June 12, 2001

September 8th, 2009

Dear Parents and Guardians:

Film Consent form. Throughout the year in World Studies we will occasionally be viewing 5-10 minute film clips from films which deal with a topic we are leaning about. Unfortunately, some of the films are rated “R” for violence and epic warfare. I’m asking for your permission to show these films in class to your student, please sign below if you approve of your child viewing clips from the below films in class.



Saving Private Ryan

Letters from Iwo Jima

Band of Brothers

Pearl Harbor


Flags of our Fathers

Schindler’s List


Memphis Bell

Master and Command: the Far Side of the World

Hotel Rwanda

Once again the clips we will be viewing are absolutely educational. I use these clips to give the students an idea of how things looked in the World during the period we will be discussing. History is always easier to comprehend when one has a image to go along with it.


Parents/Guardians name (print)


Parents/Guardians signature


Christopher Harris

Social Science Teacher

Chicago High School for the Agricultural Sciences



A Chicago Public School


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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