

Beginning Mixed Chorus

Parent-Student Information Handbook

2019-2020 School Year


Mr. Richard Nunley, Jr., Instructor

Mr. Gerald Powell, Music Department Chair

Ms. Karen Calloway, Principal

“We Are Committed To The Development Of Student Achievement And Excellence Through Arts Education”


Course Title: Beginning Mixed Chorus - Course Number: 95610 Credit(s) Offered: 1

The Beginning Mixed Chorus is designed to foster development of the learner’s basic musical skills

required for the sequential, progressive development of excellent vocal tone production, posture,

breathing techniques, reading and writing music, ear-training, choral sight-singing, diction, choral

stage and concert techniques, concert etiquette and choral performances. Through choral singing

the learner will study beginning music history, music of world cultures, and choral literature appropriate

for the developing skills of the high school beginning choral student.

The learner is required to demonstrate basic vocal tone quality, sight-singing skills, musicianship and

basic choral skills.

The learner will be required to participate in a variety of musical performance experiences from

those in class to in-school concerts. Required concert performances take place in December and May.

Vocal Demonstration

You are required to perform an individual vocal demonstration to determine your appropriate voice classification,

pitch matching ability, tonal skills, and current vocal skill level.

You are required to sing part of a verse or chorus of a song, and pass a simple vocal evaluation in class before

you can become a valid Beginning Mixed Chorus student.

Daily Classroom Activities You are required to:

Demonstrate excellent classroom conduct. (see page 3)

Participate in required physical-vocal warm-up exercises.

Sing the correct vocal part daily in order to learn all required choral music repertoire.

Practice as required in sectional rehearsals on your choral part in order to develop

basic skills in beginning choral part singing.

Sight-Sing required basic musical exercises and choral music in order to develop

skill in reading beginning choral music literature.

Write required music theory assignments in order to develop skills in reading, writing

and understanding musical notes, signs and other appropriate musical symbols

relevant to a beginning high school choral music class.

Read excerpts and passages from music materials.

Create original songs using your lyrics and music. This activity will be required near the end of each semester.


You are required to participate in three types of exams:

1. Choral Exams are performed by two or more singers from each vocal part ( soprano,

alto, tenor and bass sections) standing in front of the classroom and singing the correct

vocal part. The choral exams are always extracted from choral repertoire on which the chorus

is currently rehearsing.

2. Sight-Singing Exams are performed by one singer at a time, while standing or sitting in class.

3. Written Music Exams are performed by the entire chorus, simultaneously. They are based

on recognition of basic elements of music theory that are required knowledge for participation

in the Beginning Mixed Chorus class. All exams will be announced one week in advance.

Informal assessments will not be announced. They may take place at any time during instruction.

5. Make-up exams are allowed only if you have presented a valid, written excuse, signed by a

parent/guardian or teacher.

If you have an unexcused absence on an exam day you will receive “0” or “F”.

6. Semester Examinations will consist of two parts for choral students:

Part 1-Sight Reading Assessment (with rubric) and Part 2-Vocal Assessment (with rubric)


How You Earn Your Grade

You will earn grades based on participation in the following five-part system:

1. Attendance Come to class daily, arrive on time, and be mentally prepared to sing.

2. Participate in daily classroom activities (see page 2)

(“Daily Classroom Activities” include: demonstrating excellent choral discipline and conduct at all

times during rehearsals, using excellent choral posture whether seated or standing while singing

your choral part during full or sectional rehearsals, practicing sight-singing and ear-training

exercises and completing all required choral, sight-singing, reading assignments and written music

theory examinations and assessments adequately.

3. Perform for all required choral performances in the required concert performance attire.

You are also required to submit a reflective assessment after each major concert performance.

4. Observe all required music classroom and school rules as stated below:

a. Chewing gum, consuming candy, food of any kind or beverages during music class is not permitted.

b. Cell phones or other electronic devices are not to be visible or activated at any time during class.

