Badgerlink Success! Enter through Chrome or the Washburn High School Website – Library.Click on the top of the page in All Resources.Use filters for narrowing your search. (In the “I’m a” box, choose higher get material appropriate for the research paper.) Click apply.Scroll down and click on Academic Search Premiere for the widest range of material. Fill in text box with your topic or a sub-category of your topicUse filters on the left hand margin. Choose full text articles only.Click on source types – avoid encyclopedia articles; you are beyond this.Once you have created a list of articles/journals, begin choosing pieces that you think you may use. If you have the choice, take full text HTML rather than the PFD format. After clicking on the article, look for the citation icon on the right hand tool box. Choose Chicago/Turabian: Humanities if available. Copy and paste the citation into a word document for your preliminary bibliography. DO NOT TAKE ANY DOCUMENTS WITHOUT GETTING THE CITATION ON A WORD DOCUMENT. PDF documents will not give you the completed citation but you will have all the necessary information to create the bibliography.Take note of the subject terms at the top of your selection; these can be useful for creating an outline. They are not available when retrieving the printed article so put these in your outline notes when you see them.Print any article that you think you may want to use. Choose HTML full text with Chicago/Turabian: Humanities citation format. Do not cut and paste onto a word document – print it as it is. If it is an extremely long document, you may take the pages that you need but make sure you have the article documented so there is no question about where the information comes from. Please see me if you plan on doing this. ................

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