number, date aired. Place of Publication: Publisher.Example:Zsivanovits, Karin. “Julia Gillard calls for more Preventative Mental Health Care,” Big Ideas, aired 12, October 2017. (South Australia: ABC Radio National, 2017). Radio broadcast.YouTube (or similar) videoRule: Poster’s Last Name, First Name. Year. Title, online video, Running length time. URL.Example:Stokes, Tim. 2014. “How to Manage a Business.” YouTube video, 8:23. Wide Web_______________________________________________________________WebsiteRule:Author. Year. "Title of webpage." Website name (owning organisation), date viewed/accessed. URL.Example:Scrubt, Mark. 2017. “Iceberg palace: Halo House.” ArchitectureAU, accessed September 30, 2017. postRule: Author Last Name, First Name. Title of Blog. “Title of Blog Post,” (blog). Date posted, Date accessed, URL.Example:Webber, Sheila. Information Literacy Weblog. “Call for Proposals: Emergent Literacies in Academic Libraries,” (blog). October 10, 2017, accessed January 17, 2018, Publications_______________________________________________________________Government ReportRule: Name of Group/Organisation. Year. Title of Report. Place of Publication: Publisher's Name. URL.Example:CSIRO. 2015. Climate Change in Australia: Projections for Australia’s NRM Regions. Canberra: CSIRO. Issuer Name. Year. Standard Title. Publisher (Standard Number).Example:Standards Australia. 2007. Temporary Fencing and Hoardings. SAI Global (AS 4687-2007).Australian Bureau of StatisticsRule:ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics). Year. Title of Report. Cat. No. _____. Place of Publication, Publisher. URL.Example:ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics). 2016. Census of Population and Housing: Reflecting Australia - Stories from the Census. Cat. No. 2017.0. Canberra: ABS. owner’s Last Name, First Name. Year. Patent title. Patent Number, file Month Day, Year and issued Month Day, Year.Example:Cook, Fred C., and William H. Donaldson. 2010. Mega Yacht Mass Tracking System with Articulating Sail Feeder. US Patent US20100282152A1, file May 7, 2009, and issued November 11, 2010.Other Sources_______________________________________________________________Fact sheetRule: Author’s Last Name, First Name or Organisation Name. Year. Fact Sheet Title. Place of Publication: Publisher. URLExample:Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. 2011. FOI fact sheet 3: What information does the government hold?. Sydney: Australian Government. notesRule:Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Lecture.” Format. URL.Example:Fry, Andrew. “Lecture 2 - Data Communication and Net-Centric Computing”. COSC1111: Data Communication and Net-Centric Computing (Melbourne, RMIT University, March 8, 2016). Powerpoint presentation. from the WebRule:Author’s Last Name, First Name. Year. “Title/description of Image/Photograph”. Format. URL.Example:Pinkston, Wayne. 2017. “The Elephant Walks at Night”. Flickr. CommunicationRule:Not included in the reference list as personal communication cannot be traced by the reader. ................

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