Immediately upon entry in class, they must be placed in the cell phone organizer provided in class.

Phones will be returned during the last 8-10 minutes of class.

c. Conduct as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct Handbook will be strictly enforced.

Good conduct is very important. It is an indicator of your self-discipline and character.

It is required at all times whether you are participating in a choral rehearsal, a performance

in the music classroom, auditorium, field trip or any other place that you are a representative

of the Kenwood Academy High School and Music Department.

5. Understand The Grade System for the Beginning Mixed Chorus class:

Note the grade system below: (based on the standard CPS grading scale

Good grades are earned only when you adequately complete an in-class or out-of-class performance,

classroom assignment, choral or written examination.

Good grades are earned only when adequate music skills are demonstrated during each

graded, classroom musical activity or performance.

5 Points will be deducted from your overall grade point average if you fail to observe classroom

and school rules during any class session, performance or field trip.

The grade received at the end of each quarter will be evaluated according to the total number of grades

you receive based on the standard Kenwood Grade Scale below:

Beginning Mixed Chorus Grading

| Grade % | Grade Category | Grade Scale |

| 50% |Performances /Class Participation | A | 90-100 |

| 10% |Choral Folder/Portfolio | B | 80-89 |

| 30% |Assessments (vocal or written exams or tests) | C | 70-79 |

| | |D |60-69 |

| 10% |Semester/Final Exam | F | 0-68 |

School Work Make-Up Policy

Students who have been absent with a valid excuse, will be allowed to make up a missed assignment,

within one week after returning to class, according to teacher instructions that apply to the specific


Examples of invalid excuses are: unexcused tardiness, unexcused absences, cuts, not being prepared for

required choral music, sight-singing or music theory assignments or performances..



You are to participate in all required performances. Attendance at performances is

mandatory. Remember, the Beginning Mixed Chorus class is a performance

course. The principal percentage of your grade is earned when you participate

in all required musical performances and classroom activities.

Musical performances take place in school, either in the music classroom or auditorium.

Performances will always be announced well in advance so that you may plan your schedule accordingly.

You will receive a performance schedule. Major concerts take place in December and May.

You are also required to write a reflective assessment after each major concert performance.

After-School Rehearsals

Generally, after-school rehearsals are rare.

However, if you are assigned a solo, to be in a small ensemble or choir section, they are mandatory

when announced.

You and your parents will be informed concerning the purpose, date and time for any after-school rehearsal.

Concert Uniform Apparel

You are to purchase the required Concert Shirt from the Kenwood Academy High School

Music Department. You are required to wear your concert attire during performances scheduled

throughout the school year. The shirt is embroidered with the Beginning Chorus’s logo on it.

Required Attire: Both Young Men and Young Women will wear Black Dress Pants and the Kenwood

Beginning Mixed Chorus Concert Shirt.

You are required to purchase/provide your own Black Dress Slacks.

You must also provide your own Black Dress Shoes: (Ladies: flats w/ closed toe and Black Hosiery/Socks.

Men must wear Black Dress Shoes and Black Socks. These items should be purchased well in advance of

the December concert. Do not wait until it is too late! Please be prepared.

The required concert apparel designated for the Kenwood Academy Beginning Mixed Chorus

are quality garments designed for wear during concert appearances. You are responsible for

maintaining (dry cleaning or gentle washing) and protecting your own concert apparel throughout

the school year. During performances, you are required to have a uniform, neat, well-groomed,

and professional appearance. Remember, your appearance is an important part of our performances

and is, therefore, an important part of your grade.

Required Course Fees

The required fee for the Beginning Mixed Chorus course is $50.00

This fee covers required music classroom materials, I.E. choral music, required

music theory book and materials, staff paper, and Concert Shirt.

All class fees are due in school no later than Monday, September 23, 2019.

Payments should be made in the form of cash, money orders or credit cards only.

It is very important to submit the required fees by the due date so that your concert shirt can be

ordered and delivered in a timely manner prior to the Winter Concert performance.

