APIC Chicago

APIC ChicagoMeeting MinutesAugust 7, 2019Present: Allison Folkerts, Lisa Sanders, Sylvia Garcia-Houchins, Lynn Skelton, Kelli HeisnerFall ConferencePresentations:Confirmed speakers: Hilary Babcock, Ann Hewitt, Mary Alice Lavin, Erica Runningdeer, and Angela Tang. Hilary has requested APIC Chicago to cover travel expenses. In previous years, APIC Chicago has covered speaker fee/travel expenses for a speaker. Board unanimously approved this request. Ann Hewitt sponsored by Medivators. Education committee will be meeting next week with Steris for sponsorship of a sterile processing speaker. Sylvia recommended Nancy Chovian and Steve Kovach as possible speakers on sterile processing. Conference packages options were presented. Full day meeting package is estimated to cost $12,160 for 128 attendees. A la carte option with continental breakfast, lunch, and AV equipment is estimated to cost $8,277 for 128 attendees. Board unanimously approved a la carte option and would like to investigate the cost of a water break or water on the tables. Metrex is interested in possibly sponsoring the lunch like last year. Lynn has reached out to Cepheid on sponsoring breakfast or cocktail hour. Cocktail hour drink options were presented. Open bar with bartender fee is estimated to cost $3,606 for 128 attendees. One drink for each attendee with bartender fee is estimated to cost $1,110 for 128 attendees. Board unanimously approved one drink per person. Hot and cold appetizers were presented. Price of appetizer is between $225 to $300 for 100 pieces. Board approved Swedish meatballs, chicken potstickers, and bruschetta to be served during cocktail hour.Vendor terms and conditions presented. Last year, vendors sponsorship was silver for $400, gold for $700, and platinum for $1,000. No one registered for gold sponsorship. The board has previously approved only having two levels of sponsorship, the education committee recommended silver for $500 and gold for $1,000. Board unanimously approved the proposed sponsorship fees. Lisa will set-up vendor registration link by Friday, August 9th. A member of the education committee will email last year vendors and those who have reached out to APIC Chicago on Monday, August 12thSheraton’s proposed vendor room set-up based on the gold and silver sponsorship was presented. Gold sponsors will have 2 tables and silver sponsors will have 1 table. Sylvia recommends extending gold sponsorship around perimeter near all doors, so all conference attendees must walk through gold sponsorship tables before getting to silver sponsorship tables. In 2017, members registration fee was $25 and non-members $50. 79 members attended and 51 guests (non-members) attended. In 2018, two-day conference member registration fee was $40 and non-members $50. 70 members, 20 guests (non-members), and 27 vendors registered. Board unanimously approved $25 registration fee for members and $40 registration fee for non-members. Lisa will send out save the date by Friday, August 9th and set up registration once conference agenda has been finalized. Continuing education (CE) was previously provided by Sinai Health System. We will need to find a new CE provider for the fall conference. National APIC does not offer CE for local chapter events/conferences. Kelli has reached out to Advocate but they are unable to provide CE since they are not sponsoring the conference. Board recommends reaching out to Mary Alice Lavin to see if NorthShore can provide CE credit. Lynn has reached out to smaller Illinois APIC chapters to find out how they manage CE credit. Sylvia will discuss with Minnesota chapter to see how they manage CE credit. The last two years, someone has been hired to manage the registration desk so APIC Chicago members can attend the conference. Diane Cullen had set this up in the past. Kelli to follow up with Diane on cost and email board with cost. In the past 3M has been provided with a vendor table at no cost since they sponsor the spring conference. Board approved providing a gold sponsorship table to 3M for 2019 fall conference. Action Items:Kelli - follow up with Sheraton on cost of water break. Lisa - post save the date to APIC Chicago websiteLisa - create vendor registration on APIC Chicago website. Kelli – reach out to Mary Alice Lavin on CE credits through NorthShoreKelli – reach out to Diane Cullen on registration desk cost ................

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