"Chicago NB" stands for Notes and Bibliography, where footnotes or endnotes (N) are used for in-text citations and the whole paper has a bibliography (B) at the end. Pay close attention to the formatting differences between footnotes and bibliography entries.

Footnotes: Instead of citations in parentheses, Chicago uses footnotes inserted at the end of the sentence or quote. The first time you cite a source, the footnote at the bottom of the page will look very similar to a full works cited entry because you must include all relevant information about that source.

Example: In Democracy and Other Neoliberal Fantasies, Jodi Dean argues that "imagining a rhizome might be nice, but rhizomes don't describe the underlying structure of real networks,"1 rejecting the idea that... First Footnote:

1. Jodi Dean, Democracy and Other Neoliberal Fantasies: Communicative Capitalism and Left Politics (Durham: Duke University Press, 2009), 30.

After that, if you quote from that source again, you can use a shortened version of the citation:

Last Name

Shortened Title


15. Dean, Democracy and Other Neoliberal Fantasies, 75.

Formatting Different Sources:


Author Name


City, Publisher, and Year Page

N: 1. Mark Kurlansky, Salt: A world history (New York, NY: Walker, 2002), 41. All notes after: 2. Kurlansky, Salt: A world history, 58. B: Kurlansky, Mark. Salt: A world history. New York, NY: Walker, 2002.

Article from a Scholarly Journal:


Article Title

Journal Title

N: 1. Patricia Y Fechner, "Gender differences in puberty," Journal of Adolescent Health

Vol/Issue Year Page

44, no. 3 (2002): 47.

Washington State University, Pullman

All notes after: 2. Fechner, "Gender differences in puberty," 29.

B: Fechner, Patricia Y. "Gender differences in puberty." Journal of Adolescent Health 44, no. 3 (2002), 44-48.



Article Title

N: 1. Randall Bass, "A brief guide to interactive multimedia and the study of the United States,"


Pub Date


Georgetown University, 1997, .

All notes after: 2. Bass, "A brief guide."

B: Bass, Randall. "A brief guide to interactive multimedia and the study of the United States."

Georgetown University. 1997. .

Article from a Scholarly Journal, Retrieved from an Online Database:

*Same format as a print article, with the DOI or URL added to the end.

B: Dorman, S. M. "Video and computer games: Effect on children and implications for health education." Journal of School Health 67, no. 4 (1997): 133-138. 022-4391&p=AONE&sw=w&authCount=1.

Washington State University, Pullman


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