Money orders, cash or credit card payments should be made payable to Kenwood Academy Beginning Mixed


Payments should be made to either Mrs. Towns, school business manager or Mr. Nunley.

Kenwood Academy does not accept personal checks.



Attendance is very important in the Beginning Mixed Chorus class. It is a required part of your grade.

You are required to be present in class daily in order to maintain an excellent grade.

You are required to be in class promptly before the 2nd bell (the “tardy” bell) rings.

When you arrive tardy to class, you are required to obtain a valid tardy pass in order to return to class.

-10 points for each tardy received. -20 points for each unexcused absence or cut received.

Excessive tardies and unexcused absences will affect your grade!

You should place a high priority on being in class daily and being on time.

Written Assignments

After you have completed any required written assignments, they must be submitted in the assignment tray

located on the audio cabinet. You are required to make sure your name is written on your

assignment. Failure to do so will result in not receiving credit for that assignment.

All graded assignments must be placed in the choral music binder.

When the teacher is absent, never give completed assignments to the substitute teacher. Always place them in

your choral binder and they will be collected when the teacher returns to school.


Your homework assignments will primarily consist of the review and practice of your individual

vocal part so that you will be more prepared to sing it from memory in class and in performances.

However, some written music theory, sight-singing, research and reading homework assignments will be

required. After completion, all written homework assignments must be submitted in the homework tray

located on the audio cabinet. All graded homework assignments must be placed in the choral

music binder.

Required Materials

You are required to bring a No. 2 pencil to class daily. You will be provided with the following items:

1) a choral music binder/portfolio with your name and vocal section printed on it. You are required to

keep choral music, written assignments, exams/quizzes and information handouts in this binder.

2) a choral music resource book which contains sight-singing lessons and music theory information.

The choral music binder and choral resource books should never be removed from the classroom.

You are responsible for maintaining a neat and organized choral music binder.

Remember: maintaining a neat, organized choral binder is worth 10% of your grade.

Student ID’s

You are required to wear your I.D. to each class session. If you do not have your I.D., you will

be directed to the Attendance Office to obtain a temporary I.D. or to obtain a replacement I.D.

Hall Passes

Generally, frivolous use of hall passes will be declined. However, strict discretion will be

observed whenever a hall pass is issued. No passes will be issued during the first 10 minutes or last 10 minutes

of the class period.

Parental Notification

Parents or guardians will be consulted concerning your attendance, conduct or academic

deficiencies at the 5th week of each quarter or whenever it becomes necessary to do so.

Honor Code

You are expected to abide by the Kenwood Academy High School Student Honor Code.

Please familiarize yourself with this important school-wide code of conduct.


Instructional Units (General Syllabus)


|(All instructional units are taught concurrently…) |Weeks |

| Beginning Music Theory (Required Text) |

| Basic Music Notation, Music Terminology, Elements of Music, Intervals | 20 |

| | |

|Music theory instruction is congruent with the following Illinois Learning Standard(s) for Fine Arts : | |

|Standard 26A, Benchmarks 4c and 4d, Performance Descriptors Stages H1, I3 and J2 | |

|Content-Area Literacy Strategies used in accordance with the College Readiness Standards | |

|( MI&AA-16-19, SD 16-19, MOE 16-19) | |

| Beginning Vocal Sight-Singing, Songwriting Skills-Level 1 and Ear-Training |

| Vocal Sight-Singing Skill Development, Pitch Memory, Major and Minor Intervals, | 38 |

|Intervallic Relationships, Rhythmic Memory, Music Reading Skill Development | |

| | |

|Vocal sight-singing instruction is congruent with the following Illinois Learning Standards for Fine Arts : | |

|Standard 26 B, Benchmark 4d , Performance Descriptors 26 A, Stages I6, 7, J4, 6 , | |

|26 B Stages I6, 7 and J4, 6 | |

| | |

| Beginning Music History Through Choral Performance- Level 1 (Sheet Music is Required) |

| Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Twentieth Century choral music | 38 |

|history. | |

|Music history through choral performance instruction is congruent with the following Illinois Learning Standard(s) : | |

|Standards 26 A and B, Benchmarks A4d and B4c, Performance Descriptors Stages H2, I1 and J1 | |

|and 27 B, Benchmarks 4a and b, Performance Descriptors I and J | |

|Content-area literacy strategies used are in accordance with the College Readiness Standards | |

|(MI&AA-16-19, SD 20-23, MOE 20-23) | |

| Beginning Vocal Music/Choral Music Skill Development- Level 1 (No Text is Required) |

| Group Voice Instruction, Vocal Tone Production, Posture, Breathing Techniques, | 38 |

|Choral Part Singing, Performance of Choral Music Literature | |

| | |

|Vocal/choral music skill development is congruent with the following Illinois Learning Standard(s) : | |

|Standards 26 A and B, Benchmarks A4d and B4c, Performance Descriptors Stages H2, I1 and J1 | |

|And 27 B, Benchmarks 4a and b, Performance Descriptors I and J | |

| Beginning Choral Performance Skills, Songwriting Skills-Level 2 ( No Text is Required) |

| Stage comportment and deportment, concert etiquette, concert and competition | 38 |

|behaviors and protocol, creative choral movement and dance | |

| | |

|Choral Performance skill development is congruent with the following Illinois Learning Standard(s) : | |

|Standard 26 B, Benchmark 4c, Performance Descriptors Stages H2, I1 and J1 | |

| | |

| | |

| | |


Please Note:

The signature of a parent or guardian is required on this page only of this document.

Students must also sign this page and return it promptly at the very next class session.

You are required to return this document properly signed or your grade for this course

will be lowered by one letter until this document is submitted.

Your signature(s) will verify that you and your parent/guardian have both read and understand the

requirements of the Beginning Mixed Chorus course.

Signature of Parent or Guardian________________________________________

Signature of Student__________________________________________________

Student’s Music Class Period___________

(cut this form at the dotted line, return the top portion and retain the lower portion for your records)


Mr. Nunley’s Schedule of Classes – 2019-2020

|Period | Room No. | Time/Schedule | Class |

| 1st | 126 | 9:00-9:50 | Prep Period |

| Adv. | 126 | 9:50-9:57 | Daily Announcement Period |

| 2nd | 126 | 10:01-10:51 | College Music Theory |

| 3rd | 126 | 10:55-11:45 | Concert Choir |

| 4th | 126 | 11:49-12:39 | Beginning Mixed Chorus |

| 5th | 126 | 12:43-1:33 | Lunch |

| 6th | 126 | 1:37-2:27 | Beginning Treble Chorus |

| 7th | 126 | 2:31-3:21 | Prep Period |

| 8th | 126 | 3:25-4:15 | Beginning Mixed Chorus |

Tutoring/Student Assistance will be conducted according to teacher availability.

Brief Vita of Mr. Nunley’s Teaching Credentials

Bachelor of Music Education, (B.M.E.) Roosevelt University

Master of Music Education, (M.M.E.), Roosevelt University

Master of Music Education, (M.M.E.) VanderCook College of Music

K-12 Teaching Certification, State of Illinois

Parents interested in scheduling a conference may call the music office at

(773) 535-1358 during prep periods only or email at

Information concerning course requirements and special events are available on the Kenwood website.



Kenwood Academy High School

Beginning Mixed Chorus

Course Outline and Requirements

Kenwood Academy High School

Beginning Mixed Chorus

Course Outline and Requirements

Kenwood Academy High School

Beginning Mixed Chorus

Course Outline and Requirements

Kenwood Academy High School

Beginning Mixed Chorus

Course Outline and Requirements

Kenwood Academy High School

Beginning Mixed Chorus

Course Outline and Requirements

Kenwood Academy High School

Beginning Mixed Chorus

Course Outline and Requirements


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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